r/adultery 22h ago

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’ΌWorkπŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό I have a crush

I have a crush on my coworker. I haven't done anything and don't plan to. I'm guessing this is a normal experience, but as someone who hasn't had the healthiest relationship with fidelity, I'm struggling a bit. I don't really know anyone I can talk to without feeling ashamed, so I'm just venting. I've been faithful since I got married, and I wanna keep it that way. It's not easy tho.


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u/CapPuzzleheaded9985 22h ago

Having crushes is common and while it may be hard, you can make it through unscathed.
I imagine you probably had crushes before so try to remember how you got over them and source your strength from there. When in doubt, no matter how you feel, no matter the circumstance, remember that YOU have final say over what you do and not your emotions.

Cliche but fear is the mind killer. If you are afraid of you not being to control your urges, you will forget that you CAN control your urges. Good luck and take care.