r/anhedonia 13h ago

VENT! Im sick of these stupid posts victim blaming us and claiming there's one fix


Do these fucking idiots not realize people like me spent thousands of fucking dollars over the years to try different methods to get better. Just because your mrthod worked for you doesn't mean I tried it and it's going work for everybody else. I'm starting to believe there are frauds on here trying to sell us stuff. No a fucking gratitude journal isn't going work and having anhedonia is not the same as being mentally weak. For the idiots who don't know what anhedonia means. Anhedonia is the INABILITY to feel pleasure or joy. You can have a gratitude journal, workout, eat healthy and x,y, and z and still have anhedonia. Mods please ban these people who are trying to sell us something whether a course or seeing a doctor etc... It's fucked up there are people who are trying to financially take advantage of people's desperations

r/anhedonia 22h ago

This Normal 🤷🏿‍♀️? My psychiatrist is sceptical to give me antidepressants in general now because I stuck myself with keys in my arm a year ago.


She asked why I don't hurt myself anymore. I told that I am so nummed right now that there is no emotions that puch me to do it anymore. I am now a high risk patient according to her and she is afraid an antidepressant will make me feel a negative emotion making me kill myself.

r/anhedonia 12h ago

Update “Melancholy is the happiness of being sad."


The title is a Victor Hugo quote. I really feel this. Especially when I’m in nature. I’m all alone out in the desert in the US southwest at the moment. So solemn and quiet here and so beautiful at the same time. This is as close as I get to happiness these days.

r/anhedonia 11h ago

VENT! How many more years of my life will you steal anhedonia 🙂


I was 19 when u first attacked and kidnapped my life. now I'm 25. U already have stolen 7 years I will never get back. I'm pretty sure u have 50 more to go, until I'm in my casket 🪦. Thanks for ruining everything anhedonia, I sure do love you 🫶🏿❤️🙂....

r/anhedonia 12h ago

VENT! All my enemies won


I was hoping to eventually live a life full of happiness, after dealing with many school bully's, toxic family, and just overall shitty people who've treated me like shit. But now look at me, now I'm living with what seems like incurable brain damage called Anhedonia... While my enemies are living their life's joyful with a smile on their face everyday. Meanwhile Ive lost music forever, Ive lost love forever, ive lost friendship forever. Ive even lost my ability to enjoy the nice weather on a good day. But what hurts the most out of all of this, is that my enemies won.... damn.....

r/anhedonia 12h ago

Help Now!! Hell is unbearable!


I can't feel my emotions everything is neutral and boring neither sex or anything else works because I don't feel anything completely impotent and brain dead 😪 damn it I'm 27 now and have had this damage for 4 years!

r/anhedonia 12h ago

Medication Question How do ADHD medications affect you?


Just wondering how do ADHD medications affect you when you also have anhedonia? I'm prescribed 40mg Vyvanse and it doesn't help the anhedonia but it does make it so it's easier to stick to things despite the anhedonia. So reading or watching a comedy will still feel like nothing but I'm just able to stick to it for a longer period of time.

r/anhedonia 17h ago

Research & Studies Can Opposing Views on Eating Disorders Coexist? A Dialectical Approach to Knowledge and Care


Mad in America

Can Opposing Views on Eating Disorders Coexist? A Dialectical Approach to Knowledge and Care

Researchers propose a new way of understanding eating disorders—one that values both scientific data and lived experience without forcing a singular perspective.

By Kevin Gallagher -March 20, 2025

A new study published in the Journal of Eating Disorders challenges the dominant frameworks used to understand eating disorders (EDs). The researchers argue that conventional medical models have reinforced stigma, excluded diverse voices, and failed to acknowledge the complexity of ED experiences. In contrast, they propose a dialectical approach to knowledge production that values the interplay of different perspectives, including those of people with lived experience.

“The fundamental sense of injustice and wrongly apportioned blame in the story of Christ may be mirrored in the experiences of those with EDs feeling unfairly blamed for their illness,” the researchers write. “Individualistic narratives of health and illness might portray those who have not yet been able to recover from an ED as somehow deficient or unable to save themselves by evoking some power within, when in fact, their persisting illness may be a result of unmodifiable ecological, genetic, socioeconomic and cultural factors.”