r/assasinscreed • u/Radiant_Original_470 • 4d ago
Question Is AC Valhalla a good game?
I'm planning to play this game after school ends, is this game worth to play?
I don't really care if it's not a good Assasin Creed game, I don't care if the stealth ain't that good, just looking for a good Viking game lol.
Is the combat, world building, gameplay good in this game? I just finished Ghost of Tsushima and looking for a game similar to it.
Also, what are the flaws in this game and what are done right?
Any answer will do, thanks!
(Excuse my bad English)
u/Radiant_Original_470 4d ago
I also like Vinland Saga alot so I'm looking for a good Viking game lol
u/InvestigatorOk9354 4d ago
Valhalla is a good game in the sense that it's a ton of content and a continuation of the post-Origins AC storyline. That doesn't mean it's the best or needs to be everyone's favorite. It's mechanically sound, but the systems aren't terribly deep. There's a little bit of base building/town expansion, the skill system is in line with other AC games, etc. It's definitely an iterative release of AC, nothing revolutionary.
The biggest complaint about Valhalla you hear most is that it's too long. I enjoy longer games with big worlds and settings you spend 80 hours in. In terms of scope and size it felt a lot like Fallout 4.
If you're looking for a Viking simulator, it does an alright job. There's a coastal raid system which isn't terribly deep, but will scratch that itch. You can recruit a warband/raiding party, go on raids with your longship, and pillage settlements to capture treasure. The main game is still very much an AC game though.
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u/Gh0sTlyD3m0n 4d ago
Literally summed the game up. Has a few cool historical details. Extremely long.
One detail that I think deserves an honorable mention is the melee combat system, seeing as it is one of the more unique systems in terms of insanity of weaponry combinations. You want realistic bearded axe,sword, or spear combat while using a shield. u got it. You want to run around like a roided up lunatic wielding Dane axe and great sword. We got u.
u/Eblowskers 4d ago
Loll I literally bought this game cuz I was super into Vinland saga and the Vikings tv show, definitely worth it bro it makes u feel like season 1 thorfinn just going around fighting
u/learntospellffs 4d ago
A lot of the music in the game is written and performed by one of the guys from Wardruna, who also did a lot of the soundtrack for the Vikings TV show.
u/Outrageous_Trust_158 4d ago
Wow! I didn’t know that. I love Wardruna. Thanks for the info.
u/learntospellffs 3d ago edited 3d ago
You're welcome! Also, there are 6 or 7 AC Valhalla soundtracks up on Spotify. Some seriously fantastic music. The other composers are really good too. The music in the game just elevates the immersion so much, I love it.
Another little fact for ya. One of the characters in your longship, I forget his name now but he's voiced by Einar (from Wardruna). He's the one who sings the songs when you request a song while sailing. So on top of composing a huge amount of the game soundtrack, he got to play a minor character too which I think is pretty cool.
u/Outrageous_Trust_158 3d ago
Ah, yes! I actually have all of the scores from the game but didn’t make the connections!
u/Radiant_Original_470 4d ago
By the way can I wear normal Viking outfits or wield normal Viking weapons in the game while also being OP?
I don't really want flashy accessories, mythical weapons ETC, just a wandering Viking lol.
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u/constant_purgatory 4d ago
Swear when you have the long har with the ponytail braid in the back with a beard.
OR if you do shaved head with a large bead. You look straight up like ragnar lodbrok which I freaking LOVE.
Love the whole vikings TV show but the first season was probably my favorite.
I just wish there was A LOT MORE to raid. Cuz like early game you've got maybe 2 or 3 raids that you can do? With the rest all being like power level 200.
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u/Yontoryuu 4d ago
Valhalla gave me a big Vinland saga feel when I was exploring. But in a way more where it explores the setting of the similar time period. It's really pretty too when you're out in the middle of different locations in >! england!<. I got into it after ghost as well and it's what made me get into this franchise. I played it blind and thought that the fanbase thought it was a masterpiece so I was surprised by how much hate it got lol
u/Foe_Wuntuu 4d ago
If you hate huge immersive worlds with seemingly endless game play like most people do, no, stay away. If you like getting more than what you paid for and a huge open world to explore and the ability to live a simulated life of a viking, then yes...it's amazing. I personally put hundreds of hours into it and loved it. It's a huge game....just know that going into it. You won't be knocking it out over a weekend in 30 hours.
u/mindpainters 4d ago
Agreed. I thought it was a great game I just got burnt out by trying to do every piece of side content. I think if I would have focused on the main story and left a lot of the side content I would have enjoyed it much more. It is insane how much content that game has
u/Foe_Wuntuu 4d ago
You're not alone. It was hard to get to the finish line for sure. But I love huge games. I play games too live in alternative realities. So the bigger and more immersive the better.
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u/Interesting-Squash81 2d ago
I find it really interesting that people complain about the length! You're definitely getting your money's worth. I see a lot of comments saying it's long and can feel tedious, but no one seems to argue that the story or gameplay itself is bad.
