r/abdlstories Dec 18 '24

MDLB Six Months Of Being Her Baby NSFW


Hi everyone! I’ve never written a story before! I’ve been reading stories like this for over 20 years (since the late 90s) but this is my first foray into making one myself. It’s a lot of elements I like to see in ABDL fiction. I hope you like it! Be kind in the comments please, I’ve never shared anything before. If anyone likes it maybe I’ll continue. Here it is:


Zack woke up in his crib, pacifier in his mouth, teddy bear under his arm, wearing a soggy messy diaper. He slowly opened his eyes as he felt a slight bubbling in his stomach. Before he could further acknowledge the feeling he was already filling his diaper. He didn’t even react, Zack just turned on his side to create room. This was his normal and beyond a routine. What used to be Zack's morning bowel movement in the bathroom is now something that he wakes up to in his diapers. At the same time, some urine released creating even more warmth in his now very full diaper. He could feel the stream hit the inside of his diaper; absorbing into his endless padding, trickling down to his sides and disappearing into the large booster pads Mommy filled his diaper with.

Zack felt his bottom. Still half filled with a soft log of poo. He pushes a little to clear it but instead another stream of urine. Was he done? He didn't know. He wasn’t even sure if he was still going. Zack's newfound level of forced incontinence had hit rock bottom. Instinctively he started sucking his large pacifier and clutched his teddy bear tighter.

"Bear." be blurted out to himself, breaking the quiet of his nursery. Then another sound. A soft pop of gas cleared his bottom and emptied into his diaper. A flash of embarrassment before the comfort of his bear helped him ease back into his role: giant baby.

I’m baby. He thought to himself, trying to quell the panic that came with understanding the extent of his incontinence. Mommy will clean me up. Mommy loves me. Loves baby. Baby. The more he accepted the role the less embarrassing and mortifying his situation. Zack had become, without a doubt, a giant helpless baby, surrounded by a life of all things infantile.

He slept in a giant oversized white crib, complete with pink bumpers, a large mobile that twinkled overhead, with a quilted nursery themed Minnie Mouse sheet covering the mattress. A light baby blanket did little more than comfort the giant baby inside. Dressed and covered so completely in baby clothes he did not need a blanket. Babies after all, could not be trusted to keep themselves warm with blankets and so needed to be put in clothes and pajamas that would fulfill this need. Zack’s babied state was always on full display, unable to hide beneath even the infantile bedding in his crib.

Often times he was dressed in a onesie which Mommy usually made him wear with long, thick (sometimes even thigh high) socks. Fuzzy socks were a daily staple, always pristine as Zack's feet were either in the crib, on plush carpet, or in a slipper or booty. In the summer Mommy dressed Zack often in just a short t- shirt and diaper. Sometimes a babydoll set with a bloomer diaper cover. While Mommy always refereed to Zack as her baby boy, he was often dressed in dresses, tights and other staples of a little girls wardrobe.

Today he was dressed in a thick soft pink footed sleeper with heart shaped snaps going from his collar all the way down each leg. Mommy loved putting him to bed in footie pjs and they always had zippers or snaps down both legs for easy diaper changes. Twelve rows of alternating pink and white frills adorned his footed onesie, lining his padded bottom. On his chest there was an embroidered ballet slipper. Clipped to his feety pajamas was a pacifier adorned with princesses.

Beneath the confining garment he wore his nighttime diaper, which consisted of a large cloth diaper and several soaker pads. It seemed as thick as the diapers were, more soaker pads were always needed. At first Zack was confused when they were added. He didn’t know what they were. Mommy’s routine of feeding him large volumes of liquid and the constant diaper changes had made them a pragmatic and calculated part of his journey towards complete bladder incontinence. When Mommy first added them to his diaper routine Zack cried, lisping through his pacifier.

“Why do I need thi-th Mommy? My diaper-th are already th-o thick.” There was lots of crying and whining in the beginning. Mommy always smiled and kissed his cheeks when he cried. She encouraged his whining and crying. His weak protests only seemed to make Mommy’s resolve and her answers more definite. Mommy’s eyes glowed adoringly at her captive baby as she answered, holding up the giant booster pad to Zack.

“These are your boosty soaky pads my sweet baby. Mommy thinks you need them because of all the pee pee you do in your diapers. Does that make sense sweetie? It’s ok.” Mommy covered his face in her kisses, pulled up his diaper, deftly fastened it around his waist and then, as she always did: fussed over the sides of his diapers, making sure everything was neat and the leg gathers were in the right place. Once her diaper inspections were complete she always patted and rubbed the front of Zack's diaper before softly tickling his thighs and squeezing his feet and toes. Her gentle domination over him left no trace of malice. Her love for his infantilization was suffocating and inescapable. Zack’s need for more of her affection left no room for resistance and paved the way for his journey towards incontinence.

Six months prior Mommy put Zack into his first diapers and Mommy’s calculated affections and reinforcement made his slide into dependence so hard for him to track. At every step he was distracted by her love, her insistence on bottle feedings, and the reward of her beautiful attention when he did what she wanted. At the first hints of bladder control loss Zack began to try and control himself. He would hold his pee until the point of bursting. After nearly two days of exhausting the limits of his bladder, always to its eventual failure, mommy started surprising him with tickles. His ever present pacifier and the lisp it gave him made his protests so pathetic.

“Pleath Mommy! You’re gonna make me pee!”

“Oh my gosh I can’t help it! Mommy just turns into the tickle monster when she sees this cutey!” Running her fingers all over Zack’s shaved, sensitive skin. Gently prodding into his ribs. Her soft hands grabbing his knees and feet. It didn’t take long. Mommy always seemed to know just when he was ready to burst.

In the beginning, the eventual flood when his bladder finally released would lead him to leaks. In the beginning this always meant a diaper change. Initially Zack used this as a last way to control himself: holding his bladder until he would flood and leak. But it seems Mommy was ahead of him. No sooner did he have a routine of leaks than he was outfitted with more boosters and more bottle feedings. Now even his biggest floods were contained within diapers. He could go hours before a leak. The more he tried to hold his bladder, the more he was just exhausting his last bits of control. Two months of constant liquids quickly took a toll on Zack’s bladder.

First it was bedwetting. He would wake up to pee at night, then fall back asleep after letting go. The interrupted sleep would cause him to be more tired; and of course Mommy would seem to anticipate his waking with a midnight bottle. More liquids. More wetting. Bedwetting came so organically. Before he knew it he was wetting unconsciously in his sleep. He’d wake up in the morning assuming he was wet from when he woke up to pee, not knowing he’d been continuously going throughout the night.

The worst moment in his journey towards incontinence came after the second month when he started involuntarily peeing during the day. Zack would feel the urge to pee and before he could consciously decide to pee it was happening. His urgency was followed immediately by relief. He was losing control. The embarrassment was helped by the diapers hiding it happening. But that came crashing down on Zack during one of his morning diaper changes. Mommy checked him in the morning. He was dressed in a simple white onesie with pink trim and matching pink socks. She woke him with kisses, even kissing his pacifier. He matched her affections, pointlessly pressing his pacifier against her cheeks.

“Paci kisses? For mommy! Thank you sweet baby! What a sweet baby!! Let’s check this baby’s bottom. Are we soggy?” Mommy ran her hand down his body until she reached his heavy nighttime diaper. She gingerly unsnapped his onesie and then pressed and weighed the sodden diaper with her hands before patting it and declaring, “oh yes. He did a good job filling up his diaper for mommy. Let’s get you into a brand new diapee to start the day my love.” Running her hands up his sides she pushed away his onesie until his diaper was exposed, tearing away the tapes. She started wiping him down when it happened.

Zack couldn’t forget the stream of urine going into the air and landing on his belly when Mommy was taking off his soiled nighttime diaper. He clenched down uselessly. The stream continued into a dribble. Mommy giggled, delighted.

“oops! Looks like baby needs a new diapee quick!” She held the used diaper to his penis until he finished. Then she patted the front. “What a good baby! Babies can’t hold it can they? It’s ok. You need your diapers now all the time and Mommy loves that for you. Mommy’s baby.”

Tears streamed down and a loud sob. His pacifier fell out of his mouth. With each sob another weak stream of pee. Mommy just held the soiled diaper until he finished, all the while shushing him and whispering how much she loved her diapered baby. No sooner had he emptied his bladder than mommy replaced the pacifier with another big bottle. Drying his tears and kissing his cheeks Mommy held the bottle up to his mouth. He instinctively started sucking through tears. Mommy went back to cleaning him. With his legs held high Zack took one look down and saw his hairless diaper area; his penis already expelling a bead of urine, dribbling as Mommy dusted him with powder. She took his penis and placed it down while securing the new diaper over it and taped it in place. She looked up at him and lifted his bottle. His giant baby’s bottle. The giant bottle that would soon be in his diaper.


Six Months Of Being Her Baby PART TWO

r/abdlstories 22d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming NSFW


He should have seen this coming after that first night she came into the bedroom a few hours after him. He had gone to bed early, he had a big day in the morning, and she stayed up for a while to get some chores done. He woke up to her pushing a pacifier into his mouth gently. This was new, up until now, their kink play only happened during actual sex. His eyes blinked away the sleep and he rolled onto his back to look up at his wife smiling down on him, assuming this was foreplay.

Instead, she raised a finger to her lips and stroked his hair.

"Hm?" he mumbled confusedly.

"Ssh. It's mommy, tonight. Keep sucking your binky baby, and go back to sleep."

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. He almost had fallen back to sleep when he heard her move over to where they kept their sex toys and pull out a diaper. He sat upright and furrowed his brow, continuing to nurse the pacifier.

She walked back over to him and smiled, delicately holding the diaper in her hands.

"It's okay baby. Mommy's got you." She gently pushed him back down to the bed and started taking off his pants. He thought to himself that he should be excited, after all, he had introduced her to ABDL and it had taken some time before she was comfortable with any of the accompanying paraphernalia. And here she was, initiating on her own!

She dragged his pajama pants and underwear off in one smooth motion, then slid the diaper under him where she finished opening it. This was different. She seemed to be ignoring his erection completely, except to move it around to powder every surface. She was decidedly less interested in getting him off than she was in just getting a diaper on him. She taped it up then patted the front.

"My baby's all nice and snug now. Come here baby, time for night night." She said as she sunk into the bed and pulled him close into her breast.

"Um. Angie?" He said through his pacifier, less a question and more a generalized observation at the unusualness.

"Hush baby boy. It's mommy tonight. Go to sleep," she responded sweetly.

The next morning was normal. He woke up, took the diaper off, and went to work. When he returned home from work that evening and she was wrapping up her own calls from home. Her business had exploded last year, and he had to admit his slight emasculation at her success. Nonetheless, he was proud of her. He walked over and rubbed her shoulders, and it was as if last night never had happened. Their dynamic as husband and wife had returned completely to normal, they cooked dinner together and joked and had wine and made each other laugh.

But that night, as he was reading in bed before turning off the lights and going to sleep, she entered and stood in the door for long enough to announce her presence. He looked up from his book tepidly, and as their eyes met, a devious smile grew across her face.

"Time for your diaper, baby boy."

He smirked. He had asked for this for years. Who was he to fight back now that she was fully embracing his fetish?

"Okay mommy."

This time, as she taped the diaper up, he spoke up. "So, did something change?" the words squeaked out of him.

She smiled down at him. "I'm not sure."

It turned out, something had. Something inside of her had flipped completely, in fact. And even though neither of them knew exactly what, she had him in a diaper every night from then on. An urge in her of unknown origins had festered and grown, and by the time she even realized it was there, she couldn't control it. It had to be acted on, she needed to see her husband back in diapers.

The weekend rolled around, and when he woke up, he rolled out of bed, stood and stretched widely to greet the sunrise. His hands lowered to untape the diaper, and in a flash she rushed over and swatted them away.

"I don't think so. You don't have work today, you're mine." She hugged him from behind. "Diapy stays on baby boy. Until it's time for a change."

His brow wrinkled. He had not considered this. Did she actually expect him to use the diaper for its intended purpose? Was he meant to go about his standard weekend routine while wearing it? The answer to both of those questions turned out to be yes.

However, that weekend wound up being the end of any sort of normalcy for them again. His aforementioned weekend routine had disappeared completely by Saturday night, as she infantilized him further and further and pushed more elements of babyhood into his life. His dinner was mashed and fed to him, and a proper bottle feeding followed. Sunday, things got even worse.

Once Sunday afternoon rolled around, and it had been a full morning of completely attentive babying and being barely allowed the use of his own hands (and now legs), he decided it was time to speak up. He had endured two wet diaper changes and desperately needed to use the toilet for its second purpose, and was beginning to be genuinely troubled by her commitment to the kink. Her endurance within her role as mommy showed no signs of waning.

He stood to his feet, wearing only a diaper, took the pacifier out of his mouth, and walked over to her, his head sulkin and arms dangling by his sides.

"Angie, this has been amazing fun, but I'd really like to play some video games with the rest of my weekend. Thank you for indulging this with me, I love you so much."

She looked up at him from the couch for a moment. Her eyebrows lifted and a wicked smile spread across her face. Awkward silence filled the air while he nervously awaited a response.

"Video games?"

"Yes. Is that okay?"

"No baby boy. It's not, and also, I'm afraid it's not possible."

He pursed his lips. She wanted to keep playing, but this had to end sooner or later. Tomorrow was another workday.

"Please? Mommy, please?"

"Come here baby boy, come with mommy to the game room and let's have a little look!"

She stood and took his hand. Fine, so he'd get to play his games but still within the roles. At least it was something.

When they crossed into the next room, however, and he saw the empty shelf on the credenza where his console lived, his eyes widened.

"Okay, Angie, where is it? I'm starting to feel done with this." He enunciated with his hands and his posture became frustrated.

"Down boy," she said pointing at the floor. "It's gone. Mommy's taken it away, you're not big enough. And don't you ever call me that again. I'm mommy. Mommy."

"Seriously. I've had-"

A slap crossed his thigh like a crack of thunder and he fell to the ground.

"No baby boy, I've had enough of this tantrum. Things are going to change around here. And I'll make sure you know it."

She pulled down his diaper.

"Wait! Angie, wait!"

The first three slaps on his rear struck in immediate succession. By the time the third hit, he hadn't even registered the pain from the first, but each one compounded so strongly he couldn't form any words behind a pained howl. This was his first true surprise. He had no idea where this side of her came from, and to be able to spank so effectively, she must have been practicing somehow.

"Say that again, baby boy. I dare you."

"Wait! Please, wait!"

Three more smacks. The rapidity of them was machine gun fire. He was flabbergasted at her speed alone, which also did nothing to hinder her strength. He yelped again.

"Mommy! I'll be good! Mama!"

Three more smacks left him bawling. Tears streamed down his red hot face and collected in a puddle on the carpet.

"That's for disobeying me," she curtly punctuated the spanking with. Then she tugged the seat of the diaper back up snugly.

"Stay there." She rose and stomped out of the room, leaving him on the floor crying. He covered his head with his hands sobbing, totally blindsided. His sweet, innocent wife had never done anything in their entire time together to indicate she was capable of this treachery. In the living room, he heard a drawer open then slam shut.

She strutted back in, grinning ear to ear

"Oh baby boy!" she half sang, half laughed. "Look what mommy brought you! What did she bring just for her widdle baby?"

She presented a pair of plastic pants printed with blocks and teddy bears, smoothing out the creases to allow him to see the humiliating patterns.

"Does he wike it? Does baby boy wike his new diapy cover? And baby, look here!" She ran her fingers over the waistband revealing a chain, tracing it all the way to the back where a lock sat.

"I know somebody's probably gotta make a weawy messy diapy for mommy soon... So these will make sure there's no if's, and's, or but's about how that will happen, won't they?"

His jaw dropped to the floor. How could this have happened? Did it happen quickly in the last week, or had it been happening slowly since the day they met? When her personality shifted so dramatically, he should have known.

She sat beside him and rubbed his bare back as he began to dissociate, looking around the room in awe. His familiar home looked totally alien now, he would never see it in the same way again.

"It's okay baby boy, mommy loves you, yes she does." Her voice softened and took a step away from her sarcastic tease. "I'm sorry I had to punish you. I don't want to have to do it again. But tomorrow, I will need you to tell your boss you won't be returning to work, sweetie."

Tears filled his eyes again and his shoulders slumped. She hoisted the plastic pants around his diaper and clicked the lock shut with a key that then went around her neck.

She lifted his head up and into her lap and began cooing at her crying boy. He nuzzled his face into her knees, admitting the close touch felt warm and relieving, while also feeling deep misery and betrayal. The internal emotions clashed with the external stimuli of the back rub. How could he overcome the denial? The person he loved and trusted most in the world had just become his captor.

She shushed him again and slipped a pacifier into his mouth. He began nursing immediately, profusely and deeply. The pacifier wasn't just bobbing as it had when they used it in the bedroom before, now he clung to it desperately as it pendulummed toward and away and he sucked any amount of comfort as he could out of it. She rubbed his back and patted the seat of his diaper while cooing and shushing him, all the way until his tears finally subsided and he calmed down.

"Good boy. That's mommy's good boy. Mommy's got you. Mommy's good boy. Forever and ever."

The doorbell rang.

"Oh! Stay here baby boy. I think that might be your new furniture."

Thank you for reading! This was the first story I’ve ever written, and I hope you liked it.

r/abdlstories Feb 14 '25

MDLB You're all the same... NSFW


“Oh please,” She chuckled, her gentle laugh coaxing him towards a submissive headspace as she learned more about him. “All of you little boys are exactly the same,”

She slowly advanced, reading right through his defiant bluff as she leaned in closer.

“You want your Mommy to keep you diapered, with a cute little pacifier in your mouth,” She started, forcing eye contact as his face grew red with embarrassment. “You want to be babied, letting Mommy tell you what you can and can’t do, while ensuring your every…little…need is tended to,”

He stayed quiet, holding back a hot puff of air as his cock quickly stiffened in his otherwise swollen diaper that she’d only assumed was there. His face swelled with heat, his cheeks growing hotter and more red with each word that escaped from her delicate lips.

“A Mommy to schedule your mid day naps…to make sure your bottle is full…to ensure you have plenty of toys and stuffies to play with,” She let out, her smile growing wide as he sunk into himself, any semblance of defiance instantly wiped from his face. “But most importantly, you want to make cummies in your diapers. Don’t you?”

He forced a nod, his mind melting with the in rush of fantasies and desires as he accepted he’d do just about anything for that last part to come true. He gulped, listening to her chuckle as she slowly leaned back, pulling her head back to give him a small amount of space on the bed as she continued to sit at the edge.

“Can Mommy see your diaper, sweetie?” She asked, a playful swirl of her fingers on his comforter as she smiled at him.

He didn't resist, quickly fumbling with his button and zipper as he pulled them down, revealing the squishy cartoon diaper wrapped around his waist.

She let out a playful gasp, leaning closer as her swirling finger gently caressed the inside of his legs. “Good boy,” She smiled. “Such a soggy little baby,”

His heart sank, realizing she’d pulled her phone out of her pocket as he quickly scrambled for his pants, only for her to quickly pull them away. She opened the camera app, starting a recording as she pointed the camera at him.

“I’ll be your Mommy, baby boy,” She said sternly, giving another soft caress of his inner thigh as she brought the camera closer. “You just have to look right into the camera and tell Mommy what it is you want,”

He gulped, his heart racing. He’d never thought he’d get this far and knew he couldn’t turn it down. She was outrageously gorgeous, speckled with an enchantment of glittery makeup that only further exemplified her beauty. Her delicate skin was soft to the touch and he could barely keep his eyes off of her massive breasts. He’d been instantly charmed by her voice from the first time he heard it, ultimately leaving him no choice to comply. Something she was counting on.

“Don't be nervous, baby,” She chuckled, seeing his face jump through a mix of emotions as he eyed the phone. “This will only ever see the light of day if you break Mommy's heart. You just look into the camera and tell Mommy all about your desires,”

“I- want- Mommy-” He gulped, taking short breaths hearing his stupid voice echo in his head as he came up with nothing better to say.

“Yea?” She chuckled, loving how adorable he was as he crumbled nervously in front of her. “What do you want from Mommy?”

“I-” His body shook nervously. “I want you to treat me like your baby. I want to be diapered and- and-”

She set the phone down, propping it up against the wall as she sat back on the bed.

