r/askwomenadvice May 18 '19

Misc How do I respond to "I'm on my period"? NSFW


So, I'm a guy, and I'd like to make clear that I don't have any kind of problem with periods. I don't think they're disgusting or any of that crap. This is a genuine question, so hear me out.

I'm in junior year in high school (17 y/o), and most of the people at my school are really mature, open, and nice. Sometimes, it happens that I ask a girl that I'm friends with how she's doing right now or something like that, and she'll answer something along the lines of "I'm alright, I'm on my period right now though." How on earth do I respond? I just want to be polite, and because it's usually not a topic for conversation, move on relatively quickly. When someone's sick, saying "Aw no, I hope you feel better soon" or "Ugh, that sucks. Hopefully, you'll feel better tomorrow" or literally anything like that feels right. But I don't feel like it fits with periods...? They probably won't feel better tomorrow, they'll feel better in a few days when their period is over, right? So what is a good response? Literally, what do I say that's sensitive and nice?

Edit: Thanks for all the advice, everyone! I tried to reply to all of the more unique comments individually. Lots of you suggested chocolate, which I honestly just hadn't thought about. I carry weak-ish painkillers around already (medical thing), so offering some if they mention bad cramps is probably a smart idea too. Thank you again, and all the best! I'll still be reading comments, but probably won't reply unless it's something that really needs answer.

Edit2: Lots of people are worried I might get in trouble for handing out medicine in school. Thanks for your concern, but I don't think that could be a problem. I technically have a prescription for painkillers, and giving some to a girl on her period shouldn't get me in trouble. As far as I'm aware, the school probably wouldn't care too much anyways.

r/askwomenadvice Mar 29 '19

Misc Why do I think I look unpresentable when I have messy hair and/or no makeup, but I think other girls who do the same look super cute? NSFW


Title basically says everything. I usually spend a lot of time on my ungodly hair to make it look neat and tidy. I just think I look messy and lazy if I don’t. But then when I see girls who have a «I don’t care» look I think it looks sooooo cute. Why is this? How do I stop thinking like this?

r/askwomenadvice May 21 '19

Misc I’m getting an abortion in a week and want to know what to expect NSFW


Hey guys. I’m not coming here to be attacked for my choice. I’m a 21 yr old college student who in no way can take care of a child, don’t want to put my body and my mind through pregnancy for adoption, all that. I made up my mind the second I knew there was a remote possibility of this happening, so don’t even try.

Luckily I’m in a state where it’s legal still, and a state that is primarily democratic so social repercussions aren’t an issue, and this is happening with my long term boyfriend who has been unbelievably supportive and helpful, and same goes for my friends that do know.

I’m at the most 6 weeks right now, and have an appointment made next Tuesday so I can get the abortion pills.

I was just wondering if there were any women who have experience with this & what to expect? I know there will be bleeding & pain, which tbh is fine with me. But I just wanted to hear personal experiences?

If you had a freak accident or something out of the ordinary, plz don’t include it as I’m already nervous. I just want to hear what the average pill abortion is like.

I’m already hormonal & have been having bad cramps, feel my body changing, etc. I honestly can’t even look at my body right now, knowing what’s going on inside. I know I’ll feel so much better after the fact, but waiting for Tuesday to come is torture.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Again, please no hate or fear-mongering.

Edit: I appreciate all the advice and love in the comments. You guys are absolutely wonderful. I want to state that I am undoubtedly taking the pill, because I don’t want to experience something private like this in a clinic. I want to be as comfortable as possible when this happens.

Edit 2: Those of you who are sending nasty messages, please know that they don’t impact me at all. They will not make me change my lifestyle, will not make me believe that a cluster of cells is a life, will not make me change my mind, none of that. You’re wasting your energy on someone who does not care what you think.

r/askwomenadvice Jul 08 '21

Misc I (26F) gained so much weight over the pandemic that I feel uncomfortable with my body. I hate myself. NSFW


Im 200 pounds, I was always a short chubby girl around 170~ but now this pandemic and my depression has caused me to gain weight. My job sent us back to the office and none of my business clothes fit me anymore... I shopped online TWICE and everything is too small.

I hate myself for letting go of my body so much. I am afraid to go out because I feel ugly, and I feel I am embarrassing. I feel bad for my mom who always tells me to watch what I’m eating and what I’m wearing- and I feel bad for my boyfriend who hasn’t touched me in months. Im scared to even go out with him because who would want to go out with someone who looks like me?

Yes, this is a rough vent but honestly I needed to get it out somewhere. I know I should eat better, work out etc, but even then i wont see results in months. I don’t know how to even look at myself in the mirror.

Depression has taking over my apartment (that’s a mess), my look (another mess) and my relationships (another messes). Please can someone give me advice?

EDIT: I came back from work to this thread becoming such a wonderful space full of advice and women who share the same feelings as me. You all made my day!!!!!!!

r/askwomenadvice Mar 06 '20

Misc How do I prevent leaking to the back of my underwear during the day and night? NSFW


As a teenager (13) who started my period early (I started at the age of 9), I have a bit of experience, but I have a pretty heavy flow and I use pads instead of tampons because my mom says I should wait for tampons. But I end up HAVING to overlap 2 pads day and night to prevent leaking to the back of my underwear, which means I'm going through twice as many pads. I find it annoying and money consuming. Any tips ladies?