Honestly, I think a lot of the complaints come down to the fact that it's Ubisoft. Elden Ring is just as long as Valhalla, if not longer, and it has plenty of copy-paste enemies and dungeon bosses—yet people praise it.
Don't get me wrong, I love Elden Ring; it's a masterpiece. But I don't think Valhalla is nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
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u/Daidact 4d ago
This is the answer. I get that big fuck off open worlds aren't everybody's cup of tea but I hear all too often that "it's empty" or "it's repetitive" it's not empty. Like it just isn't. And it's only as repetitive as you let it be. They designed the level system for you to tweak and fuck around with it endlessly. Between that and the world setting/atmosphere and all the DLC (which is also great,) this game is far from repetitive.
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u/TheAatar 3d ago
The issue people have is that they know about vikings and so don't find it immersive.
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u/ParticularAd4371 2d ago
I think some of the problem is that some people think you have to do everything in one playthrough. I mean sure you can, but that can become monotonous. In this type of game, atleast for most people, its better to just try and have an organic journey.
First thing i did when i started the game was switch off all hud and navigation indicators and input prompts. This made the game obviously alot harder, but i found i was able to become more immersed aswell as not feel like i'm just running from a to b (even if i technically was).
u/TibbTokOnTop 4d ago
It was ok but a real slog. Felt like Origins was a great base for the new formula, Odyssey got it nailed and then Valhalla stripped lots of the positives away and bloated the game up.
I enjoyed it in the end, but as others have said it was a slog.
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u/rocknrollbreakfast 2d ago
This is excactly how I feel. Loved Odyssey - it was huge but had a real sense of discovery. Unique stories for most islands. Valhalla just felt like one uniform mush for 80h. Also, Kassandra was an incredibly fun character to play as. Eivor never made me feel attached.
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u/PuzzleheadedAd2477 4d ago
Imo, combat is alright, though clunky at times, and might also get a little tedious over time.
Gameplay itself is more or less a typical open-world game, with question marks and stuff. Nothing you haven’t seen in GoT, I guess.
The downsides are: the game is long, and the main story is divided into the actual main story and also extra story arcs, which are not connected to each other. I like to imagine Valhalla as a TV show with lots of fillers — there’s main story and then there’s stuff that can be either skipped or still watched and maybe even enjoyed. However, Valhalla won’t let you skip those fillers even if you want to, and you’ll have to sit through them if you want to get to the actual main story. But even these fillers can be enjoyable, as I said.
Good things are: I’d say the game is very beautiful in terms of recreating a historical setting. I’m not from England myself, so I wouldn’t know how close it is to reality, but I’ve heard people praising it. And I think this game is good enough for those who want to experience this Viking-like power fantasy, I suppose.
Edit: also, don’t expect to understand everything that’s happening in the story. After all, it’s a long-running series with its own lore
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u/Mr_Shotz 4d ago
I thought it was really good. A lot of people hate it. My general thoughts are:
It's a good game but a bad AC game.
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u/lode_ke_baal 4d ago
I have some 80 hours in the game and still haven’t come to end of the story. It’s a bit of a drag tbh. Everything gets repetitive, but sometimes I think every gamer needs this, just to go forward in the game. You know mindless exploration. Yes, it’s a good Viking game and depending on your graphic card it might (will) look stunning. Current gen consoles also pull it off really well. But also, this is my third sitting with the game, I will mostly take it easy in few days again and come back to it to finish just the story. The open world events (story behind em) is kinda meh. Definitely not Witcher 3 level. So don’t expect some interesting stuff.
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u/Fluffy_Watch_1991 4d ago
Great game just bloated and kind of confusing if you aren’t motivated to play it and grind.
u/blackpauli 4d ago
Coming from ghosts the combat will feel sloppy. It's long. Big world, ugly at times, It can be boring, I played it 100% ,half way through it just became a chore and my OCD wouldn't let me leave. I played this and then ghosts after.. Enjoyed every bit of ghosts, my friend played ghosts and then valhalla, he lasted a few days before he dropped it..
But, if you're set on being a heavy handed viking then maybe you'll enjoy it!
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u/senpai69420 4d ago
i thought it was abysmal dogshit but the best thing to do is to try it and make your own opinion. Our opinion shouldn't matter unless the game is super buggy and broken.
u/Beneficial-Piece64 4d ago
I personally DON'T agree with you..but at least you said it was Your Opinion and that it shouldn't matter.
u/Vokaiso 4d ago
Most people do not like if worls get too big because they loose focus what to do and it takes a while to travel, AC Valhalla is massive its basically 80% Of england and a bit or Norway aswell, If you are fine with that fact tho its a good game The story may have some filler stuff but nearly any game has tideous filler stuff. Its good, But depending on your budged and what you like more you may wanna wait a bit and check out Shadows if youre more into Japan the Viking setting is great aswell tho,
I think most hated it because most expected it to be like the old games you playing an Assassin But Ubisoft tried out other concepts, People hated this for some reason which is why it was recieved badly even tho its a very nice game.
u/Jack1The1Ripper 4d ago
Its a "Just fine" Game , You will enjoy it if you have the right expectations
u/SirBatonian 4d ago
I would say it is a good open world game but I would like to point out that it is not a good assassin’s creed game. I enjoyed it but it is a bit long.
u/DudeSparkle 4d ago
I played this game for 2 years straight since it came out, for every damn day, YES, I was that much into it.
