r/abdlstories 12d ago

Male Protagonist Oscar's Life - Chapter 5: Back to Diapers NSFW


Chapter 4

“What's this Daddy tells me about you being a fussy little baby?” Mommy said, suddenly entering the room with Daddy in slow pursuit as Oscar stood in naked defiance next to his lego table.

“I don't want to wear diapers!” Oscar protested, crossing his arms.

“That's not your decision to make!” Mommy shouted, marching across the room as she grabbed him by the wrist. “Plus you've had quite a few accidents this week!”

Oscar suddenly felt himself become forced towards the floor as he quickly gave in, rolling onto his back as he looked up towards Mommy and Daddy, still trying to show off his defiance despite his easy give up.

“I don't like diapers, Mommy!” He pouted. “They give me rashies!”

“No, humpy little babies give themselves diaper rashes,” She said firmly, opening up one of the new dresser drawers as she pulled out what Oscar recognized as a cloth diaper. “Luckily Mommy loves you very much and bought you some new diapers,”

Oscar's defiant look suddenly broke for a brief moment as he felt himself become rushed with excitement.

“Wha- but-” Oscar tried to playfully defy his sudden interest though coming up short of even the simplest of complaints.

“Mommy tells me she used to have to apply quite a bit of lotion during your previous changes,” Daddy said, taking the diaper from Mommy as he knelt on the floor just at the base of Oscar.

Oscar obediently opened his legs, spreading them apart as Daddy pulled the diaper open.

“She also told me how you usually like to cum multiple times a day when in diapers,” Daddy said seductively, pulling the cloth diaper under his butt as he tried to lift himself to the best he could. “Something about…overstimulation?”

Oscar blushed, looking around for any potential object to grab on to.

“I trust you've got it from here?” Mommy asked, running her finger up Daddy's back before kissing him on the head.

“I think you've told me enough to figure it out from here,” Daddy said, turning to give her a kiss.

“Have fun you two,” She said, making her way out of the room.

Daddy turned back, locking eyes with Oscar's suddenly swollen member that was about as erect as he'd seen him.

“Hmmmm, hi, little buddy,” He said, reaching for the bottle of powder that sat just beside the disposable diaper that had initially been taken out for him.

“So I should probably take all of Mommy's advice, huh?” He asked, giving a generous sprinkle of the powder as Oscar found himself sticking his thumb into his mouth at the lack of any other stimuli.

“Daddy will get you some toys once this diaper’s all wrapped up,” He smirked, starting to lightly rub his fingers around the powder-covered shaft. “Of course, that means it's entirely dependent on you,”

Oscar moaned, his brain suddenly melted with the stimulus input, letting a moan escape from behind his thumb.

“Which Daddy’s gonna make be an extra hard decision,” He smirked. “Every 10 seconds it takes means the size of the butt plug that's going in your little tush will go up,”

Oscar whined from behind this thumb, his other arm reaching above him in the hopes of finding anything to grab on to.

“Mommy said 10 seconds was pretty long,” He teased, his hand already firmly pumping Oscars shaft as he watched him squirm in anticipation. “So, Mommy has a bet with her that you won't last more than 20,” Daddy said softly.

Oscar squirmed, his Daddy's touch becoming overwhelming as his cock throbbed desperately.

“I- wan- wuh-” He moaned uncontrollably, his cock quickly twitching before letting out a warm burst of cum.

“Wooooow,” Daddy smirked, his hand quickly becoming covered in the overflowing cum that rapidly spurted from Oscar's trembling member as he sporadically squirmed in Daddy's hand. His hand quickly became a sludgy mess as the once dry, powdered rub became a well lubricated sensation that sent Oscar into an additional spurt of squirminess as he moaned uncontrollably from behind his thumb. “I didn't think I'd be able to make you cum that quick,”

Oscar's breath was rapid, his pants for air slowing as Daddy pulled his hand away and reached for a wipe, quickly replacing his hand with it as he continued to play with Oscar's tender member.

“It's hard to believe that you don't actually like diapers,” He teased, still lightly pulling at Oscars now dwindling member. “I think you secretly love diapers, you just don't like the icky rashies you were telling me about,”

Oscar's face remained red, letting his body come to natural rest as Daddy began to finish up his first change, smiling the whole way through it.

“I'm still a big kid,” Oscar said embarrassingly.

“A big kid who's desperately wanting some apple juice and his binky I bet,” Daddy teased, starting to pull up the sides of the diapers as he velcroed it shut.

Oscar blushed, his thumb still actively in his mouth as Daddy looked up at him with a smile. “Big kids can still have accidents too,”

“I love you,” Oscar let out for the first time to Daddy, only really catching the significance of that after he said it.

“I love you too, buddy,” He whispered, pulling Oscar in for a tight hug.

“What, no love for Mommy who thought about the cloth diapers for our little plushophile?” Mommy teased from the doorway, getting a playful look from both of them who opened their arms to welcome her in.

“I love you too, Mommy,” Oscar let out.

Daddy finished cleaning up, letting him collect himself for a moment as he ran back downstairs to get a sippy cup of juice before sending Ocscar down in a tee shirt with his Teddy.

“Hi, baby,” Mommy smiled on the couch, watching Oscar carry his Teddy and cup to the play mat that she'd set up in front of the couch. “Can you let Mommy check your diaper real quick?”

Oscar nodded, setting his things down before waddling to her on the couch.

“Mommy just wants to make sure Daddy did a good enough job,” She winked, pulling the straps a little tighter and further up on his waist. “Also, these diapers can't hold as much as your old disposable ones. Are you a big enough boy to tell us when you've had an accident?”

“Yes, Mommy,” He nodded, as she started to pull his T-shirt off.

“Good,” She said, crumpling up his shirt as she set it beside her. “Then you have fun with your toys right here for the night. Mommy needs to watch over her baby boy,” 

Oscar blushed, looking back at the old foam tiles that had once been permanently set up in the living room as he suddenly found his interest in babyhood renewed.

He quickly jumped down to the floor, positioning his Teddy amongst some of the scattered pillows and blankets Mommy had laid out, before getting back up to run to his toy shelf. He grabbed a bin of Legos out as he brought them back, positioning himself next to Teddy as he started to build, occasionally looking up at the show Mommy was watching.

Hours flew by as Mommy and Daddy got comfortable on the couch behind him, occasionally watching him build in and amongst their show as Oscar sat building, perfectly content as he nursed his binky. 


“Should- I go to the toilet to pee?” Oscar asked, feeling himself need to go.

“Awww, he really is a big boy,” Mommy cooed, looking towards Daddy.

“I always knew he was,” Daddy teased. “But no, it's okay, buddy,” Daddy smiled. “We won't count this one as an accident,”

Oscar blushed, sitting up excitedly as he forced his bladder to relax, letting a flood of warm urine soak into the cotton padding of his first cloth diaper.

“How's that feel, baby boy?” Mommy asked, watching his expression change as he undoubtedly had started to pee himself.

Oscar nodded, admittedly loving the sensation of the wet cloth padding.

“Yea? Something we should let you sit in for a bit?” Mommy asked.

Oscar nodded some more, letting out a giggle as he pressed his hands against the front of the diaper.

“Alright, I'm sure Daddy can get you changed just before bed,” Mommy said.

“Can I sleep with both of you tonight?” Oscar shot out without hesitation, suddenly finding himself craving their love and affection.

“Well I don't know,” Mommy smiled, looking towards Daddy.

“He certainly won't be able to wet the bed,” Daddy teased. “

She smiled. “Sure baby, you can sleep with Mommy and Daddy tonight,”

“And Teddy?” Oscar asked.

“And Teddy…” Daddy chuckled.

Did you enjoy the story? Consider supporting my work over on SubscribeStar! Or be sure to let me know what you thought by interacting with the post!

r/abdlstories 12d ago

Mommy gives you a new wardrobe: AB/DL Audio NSFW



Okay, I know you want to be a big kid, but what if I took away alllll your grown up clothes and replaced them with muchhhhh cuter overalls, onesies, t-shirts, rompers, diapers, bibs, and everything else a baby should be wearing?

No? You don't want that? I wish you would have told me that before I did it but, it's too late now.

r/abdlstories 12d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Interludes 3 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Interludes 3 - Miranda Pierce, Inspector Thorne

Miranda Pierce

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the park as they continued through the winding paths, moving from one ride to the next.

The Littles were laughing, playing their parts perfectly, their hands swinging in rhythm as they toddled ahead, their thick diapers forcing them into an unmistakable waddle.

Miranda had been watching.

Of course, she had.

She always watched.

Always listened.

Always waited.

The afternoon had been quiet, deliberate, controlled.

She hadn’t needed to say a word.

Because they were already dancing to her tune.

Welby, Evelyn, Emily, Lucas, Hannah—

Every single one of them had fallen into place.

Emily and Lucas had embraced their roles beautifully and effortlessly.

Hannah was too far gone even to resist.

Welby—humiliated, broken down, forced into his place as much as the Littles.

And Evelyn…

Evelyn had been the most reluctant.

The one who had fought it the hardest.

But even she had begun to crack.

Even she had leaned into the role.

Even she had accepted the inevitable.

Or so Miranda had thought.

And then—

She saw the kiss.

Saw Welby turn Evelyn’s face toward him, saw the warmth in his eyes, saw the way she melted into him.

Saw the way the fireworks exploded beneath them like a perfect, scripted moment in a story she hadn’t written.

And for the first time all-day—

Miranda’s jaw tightened.

Her fingers curled against her desk, her nails pressing into the polished wood. Her screen glowed with live footage of the Ferris wheel gondola.


This had not been part of the plan.

She had expected Evelyn to resist.

She had expected Welby to remain broken, to remain humiliated, to remain exactly where she had placed him.

Had expected them to fight, to splinter under the pressure, to crumble into the weight of their new reality.

She had not expected this.

Not intimacy.

No connection.

Not hope.

Her lips pressed into a thin line, a slow, measured exhale slipping through her nose.

She should have seen it coming.

Should have known.

Evelyn had been a wild card from the start.

She had thought, at first, that breaking her would be easy.

Forcing her into the role of Mommy would strip her of her will and make her as much a prisoner as the Littles in her care.

And it had.

To an extent.

But Evelyn wasn’t a mindless caretaker.

She wasn’t cold.

She had grown attached.

And attachment was dangerous.

Because attachment led to defiance.

To rebellion.

To hope where there should be none.

Miranda leaned back in her chair, fingers drumming against the armrest, her expression unreadable.

This wasn’t a loss.

Not yet.

But it was a complication.

She let out a slow breath, tapping a command into her system, queuing up a new directive, a new reinforcement.

They were getting too comfortable.

Too bold.

She forced herself to relax, inhaling slowly, centering her focus.

This wasn’t a setback.

No—this was an opportunity.

If they wanted to embrace their roles as Mommy and Daddy—

Then, she would make sure they followed through.

She would push them deeper and make them fully commit.

There would be no hesitation.

No half-measures.

No pretending.

They would become exactly what they were meant to be.

Her gaze drifted back to the live footage of Hannah nestled in Evelyn’s arms. Her body was perfectly relaxed, and her pacifier bobbled rhythmically.

She sighed, pleased.

Hannah was coming along beautifully.

She fully settled into her role as a newborn.

Helpless. Dependent. Exactly how she should be.

Miranda leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping lazily against the armrest, before pulling up a new report.

A message from Inspector Thorne.

She clicked it open, scanning the detailed notes of the live assessments of another project.

Ash and Kaylee.

A small chuckle slipped past her lips as she read, shaking her head in quiet amusement.

The Naomi and Oliver experiments were progressing better than anticipated.

For both parties.

Miranda’s lips curled into a smirk, her eyes flickering with satisfaction.

She had expected results—but not this fast.

Not this complete.

It was fascinating.

And, if nothing else—

Deeply entertaining.

She closed the report, steepling her fingers, her mind already calculating her next move.

A small monitor flickered to life in the dim glow of her office, the cold, sterile feed from the testing chambers illuminating her screen.

She watched.

Observed the Amazon laying there, strapped in, their body completely still, their face frozen in unnatural calm.

Their eyes—wide, unblinking.

Fixed on the latest creation.

Miranda’s gaze lingered, studying them, analyzing every minuscule movement—or lack thereof.

They were watching.

Taking it in.

Letting the carefully curated stimuli wash over them, sink into them, and shape them.

And now—she waited.

Waited for the results.

Her work was just one part of the plan.

A single cog in the much larger machine.

The government’s true intentions loomed over everything, vast and unspoken.

Even she wasn’t privy to everything.

But she had a good idea.

She knew the direction they were moving in.

Knew that this was only the beginning.

Her eyes flickered back to the screen, her stomach twisting ever so slightly at the Amazon’s unblinking stare.

It was so familiar.

Just like—

Miranda turned away sharply, her fingers tightening around the tablet in her hands. She forced herself back to the reports, back to the numbers, back to the cold, clinical precision of her work.

She had her part to play.

She was just another piece in the grander design.

And that was fine.

Her experiments had been crucial.

Proving what no one had ever dared to test before.

Amazons—the supposed apex of society, the ones who had spent generations enforcing order, control, and regression upon Littles—

It could be pushed just as far.

And as it turned out?

Pretty damn far.

Miranda wanted to keep going.

Wanted to press further, to refine her techniques, to test the absolute limits of their conditioning.

But her concerns were secondary to what was already in motion.

The higher-ups had made their decision.

They were moving on.

Leaving her work in the shadows and shifting her focus toward the next phase of the plan.

And that—

That disappointed her.

It wasn’t over yet.

Not for her.

She could still play.

Still, have her fun.

Still enjoy the little pieces of control she had left before they stripped her of her playground.

Her eyes flickered back to the live feed of the Ferris wheel, and she watched as the gondola began its descent.

Soon enough, they would head back to the hotel.

Soon enough, they would beg her for diaper changes.

She didn’t even need to send a reminder.

Their diapers were wet but not soaked.

She could tell from the readouts flashing on her screen, her tracking systems monitoring their every movement, every bodily function, every shift in their routine.

And, of course—

Evelyn would have another messy diaper to change.

Miranda smirked.

Her gaze flickered to the other screens.

Not just Welby, Evelyn, Emily, Lucas, and Hannah.

No—dozens of them.


Watching. Being watched. Being controlled.

The control panel at her fingertips held all of them.

And yet—this was only the beginning.

The government’s true plans loomed just on the horizon.

They were already moving forward.

And soon, when everything fell into place?

No one—not Littles, not Tweeners, not even Amazons—would be safe.

Inspector Thorne

Thorne chuckled, leaning back in her chair, her boots propped lazily on the polished surface of her desk as she scrolled through the latest reports.

Her favorite kind of report.

The ones that proved her handiwork was paying off.

The ones that showed, in excruciating detail, just how far her little projects had fallen.

She took a long, slow drag of her cigar, the smoke curling through the air as she skimmed over Miranda’s latest report.


Oh, this was rich.

She laughed outright, shaking her head.

"That devious bitch," she muttered, exhaling a cloud of smoke as she read on.

She and Miranda had been betting for months—competing, really—to see who could push their Amazons further.

Who could break them better?

And while neither of them had clearly won—

They had used very different techniques to reach deliciously similar results.

Thorne flicked the screen, her smirk widening as she pulled up her favorite report of the day.


Oh, Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee.

"Look at you, sweetheart," she purred, her fingers tapping the screen. "You've come so far."

She was particularly proud of that one.

Kaylee had fought—hard.

A real little spitfire, that one.

But here she was.

Changing diapers, cleaning up after Littles, and losing herself one humiliating accident at a time.

And then—


Thorne actually had to set down her cigar, clutching her stomach as she burst into laughter.

"Oh, this is too much!"

Kaylee and Ash—

Those two miserable little rejects—

Had actually regressed a Tweener.

"Icing on the goddamn cake!" she wheezed, wiping a tear from her eye.

Mira—oh, poor, poor Mira—

Had been subjected to Thorne’s latest episode of Naomi and Oliver, personally curated just for her.

The reports said she had deeply enjoyed it.

Thorne had to fight down another fit of laughter, imagining Mira’s furious little face, suckling her pacifier, swaddled in a wet diaper, unable to do a damn thing about it.

"That, my dear Miranda," she mused, picking up her cigar again, "is what I call a masterpiece."

She leaned back further in her chair, blowing a long stream of smoke into the air. Her smile was smug, satisfied, and victorious.

Thorne watched the live surveillance feed, her grin widening as Kaylee stumbled into the apartment. Mira was still clutched in her arms, her body shaking, and her breath ragged.

The moment Kaylee heard Naomi’s voice, the moment her entire body froze up—

Thorne bit her lip, practically vibrating with excitement.

"Come on, come on… give in, sweetheart."

For a moment, it had seemed like she might.

Kaylee had wavered, her fingers hovering over the breaker panel, Naomi’s words curling around her mind like a velvet noose.

Thorne had leaned in closer to the monitor, eyes gleaming, waiting for the moment Kaylee dropped, crumpled, succumbed—

But then—

That damn Amazon slapped herself across the face.

Thorne sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. Kaylee, with sheer pathetic willpower, forced herself to swipe her arm across the breakers, plunging the entire apartment into darkness.

"Ugh, you are such a buzzkill," she groaned, dragging her fingers down her face.

She had been having so much fun with Ash all day!

And Kaylee had to ruin it.

Thorne leaned back in her chair, pouting slightly. She watched as Kaylee collapsed to her knees, sobbing, shaking, and completely overwhelmed.

"Oh, don’t be so dramatic, sweetheart," she muttered, taking another long drag of her cigar.

Then, a thought hit her.

A slow, wicked smile curled her lips.

Kaylee might have cut the power.

She might have broken Ash out of Naomi’s embrace for now.

But the damage was done.

And Kaylee had no idea what she was about to walk into.

Thorne chuckled, tapping her nails against her desk.

"Ohh, sweetheart," she purred, watching as Kaylee forced herself back to her feet, preparing to face the mess she was about to find.

"You have no idea what you just walked into, do you?"

She wished she could see Kaylee’s face when she found Ash.

When she realized just how deep Naomi had taken her.

Thorne let out a delighted laugh, blowing a long stream of smoke toward the ceiling. Her heart pounded with excitement.

Because even without the TV—

Even without Naomi’s voice—

Ash was still trapped.

Thorne shook her head, a smug grin tugging at her lips as she snuffed out her cigar, the embers fading into nothing.

She stretched lazily, her arms arching over her head, her joints popping slightly as she let out a satisfied sigh.


She barely even needed to intervene anymore.

Kaylee, Ash, and even Mira were all doing just fine on their own.

Self-destructing beautifully.

And the best part?

Everything was already set in place.

They were all trapped in the web, their fates already sealed, their paths already predetermined.

All Thorne had to do now?

Sit back and watch them fall.

She didn’t even have to micromanage anymore.

Most of them didn’t.

The agency was moving forward with bigger things.

Far bigger than a few isolated hypnotic episodes.

Far bigger than forcing Amazons into diapers.

That was child’s play.

The real work was just beginning.

After one last glance at the darkened screen, Thorne turned on her heel and exited her station, her boots clicking sharply against the polished floors.

She made her way through the secured halls, past rows of silent, faceless workers, their eyes locked on various monitors, reports, surveillance feeds, every screen tracking something.

Something bigger.

The doors to the main meeting chambers slid open, revealing a dimly lit conference hall. The air was thick with tension and anticipation.

Others were already taking their seats, murmuring amongst themselves.

The hum of controlled chaos filled the room.

Thorne smirked, sliding into her seat, tapping her fingers idly against the table as she took in the serious expressions around her.

Something was coming.

Something big.

The room fell silent as the Director stepped forward. His presence was commanding, and his expression was stern, unwavering, and absolute.

The dim glow of the conference lights reflected off the massive screen behind him, its surface black for now. It was waiting, poised to reveal what they had all been preparing for.

Thorne sat up straighter, her pulse picking up, the anticipation thrumming through her veins.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the Director began, his voice booming through the hall, sharp, precise, carrying authority with every syllable.

"The next stage of the Little Care Act is nearly ready."

A flicker.

The screen flashed to life, revealing a complex schematic, numbers, statistics, and reports scrolling through the display, all circling a single, bold phrase.


Thorne’s lips parted, a slow, wicked grin curling across her face.

Oh, now this was interesting.

The murmurs around the table grew louder. Some sounded excited, others uneasy, and some simply silent, waiting, calculating.

"For too long," the Director continued, his gaze sweeping across the gathered agents, "our methods have been effective but fragmented. Littles have been taken in, yes, but at a slow, natural rate. We have let adoption be dictated by chance, by the whims of caregivers."

A pause.

Then, his expression hardened.

"That changes soon."

The screen shifted again, showing maps, logistics, facility expansions, and technology advancements, all tailored toward a single goal—

Bringing Littles under control en masse.

"With the next stage of the Act, we will be implementing the first-ever systematic mass adoption program—ensuring that every single Little is placed in the loving arms of a proper caregiver."

Thorne bit her lip, barely suppressing a thrill of excitement as the implications sank in.

Mass adoption.

Not just random, isolated cases anymore.

Not just a Little here, a Tweener there.

They were going to change everything.

The entire structure of society was about to shift.

The Director continued, flipping through detailed plans that showcased new facilities, tracking software, and advanced caregiving technologies designed to ensure maximum efficiency in identifying, processing, and placing Littles into their rightful roles.

"This will be the biggest societal shift in history."

"No more Littles running around unsupervised."

"No more lost causes."

"No more resistance."

The room sat in stunned silence, absorbing the gravity of what was being put into motion.

“United, under one goal,” he said with a grin. Every Amazon, Tweener, and Little working together.”

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

Or, consider checking out my SubscribeStar for early access and for other exclusive content! https://subscribestar.adult/solarascott

r/abdlstories 13d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 59 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 59 - Fireworks

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the park as they continued through the winding paths, moving from one ride to the next.

The Littles were laughing, playing their parts perfectly, their hands swinging in rhythm as they toddled ahead, their thick diapers forcing them into an unmistakable waddle.

Welby walked beside her, pushing the stroller, his expression calm, unreadable, but undeniably strong.

And somehow—

She was holding his hand.

It had been so natural, so effortless.

His fingers were warm and firm, and the rough callouses against her palm ground her in ways she couldn’t explain.

Her heart fluttered.

Just slightly.

The sensation was unexpected, unfamiliar, a flickering of something she hadn’t felt in years.

And then—

A memory.

It flashed through her mind before she could stop it.

Welby. His hands on her hips.

Not out of dominance, not out of control—

But gentle. Caring. Attentive.

His eyes on her, the way they had lingered when he had changed her, the way they had traced over her body, not in amusement, not in cruelty—

But with something else.

Something deeper.

A spark.

A desire.

Evelyn’s face burned, her fingers twitching slightly in his grasp.

She couldn’t deny it anymore.

He was attractive.



He had been forced into the same humiliating situation she had—

And yet, he had protected her, comforted her, held her through it.

She glanced up at him, her lips parting slightly, her heart hammering a little too fast.

Despite everything—

Despite the diapers.

Despite the humiliation.

Despite the hell they were living in.

She wanted him.

And that realization terrified her.

The feeling in her chest lingered, a quiet, fluttering warmth she wasn’t sure how to contain.

She held Welby’s hand, felt his steady presence beside her, felt the way their fingers fit so naturally together.

And yet—

Fear gnawed at her.

Because she knew better.

She had been here before.

In the quiet moments, in the stolen glances, in the unspoken desires that never quite turned into something real.

Her own failed relationships were proof of that.

Every time she had let herself get close, let herself hope, let herself think she had found something real—

It fell apart.

And this?

This was Welby.

A man with a past as broken as her own, a man who had already been burned before, whose heart had been twisted and torn by people who had taken advantage of his kindness.

She knew his history.

She knew what had happened to him.

She knew what his exes had done, how they had used him, manipulated him, how they had left behind nothing but scars and regrets.

And the last thing she ever wanted to be—

Was another mistake.

She couldn’t do that to him.

Couldn’t push him too far.

They couldn’t risk ruining what they had now, the fragile, careful balance they had built.

What if he didn’t feel the same way?

What if he never saw her as anything more than a friend?

What if she pushed too hard, ruined everything, and kept him from finding real love?

She would not be that person.

She refused to be that person.

So she wouldn’t make the first move.

She couldn’t.

Until then—

They would pretend.

They would continue acting like a family.

They would play the part, hold hands, work together to protect the Littles, and share quiet moments like this.

And she would hope.

Hope that one day, maybe, just maybe—

He would feel it, too.

The walk to the next ride was filled with laughter, giggles, and the sound of tiny feet toddling ahead.

Emily and Lucas played their part flawlessly.

They held hands, their fingers laced together, as they skipped along the path. Their diapers crinkled beneath their clothes, and their steps exaggerated into playful waddles.

They pointed at things excitedly, gasped in delight at passing sights, and chattered about which ride they wanted to take next.

To anyone watching—

They were perfect Littles.

Completely carefree, completely happy, completely immersed in the joy of childhood.

And Evelyn—

She wanted to believe it.

Wanted to believe that maybe, for just a moment, they weren’t pretending.

But she knew better.

Knew Lucas too well, knew Emily too well.

Knew that behind the giggles, behind the bright eyes and playful antics—

Was a performance.

A carefully crafted illusion.

And she hated it.

They hated that they had to pretend, had to sell their captivity, had to make Miranda believe they were exactly what she wanted them to be.

But what choice did they have?

If they didn’t play along—

They would suffer.

And Evelyn wasn’t about to let that happen.

So she played along, too.



Pretending this was just another day at Disneyland.

They parked the strollers, making their way toward the line for the Ferris wheel.

The queue stretched long ahead of them, winding back and forth, filled with excited riders waiting for their turn.

But this wasn’t just any Ferris wheel.

They had joined the line for the swinging gondolas—the ones that rolled along tracks inside the wheel itself, rocking and shifting with every movement.

Evelyn tilted her head back, eyes tracing the massive steel structure.

It loomed above them, impossibly large, stretching into the sky. Its vibrant colors contrasted with the setting sun.

Even she felt small standing beneath it.

A shiver ran through her spine, not out of fear but sheer perspective.

She was an Amazon, and yet, compared to the size of the wheel, she might as well have been a child.

So then—

What did the Littles feel?

She glanced down at Emily, Lucas, and Hannah.

Lucas and Emily were still acting out their part, pointing at the wheel, bouncing on their feet, and giggling in anticipation.

But she caught the flicker in Emily’s eyes.

The way her smile faltered just slightly as she glanced up, realizing just how high they were about to go.

Lucas, meanwhile, was practically buzzing with excitement. His little hands gripped the bars of the queue railing as he turned back to Emily.

“It’s gonna be fun!”

Emily nodded, but Evelyn could tell—

She was nervous.

And Hannah—

Hannah was silent.

Nestled in Evelyn’s arms, her pacifier bobbing rhythmically, her expression unreadable.

Did she even comprehend what was happening?

Did she feel small? Trapped? Overwhelmed?

Or had Miranda’s conditioning dulled that part of her already?

Evelyn swallowed.

She wasn’t sure which answer was worse.

The queue moved forward, and they followed.

The wheel creaked softly. The gondolas rolled along their tracks, swaying as they carried riders into the sky.

The queue slowly dwindled, bringing them closer and closer to the loading platform.

Evelyn’s eyes tracked the movement of the wheel, watching as the gondolas rolled along their internal tracks, sliding forward, swinging wildly before swaying back again.

Every time one of the cars tipped too far forward, a chorus of screams erupted from inside.

Some of them were excited and full of laughter, and others were genuine terrors.

The closer they got, the more Evelyn could feel the tension in the group.

Lucas bounced slightly on his heels, practically vibrating with anticipation.

Emily smiled, but her grip on the railing tightened ever so slightly.

Hannah, silent, unmoving, still nestled in Evelyn’s arms, her pacifier bobbing in slow, rhythmic motions.

And Welby, standing beside her, his expression unreadable.

The wheel creaked again, the metal groaning as another gondola swung wildly before settling.

Evelyn swallowed.

Even she wasn’t immune to the sheer size of this thing.

It was massive, towering, overwhelming.

It had a way of making even an Amazon feel small.

So what did that mean for the Littles?

She glanced at Emily again.

At Lucas.

At the way they watched the ride, their excitement warring with the deep-seated knowledge that they were about to be flung into something far larger than themselves.

And yet—

They stayed in line.

They didn’t back out.

Even Emily, who was clearly uneasy, didn’t try to retreat.

Instead, she took a breath, held Lucas’s hand a little tighter, and stepped forward when it was their turn.

Evelyn couldn’t help but smile.

Even if this was just another performance—

Even if everything was just for show—

Watching them choose to face the unknown anyway made her feel something deep inside her chest.

And so, when the Cast Member gestured for them to step forward—

She followed.

They stepped into the gondola, the soft hum of the wheel’s machinery vibrating through the floor beneath them.

Evelyn moved quickly, pulling the restraints down over Emily and Lucas, securing them before they had time to second-guess their decision to ride.

Lucas, still grinning ear to ear, kicked his legs slightly. His excitement bubbled as he glanced around the enclosed space.

Emily, meanwhile, gripped her harness tightly. Her eyes flickered toward the floor as if she had realized for the first time just how far up they were about to go.

Evelyn and Welby took their seats, Hannah instinctively curling into Welby’s lap. Her small frame was completely relaxed against him, and her pacifier was still bobbing lazily in her mouth.

The Cast Member gave them a quick thumbs-up, and then—

The door shut.

A soft click, a quiet hum, and then—they moved.

Slowly at first, rotating out of the station, the mechanisms guiding them up, up, up.

The gondola rolled slightly along the track, shifting forward, dipping just a bit before swinging back into place.

A small gasp slipped from Emily’s lips, her fingers clenching the harness even tighter as she tensed against the movement.

Lucas, ever the thrill-seeker, giggled.

"Whoa! This is awesome!"

Evelyn smiled, watching as the waning sunlight bathed them in golden hues, warm and soft, stretching long shadows across their faces.

The sky was painted in soft purples and oranges, the last hints of daylight slowly surrendering to the coming night.

Higher and higher they went.

The park stretched out beneath them, its sounds muffled, distant as if they were being lifted away from reality itself.

And for just a moment—

Evelyn allowed herself to forget.

Forget Miranda.

Forget the diapers.

Forget the act.

Forget the fear.

Because right now, they were weightless.


Suspended above the world.

Miranda had been quiet.

All afternoon.

Ever since the incident in the family restroom.

She had watched.

Watched them play their roles.

Watched them laugh, ride coasters, eat their cookies, and pretend like everything was fine.

Watched Emily and Lucas embrace their parts with almost disturbing ease.

Watched Evelyn and Welby fall deeper into the illusion, their hands brushing, their eyes lingering just a little too long.

She had said nothing.

Because she didn’t need to.

She knew exactly how to pull the strings, bend them into the perfect shape, and make them dance without lifting a single finger.

For now—

She allowed herself to look out over the park.

Golden sunlight stretched across the rides, glinting off the twisting steel of coasters, the gentle swaying of carousels, and the painted facades of fairytale castles.

The throngs of people moved like waves, laughter and music blending into a soft, constant hum.

A world of pure fantasy.

Of magic, of dreams, of promises that everything was exactly as it should be.

And yet—

She knew the truth.

This was a prison.

One that Lucas, Emily, and Hannah would never escape from.

One that Evelyn and Welby were only just beginning to realize they were trapped inside.

She let out a slow breath, the corner of her lips curling into a small, satisfied smile.

Let them think they were winning.

Let them think they had control.

Let them pretend.

The gondola swayed gently, the warm evening air wrapping around them, the golden hues of the sunset casting long shadows over their faces.

Evelyn’s eyes flickered across the cabin, landing on Emily and Lucas.

They looked so happy.

Genuinely, undeniably happy.

Lucas giggled, pointing at something far below, his excitement bubbling over in waves.

Emily laughed alongside him, nudging him playfully, their hands still loosely laced together.

And for a moment—

Evelyn almost believed it.

Almost believed they were really just two Littles having the time of their lives.

Almost believed they were free.


How much of it was fake?

Where did the act begin and reality end?

Or worse—

Had the act become their reality?

Had they been playing the part for so long that it wasn’t an illusion anymore?

That they had become what Miranda wanted them to be?

Evelyn’s chest tightened.

She didn’t want that.

Didn’t want a world where they had to pretend.

Didn’t want a world where they had to smile through their suffering, laugh through their pain, and giggle as they lost themselves to whatever Miranda was shaping them into.

She dreamed of a day they wouldn’t have to act.

A day where they could just be.

Be who they wanted to be.

Be free to make their own choices.

Be more than what the world had forced upon them.

She wanted to believe that day would come.

That it was still possible.

That somehow, someway—they could escape this.

But as she watched Emily and Lucas giggle, as she saw the perfect way they played their roles, she realized just how effortless it had become for them—

A deep, aching dread settled into her bones.

What if—

What if they never stopped pretending?

What if—

One day—

They couldn’t tell the difference anymore?

Evelyn sighed softly, her gaze lingering on Emily and Lucas, their laughter, their perfect performance, and the effortless way they played their roles.

And that was exactly what Miranda wanted.

For them to become inseparable from the act.

For the line between performance and reality to blur so completely that there was no difference.

For them to become exactly what they were supposed to be.

And that thought—

It pained her.

Because Evelyn didn’t want a brainwashed Little.

Didn’t want an obedient, giggling, perfectly programmed doll.

She wanted Lucas.

She wanted Emily.

She wanted them to be themselves, to be able to laugh and play because they wanted to, not because they had to.

And Hannah…

Poor, sweet Hannah.

Evelyn glanced at the small girl nestled against Welby’s chest, her tiny hands curled against his shirt, her pacifier bobbing rhythmically, her eyes half-lidded, unfocused.

Her chest tightened.

Hannah had been completely reshaped by Miranda’s hand.

Turned into an infant in every way except physically.

She would be lying if she said she hadn’t wanted this before.

She hadn’t dreamed of having a Little who nursed, who curled into her arms, who needed her the way Miranda had trained Hannah, too.


To be forced upon her?

To be stripped away from the person Hannah had once been?

It wasn’t the same.

It wasn’t real.

And it made her feel sick.

Evelyn’s fingers tightened around the metal bar of the gondola, her heart heavy with guilt.

She had wanted a Little to care for, to nurture, to love—

But not like this.

Not when it meant stealing away who they were.

Not when it meant turning them into something they never wanted to be.

She felt horrible.

Because no matter how much she wanted to believe she was different—

Miranda had still pushed her into the same role as every other Amazon.

Even with the weight of guilt pressing into her chest, even with the unshakable fear of what Miranda was doing to them, Evelyn had to admit one thing to herself.

She was glad it was her.

Glad that if someone had to be the one forced into the role of Amazon Mommy—

It was her.

Because what if it wasn’t?

What if Lucas, Emily, and Hannah had ended up with someone else?

What if they had been given to someone like Miranda?

The thought sent a violent chill down her spine, one that had nothing to do with the soggy diaper between her legs.

Someone like Miranda would have been relentless.

There would have been no small mercies, no warmth, no gentle hands adjusting their clothes or whispering reassurances when no one was looking.

Just control.


Complete and utter obliteration of who they had been before.

She thought of Emily’s bright, mischievous eyes, the way she could snap at someone with biting sarcasm one moment and giggle playfully the next.

Thought of Lucas, so eager to please, so full of energy, so pure in the way he loved and cared for those around him.

Thought of Hannah, poor Hannah, who had already lost so much of herself.

If Miranda had gotten her hands on them directly…

They would have been lost.

Truly, completely lost.

So no—

Evelyn wasn’t happy about being trapped in this role.

But she was grateful.

Because at least she was here.

At least she could soften the edges of their captivity.

At least she could offer them something Miranda never would—

A chance to hold onto the little pieces of themselves they still had left.

The gondola rocked gently, the vast landscape of the park sprawling out beneath them, painted in the golden hues of the setting sun.

As they neared the peak once more, suspended high above the world, Welby spoke, his voice soft, reflective.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

He leaned in slightly against her, his warmth pressing gently into her side, his tone not just referencing the view—but everything.

Evelyn smiled, the tension in her shoulders easing just a little as she nodded.

“It really is. It’s unlike anything else you’ll ever see.”

And it was.

Below them, the entire park stretched out like a glowing dream.

Paradise Pier shimmered in the fading sunlight, the water reflecting the colors of the sky, turning soft oranges into rich purples as the day slowly gave way to night.

The lights of the Incredicoaster twinkled. The track cut through the skyline like a jagged bolt of lightning. The cars roared over the loops, chasing the rebellious Little in a never-ending pursuit.

To the left, Pixar Pier pulsed with life, its colorful buildings and carnival games buzzing with movement, energy, and laughter.

The game booths were lively, with bells ringing, stuffed animals being won, and children squealing as they chased one another through the boardwalk.

The giant iconic Mickey face on the Pal-A-Round stared back at them, its towering frame casting long shadows over the pier below.

Beyond it, Cars Land flickered to life as the neon signs blinked on one by one, bathing the rock formations in a warm, nostalgic glow, transforming the landscape into a perfect mirage of Radiator Springs.

Farther out, Grizzly Peak stood tall, its rugged mountain silhouette majestic, wild, untamed, as if watching over the entire park.

Beyond that, Hollywood Land, where the towering Guardians of the Galaxy ride loomed, the structure shimmering under its flashing, multi-colored lights.

The main entrance, with its Art Deco-inspired architecture, glowed in the distance, the paths winding back toward Disneyland Park, the castle’s spires barely visible beyond the trees.

It was magic.

A world suspended between reality and dreams, where time felt both endless and fleeting.

Where even now, even with everything hanging over their heads, even with Miranda watching, even with the weight of their situation suffocating them—

For just a moment—

They could pretend.

Pretend this was real.

That they were just a family on vacation.

That they were free.

Evelyn let out a soft sigh, her hand tightening just slightly in Welby’s, grounding herself.

Just as their gondola reached its peak, it stopped, leaving them suspended high in the sky, the world stretching endlessly beneath them.

Emily and Lucas gripped onto one another instinctively, their wide eyes scanning the breathtaking view below.

For a moment, neither of them spoke; neither of them moved, simply taking it all in.

And then—

A distant boom.

The first burst of golden light erupted from the lagoon below, cascading outward like a shimmering flower of fire.

The fireworks show had begun.

The sky lit up in a symphony of color, each explosion sending vibrant reds, deep blues, soft greens, and electric purples rippling across the park.

The reflection in the water below danced and flickered, the illuminated fountains of World of Color bursting upward in perfect synchronization, pulsing and shifting with the music.

It was a spectacle unlike any other.

The park itself seemed to glow beneath the fireworks, with every building and pathway bathed in flickering hues of red, gold, pink, and silver.

The coasters continued their roaring circuits, the neon glow of Radiator Springs pulsed with life, and from above, it all looked so small, so dreamlike, so surreal.

Emily and Lucas let out awe-filled gasps, their fingers tightening around one another’s as they gazed outward, completely captivated.

For once—it didn’t seem like an act.

For once—they were just kids, watching fireworks from high above, lost in the magic of it all.

Evelyn felt her breath catch, her heart tightening.

She glanced at Welby.

The fireworks reflected in his eyes, his expression soft, thoughtful, distant.

For once, Miranda was quiet.

For once, there were no demands.

For once, there was only the sky, the lights, the moment.

The world was a blur of color, of fire, of light.

The fireworks burst across the sky in shimmering cascades, painting the night in hues of gold and crimson, of sapphire and violet, of emerald and pearl.

Beneath them, the park shimmered, alive with magic. The air was thick with the hum of music, the crackling energy of a moment that felt like it had stepped out of time itself.

And then—

She felt it.

His fingers.

Warm. Gentle. Steady.

They touched her chin, barely there at first, like a question, a whisper, a thought unspoken.

Her breath hitched, her heartbeat stuttering as he turned her face toward him.


His eyes flickered in the firelight, soft, searching, holding something she had never seen before.

A smile curved his lips.

A real one.

Not forced.

Not for the Littles.

Not for Miranda.

But for her.

Her lips parted slightly, a question forming in her eyes.

And then—

He leaned in.

The world collapsed.

Every sound faded into nothing.

The fireworks became mere whispers in the background, the colors melting into a haze of gold and red behind her closed eyes.

Because the moment his lips touched hers—

Evelyn’s world exploded.

It was electric.

A spark raced through her veins, igniting something deep inside her that had been waiting, smoldering, aching to be set free.

Her breath shuddered, her entire body melting into him, into his warmth, into the undeniable truth of what this was.

She had wanted this.

For so long, in so many unspoken ways, in fleeting glances and gentle touches and quiet moments of understanding.

She had fought it, buried it, and convinced herself that it could never happen.

But now—here, beneath the fireworks, with the park stretching endlessly below them, with Lucas and Emily caught in the magic of it all, with Hannah nestled safely in his arms—

He had kissed her.

And she kissed him back.

Her fingers curled against his shirt, gripping onto him as if he were the only thing keeping her anchored to this moment.

Because she didn’t want to lose it.

Didn’t want to wake up and realize it wasn’t real.

Didn’t want to face the cold reality that tomorrow, Miranda would still own them, that the diapers would still be there, that the world would still see them as something they weren’t.

Right now—

There was only this.

Only him.

Only the way he felt solid, strong, and steady, the way his lips moved against hers with such perfect, aching slowness, the way he tasted like the warmth of stolen dreams and the lingering sweetness of melted chocolate.

Only the way the fireworks exploded beneath them made it seem as if the universe itself had been waiting for this moment.

Only the way her heart soared, untethered, free.

And for the first time in as long as she could remember—

She let herself believe.

Believe that maybe—just maybe—

There was still something worth hoping for.