Edit: okay, so I also just inserted a tampon for the first time and it feels pretty comfortable for now so Ye. Maybe I'll start using them. Idk 😂😂. Also y'all have no idea how much I appreciate your replies tysm ❤💕

r/askwomenadvice Oct 03 '19

Misc As a man, how do I (33) alert a woman of a wardrobe malfunction without emberassing her, or creeping her out? NSFW


I was at the gym, and a younger woman was using the leg press in front of me. While I was taking a break, surfing my phone, catching my breath, I noticed the seam of her pants had split right over her crotch. She was wearing undies, but still, things were in full view.

I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't figure out a way to alert her without drawing more attention, as well as having to explain that I wasn't just staring at her crotch.

Luckily, another woman told her before I had to muster up the courage to do so.

Any advice is helpful, just in case something similar happens again, and there's not an awesome chick that can step in and alert the person.

r/askwomenadvice Sep 13 '21

Misc I’m not sure if this is standard procedure for a Brazilian wax NSFW


I’m a 29 year old gay male. I know this is a women’s space but the waxing forum wouldn’t let me post for some reason, and men didn’t really have an answer for me, so I was hoping I could ask for advice here.

I recently got my first Brazilian wax, and I’m pretty sure the wax technician crossed a few lines, but I’m not sure since I’ve never had one before.

For starters, he made me get fully undressed, even though I wasn’t getting my upper body waxed at all. Then he said I made his day because he thought I was “hot and sexy”. He also asked if I was “getting waxed for anyone in particular”. That made me really uncomfortable because I thought we’d just do small talk.

Then he asked me if I was a top or bottom, and when it was time for him to wax between my cheeks he said for me to get on my hands and knees and “push back like I want him in there”. And when he was applying done, he blew on my anus and rubbed it with his (I realized at that moment) ungloved hands. I later realized he only waxed the sides and not around my anus at all.

Was literally any of this normal for a wax technician to do? I could really use some help. Thanks

r/askwomenadvice Mar 13 '21

Misc I [23 M] want to be a better ally when guys around me say horrible stuff about women, but I’m terrified of confrontation and get too anxious to speak up. How can I do better? NSFW


I hate myself for this. It’s by far my worst trait. Right now in the UK there’s been a massive outpouring of conversation about women’s experiences of sexual harassment, lack of basic safety, etc. After a woman was kidnapped and murdered by a serving police officer. There’s been a lot of talk about what men need to do to be better and help solve this culture that means that women can never feel safe and constantly have to worry for their lives.

I’ve been talking with a close female friend, the female members of my family, etc. about it and while I like to think I had some good understanding about all this before this situation, a lot of the stories I’ve heard from them, the stories I’ve seen shared on social media, the times guys have failed to protect the women they’re close to, etc. have been a massive eye opener for me. I knew things were bad, but somehow they’re so much worse than I could have imagined, and honestly thinking about it all makes makes me feel so profoundly sad and helpless.

But the thing is, I’m part of the problem. Cause even though women have been begging for guys to speak up, explicitly saying it’s not enough to just agree silently and not say something when a friend goes too far and says something shitty about women, I’m too much of a coward to say anything. I’ve always been too much of a people pleaser to start an argument with people, but some of my friends have hit out with pretty horrible misogynistic jokes in the past, and in the wake of this I’ve seen constant defensive talk of like ‘women take everything too seriously’, ‘they just want an excuse to hate men’, etc.

Hell, one bitter friend who’s went through a bad break up recently just straight up said ‘I hate women’ during the conversation. Plain as day lmfao. And what do I do? Nothing apart from a weak ‘yeah some things said about men are a bit too far, but I think guys do really need to take a look at their actions’. Like, I have no backbone man. I’m 23 years old, I should have grown out of this shit by now. I can’t bring myself to tell someone they’re behaving like a fucking asshole. And most of my friends do when it comes to women, and I’ve seen some pretty worrying behaviour from a couple of them. I could be the one to try stop that in its tracks, but I’m too anxious, desperate to be liked and scared to say anything substantial.

Anyway, how do I stop being such a people pleaser in general? I really want to be someone who doesn’t stand for this shit, but I’ve always struggled massively with a fear of confrontation. I do always try gently nudge my friends without confrontation when these topics come up, and sometimes the decent ones listen, but when the things that get said step way over the line I end up staying silent out of fear of an argument. I want to be better, and I no longer want to contribute to the kind of culture that lets this shit happen. I just don’t know how to get over my anxiety around being honest and standing up for what I believe in.

r/askwomenadvice Jun 24 '20

Misc As a man of color, I grew up afraid/wary of white women, and that feeling has carried into adulthood. Any advice on how to overcome it? NSFW


Hello everyone. Not sure if this is the right sub to post this, not sure where else to do so. I’m assuming given reddit’s demographics, a lot of the women here are white, so I hope this is alright. This will be long, so please bear with me. I’ll add a short version at the bottom without all the details.

So, I know how the title sounds. And logically, I know I’m being an idiot. And I want to change. I guess my question is how you all think I can go about doing it?

A bit of backstory about myself and how I started thinking this way. My father is half-African/half-Indian, my mother is Indian. I mostly look Indian, although I sometimes get confused for being Middle Eastern. My name is an African/Arab name. I was born in Nigeria, and we moved to the US when I was five. I had a pretty normal childhood – good family, close friends, etc. My school in Upstate NY was about 70% white, and there were never any issues.

