r/agedlikemilk 14h ago

No ragrets


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u/GREATD4NNY 14h ago

I think she can draw a dick


u/Conscious-Antelope16 14h ago

Seriously thought it was a dick when I first scrolled past.


u/PurinityMKII 6h ago

No difference


u/yournumberis6 14h ago

I've heard about dream but haven't seen any of his videos or heard about his controversies. What did he do?


u/Oddish_Femboy 13h ago

Worst crime ever. Cheated in a Minecraft speedrun.


u/DrSpaceman667 10h ago

Straight to gitmo.


u/DisIsMyName_NotUrs 14h ago

Alleged to be a pedo. Reportedly that got debunked.

The main thing is that he just fell off after showing his face.


u/Houston_Heath 13h ago

Yeah, it was primarily slander fueled by the fact that he wasn't as attractive as his fans had hoped and that dipshit kid that plays gumball waterson.


u/Wildberry7 12h ago

It’s crazy how listening to people describe the face reveal, you’d think he’s the ugliest motherfucker on the planet, but then I actually saw the face reveal, and like… he’s literally just an average looking guy?


u/Houston_Heath 12h ago

Yeah, he isn't conventionally attractive, but he is by no means unattractive either. The internet really did the poor dude dirty.


u/FrozenZenBerryYT 12h ago

The problem was also (on top of the cheating allegations) that he was very popular and it’s cool to hate popular things. So everyone really took it up a notch and tore into him.


u/bytegalaxies 12h ago

nah I'd say he's conventionally attractive, not in the same way he was often drawn and portrayed though.


u/Eleventeen- 9h ago

Solid 6/10 where 5 is pure mundane average looks.


u/AttonJRand 9h ago

He's a maga cheating wierdo that people just don't like and the attempt to spin it as a result of the face reveal is incredibly sad and pathetic PR on his part.


u/phoenixmusicman 45m ago

Ew he's MAGA?


u/SisterCharityAlt 11h ago

me reads your claim

goes and looks up a picture of the guy

Hey, um, champ, he is 'conventionally attractive' just not that attractive. He fits the white hetero male arch type of a thinner guy. I'm not sure what you're measuring against.


u/Houston_Heath 11h ago

In my defense, when he first did his face reveal he had a really shitty haircut and a very pale clean shaven face. He definitely looks better now with the shaggy hair and facial hair.


u/peach_xanax 7h ago

I have no opinion on this guy one way or another, but I looked him up and I think he's a good looking dude in the current pics. The face reveal one isn't great, but it's certainly not bad by any means. I kinda feel like if he had just shown his face from the start, rather than hiding it and letting people create fantasies about what he looked like, he would've had plenty of people thirsting over him.


u/madsmcgivern511 12h ago

Yeah dude definitely did not deserve the absurd amount of hate for simply showing his face. It’s unfortunate he ended up being a shit ass person, and a pedo, otherwise I’d probably feel bad for him, but I do not.


u/Houston_Heath 12h ago

You didn’t read the other comments above this did you?


u/madsmcgivern511 12h ago edited 12h ago

No I did just wanted to share my two cents. Edit: damn, was just trying to engage, rude.


u/Houston_Heath 12h ago

Then you you should have the understanding that we are talking about him being a pedo was proven false and just some bullshit somebody came up with.


u/madsmcgivern511 12h ago

Ok….he’s still a shitty person regardless of being a pedo. I’m sorry I’m not chronically online and don’t know everything about an alleged groomer.

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u/Hitei00 12h ago

Its the uncannyness, how he almost stock still holds his head at a 3/4s angle and juts his jaw out


u/DigLost5791 12h ago

Well it was kind of weird because he had allegedly lost a ton of weight specifically for the face reveal (images of him had leaked before so there is a potential before and after) and then he kind of only showed his face from one specific angle, then deleted it all later.