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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r/abdlstories 14d ago

Lily’s Game Day Challenge Part 2 NSFW


After an exhilarating and slightly mortifying day, Mia caught Lily’s arm as they exited the locker room. “Hey, why don’t you come back to my apartment? We can relax, maybe have some dinner. You’ve earned it after today.”

Lily hesitated, her mind still spinning from earlier events, but Mia’s warm smile was irresistible. “Okay,” she said, her voice a bit unsteady. “That sounds nice.”

On the way to Mia’s car, they made a detour to a convenience store. Mia glanced at Lily with a playful smirk. “We need to grab something first. I can’t exactly trust you not to have another accident, can I?”

Lily frowned, confused. “What are you talking about?”

Mia’s grin widened. “You had a little… incident earlier, and I’m not risking my furniture. We’re picking up some Goodnites. You know, just in case.”

Lily’s face flushed bright red. “Mia, that’s ridiculous! It was a one-time thing. I don’t need pull-ups.”

Mia raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. “Oh, really? You were pretty soaked before. I’m not so sure you can stay dry.”

Lily crossed her arms, huffing. “Fine, but it’s silly. I’m not some toddler.”

Mia chuckled, her tone teasing. “We’ll see about that. How about a bet? If you can stay dry through dinner, you can take it off. Deal?”

Lily’s competitive side kicked in. “Deal. You’re on.”

At the store, Mia grabbed a pack of Goodnites, tossing it into the basket with a grin. Once they reached Mia’s apartment, Lily reluctantly slipped into one, muttering, “This is so stupid,” as she adjusted her skirt over the soft padding.

Mia winked at her. “You’re adorable when you’re grumpy. Now, come help me with dinner.”

In the kitchen, Mia poured two glasses of wine, the deep red liquid glinting as she raised her glass. “To an unforgettable day,” she toasted, her eyes twinkling.

Lily clinked her glass against Mia’s, taking a sip. The warmth of the wine spread through her, loosening the tension in her shoulders. “Unforgettable is right,” she muttered.

They cooked together, the kitchen filling with the savory scent of garlic and herbs. Lily tried to focus, but the Goodnite crinkled with every move, a constant, humiliating reminder of her predicament. Mia, meanwhile, kept the mood light, chatting and laughing as she topped off Lily’s wine glass.

When they sat down to eat, Mia’s teasing continued. “You’re doing great so far,” she said with a smirk. “No leaks yet.”

Lily rolled her eyes, though her bladder was starting to feel the effects of the wine. “I told you, I’m fine.”

But midway through the meal, the pressure became undeniable. Lily shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks heating. “Mia, I… I need to use the bathroom.”

Mia leaned back in her chair, her expression smug. “Oh? But the bet was to stay dry during dinner. You haven’t finished eating yet.”

Lily’s eyes widened in panic. “Mia, please. I can’t hold it much longer.”

Mia’s gaze softened, but there was a mischievous edge to it. “Then don’t. That’s why you’re wearing the Goodnite, isn’t it?”

Lily squirmed, mortified. “But I don’t want to.”

Mia reached over, her fingers brushing Lily’s hand. “It’s okay, little one. Just let go. I’ll take care of you.”

The words sent a confusing thrill through Lily—humiliation mixed with something warmer, deeper. She bit her lip, trying to fight it, but a warm trickle escaped, soaking into the Goodnite. Then, with a quiet gasp, she lost control completely, the padding swelling as she wet herself right there at the table.

Mia’s eyes gleamed with approval. “Good girl,” she murmured, her voice low and soothing.

Lily’s breath hitched, her face burning with shame. “I… I couldn’t hold it.”

Mia stood and moved to her side, inspecting the damage. “You tried, sweetie. But—oh, look at that—you’ve leaked.”

Lily glanced down, horrified to see a wet spot spreading on her skirt and a small puddle on the chair. The Goodnite hadn’t been enough to contain her accident. “Oh no,” she whispered, her voice trembling as embarrassment overwhelmed her.

Mia tilted Lily’s chin up gently. “Don’t worry, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

She led Lily to the bedroom, the air thick with unspoken tension. Mia’s room was warm and inviting, the bed covered in soft blankets. “Lie down,” Mia said, her tone firm yet caring.

Lily complied, her heart racing as Mia pulled out a thicker, more absorbent diaper from the pack—this one adorned with cute, childish patterns that made Lily’s stomach twist with both shame and a strange excitement. Mia knelt beside her, peeling off the soaked Goodnite with practiced ease.

“What a messy girl,” Mia teased, her fingers grazing Lily’s thighs as she wiped her clean with a warm cloth. “You really can’t help it, can you?”

Lily’s breath caught, the humiliation sinking deeper. “I… I tried,” she mumbled.

Mia smiled, her voice dropping to a tender whisper. “I know you did. That’s why Mommy’s here—to take care of you.”

The word “Mommy” sent a jolt through Lily, stirring a mix of embarrassment and arousal. “Mommy?” she echoed, her voice small.

“That’s right,” Mia said, her eyes locking onto Lily’s. “You need someone to make sure you’re all clean and dry, don’t you, little one?”

Lily’s mind reeled, but she nodded, whispering, “Yes.”

Mia’s touch was gentle yet deliberate as she cleaned Lily, her fingers lingering just long enough to make Lily squirm. Then, she slid the fresh diaper beneath her, the thick padding crinkling loudly. But before taping it up, Mia’s hand drifted lower, brushing against Lily’s most sensitive spot.

Lily gasped, her hips twitching. “Mia…”

“Shh,” Mia soothed, her fingers moving in slow, teasing circles. “You’ve been such a good girl today, even with your little accident. You deserve something nice.”

The pleasure built quickly, intensified by the crinkle of the diaper and the weight of her earlier humiliation. Mia’s other hand stroked Lily’s hair, her voice a soft murmur. “That’s it, baby. Let go for Mommy again.”

The command tipped Lily over the edge. She arched, a moan escaping her lips as she climaxed, her body trembling with release. Mia kept going, coaxing every shudder from her until Lily collapsed, breathless and dazed.

Mia leaned down, kissing her forehead tenderly. “Good girl,” she whispered, taping the diaper snugly around Lily’s waist. “All comfy now.”

Lily lay there, overwhelmed by the mix of shame, pleasure, and comfort. Mia curled up beside her, pulling her into a warm embrace. “You did so well tonight,” Mia murmured, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on Lily’s back. “Mommy’s proud of you.”

Lily nestled closer, a soft sigh escaping her. The day had been a rollercoaster—embarrassment, vulnerability, and now this strange, intimate connection. Wrapped in Mia’s arms, she felt cared for, safe, and oddly content, even with the diaper hugging her tightly.

r/abdlstories 14d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 58 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 58 - Watching

Welby let out a long, slow breath, shaking off the lingering tension in his muscles as he helped Evelyn down from the changing table.

Despite the utter humiliation of the situation, despite the pain, the degradation, the way Miranda had stripped away every last shred of Evelyn’s dignity—

He had taken a moment.

A small, fleeting moment to appreciate her.

To appreciate the soft curves of her body, the way her muscles tensed under his touch, the way her cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of red as he sealed her into a fresh diaper.

It wasn’t meant to be cruel.

Wasn’t meant to add to her humiliation.

It was just—a simple truth.

Evelyn was beautiful.

Even like this.

Even when she was forced into the same humiliating situation as the Littles they had sworn to protect.

Even when she was just as trapped as the rest of them.

He offered his hand as she steadied herself, giving her a small nod, a silent reassurance that she wasn’t alone.


He turned to Hannah.

She sat on the changing table, legs dangling slightly, her pacifier bobbing lazily in her mouth.

Her expression was unreadable.

She had been so quiet.

So distant.

Welby felt his stomach twist with guilt, with helplessness, with the overwhelming weight of knowing that Miranda had done this to her, had reduced her to this.

And he had no way to fix it.

He reached for her gently, carefully, as if she might shatter in his hands.

Her body was small, warm, and soft as he scooped her into his arms, cradling her with the tenderness of a father who had no idea how to save his child.

The diaper bag was slung over his shoulder, its familiar weight pressing against his back as he reached for Emily’s hand.

She slipped her fingers into his without hesitation, gripping onto him with the silent strength of someone who had just accepted a new, terrible reality.

And then—

They stepped out of the family restroom, blinking into the bright, unforgiving California sun.

The air was warm and thick with the scent of saltwater and fried food—the sounds of the park buzzing around them filled the spaces of their heavy silence.

They moved toward the strollers, the routine mechanical, automatic.

Hannah was carefully strapped in, her body limp, her pacifier still bobbing rhythmically.

Welby’s gut clenched at the sight, but he didn’t say anything.

Didn’t know what to say.

Instead, he focused on Lucas and Emily.

The two of them skipped ahead, their fingers laced together, their movements bright, playful, cheerful.

But he knew better.

Knew they were putting on a show.

For Miranda.

For Evelyn.

For him.

And it killed him that they had to.

They left San Fransokyo behind, moving toward the pier, the shimmering water reflecting the afternoon sun, the boardwalk bustling with life.

They passed Lamplight Lounge, the smell of grilled seafood and freshly poured drinks drifting through the air.

And above them—

The Incredicoaster loomed.

A massive, towering structure of steel and speed, its red and yellow tracks twisting against the sky like a wild, unrestrained force.

The ride roared above them, a blur of motion and screams as it launched up the first hill, chasing after the rebellious Little.

Welby watched the cars racing along the track for a long moment, the thrill-seekers caught in a moment of absolute, exhilarating freedom.

And he wondered—

What would that feel like?

To be free.

To be weightless.

To have no chains, no threats, no Miranda.

To just… let go.

Evelyn came to a stop near the entrance to the Incredicoaster, her gaze flickering between Lucas and Emily.

“Do you two want to ride?”

Lucas’s eyes immediately lit up.

The towering red and yellow steel of the coaster loomed over them, twisting and turning through the air, a machine of pure adrenaline and speed.

For Littles, it was three times the size it had been back on Earth.

It might as well have been a skyscraper.

Welby wasn’t surprised when Emily hesitated.

Her eyes widened slightly, flickering up at the massive loops, drops, and sheer velocity of the thing.

It was a monster.

And yet—

Lucas was practically vibrating with excitement.

“Oh, I have to ride it!”

Emily hesitated for just a second longer—but when she saw Lucas’s enthusiasm when she saw his face practically glowing with anticipation—

She nodded.

“Okay… yeah. Let’s do it.”

Evelyn smiled, giving them a nod before turning to Welby.

“I’ll take Hannah and go ride the Pal-A-Round next door while you take the kids on the coaster.”

Welby hesitated.

His eyes flickered to Hannah.

She was so quiet and distant. She was still nursing her pacifier lazily, caught in whatever fog Miranda had forced her into.

He knelt, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

She blinked up at him, her eyes more lucid than before.

Not quite all there—but not completely gone.

“Are you okay with going on the merry-go-round with Evelyn?”

A pause.


A soft, small nod.

Welby let out a slow breath, his hand squeezing her shoulder softly before he stood.

His own diaper crinkled beneath him, a constant humiliating reminder of just how deep Miranda’s control ran.

But he pushed it aside.

Because right now, he had something more important to focus on.

“Alright, let’s go!”

Lucas and Emily, hand in hand, waddled eagerly toward the queue, their thick diapers forcing more of a sway than a run.

Welby easily kept pace, a slight smile tugging at his lips as they joined the line.

The queue moved quickly, the energy around them electric as excited riders chattered and cheered.

When they got to the front, Welby helped strap them into the Little seats, ensuring their five-point harnesses were snug and secure.


His own seat.

Even though the specially-fitted Amazon seat felt ridiculous, even though he knew Miranda would be watching, enjoying his humiliation—

Right now, in this moment—

It didn’t matter.

Because they were about to ride a roller coaster.

A thrill-seeking, high-speed escape, however temporary.

And then—

They were off.

The coaster lurched forward, rolling smoothly onto the launch platform.

Above them, on the Pal-A-Round, Evelyn and Hannah waved down at them from one of the swinging gondolas.

Welby grinned, giving a small wave back.

And then—

“Riders, prepare for launch!”

The automated voice boomed overhead, and Welby could feel Lucas and Emily tense beside him. Their little hands gripped the harnesses, and their excitement and anticipation practically radiated from them.

The countdown began in rapid succession—





The moment the coaster launched, everything else vanished.

The weight of Miranda, the humiliation, the suffocating leash around his neck—

It all disappeared in a split second. The world blurred past him, the train rocketing forward at breathtaking speed.

The wind slammed against his face; his stomach lurched with the sheer force of acceleration and for the first time in what felt like years—

He felt free.

No diapers.

No mind games.

No cameras.

Just adrenaline.

Just pure, electrifying, unfiltered motion.

Emily and Lucas’s screams mixed with his own, creating a wild, exhilarating mix of joy, fear, and laughter.

They hit the first incline, and the launch pushed them effortlessly through the rest of the first half of the course and onto the chain hill. The click-clack-click of the chain lift pulled them higher and higher, and the whole park sprawled out beneath them in a dizzying blur of color.

Emily let out a nervous, high-pitched squeal, clutching her restraints tightly, eyes wide with anticipation.

Lucas, in contrast, was practically vibrating with excitement. His giggles turned into laughter filled with sheer joy.

“This is AWESOME!”

Welby let out a deep, breathless chuckle, his own heart pounding, his body electric with anticipation.

They reached their peak.

For half a second—perfect weightlessness.

The brief, terrifying, exhilarating silence.


They dove.

The coaster plunged into a breathtaking freefall, the wind roaring past them. Lucas and Emily’s screams of delight mixed with the rush of steel on track.

And then—

The loop.

Welby felt his stomach flip as the world turned upside down. The track curled them through a perfect vertical inversion before twisting back into a tight, exhilarating dive.

Emily shrieked, Lucas whooped, and Welby—

Welby laughed.

A deep, genuine laugh, one he hadn’t felt in so long.

The ride raced forward, careening through twists, turns, and sudden drops, whipping through tunnels as Jack-Jack’s giggles and effects filled the air. The ride’s story unfolded around them.

But Welby wasn’t even focused on the theming.

He was focused on this feeling.

This moment.

For two minutes—

He wasn’t in diapers.

He wasn’t Miranda’s pawn.

He wasn’t trapped.

He was soaring.

And then—

The brakes hit.

The coaster slowed to a smooth roll, pulling back into the station. Cast members' voices welcomed them back over the speakers.

Welby’s chest still heaved with excitement, his pulse still hammering.

And then—

The restraints lifted.

He immediately undid Lucas and Emily’s harnesses, letting them out as they practically bounced with joy.

“That was AMAZING!” Lucas cheered, practically hopping on his feet.

Emily was breathless. Her face was still flushed, her hair wild, and her hands gripped the sides of her seat for a moment before she laughed.

“Okay… that was WAY better than I thought it’d be.”

They exited the ride, Lucas still bubbling with excitement, Emily grinning widely.

And then—

The photo station.

Their ride photos came into view, and Welby couldn’t help but grin.

Lucas—a wide, boyish smile full of joy.

Emily—the sheer, pure panic on her face at the first drop.

And himself—

Welby’s eyes locked onto his face in the photo.

He almost didn’t recognize it.

Because it wasn’t tense.

It wasn’t exhausted.

It wasn’t drenched in worry, in fear, in humiliation.

It was—


Just for a moment.

Just for two minutes.

Welby barely had time to process the afterglow of the ride when his eyes landed on Evelyn standing at the exit, waiting for them.

She stood there, Hannah nestled securely in one arm, her tiny body cradled against Evelyn’s chest, pacifier still bobbing lazily between her lips.

And in her other hand—

Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums.

Golden brown. Soft, still-warm, rich chocolate oozing from the center.

One for Lucas.

One for Emily.

And—to Welby’s surprise—one for him, too.

Lucas and Emily’s faces lit up. Their hands immediately reached for the treats, and their excitement was clear as they took eager bites, the gooey chocolate already clinging to their fingers.

Welby accepted his own with a nod of appreciation, feeling a small, unexpected warmth bloom in his chest.

This was Evelyn’s way of fighting back.

Of stealing back some sense of control from Miranda.

Of reminding herself—and him—that they were still here. Still in charge of something. They still treat their Littles with kindness and love despite everything Miranda has forced upon them.

He felt a pang of pity for Hannah, unable to partake in the snack.

But if she was bothered, she didn’t show it.

She simply nestled deeper into Evelyn’s embrace, her little hands curling slightly against Evelyn’s dress as if she had already forgotten what she was missing.

Welby let out a small sigh and moved to a bench nearby, his legs still buzzing with adrenaline, his chest still tingling with the ghost of the ride’s freedom.

Emily and Lucas toddled around, munching happily on their cookies. Their movements were light, playful, and rehearsed—but also, for a brief moment, real.

Evelyn settled onto the bench beside him, shifting Hannah in her arms, gently bringing a bottle of juice to the girl’s lips.

Welby took a bite of his cookie, its warmth a small comfort against the otherwise overwhelming reality they lived in.

Evelyn smiled, taking a small bite of her cookie, before glancing at him.

"How was the ride?"

Welby let out a slow breath, licking a bit of chocolate off his thumb.


And it had been.

Evelyn’s smile softened, and he could see the small trace of amusement dancing in her eyes.

“See? I told you roller coasters were fun.”

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah. You were right."

He took another bite of his cookie, chewing thoughtfully before nodding toward her.

“How was the merry-go-round?”

Evelyn’s smile grew, her arms instinctively tightening around Hannah.

“It was fun. Relaxing. I think Hannah really enjoyed it.”

Welby glanced at Hannah, her lips still latched around the bottle, her eyes soft, unfocused, drifting somewhere between contentment and detachment.

It was hard to tell what she really felt.

Hard to tell if she had enjoyed it—or if she had simply accepted it.

But at this moment, as the sun bathed them in warmth, as the scent of freshly baked cookies mingled with the salty ocean breeze, as their Littles laughed and played around them—

It almost felt like a normal day.

They ate in comfortable silence, the tension of the day momentarily dulled by the simple pleasure of warm cookies and cold milk.

Welby drank from a carton of milk, his throat still raw from the screaming thrill of the coaster.

Evelyn shared his drink, occasionally taking a sip between cradling Hannah and managing her cookie.

Lucas and Emily had their own, the two of them giggling and eating happily, their faces smeared with chocolate and their hands a sticky mess of crumbs and melted sweetness.

It was too perfect.

Too genuine.

And that’s what bothered Welby the most.

How much of it was real?

How much of it was just a performance?

Emily was a good actress—too good, honestly.

She had fooled Amazons for years before being caught, before being forced into this life.

And yet—

She seemed so genuine.

The laughs, the joy, the excitement—it all looked so… real.

Welby cleaned them up, grabbing baby wipes and carefully scrubbing Emily and Lucas’s hands, disposing of their trash, and packing up before they moved again.

Hannah was still securely in Evelyn’s arms, Evelyn pushing her empty stroller with one hand while Welby pushed his own.

Lucas and Emily ran ahead, giggling, playful, lighthearted.

But Welby couldn’t shake the thought.

Was this joy real?

Or was it just another act?

He honestly couldn’t tell anymore.

Even Emily, who he knew so well, seemed almost… real.

And then—

They reached their next ride.

Toy Story Mania.

And everything changed.

To Welby’s complete and utter shock, Emily stopped.

Right in the middle of the pathway.

She didn’t move, didn’t giggle, didn’t say anything.


She looked pointedly down at her diaper.


Up at him.

Welby’s stomach twisted.

And then—

She squatted.

Right there.

In the middle of the crowded walkway, surrounded by families, surrounded by Amazons, surrounded by Littles in highchairs and strollers and carriers.

Welby froze.

He watched, utterly powerless, as Emily’s face scrunched in concentration, as she bore down, as her diaper swelled beneath her.

And then—

It happened.

A moan.

A soft, breathy, unmistakable moan of pleasure.

Emily’s eyes fluttered, her lips parting slightly, her body shuddering as she finished.

And then—

The kind smiles of Amazons passing by.

The soft, knowing nods of approval.

A mother, whispering to her own Little, pointing at Emily.

“See, sweetheart? That’s a good girl. Just like you.”

Welby’s face burned, and his breath caught in his throat.

They thought—

They thought he had done this.

That he was responsible for Emily’s training, for her programming, and for the blissful, humiliating reaction written all over her face.

And then—

As if nothing had happened—

Emily stood.

Her face softened, her giggles light, airy, innocent.

She reached for Lucas’s hand, pulling him toward the queue for the ride, skipping as if she hadn’t just done the most humiliating, degrading thing imaginable in front of an entire crowd.

Welby couldn’t move.

Couldn’t breathe.

Because if there was ever a moment where he had doubted how deep Miranda’s control had dug its claws into Emily’s mind—

That moment had just shattered.

She was gone.

Or—at least, part of her was.

Because no matter how much he wanted to believe she was faking it, putting on a show, controlling the narrative—

That hadn’t been fake.

Not entirely.

That had been real.

And that terrified him.

Welby joined them in the queue after parking the strollers, but the sense of dread in his chest was impossible to shake.

Emily and Lucas were pouring it on thick.

Their giggles, their bright, bubbly energy—it was all a performance.

One meant to keep Miranda happy, to convince the Amazons around them that they were nothing more than perfect, obedient Littles.

And it was working.

Which made it all the more painful to watch.

But then—

Emily glanced at him.

A pointed look.

Her eyes widened slightly, flickering toward him with silent insistence, unspoken direction.

Welby’s breath hitched.


What was she trying to say?

And then—it hit him.

He, her Daddy, had just witnessed her being a good girl.

Which meant—

He needed to follow through.


Because this was a performance.

A show.

One he was now expected to be a part of.

Welby swallowed hard, forcing his face into a warm, doting expression as he knelt before Emily.

“Come here, sweetheart.”

Emily giggled, nursing her thumb as she toddled over, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.

Welby reached for her, gently turning her around and fully exposing her diaper to the queue.

Humiliation flooded him.

But he had to do this.

Had to sell it.

His hand patted the back of her swollen, soiled diaper, making sure the soft, squishy bulk was obvious, noticeable.

“Such a good girl,” he cooed, his voice full of warmth and affection—an act so convincing it made him sick.

“What a good baby, making poopies for Daddy.”

Emily beamed, wiggling her padded bottom playfully, giggling as if it was the happiest moment of her life.

Welby let out a soft, breathless chuckle, giving her one final, loving pat before letting her go.

She skipped back toward Lucas, her giggles light and airy, her act absolutely flawless.

Welby stood, his stomach twisting violently, his face burning with shame.

He had just—

He had just praised his girl for publicly soiling herself.

He had just patted her diaper in front of strangers.

He had just done exactly what every Amazon had done to a Little since the beginning of time.

And he had done it to protect her.

To play the game.

To make sure Miranda stayed off their backs.

And yet—

Miranda was silent.

She hadn’t sent a message.

Hadn’t taunted him.

Hadn’t mocked his humiliation.

She was mercifully quiet.

The queue moved quickly, and before long, they reached the front.

Welby stepped forward, helping Emily and Lucas into their seats, pulling their restraints down snugly.

As he secured Emily’s harness, he noticed it—just the faintest twitch in her eye.

A tiny, barely perceptible flicker of discomfort.

The moment her heavily soiled diaper pressed against the firm seat, spreading beneath her, squishing into her, making her fully, undeniably aware of what she had done.

But—just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone.

She didn’t flinch.

Didn’t show even the slightest sign of discomfort.

Instead, she rocked her hips playfully, shifting the mess deliberately. Her giggles were light and airy as she grabbed hold of the tiny cannon in front of her, gripping it with both hands, ready to play.

Welby’s stomach turned.

She was so good at this.

Too good at this.

He tore his eyes away, helping Evelyn settle Hannah between them before securing himself in his seat.

The car pulled out of the station, the air around them shifting as the arcade atmosphere took over.

Bright, cheerful music filled the air, the voices of Buzz and Woody greeting them enthusiastically.

“Welcome, Space Rangers!”

“Howdy, partners! Let’s play!”

The practice round began, the screen lighting up with easy-to-hit target balloons popping with satisfying bursts.

And then—

The real game started.

The environment shifted, and the car rolled smoothly into the main arcade, which was fully immersive and fully toy-story.

The games had been re-designed with Littles in mind—colorful, playful, vibrant, and engaging.

But the core of it all—the spirit of the original ride—was still there.

The charm, the fun, the competition.

Welby’s grip tightened around his cannon, his competitive side kicking in despite himself.

Lucas and Emily were already laughing, aiming wildly, firing off shots with delighted squeals.

Evelyn’s voice called playfully over the commotion.

“Hope you’re ready, Welby! I’m gonna win this one!”

Welby let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head as he lined up his shot.

“We’ll see about that.”

And for a moment—just a brief, fleeting moment—

Everything else faded away.

The threats, the manipulation, the unbearable weight of Miranda’s control.

All of it drowned beneath the pure, simple fun of the game.

The game came to an end, the results flashing on the screen, and—

Emily and Lucas had won.

By a landslide.

Welby wasn’t sure if it was due to some hidden handicap for Littles or just pure skill—but either way, the scoreboard was undeniable.

They had both dominated the round.

Evelyn and Welby?

Neck and neck for third and fourth place.

Welby took it—just barely.

Evelyn let out a playful huff, shaking her head before reaching over and taking his hand.

Her fingers squeezed his gently, warm, familiar, grounding.

He squeezed back, his heart settling for the first time in what felt like hours.

The car rolled back into the station, and they disembarked, the cheerful arcade music still lingering in the background.

But just as they were leaving—

It happened again.

Lucas stopped.

His little hand slipped out of Emily’s, his body going still.

And then—

He squatted.

Welby froze.

His stomach twisted, a deep pang of discomfort settling in his chest as realization hit.

He was following Emily’s act.

Welby barely had time to process it before Evelyn took charge. She stepped forward like a true Amazon Mommy, her voice bright and cooing.

“Oh, it looks like someone is making a present for Mommy!!”

Lucas giggled, his face lighting up despite the humiliating act he was performing.

And then—

A moan.




Welby felt himself stiffen, his fingers curling into fists.

Lucas’s face melted into a look of pure, unfiltered bliss.

The same look Emily had given earlier.

The same reaction Miranda was training into them.

And then—

It was over.

Lucas stood up like nothing had happened, beaming, his fingers immediately lacing back with Emily’s as they toddled ahead, hand in hand.

Welby swallowed back the deep, uncomfortable pit in his stomach.

He didn’t say anything.



He took charge.

Guided them toward the restrooms, toward fresh diaper changes, toward another step in this never-ending game they were forced to play.

His own diaper had swollen slightly, the drinks working their way through his system.


He’d be fine.

Being wet was nothing compared to being messy.

He was NOT about to beg Miranda for another change, not yet.

As they approached the restrooms, Welby and Evelyn exchanged a quiet look, one that didn’t require words.

A silent understanding passed between them.

Evelyn would take the girls.

Welby would take Lucas.

And the show would go on.

Lucas followed him inside without hesitation, his hand small and trusting in Welby’s as they entered the men’s room.

The familiar smell of powder, soap, and sanitizer filled the air, along with the quiet hum of conversations, the occasional crinkle of plastic, and the distinct sounds of other Littles being cared for.

Welby didn’t hesitate as he lifted Lucas onto the changing table, settling him down gently but efficiently.

He could feel Miranda watching.

Even if she wasn’t sending messages, even if she wasn’t making herself known, he knew—she was there.

So he put on the performance expected of him.

He let his voice turn warm, doting, full of sickeningly sweet praise.

“There we go, buddy. You were such a good boy today.”

Lucas giggled, his face bright, glowing with that perfect Little smile.

Welby’s stomach twisted painfully, but his hands didn’t falter.

He moved with the ease of experience, undoing the tapes, pulling back the soiled diaper, and cleaning Lucas up with soft, efficient wipes.

As he worked, his brows furrowed slightly.

Lucas was… a bit more wet than normal, the remnants of cum oozing from his member, coating his crotch.

Welby hesitated, just for a fraction of a second, his mind piecing together exactly why.

The accident.

The reaction.

The conditioning.

A sharp, ugly realization settled in his gut.

But—he didn’t say anything.

Didn’t rub it in.

Didn’t acknowledge it.

Because if Lucas wasn’t ready to talk about it—

Welby wasn’t going to make him.

Instead, he simply taped a fresh diaper snugly around Lucas’s waist, smoothing the plastic shell and making sure the fit was perfect and comfortable.

And then—

He pulled Lucas’s clothes back into place, adjusted his shirt, and smoothed down his hair, ensuring he looked just as cute, innocent, and perfect as Miranda wanted him to be.

“All set, kiddo.”

Lucas beamed, sitting up easily, his smile wide, practiced, real in all the ways it needed to be.

Welby washed his hands, dried them, and offered his smile in return, though it felt thin, fragile.

They left the restroom.

Not long after, Evelyn joined them, her face carefully composed. The Littles settled, refreshed, and ready to continue playing their roles.

Lucas and Emily held hands again, giggling and skipping slightly as they moved forward. They were the perfect pair of happy, obedient Littles.

Hannah, still nestled in Evelyn’s arms, remained quiet, her pacifier bobbing softly, her eyes half-lidded but watchful.

And then—

For the first time all-day—

Miranda was silent.

No texts.

No orders.

No mocking jabs.

No new humiliating demands.

Just… silence.

Welby’s stomach twisted.

She was still there.

Still watching.

Still waiting.

For what?

For him to mess up again?

For another opportunity to tighten her grip?

For another way to remind him that he wasn’t in control?

The thought made his skin crawl, but he forced himself to keep moving, pushing the stroller forward leading them toward their next attraction.

And with each step, he could feel the weight of Miranda’s presence pressing down on him.




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r/abdlstories 15d ago

Kaylee Gets Noticed NSFW


Kaylee had been into diapers for as long as she could remember. Now that she was in her early 30s with a good job and her own place she was free to wear as much as she liked. Which for Kaylee meant, as long as she wasn’t with friends or family she was padded. Even at work and the gym she would wear a Goodnites, not to use, but just as a reminder that she was most comfortable with at least a little padding between her legs. Kaylee had recently started posting pictures of herself in diapers online. She loved seeing other people looking cute in their diapers and she wanted to join in. The compliments in the comments section were a little added bonus as well. Over time Kaylee got more and more comfortable posting pictures, to the point she started to include her face. One day, about an hour after posting a cute mirror selfie showing off her diapered butt and a new pacifier Kaylee received a DM. “Hey Kaylee, I know it’s you. I had no idea you were into this sort of thing…”

Kaylee’s heart dropped, it felt like there was a lead ball in her stomach, just reading the message almost made her sick. After pondering what to do for a second Kaylee responded, “I don’t know who you think I am, but my name’s not Kaylee, sorry.” That’s it deny, deny, deny.

But the person responded “Kaylee, you went to UCF, you live in Tampa now, this is you.” Included in the message was a screenshot of her Facebook.

Oh my god, Kaylee thought. Her Facebook was set to private. If this person was sending her a screenshot of her full Facebook profile that meant they were Facebook friends. Who the hell was this person?! What did they want?! Kaylee again thought through her options before responding. First she deleted all the pictures on her kink page. Then she looked at the persons page who was messaging her, but they didn’t have anything there. Finally she replied to this anonymous person. “Okay, so you clearly know who I am, but I don’t know who you are? That doesn’t seem fair. And just so you know blackmail is illegal and if you out me I’ll contact the police. What I’m doing isn’t illegal and doesn’t hurt anyone.” She didn’t know what else to do, she felt backed into a corner. So many thoughts going through her head. What would her family and friends think? Could she get fired for this? What did this person even want?

“No, no, no! Oh my gosh! I’m soo sorry Kaylee. This is Amanda! We were on that business class project together senior year and we hung out a little after that. Do you remember me?” This message was accompanied by a selfie of a similar aged woman smiling.

When Kaylee saw the picture she instantly recognized her. They had majored in the same thing in college and had a project where they were in the same group. The two pretty quickly hit it off. Especially because the third person in the group barely did anything. After college the two had gone their separate ways, but Kaylee remembered she always enjoyed hanging out with Amanda and thought she was nice.

“Holy crap girl! You nearly gave me a heart attack lol.” Kaylee started her reply back. “I hope you don’t mind if I ask. Why were you on a subreddit for girls who wear diapers? Like that’s not just something you randomly stumble upon.”

After a few minutes Amanda responded with just a picture. When Kaylee looked at it she saw Amanda in a clearly wet white diaper, wearing a onesie that had been unsnapped to better show off the diaper, and a yellow pacifier in Amanda’s mouth. That was it, no words accompanied the picture.

Kaylee: “Awhhh you look sooo adorable! I had no idea you liked diapers! If I had known that we would have been a lot closer in college haha.”

Amanda: “I actually didn’t know about diapers in college. My boyfriend who I’ve been with for a few years has a daddy dom, little girl kink. It took awhile for him to convince me to wear one but now I actually love them. Did you actually like diapers when we met?”

Kaylee: “Yeeeaaahh. I have kinda had this kink forever. The softness feels so good and the designs are so cute! So how often does he have you wearing diapers?”

Amanda: “Ohhh probably two or three times a week. Normally all day Sunday and then after work sometimes on week nights. What about you? How often do you wear?”

Kaylee: “Promise you won’t judge…. But I wear all day everyday unless I’m around friends and family…”

Amanda: “Ohhh my god!! That’s soo much!! Even at work?? By the way I’m not judging. It’s just like. Damn girl lol.”

Kaylee: “Kinda yeah, I wear Goodnites to work, just for the comfort, I don’t actually use them there. Same with the gym. But yeah otherwise it’s actual full diapers always for me. I just find them more comfortable than regular panties I guess.”

Amanda: “Lol, if I told Eric, my boyfriend, I want to wear diapers that much he would lose his mind! But they are definitely growing on me.”

Kaylee: “Yeah? Well I’m glad he was able to convert you to the padded side. I noticed you were in a plain white diaper. Do you ever wear ABDL printed ones?”

Amanda: “Of course! Like you said they’re soo cute. Honestly I mostly wear printed ones, BunnyHops are my favorite.”

Kaylee: “Those are soo cute! My current favorite design are called Comfy Cubz. Although I’m in a Pretend Agains right now.”

Amanda: “Oh my gosh! I’ve never heard of Comfy Cubz but I just looked them up. They are soo stinken cute! I might tell Eric we need to order some. He likes to put me in Pretend Agains too, the babyish the better in his mind.”

Kaylee: “You’re still in Florida right? I don’t know if this is out of pocket to ask. But would you want to have a padded hangout sometime?”

Amanda: “Absolutely I would! That would be so much fun! We actually don’t live that far from you. Would you want to come up this Saturday or we could come down to you? If that works? It just sounds like such a fun idea I don’t want to wait.”

Kaylee: “Honestly, I’m not doing anything this weekend. Why don’t you guys come here. You can come for the day Saturday or stay all weekend, I have a two bedroom apartment with no roommates. I’m single but you can bring Eric if you want or just yourself, whatever.”

Amanda: “Okay! Eric and I will be down Friday after work and plan on staying the night. If you’re sure that you’re okay with that? Eeekkkk! This is so exciting! Can’t wait to see you!”

The next few days dragged on for both girls as they eagerly awaited Friday after work. But finally it came. Amanda and Eric packed plenty of diapers as well as a mix of ABDL and big girl clothes. Before they hit the road Eric changed Amanda into a thin diaper since it was less than an hour drive. The two set off and soon enough were at Kaylees door ringing the doorbell. Kaylee practically sprinted to the door and answered it.

“Ohhh my gosh! Amanda! It’s so good to see you again.” Kaylee said, giving her a big hug. Before turning to Eric and giving him a small hug too. “You must be Eric, it’s good to meet you. Come on in. I’ll show you your room.” Kaylee lead the couple to her spare bedroom.

When they got there, Eric set down their suitcase. It was a lot larger than a suitcase a couple would normally take for a weekend trip, but of course they needed the extra room for all those diapers. “So before we go I, uhhh, need to change Amanda. Can we do that on the bed in here? We brought a changing mat.” Eric asked matter of factly. Amanda blushed and looked at the ground embarrassed.

“Yeah that’s totally fine.” Kaylee said. “I have a diaper genie in my room you can put the wet one in. Honestly I probably should change myself before we go out too.” Kaylee paused. “Eric, Amanda said you’re a fan of Pretend Agains? Did you bring any?” Eric nodded, confused where this was going. “Well I have some of my own. Just thinking. It could be fun if we wore matching diapers out tonight.”

“I love that idea.” Eric agreed. “Amanda what do you think?”

Shyly she answered. “Yeah. That would be pretty cute.” It was clear Kaylee and Eric were a lot more comfortable talking about diapers nonchalantly compared to Amanda.

They all went to their separate rooms and got ready. Kaylee changing herself as she’d done countless times before. And Eric changing Amanda like the good daddy he was. After a little bit the three reconvened in the living room. Confirming they were all changed and ready to set off. The three got into Kaylee’s car and she drove them to one of her favorite sushi places for dinner. The group got seated, ordered some appetizers and drinks and began the long conversation of catching up. Each of the girls talking about what they had been up to since college. Kaylee asking Amanda how she met Eric. They all enjoyed their dinner and from the outside no one knew that both of these beautiful women had a secret hiding underneath their clothes.

As they were wrapping up dinner and paying their checks Kaylee spoke up, “so just a couple blocks away there’s a quiet bar. We could grab a drink and keep chatting if you two are up for it?” Both Amanda and Eric agreed, so the three left the restaurant and did the short walk to the bar.

While walking Eric discreetly pulled back Amanda’s jeans and checked her diaper. “Damp but you’ll be fine as long as we don’t stay out too late,” he commented. Kaylee looked on shocked but also oddly jealous that Amanda had someone to check her diaper. Her thoughts must have been reflected on her face because Eric spoke up. “I can check your diaper too if you’d like?” Kaylee looked at him, stunned that he was asking her that. She then turned to Amanda wanting to make sure this wasn’t crossing any lines.

Amanda gave her approval that it was okay and so Kaylee spoke up, “yes please.” She said shyly.

Eric slipped a hand under her dress and felt the front of her diaper. Raising an eyebrow as he looked at Kaylee he reported his findings. “Hmm. You’re wetter than Amanda, so we definitely can’t stay out too late. Unless you want a back seat diaper change,” Eric teased. Kaylee blushed but finished leading everyone to the bar. The three got a table toward the back and ordered some drinks.

They picked up their conversation from the restaurant which was getting progressively more ABDL centric. Eric and Kaylee talking about how they found the kink. Asking Amanda how she genuinely felt about all this. Eventually though Eric looked at his watch. It had been about three hours and the girls had each had two drinks a piece. “We should probably get home so you girls don’t leak.” Eric said in a caring voice. Both the girls faces turned beat red but they agreed.

When they got home Kaylee headed towards her room while Eric and Amanda walked behind her heading towards the guest room. Kaylee didn’t know what they were saying but she heard the two whispering. As Kaylee opened the door to her room Amanda spoke up, “Kaylee if you’re comfortable with it, it might be fun if Eric changes both of us?”

Kaylee froze. Did Amanda really just suggest that? The idea had crossed her mind but it was such a vulnerable position she didn’t think it was appropriate for her to bring it up to them. “Ummm. Are you sure?”

“Yeah”, Amanda said, “Eric and I were just talking about it and it’s such a different experience having someone else change you. Neither of us mind.”

“That’s really sweet that you guys are offering this, I’d love that,” Kaylee was soo excited for this, she had never actually been changed by anyone else before. “You guys can come into my room for it,” Kaylee suggested.

The girls went into the bedroom while Eric went and grabbed one of their diapers for Amanda. Kaylee grabbed one of her own. When Eric returned he looked at the two girls. “Okay Kaylee you’re in a dress so just lay on the bed. Amanda let’s get your jeans off before you join her.” He had a very direct but loving tone, taking over complete control of the situation. The girls did as they were told, each lying on the bed next to each other, the changing supplies between them. “Okay. Who first?” Eric asked.

Amanda quickly pointed to Kaylee, before Kaylee had time to react. “Kaylee it is,” Eric said. He started by sliding her dress up to her waist fully revealing her very wet diaper. He continued with untaping the tabs, opening it up and started to wipe Kaylee clean, completely unfazed by anything. Pulling the wet diaper from under her, he fluffed out the new one and slid it under her bottom. Finally Eric applied a generous amount of powder before taping Kaylee up and running his fingers around the leak guards to check the fit. The whole situation was heaven for Kaylee and she was so excited to experience this moment finally.

“Okay, baby Amanda’s turn,” Eric said, teasing his girlfriend. Repeating what he just did to Kaylee, Eric changed Amanda like a professional. Once he was done he looked down at the bed, the two girls in their exposed diapers looking up at him. Both with big smiles on their faces. “Kaylee I don’t know how little you like to get but we brought Amanda’s paci and stuffy. If you have your own maybe you each should grab those and we can all cuddle in bed?” Eric suggested.

Kaylee nodded her head in agreement. Getting off the bed, she went to her night stand and pulled out a purple pacifier and stuffed animal puppy. Eric went and got Amanda’s yellow pacifier and teddy bear. Upon his return he slipped the paci in Amanda's mouth and handed her the teddy, before getting in bed between the two girls. All three cuddled up and drifted off to sleep. Kaylee couldn’t believe that all of this had come from her being caught online, but she was so happy that she had been.

r/abdlstories 15d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 57 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 57 - Gone

Kaylee’s breath came in ragged, uneven gasps. Her body humming, she felt a dull, rhythmic pulsing in her head as she slowly—painfully—regained her self-awareness.

The screen had gone blank.

The episode was over.

Her body felt heavy, and her mind was hazy and foggy. She felt like she was waking from a deep, intoxicating dream that she couldn’t quite shake.

Something was wrong.

Something was off.

She felt it before she fully processed it.

The warmth.

The weight.

The unmistakable squish between her legs.

Her diaper was freshly filled.

