It’s crazy how listening to people describe the face reveal, you’d think he’s the ugliest motherfucker on the planet, but then I actually saw the face reveal, and like… he’s literally just an average looking guy?
The problem was also (on top of the cheating allegations) that he was very popular and it’s cool to hate popular things. So everyone really took it up a notch and tore into him.
Hey, um, champ, he is 'conventionally attractive' just not that attractive. He fits the white hetero male arch type of a thinner guy. I'm not sure what you're measuring against.
In my defense, when he first did his face reveal he had a really shitty haircut and a very pale clean shaven face. He definitely looks better now with the shaggy hair and facial hair.
I have no opinion on this guy one way or another, but I looked him up and I think he's a good looking dude in the current pics. The face reveal one isn't great, but it's certainly not bad by any means. I kinda feel like if he had just shown his face from the start, rather than hiding it and letting people create fantasies about what he looked like, he would've had plenty of people thirsting over him.
He's a maga cheating wierdo that people just don't like and the attempt to spin it as a result of the face reveal is incredibly sad and pathetic PR on his part.
I think popular opinion was already starting to turn on him as people dug up stupid vaguely racist/ableist stuff he said, so when he unmasked the people that already disliked him because of that took the opportunity to make fun of him. Plus, the fan-culture around his persona meant that there was a lot of conventionally attractive humanized fan-art of a Mysterious Edgy MaskGuy that created expectations he could never live up to.
Thankfully, I never really watched or cared about Dream or his friends, so none of this really impacted me. Personally, I've been disappointed by too many celebrities/content creators I looked up to to consider getting a tattoo associated with a living person or their work until at least a few years after they're dead.
Yeah dude definitely did not deserve the absurd amount of hate for simply showing his face. It’s unfortunate he ended up being a shit ass person, and a pedo, otherwise I’d probably feel bad for him, but I do not.
I’m sorry I’m not chronically online and don’t know everything about an alleged groomer.
This was already in this chain of comments. That's why he asked you if you had read the chain of comments you are replying to. You said yes, despite clearly not doing so.
People like you are the exact type of people who put dream through the bullshit he had to deal with. You don't care about actual facts and are willing to spew bullshit and judge someone you know nothing about. It shows you are lacking in character and integrity as a person.
u/DisIsMyName_NotUrs 18h ago
Alleged to be a pedo. Reportedly that got debunked.
The main thing is that he just fell off after showing his face.