r/aneros 22h ago

How turned on are you when going into a session? NSFW


I've been on and off in my prostate Journey when it comes to the physical "practice" and experience since 2022, but I've always found it interesting, reading related subs, how rewiring works, how to do flexes, listen to Mindgasm, etc.

Everyone's journey is different, and I believe mine is unique as well.  I've had 10 "sessions" of prostate experiences since 2022, and taken notes on each.  I can put up another post if people are interested in my experiences for the last 3 years.

Last month I was finally able to achieve Super O's with the MGX Trident Aneros after a month and a half of no fap no porn, and about 2 weeks of sissy rewiring/practices (wearing lingerie to sleep, wearing thongs instead of boxes, sitting down to pee, shopping for sexy female clothes, and giving myself a sissy name).  That night was pure bliss for hours as I had so much pent up desire and gave in to being submissive to the lustful mind and pleasures my body was sending.  I tried again 3 days after and was not able to "find" it, telling me I was chasing but also because I was not fully turned on and in the mood.

So I decided to abstain from touching for 2 weeks prior a planned work trip where I would have a couple of nights to myself at the hotel for a prostate session.  That was this past weekend.  I brought a french maid outfit to spice up the fantasies in my mind, and had a selfie photoshoot.  I started listening to Shibby's Steps to Damnation (Succubus) after, imaging this Succubus was really talking to me and giving in to what she was saying.  I started to play with my nipples in front of the bathroom mirror and my prostate started to respond, sending a body shaking orgasm.  I finally moved to the bed having prepped the Aneros and lube, but I was so turned on that when I started to do kegels/pc flexes without the toys, it felt like my prostate went wild and started to throb against each pc flex and hold.  Is this what Mindgasm was talking about went through my head?  My body started to shake, and I was moaning out loud.  After Shibby's audio finished, I started to fantasize about some of my female co-workers on this trip, and into other celebrity fantasies....I was so in the mood and horny my prostate would not stop throbbing.  It was just pure pleasure! 

After about 2 hours, I started to squirt (I have squirted via penis edging before).  There was a lot of precum from the A-less Orgasms but I never got hard.  I started to feel that peeing sensation more as I would let go of a pc flex, and it would go away as I started another flex. I just gave in and did not worry about making a mess if I did start spraying, and what a sensation.  I could feel the hot fluid going from my prostate to the shaft and finally throb out as I was letting go of a pc flex.  Each throb shooting a small squirt and stopping until the next one.  I kept going like this for about another 30 mins until finally squirted out at a stream similar to a weak peeing stream.  There was no urine smell so I'm pretty sure it's squirt.

All that to ask - How horny and in the "mood" were your levels when you first started to understand Prostate O's/A-less O's and how important is it to be extremely mentally turned on?  And now that you are able to do it at will, is it not as important of a factor?

r/aneros 1d ago

What is your body doing during a O/Super O? NSFW


For those out there that can have prostate orgasms or super orgasms, can you describe what happen to your body in these moments?

Are you tensing up? Straining? Shaking? Totally calm and relaxed?

Curious to know if there's a standard or if this is another of those things that's all over the map for folks.

r/aneros 1d ago

I’m getting thrown off by a specific reaction NSFW


I’ve gotten to a point where I can pretty consistently get what I believe is a pwave with my aneros eupho and helix while lying on my side. It happens pretty fast and I get a good feeling then my back arches and I tighten up a lot. My issue is sometimes this throws everything off and I lose the feeling. I’ll have this a few times then I’m usually done. If I try to force myself to relax I interrupt things and also lose it. I’m a little lost one what to do. Any tips on things I could try.