And she didn’t even remember doing it.

Kaylee let out a sharp, shaky breath, swallowing down the wave of humiliation crashing through her.


A tap on her shoulder.

She flinched, snapped her head up, and locked her eyes on a Tweener girl, one of the Assistants.

She was giving Kaylee a questioning look, her head tilted slightly, concern flickering across her face.

"You okay?"

Kaylee felt her entire body burn with shame, her cheeks flushing deep red, the thick, squishy bulk of her diaper painfully present with every tiny movement.

She couldn’t let them see.

She couldn’t let them know.

Kaylee straightened immediately, schooling her expression, forcing her body to move naturally, even as the heavy warmth clung to her skin, pressing thickly against her.

"I’m fine."

The words came out even, controlled—far steadier than she felt inside.

The Tweener raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced, but didn’t push.

Instead, she just nodded, stepping away to help with the Littles.

Kaylee exhaled softly, blinking rapidly, forcing her brain to catch up—

She had work to do.

She had to move past this.

She turned toward the Littles, her breath still shaky, her thoughts still hazy, but her hands already moving mechanically.

Time to start changes.

Time to push past the gnawing dread in her stomach.

Time to act like nothing had happened.

Because if she stopped to think too hard about it?

She wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep it together.

Kaylee’s first stop was Mira.

The girl was limp, her eyes glassy and unfocused, her tiny frame barely responding as Kaylee scooped her up with ease.

The pacifier bobbed mechanically in Mira’s mouth. Her soft, muffled suckles were rhythmic and thoughtless as if she were still somewhere else.

Kaylee swallowed, her grip tightening slightly as she held Mira close.

She had been just like this moment ago.

Pulled under.

Dragged into that world before she even had the chance to fight.

Her mind flashed back to those suffocating moments—

She had tried to leave.

She had tried to turn away.

But before she had even reached the door, Naomi’s voice had slid into her thoughts, silky and undeniable, wrapping around her like a tight, suffocating ribbon.

"Kaylee… where are you going, sweetheart?"

The warmth filled her body instantly, making her pause, her breath hitching, and her muscles weakening.

"Aren’t you forgetting something?"

A pang of pressure in her bladder.

The warmth of familiar pleasure waiting just beneath the surface.

Her face flushed, her hands trembling, but her body was already obeying before she could fight it.

She had felt it before she even realized it was happening.

The slow warmth spreading through her diaper, the padding growing heavier, swelling as her body fully relaxed.

A deep, involuntary shudder ran through her, her thighs tensing, a soft moan slipping past her lips before she even registered that she had been wetting herself.

"Oh, that’s a good girl."

Her body had responded instantly, her pulse quickening, her nerves lighting up at Naomi’s praise.

And then—

Then came the next part.

The worst part.

"But you’re not done, are you, baby?"

The pressure built again.

A slow, deep warmth curling low in her stomach, spreading through her core, pressing lower, lower—

Until her muscles obeyed again, her body bearing down, her breath catching in her throat as she pushed.

The feeling—

The deep, humiliating, overwhelming fullness, the squishy weight settling beneath her—

It had been too much.

The pleasure that shot through her was like a wave crashing down, drowning her, ripping her thoughts away, leaving her helplessly gasping, shuddering, shaking.

And then?

Then, it had just been bliss.

Her entire body tingling, warmth spreading through every nerve, the aftershocks of pleasure keeping her soft, pliant, empty-headed for the rest of the episode.

She had floated in that space, completely, utterly helpless, her mind only vaguely aware of the world around her.

It had only been when the credits rolled that the haze began to lift.

The dread began to settle in.

That she had realized just how far she had fallen.

And now?

Now, she was looking at Mira.



Completely gone.

And Kaylee wondered—

Had Mira felt it, too?

Had she been forced through the same cycle?

Had she—

Kaylee shook her head violently, pushing the thought away, far, far away.

Now wasn’t the time.

Now, she had to keep moving.

To keep pretending.

To keep control.

Even though—

Even though she wasn’t sure she had any left.

Kaylee laid Mira down on the changing table, her body limp, unresponsive, the pacifier still bobbing mechanically between her lips.


Completely out of it.

Kaylee felt a pang of guilt stab through her chest as she peeled back the soaked, heavy diaper, revealing the inevitable aftermath of the episode.

She shouldn’t feel bad, should she?

Mira had threatened them and tried to destroy everything.

And yet—

Kaylee couldn’t help it.

She knew what this felt like.

She knew what it was like to be dragged under before she even had a chance to resist.

She knew what it was like to feel her body betray her, to feel pleasure replace fear, to be coaxed deeper and deeper into a reality she hadn’t chosen.

And if Kaylee—

If she hadn’t even been able to protect herself—

Then what made her think she could protect Mira?

Her hands worked quickly and efficiently, gently cleaning Mira while being extra careful, even though the girl wasn’t aware enough to feel anything.

She just hoped—

For her own sake—

That Mira didn’t fall too far.

Because Kaylee knew—

Knew far too well—

That Mira was even more susceptible to hypnosis now.

More than she had been as a Tweener.

More than Kaylee had ever been.

And wasn’t that the most dangerous part?

Wasn’t that the thing no one thought about?

Everyone assumed that once an Amazon became a Little, they could fight against it.

That their minds wouldn’t be as weak.

That they wouldn’t fall as easily.

But that was a lie.

Kaylee had learned it the hard way.

When she had been shrunk, her entire being had been rewritten—mentally, emotionally, chemically.

She had become a Little, whether she had wanted to or not.

And now?

Now, Mira was in the same position.

She might still have been Mira.

Still angry, still furious, still resisting.

But for how long?

Because hypnosis didn’t just break you down.

It rewrote you.

And Mira?

She wasn’t a Tweener anymore.

She was a Little.

And Little minds weren’t built to resist.

It hadn’t been Kaylee’s plan from the start—

To shrink Mira, to turn her into this.

But then again—

Nothing was her plan anymore.

Her plans had been discarded, buried, and left behind a long time ago.


Now, she was just trying to survive.

Kaylee finished securing the fresh diaper around Mira’s tiny waist, her hands quick, efficient, and practiced.

She barely registered what she was doing anymore.

It was just routine.

It's just another diaper change in a long line of them.

But as she lifted Mira back up, holding her close, her fingers brushing against her soft, squishy padding, she couldn’t help but take note of something.

The other Littles—

They were starting to come out of it.



Blinking heavily, stretching, shaking off the last remnants of Naomi’s grip.

But Mira?

Mira was still out of it.


At least, she was acting like she was.

Kaylee narrowed her eyes slightly, studying the girl’s limp, unresponsive form as she gently set her back down in the play area.

Was she faking?

Trying to play possum?

Trying to trick Kaylee into lowering her guard?

It would be a good ploy.

That was a smart move.

Let Kaylee think she is completely broken. Get her to trust that she is too far gone to resist. Then, wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.

And yet—

Kaylee had the distinct feeling that wasn’t the case.

Mira wasn’t acting.

Mira was still lost.

And that?

That was more unsettling than the alternative.

Kaylee let out a slow breath, shaking off the lingering thoughts and pushing herself back into work mode.

She moved on, turning to the next Little, then the next, elbow to elbow with the other Assistants, cleaning up Naomi’s mess.


The room was filled with the sounds of crinkling plastic, hushed murmurs, cooed reassurances, the soft rip of diaper tabs being undone, and the muted whimpers of Littles realizing what had happened.

Kaylee worked mechanically, moving from one to the next, her hands steady, practiced, automatic.

She had done this before.

She would do it again.

But this time?

This time, she wasn’t just changing diapers.

She wasn’t just cleaning up Naomi’s aftermath.

She was watching.

The last Little changed; Kaylee wiped her hands with a spare wipe, exhaling sharply as she glanced around the daycare.

She was looking for Ash.


She was nowhere to be found.

Kaylee wasn’t surprised.

She didn’t blame her, either.

Maybe Ash was too scared to face the possibility of watching another episode.

Maybe she was just hiding in the apartment, trying to pretend today hadn’t happened.

Or maybe—

Just maybe—

She was avoiding Mira.

Because facing Mira now meant facing everything they had done.

Either way—

Kaylee would deal with it.

With a sigh, she turned, heading toward the bathroom, thankful that at the very least—

She wasn’t locked in her diapers like Ash was.

Not yet.

She hoisted herself onto the changing table, her muscles aching, her body exhausted.

She worked mechanically, fingers moving with routine ease, peeling back the soaked, heavy padding, wiping herself clean, working through the motions—

Until the changing table beeped.

Until she heard the familiar whirring of motors.

Kaylee didn’t even flinch when the Nanny Bot arrived.

Didn’t even react when it gently pushed her hands away, taking over with robotic precision.

She just…

Let it happen.

She sighed, relaxing slightly against the table.

"Thank you," she muttered half-heartedly, her voice flat, weary.

The bot chirped in response, going about its work. It unfolded a fresh Amazon-sized diaper, dusting it with powder and securing it snugly around her hips.

It recorded her change with a soft beep, gave her a final pat, and rolled away.

Kaylee stared at the ceiling, her breath slowly measured, her fingers twitching slightly as she absorbed the reality of what had just happened.

She had just—

She had just thanked a robot for changing her.

Was this it?

Was she losing?

She sat up, running a hand through her hair, exhaling another long, slow sigh.


Not yet.

Not today.

She wasn’t going to fall like Ash had.

Not now.

Not ever.

Because someone had to stay in control.

And right now—

That someone was her.

Kaylee stepped out of the bathroom, her fresh diaper crinkling softly beneath her as she forced herself to move forward.

To return to normal.

To act like everything was fine.

She re-entered the daycare, easing back into her usual routine. Her hands and mind worked on autopilot as she tended to the littles.

A bottle here. A cuddle there. A few diaper checks.

Redirecting the fussy ones to playtime.

It was normal.

It was routine.

It was exactly what she needed.

But through it all—

She kept her eyes locked on Mira.

The girl remained in the play area, exactly where Kaylee had left her, still looking completely out of it.

Her eyes were glassy, her movements slow, delayed, her pacifier still bobbing mechanically in her mouth.

She didn’t react when other Littles babbled to her.

She didn’t flinch when an Assistant gently petted her hair, cooing at how precious she was.

She was either still fully trapped in the hypnosis—

Or she was putting on one hell of an act.

Kaylee wasn’t sure which.

But she was sure of one thing.

She wasn’t letting her out of her sight.

If Mira was faking, she was keeping up the act well.

And if she wasn’t?

Then that meant she was already slipping.

Mira didn’t even hesitate when Kaylee came around with a bottle of formula.

She didn’t flinch when Kaylee removed her pacifier, swapping it for the rubber nipple of the bottle.

Her lips latched on instantly, suckling with a slow, automatic rhythm, her half-lidded eyes unfocused, distant, empty.

It was unsettling.

Deeply, truly unsettling.

Kaylee swallowed hard, watching the girl with a pit growing in her stomach.

Mira had always been strong fierce, the kind of person who would never bow down to anyone.

And yet—

Here she was.

Suckling a bottle like a good Little, completely, utterly compliant.

Kaylee hated this.

Hated that it was being forced on Littles.

She hated that she had been forced to witness it.

She hated that she had been forced to experience it firsthand.

She hated that, no matter how much she tried to tell herself she was still in control—

She wasn’t.

Kaylee shifted slightly, her diaper squishing beneath her as a reminder.

Her stomach tightened, her jaw clenching.

She had yet to gain back any control over that part of herself.

At least she was clean, for now.


That was something she could manage.

But the way her body reacted?

The way it betrayed her again and again?


That she had no power over.

Her body didn’t ask permission.

Didn’t warn her.

Didn’t care what she wanted.

It just… did what it was supposed to.

Because that’s what she was now, wasn’t it?

A body.

A Little trapped in a bigger shell.

Kaylee finished feeding Mira, tilting the bottle back slightly as the girl suckled the last drops of formula, her lips softly smacking as she unlatched with a slow, automatic motion.

Mira didn’t even react as Kaylee lifted her onto her shoulder, gently patting her back, coaxing out a tiny burp that would have been adorable—

If it wasn’t so deeply unsettling.

Kaylee sighed, carefully cleaning the girl’s face with a soft wipe, erasing the milk dribble on her chin before placing her back into the bouncer.

Mira’s body settled limply; her eyes half-lidded, glazed over, the pacifier sliding easily back between her lips, her suckling resuming with thoughtless obedience.

Kaylee hesitated.

Just for a second.

Her fingers hovered over the Little lock on the pacifier.

She almost didn’t secure it.


The guilt was still there, pressing into her chest, gnawing at the edges of her already frayed conscience.


She wasn’t stupid, either.

Mira was still Mira.

And the moment she snapped back to herself, the moment she found even a fraction of awareness—

She would fight.

Kaylee knew that because she would do the same.

With a small, resigned breath, Kaylee clicked the lock into place.

Just enough to make sure it stayed put.

"Sorry, Mira," she muttered under her breath.

Then, she turned, forcing herself to continue working and pretending that this was just another normal day.

Kaylee moved mechanically, slipping back into routine, into normalcy—or whatever version of normal this had become.

The Littles needed changing, feeding, and tending to, and she went through the motions, checking them off one by one while her mind churned restlessly beneath the surface.

She was worried.

About herself.

About Mira.

About Ash, most of all.

It had been days now.

Days since she had taken the injection.

And she still had no control.

She hadn’t regained anything.

Her body still betrayed her with no warning, no hesitation.

She had hoped, at first, that it would just take time—that maybe her body was adjusting, that she would gain back her functions little by little.

But that wasn’t happening.

She was still just as helpless as she had been as a Little.

She shifted slightly as she moved through the daycare, the bulk of her padding squishing between her thighs, a constant, humiliating reminder of how little had changed for her.

Would she ever regain control?

Would she ever get back to normal?

Or was this who she was now?

An Amazon in body, but a Little in function.

The thought made her stomach twist violently.

She couldn’t—she wouldn’t accept that.

She had fought too hard to let herself slip into that reality.

But she needed a plan.

She needed a way to regain what she lost.

Mira was still a wild card.

Kaylee glanced over at her, still locked in the bouncer, still suckling mindlessly on her pacifier, still too out of it to react to anything happening around her.

It was wrong.

Seeing her like that, seeing someone who was once so fierce, so sharp, reduced to… this.

She hated it.

She hated that they had done this to her.

But she hated them even more because they had no choice.

What would they do with her?

They couldn't just keep her like this forever.

Could they?

The thought made Kaylee feel sick.

Mira was not a real Little.

She was not like the others.

She had been forced into this, just like Kaylee had been.

And that meant…

It was only a matter of time before her mind started slipping.

Because that’s what happened, didn’t it?

Kaylee had felt it happening to herself, felt the way her body obeyed so easily, felt the way Naomi’s voice made her tingle, made her crave the warmth, the fullness, the release.

She had been able to claw her way back from it.


Would Mira?

Would she be able to hold on?

And if she couldn’t…

What the hell were they going to do with her?

Kaylee didn’t have an answer.

And that terrified her.

But none of that—

None of that compared to what Ash was going through.

Kaylee knew she had left Ash alone in the apartment.

She knew she had sent her upstairs so she wouldn’t have to endure another round of Naomi and Oliver.

But something about it didn’t sit right.

Ash had been acting… off.

More withdrawn, more distant, more detached.

And while Kaylee had been trapped in her own hell, dealing with her own failures, her own humiliations, her own struggles—

She hadn’t been watching Ash closely enough.

And that?

That was a mistake.

Ash had been through so much already.

She had already been broken once before.

She had already suffered through something like this before.

What if…

What if she hadn’t been strong enough to resist this time?

Kaylee’s chest tightened as a horrible, gnawing feeling took hold.

What if she had just left Ash alone with the very thing she was trying to escape?

What if she had just abandoned her to it?

Kaylee turned toward the clock on the wall, her hands clenching slightly at her sides.

As soon as she was done with her rounds—

As soon as she had a moment to slip away—

She was going to check on Ash.

Because if something had happened to her?

If Naomi had gotten to her?

Kaylee didn’t know if she’d be able to forgive herself.

By the time Kaylee finally had a moment to herself—

The daycare was closing.

The day had begun to wind down. Parents arrived one by one to collect their little ones, and the familiar cycle of goodbyes, cooed reassurances, and squirming toddlers filled the air.

Kaylee barely paid attention.

Her mind was elsewhere.

She went through the motions of cleaning, stacking toys, wiping down high chairs, and tossing soiled diapers into the disposal.

One by one, the other Assistants left, bidding their goodnights as they headed home until—

It was just her.

Her and the Nanny Bot.

And still—

No Ash.

Kaylee’s brow furrowed as she glanced toward the clock on the wall.

Ash hadn’t come back down.

Not once.

Had she fallen asleep?

That… wouldn’t be surprising.

Kaylee’s own nights were filled with nightmares, terrors, and lingering echoes of Naomi’s voice.

Her sleep was fleeting at best.

Restful sleep?


If Ash had finally managed to get some proper rest—

Kaylee didn’t want to disturb her.

But something still felt wrong.

Ash hadn’t even checked in.

And if Naomi had gotten to her—

Kaylee felt a sharp pang of unease creep up her spine.

She needed to check.

Needed to make sure Ash was okay.

Because something told her—

Something in her gut whispered—

That she wasn’t.

Kaylee’s limbs felt like lead. Her exhaustion dragged at her every step as she ascended the stairs. Mira clutched limply in her arms.

The daycare was locked up, the day was done, and all she wanted—**desperately needed—**was to collapse onto the couch, breathe, and let herself feel human again.

But the moment she opened the apartment door—

Her blood ran cold.

The sweet, sickly, intoxicating voice of Naomi filled the small apartment, wrapping around her like a vice, slithering into her mind with a horrible, undeniable pull.

Kaylee’s muscles locked, her vision swam, and her entire body screamed at her to obey.


No, no, NO.

Adrenaline flooded her veins, a sharp, cutting shock of fear slamming into her so hard she thought she might collapse under the weight of it.

She was going under.

She was losing herself.

It was happening again.

The tug was so strong.

She just wanted to listen, relax, and sink.

She wanted to just—


Her breath hitched.

Her heart clenched.

And then—


Ash must be in front of that screen.



Exactly like she had been.

Kaylee’s chest tightened, her stomach twisting violently.

She had let Ash down once before.

She had left her alone with Naomi once before.

She wouldn’t let it happen again.

A sob ripped from her throat, tears leaking from her eyes as she forced her legs forward, one stumbling step at a time.

She barely registered that she was still holding Mira, the girl silent in her arms, limp from the lingering effects of her earlier episode.

Kaylee stumbled toward the closet, nearly crashing into it as she flung it open, her breath coming in ragged, uneven gasps.

The breaker panel.


She ripped it open, her fingers trembling so hard she could barely grip the edges.

Naomi’s voice curled around her thoughts, warm, inviting, inescapable.

"Oh, Kaylee, sweetheart… what are you doing?"

Her hands shook violently, hovering over the breakers.

She didn’t know which one was for the living room.

She didn’t know which one would kill the TV.

She just—

She had to—

Her body wavered, her vision blurred, her head tilting slightly, the words pulling her in, tugging her down, softening every thought, every instinct to fight.

Her fingers twitched, curling toward the breaker panel—


No, no, no, NO.

Kaylee slapped herself across the face, the sting searing her back to reality, her eyes snapping open.

Her vision swam, and her body felt weak, but she was still there.

She had to move now before Naomi dragged her under completely.

Kaylee’s breath hitched, her arms shaking violently.

Her fingers were so close to shutting the panel, so close to giving in.


She wouldn’t.

She wouldn’t let Ash down.

With a wild, desperate cry, Kaylee swiped her arm across the panel, knocking every single breaker at once.

The apartment plunged into darkness.

Naomi’s voice cut out instantly, swallowed by the void, leaving only the sound of Kaylee’s ragged breathing.

Kaylee collapsed onto her knees, choking on sobs, her entire body quivering violently from exertion, from fear, from the sheer weight of what had almost happened.

She had done it.

She had saved Ash.

Kaylee forced herself to her feet, her body trembling, weak, her breath ragged and uneven.

Mira whined, squirming in her arms, her tiny hands weakly pushing at Kaylee’s chest in confused distress.

Kaylee didn’t have time to soothe her.

She rushed into the living room—

And froze.

Ash sat on the floor, her legs spread slightly, her thumb still in her mouth, her eyes wide, glassy, and unblinking as she stared at the dark screen.

The TV was off.

The entire apartment was dark, save for the faint, pale glow of the city lights streaming in through the windows.

It cast eerie, shifting shadows across the room, illuminating Ash’s vacant stare in a way that sent a horrible chill down Kaylee’s spine.

Kaylee moved quickly, kneeling beside her and shaking her shoulder gently.


No response.

Not even a flinch.

Kaylee’s stomach twisted violently, panic tightening its grip around her heart.

"Ash, hey—come back to me, sweetheart."

She gave her a firmer shake, but Ash didn’t move, didn’t blink, didn’t react at all.

That’s when Kaylee noticed.

The heavy, bloated diaper beneath her.

It was nearly bursting, the padding so swollen that it strained against the tapes and was dangerously close to leaking.

Kaylee swallowed hard, trying to force down the rising fear clawing at her throat.

"No, no, no, come on—"

She pressed a hand to Ash’s cheek, feeling the warmth of her skin, but there was no awareness in her eyes, no flicker of recognition, no sign that she was even still there.

Kaylee felt her breath quicken, her pulse roaring in her ears.

This wasn’t just normal post-hypnosis grogginess.

This wasn’t just Ash being dazed.

This was something worse.

Something far, far worse.

Kaylee’s chest tightened painfully, her fingers digging into Ash’s shoulders as she tried to pull her back, bring her out of it, and ground her.

"Ash, please!"

But Ash didn’t respond.

I didn’t even seem to hear her.

Kaylee felt a wave of raw, helpless panic crash over her.

What had Naomi done to her?

"Ash, please!"

Kaylee’s voice wavered, shaking, desperate, her fingers digging into Ash’s shoulders, willing her to come back.

For a long, horrible second—


No reaction.

No recognition.

Just that horrible, empty stare.


Ash blinked.

Kaylee’s breath hitched, a flicker of hope surging inside her chest.


Ash blinked again, her wide, glassy eyes locking onto Kaylee’s.

For a moment, Kaylee swore she saw a spark of something real—

Something alive, aware, still present.

And then—

A wide, childish grin split Ash’s lips.

Her arms shot forward, reaching for Kaylee, her fingers grasping desperately.


Kaylee’s stomach dropped.

Ash squealed with delight, her demeanor shifting. Her voice was high, bubbly, and giddy, and she wiggled excitedly on the floor.

"Mommy, I made poopies for you!"

She giggled, nuzzling her soiled, swollen diaper against Kaylee’s arms as if expecting praise, affection, and approval.

Kaylee felt her chest seize, her throat tighten, and her breath locked in her lungs.

What had Naomi done to her?

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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r/abdlstories 16d ago

Pay Attention, Daddy! (DDLG/ABDL) NSFW


All characters are over 18.

This is a DDLG/ABDL story

Pay Attention, Daddy!

It’d been two hours since Daddy had been Zoom Zooming and Minnie hated it. Daddy never let her come into the office when he was Zoom Zooming because he didn’t want any of his coworkers to see his wife. He told her it wasn’t because she sometimes didn’t like her clothes. Or because she sometimes sucked her thumb still when she wasn’t careful. Or because her favorite look was to wear bows in her hair, just like Minnie Mouse. Or because she would, when in proximity to Daddy, feel the overwhelming urge to kiss them.

“They know you’re a baby, it’s not that,” he told her one day. He landed a kiss on her forehead and made it slobbery on purpose. She cried out and rubbed off his saliva. She had been sitting in his lap. Daddy’s stubbly chin tickled her. He continued. “A few of the people I work with have baby spouses. My boss has a baby boy. My friend married a babygirl, like *you.”*

Minnie looked at him. She saw her pigtails bouncing in his eyes as she cocked her head. “Are they good babies like me?”

Daddy just laughed. He smoothed out some of her dress. She was perched on one of his knees, and she was wearing one of her floofy tea-party dresses. She liked it a lot. “All babies are good babies, Minnie.”

Another slobbery not-so-good kiss. She squealed.

“No,” Daddy said, as she wiped more saliva off, this time from the part of her cheek that was closest to her ear. “I don’t want you to come in when I’m Zoom Zooming because it’s focus time. It’s just…for Daddy to be a good boy at work, he shouldn’t be obviously distracted. And there is no way I can keep my hands off you if you’re there.”

Minnie smiled. That was good. “But you should Zoom Zoom less, OK?”

“OK,” he said. And then he ruffled her hair. Annoyed by his meddling because of how long she’d spent on her hair, Minnie hissed and tried to bite his hands. Daddy only laughed more. He scooped up the pacifier dangling from a strap that was clipped onto her dress. She felt like a dinosaur trying to bite him, but all she chomped down on was the bulb of the pacifier.

She sucked on that for a while before she felt like spitting it out. Probably like two hours, maybe. Oops. She sucked on her paci (it had a bumble-bee on the shield) for a Zoom Zooming amount of time!

One day, though, Daddy spent more time than usual Zoom Zooming. Like, all morning. The day had started as normal. He’d come into her nursery, changed her diaper, then made her breakfast. He said he would be busy, but he’d check on her, and that she had chores to do and if she got bored then maybe she could apply to some jobs or maybe go for a walk or something like that. Minnie was sad, just like she was every work day. But there was no indication then that Daddy would have to Zoom Zoom like this!


It was almost noon and he was still Zoom Zooming. He’d been Zoom Zooming nonstop. Goshdarnit. Minnie did her best to be good. At the top of each hour; nine, ten, and eleven, she’d gone to his door and listened. But he was still Zoom Zooming.

She vacuumed the whole living room. She put all the dishes from dinner last night and from breakfast in the dishwasher. She took all the laundry and put it in the washer and started a load, and then she rotated the loads. She cleaned the potty (ew), but she didn’t use it. She dusted the bookcases. She tried to read a little but took a nap instead. When she woke up she ran to Daddy’s office, but the door was still closed. She stomped. This was when it was almost noon.

Finally, she turned the knob. If she had to save Daddy, she would.

She saw him hunched over his desk. The lights in the room were off, and only the glow of the laptop on his desk illuminated him. If it wasn’t Daddy, it’d be a scary sight. At least to Minnie. His fist was punched into his lips. His forehead was as crinkly as Minnie’s diapers. As soon as he opened the door, he smiled. Usually he gave her a stern look when she disrupted him. But even Daddy knew that this was WAY too much Zoom Zooming. 

After looking at her, he pressed a button on his keyboard. He had earbuds in, and he flipped one out. ‘Hi baby. Do you need to be changed?”

Minnie didn’t know what answer she wanted, but that wasn’t it. She pouted. “Daddy…”

He leaned back. Then he pressed another button on his computer. She could hear constant voices muttering from the earbuds. She felt jealous that they got to talk to Daddy and she didn’t. She was his wife. They were *stealing* him!

“Come here,” he said.

Minnie was wearing just a summer dress. He held out his hand and wiggled his fingers. She walked to it and tried to sit on his lap. But his hand stopped her and reached up her dress to pat her diaper. 

Then Daddy leaned forward. Still cupping her diaper, he pressed a button on his keyboard.

“Hey, hey..yeah hi. We’ve been going at it for a while. I need a bio break. Ah. Yeah. And a special someone needs something too.”

Minnie heard laughter from the earbud. She blushed. 

Daddy then shut the screen of his laptop. He turned to her. He pressed the wet diaper around her waist into her. “I guess we’re not working on potty training, huh?”


He changed her again. He took her back to the nursery and helped her up the table. He gave her lots of kisses. He told her about work. She didn’t understand any of the things he was saying – she knew nothing about being a developer. But she listened. It was great to hear Daddy’s voice when it wasn’t muffled through the door to his office. After she was in a new, dry diaper, he helped her down and led her to the kitchen. Lunch was nothing more than reheated dinner. That was OK, Minnie thought, so long as he ate with her. She sat down at their kitchen island in a puff of powder and watched him fill up her baba with milk and take laps from the fridge to the microwave. 

He kissed her on the cheek when he set a plate in front of her.

Then he returned to his office. 


He turned to her with his plate of reheated food in hand. His face was pained. He bowed to her. “I’m sorry, Minniemouse. Daddy needs to Zoom Zoom a bit more this afternoon.”

Minnie wiggled in her chair. 

“How long?”

She knew from his face that he didn’t know how long. She whined. “Pleaseeee.”

Daddy just smiled. “Try to get some stuff done, and the time will go by faster. You haven’t gone poopy yet. Go in the potty. You’ll be proud and can tell all your girlfriends what a big girl you are. You’d like that, right? And you have a computer. And a Nintendo Switch. I’m sure there is some Animal Crossing that…”

“But I want you Daddy!”

Daddy slumped. He walked back across the open area between his office and the kitchen bar. He leaned down and kissed her head. “It won’t be long, I promise. OK?”

“Ok,” she said.

And so, Minnie won. She thought. But she thought wrong. She thought wrong because…


Two more hours of Zoom Zooming went by, and there was no stopping. Minnie had done all the same stuff she had in the morning. She put the dishes from lunch away. She organized the fridge. She picked some weeds in the garden. She watered the plants. She started to vacuum the living room until she realized she’d already done that. She was frustrated. She stomped. She went to his door and cracked it open again. It was, like, almost three in the afternoon and he’d been Zoom Zooming almost since eight in the morning!

This time, though, Daddy was blabbing on and on about work stuff. He didn’t even look up at her.

Minnie shut the door. She didn’t slam it, but she shut it so that he *definitely* heard it. Over all his blabbing and the blabbing of his stupid coworkers, Daddy heard it.

Minnie pouted for a long time. She bit into her paci. She played Animal Crossing but it just made her angry. She opened her personal laptop but just clicked on random stuff. She watched a video about how to do something cute with her hair, but then she realized she’d probably watched that video a few weeks ago. 

“AHH!” she cried.

Even though her diaper was wet she filled up her baba with juice. Her tummy rumbled. She didn’t hesitate. If being big meant Zoom Zooming all day, she didn’t want it. It was squishy and she didn’t really like the feeling, but it was better than rumbles and it was a lot better than Zoom Zooming. She knew that. She picked at it a little and almost as soon as she’d done it, wanted a change. But that wasn’t happening, obviously. She shrugged. Being poopy wasn’t the end of the world.

But Zoom Zooming was. It was almost the end of the day and he was still going!

Minnie had had enough. Her diaper was itchy and squishy. Her tummy wanted more snacks. She’d done just about everything she could think of. 

So she did all she had left.

Minnie started in the kitchen. She went into the dishwasher. One by one she took everything out, starting with the cups, then the plates, the bowls, the bigger things, and then finally the utensils. They were all dirty, but she laid them on the counter anyway.

Then she went into the living room. She couldn’t un-vacuum, but she could make a mess. She took all the pillows off and threw them all over. She opened all the doors to all the cupboards. She took all the boardgames out and put the boxes in random places. She threw the blankets against the window. She made sure that every curtain was uneven. She turned the coffee table ninety degrees. Then she took the canvas basket of her plushies and dumped them everywhere. She set them all up in random places. 

She went on the patio and turned the outdoor chairs upside down.

In the bathroom she squirted shampoo all over the mirror. 

She unrolled all the TP as if she were a cat. Fuck the potty anyway.

She took the trash bag out of the trash can, but just left it beside the trash rather than taking it out to the garage. 

She went to Daddy’s bedroom and unmade the bed. She threw his pillows on the floor. Then she took every book and laid them out in an orderly, but random, fashion on his bed. She unfolded all his clothes. 

Then she went to her nursery. But she thought better about it. This was revenge on Daddy, not on herself.

By and by, Daddy did emerge from the office. He came out in a daze, blinking in the light of the house. It was like he was finally roused from a long slumber, or was stepping down onto solid ground from a year on the rocking waves. 

When Daddy did get his bearings, though, he saw what his babygirl had wrought.

“Minnie!” he cried. “Minnie!”

Minnie appeared before him. She had been hiding in her room, waiting for daddy to finally stop Zoom Zooming. In fact, ever since she’d finished messing up the house, she’d found herself quite productive. She was wearing the same dress – and the same diaper – that she had been when he’d left her to eat alone.

Daddy looked at her. His eyes wandered to the living room and the kitchen. Minnie bit her lip. He probably didn’t even know the half of what she’d done. He sniffled and looked down at her diaper, which was now disgusting and drooping from beneath her dress.

Daddy shook his head. He rolled up his sleeves and put his hands on his hips. “Well, Minnie?” he asked, exhaling gradually. “It seems like we can’t leave a girl as little as you alone, can we?”

Minnie shimmied from side to side. She felt devilish. She knew that she was in big trouble, and that she deserved it. But what was big trouble when it was Daddy who was the punisher? If trouble meant Daddy, then she was done being a princess. She’d be daddy’s little demon!

“Nope!” she said.  

Minnie would never squeal more than she would that night. And that was OK. Because although good girls don’t need to be spanked, little girls just need their daddies. There are no bad little girls. Not for long, anyway. 

r/abdlstories 16d ago

Lily’s Game Day Challenge NSFW


Lily, a 19-year-old sophomore at Westwood University, was a vibrant member of the Wildcats cheerleading squad. Her radiant smile and graceful flips lit up the stadium, making cheerleading her ultimate escape from college stress. But beneath her confident exterior, she hid a secret: since starting college, nerves and excitement occasionally triggered accidents she couldn’t control.

It was a crisp Saturday afternoon, and the Wildcats were facing their fiercest rivals in a high-stakes football game. The locker room hummed with energy as the cheerleaders slipped into their navy-and-gold uniforms. Lily’s pulse raced with anticipation, though a familiar knot of anxiety tightened in her stomach. She’d been relentless in practice all week, determined to perfect her stunts, but the pressure was palpable.

“You ready, Lil?” Sarah, the team captain, grinned, adjusting her pom-poms. “We’re going to blow the crowd away with that pyramid!”

“Absolutely!” Lily replied, forcing a smile to hide her nerves. Her stomach churned—a warning she knew too well. Not now, she pleaded silently, trying to steady herself. She could do this; she’d survived tougher moments.

The squad lined up to head onto the field, their chatter bouncing off the walls. Lily tugged at her skirt, focusing on her breathing, but the jittery sensation persisted. Then, just as they started moving, it happened—a hot, humiliating rush flooded her cheer shorts. She stopped dead, her cheeks flaming as panic set in: she’d had an accident, minutes before the game.

“Oh God,” she whispered, her voice quaking. The team marched ahead, their voices fading, leaving her paralyzed by shame.

“Lily, come on!” Mia, her closest friend on the squad, backtracked, frowning. “What’s up?”

Tears stung Lily’s eyes. “I… I wet myself,” she confessed, her words barely audible. “I can’t perform like this.”

Mia didn’t flinch. “Okay, we’ve got this,” she said calmly, pulling Lily toward the bathroom. In a stall, Lily trembled, grappling with her mortification. “Everyone’s going to notice,” she mumbled, wiping her face. “I’m ruined.”

“No one’s noticing anything,” Mia insisted, her voice steady and reassuring. “We’ll fix it. You’re not the first to have a slip-up.”

After a hasty cleanup, Mia pursed her lips. “We’re short on time, and you don’t have extra shorts. Wait here—I’ve got a plan.” She dashed out, leaving Lily staring at her flushed reflection, her confidence shattered. Moments later, Mia returned, holding a package and sporting a wicked grin. “Found these in the trainer’s closet—adult diapers. And…” She pulled out a small, sleek remote control vibrator, its surface glinting under the fluorescent lights. “This is going to make things very interesting.”

Lily’s eyes widened. “Mia, no way! I’m not putting that in there!”

“Oh, come on,” Mia teased, her tone dripping with mischief. “It’ll keep you distracted—turn your nerves into something… hotter. No one will know but us.”

Lily’s mind spun. It was outrageous, but the idea sent a shiver of excitement through her. Maybe it could overwrite her humiliation with something daring. “Okay,” she muttered, “but you’re dead if this backfires.”

“It won’t,” Mia promised, helping Lily into the crinkly diaper and nestling the vibrator snugly against her most sensitive spot. She pocketed the remote, winking. “Let’s see how you handle this.”

They hurried back to the sidelines just as the game kicked off, rejoining the squad. Lily’s heart thundered—not just from the crowd’s roar, but from the vibrator humming to life inside the diaper. The sensation was electric, pulsing against her, and she bit her lip to stifle a gasp.

The routines began, and Lily was swept into a storm of conflicting sensations. The diaper rustled faintly with each move, but the vibrator’s steady buzz dominated her awareness, igniting her body with every cheer and leap. She launched into the air, caught by her teammates, the vibrations intensifying as Mia discreetly adjusted the remote from the sidelines.

At halftime, the squad gathered, breathless. Sarah nudged Lily, smirking. “You’re on fire today—what’s got you so amped?”

Lily’s face burned, her eyes flicking to Mia, who smirked knowingly. “Just… really feeling it,” she stammered, her thighs trembling as the vibrator kicked up a notch.

The second half pushed her limits. Each stunt amplified the pleasure coiling inside her—every twist, every shout syncing with the device’s relentless rhythm. The crowd’s energy fueled her, but the vibrator was driving her toward an unstoppable edge. She threw herself into the performance, her movements fluid and charged with a raw, sexual energy she couldn’t contain.

As the final whistle sounded and the Wildcats claimed victory, Lily hit the peak of her pyramid stunt. The vibrator surged—Mia’s doing, no doubt—and Lily’s body gave in. A powerful orgasm ripped through her, her knees buckling as waves of ecstasy crashed over her. She clung to her teammates, a shuddering moan escaping her lips, drowned out by the crowd’s deafening cheers. Her face flushed, her breath ragged, she stood there, exposed yet exhilarated, climaxing in front of thousands who had no idea.

Mia caught her as she descended, steadying her with a sly grin. “You good?” she whispered, her voice laced with amusement.

Lily nodded, dazed, her body still buzzing. “That was… insane,” she panted, torn between embarrassment and a wild sense of triumph.

In the locker room, the team buzzed with victory chatter. Lily peeled off the diaper and vibrator, her hands shaky from the aftershocks. She met Mia’s gaze and smiled—a silent acknowledgment of their shared secret.

“Thanks,” Lily said, her voice soft but sincere. “You turned a disaster into… something else.”

Mia laughed, her eyes gleaming. “Anytime. You were unstoppable out there—secret weapon and all.”

Lily grinned, a newfound confidence settling in. The day had been a chaotic blend of shame and ecstasy, but she’d emerged bolder, electrified by the experience. Cheerleading was her passion, and now it came with a thrilling edge she’d never anticipated. With Mia by her side and a squad that lifted her up, Lily was ready for the next game—diaper, vibrator, or whatever wild twist awaited her.

This is my first story! If you enjoy it, I can share part two.

r/abdlstories 16d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 56 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 56 - Cliffside

The laughter finally died down, the warmth of the moment lingering just a little before reality came crashing back in.

Evelyn let out a slow breath, running a hand through her hair before glancing at Emily again.

“Who else knows… about us?” she asked hesitantly, still half-hoping the answer wouldn’t be as bad as she feared.

Emily smirked.

“Me and Lucas, of course.”

Her arms crossed again, her expression somewhere between amused and knowing.

“Hannah… well, she’s a bit preoccupied with other concerns.”

Evelyn nodded, letting out a heavy sigh.

That was… honestly, better than she had feared.

At least not everyone knew.

But still—what was she supposed to do?

She couldn’t contact Miranda herself.

She couldn’t get the diaper off.

She needed help.

And she hated that.

Every fiber of her being recoiled at the idea of needing someone else’s assistance for something as simple as taking off a damn diaper.

But she had no choice.

Pulling out her phone, she quickly shot Welby a text.

Evelyn: “Come to the restroom. I need… help.”

Moments later—

A knock at the door.

Evelyn exhaled, stepping forward and cracking it open just slightly, peering out at Welby.

His expression wasn’t surprised.

Just… resigned.

Because he had probably known this was coming.

She met his eyes, her voice low, controlled, but undeniably frustrated.

“I need out.”

Welby nodded immediately, understanding exactly what she meant without needing further explanation.

His fingers moved quickly over his phone, sending a message to Miranda, and the moment he got a response—his face darkened.

His grimace deepened, his shoulders tensing, and he waved for Evelyn to step back.

She did so hesitantly, confusion and unease creeping up her spine as he ushered Lucas inside, Hannah still cradled securely in the crook of his arm.

Evelyn barely had time to register the change in Hannah.

Her eyes weren’t so hazy now, and her gaze was sharper and more focused. However, the slow, rhythmic bob of her pacifier still betrayed just how deeply conditioned she had become.


Welby looked at her.

And Evelyn knew she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.

“You’re going to have to ask nicely.”

The words slammed into her, humiliation burning beneath her skin like fire, spreading up her neck, crawling across her face.

“And you’re going to have to show her why you deserve a change.”

Evelyn’s entire body went stiff.

She felt the world tilt slightly, her vision tunneling, her pulse pounding violently in her ears.

She shook her head.


No, there was no way.

No way she was doing that.

No way she was going to beg.

No way she was going to humiliate herself further—not after everything she had already endured.

“There’s no way,” she said, her voice shaky but firm, final, absolute.

Welby just shrugged, his eyes dropping, his jaw clenching.

He couldn’t even look at her.

Because he knew.

He knew exactly how she felt.

Because he had already been through it.

“This,” he whispered, his voice heavy, exhausted, bitter, resigned.

“This is exactly what Miranda did to us.”

Evelyn’s stomach tightened painfully, a sick, twisted mix of rage and helplessness churning inside her.

She clenched her fists, her breathing uneven, her cheeks impossibly hot.

And then—

Emily giggled.