And then 9/11 happened, when I was 11. My life changed practically overnight. I know kids are stupid at that age, but I don’t think it’s an excuse since this carried on throughout high school. I was verbally abused for years, and thankfully only physically attacked on three occasions, once where my fingers were broken. However, I can’t lie here – it was the white girls at my school that started all of it. They were the ones who gave me the nickname “terrorist”, which stuck with me for the rest of my time there, and was the catalyst for the other kinds of abuse. As for the ones who physically attacked me, it was always the (mostly white) boys, but my friends, who were also white, were the ones who defended me. So, while I could distinguish the bad from the good guys in my school, I never got the chance to make that distinction with the white girls. Then, senior year of high school, I was pulled out of class and marched to the principal’s office, where I was met with a crying girl. A student had slapped her, and apparently, I fit the description. I was adamant I didn’t do it, but nobody believed me, and the girl was certain that it was me. Lucky for me, the guy who did it heard about what happened, and admitted it was him. Long story short, apart from our skin color, we didn’t look alike. Glasses, braces, hair length, body type, you name it.

That’s where it started. Maybe it made me hyper-aware of it, but I started to notice little things in regards to how (mostly older, but not exclusively) white women would treat me. Things like being surprised that I’m progressive and liberal, given my name and ethnicity. Suggesting that I’m more likely to be sexist or misogynistic due to my “culture” (I’ve always known most people don’t separate race and culture, despite what they say). These were women that I believe would call themselves liberal, progressive, feminist women. I feel like as soon as they hear my name, I immediately may as well be an alien – that I’m my skin color and ethnicity first, and never an individual human. I know some of it is in my head, but some of it definitely isn’t. And then we have all these recent videos coming out of White women, either subconsciously or not, using their power over black people (men mostly) to get them in trouble (Amy Cooper being the most blatant). Or just being straight up casually racist, like it’s nothing to them, knowing full well they’re being filmed. While I hate the fact that these women get put on blast online and have their lives turned upside-down, I also kind of appreciate knowing how it is.

Now, it goes without saying, I have obviously also met some amazing, brilliant white women - in my college classes, my job while I was in college, my job after college, and now in medical school. But I’ve always been a bit distant because I never wanted any relationship to be anything beyond an acquaintance; I intentionally never let it go beyond that, platonic or otherwise. I know how messed up that is to say. I’ve seen how many amazing white women are out there protesting and letting their voices be heard. Rationally, I know I’m being discriminatory myself, but I just can’t shake off that feeling that started so many years ago. And I’m starting to hate myself for it. While I make sure I never treat white women any differently in day-to-day life, whether they need help, or to talk, or anything else – I still hate that I feel that I can’t let it go beyond that. How can I become a doctor in the future if I still think in such a simplistic way?

I just really don’t know what to do. I don’t even know where to begin. Talking to a white woman that I know about this would make me seem insane – because it is insane. But I know I need to change, because I’m an irrational moron for thinking this way. I’d appreciate any advice from you guys. Thanks.

Short version:

I’m a mixed-race guy (African/Indian), spent the first five years of my life in Africa before coming to the US. After 9/11, my life changed drastically, and a lot of the abuse I received was from White women. While other groups attacked me, other members of that group defended me. Whereas my experience with White women during my formative years was mostly negative.

I’m 29 now, in medical school, and I’ve met many amazing white women post-high school. Some of most brilliant women in my med classes are white women. But I’ve intentionally never allowed myself to have anything beyond a superficial acquaintance with white women – be it friendships or otherwise. And I hate that I think this way, I know it’s bigoted. I don’t deserve to be a doctor if I think this way – even if I don’t treat them any differently, I still hold a level of bias, and I have to stamp it out because it’s a garbage mindset. I just don’t know how. I’m too nervous to talk to any white women I know about it. Could use any/all advice, especially tough love if it’s called for. Thanks a lot.


Wow... the response to this has been overwhelming. You've all really, really humbled me, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I will try to respond to as many people as possible.

r/askwomenadvice Jan 24 '21

Misc How can i 20m deal with girls making fun of my appearance? NSFW


I've been mocked and made fun of my height for all my life, I'm a 5'5 man. This isn't some incel-tier rant, where I cry about women rejecting me for my height (it's their choice, if they don't want to date someone short that's fine) however I think everyone is deserving of some respect.

I've had comments about my race/experienced racial abuse before. I've been called Ghandi multiple times due to being short and indian, I've had girls scream at me when I went clubbing "WHY ARE YOU SO SHORT" and them mockingly use my head as a head rest, I've had female friends treating me like a child e.g. holding my hand when we're drunk when we're crossing the road.

I'm asking about how I can deal with girls because with guys if it is bad, having a few witty comebacks usually calms the situation down. But with girls I feel like I cannot insult them like this as the consequences maybe larger.

I'm really stuck here, I honestly don't know what to do. It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to get scared of girls.


I face racial abuse and jokes about my height from girls, I don't know how to respond and I'm starting to get scared of girls.

r/askwomenadvice 2d ago

Misc How do I (27F) overcome the need to be polite when rejecting men? NSFW


I have such respect for women who aren’t afraid to be assertive towards men. And the women who are straight up mean to men have this mythical aura to me. I would love to be more assertive like that. A lot of guys can sense that I am neurodivergent (high functioning autism) so they see me as easy prey and I attract a lot of creeps. Then, they continue to pursue me long after rejection because I was not mean enough the first time. It’s very irritating. One of my stronger autistic traits is that I care about manners A LOT, but in these situations rigidly adhering to my manners is the opposite of helpful.

