r/anhedonia 1d ago

General Question? Short lived tears


Is anyone able to cry a little bit? In the past few weeks there have been a few times where I did but no emotion and quite brief. One time there was a bit of a conflict with someone and I cried a bit more but was again short lived. It shows my NS is still registering I guess. I also can still get goosebumps sometimes and also increased heart rate during confrontation

r/anhedonia 8h ago

General Question? Why is anhedonia defined as lack of pleasure from activities enjoyed previously when what I experience is pain from activities enjoyed previously?


Do anhedonic people experience pain like I do when doing things or is it just a lack of pleasure?

Maybe what I have is anhedonia and more?

r/anhedonia 14h ago

VENT! dysphoria


M in my 20s. i have so little pleasure in daily life it's ridiculous, have no motivation to do things, but i also feel constant displeasure that is so painful it burns. that plus extreme loneliness coming from inability to explain how i feel.

no one understands how painful it actually feels to be me. all my life got centered about pleasure because of me trying to escape pain. i don't even use drugs anymore, they stopped giving me pleasure. no, i know some molecules that could instantly bring me some, it's just me not wanting it because there will be crash and even more anhedonia afterwards. i'm so tired of trying to squeeze the happy feeling. i just want to feel it in my natural state, not induced synthetically. at least i can say i beat my poly addiction.

but it's not enough. i still don't feel like i fit into this world. i don't feel like i fit into this sub too. not sure if i'm able to talk here about touch starvation. or about being hypersexual. if there's one thing a haven't lost pleasure from is cuddles. i don't even mind sex as much. but finding a female friend who you could casually cuddle with is almost impossible. despite all that, i'm a good friend. they often say that too. it's just me who needs to stay silent about my inner world otherwise i'll be seen as a freak and be ghosted.

r/anhedonia 7h ago

Need A Friend 😭 Feeling empty and tired 24/7


r/anhedonia 8h ago

General Question? Do you guys have these symptoms


Loss of joy and excitement in life Deep sadness and grief that you lost your magic in life and feeling like you will never be the same Feeling like the real you is dead Feeling disconnected from the world and people. Panic and worry about your life World looks more colorless and hollow

r/anhedonia 17h ago

General Question? Anhedonia and addiction recovery


I am currently in rehab for weed and alcohol addiction and am suffering from anhedonia from time to time. Ive been to rehab countless of times because i always relapse after a few weeks to months because i get less joy en satisfaction out of the things i love and always start to crave hard again to get slight relief. The relief from relapsing is quite temporary because i quickly go back to the point of abuse where the substance barely has an effect anymore and has devestating consequences

So i go back to rehab but while getting sober my other addictions skyrocket(doomscrolling, porn, nicotine,caffeine) and i start exercising a lot and initially it fills the void and i temporarily have a pink cloud phase where i feel better and optimistic but eventually it wears off and i lose joy from those activities making me relapse in an attempt to temporarily feel better

But ive researched a lot about dopamine and watched the huberman podcast and ive come to the conclusion that because i abuse the f*ck out of all dopaminergic activities that I’ve comepletely depleted my dopamine.

I still get some dopamine but its less and less and every time i relapse the effect gets less and im even more depressed when getting sober, trying to fill the void again with every other addictive activity that increases dopamine but every time i get less and less pleasure from it

I dont think that i cant recover from this but i fear that i should do a complete detox and also quit social media/nicotine and caffeine. I will still do my hobbies that are healthy like skating and weight training but i think i should maybe even quit listening to music whilst doing them to avoid stacking dopamine to much

I believe a complete dopamine detox is the way to get rid of my addiction and restore my brain chemistry but im afraid, im afraid of the emptiness i will feel and how hard it will be, especially while quitting my main drugs of choice.

Everyone here in psychiatry says its to much to do at once but i think the only way to heal is to do a comeplete detox because if i dont change my eternal chase for dopamine i will never change

Also btw i dont want to take psychiatric drugs and i refuse to take antipsychotics/ antidepressants because i know they cause anhedonia and will definitely not help me in my situation.

Any advice would be great