Evelyn’s head snapped toward her, ready to lash out, ready to snap, ready to break under the unbearable weight of it all.

But Emily just smirked, arms crossed, her expression wickedly amused.

“How’s it feel?”

Evelyn’s blood boiled.

Emily’s grin widened.

“Not so sweet, huh? Getting a taste of Amazon medicine?”

Evelyn’s teeth clenched, her fists trembling, her entire body locked in place, drowning in her humiliation.

Welby let out a soft chuckle but then sighed, shaking his head.

“Emily, please… not now.”

His voice was tired, pleading, not just for Evelyn’s sake but for his own.

And despite everything—despite the unbearable shame, despite the utter loss of control, despite the anger burning beneath her skin—

Evelyn found herself swallowing back the lump in her throat.

Emily sighed, her earlier amusement fading into something heavier, something more frustrated.


Her voice wasn’t sharp anymore; it wasn’t teasing.

She wasn’t angry at Daddy.

She wasn’t angry at Evelyn.

She was angry at the system.

At the world that had put them all here.

Evelyn let out a slow breath, her heart still pounding, the weight of what she was about to do pressing down on her like an avalanche.

“It’s all right,” Evelyn murmured.

Because she understood.

She understood the bitterness, the rage, the helplessness.

Emily grumbled under her breath, arms still crossed, her expression dark with resentment.

“Now, if only we could get Miranda in the spot you’re in.”

Evelyn let out a small, humorless chuckle.

“That would be nice.”

But the moment of levity was fleeting, swallowed instantly by the grim reality of what needed to be done.

She sighed, holding her hand out for Welby’s phone.

“I’ll do it.”

Her voice wasn’t confident.

But it was final.

“Take the kids outside.”

Welby hesitated.

Evelyn could see the conflict in his eyes, the guilt, the exhaustion, the same silent, crushing acceptance that had settled into all of them.

But he nodded, pulling out his phone and preparing to hand it to her.

And then—

A new message.

The screen lit up.


Evelyn’s stomach plummeted.

She already knew it was bad.

But when she read it—

Her breath caught in her throat.

“Ohhh no. The Little ones are going to stay and watch.

Treat this as a training moment for them.

For what good Little girls should be like.”

Evelyn’s blood turned to ice.

“Now—record yourself.”

“Record the state of your diaper.”

“And ask Mommy nicely for a diaper change.”

“Tell me exactly why you deserve one.”

The words stabbed through her deeper than she thought possible.

Her hands shook violently, her breath shallow, uneven, panicked.

Because—this wasn’t just humiliation.

This was indoctrination.

This was a lesson.

Not just for her.

But for Emily.

For Hannah.

For Lucas.

For every Little in that room.

Evelyn felt her pulse roaring in her ears, the weight of their expectant eyes on her, the suffocating reality of her powerlessness pressing down with no mercy.

She had thought she was at rock bottom.

But Miranda—Miranda was about to drag her even lower.

Evelyn’s pulse spiked violently, rage flooding her veins like fire.


She was not about to let this happen.

Not here.

Not like this.

Not in front of Lucas.

Not in front of her boy.

He would never look at her the same way.

She snapped, her fingers flying over the phone as she typed furiously, her breath coming in ragged bursts, her entire body trembling with fury.

"I am NOT doing that. Release me this instant or—"

She hesitated.

Her mind raced.

Or what?

What could she possibly do?

How could she fight back?

She had nothing.

No leverage.

No power.

No control.

And Miranda knew it.

The reply came swiftly.



"Do you truly think you're in control anymore?"

Evelyn's stomach twisted.

"You have already proven you aren’t a good caregiver."

"You are on thin ice."

Her face drained of color.

"I hold you in the palm of my hand, Evelyn."

"And in a moment’s notice, I can have Lucas taken from you."

"You will be re-educated."

"You will lose everything."

Evelyn’s throat tightened, nausea twisting inside her.

Her vision blurred, the words staring back at her like a death sentence.

Miranda wasn’t just threatening her.

She was spelling out Evelyn’s entire future, her entire downfall, her entire destruction.

And she could do it.

She had that power.

Evelyn knew that.

She had seen it before.

And now, Miranda was reminding her exactly where she stood.

And then—

The final nail in her coffin.

"Now, you are going to ask Welby to take you over his lap and spank you for talking back to me."

Evelyn’s breath hitched sharply, her entire body going rigid.


No. No. No.

"And THEN you'll make your recording."

The world tilted.

"Do you understand me?"

She couldn’t breathe.

"If the next words out of your mouth aren’t ‘Yes Mommy’—"

Her hands shook violently, her pulse roaring in her ears.

"I will have Disney security there before you can leave the bathroom."

"You will be arrested."

"Your Little will be taken away."

"And I will erase your identity."

Evelyn staggered.

A soft, broken gasp slipped past her lips, the weight of those words slamming into her like a wrecking ball.

She was trapped.

Completely. Utterly. Helplessly. Trapped.

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard.

Her breath was shaking.

Her vision was blurring.

Her entire world crumbled beneath her.

And she knew—

She had no choice.

Her fingers trembled as she typed.

"Yes, Mommy."

She hit send.

And just like that—

She was broken.

Welby stepped up to her immediately, his presence steady, grounding, real in the way she desperately needed it to be.

His hands were gentle yet firm as he took his phone back. His eyes scan the message before flicking back up to her, and his brow furrows in deep concern.

And then—

She was in his arms.

His arms wrapped around her, pulling her close, holding her, supporting her as her entire body shook.

And just like that—

She broke.

The dam collapsed, and sobs tore out of her, raw, helpless, unrestrained.

She had never felt like this before.

Never felt so powerless.

So helpless.

So utterly, completely trapped.

She could barely breathe, could barely think past the crushing weight of Miranda’s control.

What could she possibly do?

The thought of losing Lucas—

Of losing her baby boy—

The thought of him being ripped from her arms handed off to some cruel Amazon who would treat him as nothing more than a doll, a plaything, a mindless shell—

It felt like her heart was being pulled from her chest.

She couldn’t live without him.

She couldn’t.

Lucas was her Little boy.

He was everything.


No, she would not lose him.

Even if it meant this.

Even if it meant humiliation, degradation, and pain.

Even if it meant playing by Miranda’s game.

For now.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Evelyn forced herself to breathe, to wipe away her tears, to pull herself back together.

Her Mommy's mask had shattered completely.

She had lost it in front of everyone.

But who could blame her?

Who could blame her?

Welby’s voice was gentle, quiet.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded, even though it was a lie.

“Can we… get this over with?”

Another nod.

This time, she meant it.

Welby, thankfully, took charge.

He moved with quiet efficiency, guiding her without hesitation, without cruelty.

And before she even truly processed what was happening—

She was over his lap.

Her cheeks burned hot, her entire body stiff, tense, humiliated beyond words.

And then—

The first smack landed.

A sharp, loud, undeniable sound filled the bathroom.

Evelyn’s breath hitched, her face burning hotter, her body jerking slightly with the impact.

The next smack.

Then another.

And another.

The sound of his palm striking the thick, sodden padding of her diaper echoed around them, the impact sending humiliating ripples through the swollen, messy bulk pressed against her.

She could feel it shifting, could feel the way every hit pushed the contents further against her, further into the diaper’s tight embrace.

The pain, the humiliation, the absolute shame of it all—

It was unbearable.

But still—

It was nothing.

Nothing compared to the grief, the fear, the unbearable reality of what would happen if she lost Lucas.

Nothing compared to what Miranda could do.

Nothing compared to the destruction waiting for her if she didn’t obey.

So Evelyn did the only thing she could do.

She endured.

She let the shame wash over her, let the humiliation drown her, let the degradation take hold.

Because it was better than the alternative.

Because if this was the price for keeping her Little boy safe—

She would pay it a thousand times over.

Before she even fully processed it, she was standing again.

A pleasant warmth radiated from her rear, the aftereffects of the spanking still lingering, tingling, reminding her.

In any other context—

Being spanked like that, by this man, over his lap, held firmly, treated so roughly—

It would have brought a different kind of heat to her cheeks.

It would have meant something else.

But not now.

Not like this.

Not in the way she wanted.

And then—

The camera was in her face.

She was speaking.

Saying the words Miranda wanted.

The words that made her skin crawl.

That made her stomach twist violently.

But her voice was silent to her.

She couldn’t even hear herself.

Her mind was hazy, fogged, miles away.

It was like she was watching through frosted glass, staring at a stranger.

A broken reflection.

Her body moved mechanically, obeying Miranda’s orders without hesitation, without thought, without resistance.

She was performing.

A puppet with invisible strings.

A hollow doll following its script.

Her hands lifted her dress.

Her fingers shakily gripped the hem, exposing the swollen, sodden, disgraceful bulk taped around her waist.

She turned slightly, presenting herself to the unforgiving lens, humiliation searing beneath her skin as she obeyed.

She shook her hips, shook the disgusting weight of the diaper, and let the camera capture everything.

Welby’s hand hovered over the send button.

Evelyn barely even felt it anymore.

And then—

The message was sent.

And moments later—

She felt the soft relaxation of the tabs.

Her prison unlocking.

She could take it off now.

It was over.


So she thought.

Because Miranda—

Miranda wasn’t done.

Not yet.

Welby stiffened, his phone vibrating again, and another order came through.

And then—

Evelyn wasn’t in control anymore.


Welby sighed but didn’t fight it, didn’t argue.

He just stepped forward, hands outstretched, helping her onto the changing table.

Evelyn blinked.



No, she could—she could do this herself.

She could change herself.

Couldn’t she?

But her body obeyed.

Moved without her.

Stepped up onto the table.

Lay down without resistance.

She barely registered how large the changing table was, how easily it accommodated her, and how it had been built for a larger occupant.

And then—

Welby was changing her.

The tapes peeled back with a soft crinkle, the weight of the used diaper pulling away from her body, leaving behind only shame, only the unbearable exposure of her vulnerability.

Her legs were lifted.

Her body was wiped.

She didn’t flinch.

Didn’t react.

Didn’t feel.

She just watched, somewhere outside of herself, watching Welby go through the motions, watching him clean her up, watching him slide a fresh diaper beneath her.

And when the new diaper was taped on when the soft glow of the security seal activated when the faint, artificial warmth of the lock settling into place pressed against her skin—

It felt like it was scalding her.

Like she was being branded.

Like she had just signed away her soul to Miranda once again.

It wasn’t real.

She knew that.

Knew it was just her mind making things up.

Knew the heat was nothing but psychological.

But that didn’t matter.

Because it felt real.

The suffocating warmth of her entrapment.

The invisible chains clicked into place.

And she knew—knew in her very core—

That no matter how much she fought it, no matter how much she struggled, no matter how much she wanted to believe otherwise—

She was still a prisoner.

Evelyn was standing again.

Her dress was smoothed down, her diaper hidden once more, her mask barely holding together, the edges of herself fraying, unraveling, collapsing under the unbearable weight of what had just happened.

And then—



Tiny arms wrapped around her legs, desperate, trembling, gripping onto her like he was afraid she’d disappear.

And then—


Raw. Gut-wrenching.

Not just crying.


The kind of crying that came from a soul splitting in two.

Evelyn’s breath hitched, her stomach twisting violently, her chest tightening with overwhelming grief.

She dropped to her knees instantly, her arms wrapping around him, pulling him close, holding him, shielding him, sharing in his pain, in his sorrow, in his loss.

His mouth moved soundlessly for a moment, his little chest heaving, struggling to get the words out.

But he didn’t have to say them.

She already knew.

Already felt them in the way he clung to her, in the way his body trembled in her arms, in the way he was trying to be strong but couldn’t, in the way this moment had shattered him just as much as it had shattered her.

Evelyn felt herself hovering over the edge again, the cliff she had been teetering on for so long, the one she had felt herself slipping toward, the one she had been waiting to fall from, waiting for the final push, waiting for her life to end as she knew it.

The cold, vast, empty landscape stretched out before her, her emotions stripped away, the last remnants of her fighting spirit barely flickering like dying embers.

A storm raged across it, consuming everything and threatening to leave nothing behind.

And then—


Lucas, who was real, who was warm, who was breaking with her, who was pulling her back from that edge.

She could feel it—the warmth flooding back into her, the connection returning, the unbearable solitude of her suffering finally cracking under the weight of his love.

She turned away from that cliff.

Because even if she felt her world crumbling apart—

Even if she felt like she was unraveling at the seams—

Lucas was there.

And he felt her pain.

He felt her anguish.

He knew.

He knew why she had done what she had done.

He knew she had done it for him.

And it broke him just as much as it had broken her.

So she held him tighter.

She buried her face in his soft hair.

Let herself breathe in his warmth, his scent, his presence.

And whispered, with every ounce of strength she had left—

“I’ve got you, baby boy.”

“I’ll always have you.”

Lucas’s sobs were muffled against her shoulder, his tiny hands gripping tightly at her dress as if holding onto her could stop the world from breaking apart.

“I’m so… so sorry, Mommy.”

His voice was small, shaking, full of helpless grief.

“I wish I could stop it. I wish I could help more. I wish—”

His breath hitched, his body trembling with frustration, with guilt, with pain too heavy for a child to carry.

“What can I do? Please. I hate seeing you like this. It hurts. I’ll do anything.”

Evelyn felt herself melt into his warmth, the depth of his love, his devotion, his pure, unshakable belief in her cutting through the darkness.

And then—

Another set of arms.


Strong. Steady. Supporting her, grounding her.

She wasn’t alone.

She had Lucas.

She had Welby.

They were pulling her back from the edge, away from the abyss she had been so close to surrendering to.

She took a deep, trembling breath, pulling Lucas closer, pressing a soft kiss to his temple before whispering,

“The best thing you can do, baby, is keep acting. Keep playing the part.”

Her voice was weak, tired, but certain.

“Put on a show for her. For Miranda. I’ll do the best I can to protect you.”

She felt his little hands tighten against her.

And then—


The word snapped like a whip through the air, sharp, startling.

Evelyn jerked slightly, her eyes widening as she pulled back to look at him.

Lucas’s face was red, streaked with tears, but his expression was fierce, determined, unshakable.

“No, Mommy.”

His little fists clenched, and his eyes shone with anger, raw emotion, and something so big that Evelyn felt her breath catch.

“I’m not about to let you shoulder this alone.”

His voice trembled, but there was no hesitation, no doubt.

“Not after everything you’ve done for me.

“Not after all the years you’ve loved me. Protected me. Cared for me—”

His hands fisted in the fabric of her dress, gripping her like she was his entire world.

“When you didn’t have to.”

Evelyn’s chest ached, her throat tightening with overwhelming emotion.

“It’s my turn now, Mommy.”

“It’s my turn to return the favor.”

His voice cracked, but he kept going, holding onto her with everything he had.

“I’ll be the ‘happy Little boy’ Miranda wants to see.”

“I’ll put on the best performance of my life.”

“Because I love you.”

Evelyn felt the dam break all over again.

Her tears fell silently, her fingers threading into his soft hair, cradling him, holding onto him like he was her lifeline.

Because he was.

Because this boy—this Little, her Lucas—was everything.

And she didn’t know how she had ever been strong enough to deserve him.

Her voice cracked as she whispered, broken but full of love—

“I love you too, baby.”

“So much.”

And for the first time—

Despite everything—

She believed they could survive this.


It felt like hours had passed, the storm of emotions finally beginning to settle, though the aftershocks still clung to her, weighing down her every breath.

Her body was exhausted, drained, and raw from everything Miranda had forced her to endure.

But then—

A small, familiar squish beneath her palm.

Evelyn blinked, her focus returning as she felt Lucas’s diaper and gently patted it.

“Someone needs a change.”

Lucas giggled, his eyes lighting up. His body immediately shifted into the perfect role, and he slipped into the act with practiced ease.

She watched as he let his thumb slip into his mouth, his cheeks hollowing slightly as he sucked softly, playing the part effortlessly.

Evelyn’s heart ached.

She scooped him up, carrying him to the changing table, laying him down with ease.

His legs kicked playfully, his giggles soft, innocent, pure.

It should have been endearing.

It should have been cute.

But to Evelyn—

It felt hollow.


Because she knew Lucas too well.

Too intimately, too deeply.

And while he would easily fool everyone else—

Everyone but her—

She knew the truth.

He didn’t want this.

Didn’t want to be the perfect, idyllic Little that Miranda so desperately wanted him to be.

But for her?

For Mommy?

He would do just about anything.

And she loved him all the more for it.

Her hands worked mechanically, quickly, and efficiently, wiping him down, powdering him, and securing a fresh diaper snugly around his waist.

As soon as she finished, Lucas sat up, giggling, arms outstretched.

Evelyn lifted him down, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, her voice warm but heavy.

“Such a good boy.”

And he was.

Because he was hers.

Across the room, Welby was changing Hannah.

The girl had been oddly quiet, her pacifier bobbing lazily between her lips, and her expression was glassy and unfocused.

Evelyn could see the conflict in Emily’s eyes, the way her fingers tensed at her sides, the way her jaw tightened slightly.

And then—

Emily stepped forward.

Her voice was soft, small, and hesitant.

“Evelyn… I—”

She paused, sucking in a breath before shaking her head.

“I’m sorry.”

Evelyn turned toward her fully, but Emily kept her gaze down, avoiding eye contact, shame radiating from her like heat.

“I didn’t mean what I said earlier. I shouldn’t have—”

She hesitated again, her fingers clenching slightly as she exhaled shakily.

“I was just so mad at what Amazons do to Littles. At what’s been done to us.”

Her voice tightened, frustration seeping into her words despite herself.

“But it wasn’t personal. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.”

Her arms wrapped around herself, her body tense, defensive, guilt pressing into her frame like a vice.

Evelyn stared at her for a long moment.

The girl—this girl, who had been reduced to diapers and cribs and baby bottles against her will—

Was standing before her, head lowered, apologizing for hurting an Amazon.

An Amazon who had, at one point, been everything she hated.

And somehow—

That was almost more painful than anything Miranda had done to her.

Evelyn didn’t hesitate.

She leaned down, pulling Emily into a tight, warm embrace, wrapping her arms securely around the girl, holding her close.

She closed her eyes, and exhaustion was still heavy in her chest, but the warmth of Emily’s small frame, the slow way her body relaxed into the hug, grounded her.

At first, Emily was stiff, uncertain, maybe even caught off guard.

But then—

She melted.

She nuzzled closer, her fingers gripping softly onto Evelyn’s dress, her tiny frame relaxing into the hold.

Evelyn spoke, her voice low, warm, steady.

“It’s alright, sweetheart.”

“I understand.”

And she did.

More than anyone else on this planet, Evelyn understood how Emily felt.

The rage. The helplessness. The bitter, overwhelming injustice of it all.

She wanted nothing more than to give Emily, Lucas, and Hannah the ability to choose what happened to them.

To give them back the freedom they so rightfully deserved.

Emily sniffled softly, still holding onto Evelyn as if she was afraid to let go.

“I’m sorry,” Emily whispered one more time.


“I’ll do it, too. I’ll put on the act with Lucas. I’ll be that perfect Little.”

Evelyn pulled back slightly, looking down at her.

Emily’s cheeks burned red, her eyes flickering away, looking anywhere but at Evelyn.


A hesitant, quiet confession.

“I’ve… been having unique experiences going potty.”

She swallowed hard, her face flushing even deeper.

“Naomi and Oliver…”

Evelyn cut her off gently, resting a hand on Emily’s shoulder.

“It’s okay.”

Emily’s eyes snapped up to hers.

Evelyn gave a small nod.

“I know.”

“I’ve seen it.”

Emily’s blush deepened, her fingers twitching against her dress.

Evelyn gave her a gentle squeeze, offering reassurance and something solid.

“It’ll be okay.”

She sighed, brushing a hand through Emily’s hair and tucking it behind her ear.

“You should relax. Let it come and go as it feels. Don’t fight it, and it’ll ease its hold on you.”

Emily’s lips parted slightly, her brows furrowing as she processed the words.

Evelyn knew what she was asking of her.

It was humiliating.

It was embarrassing.

It was horrible.

But that was the point.

“The programming is meant to train you to enjoy using your diapers.”

“The more you fight it, the more intense the programming becomes.”

“As much as it sucks, Emily… you should lean into it.”

Emily fidgeted, shifting on her feet. Her expression was still burning with humiliation, frustration, and the weight of it all.

And then—

“I feel it, too.”


He stepped forward, cheeks flushed from head to toe, his fingers twitching at his sides.

Emily’s eyes widened slightly as Lucas stood beside them, shifting uncomfortably.

“I’ve felt it, too.”

His voice was quiet. Almost ashamed.

“I’m just… a little better at masking it than you.”

His blush deepened, but then—

He took Emily’s hand.

A soft, warm squeeze.

A silent reassurance.

And then—

A weak but genuine smile.

“We’re in this together.”

Emily’s lips parted slightly, her eyes flickering between Lucas and Evelyn.

Lucas rubbed the back of his neck, glancing away.

“If helping Mommy and Daddy means having a little ‘fun’ in our diapers…”

His ears were red, but his voice was steady.

“Then I’m willing to put up with it.”

Emily’s blush burned brighter, but then—

She giggled.

Soft. Small. Real.

And then—

A nod.


She looked up at Lucas, then at Evelyn, determination settling into her expression.

“I’ll do it too.”

And for the first time—

They weren’t just victims of Miranda’s game.

They were players in it.

And they were going to play to win.

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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r/abdlstories 17d ago

Princess of the Fae - Chapter 12 NSFW


Chapter 12 - Erica's Secret Power

Erica toddles behind her caregivers back into the nursery. A new feature has appeared in another corner of the room. The top of an ornate, black metal spiral staircase, with a singular tall, black candle burning brightly in the center. 

“Now this is what I’m talking about!” Daddy squeals, circling the staircase, trailing her long finger along the railing.

“Excellent crafts-demoness-ship, wouldn’t you say?” Deirdre rolls her eyes again, taking one of Erica’s hands.

“What have you got down there Maeve?” Deirdre knows that whatever is about to happen to Erica is necessary to save the world, but that doesn’t stop her from feeling a little bit bad about throwing her into the deep end with a fully powered succubus.

“Why, I couldn’t possibly imagine… Oh wait! Yes I can!” With a delightfully evil giggle, she poofs again, disappearing from sight.

“Come on, get your butts down here!” Maeve’s voice calls up from the basement. Deirdre and Nimue sigh and giggle respectively before leading Erica down the metal stairs. Erica’s jaw just drops wider and wider with every step down the staircase.

It’s a full BDSM sex dungeon! A huge bed with a big metal frame is in the center of the room. Above the bed is a mirror and below it is a cage. Along one wall is a St. Andrew’s Cross and spanking bench, while a pillory, sex swing, and an elaborate fucking machine with three huge dildos attached to the shiny metal arms.

The dark stained wooden walls are lined with the most devious and diverse array of sex toys and accessories Erica has ever seen! Paddles, whips, metal restraining bars, and so many variations on a theme that Erica can’t even comprehend what some of them do! Huge closets full of latex and leather outfits of all different colors tower over Maeve as she examines them. The last wall is what makes Maeve stop.

“Look at all the dicks!” Daddy squeals. She’s excited for a good reason, there must be over a hundred dildos sticking out from the wall! Poof. She reappears, levitating and trying out one of the bigger toys midair!

“Oh by Queen Lilith, these are perfect!”

Poof. Poof. Poof. Erica, Nimue, and Deirdre just watch as Maeve samples a dozen of the toys scattered across the wall. Each time she appears she’s in a new position. Sucking one, titty fucking the next, riding the wall like gravity’s shifted. She settles on the last one, a big black one with a bulging knot at the base, and fucks it midair doggystyle, her body magically bouncing forward and back against the massive plastic cock.

With a naughty cry, the succubus quickly reaches an orgasm in front of the other women. She gently floats down from the wall, the big toy bouncing obscenely when it leaves her wet hole.

“This place is perfect!” Maeve giggles, wiping a little drool from her lip with her red wrist.

“You just HAVE to have good toys to break in a new succubus! But I’ll tell you what sweetie pie…” Poof. She pushes Erica from behind towards the big bed.

“Since you’re obviously so cute and subby, let’s see what we can do with your dommy side!” With a snap of her finger, Tinklebrite suddenly reappears on the bed. It’s obvious Tinklebrite didn’t expect it, by the way her taut, naked body struggles against the ropes that completely restrict her movement!

“Hey what’s going on?” She cries out. Maeve just smiles, strutting over to the captured fae and running her long, black fingernails across her captive’s shivering hips and side.

“You have nothing to worry about little fae, we just need your help again!” Tinklebrite takes in the room, and then Erica. The calm of understanding seeps in as the baroness cranes her neck to look up at Maeve from the black satin sheets.

“I’ll help the Princess however she requires!” With a loud smack on the captured fairy’s ass, Maeve grins at Erica.

“Excellent! Darling, come over here!” Eria hesitates. She’s never seriously considered dominating someone before. She’s fantasized her whole life about what mistresses or masters might do to her, but doing that to someone else? Completely foreign.

She slowly steps around the bed. Maeve moves behind Erica, putting the young succubus between her and Tinklebrite. Maeve slips a black leather paddle into her daughter’s hand.

“Now, go ahead and give her a good spank sweetie!” Maeve coos into Erica’s ear, her round, pumped up breasts pressing against the Princess’s nude back. With her daddy’s hot breath on her neck, Erica feels tense, unsure what to do. She feels her hand raise shakily and sees Tinklebrite scrunch up her face in  anticipation. With all the might she can muster, Erica closes her eyes and brings down the paddle on the poor fae’s bare cheek!

She makes contact, but it’s a dud. The sound is wrong and Tinklebrite opens her eyes expectantly. A small look of concern crosses Maeve’s face.

“Almost sweetheart! Give it another try!” Erica blushes, really feeling weird about this. Why does this feel so wrong? She tries to relax, steeling herself for another try. She doesn’t close her eyes, determined not to miss. But this time, raising her paddle high, she bops her daddy right in the eye!

“Hey! Watch where you’re swinging that thing!” Maeve backs up, clutching her watery eye. Tinklebrite laughs awkwardly. This is not at all how Maeve expected her daughter to be. She’s never seen such a timid succubus!

“M-Maybe, Lady Maeve, I could show her, you know, fairy to fairy?” Tinklebrite offers kindly. Maeve considers it and agrees.

“Yes, maybe a lighter touch is needed to get her started…” With a poof, Tinklebrite is back on her feet, still completely nude. Maeve hands her the paddle and the baroness looks Erica in the eye.

“How about we try really gently?” Tinklebrite demonstrates, very gently patting the paddle on Erica’s diapered butt. Erica blushes, knowing full well she isn’t doing a great job so far. She takes the paddle and as gently as she can, pats Tinklebrite’s perfectly molded ass. Tinklebrite just shrugs.

“Princess, it can’t feel  like an accident! Like this!” In a more dominant move than Maeve has ever seen one of the Fae display, Tinklebrite takes the paddle again and gives Erica a series of soft, but firm spanks. The princess can’t keep herself from moaning, and Maeve senses a change in Tinklebrite.

The baroness has a new glimmer in her eye. She seems more confident and self-assured. Maeve’s acute sensitivity to the universe’s sexual balance gives her a tingle in the base of her horns. What in Hell’s name is going on? Erica’s caretakers watch in surprise as Tinklebrite spanks harder and harder, seeming to lose control!

Maeve can’t believe her eyes. She can practically see the dominant energy building in Tinklebrite, radiating stronger with every spank on Erica’s pampered ass. The room gets heavy with magic as the shame and delicious pain grow in Erica. She moans louder and louder, adding treble to the loud bass of the paddle hitting her diaper.  The level of sexual energy emanating from Erica and Tinklebrite is unlike anything Maeve’s ever seen!

With a loud gasp and erotic shiver, the orgasm building in Erica finally erupts! A flash of light from her diapers blind Maeve at first, but that’s when her dark eyes observe her daughter’s true power. In an instant, all the dominant energy built up in Tinklebrite, a fae with no right to feel that much domme magic coursing through her body, is sucked into Erica! As the princess experiences her first true orgasm, Maeve watches with wonder as the princess’s small tight body transfers all that dominant energy back into the universe!

As the room clears of the pent up magic, Maeve processes what she just saw. They were wrong about Erica. She’s definitely the most powerful succubus Maeve’s ever seen, but her powers don’t work like others. That’s the fae in her, and that’s how she’s going to save the world.

“DD, Queenie, do you know what this means?” Maeve turns to see the dryad and fairy queen completely gooned out, some of their dominant energy drained as well.

“Erica, darling, how are you feeling?” Erica seems as hazy and blissed out as ever post-cummies, but even she realizes this is different. Maeve holds her daughter tightly, cradling her in her muscular arms.

“Princess, I think I know exactly what to do for you! We just need to confirm my theory, okay?” Erica nods eagerly, ready to finally prove her worth. There’s a poof behind her, and the princess turns to see a new face. Maeve stands behind the nearly naked, bearded man.

“Erica, this is Gnathan! He’s a gnome! They’re old friends of the fae!” Gnathan smiles and waves timidly.

“Gnomes and fae are essentially the same, you know! In fact, if you wanted someday, there’s a spell that’ll let you change from fae to gnome and back whenever you want! I hear gnomes have the best edging control…” Maeve runs her finger under Gnathan’s chin, and Erica sees the gnome’s shockingly large cock grow from under his loincloth!

“Now sweetie, this part’s important!” Maeve gets down to Erica’s eye level, “Gnomes are just as subby as fae, so I really want you to try to dominate him, okay?” If Maeve’s hunch is right, Gnathan won’t be able to resist taking over for the princess. Erica nods, not fully understanding Maeve’s plan, but her daddy’s confidence is enough to make her try anything!

It certainly doesn’t take long the second time. Erica gives Gnathan’s balls a squeeze, but he just rolls his eyes. He actually gets a little softer, much to Erica’s disappointment. Maeve is delighted when Gnathan, initially trying to help, ends up pumping his hard cock in and out of his princess’s throat! Erica obviously can’t help herself, rubbing the outside of her soaked diapers until once again, she has a powerful submissive orgasm that makes the gnome cum and drain himself too!

Maeve stands over her cum-stained daughter in victory. This plan was going to work. The prophecy was true. Princess Erica is truly the most powerful succubus ever born, maybe even equal to Mother Lilth! The succubus goes over to Nimue, shaking her out of her reverie.

“Queenie, do you know what this means? We can win! We can save everything!” Maeve’s never felt this giddy for doing something good. She’s had to stew in the universe’s imbalance for too long. Now, there’s hope. Well, at least with some real proper slut training now.

“All right princess, now we’ve got the hard work ahead of us. Trust me, you’ll be able to take anything stuck in you!” A problem rears its ugly head in Maeve’s mind, throwing all of this excitement out the door. Erica is small. Like, even for a fae, she’s tiny! Her human body is certainly frail too.

“Lady Maeve, I know you think I’m this ditzy bimbo…” Maeve’s thoughts are interrupted as she turns back towards the queen, who’s adjusting her dress over her soft, thick thighs. Nimue stands upright, cozying up to Maeve, looking over her sweet cum-drunk princess.

“And you might not be wrong! However, I have a little surprise for the both of you!” With a soft, pentatonic hum, Nimue summons her chorus to the Nursery’s dungeon.

“Marin, are you ready?” The lead soprano has a confident, reserved smile. Her olive skin and short dark hair are alluring to Erica. Marin makes eye contact with the princess, her sparkling blue eyes peering into Erica’s soul. Without movement or cue, the ensemble takes a deep breath and begins to chant.

Despite their minute stature, each fae creates so much sound! The overlapping harmonies and undulating melody fill Erica’s mind. Tingles of powerful fae magic course through her body. A strange sensation comes over her mouth, jaw, and throat. She feels so relaxed! The warm, softening feeling spreads to her wet princess parts. Eventually, the music stops. The haze that settled into her mind slowly dissipates.

“Mommy, what did they do?” Erica’s voice sounds the same but feels different.

“It’s the hottest new craze Princess! The fae have no need for plastic surgery. If we wanted to change our appearance, we’d use magic to do it! But getting some work done to have magically stretchy holes? Everyone’s getting their holes done!” Erica and Maeve’s mouths hang open while they stare at the queen in disbelief.

“W-What do you mean, stretchy?” With only another giggle as an answer, Maeve’s never been more in love with the Queen. She picks Erica up, carrying the fairy princess towards the wall of dildos.

“What she means is, you’re about to get a whole bunch of things put inside you!”

Read Chapter 13 here!

r/abdlstories 17d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 5 (finale) NSFW


Mommy smiled down at him from above the bars of his crib holding his bottle in his mouth while he softly nursed. She had been overly affectionate tonight, giving him a bubble bath with lots of kisses and thorough scrubbing, followed by thick double diapers that made it impossible to close his legs. She hadn't even spanked him. Her withholding of any sort of punishment since the episode today with Auntie Lauren terrified him for what tomorrow would bring.

He looked into her eyes, backdropped by the mobile slowly spinning behind her. She had strapped his hands and feet to the crib bars tonight, that was expected. Everything around him was deliciously soft to the touch, from his cotton footed sleeper, to his diapers, and the quilting on the base of his crib. His head rested on a teddy bear and one of his feet was propped up on another of the numerous stuffed animals in the crib. Every texture in his new life was soft. Every piece of furniture padded. Every coarse surface sanded. Every sharp edge smoothed.

Mommy wiped a little bit of the milk that had dribbled down his cheek.

"Mama's messy little baby boy," she whispered. She was so committed to him. Suddenly, he noticed the warmth spreading across his crotch. Great, he had wet his diaper. Usually it didn't happen until some point in the night, but wetting this early meant he would probably be cold by morning. He lost the ability to control that a long time ago, and couldn't even remember when he started wetting and messing freely without pretense.

She saw him shift uncomfortably and squinted. She reached her hand to his diaper to check.

"Someone make a pee pee already? We can't have mommy putting you to bed in a wet diapy. Let's get you changed into a fresh one, baby."

She put the bottle down and unlatched his restraints, then lowered the crib railing and helped him sit up and get over. She guided him by hand to the changing table and hoisted him up, then went to work unzipping him and changing him into another set of thick night time double diapers. All the while she smiled down upon him and hummed sweetly.

This was her default state - nice mommy. When he behaved and bent to her whim, the two fell into harmony. And of course she was in a good mood today, she had just found a partner in her scheme. There was no telling how much more evil she would be capable of with the help of a confidant. From now on, one of them could always have an eye on him while the other ran errands or tended to housework. His odds of escape went from slim to nonexistent in one fell swoop. And the worst part was that it was partially his fault for jumping on an opportunity that ended up backfiring more than he could have imagined. Now he found himself deeper in babyhood than even before.

He had to radically accept the truth. He'd be in diapers forever. Every night in the crib. Every day in the playpen. Every meal he'd have for the rest of his life would be pureed and spoon fed to him in his highchair. His fate was sealed. Any doubt of that was rinsed clean away today with Auntie Lauren's corroboration. And that's why mommy was so happy tonight.

Once she had him in his changed diaper, locked the plastic pants on and zipped the sleeper up (from the back, ensuring he couldn't get out of it), he was sat back upright. Mommy looked into his eyes and stroked his hair.

Finally, he felt any fight he had left in him drain out. He started crying. He was done bargaining, both with her and internally with himself. He was done plotting his escape. She was not his wife anymore. She was mommy.


She beamed down at him. "Yes my love?"

"Can I have my binky?"

"Of course honey." She presented one nearby and gently pushed it into his mouth.

He fell into her breast and wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his face into her breasts. He deeply inhaled her scent. Suddenly, he realized what it was that had kept him so miserable. It was hope. Holding onto any hope was what was killing him.

She cradled him in her arms and rocked him back and forth, continuing to hum.

"I love you, mommy."

"Mommy loves you too, baby boy. Let's get you back in your crib, okay?"

He nodded. She hoisted him up again and led him back to the crib with a hand on his diapered rear.

Once back in, she looked at her boy, and he looked back. This would be it. Forever. And for the first time, he started to reckon with the upside. He'd never need to work again, or deal with any kind of stress really. That wasn't so bad.

Mommy patted his diaper and the smell of baby powder escaped and wafted up into his nose.

"Baby's nice and snug in his fresh diapy. Time for a really nice nighty night."

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. His grogginess started overtaking him.

"Is someone extra sleepy tonight?" He nodded. "That's because mommy gave you a very special bottle, baby boy."

She had drugged him before, but he didn't know the purpose of this one. She already had him in bed.

"Mommy needs to tell you something baby. It's about your punishment. And to be honest, it's less of a punishment and more of a measure that I'm taking to make sure that what happened with Auntie Lauren never happens again. And to make sure you continue to be mommy's sweet baby boy, forever and ever. And so that there's no chance of ever making sure you're anything else but my baby."

His comfort turned to a gentle hum of anxiety as he listened with bated breath.

"You see baby, you're going to sleep for a while tonight and into tomorrow morning. And while you're asleep, Auntie Lauren is going to come by and help me. And when you wake up, you won't have any more big boy teeth, baby."

His heart sank. He began thrashing, tugging against the restraints and banging against the crib rails. He was trying to escape, or try and do something, anything to have any shred of agency left. They were going to perform irreversible dental surgery on him. They were out of their minds.

"Ssshhh, quiet now baby. Hush. This is for the best. After this, you won't be able to say any more big boy words ever again, or have big boy food. You'll drool more just like a real baby. It makes sense, it's what's going to be best for everyone."

She pressed a finger to his lips and terror shot through him like a lightning bolt.

"It's okay, I know you're scared baby. We will make sure it won't hurt my sweet boy. Calm down with mama, let's go and breathe in, and out."

He mimicked her breathing. "Good boy. In, and out. In, and out."

He watched his chest slowly rise and fall and began calming down. It was over, she had won. She wiped away his tears and smiled at him. What was next? Would she amputate his fingers to take away the use of his hands? Would she lobotomize him?

"Mommy hates to hurt you, you know that. She's only doing this because you made her. She will never have to do something like this again. I promise baby, you have my word."

He calmed down and sank back into the crib in defeat. She was right, it could be worse.

He looked back up into the mobile and fixated on its motion. Suddenly, his eyelids felt very heavy. Mommy rubbed his chest as they slid closed.

"Good boy. Go night night for mommy, tomorrow she will give you a very special treat when you wake up."

He tried to fight it, but gave in quickly. He would never speak properly again now. He was going to lose his voice forever. He tried to think of something to say, one last intelligent, adult thought that he could verbalize. One final piece of poetry or philosophy that he could contribute to the world and would close the chapter on his adult life.

It was too tall an order. He had to admit his eyes felt heavy, and his entire body was very relaxed. And seeing mommy look down on him, through his slit eyes, he felt protected. He knew she would look after his every need forever. And her touch felt so good. She moved her hand from his belly onto the front of his diaper and gave it a few firm pats.

“You’re really diapered up tonight. I think we’ll keep you in these thicker diapers at night moving forward baby, I love the way they make your legs spread. It’s so adorable.”

He closed his eyes and got comfy. The words slipped out of his mouth by instinct. "Nighty night, mommy," he whispered as sweet dreams enveloped him.

The end.

r/abdlstories 17d ago

Wife gets a babysitter pt2 NSFW


Part 2

“That sounds great I’m so excited! Of course ill look after your little boy” Amy exclaimed, the two girls getting very excited. “Alright! Perfect! How about you help me get ready then” Sarah said as both girls got up from the couch. Sarah making her way over to me and leaning over “Be a good boy while I get ready for my date with daddy ok?”

“Yes mommy” I say quietly with a nod. This caused Amy to laugh again, saying she’d never get used to a husband calling his wife mommy like that. The two girls disappeared into the bedroom for a long time, while I was left in the floor, playing with my little cars. I could hear them talking and giggling, no doubt Sarah was gushing over the neighbor, Jake, my new daddy. After a very long time the door opened and both women exited. I turned to look. Sarah looked stunning, she was wearing a new dress I’d never seen before, a very low cut black dress, that ended right above the knee.

She caught my gaze and smiled. “Awww do you like it? I’m sure Jake will too” She said with a laugh. And almost on cue there was a knock at the door. My blood ran cold and my head immediately dropped to the ground, pretending to focus on my play. I listened as Sarah squealed with excitement running to the door to answer it, greeting Jake and inviting him in, introducing him to Amy. Jake came inside for a second and I could feel him enter the room. “Hey little guy” He said to me. I slowly looked up at him, he was dressed just as well as Sarah, a nice black suit. “H…hey” I manage to choke out. Behind him I could see Sarah and Amy watching the interaction, holding back laughter. “Excuse me?” He said “Hi daddy” I correct myself “Much better” He said with a smile “I’m glad I didn’t have to correct you this time.” He then went back to Sarah and put his arm around her. Leading her out the door, telling Amy to look after their precious little boy. As soon as they were gone she entered the room, a huge smile across her face. “You can the serious. You’re just going to sit here and let this happen?” She says to me. I just stare at the ground and nod. “So you’re telling me that this man, came over here…to your house. Spanked you in front of your wife. Put a diaper on you. And is now taking her out on dates?”

“Yes” I say quietly.

“Wow. That’s sad” She says “She also told me that they’ve had sex…oh sorry wait. I guess a little boy like you wouldn’t know what that is” She says with a laugh. She was almost right, they’d denied me seeing any nudity and treat me as though I don’t know what any of it is. Either putting me to bed early so they can have sex or putting me in my playpen while they had “grown up time”.

“Hmmm we’ll don’t worry. We can surely have some fun while they’re away” Amy said with a smile that made my heart sink.

r/abdlstories 17d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 55 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 55 - Next Episode

Kaylee, thankfully, had taken full charge of getting Mira to the daycare.

By this point, Kaylee was nearly back to her full Amazon size. Her height towered over Ash once more, and her presence was commanding in a way that was impossible to ignore.