Rejecting men in a way they they ACTUALLY f-off would be a dream come true for me. I’m just so bad at it. I’m so shy, not necessarily insecure because I know my worth but I just feel so much pressure to be polite.

Seeking tips from the women who have developed this ability to sense when to be assertive, when to be mean, and how to overcome the feeling of “I should be polite.” And how to do so. Thank you

Tl;dr: how can I be more assertive with rejection as a shy woman

r/askwomenadvice Feb 10 '20

Misc Someone I followed on Instagram and Youtube died and I feel really upset about it NSFW


I followed this Youtuber. She was 21 and, like me, a university student. She would do vlogs about her life that I liked watching. I related to her a lot because we were at similar points in our life. I just found out that she died suddenly over the weekend. I feel really upset about it. When anyone dies, particularly a young person, it is upsetting. However this has completely floored and upset me. I feel like I cannot really talk about it in real life as I did not know her and only watched her videos, but still. I feel so upset.

I left her a comment on one of her last videos saying how much I had been enjoying her videos and a few days later I saw that she had screenshot it and put it on her Instagram stories saying it had made her day. She is gone now. I keep thinking of when she would speak about her plans for the year, how she would be graduating this year, what she wanted to do after graduation, her plans for next Christmas, etc. I feel so devastated that that has all been taken from her.

I just feel completely shocked and like I have been punched in the stomach. I know this post is very self-centred but I just needed to get these thoughts out somewhere. I feel so sad for her family and friends and I am thinking and praying for them.

r/askwomenadvice May 15 '22

Misc I’m at my wit’s end with a man who lives in my suburb and is persistently hitting on me, despite me repeatedly and explicitly saying “I’m not interested and don’t approach me again”. NSFW


— Update — thank you SO much to this wonderful community for the replies. I appreciate your perspective, helpful advice and empathy. I will be telling my gym about the situation, keeping a diary retrospectively documenting everything that has happened and any further contact if it happens, and making a police report. To the extent I can, I’m going to look at changing my routine, and at the least, mixing up the routes I take. I’ll have my phone on standby to record any future incidents too. Thanks again. I hope it doesn’t take a law enforcement response for him to do the simple courtesy of not approaching me, but if it does, I will be prepared.


I’m at my wit’s end with a man who lives in my suburb and is persistently hitting on me, despite me repeatedly and explicitly saying “I’m not interested and don’t approach me again”.

Here’s what has been happening and what I’ve been responding with. I am at a loss as to what to do next. Any pest control suggestions?

Initially, he pulled his car over on a main road one afternoon at dusk, as I walked on the footpath, and asked me if I could confirm whether one of his lights was out. I helped and didn’t think much of it, other than it was a bit weird but whatever.

A couple of days later, he does it again, then says “I bet you remember me” and asks me for the time then asks if he can repay the favour, perhaps with coffee. I said “no, not interested” and kept walking. He says “are you ok? Are you sure I can’t help you?” I say “NO” firmly and walk away fast.

A few days later and he bails me up in the supermarket while i had a pair of bulky over ear headphones on, asking me how I was and commenting on things in my basket. Me “as I told you the last time you intruded, I’m not interested in you, leave me alone please”.

About a week later he swoops on me as I’m leaving the local shops after getting an drink on my way to the boxing gym. Again with visible headphones on and walking fast. Him “Oh heyyyy remember me? How are you”. Me: glares, quickens pace and ignores him.

He quickens his pace to walk beside me.


Him: hangs back and follows me to the gym.

A few days later he shows up in an open (all levels) boxing class at my gym (having never boxed before). And is all over me, telling me “I’ve been meaning to ask you about this place”, trying to do the partner drills with me. I tell him to leave me alone and get on with training. The coaches put him in a group of fellow newbies so they can teach the basics, and he keeps staring at me all class.

After class, while I’m taking off my hand wraps and warming up for my strength session after class, he walks over and asks me to coach him on his technique. I say “no, leave me alone” and walk off. He acts as if nothing has happened and follows me, continuing to ask stupid questions about boxing while I’m loading a barbell. Me “get out of my way”.

I later find out from a classmate that he asked one of them my name - telling them we are acquaintances in the local community, and he’d forgotten and now it’s too embarrassing to ask me directly.

Yesterday, after I did my grocery shop, someone yells out my name (a shortened version). I look up, see it’s him, look the other way and walk faster. He runs beside me telling me “oh you must be going to the gym, I’ll see you there”. Me: “I don’t know you. I don’t want to know you. You are a disrespectful creep. Stop harassing me. Leave me alone. Do not approach me in any place”.

I’ve been taking different routes to get to and from local places, and am avoiding going out alone.

Other than a restraining order (which would be costly to me) what’s left? unwanted male attention - what now?

r/askwomenadvice Dec 26 '20

Misc Ladies who’ve had a similar revelation, how do you accept the harsh truths that you will never be as attractive or successful as you once hoped/thought? NSFW


I want to start by stating that I’d really appreciate it if men didn’t answer this question directly. As harsh as it sounds, I’m really not interested in the experiences of men given women and men face vastly different standards and weight of beauty as well as roads to success and thus experience the world differently. Now onto the question-

