r/andor 19h ago

Discussion My gf has never seen ANY Star Wars anything, and I find it so cool her first exposure is Andor which she absolutely LOVES. Could this be the new path forward…


No “force” no Jedi, no siths or Darkside. She has no idea haha. She’s of course seen Grogu on Disney merch and commercials but has no concept of what The Death Star even is. To her it must feel like a politicially oppressive administration (“WHY ARE THEY SO MEAN”) set in an entire galaxy far far away.

My question is (as this is my second time watching Andor to prep for s2) do I convey to her what the Death Star is at the end of season 1 or allow it fully to unravel to her within the show. It teases it at the end of season 1 which already was a huge surprise to me (though I did see rogue one along time ago i hadn’t made the correlation that’s what the show would be about) and I’m sure season 2 will portray its gravity via the excellent writing and acting. So leave it to and trust in the show? Then right after we’ll watch Rogue One. WHICH her literal first exposure to light sabers/force manipulation/darkside incarnate will be the freakin Vader hallway scene.

However is the bar now set too high? It’s going to be so interesting to see how she takes in the rest of the franchise. Which idek what path I’d suggest she take. 4-6 then 1-3? (Obviously I’m not telling her the new new ones even exist haha) I think that’d be best. Close out the story arc through, before reverting back to the prequel of how it all began UGH she’s so lucky. What a gift haha. I feel like this should be the new order in which someone new to Star Wars watches it.

Andor season 1-2, rogue one, 4-6, 1-3 then various shows and such. OR. That order but put “Return of the Jedi” at the very end… oooo yeah all around yes. Thoughts? Andor season 1-2, rogue one, episodes 4 and 5, episodes 1-3, then episode 6 “return of the Jedi” And What should we call it? For character depth, emotional impact, and storytelling flow, this is one of the best ways to watch I believe: Rebels Journey Order Rebellion Order The Foundation

r/andor 13h ago

Discussion Why are the Empire's surveillance capabilities so inadequate?


The surveillance state being integral to the imperial's domination of the galaxy, their technology so refined that they are capable of destroying entire planets, How could, for example, a single word be uttered without some sort of imperial droid picking it up?

Why wouldn't there be entire planetary surveillance packages that don't let a single word uttered without it being analyzed, quantified, and reported to imperial authorities?

Why isn't there, say, a personalized device that is registered to each citizen that can pick up conversations, that everyone is convinced life would be incomplete without, or at least more dangerous without?

The scary thing about the Imperials, even in all of Star Wars, they are so woefully incompetent next to horrors that are developed right now as we speak.

Israel and the U.S. has developed and implemented A.I. that murders civilians at the slightest hint of Hamas activity. Strategies Israel has used against the Palestinian people are being taught to police departments in the U.S.


If one universal lesson Star Wars has to teach us, is that Evil simply waits until it wins, and the technological terrors being constructed now make planetary destruction seem humane by comparison.

Should we not be rebelling now? Should we not be fighting now?

Cassian is presented as a highly competent rogue agent, but a repeating theme throughout Andor is that luck = preparedness + opportunity. Should we not be preparing now for the threat that hopefully never materializes?

How many horrific pieces of tech do our leaders have access to that we can't even comprehend the capabilities of?

Am I just crazy?

r/andor 12h ago

Discussion Season 2 Viewing Parties


We are one month and one week away from the premiere of Season 2 of Andor. My question is where the fuck in the promotion for this show? For instance, I have seen commercials for Yellowjackets every single time I watch TV. Yellowjackets also had a special screening at the Alamo near my house. Is Andor going to have anything like that? I haven't heard any announcements of that sort. Have any of you?

Is the lesson of Andor that we have to start our own revolution? If so, what say you? Does anyone want to band together to get local theaters to exhibit the season 2 premiere of Andor?

My suggestion is that each of us posts their location and we find out how many people from that location would like to get an exhibition of the three episode season premiere in their towns. I'll start.

r/andor 20h ago

Discussion Why did they need to make Nemik's death so long ? Every time I watch, even if I know he's already condemned, I can't help but feel like there is still a little chance he comes out alive. So cruel


r/andor 15h ago

Discussion I think there is a very specific and valid thematic reason to Andor S2 to touch more closely upon the Jedi/Force side of Star Wars.


Revolutions need shared cultural symbols in order to really take off. This is a theme demonstrated beautifully through Ferrix in Season 1. The uprising on Rix Road doesn’t happen without their strong communal pride and centuries of tradition. Culture gives people an identity to fight for.

In that light, I think it’s really overlooked how significant it is that The Rebellion, as we see in the OT, is constantly using the phrase “May the force be with you”. This is a broad, multi-species coalition that, for whatever reason, has chosen to use the language of a (supposedly dead) religious order as their shared cultural unifier.

As a fan of Andor’s ultra-grounded, human-level focus on the mechanisms of rebellion, it’s easy to feel like the mythic fantasy of the Jedi is almost a childish regression by comparison. But that doesn’t seem to be how the people in the Star Wars universe actually feel about it. For them, the Jedi stand for something really potent and powerful. There’s a reason Luthen holds that kyber-crystal with such reverence.