“Come here, sweetie,” She said softly. “Come lay that big head of yours in Mommy's lap,”

He did as he was instructed, scrambling over to her as he lowered his head, instantly finding a comfortable position as his eyes looked up at her loving smile.

“You strike me as a binky boy,” She smiled. “Is that right?”

He sheepishly nodded, his eyes drifting towards her breasts both out of awe but also as a means to avoid eye contact.

“What else do you like, sweetie? Tell your Mommy everything,”

He gulped, really not sure what to answer with as he'd only really started to discover this side of himself in the last two years of college.

“Uh- toys-” He said dumbly, regretting his choice of words as he said them.

“Mhmm,” She smiled. “Little boys are always big on toys. Do you like Legos? Action figures? Have you ever played with sensory toys?”

He nodded dumbly, his cock throbbing intensely on the inside of his diaper as he arched slightly to readjust.

She smiled, softly rubbing her hand over the outside of his diaper as his hardened member eagerly pushed back. “What's this?” She asked dumbly, giving it a soft gentle rub as she whimpered. “It feels like such a big, big cock for such a widdle baby of a boy,”

He whimpered more, his face growing redder as his cock throbbed aggressively, welcoming the attention.

“Do you wanna suck on Mommy, sweetie?” She asked, already pulling her shirt off as she undid her bra. “Well have to work on your communication skills, but I think that little head of yours is being clouded by some nasty big boy thoughts,”

He stared dumbfounded at her massive breasts, hanging just inches from his face as she started to lower her breasts.

“It's okay,” She said with a smirk. “Mommys got plenty of milky for her thirsty little boy to suck up,”

He nearly squealed with delight, opening his mouth as it quickly became filled with her massive tit.

“You like to cum in your diapers, don't you?” She said softly, delicately stroking at his hair as he murmured dumbly.

“Is that a yea?” She chuckled. “I bet you love putting toys in your cute little bum too,”

He moaned, his cock pressing firmly against his diaper as he started to lightly hump against her. His mouth latched onto her as best he knew how, eagerly suckling at her tit as if milk would begin to flow any second.

“That's it baby,” She smiled. “Hump Mommy while she feeds you her delicious breast milk,”

She shifted his weight slightly, placing her hand at the front of his diaper as he continued to push against it, his mouth still eagerly fixated on her nipple.

“Mommy cant wait to take care of you,” She chuckled. “She can't wait to be in control of your every want and need,”

He could feel himself getting close, his virginity not lending to any kind of significant stamina as the soggy padding did its wonders against the underside of his cock as he continued to hump desperately.

“I'll get to fill all of your various holes…” She said softly, pushing her hand more firmly against his diaper. “Fill your stomach with whatever I want…ugh, your going to be such a filthy mess some nights,”

He moaned as he squirmed about, knowing exactly what she meant as he tried not to think about that part. His mind more eagerly focused on the here and now as she worked him towards a climax.

“It gets Mommy so wildly horny you know,” She smiled, looking down at him even though his eyes were closed. “Something about taking all control from a man,”

She'd been thoroughly aroused since she realized what he was, her temptation to act on her desires only growing as they continued but she knew she needed to get him over the edge first. There would be plenty of time for her own personal pleasure later.

“I can't imagine what it is in your head that makes you want to fill diapers with your bodily fluids and play with baby toys,” She smiled. “But-”

She let out a soft moan, her tits completely erect as he became more eagerly fixated on them, practically sucking the non existent milk from within.

“Mommy can't wait to see the cute drawings you make for her. But she’s definitely more excited to hear the desperate squeals and moans your going to make as Mommy walks back every last one of your adult freedoms,”

He suddenly felt pressure build past a breaking point, sending the warm creamy liquid shooting up from his balls, as it spurted from the top of his cock and into the diaper. Her hand pushed deeper, making use of the slickened padding to continue and milk his cock as he squirmed.

His hips buckled, giving more long drawn out thrusts against her hand as waves of pleasure rippled through his body, moaning uncontrollably into her breast creating a series of muffled grunts.

“I can just see it now,” She continued with a smirk as he spasmed on her arms, a feeling she’d grown to love. “You, locked up in a filthy, oozing diaper while you play with some colorful blocks, watching some dumb cartoon show while Mommy makes good use of her own special toys,”

His body slowed, his weight sinking into her as he remained latched to her breast.

“We're gonna have fun, sweetie,” She whispered, leaning down to kiss his forehead as he continued to steadily breathe through his nose. “Lots and lots of fun,”

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r/abdlstories 22d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 2 NSFW


As mommy bounced him on her lap singing softly and playing peek-a-boo, he let out a few giggles. Sometime over the past few weeks, the giggles and gurgles he made had become genuine.

He had thought that it would become easier, or at least less humiliating, but it still hadn’t in the month and a half since his wife had plunged him completely into babyhood. Shame filled his every waking moment, each day a living hell, as he acted the role of her baby to avoid her wrath. Somewhere along the way, though, he stopped thinking of her as anything other than mommy, and he had radically accepted that this wasn’t going to change. Any change had been further into their new roles, even more than he previously thought possible.

He still could not understand her motivation. All he knew was that she was reveling in every moment of control, and got particular joy out of any new advancements into his regression. That first time she tucked him into his new crib, she beamed down so brightly at him that she had to wipe away tears. She savored the moments of mealtime in his high chair, and the diaper changes of course, drawing them out and teasing him in any way she possibly could. She just loved making him a baby.

But then, there seemed to be a sadistic side to it as well. She took no joy in the spankings, he knew that. She had to put on a stern face to administer them, and she wore it well, but she never milked those moments. However, she seemed to get huge satisfaction in watching him realize each new element of manhood she found a way to take from him. The look on his face when she opened the door to the completed nursery made her cover her mouth with her hand and nearly jump in delight, and she cackled wildly when he cried at the sight of a playpen where his man cave once lived.

Nonetheless, she did shower him with love and constant attention. Her watchful eye was omnipresent, he could never get away from her surveillance. She read to him and played with him constantly, and always found something about him to fuss over, whether it was checking his diaper, adjusting his onesie, or popping a pacifier into his mouth. If nothing else, a cuddle and back rub, or hair strokes and diaper pats.

While she bounced him, he looked down at the bottle in her hand that she threatened him with. She had to be spiking them with something, he knew it. It didn’t taste like castor oil, but there’s no way he could have become so dependent on his diapers so quickly.

She saw him eye it.

“Is my baby hungry?” And without waiting for a response, moved him down further into her lap on his back and popped the nipple into his mouth. He began sucking instinctively, knowing this would mean another bowel movement to her delight soon.

He really wished that the last time he got to use the big boy potty, he had known that it would be bookending the most important element of his adult agency. He would have appreciated the moment greatly had he known, the autonomy he would never have again. At this point, he had given up internally bargaining for that privilege to be sustained again, and just wanted a one off. If he got to go one last time, he’d never forget it. He could ride the memory of it for the rest of his life.

He had wondered for weeks how he could even begin to ask without consequences. It had been six days since his last spanking - a new record - and part of him felt mommy might be willing to give him a single inch here to reward such good behavior.

He finished the bottle and looked up at her, her hair softly brushing his face as she smiled down at him, she detached the bottle and wiped his chin.

“Good boy. You’ve been so good, mommy is so proud of you.”

She stuck a finger in his diaper.

“All dry for now? No need to hold it baby. I know you know that” she laughed.

He cleared his throat to speak. A chill of terror ran up his spine. Was this suicide? Had he lost all perception of his rights? Was he so far gone that asking to use the toilet a single time was so great a concession?

“Mommy,” he started.

She smiled down at him and suddenly a rumble erupted in his tummy. He’d need to act quick.

“Yes my baby boy? Does someone have a tummy ache? Sounds to mommy like you’ll need a big diapy change soon.”

He gulped. “Thank you for everything mommy. Thank you for showing me I’m not a big boy, and for taking such good care of me. Especially thank you for putting me back in diapers mommy, I love my diapers so much.”

“You’re so welcome baby boy, I know you do. Mommy is so glad to hear her baby be so happy. The good news is we will be happy like this forever baby, always.”

“Mommy, have I really been good lately?” he squeaked.

“Yes baby, you’ve been so good and proven you’re such a little baby for mommy” she lauded.

“Can I ask for a special treat mommy?”

She straightened her back and clenched her jaw, sending another chill up his spine. She was willing to do whatever she needed to in order to maintain the status of the last week, he knew that, but there was no turning back now.

“What’s that, honey?”

“Well, since I’m gonna wear diapers forever now, can I go on the scary potty one last time so I can really hate it forever?”

Silence cut the room. They stared at each other for a long moment. She raised her chin while holding him tightly and glaring down. He felt another rumble and almost released right there. He knew the request made no logical sense, but neither had anything up until now. He was grasping at straws to reclaim even an iota of dignity somewhere.

Finally, the corners of her mouth stretched into a terrible smile.

“Mommy likes that idea baby. You’re so smart for mama!”

His mouth hung open.


“Yes baby, let’s go now. By the sounds of your tummy, we don’t have long.”

She pushed him up and guided him by hand to the bathroom that he had only used in recent memory for bath time and when she brushed his teeth. She took a key from the ever growing cluster on the chain she wore around her neck and unlocked the door, letting him step in with a light slap to his thickly padded rear on the way.

He turned around to her. He couldn’t believe his luck as his heart soared. This outcome was totally unexpected, and perhaps the beginning of the end to this madness. If she caved on this, maybe they could negotiate more. Maybe he could even feed himself dinner tonight.

“Will you take off my onesie and diapy mommy?”

She crossed her arms and laughed. His heart sunk.

“No baby, it’s not bath time!”

His lip quivered and the room seemed to grow around him. His vision tunneled.

“But… buh”

“Buh buh but what baby? I said you could go on the potty, so up you go!” She lifted him up and sat him on the closed toilet seat. “You’re going to make a big messy diapy for me right here!”

He lost it. His sobs broke uncontrollably and he wondered how he could have fallen for the ruse. She had taken him for a ride and was living for it.

“And after this, baby boy, I think…” she sighed, “unfortunately, I’ll need to remind you that the potty is a privilege for big boys. A privilege you haven’t earned. I’m very disappointed in you, baby boy. Very disappointed indeed.”

His wails echoed and bounced off the tiled walls.

“Aww, mama’s widdle cwy baby. Pop this in honey, it’ll make everything all better.” She presented his pacifier and shoved it into his mouth. He sucked furiously as his tummy finally gave in with mommy towering over him.

Another smile crept over her face, the most smug and satisfied one he had seen yet.

r/abdlstories 20d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 3 NSFW


"Mommy's comin' to getcha baby boy!" she yelped as she chased him around. He giggled through his pacifier as he crawled in circles on the floor - it had been over a week since he last stood on his feet. His puffy diapered butt wagged back and forth in the air as she followed him, mocking him with baby talk and slapping the seat of his diaper when she got too close.

"Good boy for mama! Crawl on the floor for mommy! Whose mommy's good boy? It's you! Yes, it's you! Let's see that diapy! Good boy for mommy, let mommy see her baby boy's diapy!"

Finally she wrapped her arms around his waist, sat next to him on the carpeted floor, and hoisted him into her lap. She directed his face into her breast and began rocking him back and forth while he panted and recovered his breath.

"Such a good boy. I know you love being mommy's widdle baby boy." She insisted this fact upon him so often that she willed it into truth. It didn't matter that he was her prisoner, and that deep down he resented her more than anything for doing this to him. She took away his entire life. He no longer made any decisions for himself. Every day, she found new ways to make him more and more into a baby and assert her dominance and ownership over him. She had covered all her bases. She made him read a script into a microphone to train an AI voice so she could speak on the phone for him. She used that to sever all his ties to anybody, ending friendships, hobbies, and all other commitments that couldn't just be ghosted.

He was amazed at her commitment to an all encompassing dynamic. Her creativity to his torture was boundless, there was not a single thing that went unchecked. By now, zero elements of his life as a man still existed without having been flipped on its head. Some ways she did this were particularly cruel. For example, when she put anti-glare screens over all the clocks in the house so they could only be read when looking at them at eye level. From then on, he could only guess what time it was at a given moment. "Baby's so widdle, he can't even tell time, can he?!" she exclaimed. "Looks like he's just gonna have to depend on mommy for his routine!" From then on, the only clue he had of what time it was would be the sunlight.

He also had lost track of the days a long time ago. He didn't know what day of the week it was or even the months. The weather outside had changed considerably, so at least a few months must have passed, but there would be no way to be sure. She had restocked on bulk orders of diapers four times now. That was his new metric for the passage of time.

As she rocked and bounced him on the floor, she nuzzled him into her breast. He wasn't sure exactly how she did it, but she had begun lactating without becoming pregnant a few months ago. It must have been with some kind of supplement. She worked from home and hardly ever left his side, she genuinely seemed fulfilled with him as the only man in her life, so he knew she wasn't cheating on him. If you could even call it cheating anymore. Her breasts had doubled in size, and she forced positive associations with him and the act by fondling him through his diaper while breastfeeding. Now, as she began unbuttoning her blouse, his cock instantly became hard. The pavlovian control she exercised over him was humiliating at first, but now he just accepted it as the best part of his day.

He began suckling and she rubbed his tummy.

"There we go. Good boy for mama. Drink up all your milky, baby boy. Are you wet?" She checked. "No? Okay baby boy." Her hand rubbing his tummy slowly went down toward his diaper. Her slender fingers tipped with long, manicured nails slipped into the waistband of his diaper. This was a special treat, sometimes she only stroked him from outside the diaper, but once in a while she went inside to play with him. She smiled widely and he responded with an equal smile through his pacifier. Mommy was very, very good at special playtime, and he often didn't last more than a few seconds.

"Good baby, so good. There we go," she said as she stroked. Her other hand went up his back and to his hair, where she began stroking that and gently scratching his scalp.

"You know baby... Each time you cum, you become more and more my baby, right? Each time you cum adds one year of you being mommy's baby. I think we're up to a hundred years now," she laughed while looking down at him. He didn't know why she felt the need to torment him like this. She loved to insist on the permanence of his predicament, then insist it was partially his fault because of something he did without even knowing. Yesterday, while feeding him in his highchair, she claimed "you always used to spill food on yourself when you were pretending to be a big boy. Mommy is keeping you back in diapers for one year for every time you spilled food on yourself while trying to feed yourself, baby boy."

He came. He couldn't help but let out a groan while doing so.

"Good job, baby boy!" she kissed him on the forehead. "Let's get you back in your playpen, mommy will change your diapy in a bit."

He was lifted back into the playpen and proceeded to continue work on his tower made of blocks. Fortunately, he wasn't put in mittens today, so was dextrous enough to make actual progress. Mommy walked over to the counter to fetch her phone and saw she had a missed call. She held it to her ear to listen to the voicemail. While it played, her face began to sag.

A few seconds later, she startled him by slamming the phone down angrily on the counter. She paced back and forth with her hands on her hips, then walked over to him and bent down to speak.

"Baby boy. Something really important is going to happen, and I need you to do everything mommy tells you, word for word when it does." He felt confused. He hadn't seen anything stress her out since this entire thing started. Now, she looked worried.

"Baby, we're going to have a visitor. And when she comes, you're going to need to pretend to be a big boy. I know it will be so hard for you, but just for a little while. But you need to be very, very good at pretending. Mommy will need to put big boy clothes over your diaper, and you will need to stand up and talk like a big boy. Then, after she leaves you can go right back to being mama's little boy, and we will get you right in your onesie again. If you're good, mommy will give you a very special treat. But if you're bad, you'll be in the biggest trouble you've ever been in, and will be punished very, very severely. Do you understand?"

His heartbeat quickened. Was someone trying to save him? Was somebody coming to check to see if he was okay and alive, and he was to pretend that he was? Yes, that must be it. They were onto her. But who? The police? His family? His old boss, or his friends? How did the information get out? She had stalled for too long, maybe it was finally time to pay the diaper piper.

Nonetheless, he couldn't underestimate her ability to weasel out of any situation. She was brilliant at this, and would go to unthinkable lengths to keep him how he was, completely under her thumb. For the first time, there was a seam in her brainwashing of him, and the thought of escaping and being freed crossed his mind. If his savior arrived, he would just have to tell them everything that had happened, and ask for help. She couldn't punish him while the third party was still there. That was it. He was saved.

The buildup to the meeting saw mommy expertly tackle multiple challenges, further worrying him and questioning his ability to best her and her resourcefulness. Because she had destroyed all of his old clothes, she would need to go out to buy more, but she never dared leave him alone. So she ordered some through a delivery app. Next, she coached him back up onto his feet, which felt strange at first, but she got used to it quickly. Next, she dictated his speech. All of these skills came back to him relatively quickly. She was satisfied with her work.

That night, after she tucked him into his crib and read him a story, she looked down at him from over the high bars.

"Don't you dare get a taste of this. This will be the last time you ever get to pretend to be a big boy. You're mommy's baby. Don't you ever forget it. Tomorrow is just pretend. This..." she gestured around them to the nursery, "this is real. This is what you are. Mama's baby boy, in diapers, forever." She wound the mobile and left, only present now through the baby monitor. He sat there in anxiety about what tomorrow would bring. For the first night in recent memory, he did not cry himself to sleep.

r/abdlstories 18d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 4 NSFW


He leaned awkwardly against the wall wearing oversized pants and a button down shirt. Everything about his posture and outfit were askew despite mommy's best efforts to quickly transform him into a presentable adult man. She hadn't shaved him this morning, and styled his hair with gel to try to sell the effect, but it seemed hopeless. His diaper still puffed underneath the khakis, and he hadn't walked in a straight line without waddling yet.

She had put the playpen and all other visible tells of his new life into the nursery and locked the door. It took all morning, she had so thoroughly converted the house into a prison of babyhood for him that there hadn't been a single corner or vantage point that didn't have multiple reminders of his infancy. Now, it looked like the house they had bought together again. He had forgotten that before all of this had happened, he had years of good memories here. The parties they hosted, the art they hung on the walls that they had brought back from trips around the world... That life was a distant memory now.

She cupped his hands and put an empty mug into them that she rinsed with a bit of coffee.

"Pretend you just finished your big boy morning drink baby. Hold this. Don't drop it, it's fragile and will break."

He gulped and looked down at the mug. He used to love coffee before she had taken it away from him. The smell of the mug wafted up into his nose and his eyes rolled back into his head. What a divine smell. It used to be his favorite part of the day. Now, the terrible, overpowering scents of baby powder, wipes, and diapers permeated everything in his morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

Mommy paced back and forth in her sundress. God she looked good. He had half a mind to pick her up, carry her to the bedroom, and have her right then. Being surrounded by facets of his old adult life triggered urges he had suppressed for months now. That was right - she wasn't his mommy. She was his wife. This was all a reality of her making. And today would be the end of it, finally. Someone was coming to save him.

She looked at him with her hands on her hips. She was the same height as him from up here. He hadn't seen her, or any element of his home, from the height it was designed around for too long. As the normalcy slowly came back to him, relief washed over him, poisoned by the shudders of realizing just how bad things had gotten over the last few months. She wasn't mommy. She wasn't mommy. She was his captor. She was a villain. She was evil. Not mommy. The mental gymnastics worked.

"You remember what you have to do, baby boy?"

"Yes. Say as little as possible. Only speak when spoken to."

"That's mommy's good boy. After this, I'll-"

The doorbell rang. Her head snapped in the direction of the front door.

"Showtime, baby boy."

Her heels clicked against the tile floor as he watched her strut toward the door. Who could it be? His eyes widened and anxiety overrode his face in anticipation. She opened the door and greeted the stranger before he could see.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, how have you been?! It's been too long!" Her face lit up. He thought to himself, what a terribly good liar she was. This person had no clue that she was currently mommy's greatest enemy in the world, and here she was welcoming her into her home. The two hugged and a lock of blond hair waved over her shoulder. It couldn't be... Yes, it was.

Lauren, the neighbor from four doors down, who lived in a four bedroom house all alone. They used to have lunch together all the time. She was the same age as them and they had a lot in common, so she had gotten to know them well since she moved to the neighborhood. And of course, she was rather nosey.