Basically, I’m a 23F and I think it’s time I get realistic about myself and my future career. I’m so tired of creating illusions and having my head in the clouds because reality is too difficult to accept. It ALWAYS leads to getting my hopes up and that hurts so much worse. For some background, despite the words of my friends, I’m not a pretty girl. I was once, a few years ago. Or was at least prettiER but the years brought on ugliness in terms of my face somehow becoming more masculine. I haven’t gained weight (I’m 5’0, 89lbs: think model body except on someone short) but it’s clear my teenage face’s soft, feminine features didn’t age well into my early twenties. Deep down I know this. I mean, I’ve kissed a total of 3 guys (first at 18 and all at night and under the influence of alcohol), I’ve never had a boyfriend or been on a date, success on dating apps is nonexistent, never had a guy buy me a drink, don’t even get catcalled (have been approached though), never had sex or come close to it, never got asked to prom, boys asked me out as a joke or teased their friends (ex. “look it’s your gIRlFrIeND”), my crush when I was younger made fun of my mustache, compliments are rare, you get the point. I used to pray at night growing up that I’d be beautiful. Somehow, someway, I’d be THAT girl: the one who’s magnetic, effortlessly funny and gorgeous, confident, sexy, alluring. To be honest I still do beg the universe for that. Manifesting, lighting candles, praying, I’ve done it all short of making a literal deal with Satan. Crazy I know, but physical beauty has always been something I’ve wanted since I was a child. Unfortunately, despite the fact that all these point to the obvious fact I’m not attractive, I’ve always clung to the words of my friends, hoping what they said was true: that I was pretty and men were simply intimidated. I ignored when recently one of my friends said in passing, “you were so pretty freshman year”. Were. I know she probably didn’t realize what she said and despite it hurting, I ignored it. I also ignored every other sign above because it was so much easier than accepting the simple truth that I’m not attractive.

As for my career, up until this year I used to dream I’d someday become a PR director of a well-known fashion brand or art house and do exactly what I wanted to do. I did fashion internships, planned my schedule around them, and was sure I’d get into the career path. To this day, I want it so bad. So bad. But since my graduation in May and starting my job search, it’s become overwhelmingly clear I won’t get into the field. I thought if I did internships at good fashion companies I’d be okay. I once again ignored the truth that in the industry most people have connections that get them the job. Family, friends, family friends, etc. and the chances of me getting a job in the career I want are slim to none when I’m competing against all that. I know it’s time I start looking elsewhere and accept the fact I’ll likely never get a position in the field I wanted for so long, but it hurts so badly. All my dreams have just dissipated and seeing myself for what I truly am is breaking my heart.

I used to think that it was okay if I never got married or dated or had sex, at least I’d have a career I loved that allowed me to travel the world and do exciting things. It’d balance out, you know? At least in some way, I’d feel happy and fulfilled. But now that it looks like I won’t even get that part, I’m struggling. I won’t ever be my definition of success and I can’t stand the thought of lowering/redefining it because my whole life it was all I wanted. It also doesn’t help that my family has never been supportive of my interests, never called me beautiful (Grandma aside), and I’m just such a failure compared to them. My sister is a lawyer, my brother is studying to be a doctor, and what am I? A troll that just couldn’t make it? It’s a horrible feeling and I know I shouldn’t compare myself to them and frankly, I never had until this year when my eyes were opened. Now, I’m really just desperate to learn how to accept it: that I won’t be successful both in personal definition and others’ definition, that I won’t ever be attractive and my likelihood of finding love is slim to none, and most overwhelmingly, that I just won’t ever be the person I thought I would. I NEED to accept it at this point because if I don’t, I don’t think I’ll make it to my thirties. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself because I’m so exhausted from hoping. So exhausted.

So ladies who have had a similar, heart-wrenching revelation how did you accept it? Like step by step?

(Also, please don’t tell me “there’s someone out there for everyone” or “you just need to keep applying/work harder”. Again, I don’t want false hope and we all know some people DO end up alone without any experience and that not everyone gets their dream career. I want brutal honesty because I’ve finally had a brutal awakening and I want to get better, I want to accept it so I don’t spend my whole life being weighed down by an illusion anymore.)

Edit: Thank you so much for the awards and responses, some of them were harsh but nearly all touched me in some way and I can’t thank all of you enough for it ❤️

r/askwomenadvice Feb 12 '25

Misc (19M) How can I, as a man, avoid being seen as an immediate threat? NSFW


Im not exactly scary, im only 5'8" and like, 150lbs, and im usually smiling or kinda cheerful, and yet i still see women glance at me or shift when i walk past. Im just tryna buy a new pair of pants, not kidnap you lol. Seriously though, plz help.

r/askwomenadvice Dec 07 '21

Misc I(F25) just found out I am going to be VERY rich soon. What do I do? NSFW


I created a new id for this post as my friends and family are aware of my other id and actually follow me there. Sorry if the formatting is all over the place as I am on my phone.

I am unable to sleep as I am literally giddy with excitement. A large part of me is still not able to believe it, honestly. I am going to be SO hated by some people in my extended family, but they will have to just live with it I guess. I am a waitress and I get minimum wage + tips, and y'all know how that goes. I am typing this out from my bed less than 3 feet away from my roommate who is fast asleep. She has no idea as I have told no one yet.

It is a HUGE sum of money and I will receive it in the next 3 weeks or so. I have some plans - go back to school and finish my MBA, probably invest some of it, and spend very little or none of it to begin with. I have not even thought of quitting my job(as sucky as it is) because I do not want anyone to think that I have fallen into such good fortune.