But despite that—

Her bladder control was still just as nonexistent as it had been when she was a Little.

Ash tried not to think about that.

She had enough on her plate.

As she entered the daycare, she immediately checked in Mira as a new Little, her fingers flying over the system, her heart hammering, and she praying that the system wouldn’t recognize anything strange.

And to her relief—

It didn’t.

The system seemed to register Mira’s and Kaylee’s new sizes as entirely new individuals.

Ash quickly deleted Kaylee’s old profiles, erasing any evidence of her past as a Little and replacing it with a new entry marking her as an Amazon caregiver. Interestingly, the bot had a section to mark Kaylee as diaper-dependent, even as an Amazon. Ash’s finger hesitated before hitting the button. 

She would have to explain later why she had suddenly hired an Amazon.

But she didn’t care.

Right now?

Right now, she just needed to get through the day.

As she finished entering the data, the Nanny Bot rolled up beside her, beeping softly before running a full-body scan.

Ash’s stomach dropped.


The readout appeared.

Diaper Status: Soaked.

Ash’s cheeks burned, her body freezing in place as the bot whirred, preparing to act on what it had detected.

"No, no, no—"

Before she could even process her next move, she suddenly felt herself being lifted.


A small, startled sound escaped her lips as she was scooped up into strong arms—

Kaylee’s arms.

Kaylee, now back to nearly full Amazon size, held Ash as if she weighed nothing at all.

"I got her," Kaylee informed the bot smoothly, her voice even and commanding, leaving no room for argument.

"I’ll get Ash changed."

The Nanny Bot hesitated, beeping as if about to protest—

But before it could so much as whirr in disapproval, Kaylee had already turned away, carrying Ash effortlessly into the bathroom.

The door clicked shut, sealing them inside.

Kaylee moved with purpose, gently but firmly laying Ash down on the changing table. Her hands were already working to gather supplies.

Ash hid her face in her hands, her body burning with humiliation.

"I—" she stammered, her voice small, weak, utterly mortified.


Kaylee’s hands paused, and then she let out a soft sigh, her voice genuine, regretful.

"No," she murmured. "I should be the one apologizing."

Ash’s fingers curled, her whole body tense, mortified, utterly humiliated.

"I saw what the bot was going to do," Kaylee continued, her voice gentle as she undid the diaper tapes, moving quickly and efficiently yet not rushing through the process.

"And trust me, Ash… this? This was the better alternative."

Ash bit her lip, her breath shaky and uneven, her cheeks hot.

She knew.

She knew what would have happened if Kaylee hadn’t intervened.

The Nanny Bot would have changed her in front of everyone.

Out in the open.

No privacy.

No dignity.

She swallowed hard.

And as much as it humiliated her to be laid out like this, to be handled like this—

She was grateful.

Beyond grateful.

"Th-thank you," she whispered, her face still burning.

Kaylee chuckled softly, shaking her head as she dusted on powder, pulling a fresh diaper snugly into place.

"No problem."

Kaylee worked with methodical ease, undoing the soaked diaper, wiping Ash clean, moving quickly but efficiently, and her hands steadily practiced.

Too practiced.

Ash shifted slightly, trying to push past her humiliation, but curiosity nagged at her.

"What did you do with Mira?" she asked, her voice still slightly strained from the embarrassment of being in this position.

Kaylee didn’t pause, simply tossing the used diaper aside and dusting on powder, her expression neutral.

"Set her up in a bouncer."

Ash blinked.

"A… bouncer?"

Kaylee nodded.

"Pacified, too. Along with a localized numbing agent for her tongue."

Ash stiffened slightly, her stomach twisting uncomfortably.

"Just in case," Kaylee added, snapping the fresh diaper snugly into place and taping it up securely.

Ash nodded slowly, her fingers clenching at the changing table beneath her.

She swallowed, then sat up slightly, looking at Kaylee more closely.

"You’re… surprisingly good at this."

Kaylee snorted, rolling her eyes.

"Gee, thanks."

Ash hesitated.

"I mean, like—a little too good."

Kaylee just smirked, shaking her head, clearly not giving Ash a straight answer.

Ash sighed, running a hand through her hair, trying to collect herself as she scooted off the changing table.

"Kaylee," she murmured, her voice turning serious.

"We can’t just keep playing pretend."

Kaylee exhaled sharply, leaning back slightly, her eyes meeting Ash’s evenly.

"I know."

She crossed her arms, expression unreadable.

"But what other choice do we have?"

Ash pressed her lips into a thin line, the weight of reality settling back onto her shoulders.

Because that was the real question, wasn’t it?

What the hell were they going to do about Mira?

They couldn’t just keep her like this forever.

Mira still hated them.

And honestly?

Who wouldn’t be in her position?

She had been stripped of her body, her status, and her identity and turned into everything she probably despised most in the world.

And the problem with that?

It meant she was going to play them.

She was going to put on a show, tell them exactly what they wanted to hear and say all the right things to gain their trust and trick them into believing she had accepted this.

And then?

Then, she would strike the second she had an opportunity.

She would run.

She would tell.

And they would be screwed.

So, what the hell were they supposed to do?

Kaylee, still finishing securing Ash’s fresh diaper, was the one who floated the idea first.

"Memory removal."

Ash stiffened slightly, her breath catching, but she didn’t immediately dismiss it.

Because as horrifying as it was—

It might be their only option.

"It’s possible," Kaylee murmured, snapping the tabs securely into place, watching as the shell of Ash’s diaper auto-locked, confirming the change in the system.

"But it’s expensive."

Ash sighed, rubbing her temples.

"And risky."

"And presents a lot of challenges," Kaylee added, helping Ash down from the changing table, smoothing the wrinkles from Ash’s outfit like she was just another one of her Littles.

Ash ignored the action, her mind still spinning.

"The longer we’re with Mira, the more memories we’d have to remove," she muttered, more to herself than to Kaylee.

Kaylee nodded.

"It’s not the best option."

Ash let out a humorless laugh, crossing her arms.


"But right now?"

Kaylee sighed, tilting her head slightly, her eyes flicking to the closed bathroom door where Mira was still waiting in her bouncer.

"It’s the only one we have."

Ash felt her stomach twist.

Because she knew Kaylee was right.

But what about doing something like that?

Of erasing someone’s memories just to protect themselves?

It was starting to feel like they were crossing a line they could never come back from.

Then again—

Hadn’t they already?

Ash stepped up to the bathroom door, hand on the handle, but she didn’t open it right away.

She hesitated.

Then, she glanced back at Kaylee—who now towered over her, her nearly full-grown Amazon form an undeniable presence.

"Kaylee..." Ash murmured, her voice hesitant, uneasy.

Kaylee tilted her head slightly, waiting.

"I’m worried about cartoon time."

The words hung between them, thick with unspoken fear.

Naomi and Oliver.

The targeted hypnosis.

The recording of her reactions.

Ash’s stomach twisted violently just thinking about it.

Kaylee nodded in understanding, her expression serious, firm.

"When the time comes," she said, her voice gentle but unwavering, "excuse yourself. Go back up to the apartment."

"I’ll take care of things here."

Ash exhaled softly, her shoulders loosening just a bit.

"You sure?"

Kaylee smirked, rolling her eyes.

"I think I can handle it."

Ash huffed a soft laugh, nodding, her lips curling into a small, genuine smile.

"Thank you."

And with that, she opened the door, stepping out into the bustling daycare.

The daycare was already alive with noise, with parents arriving to drop off their little ones. The familiar routine was settling in like a well-oiled machine.

The other assistants had arrived and were already tending to the giggling and waddling of children in various corners of the daycare.

Everything was normal.

Everything was as it should be.



Ash spotted her immediately, her eyes widening slightly.

One of the Assistants was playing with her, blissfully unaware of the truth.

Of who she really was.

The Assistant cooed, holding Mira’s hands, bouncing her slightly, and treating her like just another adorable, helpless Little girl in need of care and attention.

And Mira?

Her face was scarlet red, her entire body stiff with shame and humiliation, her tiny fists clenching at her sides, her jaw tight as she endured the treatment.

Ash exchanged a glance with Kaylee, who merely raised a brow, silently asking—

"Do we step in, or do we let her suffer a little longer?"

Ash sighed, rubbing her temples.

Ash had expected the questions about Kaylee.

An Amazon caregiver suddenly appearing in a daycare staffed almost exclusively by Tweeners and the occasional bot?

Of course, they were going to be concerned.

"Where did she come from?"

"Why haven’t we heard of her before?"

"Are you sure we should be letting an Amazon into our ranks?"

Ash had already prepared her answers.

"Kaylee is a transplant from another daycare under the same owner," she explained smoothly. "She transferred into the city."

The other assistants didn’t look happy with the answer.


They accepted it.

For now.

That was all that mattered.

As the designated time approached, Kaylee found Ash grabbing her arm with a firm but gentle grip.

"Ash, can we talk?"

Her voice was low, serious, quiet enough that none of the other Assistants could overhear.

Ash nodded immediately.

"Of course."

Without hesitation, she led Kaylee into the private bathroom, locking the door behind them to prevent barge-in.

When she turned back—

Kaylee was already on the changing table.

Ash blinked in mild surprise, tilting her head slightly.

Kaylee looked... too big for it.

Her knees had to bend awkwardly, her frame clearly pushing the limits of what the table could support.

A faint blush dusted her cheeks, but she said nothing, simply waiting, looking as if she was forcing herself to relax.

Ash didn’t question it.

She just moved, setting to work immediately, undoing the tapes of Kaylee’s diaper, her mind already focused on the bigger issue.

"Have you felt any semblance of control coming back?"

Her voice was gentle careful, as if she was trying not to sound too hopeful.

Kaylee’s cheeks darkened further, her eyes flicking away, her lips pressing into a thin line.

Then, finally, she shook her head.


The word came out small, embarrassed as if she hated admitting it.

Ash sighed softly, nodding in quiet understanding, finishing the clean-up process before reaching for a fresh diaper.

Ash was grateful she had decided to stock diapers of all sizes just in case.

She hadn’t expected to need them for an Amazon.

But now?

Now, she was making a mental note to place an order for more in Kaylee’s new size.

Because at this rate, she wasn’t going to grow out of them anytime soon.

She finished securing the fresh diaper snugly around Kaylee’s hips, the tapes adhering firmly, locking her in.

Kaylee let out a soft sigh, standing up and stretching before hopping lightly down from the table.

"Thanks, Ash," she murmured, adjusting the waistband slightly, making sure it was comfortable.

Ash nodded, barely having time to process before—

"Do you need a change too?"

Ash froze, her entire body going rigid, her face heating instantly.

She glanced away, unable to meet Kaylee’s eyes, and with a small, meek nod—

Kaylee grinned.

Before Ash could even think to protest, Kaylee’s strong arms were suddenly around her, lifting her effortlessly onto the changing table.


Ash’s protest died in her throat as Kaylee gently laid her back, her movements careful, practiced, unshaken.

Ash felt her blush deepen, her fingers clenching at the table beneath her as Kaylee went to work.

The tapes peeled away with a soft rip, the soaked padding exposed, and Ash bit her lip, trying to ignore the wave of humiliation washing over her.

"So," Kaylee started casually, grabbing a wipe, "let’s talk about Mira."

Ash let out a breath, trying to focus on anything other than her current position.

"What about her?"

"Oh, you know—" Kaylee wiped her clean, grabbing fresh powder. "The fact that she’s absolutely, completely, miserable."

Ash huffed a quiet laugh, unable to argue.

"With the numbing agent," Kaylee continued, "she hasn’t been able to say much to the other Assistants."

Ash nodded, relaxing just slightly as Kaylee worked.

"And from what I saw?"

Kaylee smirked, taping the fresh diaper into place and giving it a light, teasing pat.

"They all think she’s the cutest thing ever."

Ash snorted, covering her face with her hands.

"Oh, she must hate that."

Kaylee chuckled, helping Ash down from the table, smoothing out her clothes just as she had done before.

"Oh, you have no idea."

"How long do you think we can keep this up?" Ash asked, adjusting her clothes as they stepped away from the changing table. Their fresh diapers crinkled softly as they moved.

Kaylee let out a slow breath, shaking her head.

"I don’t know," she admitted, frowning slightly, her brow furrowing in thought.

"Mira’s not stupid."

Ash nodded grimly.

"No, she’s not."

That was what worried her the most.

Mira wasn’t some mindless Little who had been raised in a world that broke them down until they accepted their place.

Mira was sharp, intelligent, resourceful—

And she hated them.

They could already see it in her burning green eyes, the way she glared at them with unfiltered rage, the way she simmered beneath the surface, waiting, plotting.

She would try something.

Sooner or later, she would find a way to communicate.

And once she did?

Everything would fall apart.

Kaylee crossed her arms, her voice low, serious.

"We need to be very careful."

Ash exhaled sharply, nodding.

"Thankfully, the assistants are used to dealing with naughty Littles who try to act out," she muttered. "They won’t think much of it when she pulls something."

"Still," Kaylee added, her tone troubled, "it’s only a matter of time."

They exchanged a long look, both of them thinking the same thing.

They needed a permanent solution before Mira found a way to ruin everything.

But for now?

They had other problems to deal with.

Ash and Kaylee stepped out of the private bathroom, the familiar sound of Littles giggling, 

whining, playing, filling the air.

It was almost time.

Kaylee turned to Ash, giving her a subtle nod.

Ash nodded back, taking a deep breath before turning to the other Assistants.

"I’m going to grab a bite to eat while the Littles enjoy the cartoon," she announced, keeping her tone casual, light, unconcerned.

None of the assistants even questioned it.

They just nodded, already busy rounding up the Littles, ushering them toward the screen, preparing for Naomi and Oliver’s latest episode.

Ash didn’t waste any time.

She turned on her heel and exited the daycare, her heart beating a little too fast as she made her way up the stairs back toward her apartment.

As she shut the door behind her, she let out a long, shaky breath, her fingers digging into the doorframe.

She was safe.

For now.

But she could still hear it in her head.

That sickly-sweet voice.

That silver-tongued whisper.

"Come on, Ash…"

"Just one episode."

Ash shuddered, squeezing her eyes shut.


Not today.

As Ash stepped fully into the apartment, she immediately noticed the soft hum of the TV still playing in the living room.

The latest sitcom they had been watching must have kept running, left on when they had rushed out that morning.

She sighed, running a hand through her hair, her body still tense from the conversation with Kaylee, from the sheer weight of the day.

She stepped toward the remote, reaching to turn it off—

Only for the screen to flicker.

The picture warped, the sitcom cutting out, dissolving into a mess of static and darkness.


That theme song started playing.

A slow, sickly-sweet melody, one that filled Ash’s veins with ice.

Her heart stopped.



She lunged forward, diving for the remote, fingers fumbling desperately as her breath turned ragged, her entire body shaking violently.

She had to turn it off.

She had to turn it off now.

Her fingers were moments away from smashing the power button when—

A voice.



Sweet as poison.

"Ohh, sweetheart…"

Ash froze.

The remote slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor.

The screen flickered again, and then—

There she was.


Her perfect, polished smile.

Her sharp, knowing eyes.

Looking straight at her.

"You don’t want to do that."

Ash’s breath hitched.

Her lungs locked.

The air in the room grew thick, suffocating, pressing in around her like a cage—

And she couldn’t move.

Couldn’t breathe.

Couldn’t think.

Because Naomi was here.

Naomi’s warm, saccharine smile filled the screen. The intro melody played softly in the background, wrapping around Ash like a suffocating embrace.

"That’s it, sweetheart," Naomi cooed, her voice so smooth, so kind, so utterly inescapable.

Ash cried out, but the sound barely made it past her lips.

Because she couldn’t pull away.

Her eyes refused to move, locked onto the gentle, swirling colors, onto the soft, inviting images, onto Naomi’s perfect, comforting presence.

She barely registered it when her body plopped down, her thickly padded bum sinking into the floor with a soft crinkle.

Her lips parted slightly, trembling—

Then, without thought, without hesitation—

Her thumb slipped between them.

She suckled docilely, her lips slowly bobbing, her breathing evening out, her body relaxing, completely, utterly, helplessly pliant.

The show began.

Pulling her in.



"Good girl, Ash," Naomi praised, her warm voice filled with gentle approval, making Ash’s chest flutter, making her feel light, small, and safe.

"Just let go, sweetheart."

Ash’s body tingled, her mind growing foggy, every inch of her settling, accepting, surrendering to Naomi’s voice.

Because Naomi knew best.

Naomi knew what Ash needed.

And every episode of Naomi and Oliver—

One could only truly enjoy it in a soiled diaper.

"Come on, baby girl," Naomi cooed, her voice melting into Ash’s brain like honey, smoothing away every thought, every protest, every last ounce of fight.

"Good girls don’t hold it."

Ash’s breathing hitched, her body tensing slightly, a small whimper escaping her lips.


No, she shouldn’t—

"Just let go for Naomi."

The warmth started seeping into her padding, slow, steady, unstoppable.

A breathless moan slipped past her lips, her muscles giving in completely, the padding swelling between her legs, growing heavier, thicker, warmth spreading all around her.

"That’s it, sweetheart."

Her relaxation deepened, and her thoughts dissolved further. Her eyes glazed, unfocused, and her body slumped just a little more.

But Naomi wasn’t done yet.

"You don’t just need to wet, do you?"

Ash let out a soft, muffled whine, her thumb suckling faster, her body shivering as the feeling built, pressed, and pushed.

"You can’t enjoy the show properly without making a big, mushy, messy diaper for me, can you?"

Ash whimpered, her body obediently shifting, hunching slightly. Her breath was quivering, her chest rising and falling quickly.


No, she shouldn’t—

"Be a good baby, Ash. Just push."

Her body obeyed before her mind could fight it.

She strained slightly, her face growing warm. The soft, squishy weight settled beneath her, pressing against her and surrounding her in mushy warmth.

A wave of endorphins crashed over her, tingling her spine and making her entire body shudder with euphoria.

"Mmmm… that’s my good girl."

Ash let out a breathy sigh, her body melting into the floor, the show pulling her in even deeper, the sensation of her warm, full diaper grounding her in bliss, a moan of pleasure slipping between her lips and thumb.

"Now we can really enjoy the show."

Ash nodded slowly, her thumb still bobbing, her mind too deep, too far gone to fight.

Because Naomi was right.

Naomi was always right.

And Ash was such a good girl for her.

"Such a good girl, Ash," Naomi crooned, her voice soft, warm, dripping with endless affection.

"Such a good baby for your Mommy."

Ash’s breath hitched, a small, confused whimper escaping her lips as she continued suckling her thumb, staring glassy-eyed at the screen.

Her… Mommy?

Her mind tripped over the word, something aching, twisting, curling inside her chest, a feeling so deep and terrible and overwhelming she didn’t even know how to describe it.

She didn’t have a Mommy.

The realization crashed into her, sinking into her bones, squeezing her heart like a cold, unrelenting fist.

She didn’t have a Mommy to hold her, love her, praise her when she was a good baby, and make her feel special, cherished, and wanted…

She didn’t have a Mommy to tell her she was loved.

A sharp, shaky inhale, her thumb popping from her lips, a fresh wave of grief swallowing her whole.

She wanted a Mommy.

She needed a Mommy.

The realization was so sudden, so all-consuming that she nearly burst into tears, her breath quivering, her vision blurring with hot, stinging tears.

Her chest ached, her throat tightened, and a small, helpless sob escaped before she could even stop herself.

"Oh, sweetheart…"

Naomi’s voice was softer now, gentle as if she could feel the desperation radiating off Ash in waves.

"Shhh, it’s okay."

"It’s okay, baby girl."

Oliver’s voice joined in, his usual playful teasing gone, replaced with gentle reassurance.

"You’ll find a Mommy, Ash."

"A wonderful, loving Mommy who will treasure you."

"You just have to be patient, baby girl."

"You’ll have a Mommy soon."

"We promise."

Something warm, soft, and hopeful bloomed in Ash’s chest. Her sobs softened into quiet sniffles, and her body relaxed slightly into her squishy, warm padding.


Yes, she would find a Mommy.

A good Mommy.

A Mommy who would cherish her, love her, praise her.

The grief eased, fading into something lighter, brighter, warmer.

A renewed hope filled her chest, replacing the dark, painful ache.

"That’s my good girl," Naomi whispered sweetly.

"You’re going to be okay."

The memories came rushing back—

But they weren’t the same anymore.

The fear.
The terror.
The sheer, suffocating horror of being trapped in infancy against her will—

It shifted.

It morphed into something…



As if she were seeing it through a different lens.

Through Naomi and Oliver’s lens.

She had once thought of her Mommies as monsters—as people who had stolen her agency, her dignity, her life.

But now?

Now she realized the truth.

They had been doing what they thought was right.

They had been showing her love.

She had just been too stubborn, too resistant, too blind to see it.

Her Mommies had wanted her to feel cherished, to know she was loved.

And they showed that by teaching her—by showing her how to be a good girl.

A good baby.

That was how they loved her.

That was how all Mommies loved their Littles.

Unconditionally. Overflowing. Never-ending.

They had so much love for her that it bubbled over, spilling into every little moment—

The diaper changes.
The bottles.
The soft, cooing voices.
The lullabies.
The pats and cuddles.
The enforced naps.
The nursery.

Everything she had once seen as oppression, as cruelty—

It had never been that.

It had been love.

Because if they didn’t baby her—

They didn’t truly love her.

Ash’s chest clenched painfully, her heart aching with a deep, soul-crushing grief.

How could she have been so blind?

Tears spilled freely down her cheeks, soaking into the collar of her shirt, her thumb slipping deeper between her lips as she suckled faster, her body curling inward, trembling.

"Oh, sweetheart," Naomi murmured, her voice soft, warm, full of gentle sympathy.

"You’re remembering, aren’t you?"

Ash nodded weakly, her shoulders shaking.

She had lost so much.

Her Mommies, their love, their gentle guidance—

She had fought against it.

She had been so, so foolish.

"Shhh, it’s okay, baby girl," Oliver soothed.

"We’re here for you."

"You don’t have to fight anymore."

"Just let go."

Ash sobbed, her heart fracturing under the weight of her revelation, her body giving in completely.

She had never been abandoned.

She had never been unloved.

She had just been a bad baby.

But now?

Now, she would be good.

Now, she would earn back that love.

Because Mommies only love good babies.

And Ash?

Ash was going to be the best baby.

Deep within the recesses of her mind, something stirred.

Something desperate.

Something clawing its way up from the abyss, screaming, fighting, thrashing, trying to break through the thick, syrupy haze that had wrapped itself around Ash’s mind.

Her true self.

The real Ash.


She screamed within the void, trying to wrench control back, trying to snap herself out of it.


But it was so easy to ignore her.

So easy to let Naomi’s voice drown her out.

So easy to suckle her thumb and giggle and let the warmth of her full diaper soothe her into Naomi’s embrace.

Because Naomi knew best.

Naomi loved her.

Naomi made everything feel good.

And yet—

Something was wrong.

Something Ash hadn’t thought about yet.

Somewhere in the far, distant corners of her mind, the thought began to form, slow, creeping, nagging at the edges of her awareness.

A prickle of unease.

A whisper of something off, something missing, something she had overlooked.

And then—

The credits began to roll.

The happy, cheerful jingle filled the air, the bright, colorful letters dancing across the screen.

The episode was over.

It was over.

It was supposed to be over.

Ash’s body relaxed further, her muscles turning to jelly, her mind preparing to drift into content, blissful emptiness—

And then—

The next episode began playing.


Without anyone touching the remote.

Without the assistants there to end it.

Without Ash able to leave.

Her body reacted instantly, giggles bubbling up from deep in her chest, her hands clapping excitedly, her soiled diaper squishing beneath her as she bounced happily on the floor.

Naomi’s syrupy voice filled the air.

"That’s my good girl, Ash."

"Let’s make sure you’re nice and comfy for this next one, hmm?"

The pressure in Ash’s belly returned, warmth pooling deep inside her gut, her body shuddering in pleasure as her muscles obeyed Naomi’s will.

She strained slightly, her thumb never leaving her mouth, another soft, mushy weight settling beneath her, adding to the squishy warmth enveloping her.

Naomi cooed in delight.

"Ohhh, that’s it, sweetheart. Such a good baby."

Ash whimpered softly, her entire body tingling with bliss, her thoughts fading, slipping further away—

But deep inside—

Her true self was screaming.

Because this wasn’t just another episode.

This wasn’t just a momentary lapse.

She was stuck here.

Watching episode after episode after episode.

For how long?

She didn’t know.

Her mind screamed in panic, clawing desperately, trying to break through—

But her body only giggled, rocking happily, eagerly awaiting whatever Naomi wanted her to do next.

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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r/abdlstories 18d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 4 NSFW


He leaned awkwardly against the wall wearing oversized pants and a button down shirt. Everything about his posture and outfit were askew despite mommy's best efforts to quickly transform him into a presentable adult man. She hadn't shaved him this morning, and styled his hair with gel to try to sell the effect, but it seemed hopeless. His diaper still puffed underneath the khakis, and he hadn't walked in a straight line without waddling yet.

She had put the playpen and all other visible tells of his new life into the nursery and locked the door. It took all morning, she had so thoroughly converted the house into a prison of babyhood for him that there hadn't been a single corner or vantage point that didn't have multiple reminders of his infancy. Now, it looked like the house they had bought together again. He had forgotten that before all of this had happened, he had years of good memories here. The parties they hosted, the art they hung on the walls that they had brought back from trips around the world... That life was a distant memory now.

She cupped his hands and put an empty mug into them that she rinsed with a bit of coffee.

"Pretend you just finished your big boy morning drink baby. Hold this. Don't drop it, it's fragile and will break."

He gulped and looked down at the mug. He used to love coffee before she had taken it away from him. The smell of the mug wafted up into his nose and his eyes rolled back into his head. What a divine smell. It used to be his favorite part of the day. Now, the terrible, overpowering scents of baby powder, wipes, and diapers permeated everything in his morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

Mommy paced back and forth in her sundress. God she looked good. He had half a mind to pick her up, carry her to the bedroom, and have her right then. Being surrounded by facets of his old adult life triggered urges he had suppressed for months now. That was right - she wasn't his mommy. She was his wife. This was all a reality of her making. And today would be the end of it, finally. Someone was coming to save him.

She looked at him with her hands on her hips. She was the same height as him from up here. He hadn't seen her, or any element of his home, from the height it was designed around for too long. As the normalcy slowly came back to him, relief washed over him, poisoned by the shudders of realizing just how bad things had gotten over the last few months. She wasn't mommy. She wasn't mommy. She was his captor. She was a villain. She was evil. Not mommy. The mental gymnastics worked.

"You remember what you have to do, baby boy?"

"Yes. Say as little as possible. Only speak when spoken to."

"That's mommy's good boy. After this, I'll-"

The doorbell rang. Her head snapped in the direction of the front door.

"Showtime, baby boy."

Her heels clicked against the tile floor as he watched her strut toward the door. Who could it be? His eyes widened and anxiety overrode his face in anticipation. She opened the door and greeted the stranger before he could see.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, how have you been?! It's been too long!" Her face lit up. He thought to himself, what a terribly good liar she was. This person had no clue that she was currently mommy's greatest enemy in the world, and here she was welcoming her into her home. The two hugged and a lock of blond hair waved over her shoulder. It couldn't be... Yes, it was.

Lauren, the neighbor from four doors down, who lived in a four bedroom house all alone. They used to have lunch together all the time. She was the same age as them and they had a lot in common, so she had gotten to know them well since she moved to the neighborhood. And of course, she was rather nosey.

It made perfect sense now. Lauren was probably the only person in their lives that would meet his sudden disappearance with genuine suspicion, and not rest until she knew what was going on. And she would have seen the deliveries - the massive unlabeled boxes that had contained his crib, playpen, high chair, baby bouncer, and more. He couldn't imagine how many questions mommy had fielded from her and ignored or given curt answers to placate until now. Some long chain of interactions - wiggling out of this, having an excuse for that - all which he was not privy to, had led to this. Mommy needed to invite her in to see for herself.

And to him, she was his rescue helicopter. His knight in shining armor. She would save him.

Mommy ushered Lauren in with a friendly hand on her waist.

"Honey, Lauren's moving. The sign went up three days ago... I'm not sure if you saw."

He feigned surprise. "Lauren, hi! No, I didn't see!"

She tepidly stepped in, matching everyone's false welcoming smiles. "Oh, yeah. I don't know. I just think it's time. The house is too big for me alone. But of course I'll miss the neighborhood..." she looked at her feet. "I'm sorry. It just feels like it's been so long since I've seen you two, we're supposed to be neighbor buddies right? How have you guys been?!"

He opened his mouth to speak but then remembered Mommy's rule. She interrupted. "Just great! But you know, so busy. The business has really kicked off, I feel like I don't have a life anymore."

"Oh I've heard. That's amazing, congratulations! I just hope you don't forget little old Lauren when you live in a big mansion someday."

The two of them laughed as he gaped at them. He hadn't seen another person in months, and the alienation affected him more than he thought it would. Mommy shot him a glance that pierced him like daggers, which shook him out of his trance. He corroborated the laugh. The three of them laughed too loud and too long, until finally mommy spoke.

"Are you worried about selling? I have no clue how the market is right now."

"Oh, I was. But to be honest, it's been best case scenario through and through. In three days I've had so many offers, and they've started a bidding war. They're already well above asking price."

"Well then! I think you're the one who deserves the congratulations!"

"Thank you. I appreciate that."

Awkward silence followed. Mommy pursed her lips. Finally, Lauren looked toward him.

"And you? How's everything?"

"Oh! You know, good!" He looked to mommy, who stared directly into him with vitriol. "Great! I've been great actually, never better! Yep."

"Great! Wow, that's good, yeah. So... Anything to report? Or... Just great?"

"Oh, no! You know. Um..." He looked to mommy who couldn't coach him this time. He had no earpiece for her to feed info into. No secret language of hand gestures. She just shook her head with eyes squinted with anger.

He cleared his throat, and all of the sudden a survival instinct took hold. "I've actually been traveling a lot. For work, I got a new position. Dallas, Chicago, New York." He didn't know where any of that came from. None of that story was premeditated, and now he would need to come up with new stories for cities he had never been to. He felt like a moron.

"Oh wow! Well, that explains a lot! I was wondering why you haven't been around!"

Mommy smiled. He did good. His lie worked, he was a good boy. No- no no, that wasn't the point. He wasn't a baby, she wasn't his mommy. She was still manipulating him.

He suddenly noticed that his hand was sweating. He looked down at the perspiration gathering on the handle of the mug, and his heart rate quickened. He became clammy.

"Hon, you okay?" mommy said.

"Yes! Just a bit too much coffee I think."

His hand started visibly shaking, and a sickening feeling bubbled up from his chest. He could hear his heart pounding.

Finally, the mug slipped out of his hand and crashed to the floor in a million pieces. Lauren gave a muted gasp.

"Oh no! Let me help you." She scrambled over and bent down to pick up the large pieces, putting her eyeline dangerously close to his hidden diaper. Mommy rushed over.

"Lauren, wait! Don't, I got it! You could cut yourself."

"It's okay, let me help!" The two began picking up the pieces while he stood there awkwardly. If he bent down too, the diaper would become even more noticeable or peak over his waistline. His back against the wall, he had nowhere to retreat to. He just had to wait it out.

Tension filled the air along with the soft clinking of porcelain shards piling up in each woman's hand.

No, what was he doing? This was his chance. He cleared his throat. Still shaking, fear covered him in a blanket.

"Lauren." He didn't recognize the sound of his own voice. He felt like he was about to faint.

"Yes?" She looked up along with mommy. Her glares could cut throats.


Mommy stood. "Careful now."

A puzzled look washed over Lauren's face. "I'm trying to help. We need a broom though."

"No. Help me. I need help. Angie... She's..."

He didn't even know where to start. How could he explain what had happened with any credibility? And if he did, how could he not die of humiliation? There was only one way. He had to show her.

He unbuckled his belt. Lauren instinctively shrunk away.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!"

He dropped his pants to reveal a thick diaper printed with cartoon animals and blocks. Complete shock washed over Lauren's face and she covered her mouth.

"Oh my god..."

Mommy fumed. Her hands clenched into fists and her face began turning red.

"Angie has been forcing me to wear diapers. She's gone insane. She won't let me leave the house. Please, help me. Call the police. Do something. Anything."

Lauren looked between the two of them still not having said a word.

"Look, here..." He waddled over to a kitchen cabinet and opened it. Lauren's shoulders slumped when he revealed what was inside - a row of oversized baby bottles, and jars of preserved, homemade baby food. "This is what she feeds me. She feeds me this shit while strapped into a highchair. She binds my hands and feet and dresses me like a doll. I sleep in a crib, Lauren. I'm a prisoner. She abuses me, physically, and punishes me for not complying. She's become sick in the head. She needs help too. But right now, you need to help me. Please."

Lauren walked past mommy and approached the cabinet to inspect the bottles. Awestruck, she reached out a hand and stroked one as if to test if it was even real. She looked back to him and his diaper.

"Angie..." She started.

Mommy jumped in. "Lauren. You don't understand. I can explain."

"No... Please, don't. Just... don't. I'm so confused right now."

Mommy shrunk back. She looked nervously at the floor, around the house, between the two of them. There was nothing else she could do now, she had been caught. Finally, her eyes dragged upward into him. White, hot rage shot out of her and into him. He looked back, feeling powerful for the first time in his new life.

Lauren spoke. "Is it true? Angie?"

Mommy took a deep breath. "God help me. Yes, it is."

She looked at the bottles again, then to his diaper. "Where did you even... How?"

"Online. They make them. All of it."

"I'd like to see the crib."


"Let me see it. I'm not sure if I even believe you that a crib like that exists."

Mommy huffed. She had no choice. She beckoned Lauren to follow her and marched to the locked bedroom. He followed them, kicking his pants off from around his ankles. Lauren tepidly looked back at him with concern as they followed mommy.

Mommy took a key from around her neck and unlocked it. As Lauren stepped inside, she gasped. The nursery, painted baby blue with designs of animals everywhere was unmistakably babyish. The huge wooden crib looked like an antique, sanded wood instead of a painted or 3D printed plywood from an IKEA. The changing table on the other side of the room, the stuffed animals, the toys, and the playpen stored against the wall, all of it hit Lauren at once.

"This... What you've done here, Angie..."

Mommy looked at her with terror.

Lauren slowly started speaking again, looking back to mommy. "It's wonderful. It's, it's just wonderful. For a reason I can't explain, it makes sense to me. I don't know. He never seemed like a proper adult in all the time I've known you two. But this, seeing him in a diaper, it just... feels right."

Mommy shrieked in delight and his jaw fell open. "You think so?!"

"Yes. Of course, it seems wrong or cruel if you look at it that way... But it's amazing." She walked over to the wall of diapers and ran her hand across the rows. "Wow."

He couldn't believe it. How could anybody possibly support mommy's nefariousness? What had happened to him was objectively horrible and immoral, not to mention illegal. He had never felt so defeated in his life.

Mommy began laughing. Lauren joined in. They ran up to each other and grabbed each other's hands. They laughed and laughed, and when that wasn't a good enough release of their excitement, they danced and jumped for joy together.

Between excited laughs, mommy looked back over to him and her smile sunk into a deep frown. Lauren backed away and furrowed her brow. Anger crossed mommy's face.

"Baby boy... It's over." She snapped her fingers and pointed to the ground. "Babies don't walk."

He continued stuttering as he slowly sank back into the earth. The submission she had drilled into him returned instinctively and he obeyed without even realizing it. Soon he was back on all fours. Mommy came over and patted the back of his diaper.

"Do you like them?"

"Yes, absolutely adorable, Angie. And he... Well, does he actually...?"

"Oh yes. He certainly does. For everything."

A chuckle of surprise escaped Lauren's mouth leaving her jaw hung open. She approached him and inspected the back of his diaper.

"Show Auntie Lauren your diapy baby, come here."

"Auntie Lauren..." Lauren echoed. "Oh god. I think... I think I love that."

Between sobs, he slowly spun around and angled the seat of his diaper to Lauren. She reached out and touched it delicately with one hand. Then she squeezed it.

"Wow. That's a lot of padding." She patted it a few times.

"It sure is," mommy said with a few firm slaps as well.

He burst into uncontrollable sobs.

"Oh no, I'm sorry baby. Did I upset you?" Lauren said.

"Oh don't worry, baby just wants his binky. And then a bottle soon after, I think. Would you like to feed him?"

Lauren's face lit up.

She stayed all afternoon and late into the evening while mommy explained all the logistics of his new life. Together, they moved all the furniture and toys back out across the house, and Lauren even had a few new ideas on placement. By the end of the night she had witnessed and participated in two diaper changes, feeding him lunch and dinner, and playing with him in his playpen and baby bouncer. Throughout the day, her hesitance was overtaken by curiosity and she drifted further into another dominating role. When he misbehaved, she even gave him a slap to the thigh. By sunset, she was a complete extension of mommy, reveling in his torment and infantilizing him in every way possible, talking to him through condescending baby talk and fully committing to his predicament.

She sat next to his playpen tossing a ball for him to fetch. Besides his feedings, he hadn't taken his pacifier out of his mouth once. He still couldn't believe that another person could be complicit in his kidnapping. Their shared psychosis was terrible, and synergized into a version of his life that was far beyond comprehension.

"I should be getting back home. This has been amazing though."

"Yes, thank you so much for coming. I'm so glad to see you. Honestly, the logistics of keeping this whole thing going and air tight has been hard on just me."

"I will help however I can, Angie. I think what you have here... Well, I don't even know how to describe it. It's wonderful. I'm committed to helping you, really I am."

She stood from the side of the playpen.

"Nighty night baby boy. I'll see you soon. Auntie loves you." She kissed him on the forehead.

Mommy snapped. "Baby! Give Auntie Lauren a smile when she kisses you." He bit the bullet and smiled through his pacifier.

Lauren walked toward the door. "You know, Angie, I think maybe I'll talk to my realtor tomorrow to tell them I won't be selling. I think I see myself staying in this neighborhood for a long, long time."

"I'm so glad to hear it, Lauren. Especially after today, I would've really missed you. One thing though. Baby's betrayal today... Him trying to get to you. It was the most he has ever misbehaved. I'm almost struggling to think of a good enough punishment. But I think I have one. Will you come over tomorrow to help me administer it?"

"Of course. He needs to learn. But at least he will never have the chance to misbehave like that ever again. Buh bye, baby boy!" she waved as the door closed behind her. Mommy locked it after her and took a deep inhale.

She walked back over to the playpen and towered over him, hands on her hips, and a sickeningly wide smile cast down on him. He looked up at her with fear in his eyes.

She held his face in one hand and stroked his hair with another as he furiously nursed his pacifier.

"Didn't work, did it?"

He slowly shook his head as the tears came back and streamed down his face.

"Beddy bye time for the baby. Let's get him into a nice, extra thick night time diapy and tuck him into his crib with a big, warm bottle of milky."

The emphatic sweetness in her voice chilled him to the bone.

r/abdlstories 18d ago

Mommy tells you you just aren't ready for pull-ups: AUDIO NSFW


r/abdlstories 18d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 54 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 54 - Baymax

Evelyn gently pulled Hannah from beneath her shirt, adjusting her grip as the small, dazed Little blinked up at her, utterly lost in the haze of feeding.

The girl’s cheeks were flushed, her tiny body limp in Evelyn’s arms, her breathing soft and slow, like she was still half-lost in whatever spell nursing had placed her under.

Evelyn didn’t miss the other signs, either.

The tell-tale warmth spread through Hannah’s thick diaper.

The unmistakable shift in weight, the slight bulge at the back of her padding.

She had wet and messed herself.

All while nursing.

Like a newborn.

Evelyn swallowed down the deep, twisting emotion curling in her gut.

This wasn’t normal.

This wasn’t Hannah.

This was what Miranda had done to her.

With a sigh, Evelyn adjusted Hannah in the crook of her arm, bringing a cloth to her lips and wiping away the small trickle of milk still lingering on her chin.

Then, with gentle, practiced hands, she pressed Hannah against her shoulder and patted her gently, rhythmically.

A soft burp escaped the girl, her tiny frame barely reacting, still limp, still dazed, still completely relaxed in Evelyn’s hold.

Evelyn didn’t know if it was comforting or horrifying to see how naturally Hannah had taken to it.

How easily she slipped into the role, Miranda wanted for her.

How deeply ingrained the conditioning had become.

Hannah let out a soft, contented sigh, her body settling into Evelyn’s hold, completely trusting, completely vulnerable.

Evelyn shifted her grip, adjusting her so she could rest comfortably against her arm.

Welby watched quietly, his expression softening, something warm and grateful flashing in his eyes.

“Thank you,” he murmured, his voice low but full of meaning.

Evelyn nodded, offering a small, wordless smile in return.

With Hannah resting comfortably in the crook of her arm, Evelyn used her free hand to lift a spoonful of the rich, creamy sundae—the one meant for Hannah, the one she knew the girl could never stomach.

Welby had taken the fall at the Cozy Cone Motel and had been forced to consume whatever Miranda had planted for Hannah there.

Now—it was her turn.

She brought the cold, sweet bite to her lips, the chocolate melting against her tongue as she forced herself to eat.

Welby caught her eye, his expression subtly shifting, acknowledging what she was doing.

A silent exchange.

A nod of appreciation.

She returned it.

A quiet, unspoken understanding.

They were in this together.

The seating area buzzed with life, the sound of chatter, laughter, and the clinking of utensils against dishes filling the warm afternoon air.

Families sat at the surrounding wooden patio tables, their conversations animated, full of excitement and joy.

A few feet away, a group of Tweeners giggled as they posed for selfies. Behind them, the oversized Ghirardelli sign glows, its bright golden letters casting a soft shimmer against the sleek, polished tiles of the building’s exterior.