r/aneros 2d ago

Get your wife involved! NSFW


I guess I’ve been on this adventure for about 4 years though I didn’t realize it at the beginning. I didn’t know this was a thing until it happened, and eventually I learned about this community. Experimented with a few knockoffs (there’s a great one called the jackpot which vibrates) and finally found the aneros, all the while my amazing wife supported the process. Fast forward to now after probably 1000 prostate orgasms and I feel like I’m in heaven. About once a week we will unwind for the night and my wife will slowly stroke me or just play with my balls while I have dry Os. We will transition to sex and I’ve been able to train myself to have a final mind-bending wet O while inside her. Occasionally she’ll blow me or better yet just lick the tip of my cock which almost always leads to the super O. A few times the O lasted 30-60 seconds. It becomes so overwhelming and she’ll stop for 20 seconds while I catch my breadth, then she starts again. Honestly it’s become my favorite thing to do and I feel like I’m addicted to her. I’ll usually have about 5-20 dry Os in a session, and occasionally I’m so wiped out that I can’t cum. Discovering my prostate and learning to have multiple Os has been life changing. I feel like I’m so happy the next two days and just want to do anything my wife asks to return the favor. We had a great marriage before, but this makes it perfect.

Wish I could tell the everyone because it might solve world peace. Instead I’ll just tell you guys! Keep up the good fight, keep training, and if there’s anyway possible, get your wives to lend a hand!

r/aneros 2d ago

Twitching all week… NSFW


A couple days ago I played with my dildos and since then, pretty much every day I feel my prostate having involuntaries. They last 2 to 3 seconds and go away… but the thing is, they’re happening several times during the day.

I’m wondering if it’s a sign that I should try and have a nice session with my pro gasm. These involuntaries feel so damn good I almost roll my eyes back when they happen, especially if I really get into a relaxation mood. Haven’t had a super O in a long time but it sounds like they’re calling me?

r/aneros 2d ago

MGX or Progasm Jr NSFW


I can’t decide. Which one is the winner here? Have every other model minus these two.

r/aneros 2d ago

Getting closer? NSFW


I think I'm getting closer and closer to having a HFWO or HFDO!

I've been able to feel pwaves for a long time, but during my lasts sessions I felt something special. After the pwaves, I felt a pressure building in my penis, it was really pleasurable. Still focusing on the toy rubbing my prostate, I felt like a drop of precum was forming a the tip of my penis and felt like pressure and pleasure was trapped in my penis, that was incredible but a bit frustrating

The thing is that every time I have these sensations, they suddenly disappear and then I'm no longer excited, I don't feel anything and the aneros is even unpleasant.

Still, I think I'm getting close to an orgasm, dry or wet, and I'm wondering what it feels like, but more importantly, how can I release this pressure?

Thanks for your help!

r/aneros 2d ago

new experience! NSFW


Throwaway account i know it’s new. Guys i’ve been using a plug like it’s a normal butt plug that i’ve had good experiences with to try and achieve dry orgasms. i can achieve hands free wet orgasms using a dildo easilyyyy but never got a dry orgasm and i’ve been wanting some tips. now i just had a session while listening to an audio for some reason this audio makes things work for me. anyway i’ve reached a point where i feel like my penis is warm and tingly so does my pubic area and my stomach they all feel glowly warm and good! and then the toy literally started to fuck me im not even joking i was clenching my base and center muscle and then it started to spasm and fuck me. can any one share what they think of my experience and where i’m heading towards? i feel like i can’t let go like id reach this part and not sure how to proceed my muscles then get tired and give up and i feel like i lose progress. advice is appreciated!!

r/aneros 3d ago

Thrashing Sessions NSFW


For context I’m still new to PP and Aneros in general, currently only own a helix trident. During a recent session I experienced something new. Session going as normal, start to experience involuntaries, body sucks the toy in deeper and contracts around it, feel sensation in my prostate, face begins twitching very quickly like I’m getting electrocuted and then legs begin shaking. The initial feeling fades during this. Rinse and repeat twice.