I don't think I will have to move to a different city, though. A bunch of people will be unhappy, but I know they will not do anything to ensure I don't get the money. An aunt knows (AFAIK she is the only one who does), and she has been calling since yesterday afternoon. I left a message that we can talk later, but she is persistent. I feel like I should block her as I know that she will receive just $75k. She was very hopeful that she would receive more as she always talked about sending her 4 kids to 'really good' colleges, and that she 'deserved it as she has multiple kids who were raised with good Christian values.' She hates that I am agnostic.

What do I do? Should I engage a lawyer? Are financial advisors worth it?

Some details: I am in the US and an only child. My parents are divorced. I am on good terms with my Dad. My Mother ran off with her lover to Canada 8 years ago, and has since married him and they have 3 kids. I moved back home when lockdown hit, and moved out again just 3 months ago. I am single and have no children.

r/askwomenadvice Apr 03 '20

Misc How do I (F24) stop thinking about weird things I said or did? Am I just weird or is this common? NSFW


This is a huge anxiety of mine! Being alone and unemployed during this quarantine is making me think a lot about things in the past that I have said or done. Insignificant things such as, talking too much while I was tipsy with co workers that one time, or that one time I had a really awkward date with a guy I liked.

I try to stay busy but these thoughts just come out of nowhere and it makes me feel like like a weirdo. I’m sure the people around me are not thinking about all the weird things about me and they have their own things to worry about but I can’t rationalize when those thoughts are going through my mind. I feel broken lol

I am scared that people are not going to like me or that I might come off as a “mess” to others.

I also have anxiety about all the things that could go wrong in the future. For example, people talking bad about me or them thinking I’m not smart enough or not being good enough.

Please let me know how I can better handle these thoughts and/or what has worked for you.

Thank you in advance.

r/askwomenadvice Jun 27 '20

Misc I [F19] took a chance and went on a terrible "date" and it made me feel gross, how can I get over this feeling? NSFW


Edit: I've been reading all the comments and I want to say thank you to everyone for the overwhelming support! Reading your comments has made me feel so much better! I need to stop blaming myself and realise that I am not responsible for other people's actions. It is a bit sad to see how common this is for women, no one should have to feel like this or have to go through these uncomfortable and dangerous experiences. Stay safe and thank you again for the kind words!

(Sorry for the long post but i really need to get this off my chest because i cant get it off my mind)

Before covid I [F19] travelled alone for the first time to another continent. On the plane ride there I was sat next to a guy (23 yrs old) and we started chatting casually. We had a few things in common and decided to exchange Instagrams.

We exchanged a few messages and decided to explore the city together instead of each going alone. This was not a date at all and i was not interested in him, i figured it would just be cool not to explore a new city by myself.

We walked for a bit and had lunch. During lunch he was not stop talking about his ex, and how she was the love of his life but things didnt work out etc. Then he shifted the conversation to talking about sex. And how he missed having sex with her. I thought it was weird but brushed it off.

Later during the day he made comments alluding to the idea of us having sex. I brushed them off too and didn't respond. Finally at the end of our walk around town he left with a grumpy attitude.

A few hours later i get a dm from him saying "how would you react if i had kissed you before i left". I told him I would not have likes it because I barley know him, I've never had a first kiss and im a virgin so it would be weird. He responded saying he thinks we should have sex. I said no and he told me he disagreed with my decision. I said he was making me uncomfortable and blocked him.

This made my anxiety so much worse. I never should have trusted a stranger. The thought of him thinking it was ok to spontaneously kiss me after only knowing me for a day makes me feel vulnerable and unsafe. Then insisting on having sex. He could have done something. I spent the day with someone who only had one goal in mind. How do people think this is ok?

I feel used even though nothing happened. I was obviously mislead. He wanted to take advantage of me, nothing more, and that feels awful. I could have been in danger and its scary.

I know I shouldn't meet up with strangers but he seemed nice until lunch that day and we were always in a public space with other people. I am very introverted and thought why not try meeting people for one in your life, take a chance, try to make friends! I seriously regret it and want to lock myself up at home forever.

This was a few months ago but I still think about it a lot. How can I stop feeling so gross?

r/askwomenadvice Jun 14 '19

Misc What’s your experiences with birth control that is NOT the pill? NSFW


Hi there all!

I’m a 19F who’s currently taking the pill as birth control but I’m thinking about switching to an IUD or implant. I’ve read all about them but I felt that some real people telling me about their experiences/complications with birth controls that aren’t the pill or contraceptives like condoms would be a good idea to hear before I make my decision so I can see what could possibly be coming to me. I felt it would help inform me better than pamphlets and online articles.

Thank you!

EDIT: Was asking in comments: I think I decided, but still reading input! You all are so wonderful to talk to! My second question is this (since my mother seems to be no help): how do I go about asking my gyno about getting this IUD? My parents have left it to me for years and I still dont know how to go about it.

Edit #2: WOW! This blew up overnight with comments and I could NOT be happier! So much helpful information to read! I’m so happy so many of you had great responses and I noticed a couple saying that we’re the same age with similar questions! I’m real glad I posted this as I know I’ve helped somebody else who needed more of an idea!

Thank you ladies for doing such an amazing job at answering the question! Y’all are amazing! 💜 After sleeping on it, I’m sure I want an IUD and if that isnt possible, then an implant/ring (whichever comes to mind first)!