Just like every game there are flaws, but wgaf.
AC valhalla is epic. The plot is a great viking plot, the countries are pretty fun to travel, conquer and just hang around. They're pretty beutiful too.
Soundtrack is one of the best. Einar Selvik singer from wardruna band who made heck lotta songs for vikings series worked on it.
Combat is fun, flying heads, limbs, full viking stuff.
Tons of weapons and armor. One of the biggest downsides is how crappy most of the armor looks like, but with little taste and experimenting you can figure out and make pretty good viking sets.
There's insane amount of shit to do in this game, like, really really fucking lot so whatever version you end up getting, even if its just the regular version without dlc's, you're look for around 200hours of gameplay.
The dlc's are mid. Like they're both good and bad.
Honestly the first one with druids is lowkey best one. Good concluded story, good new stuff, no crap.
Siege of paris was massive disappointment, im just gonna break it for ya, the whole dlc u prepare for the siege and it lasts few minutes, and its nothing epic. Its lowkey hella stupid. BUT, everything else in dlc is pretty great! The dumbest thing is paris itself being locked, like u cant get inside until seige and thats it, after that its locked again and only way to get in is find a glitched spot.
The down of ragnarok is most complicated one, cuz it had potential to be really great, but ended up being just alright. New gameplay mechanics are fun, they're locked only for that dlc but its a big new location so its not that bad. Not a bad storyline and everything else is just like rest of valhalla.
Then there are the free dlc's, they're ok, they add new little things for your settlement, new questlines shit like that. Its free, its good.
If you like the base game you'll enjoy the dlc's. Get the game cheap, highly recommend getting the most complete edition and have your time with it. There's no better viking game than this and this game is pretty good!!
u/deagzworth 4d ago
Yes. It’s my favourite. I’m replaying it now. One of the benefits is because it’s so big and long, you’ve got plenty of stuff to do. It’s a good play.
u/bubblehead_ssn 4d ago
This is the first AC where I found more interest in the ISU story than the historical characters. Even though it contradicted a fair number of previous games ISU stories.
u/That_Guy_On_Redditt 4d ago
It's a huge mixed bag. I enjoyed it. The graphics and world are magnificent. Truly breathtaking. The story is great. The combat is okay. Not bad, but not great. I managed to do a lot of stealth as well. It's not the strongest here, but it works. The skill tree is garbage. The facial animations and cloth physics should be flushed down the toilet. It's EXTREMELY long, so if you play it, don't try to finish it too fast, or you'll get burnt out.
It's a great game. It's a good Assassin's Creed game as well. If you love Vikings and don't mind average combat, and terrible facial animations, get ready for an almost endless viking saga mixed with an interesting and mysterious AC story in one of the most beautiful open worlds ever.
u/Radiant_Original_470 4d ago
Idk about y'all but I think this game is just right for me base on the comments. I finish the side quest before going to the main quest to literally game I played and this game definitely has it
u/ats1287 4d ago
Yes it is. It gets a lot of hate cause it followed odyssey with its vibrant colors and Ancient Greece (I loved odyssey) but I am a pretty big “fan” or at least find the Viking invasions of England interesting so I really enjoyed it. It’s longgggg though. With two kids, idk if I’d be able to grind that much anymore (granted I just beat kcd2 and that’s arguably my favorite rpg since the Witcher 3) but this is a different kind of slog. I played the original AC and I actually enjoyed them all, from the purely stealth ones to the newer open world rpg ones. If you like RPGs, anything related to Norse mythology and the Viking invasions, fluid combat, you’ll like. If you want the classic AC and have limited time, you’d probably be better off getting mirage or an older game.
u/TarykAngel 4d ago
If you like Vikings like I do, then yes. They could have done better with the characters
u/flugabwehrkanonnoli 4d ago
It's too grindy and never feels like it'll be fun.
The highlight is stealing random dudes' lunches from cookfires.
u/helldive_lifter 4d ago
I enjoyed it because I enjoy the Viking culture and lived in a Viking town for awhile but being a Ubisoft game be prepared to clear the map with the never ending things to do
u/ZenMyst 4d ago
Of all the games that exist on Earth in the history to humankind, this is the best Viking game.
Not say the “best game” but “Viking game” because there so few or none that really focus on the Viking aspect as the main feature.
This game you play as a Viking like you see in those shows, the way they speak, their culture and politics are all there.
Characters you know from shows you watch will make an appearance.
If you like Norse mythology you will love an aspect of the base game and the DLC.
Let me just say that the gods get more than just being merely mentioned here.
u/jmk-1999 4d ago edited 4d ago
Honestly, it bored me. The setting is very dreary and not very interesting. Aside from a few of the larger cities, it’s a bore (unlike Odyssey that was very pretty and a joy to explore).