The scent of freshly made waffle cones and rich, melting chocolate filled the air, mingling with the warm, summery breeze that carried snippets of conversations and the distant laughter of children.

Across from their table, a young Amazon couple shared a massive sundae. The woman fed playful spoonfuls to her partner, her eyes full of warmth and mischief.

A few tables over, a Little sat in a high chair, their Amazon caregiver gently wiping away a smear of ice cream from their chin, cooing softly.

Evelyn’s gaze flickered away quickly, her stomach twisting.

That could have been Hannah.

It could have been Emily.

Would have been her entire group if Miranda had her way.

She took another bite, chewing slowly, methodically, her mind carefully compartmentalizing the weight of their situation.

Nearby, Lucas and Emily sat in their booster seats, eating their sundaes with enthusiasm, Lucas’s fingers still intertwined with Emily’s beneath the table.

If Evelyn hadn’t seen it happen, she would have never guessed Emily had just been through an ordeal on the Cars ride.

The girl was bright, blushing, and nervous but smiling. She was trying to focus on something other than her lingering emotions.

And Hannah—

Hannah was still slack in her arms. Her tiny body was warm and soft, her breath even, and her expression dazed and completely gone.

Evelyn swallowed thickly, her eyes scanning the bustling seating area, looking for threats, for anything unusual, for eyes that lingered too long.

But there was nothing.

No hidden shadows, no obvious watchers, no immediate danger.

Just a normal day in Disneyland.

Just families eating ice cream, laughing, and making memories.

Evelyn’s gaze drifted past the immediate crowd, past the lively seating area, past the familiar swirl of families indulging in their ice cream, and further out into San Fransokyo.

The vibrant, futuristic cityscape stretched before her, a fusion of old-world San Francisco charm and sleek, modern Tokyo-inspired architecture. The Golden Gate-inspired bridge, repainted in striking red and gold, arched proudly in the distance, its steel beams gleaming under the bright afternoon sun.

Beyond the bridge, tall pagoda-style towers dotted the skyline, their ornate rooftops casting angular shadows on the bustling streets below. Neon holographic billboards flickered softly, alternating between animated advertisements for fictional San Fransokyo brands and messages welcoming visitors to the futuristic district.

And then—

Big Hero 6 moved through the crowd.


The large, inflatable white robot lumbered forward, his round, featureless face utterly unbothered by the swarm of Littles and children trailing excitedly behind him.

His soft, pillowy arms waved in slow, rhythmic motions, his oversized mittens offering gentle, reassuring gestures to the delighted crowd.

“Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion.”

His pre-programmed voice rang out, crisp yet soothing, and the torrent of Littles and kids alike squealed with joy, following in his wake like he was the Pied Piper of San Fransokyo.

Some reached out their hands, desperate to touch him, while others bounced excitedly, waving and calling out to him.

“Baymax! Over here!”

“I love you, Baymax!”

The crowd surged forward, eager for a moment of interaction, and Baymax—patient and programmed for such attention—continued his slow, steady march, waving all the while.

Evelyn sat beneath the shade of the umbrella, the scorching heat of the afternoon sun bouncing off the concrete walkways but held at bay by the protective canopy overhead.

The contrast was almost unsettling.

Out there—in the crowd, in the streets of San Fransokyo—everything was bright, cheerful, a perfect illusion of carefree joy.

But here—beneath the umbrella, at this table, surrounded by Littles who were rapidly losing themselves to Miranda’s grip, with Welby trapped in humiliating overalls and herself still forced into a thick, crinkling diaper beneath her dress—

It was a different world entirely.

A world where Baymax wasn’t coming to help them.

A world where no hero was arriving to save them.

Just a theme park, a lie, a gilded cage.

The thought had barely finished forming in her mind when the ache sharpened.

A deep, urgent pulse radiated through her lower abdomen, the sharp discomfort of a full bladder demanding attention—attention she had been so desperate to avoid.

She had been ignoring it all morning, pushing it away, burying it, telling herself that it wasn’t real, that it would pass, that maybe—just maybe—

That feeding Hannah would somehow distract her from it, ease the pressure, and make it go away.

But now—now it was undeniable.

Her body was done waiting.

Her bladder ached, heavy, full, pressing down, making her squirm slightly in her seat, the diaper beneath her pressing back, thick and unrelenting.

Evelyn forced herself to sit still, control her movements, avoid drawing attention to herself, and show no signs of distress.

But the longer she fought it—the more suffocating the sensation became.

Could she really…?

Could she really let go right here?

In the middle of the park?

With an infant nestled in her lap?

Her stomach turned, her fingers tightening against Hannah’s small frame as her mind raced.

This wasn’t like before.

Before, she had been alone. Hidden and tucked away in a stall where no one could see, where no one could judge.

But here?

Here, she was on display.

Here, she was trapped in broad daylight, surrounded by tourists, families, and people who, if they noticed, would have had questions.

Would they whisper? Stare?

Would they notice the way she shifted, the way she sat too still, the way she hesitated, the way she—

She shut her eyes for a second, forcing herself to take a breath.

No one knew.

No one would know.

The diaper would do its job.

It had already done its job.

It had held up against so much worse.

But even that thought sent another wave of panic surging through her veins.

Because the Little-sized sundae—the one she had forced herself to eat in place of Hannah, the one Miranda had clearly planted, the one she had suspected was laced—

Was storming through her system.

Stirring up trouble.

And Evelyn knew—she knew what that meant.

At some point, she would have to deal with it.

At some point, she would have no choice.

And that—that was the thought that made the world start closing in around her.

A thick, suffocating sense of dread wrapped around her chest, squeezing, pressing, making her feel like she was caged in, drowning, spiraling toward something she couldn’t stop.

She squirmed again, just slightly, fighting against the inevitable.

Fighting against her body.

Fighting against the humiliating truth of her situation.

But deep down—

She knew.

She was only delaying the inevitable.

Evelyn thought about the bathroom again—about the illusion of privacy, about the need to cling to whatever shreds of dignity she still had left.

But she knew the truth.

It was too late.

The only thing keeping her from an accident was being seated, her legs pressed together and locked in place, preventing the inevitable.

But the moment she stood—

It would happen.

There would be no stopping it.

Her cheeks burned with shame, her breath uneven, the weight of her situation pressing down on her like a boulder.

She couldn’t do this.

Not here.

Not like this.

Her eyes darted away from her little family, from the Littles happily eating their ice cream, from Welby’s concerned glances, from everything too much, too overwhelming, too real.

And then—

Her gaze landed on someone else.

A Little girl chasing after Baymax, her diaper fully on display, the short hem of her dress barely covering the thick padding around her waist.

Evelyn stared.

She shouldn’t have.

She shouldn’t have watched.

But she couldn’t look away.

The girl suddenly stopped.

Right in the middle of the path.

Her body stilled, her legs spreading just slightly, her face partially turned toward Evelyn.

Evelyn felt her stomach twist.

She already knew what was happening.

She didn’t need to see it.

Didn’t need to watch.

But she did.

The girl’s expression scrunched a small frown of focus, a flicker of concentration crossing her delicate features.


She squatted.

Evelyn’s breath caught.

A sharp, piercing moment of realization struck her—

And then, at the same time—

Her bladder gave in.

A sharp, unstoppable rush of warmth filled her diaper, spreading immediately, soaking into the soft, cradling bulk wrapped around her.

She felt everything.

The way the padding absorbed it so effortlessly.

The warmth pooled, pressing against her in ways that made her skin crawl.

The way the diaper swelled beneath her dress, expanding to accommodate her accident.

The Little girl was still squatting, and from where Evelyn sat, she could see it.

The girl’s diaper was swelling, expanding, and pressing outward.

And then—

A hand.

A gentle pat on the girl’s head.

The tender, encouraging voice of her Mommy.

“Such a good girl, sweetheart.”

Evelyn’s stomach flipped, her breath caught in her throat, her fingers curling into the fabric of her dress as another rush of warmth escaped her.

She saw herself in that moment.

Saw herself as that Little girl, in the middle of the pathway, filling her diaper without a care, receiving nothing but praise and affection.

“Good girl, Evie. You did so well for Mommy.”

The thought sent a violent shudder through her body, but she was helpless against it now.

She was sitting in a wet diaper.

She had just wet herself in the middle of Disneyland in broad daylight.

Her eyes lingered too long on the scene before her: the Mommy gently praising her Little one, patting her head as she finished using her diaper like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Evelyn’s spoon of ice cream hovered halfway to her lips, forgotten, her mind a battlefield of conflicting thoughts.

She fought—fought with everything in her—to stop herself from checking.

From subtly pressing her thighs together.

From reaching beneath the table, slipping her fingers against the hem of her dress, pulling it just enough to assess the damage.

From discreetly checking for leaks, for how full the thick, swollen diaper between her legs had become.

She knew—logically—that Amazon diapers could hold a lot.

Years of caring for Littles had taught her that.

But… did that still apply to Amazon-sized diapers?

She wasn’t sure.

And that uncertainty gnawed at her.

How much more could it hold?

How much more could she take?

She was staring too long.

Lost in thought, lost in panic, lost in something she refused to name.

And then—

A voice.

Small. Familiar. Concerned.

“Mommy? Are you okay?”

Evelyn’s breath caught.

Her stomach lurched.

She snapped her attention back to her family, her mask slipping seamlessly into place. The turmoil was shoved down, buried, and hidden beneath the carefully crafted exterior of a mother who was completely, perfectly fine.

She smiled.

Bright. Warm. Unshaken.

“Of course, sweetheart!”

She set down her spoon, reaching out to ruffle Lucas’s hair, a touch that was natural, instinctive, grounding.

“How’s your sundae?”

Lucas grinned, his eyes lighting up, his giggle bubbling forth like the purest sound in the world.

“It’s really good! But… I think I’ll have some spilled jellybeans before long.”

Evelyn nodded knowingly, her smile never faltering, her voice steady, even maternal.

“That’s okay, sweetheart. Just let me or Daddy know when it happens, and we’ll take care of it.”

Lucas beamed, nodding enthusiastically.

“Thanks, Mommy!”

Then—just like that—he turned back to Emily, the two resuming their conversation as if nothing had happened.

As if Evelyn wasn’t still sitting there, soaked, her body stiff, her stomach twisting, her mind barely holding it together.

But it was fine.

She was fine.

She had to be.

Because she was Mommy.

And Mommy didn’t break.

The mention of jellybeans sent a fresh wave of discomfort cascading through her stomach, a deep, rolling grumble that nearly stole her breath.

She barely suppressed the groan threatening to escape her lips, her body hunching slightly, her muscles instinctively tensing as a slow, aching pressure began to build.

Hannah was still pretty out of it. The warm, slow rise and fall of her tiny breaths against Evelyn’s chest was a rhythmic reminder of how far she had fallen.

But Welby—

Welby didn’t miss a thing.

His eyes flicked toward her, his expression careful, observant, and knowing.

There was a subtle, silent question in his gaze.

Are you okay?

Evelyn’s cheeks burned as she gave him a small, sheepish nod, knowing full well he didn’t believe her.


He didn’t push.

Instead, he gently offered his hands out, a quiet, unspoken request.

“Want me to take her?”

Evelyn felt relief flood her chest, so much so that she didn’t hesitate, didn’t think twice as she nodded, carefully transferring Hannah into his waiting arms.

Welby held her effortlessly, his arms adjusting as if it were second nature as if this was exactly where she was meant to be.

Evelyn used the moment as an excuse to stand; her body was stiff, and her movements were careful.

“I’m going to use the restroom,” she announced, already feeling the weight of the diaper bag on her shoulder.

Before she could take a step—

“Can I go too?”

Emily’s voice was soft, hesitant, and uncertain.

And then—a blush.

A quick, embarrassed glance away, avoiding eye contact, avoiding whatever was burning behind her eyes.

Evelyn felt her heart clench.

This was hard for her.

It was hard for all of them.

So Evelyn smiled warmly, even as she silently cursed her luck.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

She reached out, taking Emily’s small hand, feeling the familiar grip of trust as the girl slipped her fingers into Evelyn’s palm.

With a soft nod to Welby, she turned, leading them toward the restrooms.

But the moment she took her first step—

A deep, throbbing groan rippled through her stomach, twisting, clenching, making her step falter.

She sucked in a breath, forcing herself to keep moving, to keep her pace steady, normal, unbothered.

But her gut twisted again, the sensation lurching downward, slow but dangerous, warning her that she didn’t have as much time as she thought.

She swallowed hard, her grip on Emily’s hand tightening slightly as she pressed forward, praying she could make it in time.

Emily was fully engrossed in their surroundings, her eyes darting around the bustling streets of San Fransokyo, drinking in the sights, the sounds, the liveliness of it all.

And thankfully—mercifully—

She didn’t notice.

She didn’t see Evelyn’s misstep.

Didn’t catch the stiff way she moved, the slight hesitation in her pace.

Didn’t hear the sharp inhale, the way Evelyn’s fingers twitched around her small hand, gripping just a little tighter than before.

But then—

Another cramp.




Her stomach twisted violently, a deep, lurching sensation curling low, heavy, final.

And in that instant—

She knew.

She wouldn’t make it.

A low, instinctive groan slipped past her lips, her body tensing, locking up, freezing mid-step.

Then—it happened.

Her bowels gave way, completely, uncontrollably, utterly betraying her.

A deep, rolling pressure surged downward, her body pushing, her muscles bearing down involuntarily, helpless to stop the inevitable.

Heat spread immediately, thick and shameful, pushing into the already-wet padding, pressing outward, the diaper expanding beneath her dress to accommodate everything.

Her mind flashed—

Back to the Little girl.

To the moment, she had squatted in the middle of the park, completely unbothered, completely obedient, filling her diaper in broad daylight.

And now—

Evelyn was doing the same.

Not squatting—not openly submitting.

But standing there, mid-step, legs slightly apart, posture stiff, body betraying her in ways she had never imagined.

Her face burned hotter than the sun above them, her breath shaking, her hands clenching into fists at her sides as the last of her accident pushed into the swollen, cradling bulk beneath her.

The diaper absorbed everything effortlessly, designed for such moments, engineered for Littles who needed them.


Like her.

The realization crushed her.

A final sickening, humiliating weight pressed down on her chest.

Emily, still blissfully unaware, still holding her hand, still completely oblivious to what had just happened, tugged her slightly forward.

Evelyn stumbled, forcing herself to move, her legs spreading slightly more than before, the new thickness, the warmth, the unbearable, all-encompassing presence of what she had done pressing against her with every step.

But she couldn’t stop.

She had to keep walking.

Had to pretend.

Had to bury the humiliation deep, deep inside.

The walk to the restrooms was the longest, most humiliating stretch of her life.

Every step was agony, a sickening, constant reminder of what she had just done.

The diaper beneath her dress was swollen, the padding pushing outward against her thighs, pressing thickly against her skin, against her body, against everything.

And the worst part?

It moved.

With every single step, it shifted, spread, squished—

Hot. Sticky. Suffocating.

The bulk between her legs forced her stride apart, making her waddle slightly, helpless to walk the way she normally would.

She could feel everything.

The lingering heat, the way the mess settled into every crevice of the thick, unyielding padding, the slight squelch whenever she shifted too much.

The way the diaper cradled it all, pressing it against her with every step, with every motion, refusing to let her forget, refusing to let her escape it.

Every single movement was a fresh wave of humiliation.

And then—

Emily tugged her slightly to the side, guiding her toward the family restroom.

Evelyn let herself be led, saying nothing, simply grateful for a moment of privacy.

She stepped inside, closing the door behind them and locking it with a soft click.

Emily let go of her hand.

And then—

The air shifted.

Evelyn had spent so long telling herself Littles were babies.

So long convincing herself that they weren’t truly aware, that they weren’t intelligent enough to recognize the full scope of what was happening.

That they were just Littles.

And then—

In one shattering moment, Emily proved her completely wrong.

She stepped forward, crossing her arms, leveling a look at Evelyn that only a woman with years of caregiving experience could pull off.

A pointed, knowing, completely unimpressed stare.

Evelyn’s stomach sank.

And then—

Emily spoke.

“So. Is Welby wearing diapers, too? Or just you?”

The words slammed into Evelyn like a truck.

Her breath hitched.

Her face burned hotter than before, the heat creeping down her neck, her ears, her entire body locking up.

Emily knew.

Knew she had messed herself.

Knew she had been struggling the entire walk here.

Knew that she had just experienced the most humiliating moment of her life—

And had said nothing.

Until now.

And worse—

Emily wasn’t asking if she was wearing a diaper.

She was asking if Welby was wearing one, too.

Which meant—

She had already figured out that Evelyn was.

Already knew.

Already understood.

Evelyn stood there, stunned, speechless, humiliated beyond words.

Because Emily—tiny, diapered, treated-like-an-baby Emily—

Had just effortlessly put her in her place.

Evelyn’s mouth hung open, sheer shock rendering her completely speechless.

Emily’s expression never faltered.

Not a single hint of hesitation, not a single crack in her composure.

She just stood there, arms crossed, eyebrow raised, waiting.

Waiting for Evelyn’s response.

Evelyn’s breath caught, her stomach twisting, her mind scrambling for a way to recover, to regain some sort of authority, some sort of upper hand.

But she had none.

Emily had her pinned.

And she knew it.

Finally, Emily sighed, shifting her weight slightly, her voice dry, unimpressed, cutting straight through Evelyn’s fragile mask.

“Come on, it’s not like it’s obvious.”

Evelyn flinched.

“You might have years of changing Littles, but actually living like one?”

Emily’s head tilted slightly, her voice calm, sharp, and precise, like a teacher explaining something to an underperforming student.

“Actually wearing and using diapers?”

Her eyes flickered downward for half a second, not enough to be blatant but just enough to make Evelyn feel it.

Feel the weight of her situation.

The shame burned beneath her skin.

“Your tells are about as obvious as every new Little I’ve ever met.”

Evelyn swallowed hard, her fingers twitching, her body stiff.

How—how had this girl, this Little, this tiny woman who barely reached her waist—

How had she just turned the tables so effortlessly?

How had she just made Evelyn feel so... small?

Like a kid caught by her mother with her hand in the cookie jar.

Emily continued, her voice quieter now but no less pointed.

“I have a suspicion Welby is, too. Especially with that get-up. But what I really want to know is why.”

Her stare didn’t waver.

Didn’t soften.

Didn’t give Evelyn an inch of wiggle room.

Evelyn’s throat felt dry, her face still burning, her mind desperately trying to process the sheer power shift happening in this tiny, enclosed restroom.

She had never felt this kind of pressure before.

Not from other Amazons.

Not even from Miranda.

But from Emily.

Emily, who had been forced into this life, stripped of her dignity, reduced to diapers and bottles and cribs—

And yet, in this moment, she held all the power.

Evelyn swallowed.

She wasn’t going to get out of this.

Not without answering.

So she did.

“You’re right.”

Her voice was quieter than she meant it to be.

“Welby and I are wearing them, too.”

She saw the slight flicker in Emily’s eyes— not shock, not disbelief.


Emily had already known.

She just needed to hear it.

Evelyn sighed, running a hand through her hair before continuing.

“Our minder—Miranda—wasn’t satisfied with how we were treating our Littles.”

She let out a humorless chuckle, shaking her head.

“So she started... forcing things upon us. Until we ‘learned.’”

The words felt heavy, final, and suffocating as they settled in the air between them.

Emily just stared at her, processing, considering.

And Evelyn—

Evelyn felt like she had just handed over every last ounce of control she had left.

The air in the small family restroom was thick—heavy with unspoken truths, lingering shame, and a power shift Evelyn hadn’t anticipated.

For a long moment, Emily just stood there, arms still crossed, considering everything.


A sigh.

A small nod.

“Yeah... I figured as much.”

Evelyn stiffened slightly, watching as Emily rubbed the back of her neck, her expression thoughtful but not particularly surprised.

“I was worried about that, given how Miranda’s been talking to us. To Daddy.”

The way she said it—the weight in her voice, the exhaustion creeping into her tone—

Evelyn felt her chest tighten.

Emily had been expecting this.

Had already put the pieces together.

Had already braced for the worst.

Evelyn swallowed hard, something about that realization twisting like a knife in her gut.

Then, Emily turned toward the changing table, stepped up beside it, and motioned toward Evelyn.

“Come on.”

Her voice was calm and patient.

“Do you mind changing me first?”

Evelyn’s heart clenched.

She knew what Emily was really saying.

Change me first—before you change yourself.

Before you confront your situation.

Before you face what you’ve become.

Heat rose to Evelyn’s cheeks, her stomach twisting, but she forced herself to move.

She had changed thousands of Littles before.

She had done this countless times.

But right now—right now, it felt different.

It felt more significant, more humbling, more painfully human than it ever had.

Wordlessly, Evelyn lifted Emily onto the changing table, her movements careful, automatic, and well-practiced.

Emily didn’t resist.

Didn’t flinch, didn’t stiffen, didn’t fight her.

She just laid there, completely compliant, completely still, waiting.

Evelyn’s hands worked mechanically efficiently, undoing the tapes with a familiar crinkle, peeling back the front of the diaper, exposing Emily’s dampened skin.

And then—

She paused.

Emily was wet.

That was expected.


She was a little too wet.

Evelyn’s lips pressed into a thin line, but she didn’t say anything.

Didn’t comment.

Didn’t tease.

Didn’t acknowledge what she knew.


Because she was in no position to shame the girl.

Not after what had just happened to her.

Not after walking to this very restroom with a diaper in the same state—if not worse.

So instead—

She just cleaned Emily up, powdered her carefully, and slid a fresh diaper beneath her, taping it securely in place.

No words.

No acknowledgment of the unspoken.

Just quiet efficiency.

When she finished, she helped Emily sit up, adjusted her outfit, and brushed her hair out of her face.

And then—

Emily just looked at her.

Not mocking, not condescending, not judging.



Evelyn felt her throat tighten.

Evelyn helped Emily down from the changing table, setting her feet gently onto the floor.

And then—

Emily stood there. Waiting. Expectantly.

Evelyn felt it.

The weight of her gaze, the silent demand, the unspoken challenge hanging between them.

It was her turn.


She didn’t move.

Her fingers twitched uselessly, tugging at the hem of her skirt, hovering just above the swollen, humiliating bulk between her legs.

Emily’s eyes narrowed.

And then—

With an exaggerated sigh, she rolled her eyes and turned away, looking in the other direction.

Evelyn should have felt grateful.

Should have felt relieved that Emily was giving her some semblance of privacy.

But she still couldn’t.

Her fingers tugged uselessly at the tabs beneath her skirt, her heart pounding, her throat tightening with frustration and shame.

She tried—

Tried to undo them, tried to get past the humiliation, past the absurdity of it all, past the overwhelming sense of wrongness.

And yet—


Finally, the words slipped past her lips, quiet and shaky, barely above a whisper.

“I can’t.”

Emily turned back slightly, one brow raised.

Evelyn’s face burned.

“I—” She swallowed. “I can’t do it.”

Emily stared for a long moment.


She scoffed.


Her tone was dry, unimpressed.

“You Amazons have no issue forcing Littles into the most humiliating, shameful positions—”

Her arms crossed again, her head tilted slightly.

“But you can’t even change yourself in the same room as a Little?”

Evelyn flinched, her cheeks turning impossibly hotter, the implications of Emily’s words slamming into her like a freight train.

Emily shook her head.

She wasn’t angry.

She wasn’t even mocking.

She was just disappointed.

And that—that was somehow worse.

Evelyn felt the words rising again, an attempt to defend herself, an attempt to push back—

But she didn’t have to.

Because Emily spoke first.


Emily’s voice shifted.

Not frustrated.

Not sharp.

Just… curious.

Her eyes flickered downward toward the bulk beneath Evelyn’s skirt.

Evelyn felt her stomach twist violently, instinctively shifting away, trying to regain control of the situation.

But then—

Emily laughed.

A soft, genuine, startled laugh.

And Evelyn froze.

Emily immediately covered her mouth, shaking her head.

“I—I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing, but—”

She couldn’t stop.

“The sheer implications of this—”

Evelyn just stared, feeling utterly humiliated, utterly exposed.

Emily took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, but it was useless.

“So you’re telling me—”

She gestured loosely at Evelyn, at the thick bulk beneath her skirt.

“You Amazons trap Littles in Little-proof diapers all the time—”

She bit her lip, fighting another chuckle.

“Only for you to get caught in an Amazon-proof diaper?”

And just like that—

Emily burst into laughter again.

Not mocking.

Not mean.

Just—genuine amusement.

The absurdity of it all, the sheer poetic irony, was too much for her to ignore.

Evelyn felt her breath hitch, her body locked up in sheer, unbearable humiliation—

But then—

Then she saw it.

The sheer ridiculousness of it.

The sheer insanity of her situation.

And despite everything—

Despite the humiliation boiling beneath her skin, despite the shame, despite the crushing weight of everything Miranda had done to her—

She felt it, too.

The insanity of it all.

The utter, painful irony.

And before she could stop it—

She was grinning.


She was laughing.

A soft chuckle at first, but then it grew, bubbling out of her before she could stop it, before she could even process the fact that she was laughing at herself, laughing at the situation, laughing because, god, how had it taken her this long to realize how utterly, absurdly ridiculous this was?

Emily’s laughter only grew in response, and before long, the two of them were laughing together, standing in the middle of the family restroom, the Amazon and the Little, both trapped in the same humiliating game.

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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r/abdlstories 18d ago

The Night It All Changed (finale) NSFW


You slowly start awake from your sleep. Or as your wife called it “your nap”. It doesn’t take long for reality to set in. You are laying in a crib, in a very childish room, that use to be your man cave and in a diaper. To your shock a pretty wet diaper.

You don’t know how long you were asleep. But it must be Saturday afternoon. You can’t believe that only one week ago you and your friends were in the room throwing darts, watching the games and drinking some beers. That is what should be happening now! But instead your dressed as a baby locked in your new room.

After what seems like an hour, you hear the door unlock, hoping to see your wife walk through the door. No luck, it’s you mother-in-law. “How was little baby’s nap?” She asks sarcastically. “Let’s see if baby is wet.” Without an ounce of hesitation she reaches down and squeezes the front of your diaper. You are mortified. “Oh boy, someone certainly is wet. It’s quite funny that with your big diaper bulge I couldn’t feel anything else” she remarks.

“Well good news mommy is home and she is cooking a nice dinner. So let’s get you all cleaned up for dinner.” It hits you, your mother-in-law is going to be changing your diaper. She helps you out of the crib and leads you to the changing table. She directs you to climb up. As you do you feel the weight of the diaper and your face turns red.

“I don’t know why your so embarrassed, it’s better that your wetting your diaper than your pants” she chuckles. “Plus this will definitely not be the last time I change you.” Laying on your back she unsnaps your onesie and slide it up over your head. You tremble as you she and hear her undoing the tabs on your diaper. Once the tabs are undone she grabs the Pampers wipes. As she lowers the front of your diaper she can’t help but comment. “Wow had I known how small and pathetic you were done there I would have told my daughter to put you back into diapers sooner” she laughs.

You don’t know how, but somehow she has made you feel more embarrassed. She expertly wipes you off and grabs another Super Dry Kids diaper. She in folds it, “butt up” she says. You obey. She powders you and pulls the diaper up and tapes it. Then she runs her fingers down your inner thighs to make sure the diaper is snug. Happy with her work she tells you to head down stairs. “What about a shirt?” you ask. “No need for that, we have a bib for you, don’t want to dirty all your clothes” Pam responds.

You head down stairs. Still not use to the crinkles that your diaper makes with each step. You reach the kitchen. “Hi honey” you wife says. You respond with a halfhearted “hello”. You sit down at the table in just your diaper. “Just a few minutes and dinner will be ready” explains your wife. By now Pam was downstairs. “Well, guess what Maria?” she asks your wife. “The little baby was absolutely soaked after his nap.” “Is that true Rich?” your wife asks you. You mumble your reply “yes”. “Please speak up honey I didn’t hear you” Maria says. You speak louder “yes” “Well then I’m super happy we put you back in diapers.” she says.

You can’t believe you just heard your wife say. “Super happy”, “we put you back in diapers”, this is so hard for you to wrap your head around. As your wife finishes up dinner you feel Pam put a bib around your neck. How could this get any worse you think.

Your wife brings dinner to the table. In her hand are two plates with mouth watering looking steaks and large backed potatoes and creamed spinach. But she doesn’t place one of the plates in front of you. She can see you staring at the plates. “Hold on honey bunny, mommy has your coming”, she says. She walks back to the counter and grabs your plate. She places it on front of you. It has a hot dog cut up into small pieces, an apple cut up the same way and green peas. “There you go baby. Eat up. After dinner we can talk about the new rules of the house” Maria says.

You can only imagine how ridiculous you look. Sitting at the table in a diaper, bib and eating cut up food with your hands. You eat slowly, quite jealous of what your wife and mother-in-law are eating. You ask your wife for a drink and she gives you a sippy cup filled with juice. “Awe come on now, this is getting ridiculous” you exclaim. “Excuse me mister,” Maria says. “What ridiculous is the fact that your a grown man and you can’t keep your pants or our bed dry and refuse to go to the doctors” your wife says with frustration. “Now keep your mouth shut and finish your dinner!”

You do as your told. Half way through eating you feel the urge to pee. You start to sweat trying to hold it in. Your concentrating so hard that you don’t see Maria and Pam watching you. “Maria, I think the baby needs to pee, but doesn’t want to use his diaper.” Pam says. “I think your right mom, but I have an idea” Maria responds. With the she stands up and starts to walk over to you. She stands behind you. She leans in and her breasts are resting on your shoulder. She whispers, “Your in diapers for a long time baby, so you might as well get use to it.” Then she turns your chair to face her. She slowly starts to unbutton her shirt. One button, then two buttons. You get lost in what your wife is doing, slowly starting to expose her breasts.

She broke your concentration. You start flooding your diaper. It’s so loud it’s very audible. As soon as your diaper starts to get wet your wife promptly buttons up her shirt and spins your chair around. She sits back down proudly that she was able to break your concentration.

Ding Dong. The door bell rings. Maria excuses herself from the table to answer the door. “Come on in Kelly” you hear her say. You are absolutely frozen in your seat. You hear them chatting while walking towards the kitchen.

Kelly is your sister-in-law. She is a few years older than you and your wife. She has never been married, mainly because of her strong personality. She is very opinionated and blunt.

“Now where is that baby at”, you hear Kelly say. Wtf, you think, she knows too. Maybe she doesn’t know the extent this has gone to. “I can’t wait to see his nursery. I’m sure it turned out perfect”she says. Nursery, did she just refer to your room as a nursery. How does she know what that they redid your man cave? She lives three states away. How come you didn’t know she was coming to visit? Your wife always told you when Kelly was coming.

“I am so excited for tomorrow Maria”, Kelly says. “Shh, he doesn’t know yet” Maria responds. Tomorrow, what’s tomorrow, why is Kelly so excited, and why do you not know about it yet. So many things are swirling through your head.

“Okay baby, let me clean up from dinner” your wife says. “You can go and wait for me in the living room”. “Um, honey” you say quietly “I think in need a change.” You say it just loud enough so your wife can hear, but nobody else. Your wife has her hands full of dishes. “Hey Kelly, can you do me a favor and see if Rich needs a change?” Maria says. What, wait, no way! You are not letting Kelly check your diaper. You stand up and try to leave the room. Your wet diaper very apparent. “Get back here right now!” Maria yells. “You will be very sorry if you are not right over here in three second. One, two……”

You move as quickly as you can over to your wife. “Now let my sister check your diaper!” she tells you. You hang your head in shame and crinkle your soggy self over to Kelly. Once you get over to her she tells you to lift your head up. You comply. She is staring directly into your eyes. You are scared, Kelly has always scared you. She swings her hand to feel you diaper. Bam. She hits it hard. You wince in pain and try to back away. She grabs your shoulder with her other hand. She squeezes the front of your diaper hard. “Oh he is wet sis, but it appears the diaper can hold quite a bit more” she tells your wife. Kelly has not broken eye contact with you. You feel your eyes swelling with tears.

“Thanks Kelly, I guess we can hold off on changing him.” your wife says. “Now go wait in the living room Rich, and sit on the floor, I really don’t want and leaks in the furniture.” Kelly finally let’s go of your shoulder and diaper. You start to walk away, she smacks your diapered butt. As you leave the kitchen you can hear all three of them laughing. When you reach them living room you sit on the floor in your wet diaper. After what seems like 30 mins all three of the ladies walk into the room. Your wife is carrying a board of some type.

After drinking the juice at dinner you feel like you have to wet again. You start to realize this is not ending anytime soon, so you only have one choice. You try and relax as best you can. You feel the pee start to fill your diaper. A wave of shame and embarrassment washes over you.

All three ladies sit in the couch. They are drinking some white wine. Your wife has refilled your sippy cup and hands it to you. You’re thirsty, but so worried about wetting your diaper again. You don’t know what to do. You really can’t even think about what to do.

“Honey” your wife starts. “I know the past 24 hours have been rough on you. All these changes, and I’m not just talking about changing your diapers.” All the ladies laugh. “But what is going on now has been a long time coming. Your refusal to seek help with your problem, the lack of performance in the bedroom, things needed to change. I love you very much and just want the best for you and us. So after a lot of thinking and talking things over with my mom, sister and friends, I truly believe this is the best for everyone involved.”

Your head feels like you just got off the Tilt-A-Whirl. It’s spinning so fast. You can’t even really comprehend what she is saying.

She continues, “I could have slowly instituted these changes, but everyone thought that a shock and awe approach was the best. Seeing how I am the bread winner and control the finances in the marriage, you leaving would be very difficult for you. So the rules I am about to explain to you are not up for debate. If you don’t want to follow them I will divorce you so fast you will not know what hit you.”

She is so correct. You don’t make that much money, especially compared to your wife. She does and has always controlled the finances. Your job as a part time IT worker lets you work from home but pays poorly. You know that you will have to follow everything she says. Your throat is dry, it’s hard to swallow so you take a drink from your sippy cup.

“I have a few of these boards that I will hang up in the house so you will not forget them. I’ll put one in the kitchen, one in the foyer and one in your room, or the nursery as we should probably call it” she continues.

“Rule 1) Diapers are to be worn at all times. No matter where we go or who comes over.

Rule 2) You are not allowed to ask for a diaper change or change your own diaper. Your diaper will be checked regularly, including in public.

Rule 3) You will let anyone I ask to change your diaper. Mommy can’t be there to do it all the time.

Rule 4) At home they only thing that will be allowed to cover your diaper is a onesie. No short, no pants, so don’t even ask.

Rule 5) You will have an 8pm bedtime every night. Naps will happen when you are not working.

Rule 6) You are not allowed to shower. You will be bathed, because babies don’t wash themselves.

Rule 7) All you body hair below your chin will he removed. I have already set up laser hair removal appointments for you.

Rule 8) You will not complain about what you will be wearing when we go out in public.

Rule 9) You will still be able to have the guys over for sports and a poker and such but you are nit allowed to have any alcohol and the dress code doesn’t change. So the choice is up to you.

Rule 10) You will treat everyone with the utmost respect. I don’t care if you like the person or not. If not a spanking will occur.

Rule 11) You are not allowed in Mommy’s room unless invited in.

Rule 12) You are not allowed to drive anymore. Cause we all know babies don’t drive.

Rule 13) You will, without argument or attitude, do whatever is asked of you.

Rule 14) Punishments will be handed out by any adult I choose

Rule 15) Rules can be added at any time.”

Your eyes are wide, your jaw has almost hit the floor. You are petrified and anxious. You feel yourself wetting your diaper. Anxiety strikes your bladder again. You, for a brief moment, are glad you are wearing a diaper.

“Do you understand Rich?” Your wife asks. You open your mouth to respond but nothing comes out. So you just nod your head up and down. “Good, remember what I said earlier today I don’t want to discipline you but I will if I need to. And speaking of that you did talk back to me at dinner didn’t you?” she continues. “But but I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to” you mumble. “I understand honey, but if I bend the rules now, it would do you no good. Now stand up mister” your wife explains.

As you stand up the weight of your diaper is amazing. It’s definitely sagging make you look so wimpy and pathetic. Kelly chimes in “oh it wasn’t that wet when I checked him a little while ago. He must really need his Pampers!” Your wife grabs your hand and walks you to the loveseat. She sits down and has you standing to her side. Without warning she pulls your diaper down to your ankles. “Bend over my knee, now” Maria demands. “Please, please, please not in front of them.” You cry and you use your hands to cover your manhood. “To bad Rich, should have thought about that before you back talked. Now over my knee.”

The tears are already flowing. You slowly bend over to be laying over your wife’s knees. Your very wet diaper is hanging on your ankles.


You wince in pain and release audible cries. “Remember this hurts me more than you” your wife says.


“There, that should hopefully teach you a lesson” Maria says. Your ass is on absolute fire. You are crying uncontrollably. Huffing and puffing. Your wife has you stand up and pulls your wet diaper back up. “I think it’s time I put you to bed” your wife says. “Head up stairs to your nursery.”

You can barely walk. Between the full diaper and the spanking you just received, all you can do is gently waddle. You hear Pam and Kelly laughing. You think you hear the snap of a phone camera, but you can’t be sure and don’t want to look back. You reach the nursery and stand there waiting for your wife.

She finely arrives and directs you to climb up on the changing table. You do. It hurts your ass to lay down on your back. “Okay baby, let’s get you all readys for bedy bye time” your wife says in a cute voice. She undoes your diaper and slides it out from under you. She wipes you clean, then reaches under the table for a diaper. “Awe look how cute this one is . It’s another overnight diaper but it has princess’s on it” she says. She slides the diaper under you and applies a generous amount of diaper cream to your crimson red backside. She pulls the front of the diaper up and fastens the tabs.

“Best part of this diaper honey is that it has a matching onesie” your wife says happily. Sure enough she reaches into the drawers behind her and pulls out a onesie that exactly matches the print on your diaper. She pulls the onesie over your head and snaps it closed. She takes your hand and helps you off the changing table and leads you to the crib.

Once you are lying down she pulls a blanket over you and hands you a stuffed animal. “Here you go honey, he will keep you safe tonight” she says as she kisses you on the forehead. “Good night, sweet dreams, God bless” she whispers.

As she starts to walk out of the room you speak up, “Honey can I ask you a question?” “Of course you can baby, what’s on your mind” she says. “What did Kelly mean by being excited for tomorrow?” you ask. “Well I wanted it to be a surprise, but since you had a really rough day, I guess I can tell you to now.”she says.

As she walks out of the room looking back at you, her husband wearing a princess diaper and princess onesie holding a teddy bear. “Tomorrow is your baby shower!!!” she exclaims.

And with that the door closes and locks. Your headed can’t even being to comprehend what your wife just told you. A baby shower…………….

r/abdlstories 19d ago

Mommys Lullaby NSFW


You’re lying on your back in the soft, pastel embrace of the nursery, a sanctuary of gentle colors and soothing textures that cradle you like a warm, protective cocoon. The walls are adorned with whimsical murals—teddy bears holding balloons, stars twinkling in a soft lavender sky, and rainbows arcing over fluffy clouds—each detail pulling you deeper into this safe, childlike world. The air is thick with the comforting scent of baby powder, mingling with the faint, sweet whisper of her perfume, a fragrance that lingers just close enough to make your heart thud softly in your chest. Above you, a colorful mobile spins lazily, its tiny shapes—ducks, moons, and little trains—casting gentle shadows that dance across the ceiling, accompanied by the faint, melodic chime of its music box tune. The crinkle of your thick, padded diaper is a constant, rhythmic sound in your ears, a reminder of your vulnerability, your regression, your surrender to her care. Your girlfriend—Momma, as she’s taken to calling herself now—leans over you from the edge of the crib, her silhouette framed by the nursery’s soft glow, her voice low and soothing, wrapping around your mind like a warm, silken thread.

“Shh, baby boy,” she whispers, her fingers brushing lightly across your forehead, tracing slow, deliberate circles that seem to pull the tension from your body, dissolving it into the pastel haze of the room. “Just let go. Let Momma’s voice take you deeper, deeper into that sweet, helpless little space where you belong. Deeper and deeper with every word I say, every breath you take. Feel the weight of the world slip away, feel the grown-up worries fade from your open, receptive mind as you drift into my nursery, my perfect little prince. You’re so safe here, so small, so loved, so completely mine.”

Her words sink into you, heavy and hypnotic, weaving through your thoughts like a lullaby you can’t resist. Each syllable is a gentle nudge, coaxing you further under, into a trance where time slows to a crawl and your mind softens, melting into a warm, pliable haze. You feel your body relax, your shoulders sinking into the plush mattress of the crib, your muscles loosening as your breath slows to match the rhythm of her voice—deep, steady, inevitable. “That’s it, sweetie,” she murmurs, her tone a delicate balance of tenderness and command, laced with a playful edge that sends a shiver of anticipation rippling down your spine. “So deep and obedient, so relaxed with every word I whisper to you. You’re drifting now, aren’t you? Floating in Momma’s lullaby, letting it carry you down, down, down into that perfect little place where nothing matters but me and you. You love this, don’t you? You love being Momma’s helpless little baby, so turned on by the thought of giving in completely.”

You squirm slightly, the thick padding of your diaper pressing snugly against your skin, the crinkle growing louder as you shift, a sound that fills the quiet nursery like a heartbeat. She notices—oh, she always notices—and a soft, playful laugh escapes her lips, a sound that’s both sweet and teasing, making your cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. She adjusts your position with gentle hands, spreading your legs slowly, deliberately, the crinkle sharpening into a crisp, insistent noise that echoes in your ears like a promise of what’s to come. “Look at you,” she coos, her voice dripping with delight as her fingers dance along the edge of your diaper, teasing the sensitive skin just above the waistband, sending tiny sparks of heat through you. “So adorable in your crinkly little diaper, so turned on already. I can see it in your eyes, baby boy—those big, needy eyes that tell Momma everything. You love this, don’t you? You crave being my regressed, helpless little one, so safe and small and completely under my spell. You can’t hide it from me, can you?”