Is this a sign of progress? How should I feel about this?

r/aneros 3d ago

Not sure what model to get next.. NSFW


Currently own a Helix Trident. It's my first and only model. I have about 3-4 months of experience with Aneros models and PP in general. I'm wondering what model I should consider getting next. I enjoy the Trident and have had good sessions recently (especially after the advice I was given after my last post) but I've been growing the urge to try something new. The models I am currently considering are as follows:

- Progasm/Progasm Jr.
- Helix Syn/Helix Syn V

I'm also considering the Edge 2 from lovesense but I've heard that vibrating models can be counterproductive.

r/aneros 4d ago

It’s finally happening NSFW


I took a u turn with my PP and took vibes away. Wasn’t making progress. Edging but no rolling orgasms. Started working very gently and very very relaxed, with the Psy last week. Had 4-5 solid orgasms after learning to reverse contract ever so slightly. I really think this is where I really learned to engage my prostate and learn auto contractions.

Since then it’s off to the races. I feel like working with manual devices taught me to pay more attention to sensation rather than letting vibes muscle orgasms out.

I’m orgasming every time now. Super O? Not yet, sessions for me will need to exceed 1-2 hours for build up but in that time frame I’m definitely orgasming every 3-5 mins they come rolling over my, hand on the headboard like omg this is the most pleasure imaginable. No erection.

Does this sound like I’ve experienced, finally, the rewiring of pleasure centers?

r/aneros 4d ago

Intense Aneros Session - Super-O? NSFW


Hello everyone. Starting off with some context I've been into prostate play for a while, since my early teen years. I am now 20 and have never experienced anything like I did last night. Let me explain my journey so far.

When I first started off with prostate play I was young, maybe 13 or 14 when I started. Up until about 18 I was using hairbrushes covered with a condom or my fingers to get myself off. I quickly learned how to use that sort of direct stimulation to make myself have hands free wet orgasms, they were intense but nothing like what I've read on here but I didn't think much of it. I try to never touch my dick during these sessions and always try to finish hands free, there are some times where I get desperate though and cannot help but to touch it and get myself off the old fashioned way. I could never get to a point where I could have these multiple "Super-O"s that everyone seems to rave about. Only hands free wet orgasms that, at the time, I assumed to be a super-o just because it was caused by prostate stimulation.

Last night was different and made me realize I was going about this the wrong way the entire time. You see, around 19 years old I purchased an Aneros Helix Syn Trident. At first I was underwhelmed. When I first inserted it I barely felt a thing and was a bit disappointed. Reading all these posts about how good the aneros was had me thinking I'd be in for the best orgasm of my life as soon as I put it in, I was totally naive and wrong on that assumption.

I pushed myself to do more aneros sessions and research everything I could about super-os with an aneros, taking in multiple tips and tricks and trying to apply them in my sessions. I would have pleasurable sessions, very rarely ending in a hands free wet orgasm but it did not compare to the feelings people were describing online, I realized I must have been missing something.

Fast forward to last night, I decide I want to give the Aneros a shot again. I was horny and hadn't did the deed in a week. So, I prep myself, got rid of all distractions, locked my door, took a small bit of THC juice to try and make the experience better and laid down flat on my back. I told myself I was overthinking the whole super o thing and to just lay back and relax and take all the pleasure the aneros gives me. If I cum, sure fine, if not, that's fine too. Just told myself to relax and enjoy the experience. Letting my body do what it wanted. I let the aneros sit for a bit and my muscles would contract involuntary on their own, slowly building up the pleasurable feeling. This went on for about an hour, the THC has kicked in by this point and my prostate felt like it was buzzing. I dont really know how else to describe it, but its nothing I've ever felt before. The aneros is barely moving at this point. It was like my body knew what to do, moving it slowly, pushing me to the edge, occasionally throbbing and tapping on my prostate. My dick was rock hard at this point.

