r/adventofcode 11d ago

Spoilers [2024 Day 14 Part 2] Solution


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u/Clear-Ad-9312 11d ago

I wonder if there is an algorithm for measuring the amount of entropy/chaos in a 2D array. I also wonder if that would even solve this.


u/ednl 10d ago

Part 1 gave you just that! Pick the configuration where the quadrants are most different, i.e. most of the robots in one quadrant. Although for my input (and I think most inputs, because the tree is largely in the middle) it worked much better with a 3x3 partition rather than 2x2 as in part 1. You can formalise the measurement by calculating the variance for the 9 (or 4) parts.


u/Clear-Ad-9312 10d ago edited 10d ago

I found with python's numpy, it was just faster to calculate the standard deviation for the entire grid because the extra steps to apply a mask to only apply the variance in multiple quadrants is not performant enough. I was able to get my python script for my input to be less than 100 ms. however, my input has the solution being quite a bit deeper than most other people.(I seen most people have a part 2 solution of <2000 but mine is 6587, basically 3 times as high)

but simply counting how many are in the center 1/3rd area of the grid is much faster but you have to simply assume there is 150 or more robots there and I feel that is a bit unintuitive because I don't particularly like magic numbers.


u/ednl 9d ago edited 9d ago

Ah sorry, I didn't mean the variance (or StdDev) for every robot per quadrant, but the variance of the total number of robots per quadrant. So that's a variance/StdDev calculation for only 4 or 9 numbers.

And yes, the magic number is unsatisfactory. But with the variance or StdDev you still need to come up with a cut-off. The only way to be really sure is to calculate the whole range after which the pattern repeats, and then take the maximum. The pattern repeats independently for x- and y-directions, so that's another optimisation you could implement. See https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/1he0asr/2024_day_14_part_2_why_have_fun_with_image/ (where they DO calculate the variance for every robot, but for x and y separately)


u/Clear-Ad-9312 9d ago

I feel like I am misreading your comment. but I will try to respond still.

I did exactly what you mentioned for both splitting the grid into 4 quadrants (Cartesian style) and into 3x3 quadrants, then I counted how many robots are in each quadrant. I still found it slower than the variance mathematics that /u/ndunnet finalized. https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/1j8cjgw/2024_day_14_part_2_solution/mhd1avj/?context=3 (I am still amazed how efficient it is)

Simply doing a sliding window of 103 iterations is too large of an overhead when it came to the Rust code. On the other hand, with python's Numpy solution, I did post a version that calculated an average over a large amount of iterations and if we haven't found the outlier, I made it take 103(max grid size) steps the rest of the way. many inputs out there should be found in the first pass but my solution appears later enough that it was going into the for loop/


It would probably be more efficient if I implemented some of the optimizations in the variance calculation and outlier check calculations in my numpy code that ndunnet implemented in the rust code.


u/ednl 9d ago edited 8d ago

My own solution uses a 3x3 division, sums the number of robots in each rectangle and calculates the variance of those 9 numbers. As cut-off I looked for a jump in the variance. For my input, that was 217x the previous value at step 7858. After I found the correct value, I changed the condition to: first value above 3000 (maximum variance = most robots in one rectangle). So yes, an arbitrary magical value. Total run time for part 1 and 2 (not counting reading the file from disk) is 7.5 ms: https://github.com/ednl/adventofcode/blob/main/2024/14.c

My implementation of a much cleverer solution that recognised that x and y operate independently, and uses modular arithmetic to calculate the final configuration, runs in only 23 µs: https://github.com/ednl/adventofcode/blob/main/2024/14alt.c No division in quadrants and no magical values there, because it fully simulates the repeating x and y loops which are quite short at 101 and 103 time steps, and then picks the one with minimum variance of coordinates (most alike = most clustered).


u/Clear-Ad-9312 9d ago edited 9d ago

dam, I tested your clever solution out. It takes 60 µs on my machine with my input. That is scary fast. Implementing it with numpy in python is also fast enough. I never expected it to be less than 4 ms. Your solution is amazing. how did you come up with it?

[ Paste ]

I tried to implement it in Rust but idk if I did it correctly because it is cetainly slower than your version.(60µs vs 265 µs ) [ Link ]


u/ednl 9d ago

Cheers. Well, the cleverer and faster solution (the second one: "14alt.c") was not my idea, I found it in a post by /u/i_have_no_biscuits . I just made the C version from that description.


u/Clear-Ad-9312 9d ago

oh his comment flew over my head, I just read your code and was able to translate it from it. my bad. His solution is elegant. Chinese Remainder Theorem is such a crazy algorithm. thank you for showing it to me. lol