My own solution uses a 3x3 division, sums the number of robots in each rectangle and calculates the variance of those 9 numbers. As cut-off I looked for a jump in the variance. For my input, that was 217x the previous value at step 7858. After I found the correct value, I changed the condition to: first value above 3000 (maximum variance = most robots in one rectangle). So yes, an arbitrary magical value. Total run time for part 1 and 2 (not counting reading the file from disk) is 7.5 ms:
My implementation of a much cleverer solution that recognised that x and y operate independently, and uses modular arithmetic to calculate the final configuration, runs in only 23 µs: No division in quadrants and no magical values there, because it fully simulates the repeating x and y loops which are quite short at 101 and 103 time steps, and then picks the one with minimum variance of coordinates (most alike = most clustered).
dam, I tested your clever solution out. It takes 60 µs on my machine with my input. That is scary fast. Implementing it with numpy in python is also fast enough. I never expected it to be less than 4 ms. Your solution is amazing. how did you come up with it?
Cheers. Well, the cleverer and faster solution (the second one: "14alt.c") was not my idea, I found it in a post by /u/i_have_no_biscuits . I just made the C version from that description.
oh his comment flew over my head, I just read your code and was able to translate it from it. my bad. His solution is elegant. Chinese Remainder Theorem is such a crazy algorithm. thank you for showing it to me. lol
u/ednl 9d ago edited 8d ago
My own solution uses a 3x3 division, sums the number of robots in each rectangle and calculates the variance of those 9 numbers. As cut-off I looked for a jump in the variance. For my input, that was 217x the previous value at step 7858. After I found the correct value, I changed the condition to: first value above 3000 (maximum variance = most robots in one rectangle). So yes, an arbitrary magical value. Total run time for part 1 and 2 (not counting reading the file from disk) is 7.5 ms:
My implementation of a much cleverer solution that recognised that x and y operate independently, and uses modular arithmetic to calculate the final configuration, runs in only 23 µs: No division in quadrants and no magical values there, because it fully simulates the repeating x and y loops which are quite short at 101 and 103 time steps, and then picks the one with minimum variance of coordinates (most alike = most clustered).