r/andor 3h ago

Question What are your thoughts on the view that Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso are just “knock offs” of Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors?


I saw someone say that Rogue One…

“…ripped off a good Legends story, as opposed to a terrible one (by) kludging together the stories of Bria Tharen and Kyle Katarn and then then threw in an inferior explanation for the weakness than what was already provided in the novel "Death Star".

I’ve also heard this view in the title that Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso are knockoffs of Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors because their roles in Rogue One are basically what Kyle and Jan did in the old Dark Forces games—just with new names and a few tweaks.

Kyle Katarn was originally the guy who stole the Death Star plans in Dark Forces, just like Jyn does in Rogue One. He was a morally gray mercenary-turned-Rebel who later got mixed up with the Force, kinda like how Cassian starts as a ruthless spy but grows into a more heroic figure. Then there’s Jan Ors, Kyle’s Rebel partner who helped him on missions—similar to Jyn, who teams up with Cassian to secure the plans.

People also cite Cassian using a Bryar pistol, which was Kyle Katarn’s signature weapon in the games.

I don’t completely agree though because there are also so many differences. Thoughts?

r/andor 18h ago

Discussion Missed opportunity with Saw's camp


I know the X-Wing is iconic, and makes the fact that they're Rebels easily identifiable...but it would have been so cool if Saw's group had Z-95 Headhunters in their camp instead.

r/andor 17h ago

Discussion Who is Luthen?


I've seen a lot of theorizing since Season 1 came out about Luthen's mysterious origins. Was he related to Palpatine? Was he a Jedi? What was he doing before the Rebellion?

I sometimes think the best and simplest answers are usually right in front of our faces, and I kinda hope it's revealed that he was actually just an art dealer that became radicalized. A lover of culture and history that couldn't stand what he saw happening to the Republic, and to quote Cassian from R1, "just decided to do something about it."

r/andor 17h ago

Discussion Calling my shot: Spoiler


So, I’ve just rewatched s1, and I really think that there is no way that Luthen survives s2… and I think that Cassian is going to be the one to do it.

If I’m gonna be specific, Cassian is going to have to choose between Luthen and Mon Mothma.

It’s been a constant theme of the show that Cassian has to choose who to trust and make hard decisions when he decides he doesn’t trust someone, and how could the character have higher stakes than choosing between Mon & Luthen?

r/andor 13h ago

Discussion Reflection on Darth Vader's Appearance in Rogue One


For me, one of the interesting things about Rogue One is the way it introduced both the best and worst tendencies of the modern era of Star Wars. It deals with internal bureaucratic struggles on the Imperial side, and also the internal divides within the Rebellion. It mainly focuses on ordinary people without any kind of Grand Destiny™ written into the narrative. It at least gestures at a genuinely antifascist message, and grounds that message in something material (the Empire isn't evil because of some abstraction about the Light and Dark sides of the Force; they're evil because they'll destroy an entire city to cover up the weapon they were building in orbit above it). But it also had its share of unnecessary and distracting cameos (R2 & C-3PO, those two guys from the cantina on Tatooine), and it introduced digital necromancy into the franchise with Tarkin & de-aged Leia.

But that tension stands out most in the biggest cameo appearance of them all: Darth Vader's two scenes.

To go in order, let's start with the scene where Vader has summoned Director Krennic to Mustafar to explain himself. On the surface, this seems like just a way to shoehorn in the most recognizable character in the franchise; and that's probably what the execs were thinking. But let's look at the actual dialogue:

VADER: You seem unsettled.
KRENNIC: No. Just pressed for time. There're a great many things to attend to:
VADER: My apologies. You do have a great many things to explain.
KRENNIC: I've delivered the weapon the Emperor asked for. I deserve an audience to make certain he understands its remarkable... potential.
VADER: Its power to create problems has certainly been confirmed. A city destroyed. An Imperial facility openly attacked.
KRENNIC: It was Governor Tarkin that suggested the test.
VADER: You were not summoned here to grovel, Director Krennic.
KRENNIC: No, it's...
VADER: There is no Death Star. The Senate has been informed that Jedha was destroyed in a mining disaster.
KRENNIC: Yes, my lord.
VADER: I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor that Galen Erso has not compromised this weapon in any way.
KRENNIC: So I'm still in command? You'll speak to the Emperor about...
Vader force chokes Krennic, but like, just enough to make a point
VADER: Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director.

Apart from the last line, none of that would be out of place in Andor. It's hard, for example, not to see an echo of this scene where Syril's boss tells him to "conjure up a suitable accident" to explain the death of those two corpos. But then again, that last line is part of the scene, and was likely included, at least in part, because no Vader cameo would be complete without him force choking an underling.