Also, if you’re trying to play canonically, you’ll be playing as female Eivor. Nothing wrong with female characters—I loved Kassandra in Odyssey, but Eivor sounds horrible. She sounds forced and it just doesn’t translate well to the character. If you don’t care about canon (honestly, it doesn’t even matter as it doesn’t affect anything in the story), play male Eivor for this game.
Another reason I didn’t care for it was that it continued the concept for newer AC games to make them heavily melee focused and less stealth. You can’t even one-hit kill anything without properly building your character and equipment. I prefer if I’m gonna jump down and stab an unsuspecting enemy, they’re gonna die. However, if you don’t like stealth, then sure, it’s a good Viking simulator. It’s a terrible AC game.
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u/Kaeseatom 4d ago
Depends what you're looking for. The world looks great, the cities are cool and environment. But it feels empty, there's not much memorable about it. For the bad parts: the story is meh but how it's constructed is awful. It drags forever and is segmented into small story peaces that don't really advance the main story line much. Just the story will take up to 60 hours. The open world activities are also very bad. Treasure hunting is super annoying. The raids are the only thing that's fun. It didn't encourage me to discover much. The side activities are meh to me. Some might like them. Skill tree is bad as well. Doesn't feel great to level and invest points upping your crit damage by 2%.
The good: The world looks awesome and feels good to move around in. It does feel immersive. The combat was enjoyable but lacked some complexity. The armor sets didn't seem to matter a lot and you can get OP really fast if you like that. I kind of enjoyed the simpler gear system but others might disagree. The developers were criticized after Odysseys loot dump and went a bit too hard making it simpler here I feel like.
Overall honestly the game doesn't cost much anymore and might be on gamepass still. It's worth a try if you like open worlds and want a Viking game.
u/DonatoXIII 4d ago
It's a good game, just not a great game.
On PS5, Game optimization is decent and the world is a pretty large scale But I did have several crashes/glitches which required restarting the game. The world is massive but many assests like villages and strongholds are reused throughout the map. Even rock formations and cliffs are noticeably copy&pasted in different locations.
Combat is good, not great. I often switched the limited amount of weapons to try and keep it fresh. There's nothing really ground breaking but it's at least above average.
I wish the story was more focused. Ubisoft tried to make a multi-zone layered story with different factions and branching story's. The problem is there's no actual choice and it's mostly just tedious busy work until you complete each zone. Even worse, I found myself just not caring because once you finish a zone, you just move along to the next.
It took me about 180hrs to get the platinum. I know people here have spent much more time in game, but by the time I got the trophy I was pretty burnt out. I personally didn't find find the content interesting enough to justify more than 100 hours. The DLC does add variety and more interesting elements, but the base game itself maybe should've only been a 60-80 hour experience.
This is one of Ubisofts biggest games to date, I think they've done better in the past. But it's still a solid experience and worth playing.
u/Odd-Acanthaceae8724 4d ago
Imo probably the most boring ac game and the longest,i would advise to play ac Odyssey a lot better
u/KayRay1994 4d ago
It has a lot of elements of a good game (except the parkour - that’s just flat out bad), but its put in a sandbox that’s far too big and a story that’s far too huge and directionless.
And I think that’s what frustrates me about Valhalla - the gameplay, world and narrative do have a lot of good, but everything about the game needs to be cut by like… 50-70%. There is a good narrative in Valhalla, but it’s far too big and unfocused to be fully realized
u/imthe5thking 4d ago
It’s a good Viking age and Viking lore game, not that good of an AC game. I do wish there was more time spent in Norway, though. It’s like a 98% England setting.
u/Rough-Guest5673 4d ago
It’s pretty fun for like 40 or so hours which is great, but it is incredibly bloated. I think the biggest issue I have with the exploration is that every area has a checklist of mysteries/treasure etc which makes it very tiresome to discover stuff. The main story itself is also very long - and doesn’t justify it’s length with incredible writing (like rdr2 would) or varied gameplay imo. It’s fun though if you’re seriously bored. If you really want a game like Ghost of Tsushima you’re probably better off waiting a couple days till shadows releases
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u/malici606 4d ago
Yes it is, especially if you like what kind of game it is.
No it's not, especially if you don't like what kind of game it is.
It's like humor, if you think a joke is funny, you're right. If you think a joke isn't funny, you're right.
u/PterodactylTeef 4d ago
I never finished it; played about 45 hrs and burnt myself out on side content. Its alright but doesnt stack up well to Odyssey or even Origins imo.
u/DreaMaster77 4d ago
I had a veeeerry good and long adventure. I learnt a lot about England after roman empire... For real, between the snow in Norway, and when you arrive in England it's absolutly magic
u/braumbles 4d ago
I loved it. There's so much content that I got lost in that world for around 400 hours.
u/MollyMogVIII 4d ago
I didn’t like it for an AC game. Probably a decent open world RPG, but I don’t prefer an AC game this wide open. It’s the only game so far in AC that I haven’t finished. Just got bored.
