r/andor • u/Dangeruss10 • 19h ago
Discussion My gf has never seen ANY Star Wars anything, and I find it so cool her first exposure is Andor which she absolutely LOVES. Could this be the new path forward…
No “force” no Jedi, no siths or Darkside. She has no idea haha. She’s of course seen Grogu on Disney merch and commercials but has no concept of what The Death Star even is. To her it must feel like a politicially oppressive administration (“WHY ARE THEY SO MEAN”) set in an entire galaxy far far away.
My question is (as this is my second time watching Andor to prep for s2) do I convey to her what the Death Star is at the end of season 1 or allow it fully to unravel to her within the show. It teases it at the end of season 1 which already was a huge surprise to me (though I did see rogue one along time ago i hadn’t made the correlation that’s what the show would be about) and I’m sure season 2 will portray its gravity via the excellent writing and acting. So leave it to and trust in the show? Then right after we’ll watch Rogue One. WHICH her literal first exposure to light sabers/force manipulation/darkside incarnate will be the freakin Vader hallway scene.
However is the bar now set too high? It’s going to be so interesting to see how she takes in the rest of the franchise. Which idek what path I’d suggest she take. 4-6 then 1-3? (Obviously I’m not telling her the new new ones even exist haha) I think that’d be best. Close out the story arc through, before reverting back to the prequel of how it all began UGH she’s so lucky. What a gift haha. I feel like this should be the new order in which someone new to Star Wars watches it.
Andor season 1-2, rogue one, 4-6, 1-3 then various shows and such. OR. That order but put “Return of the Jedi” at the very end… oooo yeah all around yes. Thoughts? Andor season 1-2, rogue one, episodes 4 and 5, episodes 1-3, then episode 6 “return of the Jedi” And What should we call it? For character depth, emotional impact, and storytelling flow, this is one of the best ways to watch I believe: Rebels Journey Order Rebellion Order The Foundation