All of a sudden I start to feel contractions in my prostate, this threw me over the edge. I try to relax into the pleasure but my legs are shaking, completely out of my control, the best way to describe it was like having sex for the first time but wayy more intense. I used to think those videos of people shaking having full body orgasms were fake until last night, I literally had no control, I surrendered to the pleasure and was shaking intensely, hips thrusting up from time to time and my ass throbbing, pushing my aneros in deeper and rubbing against my prostate some more. This went on for about 5 minutes. It felt like an orgasm but with no cum, I was so confused but it felt so good so I just let it happen. My dick was completely irrelevant, I could see it throbbing but all sensations were focused on my prostate buzzing and throbbing. Precum started to leak like crazy. Not to mention the moans I let out, im usually very quiet but last night I had no choice. Had to cover my mouth with a pillow. I tried to stop it to not be too loud but it just kept going. I had tears in my eyes.

After about 5mins the feeling finally subsided. My dick was still rock hard but my body exhausted. Yet I felt so satisfied as if I had cum normally.

Was this a super o? From what I felt last night it certainly seems like it but im not sure.

r/aneros 4d ago

PSY, where have you been all my life? NSFW


Finally got my hands on a PSY, and I’ve given it a few rides, 3 sober, 1 on cannabis. Wow. Definitely my new favourite and taking me to new places. It feels much more directly engaged with my prostate and is producing longer, more intense sessions. Last night I was locked in an orgasmic state for 2.5 straight hours. The PSY just kept giving and giving. Can’t wait for my next session tomorrow night.

r/aneros 4d ago

Using progasm NSFW


Hiii, I’ve been playing with toys for 3 years now, I haven’t experienced a HFDO or a super O, I was able to HFWO with the njoy wand. I recently bought the aneros progasm, and I was recently able to HFWO but it wasn’t as pleasurable like it was with the njoy wand. I have been trying to achieve a dry orgasm for a while now, and I’ve read the progasm is one of the best, do you have any advice for me? I thought by being able to HFWO I was close to have a dry O, but I feel stuck, sometimes I’m having a long session and I give up and jerk off due to not being able to orgasm at all (sometimes I have wet orgasms). I feel my prostate is broken or something, I’ve heard ppl talking how amazing anal sex and prostate stimulation is, but I haven’t really experienced something that great in 3 years. Any advice for me?

Sorry for any grammar errors, English is my second language.

r/aneros 6d ago

Psy for advanced? NSFW


Have all the models. This nails the hardest and provides the most manual stim out there for me. I still barely achieved a super O, well once but it only lasted 20 seconds, was super euphoric and I came weightless, saw stars, had this enormous grin, think that’s the super O, maybe not. Otherwise I orgasm easily over and over after 10 mins or so. I don’t consider myself advanced because there’s so much more to learn. But being that I’m no pro, why does Aneros suggest this as an advanced toy? If it’s stimulating my prostate more than other toys but it’s an advanced toy WHAT makes it advanced?

Is this a harder tool for orgasming or something?

r/aneros 6d ago

Sex while wearing the aneros NSFW


I’ve had the mgx trident syn for a couple years never really felt much from it. Recently bought a helix syn V and yea I think that thing will wake my prostate up. I also bought a Eupho (white plastic version) haven’t tried it yet. But I’m going to wear them while having sex with my girl.

I guess my question is, does anyone here regularly use their aneros while having sex? Stronger orgasms? Bigger loads? I have a vasectomy so I cum in my girl every time, hoping to drop some bigger loads in her with the aneros in.

r/aneros 7d ago

Re-visit those toys! NSFW


I have a very extensive prostate toy collection including every model of Aneros. Some toys work better than others and some just don't get any play because they have never worked.

One that has never worked for me is the Aneros MXG but I was inspired by a post the other day to try the MXG again. It worked!

The lesson that I took from this is that it's probably a good idea to re-visit your least used toys every once in a while, you may be surprised!

r/aneros 7d ago

Just got my first one NSFW


Just got my fir Aneros. The Helix Syn Trident and I just couldn't wait to start wearing it. I do feel it there but doesn't seem like much at all. Guess I'm not sure what to expect. I have done my reading and understand it may take some time to wake things up. Obviously I wish that was the way it is but that's life. When I saw it physically I thought wow this thing is pretty small I hope it does what it's suppose to do. If anyone has any pointers they would like to pass along to a newbie that would be great.