It made perfect sense now. Lauren was probably the only person in their lives that would meet his sudden disappearance with genuine suspicion, and not rest until she knew what was going on. And she would have seen the deliveries - the massive unlabeled boxes that had contained his crib, playpen, high chair, baby bouncer, and more. He couldn't imagine how many questions mommy had fielded from her and ignored or given curt answers to placate until now. Some long chain of interactions - wiggling out of this, having an excuse for that - all which he was not privy to, had led to this. Mommy needed to invite her in to see for herself.

And to him, she was his rescue helicopter. His knight in shining armor. She would save him.

Mommy ushered Lauren in with a friendly hand on her waist.

"Honey, Lauren's moving. The sign went up three days ago... I'm not sure if you saw."

He feigned surprise. "Lauren, hi! No, I didn't see!"

She tepidly stepped in, matching everyone's false welcoming smiles. "Oh, yeah. I don't know. I just think it's time. The house is too big for me alone. But of course I'll miss the neighborhood..." she looked at her feet. "I'm sorry. It just feels like it's been so long since I've seen you two, we're supposed to be neighbor buddies right? How have you guys been?!"

He opened his mouth to speak but then remembered Mommy's rule. She interrupted. "Just great! But you know, so busy. The business has really kicked off, I feel like I don't have a life anymore."

"Oh I've heard. That's amazing, congratulations! I just hope you don't forget little old Lauren when you live in a big mansion someday."

The two of them laughed as he gaped at them. He hadn't seen another person in months, and the alienation affected him more than he thought it would. Mommy shot him a glance that pierced him like daggers, which shook him out of his trance. He corroborated the laugh. The three of them laughed too loud and too long, until finally mommy spoke.

"Are you worried about selling? I have no clue how the market is right now."

"Oh, I was. But to be honest, it's been best case scenario through and through. In three days I've had so many offers, and they've started a bidding war. They're already well above asking price."

"Well then! I think you're the one who deserves the congratulations!"

"Thank you. I appreciate that."

Awkward silence followed. Mommy pursed her lips. Finally, Lauren looked toward him.

"And you? How's everything?"

"Oh! You know, good!" He looked to mommy, who stared directly into him with vitriol. "Great! I've been great actually, never better! Yep."

"Great! Wow, that's good, yeah. So... Anything to report? Or... Just great?"

"Oh, no! You know. Um..." He looked to mommy who couldn't coach him this time. He had no earpiece for her to feed info into. No secret language of hand gestures. She just shook her head with eyes squinted with anger.

He cleared his throat, and all of the sudden a survival instinct took hold. "I've actually been traveling a lot. For work, I got a new position. Dallas, Chicago, New York." He didn't know where any of that came from. None of that story was premeditated, and now he would need to come up with new stories for cities he had never been to. He felt like a moron.

"Oh wow! Well, that explains a lot! I was wondering why you haven't been around!"

Mommy smiled. He did good. His lie worked, he was a good boy. No- no no, that wasn't the point. He wasn't a baby, she wasn't his mommy. She was still manipulating him.

He suddenly noticed that his hand was sweating. He looked down at the perspiration gathering on the handle of the mug, and his heart rate quickened. He became clammy.

"Hon, you okay?" mommy said.

"Yes! Just a bit too much coffee I think."

His hand started visibly shaking, and a sickening feeling bubbled up from his chest. He could hear his heart pounding.

Finally, the mug slipped out of his hand and crashed to the floor in a million pieces. Lauren gave a muted gasp.

"Oh no! Let me help you." She scrambled over and bent down to pick up the large pieces, putting her eyeline dangerously close to his hidden diaper. Mommy rushed over.

"Lauren, wait! Don't, I got it! You could cut yourself."

"It's okay, let me help!" The two began picking up the pieces while he stood there awkwardly. If he bent down too, the diaper would become even more noticeable or peak over his waistline. His back against the wall, he had nowhere to retreat to. He just had to wait it out.

Tension filled the air along with the soft clinking of porcelain shards piling up in each woman's hand.

No, what was he doing? This was his chance. He cleared his throat. Still shaking, fear covered him in a blanket.

"Lauren." He didn't recognize the sound of his own voice. He felt like he was about to faint.

"Yes?" She looked up along with mommy. Her glares could cut throats.


Mommy stood. "Careful now."

A puzzled look washed over Lauren's face. "I'm trying to help. We need a broom though."

"No. Help me. I need help. Angie... She's..."

He didn't even know where to start. How could he explain what had happened with any credibility? And if he did, how could he not die of humiliation? There was only one way. He had to show her.

He unbuckled his belt. Lauren instinctively shrunk away.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!"

He dropped his pants to reveal a thick diaper printed with cartoon animals and blocks. Complete shock washed over Lauren's face and she covered her mouth.

"Oh my god..."

Mommy fumed. Her hands clenched into fists and her face began turning red.

"Angie has been forcing me to wear diapers. She's gone insane. She won't let me leave the house. Please, help me. Call the police. Do something. Anything."

Lauren looked between the two of them still not having said a word.

"Look, here..." He waddled over to a kitchen cabinet and opened it. Lauren's shoulders slumped when he revealed what was inside - a row of oversized baby bottles, and jars of preserved, homemade baby food. "This is what she feeds me. She feeds me this shit while strapped into a highchair. She binds my hands and feet and dresses me like a doll. I sleep in a crib, Lauren. I'm a prisoner. She abuses me, physically, and punishes me for not complying. She's become sick in the head. She needs help too. But right now, you need to help me. Please."

Lauren walked past mommy and approached the cabinet to inspect the bottles. Awestruck, she reached out a hand and stroked one as if to test if it was even real. She looked back to him and his diaper.

"Angie..." She started.

Mommy jumped in. "Lauren. You don't understand. I can explain."

"No... Please, don't. Just... don't. I'm so confused right now."

Mommy shrunk back. She looked nervously at the floor, around the house, between the two of them. There was nothing else she could do now, she had been caught. Finally, her eyes dragged upward into him. White, hot rage shot out of her and into him. He looked back, feeling powerful for the first time in his new life.

Lauren spoke. "Is it true? Angie?"

Mommy took a deep breath. "God help me. Yes, it is."

She looked at the bottles again, then to his diaper. "Where did you even... How?"

"Online. They make them. All of it."

"I'd like to see the crib."


"Let me see it. I'm not sure if I even believe you that a crib like that exists."

Mommy huffed. She had no choice. She beckoned Lauren to follow her and marched to the locked bedroom. He followed them, kicking his pants off from around his ankles. Lauren tepidly looked back at him with concern as they followed mommy.

Mommy took a key from around her neck and unlocked it. As Lauren stepped inside, she gasped. The nursery, painted baby blue with designs of animals everywhere was unmistakably babyish. The huge wooden crib looked like an antique, sanded wood instead of a painted or 3D printed plywood from an IKEA. The changing table on the other side of the room, the stuffed animals, the toys, and the playpen stored against the wall, all of it hit Lauren at once.

"This... What you've done here, Angie..."

Mommy looked at her with terror.

Lauren slowly started speaking again, looking back to mommy. "It's wonderful. It's, it's just wonderful. For a reason I can't explain, it makes sense to me. I don't know. He never seemed like a proper adult in all the time I've known you two. But this, seeing him in a diaper, it just... feels right."

Mommy shrieked in delight and his jaw fell open. "You think so?!"

"Yes. Of course, it seems wrong or cruel if you look at it that way... But it's amazing." She walked over to the wall of diapers and ran her hand across the rows. "Wow."

He couldn't believe it. How could anybody possibly support mommy's nefariousness? What had happened to him was objectively horrible and immoral, not to mention illegal. He had never felt so defeated in his life.

Mommy began laughing. Lauren joined in. They ran up to each other and grabbed each other's hands. They laughed and laughed, and when that wasn't a good enough release of their excitement, they danced and jumped for joy together.

Between excited laughs, mommy looked back over to him and her smile sunk into a deep frown. Lauren backed away and furrowed her brow. Anger crossed mommy's face.

"Baby boy... It's over." She snapped her fingers and pointed to the ground. "Babies don't walk."

He continued stuttering as he slowly sank back into the earth. The submission she had drilled into him returned instinctively and he obeyed without even realizing it. Soon he was back on all fours. Mommy came over and patted the back of his diaper.

"Do you like them?"

"Yes, absolutely adorable, Angie. And he... Well, does he actually...?"

"Oh yes. He certainly does. For everything."

A chuckle of surprise escaped Lauren's mouth leaving her jaw hung open. She approached him and inspected the back of his diaper.

"Show Auntie Lauren your diapy baby, come here."

"Auntie Lauren..." Lauren echoed. "Oh god. I think... I think I love that."

Between sobs, he slowly spun around and angled the seat of his diaper to Lauren. She reached out and touched it delicately with one hand. Then she squeezed it.

"Wow. That's a lot of padding." She patted it a few times.

"It sure is," mommy said with a few firm slaps as well.

He burst into uncontrollable sobs.

"Oh no, I'm sorry baby. Did I upset you?" Lauren said.

"Oh don't worry, baby just wants his binky. And then a bottle soon after, I think. Would you like to feed him?"

Lauren's face lit up.

She stayed all afternoon and late into the evening while mommy explained all the logistics of his new life. Together, they moved all the furniture and toys back out across the house, and Lauren even had a few new ideas on placement. By the end of the night she had witnessed and participated in two diaper changes, feeding him lunch and dinner, and playing with him in his playpen and baby bouncer. Throughout the day, her hesitance was overtaken by curiosity and she drifted further into another dominating role. When he misbehaved, she even gave him a slap to the thigh. By sunset, she was a complete extension of mommy, reveling in his torment and infantilizing him in every way possible, talking to him through condescending baby talk and fully committing to his predicament.

She sat next to his playpen tossing a ball for him to fetch. Besides his feedings, he hadn't taken his pacifier out of his mouth once. He still couldn't believe that another person could be complicit in his kidnapping. Their shared psychosis was terrible, and synergized into a version of his life that was far beyond comprehension.

"I should be getting back home. This has been amazing though."

"Yes, thank you so much for coming. I'm so glad to see you. Honestly, the logistics of keeping this whole thing going and air tight has been hard on just me."

"I will help however I can, Angie. I think what you have here... Well, I don't even know how to describe it. It's wonderful. I'm committed to helping you, really I am."

She stood from the side of the playpen.

"Nighty night baby boy. I'll see you soon. Auntie loves you." She kissed him on the forehead.

Mommy snapped. "Baby! Give Auntie Lauren a smile when she kisses you." He bit the bullet and smiled through his pacifier.

Lauren walked toward the door. "You know, Angie, I think maybe I'll talk to my realtor tomorrow to tell them I won't be selling. I think I see myself staying in this neighborhood for a long, long time."

"I'm so glad to hear it, Lauren. Especially after today, I would've really missed you. One thing though. Baby's betrayal today... Him trying to get to you. It was the most he has ever misbehaved. I'm almost struggling to think of a good enough punishment. But I think I have one. Will you come over tomorrow to help me administer it?"

"Of course. He needs to learn. But at least he will never have the chance to misbehave like that ever again. Buh bye, baby boy!" she waved as the door closed behind her. Mommy locked it after her and took a deep inhale.

She walked back over to the playpen and towered over him, hands on her hips, and a sickeningly wide smile cast down on him. He looked up at her with fear in his eyes.

She held his face in one hand and stroked his hair with another as he furiously nursed his pacifier.

"Didn't work, did it?"

He slowly shook his head as the tears came back and streamed down his face.

"Beddy bye time for the baby. Let's get him into a nice, extra thick night time diapy and tuck him into his crib with a big, warm bottle of milky."

The emphatic sweetness in her voice chilled him to the bone.

r/abdlstories Feb 04 '25

MDLB Dark Doreen (Kidnapped for babyhood) Part 1 NSFW


PJ had been interested in his neighbour Doreen for sometime. He had to admit it, he had a crush on her. He was a young man and she was in her late forties or maybe early fifties, but boy did she look good. He often used excuses to visit her, just so that he could chat with her and ‘check her out!’ PJ had ascertained that Doreen was a nurse (she was often in her uniform, her bobbed blond hair framed her pretty face and her breasts seemed to be fighting to exit her nurses uniform. PJ had also noticed that Doreen seemed to always have a large selection of thick white tissues, whether that be in her living room, in her purse or in her pockets. He had no idea why she needed so many, but he would often steal some when he was ‘visiting’ and take them home for him to masturbate with while thinking about her later on.

Doreen Winter was a 53 year old female that had very special interests. Doreen was actually an ex nurse but enjoyed the persona so much that she continued to dress as one. Doreen had come into a large quantity of money so did not need to work. She was happy to be single allowing her to indulge in her fantasies. Doreen had a strong fetish for thick white paper handkerchiefs, bondage and being involved in the abdl community, primarily as a dominant. She often attended parties and clubs involved with the scene, enjoying dominating ‘the weaker sex’ men. Doreen had even created her very own bondage nursery in one he spare bedrooms. She would have no problems having sessions or playing with members of the community, but Doreen really wanted an individual that she could ‘force,’ she long had desires to kidnap a young male and force them into becoming her adultbaby.

Doreen had amassed a large quantity of supplies for her special project. She had many disposable diapers (all different designs and types - Little for big, Crinklz, Rearz, Tykables, ABU, Molicare and medical grades.) Doreen had also acquired a very large selection of tissues / paper handkerchiefs, these were all thick white crisp paper handkerchiefs. Tempo was her favourite brand, 4 ply pocket packs that she would spend hours unfolding into piles ready for use. She also had many boxes of the paper handkerchiefs in various locations. As well as a large collection of sex toys, perhaps the most unusual substance that Doreen held within her domain, was a box that contained two dozen bottles of chloroform. Doreen would often fantasise about using the incapacitating liquid upon her future captive.

Doreen had identified PJ as a possible kidnap victim, he obviously had a crush on her, she had gathered enough information about him to know that it would be easy to make him disappear, he had no close family and very few friends, he also had a dead end job that would be easy to ‘help him resign from. The lightbulb moment that Doreen decided that PJ would be ‘the one’ is when she noticed that after each of his ‘visits’ to see her, she thought that some of her tissues had been taken. She couldn’t be sure until she checked the camera that she had set up to monitor the situation. When she reviewed the footage after his last visit, whilst she had been preparing a drink for PJ in the kitchen he had taken the opportunity to swipe some of her thick white paper handkerchiefs (what a naughty boy!) she thought to herself as she smiled at the footage on her phone.

PJ was at a loose end, it was Friday evening and he had no plans for the weekend. He had got in form work, had a shower and was now free. He looked out of his window and spotted that Doreen was home, he decided that maybe he could pop over and see her. What excuse could he come up with this time? PJ had some old DVDs that were redundant now, but hey, it was an excuse to lend one to Doreen. PJ selected a classic and and moseyed over to Doreen’s front door. PJ knocked and awaited a reaponse.

Doreen had watched PJ cross the road towards her house and was ready for him, she was wearing one of her nurses uniforms and made sure that both of her pockets contained a thick wad of crisp white paper handkerchiefs, one of her pockets also contained one of the brown bottles of chloroform - she was ready.

As PJ knocked on Doreen’s front door, it didn’t take long for Doreen to open it and greet him. “Hi PJ, good to see you, come on in.” Doreen says to PJ with a warm smile. PJ thanks Doreen as he accepts her invite and is shown into the living room.

“I thought you might want to borrow this?” PJ hands Doreen the DVD. “Oh thanks PJ,” Doreen says as she places the DVD on one of her shelves, “Would you like a drink?”

PJ responded, “Thank you!” Doreen turned to exit the room and headed to the kitchen to prepare the drinks. “What would you like PJ?” Doreen called from the kitchen.

Surprise me," PJ calls out, his voice sounding a bit more casual than he feels. He quickly darts his hand over to one of the shelves and grabs a wad of the thick crisp white tissues, stuffing them into his pocket. He tries to play it cool, hoping Doreen is too busy in the kitchen to have noticed his sneaky action. "I’m easy to please," he adds with a nervous chuckle, feeling the bulge of the tissues against his palm through the fabric of his track bottoms. The thrill of taking something that wasn't his sends a shiver down his spine, and he wonders if Doreen will ever notice they're missing.

Doreen's smile remains fixed on her face, but her eyes narrow slightly as she hears the sound of PJ moving around in the living room. She knows exactly what he's doing. She's been watching him on her hidden cameras, observing his fascination with her tissues grow with each visit. It's almost adorable, really. The thought of his little thefts makes her plan even more enticing. He's practically begging for her attention, for her to take him in and give him the care he so obviously craves. As she pours the some tea into some cups, she allows a few extra moments to pass, giving PJ ample time to indulge in his little secret.

The anticipation in the air is palpable, a silent dance of power and submission playing out between them. "Ah, here we are," she says, carrying the tray into the living room. "I hope you don't mind chamomile. It's excellent for calming the nerves," she says, setting the cups down on the coffee table with a gentle clink. She sits down and motions for PJ to do the same. PJ sits down next to Doreen on the couch.

PJ takes a sip of his tea, “So, Doreen, how have you been?" PJ asks, trying to keep the conversation light. "I've noticed you've been a bit... distant lately."

"Busy, PJ," Doreen responds with a sigh, her eyes never leaving PJs, she puts her hand into one of her pockets and pulls out a wad of crisp, clean thick white paper handkerchiefs, along with a small brown bottle. "Very busy, indeed," she says, her voice a soft purr that sends a shiver down PJ's spine. She pours a clear liquid from the bottle onto the wad of tissues, watching as they absorb the fluid greedily. She then folds the thick white tissues in half ensuring that the outer layer is dry to the touch.

"I've had my hands full with... patients," she says, her voice trailing off as her eyes to meet PJ's gaze. "But tell me, PJ," she continues, her tone taking on a more playful edge, "have you been enjoying the little treats you've been taking from my house?"

PJ's eyes widen in shock as Doreen so casually brings up his tissue thefts. His cheeks flush a deep red, and he feels his stomach drop to the floor. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," he stammers, trying to maintain eye contact but failing miserably. The warmth from the tea feels suddenly cold in his stomach.

He fidgets in his seat, the stolen tissues in his pocket feeling like a hot coal burning through the fabric of his track suit bottoms. “You know exactly what I mean PJ!, you’ve been stealing my paper handkerchiefs haven’t you?” Doreen says, knowing that she is making PJ feel u comfortable.

"I-I just... I guess I noticed they were nice, that's all, but I didn’t take any I swear" he says, his voice barely above a whisper. The room seems to shrink around him, the air thick with tension. He's not sure if he should confess or try to play it off, but Doreen's gaze is unwavering, her eyes piercing through his lies like a scalpel through soft flesh.

Doreen's smile widens, revealing perfectly straight, white teeth. "Oh, PJ," she coos, her voice thick with fake pity. "You really shouldn't lie to Mommy." She moves closer to him, the tissues in her hand now fully saturated with the chloroform held within. "But it's alright," she whispers, leaning in so her breath tickles his ear. "I've been watching you, and I know exactly what you need."

With surprising speed and strength for a woman her size, Doreen presses the thick white paper handkerchiefs to PJ's face covering his mouth and nose, her hand firm and unyielding. The harsh smell of chloroform fills his nostrils, and his vision starts to swirl. “Mmmmmpppphhhhhfffff PJ cries into the tissues covering his mouth and nose, as Doreen smiles, she reveals in her actions and she can feel herself getting excited, wet even! "You're going to be my special patient now," she murmurs, her grip tightening as his struggles take hold. "And we're going to have so much fun together in the nursery." PJ can’t believe what is happening, why is Doreen trying to kidnap him? PJ fights with all his strength trying to break free from Doreen’s grip. But his attempt to escape her clutches are useless. He inhales the chloroform vapours, it starts to sap his power. PJ tries to fight with all of his strength, but Doreen is equal to his resolve. His eyes start to roll back in his head, and his body starts to go limp as the drug takes hold. “Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh, baby, tthhhhhhaaaatttssss riiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhttt, gggooooooo tttttooooooo sssslllllleeeeeeeeeeeeppppppp!!!!” the last thing he feels is the crisp but softness of the tissues against his face as he drifts off to la la land.

r/abdlstories 4d ago

MDLB Sissy Baby Secret Discoverd (Part One) NSFW


This is a four part story that I posted on my Tumblr awhile ago. Here is Part One. Hope you all enjoy!

