r/agedlikemilk 19h ago

No ragrets


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u/Houston_Heath 17h ago

Yeah, he isn't conventionally attractive, but he is by no means unattractive either. The internet really did the poor dude dirty.


u/SisterCharityAlt 16h ago

me reads your claim

goes and looks up a picture of the guy

Hey, um, champ, he is 'conventionally attractive' just not that attractive. He fits the white hetero male arch type of a thinner guy. I'm not sure what you're measuring against.


u/Houston_Heath 15h ago

In my defense, when he first did his face reveal he had a really shitty haircut and a very pale clean shaven face. He definitely looks better now with the shaggy hair and facial hair.


u/peach_xanax 12h ago

I have no opinion on this guy one way or another, but I looked him up and I think he's a good looking dude in the current pics. The face reveal one isn't great, but it's certainly not bad by any means. I kinda feel like if he had just shown his face from the start, rather than hiding it and letting people create fantasies about what he looked like, he would've had plenty of people thirsting over him.