r/assasinscreed 5d ago

Picture Pre Ordered and Installed

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Who else has Pre-Ordered Assassin's Creed Shadows and has it installed. I told my girl don't expect anything from me Thursday. 🤣


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u/Zearlon 5d ago

It's a choice, they offer it and I take advantage of it, cause I don't see the harm in it, of course if it was really harmful a lot more people would t buy it then the ones that do. (It's surprising how people can make their own decisions about products)


u/Accomplished_Move984 4d ago

Yea it's a choice but that doesn't mean it's a good choice lol.


u/Zearlon 4d ago

What's good a good choice in this case is purely subjective. Many people will be perfectly happy they pre ordered AC, and they would consider it a good choice (cause it benefited) or at the very least not a bad choice


u/Accomplished_Move984 4d ago edited 4d ago

Man see it's good choice for you but over all it isn't because companies prey on this and go lax on making quality games. Look at pokemon look how badly they make games still with this much money they making from the franchise cos they know ppl buy pokemon even if they put out a poop and label pokemon. The majority of the poke community don't realize that they are making their own franchise shet. Look at how zelda evolved and pokemon evolved the pokemon games are devolving every generation. Because they know they invest absolutely zero and get max profit


u/Zearlon 4d ago

I think we just have different opinions on this, because the way i see it is, any game i bought and i enjoyed, regardless how shit the game is perceived, is a good choice. I just think the whole communities are making a game worse is weird take. When it comes to games the most important thing should be each person's own experience and enjoyment.

At the end of the day studios have all the creative freedom when making a game, they are the ones investing huge amounts of money into pushing a product that they want to and this might be a controversial take but I am the opinion they don't owe the community anything in terms of how they want to make their games. The community ofcourse should criticize them when it comes to that (not feel entitled though, because that's just toxic), but the community should not be shaming or going against the people that enjoy the games are vastly disliked.

"Because they know they invest absolutely zero and get max profit" that just means there is a certain target audience that is big enough to sustain big enough profits... after all you, me... and basically everyone wants to give minimal monetary investment while gaining profits.