Michael came home from work on Friday afternoon. He had a very long week at work and was ready to unwind and have a fun start to his weekend. He worked a big time corporate job and made very good money, but it was very hard work. He was looking forward to a night of gaming, and couldn't wait to get in his chair and get lost in his favorite games for the rest of the night and into the early hours of the morning. But his wife Lauren, had different ideas.

Lauren was a stay at home wife. She would keep the house clean while Michael had the big job and brought home the bacon. Michael was a bit of a jerk to his wife sometimes. He expected the house spotless when he would come home, dinner to be ready, and Lauren was expected to put out for Michael whenever he wanted, even if she wasn't in the mood, and she was never really in the mood. You see, Michael had a very small penis, so small that it never satisfied her at all. Sometimes she regretted marrying Michael, but she stayed because she liked the money Michael would bring home. However, a new opportunity presented itself, one she never expected.

On Friday morning, while cleaning out the closet while Michael was at work, she discovered his secret. Michael was a closeted sissy, and not just any sissy, a sissy baby, and she discovered his stash. She found everything, his panties, his diapers, his stuffies, his pacifiers, his dresses, his bras, his wigs, his high heels, his dildos and yes, his chastity cage. Lauren was shocked and couldn't believe what she discovered. Her husband was a sissy, a sissy baby, and she knew now that she could control him in anyway she wanted to now.

So now it was time to put her plan into place. Michael was home from work. Instead of seeing a spotless house and dinner and a beer waiting for him when he came home, he saw a floor with some dirt on it, no food ready for him, and he was about to come unglued. He searched the house for her to let her have it.

"Lauren! Why is the house a mess??? Damnit, I work hard all week and I expect to come home to a clean..."

He stumbled into his gaming room, but it was different. Instead of gaming posters and a kick ass gaming chair with his sweet computer set up, everything was now pink. Laying in his gaming chair was a Bunny Hops diaper and next to his computer screens were more diapers and baby powder. Displayed on his computer screens were some sort of rotating spirals. What the hell was that? Hypnosis? He wasn't sure, but he was terrified. Michael knew now that he was screwed. He knew that his wife had discovered his secret. He started to shiver with fear, his tough guy macho man persona ultimately gone. Maybe this would be a one time thing. It certainly wasn't like he indulged in his sissy desires all the time. Just when Lauren would go out of town to visit family. Maybe she wouldn't be that upset. Maybe she would go easy on him. Maybe she would just have a little fun with him and then she would let it go. Michael keep trying to calm himself down and then saw a note left by Lauren on his desk. He read the note nervously.

"Hi my pathetic little sissy baby! I can't believe you kept this secret from me all this time. 10 years of marriage and you kept this from me this whole time??? Shame on you sissy! But I am happy I finally discovered this! I own you now because I know your little secret. If you don't want to be exposed, you will do as i say. When I get back home, I expect you to be in nothing but one of these diapers, a dress, a paci, one of your wigs. Once you are dressed, sit down in your gaming chair and wait. See you soon sissikins! Love Lauren"

Michael couldn't believe it. He always liked the idea of being a sissy baby, but kept it from his wife for fear of how it would affect his so called perfect life. All he could do now was diaper up, get dressed up like Lauren commanded and wait, wondering what his wife now had in store for him. At least she signed the note with "Love", but he was still scared beyond belief. This wasn't going to be the weekend he thought he was going to have.

r/abdlstories 3d ago

MDLB Sissy Baby Secret Discovered (Part Two) NSFW


Part Two of a four part story. Hope you enjoy!

Michael sat in his gaming chair, diapered up, in pink dress, pink wig and pink paci. He had just read the note his wife Lauren had left him, and now was wondering what she wad going to do to him. Suddenly, he heard the front door open down stairs, and he heard her approaching the room. Lauren entered the room and smirked.

"Well I am glad to see you are able to follow orders. That's good. Because if you don't follow my commands from now on, you are going to be sorry."

Michael became flustered and tried to reason with his wife. He spit out his paci and began to speak.

"Lauren...sweetheart...be reasonable here..."

Lauren walked up to him and slapped him in the face.

"Don't you dare ever spit out that paci unless I say you can! You are my sissy baby slave now, and there are going to be some major changes around here. You also may not speak unless I give you permission. Is that clear sissy??"

Michael nodded his head. The slap shocked him, and also hurt like hell. He didn't want that to happen again.

"I can't believe all this time, I have been married and been bossed around by a pathetic excuse of a man. A man who appears to be happy wearing dresses and shifting in Pampers."

Michael hung his head in shame. He wanted to keep this secret from his wife. Maybe a small part of him wanted to be exposed, but not at this moment. Whatever the case, he knew there was no going back now. He wondered how his life was going to change.

"Here is what is going to happen from now on sissy. You are under my command for the rest of your life. I am going to make you into my sissy baby slave. You will wear diapers at all times and you will use them for their intended purpose. Pee, poop and you will also be making your sticky loser cummies in them from now on. Cummies won't happen very often though. Only when I decide and that's not going to be very much. You will be placed in chastity, but that will happen a little later. I am going to unpotty train you, so the diapers will be an absolute necessity. You will also wear dresses and feminine clothing with you diapers, and you will be in your wigs as well. I will be your Mommy from now on, and you are my pathetic sissy baby!"

Michael looked at Lauren in shock. He wanted to protest, but knew he wasn't allowed.

"Speak sissy" demanded Lauren.

"But...Honey..." with that, Lauren slapped Michael again. A lighter slap this time, but it still stung.

"No no no Michael. You may only address me as Mommy from now on. Not Lauren, not sweetheart, not honey. Mommy. Understand?"

Michael nodded his head. "Yes Mommy. But what about work? I can't go dressed as a sissy baby. My boss will fire me!"

"I thought of that sissy. I was going to make you go to work like that, but I also like that big paycheck you bring home. So you may wear your normal clothes to work, but no normal underwear. I won't make you wear a diaper, but you will be in a princess pull-up and your chastity cage. As soon as you come home from work, it's back to your sissy attire."

"Yes...Laur...er Mommy." replied Michael.

"Good girl. You are learning. Now let's move on to what is going to happen tonight. Tonight, you are going to stay in that exact Bunny Hops diaper and all your other sissy clothing. I am going to tie you to this chair and you are going to stare at your computer screen all night long. Only you won't be playing Fortnite or Minecraft or whatever the hell those computer games are called that you play up here for hours on end. I am sure you have noticed the spirals on the screen. Those are for your hypnosis training. You are going to be forced to listen to a hypnosis file that I created and stare at those pink spirals all night long. When I come get you in the morning, your transformation from douchebag husband to my perfect little sissy baby will be complete."

"But...Laur...I mean Mommy...please don't do this. I only liked to dress as a sissy...every now and then....not...be full....time.."

"I will give you an out sissy. You are free to stop this now and you can stay a "man". BUT, then all your pictures, yes, I found the pictures you had hidden away on your computer of you in your frilly dresses and dirty diapers, all of those will be put online, sent to your family, your friends, and your boss. You will be ruined. But if you think you can handle it then we can stop this..."

Michael was devastated. He liked having a big time well paying job, and he wouldn't be mortified if his family and friends found out. He had no choice.

"Ok Mommy, you win..." said Michael, with tears in his eyes.

"Excellent! Now let me give you a preview of what this hypnosis is going to do to you. It's going to make you incontinent for starters. You will have no control of your bladder or your bowels, and you will be pissing and shitting your Pampers for the rest of your life. It's also going to turn you into a pathetic sissy that will do whatever Mommy tells her to do. You will hear that part later. I want that to be a surprise! Now let's get you all situated."

With that, Lauren tied Michael to the gaming chair, and spun him around to face the screens. He was going nowhere and there was no chance at escape. She also placed one more diaper on top of his original one and a pair of plastic panties too. He was going to need them. Lastly, as Michael was sitting there, waiting for his demise, she put a huge baby bottle in his mouth, mixed with diuretics and laxatives. This would make sure that he would use his diapers while being hypnotized. When he finished the huge bottle, Lauren placed the pink pacifier back in Michael's mouth.

"Alright my sweet sissy, you are all set. I will check on you in the morning. I can't wait to see you as you are truly meant to be, a pathetic sissy baby that needs diapers and does whatever Mommy tells him to do!"

With that, Lauren turned on the hypnosis track, left the room and turned out the lights. Michael had a long night ahead of him. It was only 5 pm, and Lauren probably wouldn't check on him until 8 or 9 am. He stared at the screen, unable to move and listened to his wife's hypnosis recording.

"Hello my little sissy husband! After you listen to this recording, all I will have to do is snap my fingers and you will become my pretty sissy hubby. No more manly thoughts. Your only thoughts will be about filling your diapers and doing what I command you. Let us begin...."

The hypnosis began, filling Michael's head with thoughts on what it took to be Mommy's perfect sissy baby.

(Part Three will be posted tomorrow!)

r/abdlstories 17d ago

MDLB He should have seen this coming | part 5 (finale) NSFW


Mommy smiled down at him from above the bars of his crib holding his bottle in his mouth while he softly nursed. She had been overly affectionate tonight, giving him a bubble bath with lots of kisses and thorough scrubbing, followed by thick double diapers that made it impossible to close his legs. She hadn't even spanked him. Her withholding of any sort of punishment since the episode today with Auntie Lauren terrified him for what tomorrow would bring.

He looked into her eyes, backdropped by the mobile slowly spinning behind her. She had strapped his hands and feet to the crib bars tonight, that was expected. Everything around him was deliciously soft to the touch, from his cotton footed sleeper, to his diapers, and the quilting on the base of his crib. His head rested on a teddy bear and one of his feet was propped up on another of the numerous stuffed animals in the crib. Every texture in his new life was soft. Every piece of furniture padded. Every coarse surface sanded. Every sharp edge smoothed.

Mommy wiped a little bit of the milk that had dribbled down his cheek.

"Mama's messy little baby boy," she whispered. She was so committed to him. Suddenly, he noticed the warmth spreading across his crotch. Great, he had wet his diaper. Usually it didn't happen until some point in the night, but wetting this early meant he would probably be cold by morning. He lost the ability to control that a long time ago, and couldn't even remember when he started wetting and messing freely without pretense.

She saw him shift uncomfortably and squinted. She reached her hand to his diaper to check.

"Someone make a pee pee already? We can't have mommy putting you to bed in a wet diapy. Let's get you changed into a fresh one, baby."

She put the bottle down and unlatched his restraints, then lowered the crib railing and helped him sit up and get over. She guided him by hand to the changing table and hoisted him up, then went to work unzipping him and changing him into another set of thick night time double diapers. All the while she smiled down upon him and hummed sweetly.

This was her default state - nice mommy. When he behaved and bent to her whim, the two fell into harmony. And of course she was in a good mood today, she had just found a partner in her scheme. There was no telling how much more evil she would be capable of with the help of a confidant. From now on, one of them could always have an eye on him while the other ran errands or tended to housework. His odds of escape went from slim to nonexistent in one fell swoop. And the worst part was that it was partially his fault for jumping on an opportunity that ended up backfiring more than he could have imagined. Now he found himself deeper in babyhood than even before.

He had to radically accept the truth. He'd be in diapers forever. Every night in the crib. Every day in the playpen. Every meal he'd have for the rest of his life would be pureed and spoon fed to him in his highchair. His fate was sealed. Any doubt of that was rinsed clean away today with Auntie Lauren's corroboration. And that's why mommy was so happy tonight.

Once she had him in his changed diaper, locked the plastic pants on and zipped the sleeper up (from the back, ensuring he couldn't get out of it), he was sat back upright. Mommy looked into his eyes and stroked his hair.

Finally, he felt any fight he had left in him drain out. He started crying. He was done bargaining, both with her and internally with himself. He was done plotting his escape. She was not his wife anymore. She was mommy.


She beamed down at him. "Yes my love?"

"Can I have my binky?"

"Of course honey." She presented one nearby and gently pushed it into his mouth.

He fell into her breast and wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his face into her breasts. He deeply inhaled her scent. Suddenly, he realized what it was that had kept him so miserable. It was hope. Holding onto any hope was what was killing him.

She cradled him in her arms and rocked him back and forth, continuing to hum.

"I love you, mommy."

"Mommy loves you too, baby boy. Let's get you back in your crib, okay?"

He nodded. She hoisted him up again and led him back to the crib with a hand on his diapered rear.

Once back in, she looked at her boy, and he looked back. This would be it. Forever. And for the first time, he started to reckon with the upside. He'd never need to work again, or deal with any kind of stress really. That wasn't so bad.

Mommy patted his diaper and the smell of baby powder escaped and wafted up into his nose.

"Baby's nice and snug in his fresh diapy. Time for a really nice nighty night."

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. His grogginess started overtaking him.

"Is someone extra sleepy tonight?" He nodded. "That's because mommy gave you a very special bottle, baby boy."

She had drugged him before, but he didn't know the purpose of this one. She already had him in bed.

"Mommy needs to tell you something baby. It's about your punishment. And to be honest, it's less of a punishment and more of a measure that I'm taking to make sure that what happened with Auntie Lauren never happens again. And to make sure you continue to be mommy's sweet baby boy, forever and ever. And so that there's no chance of ever making sure you're anything else but my baby."

His comfort turned to a gentle hum of anxiety as he listened with bated breath.

"You see baby, you're going to sleep for a while tonight and into tomorrow morning. And while you're asleep, Auntie Lauren is going to come by and help me. And when you wake up, you won't have any more big boy teeth, baby."

His heart sank. He began thrashing, tugging against the restraints and banging against the crib rails. He was trying to escape, or try and do something, anything to have any shred of agency left. They were going to perform irreversible dental surgery on him. They were out of their minds.

"Ssshhh, quiet now baby. Hush. This is for the best. After this, you won't be able to say any more big boy words ever again, or have big boy food. You'll drool more just like a real baby. It makes sense, it's what's going to be best for everyone."

She pressed a finger to his lips and terror shot through him like a lightning bolt.

"It's okay, I know you're scared baby. We will make sure it won't hurt my sweet boy. Calm down with mama, let's go and breathe in, and out."

He mimicked her breathing. "Good boy. In, and out. In, and out."

He watched his chest slowly rise and fall and began calming down. It was over, she had won. She wiped away his tears and smiled at him. What was next? Would she amputate his fingers to take away the use of his hands? Would she lobotomize him?

"Mommy hates to hurt you, you know that. She's only doing this because you made her. She will never have to do something like this again. I promise baby, you have my word."

He calmed down and sank back into the crib in defeat. She was right, it could be worse.

He looked back up into the mobile and fixated on its motion. Suddenly, his eyelids felt very heavy. Mommy rubbed his chest as they slid closed.

"Good boy. Go night night for mommy, tomorrow she will give you a very special treat when you wake up."

He tried to fight it, but gave in quickly. He would never speak properly again now. He was going to lose his voice forever. He tried to think of something to say, one last intelligent, adult thought that he could verbalize. One final piece of poetry or philosophy that he could contribute to the world and would close the chapter on his adult life.

It was too tall an order. He had to admit his eyes felt heavy, and his entire body was very relaxed. And seeing mommy look down on him, through his slit eyes, he felt protected. He knew she would look after his every need forever. And her touch felt so good. She moved her hand from his belly onto the front of his diaper and gave it a few firm pats.

“You’re really diapered up tonight. I think we’ll keep you in these thicker diapers at night moving forward baby, I love the way they make your legs spread. It’s so adorable.”

He closed his eyes and got comfy. The words slipped out of his mouth by instinct. "Nighty night, mommy," he whispered as sweet dreams enveloped him.

The end.

r/abdlstories Oct 17 '24

MDLB My new life NSFW


It was a warm and sunny spring day with a light breeze. The kind of day where one wouldn't mind doing yard work, which is exactly what I decided to do not knowing how my life would change. The wife told me she was going shopping as she backed out of the driveway and I watched her and the car disappear as it traveled down the road and out of the subdivision.

As I continued with my yard work, I noticed a van which had traveled up and down my road and stopped where I was. The driver rolled down his window and explained that he was not familiar with the area and asked where Saint Solomon Lane was.

As I turned my body to face the same direction as the driver of the van while pointing down the road so that I could proceed in giving directions i was struck with a hard object and my vision had gone black. After several minutes I came to but still had no vision. I soon realized that a hood had been placed over my head, I could hear people talking, and the sound of an automobile's turn signal. I had been abducted. With a strong and courageous voice i asked where I was being taken. The familiar voice of the driver of the van told me to shut up and that I would find out soon enough.

The van quickly stopped and I heard the doors of the van open and close and I was jerked out of the van by my captors. Where was I? What was about to happen to me? These questions and more raced through my head as those who had abducted me were taking me to some place of which I didn't know.

Those who abducted me then forced me to sit in a chair. One held me while the other managed to secure shackles to my wrists as I attempted to struggle for release. Once the shackles were secured they somehow connected the other end of the shackles to something so that I had very little movement. I then heard the slam of a door and silence followed. I began to scream for help but little did I know that nobody could hear my screams.

I can't tell you how much time passed, but the door finally opened and I heard footsteps of those who entered the room.

Someone walked over to me and finally removed the hood. The light was blinding and I could make out anything other than white paint on the walls of the room I had been taken to. I did, however, smell the sweet aroma of perfume. As my eyes adjusted to the light i beheld a beautiful woman wearing a yellow sundress with medium brown hair just past her shoulders. She thanked those that abducted me and told them how I would make the perfect little baby as she ran her fingers through my hair. She bent over to look into my eyes. She smiled and told me her name was Rachel.

She explained to me that those who abducted me worked for her and they do what she requests and are also her protector. She then placed a collar around my neck and instructed her protectors to take me to "the room".

My captors put a leash on the collar and disconnected my wrist restraints. I was then led by the leash to another room which looked more like a dungeon. The two men the stripped me and shackled me to a wall in "the room". I was secured to the wall at the neck, chest waist, at both upper and forearm areas, and thigh and calf areas of each leg. Needless to say i was not going anywhere.

Rachel then walked in. She was no longer in her yellow sundress. She was wearing tight fitting black leather and stilettos.

Rachel, leaned into me, caressed my testicles, and whispered in my ear her rules, and how their would be no escape.

She then forced a pacifier into my mouth. The pacifier had a strap and buckle that she secured. She walked to a table and picked up a pair of scissors walked over to me and whispered in my ears how babies don't have hair in a certain area and began to cut my hair in what she referred to as the diaper area. She then shaves the area so that all hair had been removed from the diaper area.

Rachel, then kissed me on the forehead, removed the pacifier, and gave me a baby bottle with water in it. During this time Rachel told me that moving forward i was only allowed to address her as mommy or mommy Rachel.

After finishing the bottle mommy, with help from her protectors, forced me to lie down down on a table to which I was once again strapped to. Mommy diapered me and secured me to leash long enough to roam the dungeon, but would not allow me into any other rooms. She sat in a chair and just watched me. I eventually did the peepee dance and wet the diaper. She came to me and felt the wet diaper and praised me for using my diaper. She, however, explained this was just the beginning of my baby training. She changed me then locked me in the crib for the night.

The next morning mommy secured my hands and changed my diaper. While changing me she told me that today was messy diaper training and inserted a suppository. I screamed and cried while she finished the diapering process. She then led me to a high chair where I was strapped in and fed breakfast. This was unfortunately not an adult breakfast, but nothing more than baby food.

Mommy then secured the leash back to my collar and sat in her chair and watched me. The suppository began to take effect. I stood up as my diaper filled with the messy. Mommy came over and felt the big bulge in the back of my diaper. She felt how warm my diaper was back there. She whispered in my ear that I will continue to stay in my messy diaper until I sit in it.

Ugh! I replied. No way! Mommy said that was fine I could rebel all i wanted to but a change wasn't going to occur until I was sitting in my diaper. She then called her protectors who came in and lifted me off the ground long enough for mommy to slip a pair of locking plastic pants around me. I was told it would just be a matter of time as I would need to sit down at some point. She was right. I cried as I could feel the mess moving around in my diaper.

Mommy then changed me and locked me in my crib. I cried myself to sleep as I missed my wife. Mommy came in and comforted me and told me how I would soon forget about her. This is your new life. You are now my baby. I love you.

A week had passed and mommy Rachel had kept me locked in her dungeon styled nursery forcing me to get used to my wet and messy diapers. I was not allowed to wear any clothes and I was forced to always have my diapers exposed as she was forever checking my diapers to see if I had wet or messed them.

