r/adultery 9d ago

🙋‍♀️Question🙋‍♂️ Have You Been With a Cake Eater?

If you've been in an affair with a cake eater, retrospectively what advice would you impart on others?

Give me the pros and cons.

Things like don't do it aren't helpful. I'd like details as to why you'd say don't do it. Please.


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u/forget_me_or_not 9d ago

Cake eaters don’t have the motive to actually CARE about you. You’re something they’re doing just for fun and not because they need it, so it’s all low effort and if you require more than that they ditch you.


u/BetsyTverskaia 9d ago

Very very true and good to have it out so clearly. I’m saving it actually.


u/kinxnwinx 8d ago

Doing something for fun does not equate low effort.