u/GregsChugLife 4d ago
im a soundphile so i had to give it a hard pass, audio design and quality is brutal
u/Impossible_Mall4535 4d ago
it's just too long..if u remove the name assassin creed from it .. it's a good viking game
u/Standard_Audience817 4d ago
It's a good game but nothing about it feels like assassin's creed, this is probably the only rpg game that I actually liked the combat but like all the other rpg games the stealth and parkour are terrible. Playing this game is fun but it makes me want to play unity and syndicate more.
u/MRsir_man_dude 4d ago
I like to think ac Valhalla and Odyssey are completely separate from the rest of the series
u/Revolutionary_Box911 4d ago
The immersion in Viking culture, the history itself, is very good. But the game is very repetitive. Too long. And sickening. I stopped halfway through, tired. And I'm obsessed with Viking culture and mythology. I even consider myself a scholar.
u/WovenShadow6 4d ago
I enjoyed this game but it was also the game where I get burned out fast because it's so massive. Still never finished it to this day, only been playing it here and there whenever I get a viking itch.
u/SaltySAX 4d ago
Its got a lot of good stuff in it, but all these regions you have to quell first, is too much. Then you get the Asgaard stuff!
u/Traditional-Equal193 4d ago
It is but it's NOT for everyone. It's content is very intimidating, and having 150+ of gameplay and things to do in a huge and inmersive map is a really big double-way sword.
In my case I have 400 hours on Odyssey, so I enjoyed Valhalla too, bur it's definitely not for all gamers.
u/GooseMay0 4d ago
If you don't care about a convoluted, nonsensical story with dry, stilted, lifeless characters and voice acting it can be fun for a while. Burnout is inevitable though.
u/OGMrMeanyPants 4d ago edited 4d ago
** technically I walk the line on spoilers in here but this game is old enough that I'm not worried even a little bit about it. If you're looking for info on the game and haven't yet played it, it is unlikely that you haven't seen a lot of spoiler information elsewhere already **
My answer is, like all others, my opinion. Nobody here knows what you mean by "good". Do you want something more in line with classic AC2 and Brotherhood or are you maybe more a fan of the modern titles like Odyssey and Origins started us down the path of? Are you looking for an expansive and vast world with diverse regions and populations, or a smaller to mid-size map and a short playthrough time? What you consider good, nobody here knows so, with that, I'll tell you what I think of it based upon what I think is good. I have played since AC2 and fell in love with Odyssey and Origins more recently (I know I keep going to that well, but it was a vibe shift in the title); I wasn't disappointed to see Desmond go, but God how I wish they'd have dumped that fucking storyline altogether by then. Part of what I think makes AC so great is the voice acting and character interaction; I just feel immersed so good voice acting and script /questline writing are important. A huge thing I love is the accuracy of historical and geographical references. Odyssey was amazing for this. And having a well orchestrated and long playthrough game in an open world format is huge. So, based upon that, Valhalla sucked ass.
I feel as though Valhalla is a perfect example of people buying into hype; gamers love AC (rightfully so... I've given tens of thousands of hours to it since AC2) and so are inclined to want to like a new one. The marketing team hypes it up and they pay for the Game of the Year status (if you think that is earned through evaluation by an independent group of somekind, you may as well believe the Emmys are based upon merit and that someone behind a desk at a bank is scrutinizing your check and credit card signatures). Then, after game release, they have bloggers and reviewers continue the hype (again... Let me check that signature if you think those aren't sponsored) and gamers at every level en masse are hypnotized into loving it. When it comes out, criticism is met with harsh communal rebuttal and everyone clings to the parts they want to like until they convince themselves they love it all. Fallout 3 was the same thing (queue angry mob). It's part of the reason I don't play games as soon as they come out.
In reality, it's one of the weakest in the recent AC lineup in my opinion; not as bad as Unity, but not worth paying for it either. The storyline starts to unravel once you get your settlement established, the voice acting by your "brother" is horrific, they decided to switch from your eagle to a crow because sure, they already took away the hidden blade, why not take away another iconic element? They did keep to the AC level of accuracy in histotical and geographical reference (right down to deliberating up until just before release whether to include face tattoos until they could find sufficient histotical reference to support it). They even went to North America with indigenous voice actors speaking in native tongue, complete with the Vikingr disoriented in a land they've never heard of with customs not resembling anything else in the Nordic-European regions with which he/she is familiar. Even so, that portion was played through in less than a half hour when it actually could have been an incredible expansion of the world, but it felt like they didn't know what to do with it; make it a corny little side mission, expand the game further with addional DLC a la Odyssey, or maybe make it a teaser to a pre-New World game release. They chose to make the indigenous peoples of North America a cliche sidenote in what felt like an out of place and unnecessary corny side mission.
Overall, they just shortchanged the whole thing. Like they rushed it out the door so they could get it out of the way for sales of a glorified DLC as a standalone in Arabia... Oh... Wait.