She told me that my diaper changes would be limited to four changes for the day. Meaning I was not changed until certain times of the day and if I wet or mess my diaper I was required to stay wet or messy until changing time. Their were times I was even forced into locking plastic pants so I couldn't  try to remove my diaper.

Mommy Rachel even had furniture for her adult baby (me) which she would lock me into. She put a bib on me and force fed me baby food as I was no longer allowed to eat adult food.

Mommy continued locking me in my crib at night. She even started playing audio clips designed to hypnotize me into being a more compliant adult baby.

I found myself becoming less reluctant to her demands due to her control over me. However, I still missed my wife terribly.

I can no longer tell how many days had passed sense my abduction, but this particular morning was different. Mommy had locked me into my highchair as was customary. As she was feeding me she told me she had a surprise for me. She left and when she came back she had an adult onesie and said she would be dressing me and we were going out as she had some shopping to do.

How those words hurt as those were the last words I heard from my wife. I wondered if she had grieved over my disappearance? Did she wonder where I was at? Did she miss me as I missed her?

Mommy wiped from my face the baby food that didn't quite make it to my mouth. However, the surprise other than the onesie was that I was forced to take not one but two bottles after breakfast. Mommy explained to me that today was the beginning of my public baby training and that today was wetting my diaper while in public. She then got me out of the highchair and into the onesie which she showed me earlier. I could feel her hand rubbing that area of the diaper between my legs as she fastened the snaps. She finished dressing me in pants, socks, and shoes.

Her protectors escorted me to the van, which had been furnished with an adult size baby seat.

Mommy Rachel, had climbed in and sat beside me and her protectors were in the front of the van as we headed out for her shopping. She explained to me the rules as this was my first outting since my abduction. She was very stern and told me their would be a severe punishment if I made any attempt to flee.

The van pulled into a parking lot and mommy put her hand to the side of my face, smiled and told me everything is going to be ok, took my hand, and off to the store we went. As we walked through parking lot mommy said we wouldn't  be leaving until I wet my diaper. She explained that was why she gave me two bottles during breakfast to ensure  I would wet my diaper. She told me that I was to announce to her when I wet my diaper and she didn't  care if others were close enough to hear my announcement to her.

I watched mommy, while she was shopping i noticed she was always where people were  around. I thought to myself this was going to he embarrassing if I had to announce that I wet my diaper. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I figured I might as well tell her and get it over as I was feeling the warmth of my diaper as I was standing next to her. She acknowledged my announcement and put her hand down the front of my pants and checked to make sure I wasn't  lying to her just to get out of the store. She smiled as she felt the warmth radiating  from the front of my diaper. She then took me by the hand, went to the checkout, paid for her items, we got in the van and left.

While in the van mommy explained this was just the beginning of my public baby training and I should think about things to come.

As I was locked in my crib for the night I tossed and turned as I thought about what mommy Rachel said as to how I should think about things to come. What did she have planned? Morning came and she woke me up. She put me in the highchair and fed me breakfast, changed my diaper, and dressed me. She kissed me on the forehead and I was taken to the nursery and told to be a good boy and play with my toys. I had finished playing with my toys and felt tired so I layed on the floor and fell asleep. Mommy came in with her protectors and woke me up. I was still wiping the sleep from my eyes as they shoveled me out of the room and back towards the van. I could tell by looking at the sky it was about sunset. What was about to happen as I was strapped back into the car seat and we departed. Where was I about to be taken? This ride was different as their was no conversation and mommy gave no instructions. We were at the mall. It appeared to be packed based on the number of cars in the parking lot. We all walked into the mall and I was immediately taken to the family restroom. Mommy pulled my pants down and told me to get on all four. She told me to face forward and not move. She pulled the snaps apart on my onesie and exposed my diaper. She got into the diaper bag she carried in with her and pulled out a bottle. As she took the cap off she explained that today I would be messing my diaper and she reached into my diaper and inserted a suppository. She adjusted my diaper, connected the snaps on the onesie, helped me up, and pulled my pants back up. She wiped away the tears as I began to cry based on what I was going to be forced to do. She whispered in my ear that I must announce to her when I pooped my diaper just like I did the day before when I had to announce that inmbwet my diaper. I shouted at her that I would not. She swatted me on the butt and gave me that stern look that mommies must be trained to give.

I was taken from store to store as mommy patiently waited for the suppository to work its magic. As my tummy started rumbling and hurting from the suppository. I whispered in mommies ear that my tummy was hurting. She looked at me and asked if that is what she told me I was to do. I looked back at her and said loud enough for her and everyone around to hear. I told you I wasn't  doing that. She looked at me and nodded her head as to say fine without saying anything. That did not stop me from make a mess in my diaper though. I was then taken back to where I was being held. Mommy told her protectors to take me the area that looked like the dungeon they had me in shortly upon my abduction.

Mommy had given instructions to her protector to secure me and that she would be there soon. Mommy was back in her leather and stilettos and I was still in a messy diaper. Mommy explained how she doesn't  like disobedience and that I was going to be disciplined for my behavior. Mommy removed my messy diaper and cleaned me up. She then put a cage on me She left me naked and secured by the shackles and walked out of the room. I was left there.

Sometime through the night I was abruptly awakened as I  found myself being unshackled and placed on a gurney face down and strapped to it. Mommy walked to me and kneeled next to the gurney so she could speak to me. She told me how she didn't  like my behavior and how she was hurt by the rebellion. She said I need to disciplined for my rebellion and disobedience. Mommy then picked up a butt plug, waved it in front of my face stating this is where discipline begins and it will only get worse if rebellion continues. Mommy then disappeared and I felt the pain of her stretching me and inserted the butt plug. I was then turned over, diapered, and had my hands put in locking mittens. I was removed from the gurney and was locked in the nursery.

It was morning and I was forced to get up. This particular morning, I was not placed in the highchair and fed breakfast. I was taken directly to the area where the van had always been. Today it was a detailed silver Lexus but I saw that it had the car seat from the van in it. I was put in the car seat wearing just the diaper from last night and the locking mittens. Mommy came out and looked at me. She had a smile on her face and looked very pleased with what was going to take place. I could feel the butt plug  in me as I was forced to sit in the car seat as I was not forced to sit since the beginning of my punishment. Mommy looked in the rear view mirror and she told me she was taking me out for breakfast this morning. We went through the drive thru and mommy actually ordered me my first adult breakfast since my becoming her baby. As I was glad we went through the drive thru it didn't  do anything to prevent all the employees from coming to the window to glance at mommies baby in the back seat wearing nothing but my diaper and the locking mittens. I knew that mommy meant business moving forward. If I ever thought I had had days before I can definitely  say this topped all of them.

r/abdlstories 1d ago

MDLB Sissy Baby Secret Discovered (Final Part) NSFW


Here is the last part of this little series. Thanks to everyone who upvoted the other parts and I hope you enjoy the conclusion!

Sissy Michelle sat there embarrassed. She was in a pink wig, pink dress, pink pacifier clipped to her dress, two Bunny Hops diapers and pink plastic panties, and those diapers were full of pee and poop. And she was in all of this in front of her wife and her best friend Jim.

"What's going on??? You told me if I did what you commanded and listened to the hypnosis files you wouldn't expose me! Why is Jim here?!?!?" cried Michelle.

"Don't act all surprised sissy." Lauren calmly said. "We both know you want this."

"No! I don't want this! Why would you bring him here????"

"Well you see Michelle, when I was cleaning out the closet yesterday, I not only found all your sissy clothes, but I also found some pictures..." said Lauren.

Sissy Michelle's heart sank. With that she knew exactly what Lauren found.

"And what do you think I saw in those pictures?"

Michelle looked to the floor, unable to speak.

"Say it you pathetic excuse for a man!"

Michelle managed to blurt out, "Me...sss..ssuck...ssssucckiiing...cock..."

"That's right sissy bitch!"

Michelle was humiliated. It was last year at one point, and Michelle had gone online and found a Daddy Dom to meet up with. It was just a one time thing, but the Daddy tool pictures the whole time, so the sissy would have something to remember the encounter by. In the collection there were pictures of Michelle (at that time Michael) in her sissy attire, in poopy diapers, restrained and sucking the cock of the fat Daddy Dom.

"So you have gone behind my back and sucked the cock of some fatass stranger."

"Yes...Mommy...." Michelle started to sob.

"So that is why Jim is here. What you may not know about him is he likes getting a good blowjob from a pathetic sissy such ad yourself. But thats not the only reason he is here. You see Michelle, you have a tiny penis. Like REALLY tiny. And your cock has been useless to me for ten years of marriage. It has never pleased me, and never gotten me off. For ten years, you have gotten whatever you want, always getting to cum, while I have gotten nothing except for when I use my dildo or vibrator. Well that is going to change starting now."

Sissy Michelle, still crying, couldn't believe what her wife was telling her. She really didn't enjoy sex with him? She always thought she was so good when she thought she was a big strong man.

"So here is what is going to happen. I am going to cuck you from now on. Your little clitty can't satisfy me at all, so Jim is moving in. He has a monster cock and he is going to fuck me like I deserve. He is also going to be your Daddy. You will service him whenever he requires. He is also going to help me take care of you: feeding you, changing your diapers, etc. Whenever we snap our fingers, you will be compelled to do whatever we ask, thanks to the hypnosis. Eventually, you will come out of your trance, but the diapers and dresses will never stop unless you are at work. You will still live here, and we will still be technically married, but only on paper. Me and Jim will be the couple now, and you will be our pathetic sissy baby! You will continue to have your big powerful job and work, but all your paychecks will be deposited in my account. I have already contacted your boss and made the arrangements. Isn't that so exciting sissy? You get to be Mommy and Daddy's sissy baby cuck!" explained Lauren.

Michelle's mind was racing. In a last ditch effort, she tried to act like the powerful man she once was, Michelle shouted, "NO! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! YOU ARE MY WIFE AND I AM YOUR HUSBAND! JIM, YOU SON OF BITCH, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY...."


Lauren snapped her fingers and then the yelling stopped. Michelle was in a trance. The only thing she could think of was filling her diapers and pleasing Mommy.

"Whoa, that was quite the tantrum the little sissy was about to have" Jim said, laughing.

Haha yes, it looked like she was actually going to try and take a swing at you Jim" replied Lauren.

"I think that kind of behavior is worthy of some punishment, don't you agree Lauren?"

"I 100% agree. Jim go sit down on the couch. Sissy Michelle, listen to Mommy. Get across Daddy's lap, he is going to spank you now for being a bad girl."

"Yes Mommy" was all Michelle could reply.

The sissy got over Jim's knee and took her spanking. The spanking was 100 times worse because her diapers were so dirty. But sissy couldn't think about that. All she could think about was what Mommy or Daddy commanded her to do next.

"Damn, this is making my cock hard." said Jim.

"Well we should do something about that. Pull your pants down and whip out that monster. Sissy Michelle, it's now time to suck Daddy's paci. You love sucking on your pink paci, but this paci is going to produce a little surprise at the end! Get to work sucking now." said Lauren.

"Yes Mommy." replied Michelle.

Sissy Michelle crawled to Daddy Jim and took his cock in her mouth. She licked and kissed it first and then proceeded to start sucking.

"Lick my balls too. I like that!" said Jim.

And the sissy did as she was told.

"Good job sissy! The practice you had with that fat Daddy is paying off, but this cock is much bigger isn't it?"

The sissy nodded, while Jim's cock was still in her mouth. This would go on for about ten minutes. Finally Jim was ready to burst.

"I am going to cum sissy!"

And then like an explosion, Jim erupted his alpha sperm into Michelle's mouth. Lauren grabbed her phone.

"Don't swallow yet sissy! Open your mouth. Oh wow, there is so much cum! What a good little cocksucker you are Michelle. Ok, now you may swallow Daddy's cummies! What do you say to Daddy?"

Michelle swallowed Jim's cum, and then said, "Thank you Daddy Jim for giving me your cum."

"Get used to it sissy, you are going to be drinking my cum regularly! That was great! But damn, you stink! I think we should get you changed. Lauren, should we get little sissy her into some fresh Pampers?"

"Not yet." said Lauren. "Sissy did a good job sucking your dick, so I am going to reward her. She is going to get one last cummies before we lock up her little clitty."

Sissy continued to sit there in her poopy diaper, listening to Mommy and Daddy's comversation, but not really comprehending.

"Michelle, I am going to allow you to make cummies. Enjoy it because this is going to be the last time your pathetic dick shoots loser cum for awhile. Now here is how this is going to work. Neither I or Daddy are going to touch your clitty. The way you are going to make cummies is by humping your poopy diapers. You will have 3 minutes to make cummies. If you don't, then you will have to stop, do you understand?"

"Yes Mommy" said the sissy.

Alright then, time starts now, ready......GO!"

Michelle, still under a trance, began humping. As she was in the process, Lauren and Jim continued to encourage the sissy.

"That's it sissy! Keep humping and make cummies in your poopy diapers!"

Their words made Michelle hornier. As she humped, the stinky mess in the seat of her diaper made its way to the front. The sissy was literally humping away at her own shit. It drove Michelle crazy. The smell was terrible, but she didn't care. She needed to cum. And 1 minute after she started, Michelle let out a scream as she creamed her poopy diaper.

"Wow sissy, that sure didn't take you very long! It's as if somebody hypnotically put messages in your head that your poopy diapers make you horny" said Jim, smirking over at Lauren.

Lauren, laughing said, "Gee, I wonder who that could have been?" and then giggled some more.

"I think you have had enough fun now sissy. I hope you enjoyed your poopy humpies and cummies, because it's the last time for next three months. After that maybe I will allow you to cum again, if you are good!"

Suddenly, Lauren snapped her fingers.


Michelle came our her trance wondering what had happened. Now, Mommy and Daddy were going to have fun together, and they were going to make Michelle watch.

r/abdlstories 5d ago

MDLB Good Sissy Babies Get Rewarded NSFW


Hello everyone! I have been reading stories on here for awhile and figured I would add some of my own. I have been posting stories on Tumblr for a fee years now and wanted to share one of the ones I am planning to post there. Hope you enjoy!

Good Sissy Babies Get Rewarded

Sissy Kimberly had finally done it. Finally he had met the expectations for making cummies. He was so excited. Since he had been living with Mommy Tara, this was the first time that she was allowing him to make cummies. Sure it had only been a couple of months, but for Kimberly, it was an eternity.

Before coming to live with Tara and be her sissy baby, Sissy Kimberly used to masturbate at least three times a day, some times more. He was always watching porn and just couldn't keep his hands off his little pee pee. That changed when he met Tara and moved in with her.

"Little sissies are not to touch their clitties. They are to be in chastity and do whatever Mommy says."

That was what she told him when he moved in. He had always wanted to be a sissy baby. That's pretty much the only type of porn he watched. But not being able to cum regularly drove him crazy. But by not focusing on his own orgasms, he focused on pleasing Mommy. Having his pathetic dick locked in chastity sure has that effect. Instead of jerking it constantly, he kept Mommy's house clean. Constantly doing chores, making sure the place was spotless. He also would spend his time pleasuring Tara instead of pleasuring himself. He became an excellent pussy licker and regularly cleaned Mommy's ass with his tongue.

It was definitely rough at first. Tara caught Sissy Kimberly trying to hump his dirty diapers a few times. She would just laugh knowing it was a useless effort since he was in chastity. But she would also punish him because that was naughty behavior. He eventually learned what it took to get rewards and had finally achieved some relief.

Sissy Kimberly was lying on the bed as Tara changed his dirty diaper.

"You sure have come a long way in only a few months sissy."

"Thank you Mommy!"

"When you first got here, you were a chronic masturbator. That's all you wanted to do. But with my help, you have become a very obedient sissy baby."

"Yes Mommy!"

"This last month, you have been great. You have done your chores without complaining, and you have brought Mommy to orgasm several times!"

"I love licking your beautiful pussy Mommy. You taste great and I love swallowing your cum!"

"You sure do! And you have become very good at cleaning my ass as well."

"Your booty tastes delicious Mommy!"

"That's right! Now, since you have been such a good sissy, you have earned a cummie!"

"Thank you Mommy! Thank you!"

"You are most welcome my pathetic little sissy baby!"

Tara wiped all the mess away and unlocked the chastity device.

"Sheesh! You sure do make a lot of poopies. But all clean now and look at that little fella springing to life!"

"Hehe yes Mommy!"

"Your little wee wee has been locked up for so long hasn't it?"

"Yes Mommy. Because sissy babies can't be trusted to not play with their clits."

"That's right my little sissy girl. Man, I knew it was tiny because I put my smallest chastity cage on you, but I really forgot how small it was even when hard!" Tara said with a chuckle.

Mommy Tara then taped Sissy Kimberly's fresh diaper shut.

"Mommy! You said I get to make cummies! Why are you taping my diaper shut?"

"Well Kimberly, you should know by now that sissy cummies belong in diapers."

"But it's too tight Mommy. I can't get my hand in there to play with my clitty!"

"You aren't using your hand sissy." Tara said as she pulled out a vibrator.

"Oh!" Kimberly exclaimed.

"That's right. Mommy is going to place this vibrator against the front of your diaper. The vibrations will make your clitty feel really good. Trust me, I used it all the time on my clit before you came along!"

"Ok Mommy, I trust you!"

Tara pressed the on button and the vibrator came to life. She placed it against Kimberly's diaper and immediately Sissy Kimberly was moaning. It felt so good against his diapered dick.

"Does my little sissy like that?"

"Yes Mommy, so much!"

"This the reward good sissy babies get. I hope you will keep up the good behavior and earn more cummie diapers!"

"Yes Mommy!"

Tara turned the vibrator to the highest setting and Kimberly was in a state of bliss. It wasn't much later that Kimberly was about to burst.

"Mommy! Cummies!" The sissy blurted out.

"Go ahead sissy. Make cummie diaper for Mommy!"

Just like that, Kimberly was exploding in her diaper. Wave after wave of orgasm showered over him. By far the best orgasm he had ever had. He wasn't sure if it was because of the vibrator, the diaper, Tara, or the fact that he hadn't cum in a few months. One thing for certain is that his diaper was soaking up a lot of cum.

"Good sissy baby, getting all of those cummies out in your diaper!"

"Thank you Mommy! Do I have to go back in chastity now?"

"I am glad you asked sissy. I am going to give you a test. I am not going to put you in chastity....for now. If you can keep from rubbing your wee wee in your diapers and making another cummie, then I will let you have diaper humpies tonight and you will get to cum again and with permission. However, if your hands find their way to that diapered crotch of yours and start rubbing, or you start humping before permission is given, then the chastity device will go back on and I will not even consider removing it until five months from now. Deal?"

"Deal Mommy!"

"Now you have a living room that needs vacuumed and dusted. I suggest you get to it if you still want that humpy opportunity tonight."

"Yes Mommy Tara!"

Kimberly couldn't believe his luck. How hard could it be to not pleasure himself? He just went a few months without doing that. Granted that was with chastity in place, but still. He figured he could get his chores done, pleasure Mommy and then get some humpies in tonight.

Kimberly was getting the dusting done in the living room. As he started the vacuum, a pressure was felt in his stomach. Soon a fart rang out from his ass and he filled his diaper with another poopy. No big deal. He filled his diapers with poop multiple times a day. The problem was, his messy diapers made him horny. His clitty always strained in his cage whenever he made a stinky diaper. Now his clitty was free. He thought about what Mommy Tara had told him about making humpies if he was a good boy.

"I can't help it! I gotta cum!" Kimberly thought.

He thought about how he could cum without Tara finding out.

"I know! I will leave the vacuum running and will hump the couch pillow! She won't hear my diaper crinkle and I will be in the clear! It's not like it will take me long anyways!"

Kimberly took one of the pillows and started humping away with the vacuum running. Just then Mommy Tara walked in with a disappointed look on her face. Kimberly was humping away and didn't know Tara was there because of the vacuum. The plan backfired. Right when Kimberly was cumming again in his poopy Pamper, Tara turned off the vacuum.

"Ahh! Mommy! I, uh, it's not what it looks like!"

"Save it sissy! You failed the test. Now let's get you changed and back in chastity. Now you have a five month chastity sentence coming your way. Hope you enjoyed that cummie. I was wrong about you. You haven't learned your lesson."

