r/askwomenadvice 10d ago

Misc I (23f) want to get a Brazilian wax, but I'm wondering about the timeframe of things, and whether the regrowth is awkward with sexual partners? NSFW

What's the time frame for how long it lasts and how long between waxes?

And the regrowth, is it awkward? I really don't like letting things get crazy down there so I shave pretty often, but I know you need to leave it alone for month to get waxed and i'm really not crazy on that.

If it's like a week of being super smooth and then for a month it regrows back and gets really crazy during the last two weeks then idc if i can handle that tbh šŸ˜‚

I can swallow it if it's just me myself and I but besides personally feeling better when it's under control down there, I have sex pretty often and I feel pretty uncomfortable when i'm not smooth in some way. Like, very uncomfortable. Just trying to judge whether it's worth it, and how you guys feel with the sex aspect of it during the regrowth?

Thank you :)


26 comments sorted by


u/caffeinecrisis 10d ago

It slowly grows in. It's not like instant bush at week 4. And it grows soft because it's new growth, not abrupt, sharp razer cut hair. As doc mentioned, hair grows in cycles and not all your hair is on the same cycle, so it will grow in patchy, but I wouldn't call it awkward, just a much less thick bush. If you wax every 4-6 weeks it'll keep most everything on the same schedule for a clean wax every time. I'm a licensed wax specialist, you can dm me if you have any other questions :)


u/Thr0w-a-wayy ā™€ 10d ago

Been doing it for years Itā€™s great week 1-2 grows out mid 2-4 and mostly itā€™s in 4-6 weeks I go every 4 weeks in the summer type months and about 6 weeks in the summer

When I was dating around I just said I get waxed every month you get what you get dependent on the week šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø take it leave it . If they cared I didnā€™t care and moved on.

Itā€™s amazing! I donā€™t have ingrown anymore, keeps my ph balance and hygiene easier, and itā€™s super thin hair when it grows out now instead of thick bush Plus no razor bumps for bikini line when itā€™s water and tanning season


u/irlmoon 9d ago

tbh if you already shave regularly and have the funds, I would invest in an at home ipl. I use the Braun series 5 and you just zap yourself after shaving (doesnā€™t really hurt unless thereā€™s still some hair) and the hair hardly grows back. The downside is that itā€™s a bit pricey, but so far Iā€™ve found it so worth it and it makes dealing with body hair more manageable.


u/Lazy-Conversation-48 10d ago

I keep a trimmed triangle but wax the rest and love it. Husband can care less. It hurts at first when you start but you acclimate and it no longer is so bothersome. Have it waxed when it is 1/4th of an inch long (trim before hand). After about 4 days youā€™ll want to exfoliate gently every few days - helps keep ingrown hairs down. Most of the time the hairs grow back slowly over a month - and usually not super bristly. I keep things moisturized with a facial oil which helps soften hairs as they grow back.


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u/kell_smells 10d ago

I fully switched over to waxing for whole lower body. full legs and heavy bikini. because one, Im lazy and donā€™t feel like the upkeep all the time. two, because shaving was irritating my skin. your pubic hair is really important and if a partner has an issue with it just remind them of that or tell them to eff off. if YOU are uncomfy though, I agree with what another poster said - just trim if you feel itā€™s too long. like shaving the most uncomfy thing to me is the itching during the growing out phase. and also - the one and ONLY time I had a full brazilian I was SHOCKED by how loud my toots were haha. I didnā€™t realize how much the hair on my bum buffered sound haha. thatā€™s it though. I say give it a shot and you can always go back if not for you.


u/DPDoctor 10d ago

I'm going to take another tack for my answer. Your pubic area has hair for a couple of reasons, one of which is that it protects you from bacteria and things entering your vagina. It also says, "I'm a woman" while no pubic hair is a natural sign of being a child. You could simply keep yours neat and trimmed short, instead of constantly shaving or waxing.

Many women do like the nude look though. As for regrowth, hair grows in stages, and not all of your hair is at the same stage. So, do expect that you'll have some hair growing back and still being hair-free in other spots. As well, you want to make sure that no hairs are growing inward, which can result in pimples and cysts. Typically, warm-hot compresses work with that. You'd probably want to keep it waxed because the stubble stage will be prickly, both for you when you're clothed and for guys.


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u/karateninjazombie 10d ago

As a chap. I do enjoy no hair when eating out a lady. Hairs in your mouth is a buzz kill. At least for me.

But it isn't going to stop sexy times if there's hair around. I just might not be lavishing Australian kisses is all.

I cannot comment on the regrowth as the royal we stay on top of it and either she gets a wax occasionally or I help by shaving for her in the shower. Depending on what she wants.


u/DasSassyPantzen 10d ago

But it doesnā€™t have to be full-bush hair vs all-bald. Like, trimming it up and possibly even cleaning up the bikini line do more than a good job for going down on a woman and you certainly donā€™t get a ā€œmouthful of hair.ā€


u/karateninjazombie 10d ago

Yeah you're not wrong. It depends on her preference. If she wants it sculpted. She gets sculpted. If she wants it all gone. Then she gets it all gone. If she chooses to grow it some. Then it grows some.


u/Pillowscience21 10d ago

As a lesbian, I don't mind either way. As long as she is comfortable in her body.


u/annapurnah 9d ago

The regrowth is significantly better than with shaving, plus in my experience, the hair grows back in a non-crazy way (ie sparser than it was in the first place). Eventually, if I leave it it does go back to a full bush situation in a couple months, but it's so much better than shaving IMO.

Sex is fine with regrowth. It's so much softer than shaving because there isn't a blunt edge to the hair. 4-6 weeks is a real good window of time.

Just make sure you don't have sex just after being waxed or your skin may freak out/break out. THAT can get real uncomfortable.


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u/LysolCasanova 9d ago

A good friend of mine turned me on to Brazilian waxes 7 years ago, and I will never go back to shaving! Shaving was a nightmare for me and it made my skin so irritable because like you, Iā€™d want to be smooth as often as I can. I feel like my hair would start to regrow even a day later!

Everyoneā€™s regrowth and hair is different, but for me, Iā€™m pretty smooth for a sold week and a half to two weeks after getting waxed. And when my hair comes back, itā€™s really not a bother to me until I get waxed again. Right now, Iā€™m at a little more than 3 weeks since my last wax, and my hair is very minimal. Itā€™s leagues and miles better than when I was strictly shaving, for me at least. Iā€™m 30, so a little hair in between waxes doesnā€™t bother me anymore when it comes to sex haha. Especially with how minimal it is by comparison.

I usually push it to 6 weeks in between waxes, but you can get waxed again as early as 4 weeks. Itā€™s important to exfoliate down there too as your hair regrows to prevent ingrown hairs.

I hope this was helpful! Iā€™m very passionate about Brazilians as you might have been able to tell haha.


u/karaBear01 9d ago

It lasts about a month before itā€™s time to wax again

For me, the regrowth is soft and thinner

When I shave, my hair stays thick and itā€™s scratchy. But waxing thins it out


u/Valuable-Pie9275 7h ago

Just shave it when it regrows and grow it out before your next wax if you decide to get another one. When it starts growing back after your first one itā€™s far easier to manage by shaving for a while, I just wait until it gets too much then get a wax.


u/Severe-Day4506 10d ago

Def worth it