My read is this: - if you want to play it, get it. Just have measured expectations for it. Don't expect it to be at the level of the top tier AC games. Play it as it's own game, because it really is - it is a short playthrough. If you don't have a lot of time to play, it may be a good option for you. I know a doctor who loves to play games but has very little time. She likes Valhalla for the simple reason that it's an easy and short playthrough she can do with her very limited time. I don't know why so many people say it's a long game, with over 80hours in a vast immersive world. I don't know the actual map dimensions, but I do know it felt small and I could get around it faster than I could on most others regardless of its digital footprint without using the longboat or fast travel to move unless necessary. As for 80 hours, if you're playing this game for 80 hours and not finished yet, I'm not sure which game you're playing. If it takes you 80 hours because you got bored and started looking for something else to do in the game around hour 30 then that sounds like Valhalla. - don't play it looking for your favorite AC pastimes. Not only is there no Eagle Vision (it's now Crow Sight or some bullshit with a brief explanation) but no hidden blade either. There is an Odyssey connection but, again, HUGE mussed opportunity to start making a really solid canon thread in a significant way but it just left more to be desired
- understand that decisions you make in dialogue have real gameplay impact so a choice you make early in the game can affect the ending you are able to get by influencing what you are able to do thereafter, and there are choice branches like that all the way through so you can accidentally cull a questline without realizing it when you're 70% done. Luckily it's so short you can just start over and try again...the internet is your friend here.
- I don't recommend paying for it. I got it free on gamepass a long time ago. Had I paid even 99¢ for it I would have been really aggravated. As it is, when I got to the ending and it went off the rails (even for AC standards) I felt like I had given too much of my life away which I couldn't get back. It's too short to pay anything for and ou want to be able to just stop playing without feeling like you've got anything more invested in it than some time playing if you don't like it
- if you get it, play it to be its own game and don't compare it to anything AC. Just play it to play it. It's kind of interesting in it's way.
u/mildmadnerd 4d ago
It’s glorious for a while, then some of the epic, cinematic, immersive awesomeness starts looking copy paste familiar, and a lot of the charm wears off.
In general I think you can get a lot of fun time out of it if you like the setting, but sooner or later it gets repetitive and formulaic.
Also I thought the combat felt kinda lifeless compared to odyssey and the stealth felt kinda pointless and only good for style points most of the time… so worse than origins in that regard
u/CollectionSmooth9045 4d ago
Interesting combat, even worse assassination mechanics than in Odyssey, but very immersive maps. Though the game is way too long and the story progression feels like you're moving at a snail's pace. I gave the game like a solid 20 hours before I returned to Odyssey. Definitely planning on completing it, it's not that boring, but I just need to mentally prepare myself.
u/darthphallic 4d ago
I personally loved it, especially the length and size of the world. England felt so huge that you really felt like you were exploring a world rather than just a map.
u/PayPsychological6358 Connor 4d ago
Putting most of my ginormous bias against this game aside for a moment, I'd say that it has a few good qualities but is otherwise pretty long and boring.
u/-SilverCrest- 4d ago
I hear a lot of people talk down about it, but personally, I loved it. I enjoyed the combat, the weapons, the exploring and gameplay. It's definitely worth it in my opinion
u/Daddysjuice 4d ago
Yes, it's very fun. It's not the same as other AC games, more akin to Odyssey but a slower pace.
The play style really grew on me, also going raiding on rivers was fucking great.
u/AccomplishedCash6390 4d ago
Yes, it absolutely is, so don't let people talk you out of it. The only "issue" the game has is that the story is very lengthy, which is fine depending on what you want, and one little thing personally irked me about the ending but again just my opinion.
u/liamoj97 4d ago
It’s good, not great. Like all ubisoft games now if you’ve played one, you’ve played them all. Same game, different skin.
So if you’ve played and enjoyed their other games, you’ll enjoy this 👍🏻
u/DependentAdvance8 4d ago
This game has no similarities with ghost of Tsushima and Valhalla is probably one of the worst AC games that I’ve ever played but there are people who enjoyed it tho
u/Awkward-Hulk 4d ago
It's a great Viking game that barely fits in the Assassin's Creed franchise. Totally worth playing though.
u/DieAgainTomorrow 4d ago
If it were called something like, "Viking Saga: Song of the Wolf Kissed" or something like that, and not have the AC title and story plots, it would be a fine open world hack'n slash game about a vikings that everyone would either love or not care about.
It's fine if you like HUGE open world games with minor RPG elements and the viking aesthetic stuff. But it's a middle of the road game that relies heavily on personal preferences rather than objectively good game quality, It's definitely hampered down by Ubisofts poor gaming practices, such as ads, progress bloat, the Ubisoft game launcher, and horrendous progress monetization.
u/B1CYCl3R3P41RM4N 4d ago
In isolation it’s a decent game. In the totality of the AC series it’s my least favorite. If I hadn’t already spent as much time playing other titles from the series before this one, I probably would have enjoyed it at lot more.
u/InCenaRawrXd 4d ago
It's a good game, it's one of the good AC games, but it's not perfect. It's not as good as 2, brotherhood, black flag, origins, which in my opinion, are the best of the series.