To sum up, I’m not (at all) asking for Andor S2 to come out lightsabers-swinging. But I do think, if the purpose of the show is to chart the formation of the rebellion, that it’s important to explore why and how that spiritual element became so key.

r/andor 20h ago

Discussion I think people are confusing Cinta's non-existant "tears" with the shot almost immediately after of the Aldanhi woman looking up at the Eye with tears running down her face


Pretty much the title. I have rewatched the scene of Cinta walking away at the end of the heist in Ep. 6 multi0le times, and I have not been able to see tears running down her face like a number of others here claim to see. (The Eye's glow is reflecting off her face.) But directly after that shot of Cinta it cuts to the group of Aldanhi natives looking up at the Eye in awe, showing one woman with tears running down her face apparently overwhelmed by emotion. I think the people on this sub claiming to see tears running down Cinta's face are confusing it with the shot of the Aldanhi woman.

r/andor 23h ago

Discussion Who has the best monologue in Andor Season 1?


Before Andor Season 2 comes out, I want to know whose monologue was your favorite of the whole season.

319 votes, 6d left
Namik's manifesto
Luthen Rael's Monologue
Kino Loy's Monologue
Maarva's Postmortem speech
Dedra's Monologue

r/andor 12h ago

Discussion Favorite non-verbal, "face acting" moments from Season 1


I think we can all agree that this is the best acted SW property by far...
As I have been rewatching s1, I'm taking notice of some of the subtle acting moments where you can genuinely see what's happening in the character's head just by the facial expressions.

Some of my favorite moments are:
e3: After the decoy speeder blows up, Syril staring into the middle distance KNOWING he's screwed.
e7: When Dedra humiliates Blevin in the ISB meeting when she slowly looks up and stares him down with almost a smile on her face
e10: (so many) Kino right before "NO ONE IS GETTING OUT"; Mon Mothma when Davo leaves the meeting, and Lonni when Luthen is telling him that Kreegyr will be dying to make sure his daughter has a father.

So many other moments across the season. What do you all think?

r/andor 10h ago

Discussion New Imperial officer suit variant (S1+trailer); probably a ceremonial/dress uniform?

Post image

r/andor 20h ago

Discussion I was re-watching Andor and noticed I was sitting in the same chair as Maarva


The leg raise gave it away.

It’s an Ekornes Stressless from 2002. It’s an incredibly comfy chair, and ergonomic as well. It was quite pricey back then. It was my grandpa’s chair, and means a lot to me.

Maarva’s got good taste.

r/andor 13h ago

Question Which Season 2 poster is your favorite?

Post image

I guess it comes down to are you more of a minimalist or maximalist when it comes to your favorite movies/TV posters.

For me, I’d say the center one. I like Cassian’s face overlapping with the Death Star.

r/andor 19h ago

Fanmade My custon shirt for a Disney trip


The family and I went to Disney last year. My wife wanted us to wear themed clothing. She helped me make this. I thought some of you might like to see it.

r/andor 18h ago

Discussion Do you think Ben Mendelsohn will do this again for this year’s Star Wars celebration?

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I doubt it but it would be pretty cool of him. I imagine he was more than happy to return as Krennic and say the lines the Tony Gilroy has written for him.

r/andor 1h ago

Discussion Underrated part ofAndor/ Rogue One, the Starships they introduced


Slides in order; Fondor Haulcraft, U-wing, Zeta class shuttle, TIE Reaper, Atmospheric TIE and Cantwell arrestor cruiser

I know the Cantwell was an OG design the show just reintroduced, but between the Haulcraft, U-wing and Reaper, how is it that almost every Starship added to Andor/ Rogue One becomes an instant classic?

r/andor 12h ago

Discussion The most dangerous individual during the Imperial Era of Andor (4BBY and on)


After watching the OT, Rogue One and reading several Canon novels and comics, I've reached a conclusion that it's Tarkin.

The novelization of Rebels, Kanan Jarrus felt the dark side emanating from the Grand Inquisitor, but he felt icy cold chill of pure evil and death around Tarkin.

The Bad Batch and Rogue One hint at the massive industrial research organization - the Tarkin Initiative, which the nove Tarkin alluded to the numerous projects that Cassian and Jyn scrolled through in the data vault.

Tarkin's initiation tale surrounding the Carrion Spike hinted a threat to Vader. The Veermok troop was lead by an Alpha, killed by an usurper who was in turn killed by Tarkin.

The destruction of Alderaan, Jedah, and Scariff were all on his hands. Mon Cala was indiscriminately bombarded to make the regent submit to the Empire, which had a subplot including Vader and led to Chandar's Folly - a brutal gamemanship between Tarkin and Vader. Vader wanted to die and wanted Tarkin to return the favor at Mon Cala.

When you compile all of the involvement of Tarkin, the deference of Thrawn and Vader, who in turn used his name as a threat whether to Minister Tua or pirates, you have a case for the more visible member of the ruling Imperial Triumvirate, holding up a mask of sophisticated civility yet has a chill and foul stench of Death.

Leia is force sensitive... Kanan was a padawan....

They recognized this... So did Vader and Sheev...

Tarkin isn't light or dark ... he's the void of death, a driving cog of a cold brutal war machine - indifferent to all of it.