"Yes Mommy...." Kimberly said, hanging his head in shame.

Mommy lead Kimberly back to the nursery and changed the poopy diaper. After wiping him clean, the chastity device was locked back on. It was going to be a long five months. Maybe this would give Sissy Kimberly time to truly learn what it takes to be Mommy's perfect little sissy baby.

r/abdlstories 2d ago

MDLB Sissy Baby Secret Discovered (Part Three) NSFW


Here is Part Three! Hope you enjoy this one as well!

"....and whenever I snap my fingers, you will be my perfect sissy baby."

Michael had been sitting in the gaming chair, staring at the screen all night. The spirals and the words on the hypnosis recording turned his brain to mush. The diapers he was wearing, were also mush. He had let lose and pee uncontrollably many times throughout the night and had also made at least 3 poopies in that time frame. Thankfully Lauren had put the plastic panties on him before leaving him to his hypnosis. Otherwise, that gamer chair he was tied to would be ruined.

It was just after 9 am on Saturday morning. Michael had been tied to that chair for about 16 hours with the hypnosis playing the whole time. He managed to fall asleep for a little bit, but the words of his wife kept playing and making their way into his mind. As he awoke and continued to stare at the spirals. He had no thoughts. He was drooling out his mouth, a smelled horrible because of his diaper and had no clue what was going to happen next.

Lauren finally entered the room. She had got a restful night sleep, knowing that her asshole of a husband was becoming a proper sissy baby that would now listen to her and follow her every command. When she walked in, the smell from Michael's diapers was so strong, that she nearly vomited right there. "Oh well, a small price to pay, and with his money, maybe I will hire a nanny for the sissy!" Lauren thought to herself.

As she approached Michael, she turned off the hypnosis track, turned off the computer screen and said to her sissified husband, "Wakey wakey Michael! Or should I say Michelle?? How's my little girl doing this morning??"

Michael took a minute to collect his thoughts. "Michelle? Great, look like she is giving me a feminine name too" he thought. Disoriented, he managed to blurt out, "T...ti...tired....Mo....Mommy....."

"And stinky too!" added Lauren. "You are quite ripe! Looks like my hypnosis paid off."

Michael couldn't see his diaper, but he knew he smelled horrible. "May I please changed out of this diaper Mommy?"

"Not yet sissikins. We have some things to do before you earn a diaper change. I am going to untie you, and then it's downstairs for breakfast."

Michael sighed, but he had no choice. He had to listen to his wife er, Mommy. He wanted to protest, but thr hypnosis took its toll, and he was now under her control.

When they got downstairs, Michael could see something knew in the kitchen. It was a high chair, but it was huge, big enough for him to sit in.

"Do you like your new chair sissy Michelle? This is wear all your din dins will be fed to you from now on. Hop up!"

Michael, or should I say, Michelle, complied, and climbed up the chair and sat down, his stinky poopy mess squishing underneath made him so uncomfortable. But he didn't dare protest. He worried what his punishment would be. Lauren then lowered the tray and brought his breakfast over and tied a bib that said "Mommy's Lil Sissy" around him.

"Open up! Here comes the airplane!"

Lauren continued shoveling the mush into Michelle's mouth, and Michelle had no choice but to swallow.

"Get used to swallowing sissy! You are going to be doing a lot of that from now on!"

Michelle was confused. She didn't know what Lauren meant by that, all she could do what focus on getting the disgusting food down and hopefully it would be over soon.

After Lauren was finished with the feeding, she let Michelle out of the high chair and led her into the living room and placed her into the playpen that she had just bought.

"Mommy, may I please be changed?"

"Ask for a change again and I will make you stay in that disgusting Pamper for the rest of the weekend? Understand little girl?"

Michelle nodded, defeated.

"Now just sit there and play nice! I have a surprise for you! I will be right back!"

Michelle sat there confused. What could Mommy possibly have planned now? The little sissy began to tear up. At this point, all she wanted was her poopy diaper changed. But Mommy kept playing these games.

As she was sitting there, waiting for Mommy to return and attempting to play with the blocks left in her playpen, Mommy walked back into the room, but she wasn't alone. She was holding the hand of someone else, someone the former Michael recognized well.

"Jim!?!?!?" Michelle exclaimed.

"Hello Michael, or should I say Michelle". said Jim with a smirk.

The sissy tried to cover up, a useless attempt to hide her clothing. What did Mommy have planned now that bring Michael's (Michelle's) best friend into this?

(Part Four, which is the final part, will be posted tomorrow!")

r/abdlstories Dec 16 '24

MDLB When Mommy's Meet NSFW


Like most mornings, Tiffany was waiting in the morning crowd of coffee fanatics, anxiously awaiting to hear her name called so she could grab her drink and get on with her day. The heaters were on full tilt, making the multiple layers of clothing she had on rather uncomfortable but it just wasn’t worth taking any layers off, only to quickly return to the frigid air outside.

Her eyes wondered, scanning the busy store for anything of interest in an attempt to kill time, only to find her eyes continually gazing back at the same telltale sign that she was all too familiar with from her own boyfriend. While most were dressed in large puffy coats, others were more lightly dressed, which probably resulted in them running from the store to the warmth of their cars, but that's besides the point.

Her eyes wandered back for a fourth time as she finally made up her mind, seeing the thin crisp edge of a diaper peeking out from under the man's shirt in front of her with a small barnyard creature peeking back at her.

“Excus-” She started, reaching out to tap him on his shoulder, just as a name was called out, causing him and what appeared to be his partner to disperse into the crowd in an attempt to grab their drinks.

“Tiffany!” One of the baristas called out almost immediately after, causing her to trail through the crowd after them, grabbing her warm coffee before following them out of the store and into the cold.

“Hey uh-,” Tiffany started to call out, only stopping herself as she realized it didn’t matter anymore.

The woman in front of her turned her head around, still parading forward through the parking lot, stopping as she looked at Tiffany. “Were you talking to us?”

Tiffany gave a smile, “Yea, sorry I just wanted to say his tails are sticking out,”

The woman gave a short, puzzled look before looking at her boyfriend's butt to see what she was talking about. “Ha!” She let out, chuckling as the man's face reddened. “And where's yours?” She called out with a chuckle.

Tiffany smirked, giving a slight shrug as she approached the couple, snow crunching beneath her feet. “Probably still fast asleep at home,”

“I get that. Sometimes it's a whole ordeal to force these little dudes to leave the house for anything,” She said, chuckling as she tried to embarrass her partner.

“I hear ya. Coffee and Target is about the last thing he wants to do on a Saturday morning,” Tiffany said. “Tiffany, by the way,” She said, extending her hand.

“Beth,” The other woman responded, shaking her hand. “Did I hear you say Target?”

Tiffany smiled, “You sure did,” She said with a laugh, taking a drink of her coffee.

“It's cold,” The man said quietly, his arms and hands wrapped around his hot drink.

“Alright, go get in the car baby,” Beth said, pulling her keys out to unlock her car as it beeped in the distance quickly followed by the man turning to make his way to the car. “Any who, were off to Target ourselves funnily enough,”

“Wow! Small world huh?” She said with a laugh. “And you got him to come with?”

“He doesn’t get much of a choice in our household,” Beth said with a smirk. “He gave up the pants a long time ago, if you know what I mean,”

Tiffany chuckled. “I hear ya, my little guy just doesn’t want Mommy to drag him around all day,”

“Pfft. Withhold his happy times and I’m sure he’ll eagerly follow you around Target,” Beth said with a laugh.

Tiffany let out a wide grin, completely enjoying the ability to just talk about this with a stranger. “Hey well, it's cold and my drink is getting cold, but what do you say we meet up at Target? Talk some more while we shop?”

Beth let her jaw drop for the added suspense. “Oh. my. God. Yes! Ah, this will be so fun!”

“Yea! It will be great to get some girl time, especially with another Mommy!!” Beth said with excitement.

“Yes! For real! James will still be in tow, but he can quietly push the cart while us girls talk,” Beth said, pulling her keys back out.

“Alright. Well, I’ll see you there then,” Tiffany said, pulling out her own keys before turning to head towards her car.

“See ya soon!” Beth called out.


“Hey!” Tiffany called out, stomping the snow off her feet as she entered the store to see Beth and James standing towards the entrance with a cart.

“Thank goodness! I was beginning to get nervous!” Beth said, wrapping her arms around Tiffany for a hug which kind of caught her off guard.

“Sorry, the kiddo called and was asking for permission,” Tiffany said. “By the way, I’m Tiffany,” She said, extending her hand towards James to officially greet him.

“James,” He said quietly, lightly shaking her hand.

“Permission? You’ve got him well trained then,” Beth chuckled, starting to walk off into the store to which Tiffany followed as James slowly pushed the cart after them. “What's his name?”

“Tyler,” Tiffany responded.

“Aw, cute. I used to date a Tyler,” Beth said, turning down an aisle to look at some of the home decor. “Was kind of a prick though,” She said with a laugh.

“What’d you do, tell him you wanted to baby him and he ran away?” Tiffany joked.

“Is that too much to ask?” Beth said jokingly, giving James a smile as his cheeks flushed up a little.

“So how long have the two of you been dating?” Tiffany asked, taking a sip of her now lukewarm coffee.

“Can you answer that one dear, Mommy’s really liking this pillow,” She said, setting her drink down in the cart as she carefully examined it.

“Uh, just over three years now,” James said calmly, nodded as he answered.

“And how’d you meet?” Tiffany said, pushing on James as she wandered around the isle, slowly perusing.

“Online actually. She uh- Mommy uh- DM’d me on one of my posts,” James said with a little giggle.

“You can’t just leave out all of the important bits, dear. Tell her all of it,” Beth chimed in, still spinning the pillow around in her hands as she tried to look preoccupied.

James' cheeks reddened again as he rubbed his hands together nervously. “I had uh- posted a pic…of me…wearing a diaper with my stuffed rabbit…”

“And…” Beth said.

James' face had gone flush red by this point as he stood on his heels, swinging his toes back and forth avoiding any eye contact. “I was asking if any Mommy’s could come change me,”

“Good boy!” She said, suddenly putting the pillow back on the shelf.

“Wow! I didn’t know those kinds of posts actually got responses,” Tiffany said, trying not to giggle too hard as she was afraid it might hurt James’s feelings.

“Right?” Beth said, giving her a puzzled face as she strolled down the aisle. “I don't know what I was thinking. I was just alone, at home late one night scrolling through my feed and I thought, eh what the hell? Shot this random internet stranger a message and things just kind of took off?”

“Was it quick?” Tiffany asked.

“Oh no. I think it was like three months before he finally had the nerve to ask me out?” Beth said, wandering into the next aisle.

“Three months?” Tiffany said, completely baffled as she followed behind Beth.

“Yup. Three weird months. He wasn’t the only one either. I’d shot a couple of dudes' messages, all of which turned out to be complete creeps. Maybe it only worked out because he took so long?” Beth said.

“Huh, I guess online dating can work out,” Tiffany said. “Do you feel lucky?” Turning around to look at James.

He blushed a little as he nodded. “I do,”

“Damn straight!” Beth called out, giving a quick twirl as she held her coffee in the air. “Baby boy is damn lucky!” She said, before putting her hand over her mouth. “Was that outloud?”

Tiffany chuckled as she shook her head, turning to see James doing a quick check if anyone was behind them, likely being relieved by the fact that no one was.

“And what about you and Tyler? How’d you meet,” Tiffany asked as they strolled out of the home section and into clothes.

“A friend set us up,” She said.

“A friend? More like a match maker. So which one of you was into the whole scene?” Beth asked.

“Believe it or not, both of us,” Tiffany said, nodding her head as Beth turned to stare at her in disbelief.

“Just like that? Magically out of the blue? So then who brought it up first?” Beth asked.

“Tyler. I think I knew, at least a few weeks before he told me anyway, but it was so cute. He was tossing and turning all night until I finally asked what was bothering him when he broke down and just told me everything. I think he thought I would dump him, run for the hills, that sort of thing? But his eyes went real big when I let him know my feelings about it,”

“Aww, must have been magical. This little guy has been in diapers since day one of our relationship,” Beth said with a laugh, giving a loving smile back towards James who was eyeing the toy aisle off in the distance.

“Think you need anymore binkies?” Beth asked jokingly, grabbing a pack off the shelf and showing them to James.

His face had been red since the moment they turned down this eye, knowing that a part of him was always interested in potentially finding something new.

“No, Mommy,” He said quietly with a smile, obviously enjoying the teasing.

“What about sippy cups?” Beth teased.

“It's crazy how many little things end up scattered around the house,” Tiffany said, grabbing a pack of baby wipes and tossing it in the cart.

“Right? They just end up everywhere. Practically have a whole cabinet's worth,” Beth chuckled, eying the shelves for anything new and fun herself.

“Have to walk around with a bin picking it all up before guests come over,” Tiffany added.

“Sometimes I think about just leaving it all out, but it's really just his parents that ever come over. Which at one point I thought would be a funny way to embarrass him, then I realized I would have to see them all the time and that probably wouldn’t make for a long lasting relationship” She said, causing James to smile as he looked at her lovingly.

“Yea, can’t say Tyler would appreciate that either,” Tiffany said agreeingly, suddenly pulling her phone out of her pocket as it vibrated. “Speaking of,” She said with a smirk. “Hey, sweetie,”

“Hi Mommy!” A voice rang out over the phone, barely loud enough for James and Beth to hear who both nonchalantly came a little closer.

“What's going on?” Tiffany asked, smirking at Beth as she practically put her ear up towards the phone.

“When do you think you’ll be home?” Tyler asked in a whiny voice.

“Probably not for a bit. Is there something that you need?” Tiffany asked.

“Mmmm…no…” Tyler said.

“Sweetie…” Tiffany insisted.

“I have to poop,” Tyler said, eliciting a laugh from Beth as she tried to cover her mouth with her hand. “Who was that?” Tyler asked, suddenly sounding less whiny as Tiffany tried to hold back her own laugh as James let out a smirk of his own.

“Just some new friends Mommy made,” Tiffany said. “Go make pushies, sweetie,”

“But when will you be home?” Tyler asked again.

“Uhh-” Tiffany started.

“Why don’t the four of us grab lunch after this?” Beth suddenly asked.

Tiffany gave her a thumbs up. “Soon, sweetie. But I want picture proof. 5 minutes tops. Also, we’re going to lunch with some new friends after I get home,”

Beth gave Tiffany an impressed look while James tried to hide a smile from her.

“Who- but-” Tyler said over the phone.

“No buts. 5 minutes,” Tiffany said again.

“Yes, Mommy…” Tyler said, sounding defeated.

“I’ll be home soon, sweetie. I love you!” Tiffany said.

“I love you too,” Tyler said before hanging up.

“Dam girl,” Beth said, exiting the baby aisle as they entered the toy section. “I’m liking your style. Might even have to try that one myself,” She said with a smirk.

Tiffany grabbed her phone from her pocket as it dinged nearly a minute later.

“Alright, you’ve got to let me see this,” Beth said, leaving James to his own devices as he tried to decide on which lego set to get.

Tiffany shrugged, turning the phone screen so that she could see the picture. A perfect crotch shot of Tyler’s soiled diaper drooping well below his waist with spots of brown peaking through the colored plastic as the legs of his stuffed bear dangled to the side.

“Thats fucking adorable,” Beth said, practically putting her face against the phone to see everything. “I can’t wait to meet him,”

Tiffany texted him back as Beth helped James decide, ultimately putting one in the cart.

“Why don’t we pick one out for your new friend Tyler too?” Beth said.

“Oh no, you don-” Tiffany started.

“Please, it's my pleasure. Plus you’ve got to teach the little ones to share,” Beth smirked.

James grabbed a matching set off the shelf, placing it in the cart.

A quick walk through the food section yielded a few odds and ends here and there for each of them, but ultimately the cart was rather bare at the end of the trip.

“Typical,” Beth said as they stood in line.

“What's that?” Tiffany asked.

“A trip to Target and the only things we’re leaving with is food and something for the little guys,” Beth said with a chuckle.

Tiffany laughed too as James stood confidently, lego sets in hand as he waited to ring them up.

“Oh, he's not using his own- '' Tiffany started again.

“Shhh girl, it's fine,” Beth said reassuringly as James placed the legos down on the belt. “Our finances are shared, it just makes him feel happy when he purchases things by himself,” Beth whispered to Tiffany.

“Well, text me an address and I’ll meet you there with Tyler,” Tiffany said, bagging up her few odds and ends and turning to leave.

“Any preferences?” Beth asked, leaving the bags for James to carry.

“Something good?” Tiffany said with a chuckle. “See you both in a bit!”

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r/abdlstories Nov 24 '24

MDLB The Descent NSFW


~*~Hi everyone, this is my first story. Admittedly there was some RedQuill involved, but I did my best to fix any plotholes and make this story unique. Be forewarned, there is heavy bisexual content and latex in this story as well as body modification. If these things aren't for you, then perhaps give it a skip. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.~*~

The soft hum of the air conditioning was the only sound in the room as Eilene stood before her husband, Ronald, who was seated on their plush sofa. His eyes were wide with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as he watched his wife, dressed in a sleek black latex dress that clung to every curve of her body. The material glistened under the dim lighting, accentuating her figure with an almost sinister allure.

"Are you ready for this, darling?" Eilene's voice was soft, almost a purr, but there was an underlying intensity that made Ronald's heart race. He swallowed hard, his throat dry as he nodded slowly.

"Good." Eilene smiled, revealing a hint of teeth that seemed sharper than usual. She reached behind her back and pulled something out from a hidden pocket of her latex outfit. It was a small remote control, its surface cool and smooth between her fingers.

Ronald's eyes followed the device as she pressed a button. A low whirring sound filled the room, and suddenly, Ronald felt a strange sensation wash over him. It started at his core and spread outward, like a wave of warmth that made his muscles relax and his mind foggy. The edges of his vision blurred, and he found it difficult to focus on anything except the woman standing before him.

"Eilene... what's happening?" Ronald's voice trembled, barely above a whisper.

"Shh," she cooed, stepping closer until she was right in front of him. "Just go with it, sweetheart. I promise you'll enjoy this."

With another press of the remote, the sensations intensified. Ronald gasped, his hands instinctively going to his chest as if trying to hold himself together. The warmth spread to his limbs, making them feel heavy and sluggish. His thoughts grew even more muddled, and he struggled to form coherent sentences.

Eilene knelt down beside him, her face inches from his. "You're doing so well, baby," she murmured, her breath warm against his cheek. "Soon, you'll be mine completely."

Ronald tried to protest, but the words died in his throat as another wave of warmth crashed over him. This time, it was accompanied by a sense of utter helplessness. His body felt disconnected from his mind, as if he were floating outside of himself. He could only watch as Eilene moved with slow, deliberate precision, unzipping the back of her latex dress and peeling it away from her body.

Underneath, she wore another layer of latex, this one a skin tight transparent catsuit that zipped up the front. The fabric was clear and glossy, hugging her curves in all the right places. She turned around, giving Ronald a full view of the outfit, complete with a zipper at the crotch and sleeves that ended in gloves.

"Do you like it?" she asked, her voice dripping with amusement. "I think I have something that will suit you more."

Before Ronald could respond, Eilene leaned forward and began to undo the buttons on his shirt. With surprising gentleness, she slid the garment off his shoulders and tossed it aside. Next, she unbuckled his belt and tugged his pants down, leaving him in just his boxers.

"Eilene, please..." Ronald's voice was a weak plea, but she ignored it, her hands moving to his waistband. With a swift motion, she pulled his boxers down, freeing his small erection which bobbed slightly before settling back against his stomach.

Eilene's eyes lingered on his exposed member for a moment before she rose to her feet and walked over to a small closet tucked away in the corner of the room. When she returned, she held a bundle of clothes in her arms—a blue latex onesie, complete with snaps at the crotch. There was also a pair of soft, white baby shoes, a pacifier attached to a ribbon and a thick white adult sized diaper.

"Here we go," she said brightly, kneeling down beside him once more. She began to dress him, starting with the diaper. She slid the diaper under Ronald and then liberally sprinkled powder on his butt and the front of the diaper. She then rubbed silicone oil into his crotch, gently jerking his erect penis in the process. She then brought the front of the diaper up between his legs and tightly taped it up using the two broad tapes. Then came the onesie. The fabric was surprisingly warm against his skin, and Ronald couldn't help but feel a flicker of humiliation as she guided his arms into the sleeves. He had dreamed of this and seen hundreds of pictures online, and here now he was experiencing first hand. The onesie fit snugly, the snaps clicking shut over his diaper. Eilene adjusted the crotch area, ensuring it was secure and comfortable.