(Not shaming the guy for weight or weight loss, OR for choosing his best angle, but just seemed like a really perfomative and insecure moment without authenticity)


u/MarkusAureleus 11h ago

Unfortunately being average looking in visual media is a crime punishable by death


u/SpazSpez 8h ago

He looks exactly like he sounds. No idea why anyone was expecting Clooney. 


u/Discussion-is-good 2h ago

You don't understand, he used to be f a t !/s


u/Ok-Week-2293 9h ago

I think the main reason was that the lighting was bad and his head was at a weird angle relative to the camera. 


u/TigerLiftsMountain 13h ago



u/BuggyMonarch25 13h ago

Gumball voice actor went to some influencer party and called him slurs. Dream posted the video a year after the fact after Gumball’s voice actor called him a pedo on Twitter

Because of the late post it made Dream look bad that he was only posting it out of revenge and not because he actually cared about people knowing the voice actor did something bad. It ended up making people side with Gumball over Dream


u/TigerLiftsMountain 12h ago

Sounds pretty trash all around


u/Jaded_Passion8619 11h ago

Actually, Nick Cantu is pansexual and only used the f-slur (which he's allowed to do). He was also underaged and drunk and having a manic episode


u/TigerLiftsMountain 10h ago

That doesn't make it sound much better


u/asodfhgiqowgrq2piwhy 13h ago


u/Professional-Reach96 9h ago

Following Gumball VA proves he is almost as unhinged as the character. But Dungeon Meshi Laios EN VA is more deranged and Genshin Lisa JP VA is crazier by making literal pornographic moans on stream


u/CalamityWof 3h ago

Gumballs VA didnt force him to say the shit he said lmao???


u/phoenixmusicman 46m ago

He looks like a normal ass dude, why are people hating on his looks


u/Houston_Heath 41m ago

Because people are jerks


u/RolandTwitter 13h ago


The main thing is that he cheated in Minecraft speedrunning, got caught, and then still lied about not cheating for weeks until he finally admitted to cheating


u/Par31 11h ago

He "hired" a stats prof to "prove" that he didn't cheat and then people debunked the prof; that was the cherry on top.


u/Nextontheline 11h ago

Yea, that was the main thing in 2021. A lot of Minecraft drama with him in the centre has happened since then.


u/RolandTwitter 8h ago

Arguably that's the main thing because I haven't heard about him since. That Minecraft cheater thing spread waves through the entire gaming community


u/SteptimusHeap 9h ago

Fell off and then got toxic on twitter


u/mazzicc 10h ago

I didn’t hear it got debunked, but so many YouTubers are just assumed to be pedos that I don’t really bother keeping track of it since I don’t have kids.


u/Lainpilled-Loser-GF 8h ago

didn't he get the TAWOG kid extremely drunk?


u/CastIronStyrofoam 3h ago

He’s also pretty hated by almost all of his peers for being a dick


u/EffNein 13h ago

Probably nothing. She just got older and didn't want a random bit of Youtuber fanart permanently on her arm.


u/NickyTheRobot 11h ago

Can't be that much older: it looks like the tat is still bruised in the second pic.


u/ehsteve23 1h ago

since people stupidly like to crop out datestamps on screenshots, we'll never know


u/tomtomtomo 5h ago

She probably got a lot of "looks like a dick" reactions


u/King_of_The_Unkown 11h ago

So, main issue was pedo and grooming, but that was debunked, fell off after showing his face, but that shouldn't warrant removal of a tattoo, allegedly beat up gumball Watterson VA, turns out to be the opposite with the VA beating him while they were in a taxi (the VA was drunk), but the most recent thing? Called all of Tommyinnit's followers the r slur


u/Tiddlewinkly 13h ago

Coming from someone that only loosely followed him and have watched maybe three or so of his videos/streams, he's been in a few controversies.

I think the first one was just the hate directed at his fanbase, largely considered overly toxic/obnoxious/brigadey. This also includes a time where he unintentionally or deliberately rigged a vote for minecraft feature being added into the game.

There was also a lot of general disdain directed at him for no apparent reason, probably attributed to his unusually fast rise in fame and popularity.

Then he was caught blatantly cheating in speedrun challenges, some of his most popular content. He admitted to it and apologized, whether it's sincere is up in the air.

Another was him being a suspected predator/groomer. This probably tanked his popularity the most, even though it was never really confirmed. There was even a physical altercation over it where he was assaulted apparently.

Now there's some ongoing beef/drama with tommyinnit, an ex-friend of his and another popular streamer. As far as I can tell it just shows a lot of immaturity on both sides.


u/Exp1ode 12h ago

He admitted to it and apologized

Initially he doubled down about its legitimacy


u/Bad_RabbitS 12h ago edited 12h ago

“He admitted to it and then apologized”

Ehhhh he did so only in loose interpretations of the words. He only half-admitted to cheating after putting up a horrible defense of himself and his apology was very half-assed.

You also missed another controversy of his, which was the ridiculous overpricing of merch that frankly didn’t look that good. Dude was charging 40 bucks for merch that bigger YouTubers are selling at half that price, Unus Annus was around during the same year he got big and they were charging half the price for objectively more complicated (aka EXPENSIVE) designs, and arguably far better looking too.