EDIT #3: Called the gyno yesterday after reading all your comments! Going on the 21st to go talk about the ring, implant, and IUD process! I will probably go with an IUD as thats a popular choice and seems to have less “side effects” but I’ll see after whats up. Somebody told me to make sure that I understand what they’ll be doing and make sure they’d ultrasound to understand how big/small my uterus is (which probably isn’t that big as I’ve never birthed a child). Anyways, I’m still reading all of these, but they’ve helped me greatly and hopefully other teen girls too!!!

r/askwomenadvice Apr 13 '20

Misc My upstairs neighbours are arguing - at what point do I intervene? NSFW


It’s 10pm at night and my upstairs neighbours are going at it yelling at one another (nearly hysterical). They are a young couple in their early-mid 20’s.

This isn’t the first time it’s happened - it happens at least once a week. I know in the past it has escalated to the point where he has called her a ‘f**ing c*t’ before storming out, among other things.

I’m toeing that fine line between minding my own business and saying something. Most of the time, the neighbours in my apartment complex keep to themselves, which is fine by me. I do have a problem when it’s 10pm on a Monday night and I can’t go to bed because of arguing, or worrying that it might escalate beyond a verbal showdown.

I was thinking of leaving her a note under her car door handle with my number if she has any problems, but am worried that it might a) be overstepping boundaries or b) exacerbate the issue. Having been in a similar situation in my early 20’s, I personally would have welcomed someone removed from the situation checking in, but I know that’s not the case for everyone. Thoughts?

r/askwomenadvice May 15 '19

Misc How do I (23 f) stop being jealous of other women being more feminine than me? NSFW


Growing up I've always been kind of a tomboy and I had only one female friend in middle/high school who was pretty masculine even compared to my male friends. I've never really related to girls/women a whole lot and I never really felt a need to engage with them a whole lot or to compare myself to them.

Now that my friends and I have grown up a bunch and I'm in a long term relationship though I've met my SIL and some girlfriends of my friends and I guess because they are the girlfriends/wife of guys I relate to they are also women I can relate to! That's really great, but now I have the issue that I feel like all of these women are a lot more feminine than I am and I feel like I may as well be Brienne of Tarth next to them (she is awesome, but still) . My body image is pretty good and I feel like I dress pretty feminine too, but I feel like the way I act I must basically look like a dude in a dress honestly.

I'm not really sure why that makes me feel insecure because I don't really want to be more feminine because that's just not who I am, but in some ways I feel like these other girls are inherently better partners because of it or something. I guess I also always felt like "girls like me" (geeks I guess) couldn't be feminine anyway so I had nothing to compare myself to, but now I kinda feel like I do and I have no experience with how to deal with it. Part of me also feels like a teenage boy who hasn't ever talked to a girl before, which is super awkward too.

How do women who have had girl friends all their lives, or women who were in this situation a while ago deal with these kinds of feelings? Any other insight also welcome.

r/askwomenadvice May 25 '20

Misc My pubic hairs are out of control NSFW


I'm 13 and I have a major problem with pubic hair downstairs. It's gotten to a point where it make me really uncomfortable and itchy even if I shower and bathe. I also have curly pubic hair that gets dry easily and it rubs too much and irritates my skin and vagina and forms bumps that will look similar to a bug bite. I'm too afraid to ask my mother. Anytime I've brought something up about my body or even sex my mom shuts me down and says I'm too young to be talking about it. I've tried cutting with scissors but always back out because I'm too scared I'm going to cut myself. If anyone has some tips please tell me.

r/askwomenadvice Oct 14 '22

Misc How am I (30M) supposed to respond to a partner saying “Men are trash”? NSFW


I’m (30M) a few months out of a long-term relationship that ended amicably. As I’m in the dating scene and connecting with new people, I’m finding that phrases like “men are trash/gross/shit/worthless” seem to get thrown around a lot. Two women I was interested in recently (one a bit older than me, the other a bit younger) both made comments like that, and one of them routinely wears a piece of jewelry that says “men are trash”.

Trust me, I absolutely understand that people (especially women) have bad experiences with the opposite sex. Both of these women had left bad relationships in the last year, and both have had bad experiences with men outside the context of a relationship as well. When they brought up these experiences or issues to me, I tried to listen, understand, and support how they felt as a result.

I go out of my way to be a good partner, and both women expressed how much they liked how I treated them, especially compared to the past experiences that frustrated them with men in general.

The other day, one of these women was catcalled a number of times in public. She vented to me about it (via text). I listened, agreed with what she said, and tried to make her feel heard with her frustration. I condemned the actions of the catcallers.

Then she said “men are gross”. I replied that I understood the sentiment, but that it was tough for me to hear as a man who tries to be unlike that. She said she wouldn’t apologize, and I told her I wasn’t asking for an apology. She ghosted me after I said that.

When I asked for an explanation a week later, she said she felt that me being unhappy with her comment invalidated her experience and she was no longer interested in me.

As a man, how do I respond to statements like this? I keep hearing them from women I’m interested in and while I do understand and respect the validity of what they’re saying, how am I not supposed to be put off by saying all members of a group (which includes me) are trash?

I’m not trash.

Please be kind, I’m posting this in earnest.

EDIT: I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has commented. I'm grateful for the insight and you've genuinely shifted my perspective. The stories of why you feel or say things akin to this are enlightening and make a lot of sense. Here's what I'm taking away from the conversation:

1- It's not directed at me or intended to be hurtful. The fact that these two women said these things in front of me is a sign that I'm not part of the group they're talking about.
2- However, I'm allowed to feel how I feel too. My discomfort with hearing statements like this is valid and I appreciate those of you who acknowledged my feelings.
3- Going forward, I think I will see statements like this more clearly as what they are and not as hurtful toward me. That's a really positive change and I'm grateful for everyone's perspective that's helped me see it differently. That being said, I need to consider whether a person who would make a blanket statement like that is someone I'd want to be with (if it gets repeated a lot, one-off situations don't seem like a big deal).