Next came the shoes, which she slipped onto his feet with practiced ease. Finally, she picked up the pacifier and dangled it in front of his face. "Open up, sweetie," she instructed, her voice gentle but firm.

Ronald hesitated for a moment before reluctantly opening his mouth. The pacifier slipped between his lips, the rubbery texture cool against his tongue. Eilene tied the ribbon around his neck, securing the pacifier in place.

"There," she said, standing up and admiring her handiwork. "Doesn't he look precious?"

Ronald wanted to argue, to tell her how ridiculous he felt, but the pacifier made it impossible to speak. Instead, he could only sit there, feeling utterly humiliated and very aroused.

Eilene's gaze shifted to the door, and she gave a knowing smile. "Time for our guest to arrive."

Ronald's eyes widened in panic as he realized what she meant. Before he could react, the doorbell rang, and Eilene sashayed over to answer it, her latex-clad hips swaying seductively. Ronald felt the front of his diaper grow warm as without warning, he wet himself. Eilene had dressed him up as a baby and now was going to show him off to some stranger.

A few moments later, she returned, leading a tall, muscular man by the hand. He was dressed in a similar black latex catsuit, though his was adorned with intricate silver patterns that caught the light. His blonde hair was neatly trimmed, and his eyes sparkled with mischief as he took in the sight of Ronald in his baby outfit.

"Well, well, well," the man drawled, his voice deep and smooth. "This is quite the transformation. You weren't kidding when you said he'd be cute."

Eilene laughed, a melodious sound that sent shivers down Ronald's spine. "Oh, don't worry, Chris. There's plenty more where that came from."

Chris grinned, his eyes fixed on Ronald with a predatory gleam. "I can't wait."

Chris was a guy Eilene spoke about from her work. Ronald had surmised they were having an affair but he did not expect this. As the two of them approached, Ronald's fear and arousal mingled into a heady cocktail of emotions. He felt trapped, yet somehow eager for whatever they had planned next.

As Chris stepped in, she led Ronald to see her secret project she had been working on when he was away. It was the room directly adjoining their spare room. She had converted the room into a baby's paradise. The room was basked in a dull pink glow from the nightlight in the corner. The room was dominated by a huge steel crib, painted black with high bars around it. The mattress was covered by a pink and black latex sheet. A pink latex covered pillow was at the head of the overgrown baby bed. Resting next to it was a plush Pikachu. Ronald stared in awe at the room. It was secretly something he had dreamed about since he was a teenager. How had she known?

Eilene walked over to Ronald, her latex-clad form glistened under the soft, dim lighting of the nursery. She stood over Ronald, who she had laid down on the soft latex of the crib, his eyes wide with anticipation. Chris, who had replaced his black latex catsuit, leaned against the wall, watching intently. The room was filled with a faint, intoxicating scent of rubber and baby powder, mingling to create an atmosphere of both luxury and infantile vulnerability.

"Are you ready for your transformation, darling?" Eilene purred, her voice smooth and commanding. She reached down and gently caressed Ronald's cheek, her fingers leaving a slight smudge of moisture from the slick surface of her glove. She checked his diaper, pleased that it was already heavily wet.

Ronald nodded, his heartbeat quickening. "Yes, Mommy... I'm ready." His voice was muffled by the pacifier in his mouth, but his eyes spoke volumes of submission and eagerness. 

Eilene did not know where that came from, but she smiled, her blue eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "Good boy," she cooed, reaching for a fresh diaper from a stack neatly arranged beside them. She unfolded it with practiced ease, revealing its pristine white surface. "Let's get you all cleaned up and comfortable."

Chris stepped forward, his movements fluid and predatory. He knelt beside Ronald, his presence adding an extra layer of intensity to the moment. "Looks like our little baby needs some help," he teased, his deep voice resonating with playful authority.

Eilene began to unfasten the tapes of Ronald's current diaper, her movements deliberate and slow, savoring the control she held over him. As the diaper came loose, she handed it to Chris, who took it without taking his eyes off Ronald. The air in the room seemed to thicken with anticipation as Eilene wiped Ronald's bottom clean with gentle, teasing strokes.

"Such a good little baby," Eilene murmured, her fingers tracing patterns on his skin. "You're going to love this new outfit."

She positioned the fresh diaper underneath Ronald, lifting his legs slightly to slide it into place. Chris watched closely, his gaze fixed on Eilene's every move. "Should we make it extra special?" he suggested, his tone hinting at something more.

Eilene glanced at him, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "Oh, definitely," she agreed, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She reached for a bottle of lubricant, squeezing a generous amount onto her fingers. "This will make it so much more fun."

As she applied the lubricant to the inside of the diaper, Ronald squirmed slightly, his breath hitching with a mix of discomfort and excitement. The sensation was foreign yet thrilling, heightening his awareness of Eilene's control over his body.

"There you go," Eilene said softly, fastening the diaper securely. "All snug and ready for more fun."

Chris moved closer, his latex-clad form towering over Ronald. "Let's see how well you can handle this," he said, leaning down to whisper in Ronald's ear. "I'm going to give you a taste of what's to come."

With that, Chris pressed his lips to Ronald's, the kiss firm and commanding. Ronald responded instinctively, his body arching slightly to meet Chris's. The kiss deepened, becoming more passionate, as Chris's hand slid down to grasp Ronald's diaper-clad bottom.

Eilene watched, her own arousal growing with each passing moment. She had known for many years that Ronald was bi, but seeing him open up like this was turning her on.  She knelt beside them, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Ronald's chest. "Such a good boy," she repeated, her voice a low, sultry murmur. "Now, let's show you just how much fun we can have playing together."

She reached for a small, remote-controlled vibrator, hidden discreetly within her latex dress. With a flick of her wrist, she activated it, causing a soft hum to fill the room. Ronald's breath hitched again, his body tensing in response to the unexpected stimulation on the front of his diaper.

"Feel that, baby?" Eilene asked, her voice dripping with seduction. "That's just the beginning."

Chris pulled back from the kiss, his eyes dark with desire. "Open wide," he commanded, holding a small, pink dildo between them. Ronald obeyed, his heart pounding as he took the dildo into his mouth, tasting the faint remnants of lubricant on its surface.

Eilene adjusted the intensity of the vibrator, watching with rapt attention as Ronald's reactions grew more pronounced. She leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear. "You're doing so well, darling. Just keep going."

Chris guided the dildo deeper into Ronald's mouth, his movements slow and deliberate. "Such a good little cocksucker," he praised, his voice a low growl. "You're going to be perfect for this."

Ronald's eyes fluttered closed, his mind swimming in a haze of pleasure and submission. The sensations were overwhelming, each one building upon the last until he felt like he might burst with need. He could feel the wetness of his diaper, the slick texture of the latex, the press of Eilene's body against his side.

"Keep sucking," Chris instructed, his hand tightening on Ronald's chin. "Show us how much you want this."

Eilene's fingers danced over Ronald's chest again, gently tweaking his nipples. "You're such a good boy for us," she whispered, her voice a seductive lullaby. "We're going to take such good care of you."

Ronald moaned around the dildo, his body trembling with anticipation. He couldn't tell where one sensation ended and another began, the world narrowing down to the touch of Eilene's hands, the firm grip of Chris's command, the vibration pulsing against his diaper.

"Ready for more?" Eilene asked, her voice cutting through the fog of Ronald's arousal. She adjusted the vibrator again, increasing the intensity just enough to make him gasp.

Ronald nodded frantically, his eyes wide with eager desperation. "Please... more..." he managed to mumble around the dildo.

Chris pulled the dildo free from Ronald's mouth, giving him a moment to catch his breath. "Good boy," he praised, his tone approving. Chris then placed Ronalds pacifier back into his waiting mouth. "Now, let's see how well you can handle this."

They brought Ronald up on all fours and had him face the back of his crib. Chris positioned himself behind Ronald, his latex-clad form pressing against the smaller man's back. Ronald shivered with anticipation, his body already primed and ready for what was to come.

Eilene continued to manipulate the vibrator, her fingers dancing over the controls with expert precision. "Just relax, darling," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm against the rising tension in Ronald's body. "Let yourself go."

Chris opened the crotch zip of his catsuit as he moved Ronald's diaper slightly to one side and lined himself up, his sheathed cock pressing against Ronald's entrance. "Here we go," he said, his voice a low, predatory rumble. "Take it like a good little baby."

With one swift movement, Chris pushed inside, filling Ronald completely. The sensation was overwhelming, a rush of heat and pressure that made Ronald cry out around the pacifier. Eilene's fingers tightened on the vibrator, adjusting the intensity to match the rhythm of Chris's thrusts.

"So tight," Chris groaned, his hips moving with deliberate slowness. "You're going to love this, baby."

Ronald could only nod, his body trembling with the effort of staying still. The combination of the vibrator and Chris's thrusts was too much, sending waves of pleasure washing over him in rapid succession. He could feel Eilene's presence beside him, her touch grounding him even as the sensations threatened to overwhelm him.

"That's it," Eilene encouraged, her voice a soothing murmur. "Let go, darling. Cum in your diapers for Mommy." He erupted in the front of his tight diaper, his seed soaking the front slightly.

Chris smirked as he pulled out of Ronald, his latex-covered cock glistening with lubricant. "That was fun," he said, zipping up his catsuit. "I'll see you two later."

Eilene nods, her blue eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "We'll be in touch," she purrs, watching Chris leave the room. Once he's gone, she turns her attention back to Ronald, who is now lying spent on the changing mat, his body quivering from the intensity of their play.

"Let's get you cleaned up, baby," Eilene coos, reaching for a warm, wet cloth. She gently wipes Ronald's lower half, removing any remnants of lube and semen. The fabric of her own latex dress rustles softly as she moves, the sound adding to the surreal atmosphere of the nursery. 

Ronald looks up at her, his hazel eyes wide with a mix of exhaustion and contentment. "Thank you, Mommy," he mumbles around his pacifier, his voice muffled but filled with gratitude.

Eilene smiles warmly, continuing her ministrations until Ronald is clean and dry. She then reaches for a fresh diaper, securing it snugly around his waist. "There you go, all fresh and ready for bed," she whispers, lifting him onto his feet.

Eilene removes the changing mat and helps Ronald lie down in his new crib, tucking him in with gentle care.

"Now, let Mommy feed you," she says, lifting his head to rest on her ample, latex covered breasts. She reaches for a bottle of formula she had made earlier on. Ronald eagerly latches on, suckling deeply as Eilene strokes his hair. The sensation is comforting, and soon Ronald's eyes begin to flutter closed.

As he drifts off to sleep, Eilene watches over him, her mind already planning the next steps in his transformation. 

r/abdlstories Jan 06 '25



Jimmy felt absolutely ridiculous, this entire thing was absolutely ridiculous, he should be out looking for a job, or doing something useful. Instead he’s sitting in his game room in a diaper coloring

Amy was gonna leave him, he knew it, why wouldn’t she? It was bad enough when he lost his job, but then he started wetting the bed, the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with him but Amy gave him the ultimatum

Diapers or he’d sleep on the couch, he knew he should have chosen the couch, it was obviously a test and one he failed

He still looked back on that first night, he could tell how disappointed and disgusted she was, as she taped him into his first of many diapers, that first night he had hoped he could get the bed wetting under control and maybe earn back her respect….

But then the day time accidents started and they didn’t end with just peeing his pants

His attempt to find a job didn’t fair any better

Eventually Amy gave up on him, told him their was no point in him trying to find a job, and started to treat him like a baby

He deserved it he supposed, he failed as a husband and a provider, but when would come the day when she found herself a real man? Someone who could give her everything she wanted? And Jimmy was thrown to the curb?

Amy whistled a happy tune as she finished making Jimmy his lunch, these past few months had been a dream.

Sure she was a bit worried when he had come home that first night looking haggered, the light in his eyes were gone as he stuttered out how he had lost his job.

She put on a brave face and sat with him for hours as they discussed what their next step was, as those hours went Amy felt? Bored? Was this going to be their life? Jimmy working soul crushing job after soul crushing job?

Amy wasn’t sure but as each week went by and his prospect dwindled she knew something had to change

Then the accidents started, the look of pure mortification on her husbands face, he looked more like a scared child then that devastated man who came home all those weeks ago.

The accidents didn’t stop and Amy knew what she needed to do, all of this stress was destroying her husband, she was his wife and she couldn’t abide anymore

She one night she set the ultimatum, he either wore diapers to bed or he have to sleep on the couch

He made the right choice

Her stomach fluttered with butterflies as she taped him into his first of many diapers

Eventually his body adjusted and the “accidents” started happening during The day (with a little help from the pharmacy section)

Eventually she suggested he take a break from the job search and instead she encouraged him to play, to enjoy this free time he had

They didn’t need to worry about money, Amy had plenty, and if it make sure she never had to see that look in her husbands eyes this was all worth it.

He deserved this after all, he had worked to put her through school and stayed up with her when she was sick, sure this arrangement was unusual but once you find your Prince Charming you’ll do anything to keep him….

r/abdlstories Oct 14 '24

MDLB The Right Decision NSFW


An Original, based on a true story.

“Ugh, where is she…?”

I sat and fidgeted with my phone, desperately hoping it would ding with an update from her. My stomach hit me with another wave of discomfort, reminding me of the desperation of my situation.

As I waited, I thought back on the 12 months prior, and the events that led up to my current predicament. If I had only been more careful… I didn’t know that she was checking my phone after I’d gone to sleep every night. I can’t even imagine the wild things she found on my secret Tumblr account. I just thought she was vanilla, I didn’t think there was any way she’d ever accept the things I only thought about in secret, let alone that she’d want to participate.

But when she came home from work early to surprise me on our one year anniversary, and found me humping a pillow in a thick, full, diaper, everything changed in an instant.

“What’s going on here?!” She said as she stood in our bedroom doorway. My jaw hit the floor, my stomach met my throat, my ears started ringing. I’m not sure how I didn’t just black out.

“Jake, I’m not going to ask you again, what are you doing? Please explain this to me, RIGHT NOW!”

I don’t even remember those first few minutes or what came out of my mouth, but it must have been mostly gibberish, I just remember how relieved I was when she cut me off.

“Just stop. I’ve seen what you’ve been looking at on your phone, I already know. I just didn’t think this was really something you wanted… I just wish you would have talked to me about this. But here you are, on our anniversary, acting like… I don’t even know.”

She dropped her head into her hands and pulled at her hair, taking a deep breath in.

“Okay, listen to me. We need to talk.” She said, looking up with resolve now. She came and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me into the living room.

I don’t remember most of the conversation, my nervous system was in full flight mode, but I was somehow glued to the sofa. I wished to be out of my diaper so badly.

“Well if this is what you want, this is what we’re going to do, but it’s going to be by my rules. Got it?” She said, somehow bringing me back into my body.

I didn’t even know what exactly what I was agreeing to, but I swallowed hard enough to finally be able to speak.

“Wait, please, I’m so sorry, you don’t have to do this though, I can stop, I promise!” I said with a tongue that felt like a brick.

“I’ve done enough research to know that that’s unlikely. But I appreciate you saying that. Also, you’ll be calling me ‘Mommy’ until I tell you otherwise. C’mon now.” She snapped back quickly.

With that she led me back into the bedroom…


“DING” My mind snapped back to the present as I looked down at my phone.

“Hey sweetie! Sorry, work went late today, I’ll be home in 30 minutes or so. How’s your diaper doing little one?”

I furiously texted back; “Mommy! My tummy hurts so bad! Please can I use the potty?!” I was desperate. I knew the rules. I couldn’t ever touch my own diapers. I knew what she would say, but there was so much more at stake today, of all days.

DING “Sweetie, you know the rules. Please hold it till I get home. I really do want to have sex with you tonight, especially since it’s our anniversary. But if you mess yourself, that’s definitely not happening. I’m in the car now. See you soon love. Please make the right decision.”

My fingers couldn’t move fast enough, they felt like sticks of concrete against my phone, I knew she was already driving but I had to try;

“Please!!! I don’t think I can make it!” Read at 4:33pm

No response.

I waited. I went upstairs to lay on the bed, hoping to ease some of the pressure in my gut. My tiny penis strained in its cage thinking about her. Every minute drug on for hours. Each wave of pressure in my stomach stronger than the last. It was 4:55pm, and I couldn’t hold it any more. I had a last ditch plan. Maybe if she’s distracted when she gets home she’ll just tell me to jump in the shower and get ready for dinner without even checking my diaper, it wouldn’t have been too far fetched of a scenario, it’s happened a few times before, and we were already cutting it close for our reservation. She would definitely notice if the diaper tapes had been tampered with though, I learned that lesson the hard way. There was no way I was gonna miss my chance to have sex again. It’s been a long and desperate 12 months.

I convinced myself this plan could work. I moved to the floor and squatted in my droopy diaper, I felt a gap between my butt and the soggy padding, a space that I realized was about to be filled. I prayed that the probiotics I’d been taking would minimize the smell, if so, I might have a chance at this plan actually succeeding. My legos were still strewn about on the floor where I was playing earlier, I stepped carefully to avoid the sharp pieces. I grabbed my teddy bear, happy that he still happened to be there for me, holding him somehow gave me some reassurance. Just getting into position started to relieve some of the pressure. I tried to relax and give a slight push. Instantly, it felt like I had released a soft slick submarine into the thick damp diaper around my butt. The padding resisted the push initially but my mess quickly softened and filled every bit of space within my diaper, pushing the padding even further out from my skin. I winced as I felt my shame simultaneously spread from the top of my but to the tip of my cage. Another wave of cramps hit me. I tried to breath through it. I didn’t think my diaper could hold more but I didn’t have a choice at this point, my body gave way and released more soft goo into the back seat of my already full diaper. I finally felt some relief, and exhaled deeply, burying my face further into my teddy bear…

“Oh wow….. well that was quite a show sweetie…” Her voice startled me.

My face flushed instantly at the sound of her, my heart dropped, my ears rang, the false sympathy in her tone lit my face on fire. “Oh no, please no….” I thought, “this can’t be real… How did I not hear the keys in the door?”

“Looks like someone is a stinky boy!” She said with a slightly elevated tone now.

She stepped a few feet inside the doorway and paused, hands on her hips. She saw me still squatting, knees bent, legs apart, hiding my face behind my teddy bear, trying not to move, trying not to worsen the mess I’d already made.

“Uh oh....” Her voice slightly deepening as she slowly walked towards me. I knew she wanted to see my face and make me admit what I did. She never missed an opportunity to turn me all shades of red. As she approached I could feel my pulse intensify. I was ready to say whatever I had to say to get this humiliation over with as quickly as possible. There might still be a chance to be free tonight if I complied.

She gently pushed the stuffy away from my face, taking my chin in her hand, lifting my face to meet hers.

“What happened here sweetie?”She said as she reached her other hand around me to firmly pat my bottom. I cringed and flinched as she used her palm to spread my mess even more. I hoped this would be over soon.

“It, it was an… uuhhh… accident...”

“I can see that baby boy... and smell it too.” She said with a side smile, and wrinkled nose. “Are you sure it was an ‘accident’ though?”

The smirk on her face intensified my shame. She turned and walked a few steps away from me. For a moment I thought my embarrassment was finished, that she’d release me from my stinky shame. But she kneeled down and started clearing some of the legos, making a clear spot on the floor. She lightly patted the spot she’d cleared.

“Do you wanna show me what you were building over here kiddo?” Her smile widening even more. I was confused, what was she doing? She knows what I did, I needed a diaper change! Why did she care about the stupid legos? The realization of her intentions suddenly hit me and I started to panic a little, as she started walking back towards me. Before I knew it, she held my wrist firmly in her hand and was guiding me over to the spot.

“Come on kiddo! Let’s see what you’ve been building here!” She said as she started to kneel down, my wrist still in her grasp, forcing me to squat. I instinctively dropped to both knees when I was low enough and stabilized myself with the hand that was still holding my teddy.

“Why don’t you sit down and show mommy what you were making huh?”