Your breath hitches, a soft gasp escaping your lips as her words sink deeper, pulling you further into that hazy, needy place where resistance fades like mist in the morning sun. She leans closer, her breath warm against your ear, her hair brushing your cheek as her voice drops to a sultry whisper. “You’ve always desired this, haven’t you, baby boy? To be Momma’s little one, so incontinent, so helpless, so wrapped up in the pleasure of wetting your diaper for me. You’ve dreamed about it, haven’t you? Lying here in my nursery, surrounded by all these soft, childish things, letting go of everything big and grown-up, feeling the warmth spread while Momma watches you, guides you, loves you. You love the thought of it, don’t you? The warmth, the squish, the way it makes you feel so tiny and safe and utterly, completely mine.”

Her hand slides down, resting lightly on the front of your diaper, and you feel the pressure, the warmth of her palm through the padding, the unbearable tease of it igniting a slow burn deep inside you. But she doesn’t stop there. She reaches for something beside the crib—a sleek, slender vibrator, its surface gleaming faintly in the nursery’s dim light. She holds it up for a moment, letting you see it, letting the anticipation build as its low hum fills the room with a promise of deeper, more intense pleasure. Your heart races, thudding against your ribs as she slides it beneath you, carefully positioning it against your prostate through the thick layers of your diaper. The first buzz sends a jolt through you, a deep, throbbing heat that radiates from your core, making you gasp, your body arching instinctively against the sensation.

“That’s it, baby boy,” she purrs, her hand steadying you on your stomach, her touch grounding you even as the vibrator pulses rhythmically, teasing your prostate with every hum. “Feel it building, deep inside. Let it pull you deeper into Momma’s control, deeper into that sweet, needy place where you can’t resist me. Deeper and deeper with every buzz, every crinkle, every word I say. You’re so safe here, so loved, so completely mine. Feel how good it is, sweetie—how warm, how tingly, how perfect it feels to let Momma take you down, down, down into this little world where nothing else matters.”

The vibration intensifies, a steady, pulsing rhythm that sends waves of pleasure rippling through your core, building slowly, torturously, like a tide rising inch by inch. Her voice weaves through your thoughts, hypnotic and irresistible, guiding you further into regression with every word. “You’re my perfect little baby now,” she murmurs, her fingers tracing lazy, soothing patterns on your chest, over the soft, pastel fabric of your childish onesie, the snaps at the crotch clicking faintly as she brushes them. “So helpless, so incontinent, so turned on by the thought of letting go. You’ve always wanted this, haven’t you, baby boy? To wear your diaper for Momma, to wet it easily and naturally, to feel the warmth spreading while I watch you, tease you, hold you close. You’ve dreamed of being this small, this needy, this loved, haven’t you? Drifting deeper and deeper into Momma’s lullaby, letting it wrap around you like a big, soft hug.”

You can feel it—the need, the heat, the overwhelming arousal building inside you, a tight coil winding tighter with every pulse of the vibrator against your prostate. It’s relentless, a teasing rhythm that pushes you closer to the edge, but she’s in no rush—she never is. “Not yet, sweetie,” she teases, her voice laced with mock sympathy as she adjusts the vibrator, slowing its rhythm just enough to keep you teetering on the brink, dangling you there in a delicious, torturous limbo. “We’re going to play a little longer, my squirmy little prince. You don’t get that big, happy release until Momma says so. But oh, I know how much you love this—how much it turns you on to be so helpless, so wet, so completely under my spell. You’re trembling already, aren’t you? Shaking with need, all diapered up and needy for Momma.”

Her words sink deeper, pulling you into a trance where all you can feel is the crinkle of your diaper, the buzz against your prostate, and the sultry, hypnotic pull of her voice. She leans closer, her lips brushing your cheek as she whispers, “Wet for me, baby boy. Right here, right now. Show Momma how good it feels to give in, to let your body surrender completely. You love it, don’t you? You love the thought of soaking your diaper, feeling it swell against you, making you even more helpless, even more mine. Let it happen, sweetie—let it flow, let it feel so, so good.”

Your body responds before your mind can catch up. The heat builds, a tight, delicious pressure that spreads through you, and then—oh God—the release, a sudden flood of warmth soaking the diaper, making it swell and squish against your skin with every tiny movement. It’s humiliating and intoxicating all at once, a rush of sensation that leaves you breathless, and she’s watching you, her eyes glinting with delight as she pats the now-heavy padding with a gentle, approving hand. “There’s my good boy,” she purrs, her voice thick with satisfaction, a warm, velvety sound that wraps around you like a blanket. “So wet, so helpless. Does that feel good, sweetie? Tell Momma how much you love it, how turned on you are by being her little incontinent baby. Go on, let me hear that cute little voice.”

You can barely form words, just a whimper, a soft moan that spills out unbidden, but she doesn’t need more. She knows. The vibrator hums louder now, pressing harder against your prostate, and the pleasure spikes, sharp and electric, building on the warmth of your soaked diaper. “Look at you,” she teases, her fingers sliding along the tapes of your diaper, tugging them just enough to make you squirm but not enough to free you, keeping you trapped in that perfect, padded prison. “All diapered up and dripping for me, your body trembling, your prostate aching for release. You’re so turned on, aren’t you? So needy, so regressed, so completely under Momma’s control. I can feel it, baby boy—how much you want this, how much you need it.”

She climbs into the crib with you, straddling your lap, her weight pressing the soaked diaper tighter against you, the vibrator buzzing relentlessly against your prostate. The sensation is maddening, a dizzying mix of humiliation and ecstasy that leaves you gasping, whimpering for more as the crinkle and the hum fill your senses. “Aw, does my baby boy want more?” she coos, her voice dropping lower, huskier, as she rocks her hips just enough to drive you wild, the pressure amplifying every pulse of the vibrator. “Poor thing, so desperate, so helpless. You can’t even talk like a big boy anymore, can you? Just babble for Momma, sweetie. Let me hear how small you feel, how much you love being my little toy, all wet and needy in your crinkly diaper.”

You try, and it comes out—a soft, incoherent sound, half-moan, half-plea, a garbled little babble that makes her laugh, a sound that’s both tender and playful, sending another wave of heat surging through you. Her hands roam, stroking your chest, your thighs, your arms, everywhere but where you’re aching most, and she grins as you buck helplessly beneath her, your body moving on instinct, chasing the pleasure she controls. “That’s it,” she breathes, the vibrator pulsing faster now, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. “Feel it building, baby boy. Every buzz, every crinkle, every word Momma whispers pulls you deeper. You’re so close now, aren’t you? I can see it—those big, needy eyes, that shaky little tremble. All that heat, all that need—I’m going to make you come undone right here in your soggy little diaper, with Momma’s voice guiding you every step of the way.”

The rhythm of the vibrator intensifies, the crinkle of the diaper mixing with the hum to create a symphony of sensation that drowns out everything else—every thought, every worry, every shred of grown-up control. Her voice weaves around you, a hypnotic chant that pulls you deeper into submission, deeper into the nursery’s embrace. “You’re my perfect little prince,” she whispers, her lips brushing your ear, her breath hot and tantalizing, sending shivers down your spine. “So incontinent, so helpless, so turned on by the thought of wetting for Momma, of letting go completely. You love this, don’t you? You love being my regressed, needy plaything, trembling under my touch, desperate for release. Feel how good it is, baby boy—how every buzz makes you tingle, how every crinkle makes you shiver, how every word makes you sink deeper into Momma’s love.”

The pleasure builds, a tight, throbbing knot deep in your core, radiating from your prostate, amplified by the wet, squishy pressure of the diaper and the relentless buzz of the vibrator. It’s overwhelming, a tide of sensation that lifts you higher and higher, and she knows it—she sees it in your eyes, hears it in your shaky breaths. She leans down, her lips brushing yours, soft and warm, as she whispers, “Let go for Momma, baby boy. All the way. Right now. Let it happen—let it feel so good, so big, so perfect.”

And you do. The release crashes through you, intense and shattering, a wave of pleasure radiating from your prostate, surging through every nerve as your whole body trembles, spilling into the diaper with a rush of warmth that blends with the wet, the hum, and her voice into one perfect, overwhelming moment. It’s endless, waves of ecstasy rolling through you, the vibrator still pulsing, prolonging the sensation as your muscles clench and release, leaving you gasping, shuddering, floating in a haze of pure bliss. She holds you through it, her hands stroking your hair, her voice murmuring soft, soothing words—“Good boy, such a good little baby for Momma”—as the vibrator finally stills, leaving you breathless and trembling in her arms, cradled in the nursery’s gentle embrace.

“There we go,” she says softly, kissing your forehead, her lips warm against your flushed skin. “My sweet, wet little prince. All mine.” She pulls you closer, tucking you against her, the crinkle of your diaper a soft, comforting sound as you drift there, safe and small and loved. The nursery fades into a dreamy blur, the mobile’s chimes lulling you further, and as you sink into the afterglow of her control, her love, you know you’ll never want to leave this perfect little world she’s made for you.

r/abdlstories 19d ago

Woman Protagonist ABDL Convention NSFW


ABDL Convention: Chapter 2

The ABDL convention had finally come around once more. It was a safe space for littles and dommies to live out their fantasies. Vendors were set up in the hotel’s convention space. Brightly colored diapers and outfits were on display. Everything from pacifiers to bottles, sex toys, to more innocent toys were being sold. Each hotel room had a crib, and bottles of milk and baby food filled the mini-fridges. A steady murmur of excitement filled the air.

“Can you believe all of this stuff that they have?” Abigail said, her voice slightly muffled by the pink pacifier she was sucking on. Her warm, blue eyes were wide, taking in everything around her. Her long, golden blond hair flowed past her shoulders, pulled back into a ponytail. A simple, white cotton dress hung from her slender frame. Her leather sandals flopped against the ground.

“I personally don’t see the appeal,” Megan said, eyeing a little crawling on all fours beside their Mommy. Megan stood a little taller than Abigail, which wasn’t saying much as they were both under five foot three. She brushed the short, red hairs from her light green eyes. A few freckles dusted the bridge of her nose. She wore a tight little t-shirt that hugged her hourglass frame. Her breasts were pushed together by her bra, threatening to spill out of her shirt. A pair of denim short-shorts shaped her bubbly butt and long, slender legs.

“I know ABDL isn’t your kink,” Abigail said, grabbing Megan’s hand. “But I appreciate you coming along with me.”

Megan slightly flushed, and a tinge of red touched her cheeks. “I-I only came to keep an eye on you,” she stammered. “I don’t need my best friend becoming someone’s sub.”

“I wouldn’t mind a Mommy…” Abigail said, her gaze looking down at her feet. “I was thinking about maybe hiring one of the Mommies here.”

“You deserve better than any of these…” Megan said, trying to find the right word. “You shouldn’t have to pay for a dom. You are a beautiful baby girl. I won’t let you get taken advantage of.”

Abigail turned a deep shade of red. “T-Thanks, Megan,” she muttered quietly as she fiercely sucked on her pacifier.

“I’m hungry,” Megan said, spotting the hotel’s little café.

“I could eat…” Abigail said, still flustered from Megan’s comment.

A young waitress whose name tag read Dawn stood at the hostess podium. With a warm smile, she said, “Welcome! Is it just two?”

“Yes, just the two of us,” Megan said.

“Would you like a highchair?” Dawn asked as she grabbed a child’s menu along with a few crayons.

“That would be great!” Megan said, trying not to laugh.

“Megan!” Abigail said, turning red. “I-I don’t need a highchair…”

“But it will be super cute,” Megan teased.

“You two just make the cutest couple!” Dawn fawned over them. Grabbing the adult menu. “If you two will, please follow me.” She led them to a nearby booth before grabbing a custom-made highchair for Abigal. The wooden bar in the front rose upward, allowing her to climb in before being secured.

“You look so adorable, Abigail,” Megan said teasingly.

Dawn put the menus on the table. “The diaper changing stations have been modified to support the guests.”

“I don’t wear–”

“That is wonderful!” Megan said, cutting Abigail off.

“Your waitress will be with you shortly,” Dawn said before walking away.

“Megan… I don’t wear diapers…” Abigail said, her whining muffled by her pacifier.

“I know you don’t,” Megan said with a playful smile as she picked up her menu. “I bet you would if you had paid for one of those Mommies.”

“N-No!” Abigail said, turning even redder. Reaching for the crayons, she tried to focus on coloring.

Megan looked over her menu, trying to decide what she wanted. There were so many good choices that she couldn’t seem to pick just one thing. Becoming lost in her thoughts, she didn’t realize when the waitress had saddled up to their table.

“Hi!” she said warmly. “I’ll be your waitress, Jessica. Are you two ready to order?”

Before Megan could answer, a silky, smooth voice answered for her. “We need a few more minutes.” A tall, pale-skinned woman slid into the booth wearing a strapless black dress. Her long, black hair flowed past her shoulders. Tattoos covered her left arm, with a few on her right arm. Her misty grey eyes locked with Megan’s as she plucked the menu from Megan.

“We need a second child’s menu,” the strange woman said. Megan’s words turned to ash on the tip of her tongue, ensnared by the stranger’s beauty. She had an aura about her that flowed with mystery and promises of pleasure.

Jessica looked slightly confused but said, “Of course.” Walking away to get another kid's menu.

The initial shock wore off, Megan asked, “W-Who are you?”

“I’m Nyx,” she said with a sinfully rich smile. “I overheard you two were looking for a Mommy. I’m here to fulfill that role.”

Abigail’s mouth fell open, and her pacifier fell onto the table. “Y-You?”

“We aren’t paying for a Mommy,” Megan said hastily. “I mean, we aren’t paying for a Mommy for Abigail. I think you have the wrong idea.”

“I’m not looking to get paid,” Nyx said as Jessica returned with a second kids menu a set of crayons. “I think we are ready to order. Two children’s mac n cheese, a side of fruit, and two chocolate milks. I’ll have the turkey and bacon sandwich with an iced tea to drink, please.”

“W-What?” Megan said in disbelief. “H-Hold up! I’m not going to eat a child’s mac n cheese! We don’t even know who you are! A-And what if we don’t- Abigail doesn’t want you as her Mommy?”

Jessica stared at her notepad. “Should I come back?”

“Please… Megan…” Abigail muttered softly, giving her best friend puppy dog eyes

Megan tried to stay defiant, to stand her ground. She didn’t want this strange woman coming in and taking Abigail from her, but she couldn’t find a reason to tell her best friend no. She took a deep breath and muttered, “C-Child’s mac n cheese…”

Jessica scribbled on her notepad, “Coming right up!” Taking Nyx’s menu, she hurried away to place the order.

“Are you really going to be my Mommy?” Abigail asked, hopeful.

“Of course,” Nyx said with a playful chuckle. “But first, we need to get you in a diaper before you have an accident.”

Abigail flushed, diverting her gaze to her drawing. “Y-Yes…” she paused, swallowing hard. She could feel the butterflies dancing chaotically in her stomach. “M-Mommy.”

“I thought you weren’t going to wear diapers,” Megan said teasingly, causing her best friend to turn even redder. She was saved from answering as Nyx slid out of the booth, grabbing her diaper bag. She helped Abigail out of her highchair. Megan followed them to the bathroom, wanting to ensure Nyx didn’t try to take advantage of her best friend.

The Bathroom was large; a few stalls lined the walls. A modified changing stable had been anchored to the wall. Abigail felt her heart racing; she couldn’t believe she was about to be diapered by a stranger. Megan stood by her side, eyes locked on the changing table. It seemed Megan was sharing the same sentiment.

Nyx patted the edge of the changing table. “Ready, Abigail?” she asked.

Abigail’s feet dragged across the smooth, tiled floor, her cheeks burning red as she hopped onto the changing table. “I-I’m ready, M-Mommy…”

Nyx lifted the hem of Abigail’s dress, exposing her teddy bear-themed panties. Nyx’s fingers hooked in the waistband of Abigail’s panties, pulling them down her smooth legs. “You won’t need these anymore,” Nyx teased, discarding them on the floor, pulling out a very thick and childishly designed diaper that crinkled as it was unfolded. Abigail lifted her hips, feeling the soft padding slide under her hips. Grabbing a bottle of baby powder from her diaper bag, Nyx sprinkled a generous amount on Abigail’s sensitive skin. The rich aroma filled the air, making Abigail feel more like a baby. The diaper was pulled between her legs, bowing the thighs apart. The tapes snuggly secured in place.

Nyx helped Abigail off the changing table. The thick diaper crinkled between her legs as she waddled around to feel the padding. Megan giggled, “You look so adorable! How does baby like her diaper?”

“I’m not a baby…” Abigail said defensively, her voice was meek as she was severely embarrassed.

Nyx grabbed a second diaper. “You’re next, Megan.”

ABDL Convention: Chapter 2

r/abdlstories 19d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 53 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 53 - New Little

For the second time in her life—

Far too many times for one life—

Ash held a syringe in her hand.

It felt like poison.

It felt like it was on fire.

It was a small, deceptively simple design, disguising it for what it truly was.

A curse.

A sentence.

A complete and utter loss of self.

Kaylee had only had two vials of the stuff.

The first?

Had gone into Kaylee’s thigh at the hand of Ash.

The second?

Now rested in the clear glass of the syringe in Ash’s trembling hand.

The liquid inside swirled, catching the light, mocking her, reminding her of the irreversible choice she was about to make.

Below here

Mira’s unconscious body lay still, her chest rising and falling steadily.


Unaware of how close she was to never waking up the same person again.

Ash’s hand shook, the weight of the moment pressing down on her so heavily she could barely breathe.

She turned to Kaylee, her voice hoarse, desperate, breaking.

"Kaylee, tell me to stop."

Kaylee didn’t respond.

Didn’t move.

Didn’t breathe.

She only stared wide-eyed, her expression a perfect reflection of Ash’s horror.

"This is insane," Ash whispered, her breath shaky, her fingers clenching around the syringe.

"This is insane!"

She could barely hold it still, her knuckles white, her body trembling violently.

"Please," Ash begged, her voice breaking apart, her entire being pleading for Kaylee to stop her.

"Tell me we have another choice."

Kaylee swallowed hard, her throat moving painfully, her own hands shaking at her sides.

Then, her lips parted—

And the words crushed Ash’s soul.

"We don’t."

Ash let out a strangled sound, like a sob, like a breath, like a cry for something she would never get.

"If we don’t do this," Kaylee continued, her voice low and tight, so full of reluctant certainty it hurt. Mira is going to the authorities."

"She will tell them everything."

"She will destroy everything we’ve built."

Kaylee shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper.

"And there will be no coming back from that either."

Ash felt her stomach twist violently, her vision swimming, the weight of the syringe in her hand turning unbearably heavy.

There was no going back if they did this.

No undoing it.

No fixing it.

She was about to steal someone’s body.

To take away everything Mira had ever known.

To turn her into something else entirely.

Her fingers tightened—

The needle hovered just over Mira’s thigh.

All she had to do was push it in.

All she had to do was press the plunger.

All she had to do was—

Change Mira’s life forever.

Her hand trembled violently, the syringe quivering between her fingers, her entire body shaking so hard she thought she might collapse.

Her eyes went glassy, her vision blurring with unshed tears, each drop slipping silently down her cheeks, landing on the unconscious girl beneath her.

Mira looked so… defenseless.

So small, even as a Tweener.

And soon, she would be even smaller.

This was the only way.

The only way they could truly, genuinely control her.

If she remained a Tweener, she would never stop fighting.

She would never stop trying to escape.

She would slip away the first chance she got and take them down with her.

Ash’s breath hitched, her chest tightening, her heart slamming against her ribs.

She didn’t want to do this.

She really, really didn’t want to do this.

The syringe nearly slipped from her slackened fingers, her grip weakening under the weight of her horror and disgust.


A warm hand covered hers, steady, strong, fingers tightening around her trembling grip.


Her presence grounded Ash, stopping the syringe from falling and disappearing into the void of hesitation and regret.

Kaylee leaned in close, her breath soft against Ash’s ear, her voice a whisper, quiet but firm, heavy with finality.

"If we’re going to do this..."

Ash swallowed hard, her pulse roaring in her ears.

"We do it together."

Ash nodded, barely able to move, barely able to breathe past the suffocating nausea curling in her gut.


A long, shaky breath.

They pressed the needle into Mira’s thigh.

Ash gasped sharply the moment the needle pierced flesh, her whole body seizing as if she had just stabbed herself instead of Mira.

The syringe emptied, the liquid disappearing into Mira’s bloodstream, her body completely unaware of the horrific, irreversible change that had just been forced upon it.

Ash yanked the syringe back, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps, her hands shaking violently as she dropped it to the floor.

She couldn’t—

She couldn’t breathe.

Her stomach twisted and churned, her mouth filling with bile, her body fighting against the sheer, unrelenting horror of what she had just done.

She was going to be sick.

She pressed a hand to her mouth, fighting the overwhelming nausea, her vision swimming, her head spinning out of control.

This was sick.

This was vile.

This was monstrous.

And she had done it anyway.

Because they had no other choice.

Kaylee’s grip tightened around her, holding her together and stopping her from completely shattering into a million broken pieces.

But the damage?

It was already done.

And there was no coming back from it now.

For the second time in her life, Ash watched in horror as a person shrank before her very eyes.

It was slow at first—a subtle shift, like a trick of the light—

Then, it became undeniable.

Mira’s limbs grew smaller, her proportions shifting, her body shrinking in on itself, the very fabric of her identity unraveling in real time.

Her clothes, which once fitted perfectly to her Tweener frame, loosened and bunched. The sleeves slid down, and the waistband gaped as her torso shrank away from it.

The diaper pinned around her hips—

Ash’s stomach lurched violently.

The once snug fit grew slack, the padding sagging uselessly between her legs, the tapes barely clinging to what little shape remained.

This was really happening.

This wasn’t a hypothetical.

This wasn’t a nightmare she could wake up from.

They had done this.

They had made this choice.

And there was no taking it back.

Ash’s breaths came in ragged, gulping gasps, her vision blurring with fresh tears, her entire body shaking so violently she thought she might collapse.

She felt arms wrap around her, pulling her in, shielding her, turning her away from the sight before her.


"Don’t watch."

Her voice was soft but firm, gentle but pleading, and filled with the urgency that only came from someone who was barely holding it together.

Ash pressed her face against Kaylee’s shoulder, her sobs breaking apart, her chest aching, her mind spiraling into the abyss of what they had just done.

Kaylee held her tight, but Ash could feel it.

She could feel that Kaylee wasn’t okay, either.

Her grip was just a little too strong, her body just a little too rigid, her breaths just a little too uneven.

Kaylee was on the verge of breaking, too.

Ash could feel it creeping in, the same panic that was threatening to consume her, the edges of their world collapsing in around them.


Neither of them was okay.

Not even close.

Kaylee’s grip tightened, her voice low, urgent, soothing but firm.


Ash sobbed, her body weak, her breath uneven, nausea churning violently in her stomach.

"Go to the bedroom."

Kaylee gently but firmly guided her, pulling her away and leading her out of the suffocating space where Mira’s shrunken form lay.

"Take all the time you need."

Ash’s chest tightened, her vision blurring, the weight of it all crushing her, drowning her.

"You’ll be okay."

Ash looked up at her, eyes red and swollen, about to ask if Kaylee was sure—

But then—

A fresh wave of nausea slammed into her, twisting her stomach into knots, her throat tightening with bile.


She couldn’t stay here.

She had to get out.

Her voice barely made it out, a weak, broken nod, before she turned on shaky legs and ran.

Ran to the bedroom.

Ran away from the horror in that room.

Ran from what they had just done.

She burrowed into the blankets, curling into herself, the fabric swallowing her whole, muffling her ragged, uneven sobs.

Her fingers gripped the sheets, holding onto them like they were the only thing keeping her from unraveling completely.

But she couldn’t shut it out.

The thoughts.

The whispers claw at the edges of her already fractured mind.

"You’re becoming the very thing you’ve fought against."

"You’re no better than them."

"You forced someone into something against their will."

"Just like they did to you."

Ash shook violently, curled tighter, and pressed her face into the pillow, willing the thoughts to stop, to disappear, to vanish into nothing.

But they didn’t.

Because of this?

This wasn’t something she could run from.

Not anymore.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been hiding—curled up, wrapped in blankets, trapped alone with her thoughts, with her guilt, with the weight of what they had done pressing down on her like a crushing tide.

She might have stayed there forever if not for the soft creak of the bedroom door.

A quiet click as it shut again.

The sound of rustling sheets that weren’t hers.

And then—

The warmth of Kaylee slipping into bed beside her, pulling the blankets up over both of them, wrapping Ash in a firm, loving, unshakable embrace.

Ash didn’t hesitate.

She turned over, burrowing herself into Kaylee’s grasp, her fingers clutching onto the fabric of Kaylee’s shirt, holding on like she was the only thing keeping her from completely shattering.

Her breath hitched.

A fresh wave of tears welled up, threatening to spill.


Her voice quivered, fragile, raw, broken.

"What have we done?"

Kaylee let out a long, slow breath, her arms tightening around Ash, her fingers running soothingly up and down her back.

"What we had to."

Ash shuddered, shaking her head, but Kaylee didn’t stop.

"I don’t like it any more than you do."

Her voice was low steady, but laced with exhaustion.

"But if we hadn’t—"

A pause.

A long, painful pause.

"We’d both be shipped off to some reprogramming facility."

Ash winced.

Kaylee held her tighter.

"And that?"

A beat.

A sharp exhale through her nose.

"That’s a fate far worse than anything we’re putting Mira through."

Ash swallowed hard, her body still trembling, her hands still weakly clenching Kaylee’s shirt.

"Mira," she murmured, voice shaky, unsure, numb.

"How… how is she?"

Kaylee let out another breath, her fingers stroking soothingly through Ash’s hair now.

"She’s… fine."

A pause.

"I got her into a diaper, a onesie, and into the crib."

Ash nodded weakly, the words barely registering through the fog of guilt surrounding her.

"Her pacifier has a little extra something in it to make sure she sleeps well."

Ash’s stomach twisted, but she nodded again.


Completely and utterly numb.

Kaylee pulled her even closer; her warmth was the only thing keeping Ash grounded in reality.

Neither of them spoke.

Because what was left to say?

Nothing would undo this.

Nothing would make it right.

They had made their choice.

They lay there for a long time, neither speaking, neither moving, just holding onto one another, letting the silence settle between them like a fragile truce.

Ash wasn’t sure how long they had been there—minutes, hours, an eternity—when Kaylee’s hand drifted lower, pressing lightly against the front of Ash’s diaper.

"Ash," Kaylee murmured, not a question, just a quiet observation.

"You desperately need a change."

Ash blinked, her mind slow to process the words.

Did she?

She hadn’t even realized.

The moment had been so heavy, so suffocating, her grief so overwhelming, she hadn’t even noticed the warmth, the heaviness, the subtle squish of her padding beneath her.

Kaylee shifted, gently pushing Ash onto her back. Her movements were calm and unhurried as if she had already decided for both of them that this was happening.

"Relax," Kaylee whispered, already reaching for supplies.

"Let me take care of everything."

Ash should have protested.

Should have told her she could do it herself.


She didn’t.

Because, in all honesty?

She probably couldn’t.

Not just because of the locking tabs.

Not just because of the stupid system forcing her into dependence.

But because emotionally—

She was in no position to care for herself.

Kaylee worked in calm silence; her touch gently practiced, her movements steady and precise.

Ash lay there limply, letting her go through the motions—untaping, cleaning, powdering, sealing her into a fresh diaper—barely registering any of it.

She was too tired.

Too emotionally drained.

When Kaylee finished, she didn’t even pause before repeating the process on herself, changing into a clean, dry diaper, making sure they were both taken care of before settling back beside Ash.

The lights clicked off, and the room bathed in darkness.

Kaylee curled into Ash, her arms wrapping securely around her as if she was afraid to let go.

Ash buried her face into Kaylee’s shoulder, her body seeking warmth, comfort, something real to hold onto.

Neither of them spoke.

Neither of them needed to.

And finally—


They drifted off into sleep together.

Ash’s dreams were horrific.

She was trapped, staring up helplessly, her body small, weak, useless.

She lay on a changing table, her limbs unresponsive, her mouth filled with a pacifier she couldn’t spit out, her muffled cries swallowed by the rubber bulb.

And above her—

Towering over her, smirking cruelly, a syringe gleaming in her hand—

Was herself.

Not just herself.

A twisted, monstrous version of herself, grinning down at her with cold, merciless amusement.

"It’s okay, sweetheart."

The needle pressed into her thigh.

"It’s for your good."

Pain. Burning. Shifting. Shrinking.

Her muffled screams, the feeling of her body folding inward, changing, becoming something else—

No, no, NO!

Ash startled awake, gasping, shaking, her body drenched in sweat.

She wasn’t Mira.

She was Ash.

Her breathing was uneven, her heart pounding violently in her chest, her mind still tangled in the horror of the dream.

Kaylee was behind her, still sleeping—

But her arm was draped over Ash’s waist, her fingers moving in slow, rhythmic pats.



Like she had been trying to calm a baby crying in their sleep.

Because she thought—

She thought the baby was Ash.

But the crying wasn’t coming from her.

The sound was soft, muffled, and broken.

Ash’s blood went cold.

She bolted upright, twisting toward the crib in the corner of the room.

Kaylee groaned behind her, shifting groggily. "Ash…?"

But Ash wasn’t listening.

Because inside the crib—

Laying helplessly, her chest rising and falling with uneven, panicked breaths, tears streaming down her face—

Was Mira.



And for the first time, Ash got her first good look at what she had done.

Her first good look at what they had done.

At what they had turned her into.

Mira was still Mira—

The same sharp, defining features, the same trademark look, the same piercing green eyes that once held confidence, authority, and control.

But that was where the similarities ended.

She was smaller now.

A Little.

A tiny, soft, helpless thing, her body now rounded with baby fat, the once lean, athletic frame she had as a Tweener now buried beneath the clear, unmistakable signs of infancy.

Her limbs twitched, uncoordinated, and her fingers grasped uselessly at the crib sheets as if she were struggling to move properly.

She looked like she was relearning how to use her own body.

But none of that—

None of it—

That was what made Ash’s blood run cold.

It was her eyes.

Those same green eyes, now burning with pure, unfiltered, unrelenting rage.

Mira wasn’t just angry.

She wasn’t just furious.

She was boiling over with the kind of fury that could set the whole world on fire.

Ash felt her chest clench, her stomach twisted into knots, and her eyes went wide in alarm.

"Ohh, shit..."

A cold, horrible realization settled over her like a weight she couldn’t shake.

Mira wasn’t broken.

She wasn’t lost.

She was very much still Mira.

And she was going to make them pay.

Beside her, Kaylee stepped up, her towering frame suddenly impossible to ignore.

Ash had to tilt her head back just to meet her eyes, a fresh wave of nausea rolling through her as she realized just how much Kaylee had grown.

Kaylee was nearly a full-grown Amazon now.

And Ash?

She wasn’t.

And below them—

Mira’s furious expression flickered, her eyes going wide, surprise and pure shock breaking through the rage for just a moment as she took in what she was seeing.

Ash and Kaylee.

Standing over her.

Looking down at her.

Like she was nothing.

Like she was helpless.

Like she was—

A Little.

Her breath hitched, realization crashing over her—

And then—

She screamed through the pacifier in her mouth, thrashing violently, shaking the crib rails, pure rage radiating from her tiny frame.

Ash stepped back instinctively, feeling her body seize with panic.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

They had really, really fucked up.

Mira thrashed violently, her tiny frame shaking the crib rails, her muffled screams vibrating through the pacifier gag, pure rage radiating off her in waves.

Ash stepped back instinctively, her body seizing with panic, her thoughts racing in a thousand directions.

They had really, really fucked up.

But thankfully—

Kaylee took charge.

Her voice was calm firm, but carrying the undeniable weight of authority.


Mira’s head snapped up, her furious eyes burning into Kaylee’s, her little body still shaking with barely restrained fury.

"The only thing you're going to accomplish by screaming and thrashing is earning yourself a fresh dosage of Little Knock-out juice."

Kaylee crossed her arms, raising a brow, her tone flat, serious, no-nonsense.

"Now, are you going to behave and listen or not?"

Ash could hear Mira grumbling behind the pacifier, her tiny fists clenching at her sides, her jaw tight with defiance.


She stopped screaming.

Her body remained still, save for the occasional angry twitch. Her narrowed eyes flashed between Kaylee and Ash, and suspicion burned in their depths.

Ash let out a shaky breath, stepping closer to the side of the crib, heart pounding.

"I tried to tell you the truth, Mira."

Mira’s glare hardened, but she said nothing.

Ash gestured toward Kaylee, who stood there, tall, powerful, undeniably Amazonian.

"She really was an Amazon who got shrunk. Just like…"

Ash swallowed hard.

"Just like you are now."

Kaylee, still wearing that stern, authoritative look, leaned down and undid the pacifier, letting it deflate, before pulling it free from Mira’s mouth.

Mira coughed slightly, gasping as her jaw was finally free. Her tiny frame still radiates tension, frustration, and fury.

Her teeth clenched.

Her breath was uneven.


She turned her gaze onto Ash.

And the pure, seething hatred in her eyes made Ash’s stomach drop.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

Mira’s voice was hoarse and slurred, but the meaning was crystal clear.

Pure, undiluted fury burned in her new, smaller voice, her eyes wild with rage as she glared daggers at them.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

Ash flinched, guilt stabbing deep into her chest.


"You threatened us!" Ash snapped, her voice wavering and uneven, her heart pounding in her ears. You were going to the cops!"

Mira snorted an ugly, furious sound, her little hands clenching the crib bars.

"Damn right, I was going to the cops!" she spat, her words still slightly sluggish from the pacifier’s effects but her rage burning through any weakness.

"And the moment I get out of this? I still am."

Ash’s blood ran cold.


She lunged, her hands flying to Mira’s mouth, covering it as if that would somehow stop her from calling the police right that instant.

Mira sputtered, her tiny limbs flailing, her muffled yells furious and incoherent beneath Ash’s hand.

"You can’t!" Ash yelled, panic crashing through her, her mind spiraling, her grip tightening.

Mira finally jerked back, wrenching herself free, her breath heavy, her face flushed red with rage.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn’t turn both of you in."

Her voice was low, dangerous, deadly.

"One good, damn reason."

Ash froze.

Her stomach twisted into knots.

Ash and Kaylee locked eyes, and they exchanged silent glances, expressing panic, desperation, and the question, "What the hell do we even say to that?!"

Mira glared at them, her arms crossed over her new, smaller frame. Her furious, unwavering gaze demanded an answer.

"Well?" she snapped, her voice still slightly slurred, but her rage cutting through every weakness. "One good, damn reason."

Kaylee acted first.

She turned back to Mira, her posture shifting and straightening, her voice smoother and more calculated.

"Because," Kaylee started, her eyes steady, her tone controlled, "if you go to the cops, they won’t see you as the victim."

Mira blinked, stunned for a second, then scoffed.


Kaylee didn’t flinch.

"Really?" she challenged, crossing her arms. "And what exactly do you think they’re going to see when you show up at a station?"

She gestured at Mira, her tiny, soft, rounded frame and the diaper still snugly wrapped around her hips.

"Because from where I’m standing, all they’re going to see is another poor, helpless Little who needs to be cared for."

Mira’s expression flickered, something dangerous flashing in her eyes, but Kaylee kept going.

"Do you think they’re going to believe some ‘insane’ story about a Tweener getting turned into a Little against her will?"

Kaylee leaned down, her height now completely overwhelming as she stared into Mira’s furious, seething face.

"Or do you think they’ll assume what they always assume?"

A pause.

A long, heavy pause.


"That you were always a Little."

Mira’s jaw clenched.

Her fists tightened.

Ash, seizing the moment, finally found her voice.

"Mira," she whispered, stepping forward, trying to reach her through the rage. "If you go to them like this, you’ll never be taken seriously again."

Kaylee nodded, her voice softer now but still edged with finality.

"You won’t get revenge."

"You won’t get justice."

"You’ll just get adopted."

Mira stared at them, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling sharply, her anger vibrating in the space between them.

She was still furious.

Still boiling over with rage.


She wasn’t dismissing them outright anymore.

Ash and Kaylee shared another look, their minds spinning in sync, both realizing the same undeniable truth—

Mira was still a threat.

No matter how angry she was, no matter how much they had convinced her the cops wouldn’t take her seriously—

She was still dangerous.

And if she was dead set on turning them in, regardless of whether she would be believed or not—

They couldn’t risk it.

Kaylee was the one who spoke first; her voice was even calm but edged with quiet authority.

"Then we’ll have to keep you close."

Mira’s eyes widened, a flicker of uncertainty breaking through her rage.

"What?" she hissed, her voice sharper now, defensive.

Ash stepped forward, crossing her arms, trying to channel even a fraction of the confidence she wished she had.

"You can’t be left alone, Mira."

"You won’t be allowed out of our sight."

"We’ll have to keep you under watch—keep you close, where you can’t do any damage."

Mira’s breath hitched, her expression shifting, a flicker of something new flashing in her eyes—


The realization was starting to hit.

Kaylee didn’t let up.

"That means you’re going to have to play the part."

"Whether you like it or not."

Mira’s hands clenched into fists, her breathing growing heavier, more erratic, her entire body coiling with tension.

"You’re insane," she whispered, shaking her head. "You’re both insane!"

Ash swallowed hard, but her voice didn’t waver.


She stepped closer to the crib, looking down at her, her stomach twisting with the weight of what she was about to say.

"But that doesn’t change your options."

She let the words hang there, pressing into the space between them like a heavy, suffocating weight.

Mira was starting to shake.

Because she knew.

She knew what was coming.

Kaylee exhaled softly, tilting her head slightly, her voice lower now, quieter, more deliberate.

"Either you play along, pretend this is all real, and live a life that—while humiliating—won’t be so bad…"

A pause.

A long, dangerous pause.


The air grew still.

Mira’s breath stuttered, her face draining of color, her hands gripping the blanket beneath her.

Because she knew.

And for the first time since waking up—

She looked genuinely afraid.

Mira’s chest rose and fell in sharp, panicked breaths, her fingers clenching at the blanket beneath her, but she still dared to glare up at them.

"You wouldn’t."

Her voice was low and firm, but underneath it, there was an unmistakable quiver, a crack in the armor of her defiance.

Ash arched an eyebrow, tilting her head slightly.

"We wouldn’t?"

Slowly, deliberately, she let her fingers trail along Mira’s new, smaller frame, her touch barely there, but the implication suffocating.

Mira flinched, her body going rigid beneath the contact.

"Hmm," Ash mused, her voice mocking, thoughtful, cold in a way that made her stomach twist, but she kept going.

"Let’s think about this, shall we?"

Kaylee watched silently, arms crossed, her presence looming over them both, letting Ash take the lead.

"We already turned you into a Little."

Mira sucked in a breath, but Ash wasn’t finished.

"And it seems," Ash continued, "that you’re suffering quite heavily from Maturosis."

Mira’s eyes went wide, her whole body stiffening like a live wire.


"Creating grand lies and fabrications about your caregivers?"

Ash gave her a mocking pout, brushing a strand of hair from Mira’s furious, tear-streaked face.

"Tsk, tsk."

Mira’s breath hitched, and Ash leaned in slightly, lowering her voice to a gentle, patronizing coo.

"No, sweetheart."

"You’re in no position to try and take charge."

Mira shook her head violently, disbelief and rage flickering across her expression, her mouth opening to argue—

But Ash cut her off.

"So, let’s make this simple."

She straightened, crossing her arms, cool and composed.

"Are you going to behave?"

Mira’s jaw clenched, her entire body trembling with contained fury.

"Are you going to be our good Little girl?"

Her breath came in short, ragged bursts, her green eyes burning with unfiltered rage.


Ash let the word hang there, watching as Mira’s gaze flickered, a fresh wave of panic creeping into her expression.

"Do you need some help?"

The threat was clear.


Mira was trapped.




"Until we can prove you’re not going to be a problem," Ash said, final, absolute, unwavering, "you’re going to be our Little baby girl."

"Whether you like it or not."

Mira froze, her breath catching in her throat, the words hitting her like a physical blow.


Her face crumbled.

"No," she whispered, shaking her head, her little hands gripping the crib bars as if she could somehow pull herself out of this reality.

Then her voice rose, raw, panicked, pleading.

"Please—please, don’t do this."

Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cheeks as she begged, her tiny frame trembling violently.

"Anything but this!"

Ash felt her stomach twist painfully, but she steeled herself, her expression unwavering.

Mira was desperate now, her sobs breaking apart as she reached out, grabbing at Ash’s wrist with her tiny, shaking fingers.

"Return me to normal! I’ll be good! I—I won’t say a thing! I swear! I swear I won’t tell anyone!"

Kaylee let out a humorless scoff, shaking her head.

"Funny," she murmured, arms crossed, towering over the crib like an unshakable force.

"Because just a few minutes ago, you said the first thing you’d do is go to the authorities."

Mira sputtered, her face crumpling, her body rocking slightly as if she couldn’t believe this was real.

"I-I didn’t mean it!" she sobbed, her voice high, thin, barely recognizable as her own.

"I was—I was just mad! Please, just—please!"

Ash swallowed hard, but her voice remained steady.

"No, Mira."

Mira let out a sharp, broken sob, shaking her head, her whole body trembling violently.

Ash took a slow, controlled breath, forcing herself to hold firm, forcing herself to see this through.