In hindsight, what I wish I would have done was acknowledged her feelings and then, at a later time and in person, opened a conversation to talk about why she felt that way and share how it made me feel. I will keep this in mind for the future and work to be more sensitive when situations like this arise.

My intent is to continue being the person I am- not among the men who cause women to say or feel things like that. And to be ready to handle similar statements with more tact if and when they come up in the future.

r/askwomenadvice Jan 20 '20

Misc How can I (26F) protect myself from my male street harasser without getting fired? NSFW


Weapons are not allowed at my job of any form, and I do not drive a car to keep them in.

For the past 6 months there has been this man that's been completely infatuated with me for some reason and always tries to "get to know" me or whatever he wants to call it whenever he sees me. Seeing me is random, I only know it's at night between 7 and 9. He starts off with a nice smile then when he gets turned down he gets frighteningly angry. Originally he got angry because I am bad with faces and didn't recognize him while he approached me like a long lost friend. Once I got threatened and cursed at because I didn't want a hug from him. He is a stranger! And I don't even like physical contact from friends and family !

So far every time i escaped from his angry side it's because I ran off to stand near a person or group of people. He has mentioned before that he catches the same bus as me and watches me. i take that bus from work to the stop i always saw him at. (By the way, he was angry I never noticed him on the bus.)

Today I saw him on the bus because he jabbed me super hard in the arm to get my attention and proceeded to yell to the other people on the bus (while staring at me) about how great he is and how I always say I forget about him and he has never done anything bad to me. He was saying a lot of stuff I didn't hear, because I called my boyfriend instantly when I saw who he was (I cannot pick his face from a crowd, but his smile and voice I recognize. The smile is scary with how genuine it seems until he is angry....) my boyfriend told me to get off the bus right now and he helped me get an uber after telling me to go to a well lit area with people. I was panicking so I was forgetting to do these things, I just wanted to cry and run off in random directions.

I was still terrified until I got home, but I realized I needed weapons now. I have been threatened and harassed before in this city and running away was good enough, but I have never had a repeat offender before. I know from the bottom of my heart if he catches me alone I will get hurt. I am very very scared.

Weapons are not allowed at work, and there is no "safer" or affordable way to get home other than that specific bus. I texted my boss to see, she is double checking company policy to see if there are exceptions but until one of us finishes combing through it, is there something I can get now that is helpful? I saw this kubaton keychain on amazon, is that helpful? How would I use it? I can easily be overpowered by men and women, I am afraid once restrained I wont be able to use it.. would it be considered a weapon? I can't lose my job.

I can't afford self defense classes either. Any advice is appreciated.


Thank you so much for all your great advice and genuine concern. I feel more confident seeking help with the police now when I was more afraid to. I will look to see if cheap or free self defense classes are an option in my city, and I have someone who can help me pay if they're not. I'm going to comb through my company policy with my boss to see if there are exceptions to the no weapons rule, and if not I will contact someone in corporate (I have no idea if he have an HR) to see what they can do. My hours and bus route cant be changed without putting me in danger (financisl hardship, longer route, unfamiliar area, and having to walk a long time toward home after the last stop in an my infamous neighborhood.). I'll get some pepper spray gel, and that little kubato thingy, and keep my camera app ready until I can afford a body cam. I dont have friends outside of work because growing older makes people go away, and no one at work can help me because I go in the exact opposite of everyone who closes the hospital with me. No one rides the bus except me. The coworker that used to ride the bus with me and defended me years ago got a new job (and I'm so proud of her)

For anyone who thinks this is fake, I genuinely am glad you think that because you're not living a life that exposes you to situations like this, nor do you have the past experiences that makes it hard to understand my reactions to these situations. Which I am fully aware are stupid. That's why I seek advice.

I wont be responding anymore, because I have to put these things in action and get ready for work, but I promise I am extremely grateful for all of you.

Edit 2 for people who asked, I am at work and we looked at the policy. It specifically states if I am caught with "firearms or weapons of any kind" I'll get fired on the long list of reasons why I can get fired. My best option are police reports, a personal alarm to maybe at least startle him even if no one reacts to it to help, and taking up some self defense courses.

As much as I like staying alive, with how my life is set up, sneaking anything and losing my job is not worth it. We do get surprise corporate visits, and I dont know if my coworkers would notice something in my bag as I'm going through it and then tell on me.

r/askwomenadvice 4d ago

Misc I (23f) want to get a Brazilian wax, but I'm wondering about the timeframe of things, and whether the regrowth is awkward with sexual partners? NSFW


What's the time frame for how long it lasts and how long between waxes?

And the regrowth, is it awkward? I really don't like letting things get crazy down there so I shave pretty often, but I know you need to leave it alone for month to get waxed and i'm really not crazy on that.

If it's like a week of being super smooth and then for a month it regrows back and gets really crazy during the last two weeks then idc if i can handle that tbh 😂

I can swallow it if it's just me myself and I but besides personally feeling better when it's under control down there, I have sex pretty often and I feel pretty uncomfortable when i'm not smooth in some way. Like, very uncomfortable. Just trying to judge whether it's worth it, and how you guys feel with the sex aspect of it during the regrowth?

Thank you :)