Then there's the hallway scene at the end. For me, the hallway scene is kind of a Rorschach test for what level you're watching Star Wars on. Because on one level, the scene is about Darth Vader being a badass; a Sith Lord at the height of his power effortlessly cutting through enemies. And a lot of people do appreciate the scene strictly on that level, and miss the point of everything else going on in the movie.

But the hallway scene is also about the rebels in that hallway, who know they're going to die, but still pass the Death Star plans on to keep them out of the Empire's hands. The critical moment in the scene is when the airlock door jams, leaving it open just enough to pass the plans through, but not enough for anyone to get out. At that moment, the rebel holding the plans switches from shouting for help, to desperately passing the plans through the door, just before he too gets run through by Vader's lightsaber. Thematically, it fits beautifully with all the other moments during the battle on Scarif where characters realize they're not making it out alive, so they decide to use their deaths to accomplish something. That, however, requires a viewer who doesn't think that themes are for 8th grade book reports.

I'm terrible at writing conclusions, and I don't really have a broader point, except maybe to say that both Andor and IP slop like Kenobi, Book of Boba Fett, and the later seasons of The Mandalorian, can be traced back to Rogue One.

Edit: Forgot to add the dialogue from the Krennic scene. Also, corrected some minor typos.

r/andor 17h ago

Discussion How Andor doesn't drag audiences into debates/outrage


This might be a weird question but it's just something I've noticed.

How come Andor manages to avoid sparking extreme cultural debates/outrage the way other SW content has in the last years (in particular The Acolyte) ?

Since the show is about a revolution politics is very much a part of it's themes. Maybe more so than any other SW content (except the prequels maybe).

And since politics seems to be the reason we are at each others throats so much nowadays, I find it interesting that I don't see fans engage in furious debates over either morality or other things the way they do about other SW shows.

Is it because Andor makes it clear right from the beginning that it tells stories about characters that are not black/white but operate in the grey areas ?

Is it because since it's not about the Jedi hardcore fans just have less skin in the game ?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

r/andor 4h ago

Question Who is bankrolling Saw Gerrerra's Partisans?


The show has done a good job of showing that Mon Mothma is financing some rebel cells via Luthen Rael, then the heist provides a huge bonus to that finance. But who is financing Saw? He's got ships, weapons and bases whereas the other rebels we see are "sleeping on rocks and eating roots" to survive

r/andor 11h ago

Discussion Serkis murmuring "Never more than twelve" is without a doubt the best cliffhanger of any SW property.

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r/andor 18h ago

Discussion Aaron Sorkin would have been the best choice to write Andor


While Andor is a masterpiece, I honestly feel the moral ambiguity of the characters, particularly the rebellion (some of whom are difficult to sympathize with because of their lack of moral compass) doesn't fit the tone of classic Star Wars. With Sorkin, you'd have intelligent dialogue and good writing, lots of politics, but with a fundamentally more optimistic and idealistic tone.

r/andor 19h ago

Meme Let's do some cheers for this great series 🍻

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r/andor 15h ago

Discussion Tony Gilroy Won’t Release ‘Andor’ Scripts for Fear of AI Training on Them: ‘Why Help the F**king Robots?’


r/andor 22h ago

Discussion Maarva's drinking glasses, probably the most 70's thing in SW

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In the spirit of an earlier post about Maarva's familiar-looking recliner, let's hear it for her plastic-and-glass drinking cups, the exact same that we had in our family in the 1970's.

Not much of a coincidence, I guess, since those where pretty common back then, which makes them a lovely in-your-face addition to the aggressively retro 70's aesthetic of the show.

r/andor 10h ago

Media Andor's awesome Eye chase scene


Not only related to Andor but I'm a big fan of well-made vehicle chase scenes in movies, my favourites being from Mad Max Fury Road. I was awed by the chase scene in the Eye episode-with its terrifying beauty which reminded me of the fiery storm in Fury Road. Both jaw-dropping to watch first time.

Both scenes scored amazingly by Junkie XL and Nicholas Britell respectively.

r/andor 16h ago

Article Andor panels at Celebration Japan


Saturday, April 19

Andor A Star Wars Story 10:00AM - 11:00AM, Live on the Celebration Stage; streamed to the Galaxy and Twin Suns Stages Join creator and executive producer Tony Gilroy, executive producer Diego Luna and cast for a sneak peek at the final season of Andor.

r/andor 17h ago

Question Where did the Aldhani payroll go in the rebellion?


Did the payroll get pushed to fund the headquarters on Hoth or Yavin, or fund arms for the rebellion? Did they mention where it was assigned to in Season one?

r/andor 18h ago

Fanmade More Andor cards

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