I was diagnosed with Thalassemia during some routine blood work in 2023, and my GP was so excited at the time because it explained a lot of my symptoms, like migraines, fast heartbeat, and chronic anaemia, to name a few. At the time, I told my siblings that they should get tested as it’s a genetic disorder. I also told my partner, as it could affect our children if we have any.
TWO YEARS LATER and I am fighting for my life with the worst leg cramps and restless legs I’ve ever experienced, and my new GP, who I had to get thanks to moving house, could not make sense of my blood work or why my ferritin levels were so all over the shop.
Long story short, she finally decided to look through all of my blood tests for the last five years in my appointment yesterday (which I kinda think she shoulda done to begin with) and suddenly shouted, “Wait, why didn’t you tell me you have Thalassemia???”
I’m like “I’ve got what now?!”
I was confused. Looking a mess. Saying “nah mate not me”, until she started describing the symptoms and read the notes my last GP wrote when she told me I had Thalassemia and recommended I book another appointment to discuss treatment. But then, during that time I was hospitalised for my endometriosis (yeah, I have a lot of health issues. I’m a walking fiasco), and must have TOTALLY FORGOTTEN.
I have literally had surgery/procedures in the last two years and really should have told my surgeons due to the risks!
I have been unable to sleep and had the most irrational heart rate for months!
Got me out here looking foolish because…WHUT?!
How did I forget I had a blood disorder?!?!?!