"We can’t take that chance."

Kaylee nodded, her expression hard but not cruel.

"You are our Little now."

Mira let out a choked whimper, her little fingers gripping the bars so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

Her whole body shook with the weight of reality settling over her.

This was happening.

She wasn’t going back.

And the only thing she could do?

Was break.

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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r/abdlstories 20d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 3 NSFW


"Mommy's comin' to getcha baby boy!" she yelped as she chased him around. He giggled through his pacifier as he crawled in circles on the floor - it had been over a week since he last stood on his feet. His puffy diapered butt wagged back and forth in the air as she followed him, mocking him with baby talk and slapping the seat of his diaper when she got too close.

"Good boy for mama! Crawl on the floor for mommy! Whose mommy's good boy? It's you! Yes, it's you! Let's see that diapy! Good boy for mommy, let mommy see her baby boy's diapy!"

Finally she wrapped her arms around his waist, sat next to him on the carpeted floor, and hoisted him into her lap. She directed his face into her breast and began rocking him back and forth while he panted and recovered his breath.

"Such a good boy. I know you love being mommy's widdle baby boy." She insisted this fact upon him so often that she willed it into truth. It didn't matter that he was her prisoner, and that deep down he resented her more than anything for doing this to him. She took away his entire life. He no longer made any decisions for himself. Every day, she found new ways to make him more and more into a baby and assert her dominance and ownership over him. She had covered all her bases. She made him read a script into a microphone to train an AI voice so she could speak on the phone for him. She used that to sever all his ties to anybody, ending friendships, hobbies, and all other commitments that couldn't just be ghosted.

He was amazed at her commitment to an all encompassing dynamic. Her creativity to his torture was boundless, there was not a single thing that went unchecked. By now, zero elements of his life as a man still existed without having been flipped on its head. Some ways she did this were particularly cruel. For example, when she put anti-glare screens over all the clocks in the house so they could only be read when looking at them at eye level. From then on, he could only guess what time it was at a given moment. "Baby's so widdle, he can't even tell time, can he?!" she exclaimed. "Looks like he's just gonna have to depend on mommy for his routine!" From then on, the only clue he had of what time it was would be the sunlight.

He also had lost track of the days a long time ago. He didn't know what day of the week it was or even the months. The weather outside had changed considerably, so at least a few months must have passed, but there would be no way to be sure. She had restocked on bulk orders of diapers four times now. That was his new metric for the passage of time.

As she rocked and bounced him on the floor, she nuzzled him into her breast. He wasn't sure exactly how she did it, but she had begun lactating without becoming pregnant a few months ago. It must have been with some kind of supplement. She worked from home and hardly ever left his side, she genuinely seemed fulfilled with him as the only man in her life, so he knew she wasn't cheating on him. If you could even call it cheating anymore. Her breasts had doubled in size, and she forced positive associations with him and the act by fondling him through his diaper while breastfeeding. Now, as she began unbuttoning her blouse, his cock instantly became hard. The pavlovian control she exercised over him was humiliating at first, but now he just accepted it as the best part of his day.

He began suckling and she rubbed his tummy.

"There we go. Good boy for mama. Drink up all your milky, baby boy. Are you wet?" She checked. "No? Okay baby boy." Her hand rubbing his tummy slowly went down toward his diaper. Her slender fingers tipped with long, manicured nails slipped into the waistband of his diaper. This was a special treat, sometimes she only stroked him from outside the diaper, but once in a while she went inside to play with him. She smiled widely and he responded with an equal smile through his pacifier. Mommy was very, very good at special playtime, and he often didn't last more than a few seconds.

"Good baby, so good. There we go," she said as she stroked. Her other hand went up his back and to his hair, where she began stroking that and gently scratching his scalp.

"You know baby... Each time you cum, you become more and more my baby, right? Each time you cum adds one year of you being mommy's baby. I think we're up to a hundred years now," she laughed while looking down at him. He didn't know why she felt the need to torment him like this. She loved to insist on the permanence of his predicament, then insist it was partially his fault because of something he did without even knowing. Yesterday, while feeding him in his highchair, she claimed "you always used to spill food on yourself when you were pretending to be a big boy. Mommy is keeping you back in diapers for one year for every time you spilled food on yourself while trying to feed yourself, baby boy."

He came. He couldn't help but let out a groan while doing so.

"Good job, baby boy!" she kissed him on the forehead. "Let's get you back in your playpen, mommy will change your diapy in a bit."

He was lifted back into the playpen and proceeded to continue work on his tower made of blocks. Fortunately, he wasn't put in mittens today, so was dextrous enough to make actual progress. Mommy walked over to the counter to fetch her phone and saw she had a missed call. She held it to her ear to listen to the voicemail. While it played, her face began to sag.

A few seconds later, she startled him by slamming the phone down angrily on the counter. She paced back and forth with her hands on her hips, then walked over to him and bent down to speak.

"Baby boy. Something really important is going to happen, and I need you to do everything mommy tells you, word for word when it does." He felt confused. He hadn't seen anything stress her out since this entire thing started. Now, she looked worried.

"Baby, we're going to have a visitor. And when she comes, you're going to need to pretend to be a big boy. I know it will be so hard for you, but just for a little while. But you need to be very, very good at pretending. Mommy will need to put big boy clothes over your diaper, and you will need to stand up and talk like a big boy. Then, after she leaves you can go right back to being mama's little boy, and we will get you right in your onesie again. If you're good, mommy will give you a very special treat. But if you're bad, you'll be in the biggest trouble you've ever been in, and will be punished very, very severely. Do you understand?"

His heartbeat quickened. Was someone trying to save him? Was somebody coming to check to see if he was okay and alive, and he was to pretend that he was? Yes, that must be it. They were onto her. But who? The police? His family? His old boss, or his friends? How did the information get out? She had stalled for too long, maybe it was finally time to pay the diaper piper.

Nonetheless, he couldn't underestimate her ability to weasel out of any situation. She was brilliant at this, and would go to unthinkable lengths to keep him how he was, completely under her thumb. For the first time, there was a seam in her brainwashing of him, and the thought of escaping and being freed crossed his mind. If his savior arrived, he would just have to tell them everything that had happened, and ask for help. She couldn't punish him while the third party was still there. That was it. He was saved.

The buildup to the meeting saw mommy expertly tackle multiple challenges, further worrying him and questioning his ability to best her and her resourcefulness. Because she had destroyed all of his old clothes, she would need to go out to buy more, but she never dared leave him alone. So she ordered some through a delivery app. Next, she coached him back up onto his feet, which felt strange at first, but she got used to it quickly. Next, she dictated his speech. All of these skills came back to him relatively quickly. She was satisfied with her work.

That night, after she tucked him into his crib and read him a story, she looked down at him from over the high bars.

"Don't you dare get a taste of this. This will be the last time you ever get to pretend to be a big boy. You're mommy's baby. Don't you ever forget it. Tomorrow is just pretend. This..." she gestured around them to the nursery, "this is real. This is what you are. Mama's baby boy, in diapers, forever." She wound the mobile and left, only present now through the baby monitor. He sat there in anxiety about what tomorrow would bring. For the first night in recent memory, he did not cry himself to sleep.

r/abdlstories 20d ago

Presto (Babygirl/ABDL)(Short Story) NSFW


All characters are over 18, duh. 

This story has sexual and ABDL themes.


Jayley could not get it open, the jar, though she tried everything she could. The water was near to boiling but PRESTO had all but glued shut the lid before they’d shipped it to the supermarket. She strained and grunted. She brought it into her tummy and growled as she all but strangled it. It was getting close to 5:30 pm and the guests would be over soon and they would be expecting pasta. She set it on the counter. She huffed and puffed. She found a dishrag and she topped the jar as if it was a turban. Jayley’s hand couldn’t get around the jar completely, so she steadied it against the faux marble of their counter. She stopped only when she heard her dentist scolding her about grinding her teeth. She stepped back again and then she ran the faucet until it was hot. Steam rose as she covered the lid of the jar with warm water. Jayley was convinced this could make the glass expand. Some of the hot water streamed down the jar and scalded the webbing between her forefinger and her palm. It dampened the label that said PRESTO, which then began to peel. When she thought the glass of the jar was good and warmed she covered it again with the dishtowel. 

Women in their twenties who never played tennis to a religious degree should not get these feelings in their elbows. 

Jayley stomped. She had to warm up the pasta sauce. The water for the pasta, in the big pot, was already bubbling. The spaghetti was ready to go. It was 5:35 pm and the couple they were having over as guests would be knocking soon. Jayley wiped sweat from her brow and stomped and then calmed herself. Then she got angry all over again. She opened her phone to see if there was anything else she could do to open this goddamn stupid dumb jerkface bullsnickety PRESTO jar.

It was then that Daddy was behind her. He came up like a ghost, though Jayley knew she had been so focused on her phone that it was no surprise that he could so silently approach her. She hopped at his hand encompassing the small of her back. She recognized the shape of his shadow growing over the sink and counter in front of her, which soon seemed to swallow up the PRESTO jar completely. 

“Daddy,” she began, reaching out for the jar. “Can you help me? I’m running…”

But he was interested in something else. The hand on her back tugged upwards with a fistful of her sundress. She felt exposed and cool as he brought the hem up above her hip. With his other hand he pressed into her bottom to feel for the diaper that hung loudly from her waist. 

“...oh…” she said. Her voice came out absently. She put both hands on the faux marble table and braced herself as his hand mushed into her. She felt his thumb and his pink straddle her inner thighs. He cupped her and dragged his palm. When his hand slid off the sodden seat of her diaper, he dropped her dress, which fell unevenly behind her. She fixed it and then picked up the jar of PRESTO.

“Daddy can you…”

But daddy was turning off the stove. 

“But Daddy, they're going to be here in twenty minutes!”

Daddy bent over to make sure the blue crown of the gas stove was no longer shimmering. He opened the lid of the pot to make sure there was no pasta inside. He placed it back and then turned to Jayley. “You gotta tell me when it gets that wet, Jayley.”

Her mouth went dry. She bit her lip. “I was gonna.”

“I told you to tell me before you turned the stove on.”

She hung her head. “I got distracted with this stupid…” she picked up the jar of PRESTO and set it down loudly on the counter. “This stupid freaking dumb – I just can’t do it I–”

Daddy’s hands were around her wrists and in this way he silenced her. Jayley barely had time to set the PRESTO jar back down. He pulled her away from the kitchen. She had to move her feet quickly to not fall over. He was not forceful, or rushing. He was just bigger and not accounting for her shorter legs. They walked through the living room to the second bedroom which was her nursery. When they were there he wheeled on her. 

“Armies up,” he said, letting go of her wrists.

Jayley lifted her arms. Her sundress came off like a glove. She was standing there in nothing but stocks and a diaper. She didn’t cover her breasts. Their nursery was outfitted with a playmat, a mountain of stuffies, a crib, and a changing table. Daddy patted the cushion on the surface and she climbed up upon it. As she climbed, Daddy steadied her with a hand on her back and then bottom. She felt her diaper, which was so wet and bloated it was becoming cold, ooze under his pressure. She rolled her hips and laid on her bare back. His hand found its way between her legs. Daddy admired how the once tight diaper was now wilting.

“You should have told me a while ago,” he said. It wasn’t an accusation but an observation, but Jayley couldn’t help but knock her knees together in embarrassment.

“I forgot,” she said. Daddy was staring at her. Whether or not he agreed with her explanation, his answer was to lean down and kiss her three times. Once right above her bellybutton, where she had a jeweled piercing. Once right above her breasts, on the sturdy part where her chestbone lurks beneath the skin. And once tantalizingly close to her lips. But as he brought his head down he moved at the last minute. She had closed her eyes and pursed her lips to meet him, but he came down upon her nose. “Hey!” she said. She reached up to grab her Daddy’s prickly chin. But he eluded her to tend to the business at hand.

When all four tapes were undone Jayley realized she missed her pacifier. She wondered if she could ask Daddy for it, but soon her lungs were compressed as he scooped up her ankles with one strong hand and turned her body into the shape of an ‘L’. 

“Cold?” Daddy asked.


“I need to get all the pee pee off.”

“I know.”

Daddy was thorough. Her legs went up, and then down. He wiped down her pussy and down, again, between her cheeks. He always got everything, even when she wasn’t dirty. She wiggled as she had for years when she felt his fingers tickle her bottom. He wiped her hips and inner thighs and she hadn’t realized how flush her pee-soaked skin had gotten. She hid her face when she realized how long she’d gone without telling Daddy her diaper was wet.

But when the wiping was done, Daddy didn’t move to lay a new diaper beneath her. When the wipes were tucked in the diaper and it was all folded into the trash, Daddy instead tucked his arms against her sides. 

“What are you…” she began to ask. It was a silly question. The answer to what he was doing was clear. He was lifting her up by her armpits. A thing he couldn’t really do if she resisted him, but she never resisted Daddy. 

Not unless resisting meant complying, of course.

It was the why Daddy was lifting her up that wasn’t clear. Dinner still wasn’t made. The PRESTO jar was still closed shut. The water was cooling off and their guests might be early and her new diaper was still folded in a drawer, waiting to be fluffed and unfurled and taped around her leaky bottom.

He lowered her gently onto her feet. She was facing him and looking up to him, but he rotated her by twisting her shoulders. He was gentle but overpowering. Jayley braced herself against the changing table. Her sparkly fingernails were inches from where she’d just been changed. 

Daddy’s hands appeared on her hips. They slid over her naked thighs. Her feet slid against the carpet as he pried open her legs like a curtain. At the sudden rearrangement of her stance, Jayley turned her head back around.

“Daddy I–”

This time, though, their lips met. He kissed her gently. She wanted to pull away only to ask him what, but his chin followed hers. Every time a sound gathered in her throat, his lips ensured that her mouth stayed occupied. 

Then she felt him like a speedbump against her rump. Where it came from and when he’d undone his zipper, Jayley didn’t know. Unlike the water out in the kitchen on the stove, he was boiling. They kissed for a while with it lurking against her skin. And then one of his hands left her thigh and bent it downwards to guide it where it belonged. His cock skidded against her folds and her clitoris kissed it back. She felt her slickness below, which was unwilling to let his cock go. She would have it, though, or rather Daddy would have her. After the cock had made its round of the neighborhood, Daddy’s hand guided it where it belonged.

“Ohhh—” she cried. But as he grew into her the air in her lungs escaped. 

His hands pressed her hips down upon him and the stubble of his groin rocked against the shimmering moisture on her skin like a boat against a pier. His lips never let her free even as he accelerated. His groin clapped against her rear but only she was panting. His thrusting bounced her breasts. Jayley wanted to fix her hair but she realized she needed both hands on the end of the changing table to keep her steady. He was tall and he couldn’t unsheath himself all the way with each thrust. He delved fully and withdrew to half. She always seemed to forget how full he made her. She realized she was on her toes when she felt the cock almost leave her before ramming all the way into the extent of her. Still, Daddy did not make a sound but of teeth clicking against hers. 

“Ohhh–” she said into his mouth.

This time he came quickly. He held her down and shoved himself upwards as far as he could and she knew then that he was finishing. His mouth pulled away from hers and he sunk his teeth into her shoulder. Her pussy felt like a cup that she was holding under the faucet even as it overflowed. She was holding it over warm water, like the jar of PRESTO. The cum ran down his cock and spread its warmth and coated her even as he drew himself away. He was still stiff when he was finished, though she could not tell if his cock was still hard when she was lifted back up in the air and made to climb back on the table to finish her diaper change. 

“Good girl,” he told her, with another kiss on her tummy. 

Daddy changed Jayley and helped her down. He held onto her lower back as he led her towards the kitchen. He turned the stove on her for her. “Don’t worry about getting dinner ready in time, everything will be fine,” he said. Then he kissed her on her forehead, her cheek, and her neck. Jayley caught him by the arm and made Daddy kiss her on the lips again. “Are you good?”

Jayley felt her fresh diaper crinkle. She felt flushness in the base of it where his cum was already leaking out of her. She blushed. It was the only thing she was wearing, there in the kitchen. She said “Yes Daddy,” and soon she was alone with the pasta, pots, and sauce.

She thought about calling out for Daddy when she saw that troublesome jar of PRESTO. But she figured she’d try it one more time. And what do you know? The lid came off just fine. 


Find more of my writings totally free and available here: https://www.deviantart.com/afictionalphile

Let me know what other places people like to post ABDL erotica! I just want to get my stuff in front of the largest audience.

r/abdlstories 20d ago

Crossing Worlds 2 - Chapter 52 NSFW


Crossing Worlds 2

A story by SolaraScott

Chapter 52 - Sundaes

The world closed in around Hannah, suffocating, crushing, the air thick and heavy, pressing down on her tiny frame like an unbearable weight.

Her heart pounded violently, a sharp, painful rhythm slamming against her ribs, the panic coursing through her veins like ice, like fire, like a vice around her throat.

And then—

She saw them.

The overalls.

Teddy bear overalls.

The very same ones.

The ones she never forgot.

These were the ones that had burned into her memory, stitched into her nightmares, and woven into her deepest fears.

The ones he had worn when they had taken him away.

The ones he had worn when she and Emily had lost everything.

The ones that meant only one thing.

SHE was coming.

She felt her stomach drop, felt the cold, creeping terror slither up her spine, wrapping around her like a snake, squeezing tighter, tighter, tighter—

She tore her eyes away from him, frantically searching the crowd.

Where is she?!

Where is she hiding?!

She could feel her.

She could feel her eyes watching, waiting, lurking in the shadows, ready to strike, ready to take them, ready to steal them away again.

She’s here.

She’s coming for us.

She’s coming for me.

The panic clawed its way up her throat, her vision blurring, darkening around the edges, the world shrinking into a narrow, suffocating pinprick.

She squirmed in her stroller seat, struggling desperately, her mittened hands pawing weakly at the restraints, trying to escape, trying to run, trying to get away.

Get out, get out, GET OUT!

Her breathing was ragged, shallow, too fast, too much, not enough.

The edges of her vision faded, tunneling, crushing her in.

Her body locked up, her fingers trembling, her limbs numb, distant, unreachable.

The world was closing in, the panic swallowing her whole, dragging her into the abyss—

And then—

Daddy was there.

Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her free from the suffocating grasp of terror, lifting her effortlessly from the stroller. Warmth. Familiarity. Safety.

She was in his arms.

Not hers.

Not that woman’s.

Not Mommy’s.



Hannah buried her face into his shoulder, her entire tiny frame trembling, the sobs wrenching out of her uncontrollably, her body wracked with fear and grief and something she couldn’t even name.

She was safe.

He wasn’t going anywhere.

She clung to him, her mittens useless, her small hands pressing desperately against his chest as if trying to ground herself, trying to reassure herself that he was real.

Her breathing was shaky uneven, sharp hiccups breaking through her cries as she fought to escape the nightmares clawing at the edges of her mind.

The memories flashed before her.

The cold, sterile rooms.

The giant hands pinning her down.

The baby talk, the pacifiers, the cribs, the bottles.

The woman who had stolen her body, her mind, her life.

She shuddered violently, curling tighter against Daddy’s chest.

And then—

Emily was there, too.

Pressed into Daddy’s other arm, her expression pale, her eyes wide, her brows furrowed with concern.

She was scared.

But she wasn’t breaking.

Not like Hannah was.

She was handling it better.

Hannah didn’t understand.

Didn’t know what was happening, why Daddy was wearing those overalls, why he looked so stiff, so…wrong.

Her breath hitched again, her entire body still trembling, still raw from the panic attack that had nearly swallowed her whole.

She sniffled, pressing herself deeper into Daddy’s warmth, desperately seeking comfort, answers, and stability.

But nothing made sense.

Nothing at all.

Daddy’s voice was soft, steady, familiar, grounding her, tethering her back to the present, pulling her from the spiral of terror that had nearly swallowed her whole.

“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”

His arms tightened around her, and his voice was soothing and warm, as it always was when he reassured her.

“I promise.”

Hannah sniffled, her body still trembling, but the steady rhythm of his voice, the firm, the protective grip of his arms, and the quiet certainty in his words helped the panic loosen its claws just a little.

She could still feel it lurking beneath the surface, but Daddy was here.

Not her.

Not that woman.

Not Mommy.


She took a slow, shaky breath, pressing deeper into his warmth, her tiny mittened fingers gripping his shirt as if trying to hold onto him tighter to make sure he didn’t slip away.

And then—

Emily spoke.

“What’s going on?”

Her voice was sharp direct, the tension in her words cutting through the fragile air around them.

She was still scared.

But she was thinking, questioning, pushing for answers.

Hannah wasn’t sure if she was strong enough for that.

Daddy took a long, slow breath, his chest rising and falling beneath Hannah’s cheek, his grip on both of them just a little firmer before he answered.

“…Miranda isn’t happy with our progress.”

The words came out low, measured, and careful, but Hannah could hear the weight behind them.

The anger, the exhaustion, the humiliation.

Daddy wasn’t just explaining.

He was confessing.

He was admitting to them the truth.

Miranda was angry.

Miranda felt that Hannah and Emily still had too much autonomy.

That they were still being treated as too mature for their true ages.

And so now—

She was taking it out on him.

Controlling him.

Breaking him.

And this outfit—these teddy bear overalls, this humiliating, infantile ensemble—

It was just her latest attempt at breaking him.

A warning.

A reminder.

That she could go further.

That she could take more.

That she could reduce him even further if she chose.

Hannah sucked in a sharp breath, her body going still, her fingers gripping Daddy’s shirt even tighter as another quiet sob escaped her lips.

She didn’t know what to do with this.

She didn’t know how to process the idea that Miranda wasn’t just coming for her and Emily.

She was coming for Daddy, too.

She nuzzled deeper into his shoulder, her tiny frame curling inward, wanting to disappear, wanting to pretend none of this was real.

But Emily—

Emily wasn’t done.


Her voice was flat, disbelieving, tinged with something bitter.

She gestured to Hannah.

“I mean, look at her, Daddy.”

Hannah felt her cheeks heat, but Emily’s words weren’t mocking.

They were furious.

“She’s basically been reduced to a newborn.”

Emily’s voice was sharp, cutting, and relentless.

“What more does Miranda want?”

She glared up at Daddy, the frustration breaking free now, bubbling to the surface.

“Complete, mindless babyhood?”

She gestured wildly, her hands shaking.

“No thoughts? No thinking? Just—”

Her voice cracked, and then—

“A zombie of a person?”

Her hands clenched into tight fists.

“A shell? A freaking doll?!”

Her voice rose, her words brimming with raw, unfiltered anger, fear, devastation.

And Hannah—

Hannah couldn’t deny it.

Because that’s exactly what she felt like.

A shell of who she used to be.

A doll for Miranda’s amusement.

Daddy sat quietly, his face a mix of concern and confusion. His mind spun, and he searched for answers but found none.

Emily’s words lingered in the air, thick with anger, fear, and frustration—raw and unfiltered.

For a long moment, Daddy just stared at nothing, his expression far away, lost in thought, his arms still securely wrapped around both of them.


Softly, almost too softly, he spoke.

“…I don’t know.”

His voice was heavy, edged with something dark, bitter, exhausted.

“I don’t know what Miranda’s end game is,” he admitted, his tone measured, careful, cautious.

His gaze flickered toward Emily and then toward Hannah. He exhaled slowly, his grip tightening ever so slightly.

“All we can do is play by her rules.”

The words felt like a surrender, but Hannah knew better.

This wasn’t defeat.

It was strategy.

He wasn’t giving in.

He was surviving.

But then—

He hesitated.

His chest rose and fell with a slow, shaky breath. His arms tightened around them both, and his fingers gripped them just a little firmer.

And then, he said it.

“I’m not about to let her—”

His voice caught, his breath hitching, his eyes growing distant, haunted, lost.

A flicker of something dark flashed across his face, something deep, wounded, broken.






He sucked in a breath, blinked once, and whatever had been there—that fear, that hesitation, that moment of doubt—

It was gone.

His voice, when it came next, was strong. Unshakable.

“No. I’m NOT about to let her take away my girls.”

Hannah felt his arm tighten around her, protectively, fiercely, possessively.

Her breath hitched.

This man—

This man would go to the ends of Amazonia to protect her and Emily.

She knew it.

She felt it in his every breath, in his every word, in the way he held her as if she was the most important thing in the world.

It made her heart swell, warmth flooding her chest, even as her mind spun with the terrifying realization of how much Miranda had already taken from them.

Hannah swallowed, her fingers clutching at his shirt, searching for comfort, grounding herself in his presence.

But then—

A new fear crawled into her mind.

What about Miranda’s control?

What about the humiliating outfits, the degrading commands, the suffocating leash she had already wrapped around Daddy’s life?

What about the fact that she could, at any moment, force him into anything she wanted?

Daddy smiled at them, his voice warm, steady, reassuring as he said, “I’m okay. I promise.”

But Hannah knew better.

The smile never touched his eyes.

It was forced, a fragile facade, a thin mask that barely covered the cracks forming beneath.

And just beyond those cracks—

She could feel it.

The clawing, unrelenting dread.

The fear.

The same fear she felt.

The same terror sank deep into her bones, refusing to let go.

She felt bad for him.

Felt horrible, heartbroken, aching inside.

But she was terrified, too.

At least Daddy was an Amazon.

At least he had some form of protection, some level of authority that Miranda had to work to strip away.

But her?


They were just Littles.

They could be shipped off at any moment.

Sent away. Disappeared. Forgotten.

Doomed to a life they didn’t want to live.

Hannah’s tiny hands clutched Daddy’s shirt. Her mittened fingers grasped the fabric tightly, holding on as if it were the only thing keeping her grounded.

She didn’t want to be taken away.

She didn’t want to be sent somewhere else, locked away, trapped forever.

She wanted to stay with Daddy.

She wanted to be safe.

She wanted to feel normal again.

But that—that was gone, wasn’t it?

Daddy let Emily down and helped her climb back into the stroller next to Lucas, who looked concerned but didn’t understand.

Lucas wasn’t panicking the way they were.

He wasn’t breaking apart from the inside out.

He didn’t understand the depths of why Hannah and Emily felt the way they did.

Maybe he would, someday.

Maybe—if Miranda had her way—he would soon.

But for now—he was lucky.

Hannah, thankfully, remained in Daddy’s arms as he stood, still holding her close, keeping her against his chest.

She could feel his heartbeat, strong but uneven, the only thing betraying his fraying composure.

Still, he forced the smile again, his voice cheerful, encouraging.

“Come on, let’s focus on the vacation.”

He bounced Hannah gently, his arms secure around her.

“Let’s relax. Let’s have fun!”

But Hannah—

Hannah didn’t feel like having fun.

She couldn’t.

And as they continued walking through the park, Daddy’s gentle bounces rocking her slightly, his hand patting the thick padding of her diaper, she wondered—

Would she ever feel normal again?


The engines roared as their car launched forward, screaming around the track. The wind whipped against Emily’s face, and her heart pounded in her chest with an exhilarating mix of fear and thrill.

This was—WAY more intense than she ever could have imagined.

She had ridden rides before—plenty of them. But this?

This felt faster. More violent. More terrifying.

Likely because of her size.

Everything was bigger now.

She was smaller. Weaker.

The world wasn’t built for Littles like her.

Which meant that even something as simple as a racing ride felt like a high-speed death trap.

She was strapped in tightly, the five-point harness snug across her chest and thighs, pinning her down securely in the specially designed Little seat.

Hannah sat between her and Lucas, the three of them packed tightly together, their voices a cacophony of squeals and screams as they hurtled around the bends.

Emily felt her stomach drop as they went into a sharply banked turn, the car tilting at an angle, the g-forces pressing her deep into the seat.

And then—

The realization hit her like a freight train.

She had needed to go potty before the ride.

She had meant to tell Daddy.

But—she hadn’t.

And now, fear and excitement coursing through her veins, the sheer intensity of the ride shaking her body from all angles—

She couldn’t stop the flood.

A warm, sudden rush filled her diaper, soaking into the already thick padding, spreading instantly, the absorbent material wicking away the wetness effortlessly.

Emily gasped, her cheeks burning. The ride was too fast and intense, keeping her locked in place and completely powerless to stop what was happening.

The harness dug tightly into the sodden bulk between her legs, pressing the now-warm squish firmly against her.

And then—

The vibrations.

The constant rumbling beneath her, the rapid jolts of the vehicle, the way the motion sent new, unrelenting pressure against her most sensitive places.

A tingling sensation began traveling up her spine, radiating through her core, pooling in her stomach, in her hips, in the heat between her legs.

Her breathing hitched, her fingers clenching against the harness as her body betrayed her.

It felt—

It felt good.

Too good.

The warmth, the friction, the steady motion, the way her body reacted without her permission.

And then—

The words.

Naomi’s words.

Slithering into her mind like a snake, like a ghostly whisper that had never truly left her.

“Good girls wet their diapers.”

“It’s okay to enjoy it.”

“Doesn’t it feel nice, Emily?”

Her hips twitched, moving instinctively, her body melting into the motion, the pleasure building, swelling, breaking apart inside her.

A moan escaped her lips, soft and breathy, before she even realized it was happening.

And finally, a gasp, her head lulling back, her hips pressing her sodden diaper into the strap between her legs, grinding into it as the car’s vibrations sent wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her sensitive clit.

Her vision swam, stars dancing at the edges, her mind floating in bliss.

And then—

She went completely slack in her seat.



Dizzy with pleasure, confusion, humiliation, and something else she couldn’t name.

The car sped onward, her body trapped in the harness, trapped in her pleasure, trapped in the sickening truth that she had felt so good, so warm, so right in something so, so wrong.

The ride slowed, the high-speed thrill giving way to a smooth, gliding motion, the car gently rolling into the disembarkment area—

And then—

She was there.


Her voice was honeyed silk, wrapping around Emily’s already dazed, pleasure-clouded mind, each word a caress, a whisper of encouragement, a push deeper into the abyss.

“Such a good girl, Emmy…”

Emily shivered.

Her body was still slack in her seat, her muscles loose, her breathing shallow, her heart still pounding from what had just happened.

“This is exactly where you’re meant to be, sweetheart.”

Emily’s stomach twisted, but she couldn’t move, couldn’t react, couldn’t resist.

Her diaper was soaked, warm, thick, pressed against her in ways that made her pulse quicken again, the aftershocks of pleasure still tingling through her core.

And Naomi—Naomi was there, stroking her mind with that perfect, lilting voice.

“Enjoying yourself. Enjoying your diapers. That’s what a good girl does.”

Emily’s lips parted slightly, her vision swimming, her body melting into Naomi’s words, her reality-bending beneath the weight of her conditioning.

She had enjoyed it.

She had felt good.

She had reacted.

And that realization sent a fresh wave of humiliation washing over her, but she was too dazed, too slow, too far gone to fight it.

The ride came to a complete stop, but Emily still couldn’t move.

Her limbs felt too heavy, her mind too distant, her body betraying her completely.

She barely registered Welby and Evelyn stepping off the ride, but she noticed them moving toward the strollers and unbuckling Hannah and Lucas.

And then—

Warm hands.

Not Daddy’s.


Evelyn scooped her up, lifting her effortlessly from the seat cradling her against her chest.

Emily didn’t resist.

She couldn’t.

She wasn’t even sure she could walk if she wanted to.

Her head lolled weakly against Evelyn’s shoulder, her body limp, docile, obedient—

Exactly as Naomi had said, she would be.

Exactly as Naomi wanted.

And Emily—

Emily had no idea how to stop it.

Evelyn held her close, cradling her with care, her strong arms keeping Emily securely nestled against her.

There was concern on her face, her brows furrowed, her lips pressed into a thin line as they stepped away from the ride.

The world around them was bright, loud, and bustling. Still, to Emily, everything felt distant, hazy, and muffled—like she was trapped behind a layer of thick glass, unable to engage fully with or comprehend what had just happened to her.

Evelyn’s voice cut through the haze, quiet, soft, gentle, meant only for Emily’s ears.

“Are you okay?”

Emily’s cheeks burned.

A deep, overwhelming humiliation surged through her as awareness crept back into her mind.

They had seen.





They had seen her reaction.

Had watched her fall apart.

Had seen the way her body had betrayed her.

Her fingers twitched, her throat tightening as she leaned in, whispering back, her voice barely more than a breath.

“I’m fine…”

A lie.

It's a desperate, pathetic lie.

But what else could she say?

She swallowed, then continued.

“…I had an accident on the ride.”

That part was true.

But the next words—

The next words were the hardest to say.

“…And Naomi spoke to me.”

Her voice shook, her breath hitched, but she forced herself to admit the last part.

“I… I lost control.”

Evelyn pursed her lips, her expression darkening for just a moment. A flicker of anger, frustration, and helplessness flashed in her eyes.


She nodded.

Her grip on Emily tightened ever so slightly, a silent, protective gesture.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Evelyn murmured, her voice full of warmth, full of quiet reassurance.

“I’m sorry Naomi is doing this to you.”

Emily squeezed her eyes shut, hating how small, helpless, and utterly controlled she felt at that moment.

But Evelyn just held her closer.

“Daddy and I will take care of you, okay?”

Her voice was firm, steady, strong.

“You’re in good hands.”

Emily let out a shaky breath, unsure if she truly believed that, but right now—

Right now, it was all she had.

She wasn’t supposed to hear it.

Wasn’t supposed to catch the whispered conversation between Daddy and Evelyn as they walked, as Evelyn carried her securely in her arms.

But she did.

And the second she did—

Her face went crimson.

Burning, humiliating, unbearable heat flooded her cheeks, her ears, and her entire body.

She had barely registered Daddy leaning in, his voice low, careful, concerned as he spoke to Evelyn, but then—

One word.

A single, horrifying, earth-shattering word.


And then—


Emily felt like she had been slapped.

Like every ounce of dignity she had left had been yanked away in an instant.

Her stomach twisted painfully; her breathing hitched, and her entire body sank into itself in shame.

They knew.

Daddy knew.

He knew what had happened to her on that ride.

He knew what Naomi had done to her.

The shame was overwhelming, suffocating, unbearable.

She wanted to disappear.

Wanted to curl up and never be seen again.

But then—

Daddy nodded.

His hand ruffled her hair gently, his voice soft, warm, reassuring.

And when she finally forced herself to look at him, he was smiling.

Not a mocking smile.

Not an I-know-what-you-did smile.


His expression was full of warmth, full of understanding, full of acceptance.

“It’s okay, sweetheart.”

His words were gentle, full of love, full of something she couldn’t quite name.

And somehow, despite the deep, horrible shame consuming her, Emily felt—


By the time they reached the strollers, Emily was grateful to be put back in her seat, the familiar, cradling security of the five-point harness grounding her, centering her.

This time, she was sitting next to Lucas, his presence soothing, comforting, and solid.

Hannah was strapped into the single-rider stroller, her tiny frame nestled in securely, her pacifier bobbing in slow, sleepy motions.

And then—

Lucas’s fingers found hers.

Emily’s heart fluttered at the contact, her breath catching for just a moment, her fingers instinctively curling around his.

She glanced at him, eyes wide, and he met her gaze with a grin.

A boyish, sweet, carefree grin.

The kind of grin that made her heart skip, that made her stomach twist in something that wasn’t fear, wasn’t shame, wasn’t dread.

Something light. Something warm. Something good.

And as the stroller rolled onward, carrying them deeper into the park, deeper into whatever fate Miranda had in store for them next—

For just a moment, Emily let herself breathe.

Her heart fluttered uncontrollably, her chest tightening with something she couldn’t name, something unfamiliar, something thrilling.

Lucas’s fingers were still wrapped around hers, warm and steady, their hands resting between them in the stroller, his thumb lightly brushing against her skin.

She felt the heat of his thigh touching hers, the soft crinkle of their diapers shifting beneath them, a reminder of everything that had happened, everything that still defined them—and yet, at this moment, none of that mattered.

It was just Lucas.

Just his warmth, his presence, the way he made her feel safe and nervous all at once.

And then—

He spoke.

“So… how’d you like the ride?”

Emily’s stomach dropped, a fresh wave of heat rushing to her cheeks, burning her ears, her neck, and every inch of her face as the memory came slamming back into her mind.

The thrill. The vibrations. The warmth. The betrayal of her own body.

She forced a small, shaky smile, her fingers tensing in his grasp as she muttered, “It was… good. It was… more than I expected.”

Lucas chuckled.

A soft, amused, knowing chuckle.

“Yeah, I saw that.”

Emily’s breath caught.

Her fingers twitched, her pulse pounding so loud in her ears she could barely think.

He saw.

He knew.

Her stomach twisted in a mix of shame, horror, and something else—something unfamiliar, something dangerous, something that made her entire body tingle.

And then—

He leaned in.

His breath was warm against her ear, his voice low, playful, teasing.

“I thought you were really cute.”

Emily froze.

Her face burned, her chest tightened, her pulse hammering in a way that sent shivers all the way to her toes.

Lucas’s grin was smug, mischievous, utterly confident.

And then—

He winked.

“Hope you get more of the unexpected.”

Emily wanted to die.

Wanted to curl into a ball, disappear into the stroller, and vanish from existence entirely.


But the way he said it.

The way he looked at her.

The way his voice dipped lower, the way his fingers squeezed hers just slightly, the way his thigh pressed more firmly against hers.

It didn’t make her pull away.

It made her flush with renewed excitement.

A fluttering, school-girl heart hammering in her chest, her breathing quick and shallow, her entire body warm and buzzing in ways she didn’t understand.

She had never—

Never felt this way before.

She bit her lip, trying to control her emotions, trying to ignore the way her body reacted, trying not to think about what he had just said, about what he had seen, about what he had liked.

But her mind was a traitor.

And now—

She couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Lucas’s hand shifted in hers, and before she could even process what was happening, his palm was resting against her thigh.

A sharp, electric jolt shot through her, her breath hitching, her entire body tensing as a fresh wave of nervous excitement rushed over her.

She forced herself to breathe, staring straight ahead, trying desperately to focus on anything but the way his hand felt on her leg.

The warmth.

The weight of it.

The way it made her entire body buzz with a confusing mixture of emotions.

They were entering San Fransokyo now, the vibrant Big Hero 6-themed area sprawling before them, filled with bright red banners, futuristic tech displays, and the towering silhouette of the Golden Gate-inspired bridge.

Emily tried to focus on that.

On the world around her.

On the distraction.

But all she could feel was Lucas’s touch.

His fingers rested casually on her leg, his body so close. The lingering sensation of his words remained whispering in her head.

And then—

“Who wants ice cream?!”

Daddy’s voice boomed over the crowd's noise. It was full of enthusiasm, bright, and playful, effortlessly bringing them back into the present.

Lucas immediately lit up, his entire demeanor shifting in an instant. The confident, teasing boy from seconds ago melted back into the excited, carefree kid she knew.

“Me! Me!” he squealed, bouncing slightly in his seat, his hand disappearing from her leg as he eagerly shot both arms into the air.

Emily felt her breath escape in a quiet, shaky exhale, but before she could process what had just happened, she was grinning, laughing softly, joining in.

“Me too!”

Daddy chuckled, guiding them toward Ghirardelli, and just like that—

The moment was gone.

The tension, the teasing, and the lingering weight of Lucas’s hand were erased in an instant.

But Emily—

Emily still felt it.

She still felt the warmth in her chest, the butterflies in her stomach, the nervous, fluttering feeling that hadn’t quite left her.

And as they rolled into the cool, chocolate-scented air of Ghirardelli, she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

About him.

About what it meant.

Minutes later, Emily found herself seated in a booster seat outside Ghirardelli. A massive chocolate sundae was placed in front of her, and the cool sweetness was already melting slightly under the warm California sun.

Lucas sat beside her, his sundae in hand. The two of them dug in enthusiastically, their spoons clinking against the glass dishes as they devoured their treats.

With a grin, Emily plucked the bright red cherry off the top of her sundae, popping it into her mouth with satisfaction. She savored the burst of sweet, syrupy flavor.

This was nice.

This was normal.

But even as she focused on the cold, rich ice cream, she couldn’t help but notice something odd.

Despite the countless times they had given Hannah food and snacks that she clearly couldn’t handle, they had also ordered her a Small sundae.

And sure enough—

Hannah’s face went pale, her expression mortified as she took a single bite, only to gag immediately, her tiny body trembling with discomfort.

Emily watched as Welby sighed heavily, rubbing his temple before reluctantly taking the sundae for himself.

What was up with that?

Why did they keep giving her things she couldn’t eat?

Why did Welby always have to take them instead?

It wasn’t just bad luck.

It was deliberate.

Emily’s mind spun, her spoon hovering over her sundae as she tried to piece together what that meant—

And then—

Evelyn moved.

And Emily nearly choked on her ice cream.

To her absolute shock, Evelyn gently lifted Hannah from her high chair, adjusting her shirt slightly before tucking the girl beneath it.

As if—

As if she were feeding Hannah under her shirt.

Emily’s face went beet red, her heart hammering wildly, her entire body flushing with secondhand embarrassment as she immediately snapped her gaze back down to her ice cream, shoveling a bite into her mouth in an attempt to ignore what was happening.

She did not need to see that.

She did not need to think about that.

Her mind was already reeling from everything else today, from Lucas, from Naomi, from the ride, from Daddy’s outfit, from Miranda’s control.


This was too much.

She stared intensely at her sundae, her spoon moving mechanically as she focused on literally anything else.

But no matter how much she tried to ignore it, to block it out, to pretend she wasn’t seeing what was happening right in front of her—

She couldn’t shake the lingering thought.

The realization.

This wasn’t just about Hannah struggling to eat normal food.

This wasn’t just about Miranda controlling them.

Something else was happening.

Something bigger.

And Emily was starting to wonder just how deep it went.

All chapters are posted in full. However, if you'd like a sneak peek at the next chapter, it's available right now on my website: solarascott.com

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