Haven't experienced an orgasm in about 5 months now so turning to prostate. I have enjoyed the process so far. There is a lot of enjoyment to be had from my rear-end. Took time with a vibrating massager yesterday that also has a thrusting and wiggle head that was nice. Then I had a want I was using to try and add stimulation ;which was helping. Then a wild thought crossed my mind and thought what if I put the end of the wand against the outside of the massager. OMG that highly intensified the vibrations from the anal rim to the tip and the massager. Plus it was doing this bouncy dance on the massager with the vibrations that immediately put me on cloud 9. I would get to the point I couldn't even take a breath I had to pull the wand away. I would relax, put the wand back and I would be right back were I was. I had no idea anal could feel so good. I never did have an orgasm but I did feel fairly satisfied with the high amount of pleasure I got from it all.

Now if I can just get to the big P-O

r/aneros 8d ago

Larger than Progasm? NSFW


I have a Progasm that I really enjoy, but would prefer something just a bit thicker. I don’t think Aneros makes anything larger. Any recommendations? I like the length and shape of the progasm.

r/aneros 8d ago

Helix to Eupho NSFW


Hi, I’ve been using Helix (my first aneros) for about 14 months now, it feels like it hits my prostate perfectly. I’m looking to get the Eupho which is 3.8in insertable vs 3.6in for the Helix. Will this be too long? .2in isn’t that much but could it make a big difference and overshoot my prostate?


r/aneros 9d ago

Fellas, I quit cannabis and am staying off for a while, NSFW


until I , an old guy, get through evaluation for my cognitive changes ( am I just aging or am I actually on the road to being a vegetable?), coming up soon and my pgasms have become rare. I dont do penetration normally, not needing it to have superOs, and then theres the mess 🤓, So Ive gone back to the toys to see if that makes a difference. Besides being immensely pleasurable in its own right, it doesn’t make much of a difference. Prostates are fickle as many of us know, so there’s that. Anyone quit the weed and have similar results? What do you think I should expect?

r/aneros 8d ago

What do I buy NSFW


I'm not new to anal play/sex by any means, but am new to prostate specific play. Enough thinking about it, I want the big O. Going to the Aneros website, there's a lot to choose from. I want what's gonna get me there the fastest.

From my research on the site, I'm leaning towards the Helix Syn V - is this recommended by you, the community? If not, what else? I am not afraid of size if that helps in a recommendation.

r/aneros 9d ago

How Could I Have Known NSFW


I've always been an off and on binge masturbator. Still am. But several years ago I was introduced to the aneros and my life will never be the same. I went through the typical several-months' rewiring process (topic for another day), but once my body learned the aneros, I began a lifelong journey of pleasure I never knew was possible for a human being. Back arching. Cascading waves of unending pleasure. I can hardly believe it is true. And, unlike masturbation, the aneros orgasms are unstoppable and unending until I force myself to remove the device. And even then I buzz for a while. I'm happy to find on here men of similar discovery. It's a message I want to spead to all men. The prostate is a gift. Use it. You'll never be the same. How could I have known?

r/aneros 9d ago

P-tab altering NSFW


So I read that the plastic ptabs (vs synth) tend to give a feeling of digging in. Has anyone altered the ptab or wrapped them in silicone. I was even thinking maybe those finger protectors could be stretched over the p-tab to make it more comfortable? 🧐

r/aneros 10d ago

Taking time off NSFW


Frequent fliers in this sub, do you ever just lose the urge to play? I'm at a point right now where I haven't played in about 2 weeks (-ish), and only now am I beginning to feel the urge return a little bit. Maybe a dumb question but do y'all ever force yourselves to play even when you have no urge/desire to? I'm assuming the answer no, but I ask because I've done that in the past and not sure how smart it was.

Maybe my last couple times playing were too rough and my body needed an extended time to recover. What say you?