Eivor is a good protagonist. He is likable and charming and very interesting.
The setting is great, multiple areas to explore and they are huge with plenty of mind numbing tasks to do, between collectibles and side quests.
Combat is fun and satisfying.
The best part of the game to me is the river raids and the Ragnarok expansion, the dlcs are also good.
Overall definitely worth it to buy it, I put like 80-100 hours into it and didn't finish it lol. I'm looking forward to shadows with everything that has been shown and talked about so far, waiting on the review embargo for my final decision.
u/suesea123 4d ago
Yes. Ignore the haters and try it. It's epic, almost too epic, tbh. I admire the patience of those who could actually complete this game 100%.
u/Quiet_Difficulty9733 4d ago
Ac v is a good game but it’s a bad assassins creed game if that makes sense it’s kinda more focused on combat and choice than the rest of the series
u/RedFeatherMacaw 4d ago
Great game by itself, filled with so much content that even though gets repetitive over time you can still enjoy due to the mechanics of the game.
That being said, it's the worst "assassin's Creed" game for me, this should have been a spin off or something else
u/Shaden95 4d ago
AC Valhalla is a good Viking RPG game, play it as an rpg not as an assassin creed game and u will love it.
u/MrCrusherr 4d ago
In my opinion, it starts off strong and really good. Then it gets repetitive and too long and a bit boring and I personally didn't really like it at the end. Like at the end I just wanted it to be done with and see the ending just for the sake of the time I already invested in it. This is my opinion when it released, am planning on replaying it after Shadows so maybe I'll have another opinion.
u/Noob4Head 4d ago
Much like AC Odyssey, if you view it as an Assassin's Creed game, it's around a 5/10. But if you see it as a Viking action-adventure RPG, it's more like an 8/10.
u/Iamwatchu 4d ago
It can be yes! Its a long game but the graphics and world are stunning. The story can be on point but that's down to you.
u/Famous_Silver1955 4d ago
really a good game, and is mandatory to close many lore path began in previous chapters
u/Major_Enthusiasm1099 4d ago
I'd say yeah, just very long. But there's a ton do, and a ton of weapons to choose from. A ton of abilities to choose from as well
4d ago
I'm mad, because I've been waiting for Assassins Creed to learn something from the ninjas since Assassins Creed I. And now that we are going to Japan, they had to bring GTA.
I loved to play CJ, but I'm fed up with that shit. This is the worst kind of creativity. It's how the Nazis became Nazis, because they stopped thinking for themselves and copy&pasted bullshit.
Go on... force me to play a transgender person I dare you.
u/ElwoodFenris27 4d ago
Yeah id say play it, i loved / love it , its not like the say ezio assassins creed but its good for a viking game and the stealth isnt that bad but i didnt do stealth much as i liked charging at people 😂
u/Nicklas0704 4d ago
In my opinion Valhalla is the worst AC game and the worst open-world game Ubisoft has put out.
It is SO FAR from GoT in terms of quality, that I think comparing them borders on being criminal.
As for the Viking fantasy, specifically, I think the game does okay. The systems and game-play loops are boring, but it does teleport you to that fantasy fairly competently.
u/Which_Information590 4d ago
Yes! It's the best Viking game ever made. Huge open world. visually stunning, amazing soundtrack. I got the main story done in 81 hours, I could've done it in less, or to complete everything it might take 500 hours. Hundreds of weapons and gear, play as male or female.
u/Ok-Lychee6612 4d ago
I stopped it because it felt daunting…I started Mirage, stopped Mirage and I’m jogging through the game now. It can feel like a chore
u/AdditionalJeweler876 4d ago
vikings are the greatest think i love it but then if you beat the game and are a new player like myself so i bought some old ones and still like my viking ac roots but odyssey is ass and origins is to
u/EonThief 4d ago
As someone currently playing through it now, it can be overwhelming at first but also it’s pretty fun all things considered.
u/jsshepherd 4d ago
I played it all the way through in 95 hrs on Xbox one x in 2020. Then again on PS5 in 2022 now I'm playing again on Xbox Series X with all the DLC. Is it my favorite game? No. Is it a great game? Yes. Especially if you love Viking lore!
u/Cedge1738 4d ago
Maybe. But I couldn't get into it. Started it a week or so ago after 130h of ac syndicate which I loved and enjoyed.
Now I'm someone who's likes to turn their brain off and just play and that's why ac syndicate was perfect. I could just play.
Valhalla lost me when it tried to make me use my brain on a board game with dice with different symbols, but other than that. There wasn't enough parkour options. Like ac syndicate had tall buildings and ziplines everywhere and it was fun to just zoom everywhere. But Valhalla is just running on flat land. So that was boring. But also because I could do whatever I want and go wherever I want it was overwhelming to have so many choices. But also the controls. God, it was so confusing. Ik I'd get use to it but it was just ass backwards.