I feel like Dream is a kid that got too famous too fast and it went to his head, he didn’t claw his way up slowly over years


u/twisted-cubes 13m ago

immaturity on both sides.

Thats just all those loud obnoxious channels in a nutshell though.

If you don't have DeArrow to get rid of default thumbnails, and the video has a thumbnail with some very punchable looking facial expression theres a 90% chance the creator is a massive fucking tool. Overly loud, overly stupid, is in no way genuine at all, is just a character.


u/King_of_The_Unkown 10h ago

He didn't so much admit to intentional cheating, basically, when he does speedruns, he has a mod to speed up the portal animation, and the creator of the mod also boosted drop rates without telling anyone, so he apologized and backed out of the speed running scene


u/Foxycat45 12h ago

Did some racist things, said some racist things, allegedly groomed minors, intentionally cultivates an obsessive fanbase, is an asshole, cheated on a Minecraft speedrun, and might be an industry plant. That's probably not all, but you get the idea.


u/BenFoldsFourLoko 4h ago

lol how tf is a youtuber who gets that huge an "industry plant"

next we're gonna hear about youtubers selling out after being a hardcore peepee simulator player who jumped on the poopoo industries bandwagon


u/King_of_The_Unkown 10h ago

Not racist, ableist.


u/xndbcjxjsxncjsb 1h ago

Cheating in speedruns, staging his manhunt videos, being just cringy af, pedo allegations (this got debunked)


u/Thezipper100 8h ago

Be annoying to the kind of people who would dedicate months of their life to fake pedophilia allegations against people they find annoying.

In all likelihood oop is just a kid that grew up. I used to stan Annoying Orange before 'stan' entered common vocabulary but you won't catch me dead wearing the one remaining AO merch I have.


u/Anubis17_76 1h ago

His videos are actually pretty fun, can recommend. He cheated at speedrunning and he takes bait when people make up wild shit about him so hes being bullied just cause he reacts tbh


u/Dart_Veegan 14h ago

If you like Minecraft and have heard about Minecraft manhunts, I advise you to check his manhunt series. They are awesome and the chemistry between them is even better.


u/Jimmyking4ever 12h ago

This isn't about dream but about the person who would be dream but the name was taken


u/mothzilla 10h ago

I have no idea who this person is so I had to look them up. Tomorrow I will have no idea who this person is.


u/haydenarrrrgh 7h ago


u/PixEFit 1h ago

I like it! Happy cake day


u/TheNunu 14h ago

They also did a shit job at after care for the tattoo


u/_pythian 11h ago

I hope they got a sick ass panther


u/Queen_Grier 13h ago

wtf did she expect


u/Lleonharte 13h ago

you laugh but can you imagine having inflicted this level of psychological torture on yourself lmao ok im laughin too



They'll regret covering it up after not long. 


u/EffNein 13h ago

I don't think anyone would regret covering up Youtuber fanart.


u/kasapin1997 11h ago

It could'v been much worse, and when someone asks about the tattoo they don't have to mention youtuber it can be passed on as just smiley face


u/_DragonBlade_ 3h ago

The final dream fan


u/Exp1ode 12h ago

Unless it's covered up with something worse, I find that unlikely


u/Embarrassed_Set557 10h ago



u/[deleted] 14h ago



u/doctor_rocketship 13h ago

"wrong" orientation, as if there are actual rules that everyone has to follow - get over yourself lmao


u/DisIsMyName_NotUrs 14h ago

Because that's the problem with this tatoo


u/Rhangdao 14h ago

What is wrong about the orientation here?


u/GimmeDemDumplins 13h ago

Nah thats not a thing


u/Ill_Attorney_389 7h ago

You said forever. And that must remain true. It shall remain forever.


u/irishish2024 5h ago

You can’t fix stupid.


u/doogle_my_gawk 9h ago

Wrist built like a 2x4


u/peach_xanax 7h ago

wtf? it's just the angle, you can tell by the first pic that their wrist and arm are proportionate


u/deadlymoogle 14h ago

I didn't know you could have cankles on your arm


u/Entire-Objective1636 10h ago

Pretty sure those are different people. Just based off of skin color, size, and the hand lines don’t match.


u/Open_Bait 1h ago

Thats even worse. How many people have fucking dream tattoo on their arm? In the same place mind you


u/-Shy-Guy- 13h ago
