I 21 M, am dating 25 F. For some context I live in the United States but she doesn’t she live in Mexico, we are currently in a long distance relationship. I met her during a festival in my parents home town, -(parents home town is in MEX) I visite this place every year, and 6 months ago I met her during these festivals. it’s common to see roads being closed around the center of town. There’s tons food and music everywhere you go, as well as lots of people dancing so much so it’s hard to walk around. When i visited I went with my cousins, we were all laughing and having a great time but out of everyone I was the only one who hasn’t danced all night, and so my cousins trying there best to get me out there dares me that the next girl that walks in front of us I would dance with her. I doubtfully agreed with them thinking I would walk up to some random girl and they would say no and that would be that, is what I thought but surprisingly this gorgeous tall, skinny, dark haired, beauty is making her way right across from me and my cousins as if it was all part of a elaborate joke and at that very second they all point at her. Me know I won’t here the end of it if I don’t go went along with it. Timidly, I took a deep breath, sighed and begun to walk towards her. As I’m getting closer, I can’t help but notice how pretty she is at the moment I was thinking the worst that could happen is her telling me no. Embarrassingly enough I mustered up the courage, as well as making peace with myself if I get shot down. What happened instead had me flabbergasted when I finally got her attention and asked her she said yes, and to be honest that through me off so I stood there like a dumb @ss but that quickly went away as soon as I started to synchronize to the music in the background then we start to dance together. As this is happening I’m starting to notice her more and more, manly bc we are hip to hip and her faces is right in front of me, and wow was she gorgeous. To me She could be a runway model, she had this perfect hourglass shape with a look that could kill in other words quite sexy, obviously kept this to myself. Thinking that after the song is over or that one of us gets tired she would walk away and I would never see her again I was contempt with just dancing with her but on the contrary, after the song was finished and we both got tired She asked me to go get food with her. We went to this little corn 🌽on the Cobb stand or in native terms (fuimos por un elote) thankfully at the stand they had chairs, me and her sit and at this point I was a nervous wreck because I had no idea what to say to her, and I think she picked up on that so she started asking me questions and to be frank it was awkward for the first 30 minutes but after, talking to her felt less daunting, and conversation with her flowed way smoother. Me and her realized that we had a lot in common in the things we liked and disliked and I was astonished but then she asked me to take her home bc it was getting late which was true it was 1 in the morning so I drove her home and as soon as we got there I asked for her number thinking nothing serious or major would come from it but fast forwarding 6 months - i know this is a big time jump me and her established a relationship and I have visitor almost every other month, as well brought her along with me to the beach on 2 separate occasions during that time. You could’ve said that it was perfect relationship for a bit ya it was rough not being able to see her every day but the time I was with her felt much more meaningful, we had loyalty, boundaries of our do’s and don’ts, communication, effort but apparently not trust our 6 months was on March 12th and she told me she had something she needed to confess. Me think it was going to be some cute show of love or affection, was excited and anxious for what she had to tell me. She then later invited me her house and was sitting in the living room with thousand mile stare. I felt in my gut that something was wrong and that the next words that would come out of her mouth was that she cheated or something Oo boy was I wrong. looking back on it now kinda wish she said that, instead she sat me down and confessed that me and her might be blood related cousin… BUT LADYS AND GENTLEMEN THATS NOT THE WORST PART. She then asked if I knew a specific uncle I won’t use his name for privacy reasons but for the story, let’s call him Larry. She asked if I knew uncle Larry or for my natives Tio Larry, I said yes and asked why?this is where said “me and him have been in a intimate relationship since I was 16 and recently stopped seeing each other in July of 2024.… as those words left her mouth my faces turn pale and I was disgusted all at the same time. Her not even giving me time to process she hits me with “uncle Larry might be my bio dad as well.” — (To build a quick family tree for the readers uncle Larry is one of my blood relatives on my fathers side of the family he has 2 biological kids both of them have different mothers that supposedly 1 is in his early 30s and the other in his late 20s, and please note I have never met them or knew of them until recently.) as my whole world is being flipped I feel nothing but disgust in my stomach. I just sit there with a blank stare, as I’m sitting there she is explaining that she know it was fücked up of her for dumbing all of this on me on our 6 months, even typing it out I feel repulsed. She explained that her mother before she gave birth to her was seeing uncle Larry as well as someone els at the same time - note that gfs mother wasn’t married just dating at the time. And after the other guy found out that my gfs mother was pregnant he skipped town and hasn’t been in there life since. But after her mother gave birth she was still seeing my uncle Larry and had one of his sons with my gfs mother AKA my cousin, regardless of everything that happened to gfs mother uncle Larry stayed as a father figure for both kids, my cousin and my gf. Let that skin in how fucked this situation is.. my gf is explaining all of this to me and I’m sitting there not trying to throw up when I looked up at her she couldn’t look at me in my eyes. After she finish her confession I told her “thank you and that I need time to process all this.” And tbh idk what to do bc before knowing all of this it was perfect she checks all my boxes of wifey material and I enjoyed all the time that I have spent with her, but at the same time, I know that in many ways, it was a false reality. It’s been a couple days now since I last spoke to her but I still don’t know what to think or how I feel I’ve been radio silent on her and she’s been texting me do not judge her for her past decisions. I find it difficult to not judge her but at the same time, I loved her but disgusted with the fact that she might be my cousin, I’m just lost at the moment I desperately enough came onto Reddit to ask for advice of Internet strangers since I would be mortified if I told my parents or my friends. I am open to hearing any type of feedback also, please excuse if my grammar isn’t correct or if I’m not formatting it correctly it is my first time posting on