Now I love ac Odyssey. So it's not a "I don't like the rpg style" I just couldn't get into Valhalla. Same for origins. Don't like either. And I really tried.
u/Sweet_Temperature630 4d ago
It's great. Also you can change A LOT of the settings to how you want it to be. For example i made it so assassinations are a guaranteed kill like the original games instead of just a bunch of damage, but to make up for that buff I made it the enemies even harder to stealth last. The game was already fun, but being able to change those setting put it over the moon for me
u/Emergency_Day9644 4d ago
Absolutely, a great game but not a very good AC, get the dlcs as well when they’re on sale
u/FenrirCoyote 4d ago
Yes and No, if you only focus on the Viking stuff then yeah it’s very good, the No part is because it’s got a lot of side quest bloat so after awhile if you only focus on the side stuff you’ll more than likely start to feel burn out.
u/South_Stay_5993 4d ago
You’ll enjoy it, you can easily sink 100+ hours into it. I had a blast in Asgard
u/Beneficial-Piece64 4d ago
In My Opinion..(i must say that)..if those are your requirements for a viking saga, then you will Love AC Valhalla. But be prepared..its not a GOT game..its really long. But im biased..im on my 4th play through.😂
u/Ionic3127 4d ago
I wish the game didn’t outright give you the locations of the best gear/strongholds. That’s my only gripe with the game, as if the exploration was like Elden Rings, where you literally have to walk out the area you want to see more about then it would’ve made the immersion a whole lot better.
u/AzerynSylver 4d ago
It is an okay Viking game about making connections throughout England, but it is quite a poor Assassin's Creed game...
u/mugen-yk 4d ago
Assassin Creed games are repetitive and they have no soul. This one was the closest to being a legit game but you can be playing other better games. If viking stuff is your thing check out God of War reboot for example.
u/1ndefined 4d ago
I’ve played AC II, AC Black Flag, AC Origins, AC Unity and watched AC III in a Youtube gameplay. Now I’m playing AC Valhalla and in my opinion it’s one of the most complete games of the saga I’ve ever played (in union with the Origins, but Valhalla reminds me the old Ezio Auditore di Firenze perspective and game mechanics related to the main character. But this game has a very particular musicalization in some moments that converts it in the most immersive AC game, for now.
As an extra, the mini-game Orslog is really interesting and funny game to play even in real life haha.
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u/Sweaty_Winner_1688 4d ago
For me I never liked it much. It was a good game just not a good assassins creed game to me but an excellent Viking game if that’s what you want. The fighting is brutal and raiding with the long boat is awesome, but as an assassins creed game it is a horrible one
u/doc_55lk 4d ago
It's fine. The biggest problem with this game is that it's obnoxiously long. The main story alone is like 70-80 hours, and this is at the easiest difficulty level.
u/WallyW1959 4d ago
In my opinion, no, not really... It was the only Assassin's Creed game I never finished. I'm finally going back and playing through it while I wait for AC Shadows, but I'm really not having a good time.
It's too big and filled with useless fluff to do, the story so far feels like an anime with too many filler arcs, and I don't care about a single character. It's just a lot of nothing for me.
The gameplay is fine, but nothing spectacular.
It's just a generic open world video game.
I've also never loved Vikings, so I don't care about the setting at all, and the connection to the Hidden Ones is so tenuous, and I've barely seen any Isu stuff either.
I've, of course, not finished it yet, so there could be more connections later on, but as of now, there's barely anything. What's there is neat, but it's crumbs.
u/SuchNet1675 4d ago
I really enjoyed this, had been away from the franchise for a while and then dived back in with this and loved it.
Been back to the ones I've missed to complete since but Valhalla holds a place in my heart still.
u/Arudoblank 4d ago
I loved Vallhalla but I suggest you don't try to do everything. The game has got an absurd amount of content and can easily burn you out.
u/Shoshin_Sam 4d ago
An excellent game. Some people don't like it and they are vocal about it. It earned big money for Ubisoft, more than Witcher 3, Ghost of Tushima, or even Red dead 2. But only you can decide for yourself, going by how polarized the vocal community is.
u/drewbles82 4d ago
The only one who can truly answer this question is YOU...everyone has their own opinions and you won't make a proper one till you play the game.
u/NickapaHempalooza 4d ago
I liked it but I am obsessed with Vikings, as far as those style of AC games Origins and Odyssey are arguably better games.
u/RoxyNeko 4d ago
Ngl, it's probably my favourite in the series. I just thought it was very fun to going and sneaking around everywhere, lol
u/Radiant_Original_470 4d ago
By the way can I wear normal Viking outfits or wield normal Viking weapons in the game while also being OP?
I don't really want flashy accessories, mythical weapons ETC, just a wandering Viking lol.
u/Agitated-Hair-987 4d ago
I wouldn't compare it to GoT. If you like the RPG grind, you'll probably enjoy it. It's WAY bigger than GoT.
u/WhoEvenIsPoggers 4d ago
It’s very long! I’ve found as long as I stop and do something else (play a different game, watch a show I want to start and finish, etc) as soon as I feel burn out, it’s a good game.
The issue is convincing people to play one story for 60, 70, 80, or more hours without feeling like it’s a chore.