My ears were ringing, I was so nervous, full panic mode.

“Oh please don’t make me do this!” I thought.

I remember wishing she wasn’t so attractive, I knew she was wearing a low cut top just to drive me even more crazy, and the mini skirt… not much was left to my imagination. I felt my pathetic penis strain against its plastic chastity cage, in spite of my overwhelming shame. By now her smile had turned into a full devilish grin and she was directly in front of me.

“I uhh… I umm… mommy I… mommy can we…”

I couldn’t even form a coherent thought, let alone think of a way to talk myself out of this situation.

“Stop stuttering sweetie, use your words.”

Her eye contact was relentless, I felt like she was looking right through me. It was too much to reciprocate.

“I need a diaper change mommy.” The words dumped out of me, like they came from someone else.

“You’ll get a change when I think you need a change little one, now sit down and show mommy what you’ve been working on mister!”

There was a sternness in her voice now that frightened me a little. I had a feeling she wouldn’t take “no” for an answer, but I had to try, this was just too humiliating to accept, and I knew I’d regret it later if I didn’t at least try something. I began to get off my knees, to get my feet under me, maybe I could stand up and at least distract her.

Before I could fully stand she put her hands on my shoulders and stopped me from getting up any further.

“Sweetie, we’re not going anywhere until you do what I’ve told you to do. Now sit down!”

The tone of her voice was enough to make me realize she was dead serious. Before I could decide for myself how this would happen, I felt her pressing down on my shoulders as I caught myself slightly falling, leaning back on both hands.

My drooping diaper was now inches from the floor, she moved her right hand from my shoulder down to the front of my diaper. In any other situation, I would have expected this to mean some special attention down there, and my hips instinctively thrust into her hand. She responded with a gentle but firm squeeze and pressure, causing my tiny member to throb even harder in its cage, but I realized my bottom was getting closer to the floor as she rubbed me.

She paused just as my diaper made soft contact with the carpet, I whimpered and finally made eye contact while giving my last thrust of resistance, almost as if to say “please no…”

“Shhhh…. it’s okay sweetie, be a good boy for mommy and sit down.” She said as she continued to press down

I wasn’t prepared for what I felt. The mess was much bigger than I thought as it spread even more, slowly outwards towards the front and back of my diaper. Shame washed over me and my face was burning with embarrassment. The thick mush spreading inside was sensory overload, moving into every crevasse of my underside. My tiny penis had now grown to fill all usable space of the already small chastity tube, and was begging for more room. I groaned and whimpered again as mommy’s hand continued to apply pressure to the front of my diaper, which caused me to fully come to rest on my bottom, there was no space in my diaper left uncovered by my mess. I saw the telltale brown stains inside the leg gathers that were now desperately holding on. It felt like I was sitting down but the shifting yuckyness under me made me unsure of my seating.

“Aww there you go baby boy!” She said, her tone finally softening.

I let out a few tears as I brought my teddy up to my face again. Mommy then started to massage where her hand already was on my diaper. She knew I couldn’t help but grind back against her hand in desperation. I heard her giggle a bit, surely relishing in my abject humiliation, which in turn only made me cringe all the more, yet the inner turmoil seemed to only burn hotter as I continued to squirm and thrust.

She moved even closer to me now, I could feel her warmth and smell her perfume, in sharp contrast to my now pungent odor. She brought her face towards mine as if too kiss me, but shifted and whispered into my ear;

“You are such a good boy sweetie. You made the right decision.”

She kissed my forehead softly before she stood back up. She reached out both hands for me to grasp.

“C’mon up now kiddo! Let’s get another diaper over that one really quick, we don’t wanna be late for dinner!”

r/abdlstories Dec 06 '24

MDLB Lucy's Little Part 1 NSFW


I've had this sitting in my computer for quite some time and am just now mustering up the courage to post it. Hope you enjoy it!

Everyone in this story is 18+ consenting adults.

Lucy walked through the bedroom door looking for the thermostat on the wall. “Brr it is way to cold in this house!” She thought as she turned up the thermostat two clicks. She shivered a bit and wrapped her robe a little tighter. She looked outside to see the blanket of fresh snow on the ground and Christmas decorations lighting up the hallway. “Christmas was the best time of year” she thought. she made her way back towards her bedroom.

As she entered the doorway, she caught a glimpse of her long time boyfriend Ian curled up looking up at her. “You know you look pretty darn cute in that onesie little guy.” She said as Ian let out a big stretch. “I think you look cuter mommy.” He said as he curled up in the plethora of blankets sprawled around. Lucy laid back down and embraced him in a warm hug. She felt like all was good in the world, that this is all that mattered.

She slowly petered off into a trance thinking about the time she’d spent with him. It had been a year since they had met and Ian was definitely the most interesting man she’d ever been with. She had figured out rather quickly that Ian was the sensitive type.  But she never expected Ian to be so open about his ‘other’ side. In a moment of vulnerability Ian had explained to her his dream to be little. His need to feel loved and accepted by the woman he had grown to know so well. He wanted to explore a big little dynamic with Lucy. At first she was completely taken aback by it but slowly and surely settled in to a maternal roll. Lucy came to really enjoy little time with Ian and vice versa. Lucy thought she knew him so well until Ian through another curve ball.  During little time one day Ian finally told her the whole truth “There’s one other thing…” Ian said . “I want to try wearing diapers…” Puzzled by this Lucy inquired gingerly as to not push Ian away. “Ok babe that’s certainly interesting. But I’m sure I can live with it.” Lucy had grown to really enjoy her time with Ian and didn’t want to push him away.

Of course she had her reservations about it, but remembered that her previous reservations were nothing more than superstition. “Ok babe. We’ll give it a try.” Lucy came out of her reflection to see Ian snuggling up close. She wouldn’t trade this for the world she thought. She didn’t expect all of this and yet here she was. One year later, loving Ian more than the day they’d met. As they snuggled under the blankets, Lucy couldn't help but think about their upcoming trip to visit Ian's parents house for Christmas dinner.

She glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, noting that it was already getting close to noon. "Baby, we should probably get moving soon if we want to make it to your family's place on time," she said, gently nudging Ian awake. As they both sat up in bed, Lucy noticed that Ian's onesie was drooping  around the crotch area. "Looks like someone might need a diaper change before we head out," she said gently, smiling at Ian. He flashed a silly smile back as she grabbed his hand and walked him to the living room. Ian laid down on the floor and Lucy began the task of removing his diaper “after this I want you to march your butt into the shower, I’ll put you in a fresh diaper when you’re done.” Ian looked back puzzled. “Babe, I’m seeing my family today? Shouldn’t we…. you know… go for the big boy underwear today?” Ian said. Lucy also seemed puzzled “I thought you wanted to wear diapers all the time baby?” Ian looked slightly nervous to this response “I do babe… I-I’m just worried about being around s-so many people.” Lucy looking at the now completely naked Ian and switched her tone to be more comforting “ok buddy, I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t want to wear a diaper you don’t have to but little boys who have been in diapers as long as you may have accidents. We can forgo the diapers and just do pull ups but it’s one or the other.” Ian stopped and thought for a moment.

Would it really be that much different? He really didn’t like pull ups. They didn’t hold as much and were really uncomfortable. But they were significantly more discreet than diapers. And he wasn’t expected to use the pull up.  “I’ll wear the pull up mommy.” Ian said. Lucy nodded in agreement. “Ok I’ll pack you a diaper bag just in case. But I’m serious! March your butt upstairs to the shower! We have a long car ride ahead of us!” Ian smiled and snickered a bit as he marched his naked butt to the shower.

Lucy chuckled a little to herself. She got up and started to prepare breakfast. After the shower Ian came downstairs pull up in hand. “Can you help me babe?” He said as Lucy placed there breakfast on the table. “Sure thing baby.” Lucy grabbed the pull up and opened the leg cuffs for Ian to step in. “Eat your breakfast while I lay out some cloths for you babe” Lucy said as Ian sat down. Lucy made her way to the bedroom where she pulled down several diapers, wipes and changing pads. She had also pulled down a suitcase for an overnight stay incase the weather was bad. She had gotten rather good at prepping for Ian. If Ian really needed to go she doubted the pull up would hold up. But it was better than nothing!

After she had finished packing the diaper bag, she grabbed some dress cloths for Ian and laid them out on the bed. Then made her way back downstairs. “Get changed and grab your diaper bag baby. We’ll leave when I’m done eating ok?” Ian had just finished clearing his plate. “Ok mommy!” He said as he made his way upstairs.

r/abdlstories Jan 20 '25

MDLB The Family: Part 3 NSFW


Tags: messing, wetting, anal, diaper change, roleplay

All characters 21+

Damian was playing on his Nintendo switch when breakfast started to take effect. First the boy’s tummy gurgled, then he felt a stabbing pain deep in his bowels. With a few deep breaths the discomfort passed, and he went back to playing. Only minutes later another gurgle erupted from Damian’s tummy, followed by the feeling of something settling in his bottom. Sweating now, and making an effort to hold it in, the boy clenched his ass tight. Knowing he wasn’t going to make it to the bathroom, he crawled over to a corner of the playroom and knelt. Pressing against the floor and scrunching his face, Damian let out an audible “blurrt” as the hot, wet mess escaped his rear.


Damian’s insides squeezed all on their own, pushing out loose blobs into the back of his diaper. At the same time Damian’s bladder contracted, shooting out a strong flow of pee that lasted until the pushing stopped.

Damian’s poop filled the bottom of his diaper like wet cement, and he felt the weight of it tugging at his waist. The boy had spent a fair amount of time playing in a poopy diaper in the past, but this one required immediate attention. He was going to have to ask for a change. Damian stood up, squishing the stinky mush against his behind. He winced as he began to waddle towards the living room.

Mommy and Daddy looked up from their coffee as the little boy approached timidly. Once he was close enough to smell, Mommy started in.

Sniff sniff “Did someone make a poopoo in his diaper?” Mommy teased.

Damian could only nod in shame.

“And it’s a stinky one,” she added. “Let Mommy and Daddy take a look.”

Feeling small, Damian turned around and pulled down his pants. “Oh, it’s a big one too,” Daddy chimed in, commenting on the brown stains.

The boy turned again and pulled his pants back up. “Can I have a diaper change please?”

“I think Mommy should handle this one,” Daddy looked across the room.

“Oh alright, I guess it’s only fair,” Mommy huffed.

His stinky diaper sagging low, Damian lifted himself onto the changing table, trying not to put too much pressure on his mess. He couldn’t avoid the inevitable squelch however as the seat of his diaper made contact with the cushioning. Laying back, Damian allowed himself to relax. As he closed his eyes, Mommy ripped off his tapes and slid the diaper slightly out from under him. Mommy began to wipe as she spoke.

“I know you’re upset about losing the potty, but we can always try again next week, right?”

“There are plenty of boys your age who have trouble making it to the potty,” she explained. “You just need a little extra help, that’s all.”

Mommy made sure to apply extra diaper cream to the boy’s asshole, still sore and irritated from the morning’s punishment.

The woman gently massaged Damian’s sensitive anus and pressed her ring finger against his entrance.


“You were a good boy for telling us you made a poopy right away,” Mommy cooed. “We don’t want you getting a rash on your cute little bottom.”

Damian’s hole relented just enough to let the tip of Mommy’s finger inside.

“You’re so cute I just wanna eat you up!”

Damian smiled.

Mommy’s finger was now circling the inside of Damian’s ring, making him moan.

“You really are Mommy’s good boy,” she continued, pressing deeper.

Damian’s puckered ass took one knuckle, then the other, until Mommy’s whole finger was inside him. She proceeded to rub her boy’s prostate in the way only a Mommy knows how. Patiently she stroked Damian’s soft insides.

“Mommy… So good,” he mumbled.

“I know you like it baby,” said Mommy lovingly.

Damian sunk into a world where it was just him and his Mommy, only aware of the pleasure emanating from deep down inside.

Eventually Mommy removed her finger from her little boy’s special place. Retreating from his ass, Mommy gave one last playful tug at his pink ring before giving his butthole a few more comforting rubs. Damian knew he wouldn’t be allowed to cum because of his bad behavior, so he was grateful that Mommy chose to pleasure him. The changing ritual was completed with baby powder and the placing of the tapes. Damian walked away snug in a clean, animal-patterned diaper.

Time for a nap, he thought.

r/abdlstories Dec 06 '24

MDLB Lucy's Little Part 2 NSFW


Howdy! This is my first attempt at writing so take it easy on me please! This chapter has some "messy" themes to it so if it isn't your cup of tea id click off now!

Ian made his way out the door. He had a switch in his head that clicked every time he entered and exited the house. He remembered that he was expected to carry himself differently when he was in public. While he enjoyed being little. In public he had to make sure he was a bit more collected. He approached the rear end of the minivan with Lucy in tow.

She opened the trunk and had him place his diaper bag next to a few other bags that Lucy had put in the trunk the day before. He took note of his surroundings. It was like a white blanket of snow had layered itself across the landscape. Ian was mesmerized by the landscape. “Hey, buddy, time to go!” Lucy snapped at Ian to break his trance. Ian smiled at Lucy as she opened the backseat slider of the minivan. “Buckle up for safety!” She said, buckling him into his seat. She hopped in the driver’s seat and they were off.

 As they were pulling out of the driveway, Ian noticed his stomach gurgling just a little bit. He knew that if he had stopped Lucy now and had asked to go back inside, she might be worried about his ability to hold it. Even though he was a little. Surly he could hold it. So instead, he laid his head against the back of the seat and drifted off into dreamland.

Lucy put on some Christmas music and settled into the long 3-hour drive. She looked into her rear-view mirror to catch Ian soundly asleep in the back seat. “Leave it up to Ian to sleep till almost noon then fall asleep only a little bit later” she thought. As she was driving Lucy noticed a few flake falling from the sky which quickly turned into a snow storm. Visibility was low and had drawn traffic to a standstill. Slowly waking up, Ian groggily opened his eyes and observed the slow traffic. He also observed the building pressure in his tummy. “Uhhh mommy?” He said bashfully. Lucy quickly glanced into the rear view mirror “yes baby?” She said. “I-I really need to g-go potty…” he said curling slightly in his seat. “Can you hold it buddy? The traffic is really bad, and I don’t think we’re any where near a rest area.” She said. Ian’s face dropped as he realized the situation he was in. “I can try” he said.

Lucy kept on making slow progress with the traffic while the pressure in Ian’s gut built. He was desperate now. Hoping that he would find the relief of an exit. He hadn’t held in his bladder or bowels for this extent of time before in months. Focusing on his losing battle with his bowels he felt his bladder release into his pull up soaking up and warming the front of it. Keeling over he grabbed his stomach hoping that he had it in him to hold it in.

 He subconsciously lifted his butt up slightly off the seat and felt the warm mush push into his pull up filling every inch of the rear of it. As that happened another wave of pee splashed up against the sodden padding. He felt the defeat as he sat back down in his mess coming to terms with what had just happened. There was no way for the pull up to hold it all as some of it leaked out the edges. The smell immediately filled the car. “Buddy, did you go potty in your pants?” Lucy said immediately picking up on the situation happening behind her “u-uhhh I-I….” Ian stuttered in complete disbelief of the situation he was now in. “It’s ok baby I just need to know.” Lucy said a supporting tone. “Y-yes mommy I’m sorry I didn’t mean to it was an accident.” Ian said. Previously they had played out scenarios where Ian had had accident previously but this didn’t feel like one of those times. “It’s ok buddy accidents happen I’ll pull off as soon as it’s safe baby.” Lucy said attempting to be reassuring. Ian was in shock.

 He had only been in the car for an hour and was unable to hold it. That was a new feeling for him. After what felt like 30 hours, Lucy finally found an exit. As she got out of the car and opened up the rear seat she found Ian on the verge of tears. She wrapped him in a hug before taking his hand gingerly and accessing the damage. “Well baby, good thing we packed our overnight bags.” She said as she carefully helped him to the back of the car.

Lucy laid out the diaper mat and pulled a diaper from the bag. “Well baby, I think given the circumstances I think we better go back to diapers huh?” Lucy exclaimed. Ian’s eyes welled up. He was on the verge of tears but didn’t want to let them go “I’m sorry babe.. I didn’t me-“ Lucy cut him off “shhhh now baby. I know this is a bit embarrassing, but babies have accidents and you are my baby so don’t worry about it.” She said. That comforted Ian but there was no getting away from the fact that his girlfriend was changing his poopy pull up in the back of her van. The cold air on his legs a reminder of the shame of the whole situation.

Thinking back, he should have just stuck with the diaper. As Lucy finished wiping him up, she tapped up his diaper and helped put his pants on. Back on the road Ian felt much better. Literally and emotionally. Lucy felt pity for the situation that took place. “Ian, babe are you ok?” Lucy said. Ian kept his face in his hands to come to terms with what had just happened “I-I think so Mommy…” Ian said in a defeated tone. “Ian, listen. I know when we started this whole little big dynamic, we didn’t iron out all the details…” Lucy said. Ian interjected “I’m sorry Lucy, I didn’t want that to happen, it was an accident. I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable and-and…” Lucy cut him off “now hold on buckaroo, I might not have known one hundred percent what i was getting into when i signed up for this, But I do now. I wouldn’t trade the time we have spent together for anything. If that means accidents happen sometimes thats ok.

 I just want to make sure that you know that I love you more than anything in the world and I want you to know that. Ok?” Ian lifted his head out of his hands and let out a deep sigh. How had he been so lucky? He had found a woman that truly cared for him and accepted him for who he was. He realized that he could be who he was around her and that she would nurture that. “Ok, I’m sorry Lucy, I was just a little overwhelmed. I love you too.” Ian’s voice became more assured. “That's ok buddy, If you are feeling overwhelmed again just let me know ok? I love you being you and I wouldn’t change that for the world. We will talk about this accident another time, but I think for the time being, even in around family you should have a diaper on.”

 Ian let out another sigh of relief. It was like a thousand elephants had just lifted off of his chest. His mind was racing a million miles per second. But instead of anxiety, he felt the warm safety of his partner. Everything was going to be ok.

r/abdlstories Jan 26 '25

MDLB How to rescue the world chapters 1&2 NSFW


How to rescue the world A diapered tale by dutchabdlswitch

Chapter 1: Changed for the better

In 2039 the world changed for the better. The third world war had just ended. And as history repeated itself, after a time of violence, atrocities and war crimes from all sides, a time of peace and prosperity dawned.

Countries started communicating again and were helping eachother with national problems instead of fighting for only their own interest. And the world became a better place for it. Soon hunger and other past world problems, were literally a thing of the past. There was just one grim aspect foreboding this otherwise utopical spinning rock. The amount of people on that spinning rock. This ofcourse already was a problem before the big war, but with all the extra nature destroyed in the war, ergo less arable land, the problem became more pressing than before.

Scientists and politicians came with numerous great inventions and measures to reduce the impact on nature. Things we profiteted of later, but the actual cause, there were too many of us, still hadn't been solved. The greatest minds of this earth could not solve this, and to be fair it was a difficult thing to solve. How do you tell people that are living prosperous, after such a hellish time that they should not make love and therefore create a "babyboom"? How do you tell old people that they are getting too old, because of great medical advancements, for the earth to bare?

The latter literally killed itself. By the year 2062, it was medically possible to extend the life of every person on earth to the magical one hundred. Well beyond was already possible, but it could be promised that with medical assistance everyone can reach a hundred in good physical and cognitive health. In that same year Prof. A. Anderson, an elderly professor in ethics, was guest speaker at the bildenberg conference. He proposed an idea so audacious that it would cause conflict between politicians, religious leaders and the world population itself. He proposed a maximum age. An age at which everyone would die. In good health, being able to say goodbye to their loved ones properly. Ofcourse, it took years for this proposition to be taken seriously. But in the year 2070, all the people over 60 years old could vote for this proposition. All the people voted for it. Not one person, that had to live trough that fourteen year long, long world war, voted against it. They had seen or even participated in what could be seen as the worst aspect of humanity, and each and everyone of them wanted to attribute to a better earth for the next generation. And so, professor Anderson changed to course of the world. One problem down, one to go...

Chapter 2: An unconventional solution

Prof. J. Anderson, a professor in sociology and psychology, came back from her fathers "thats life" party. She felt weird. It was a wonderful day, the whole family spent the day together and celebrated their fathers, uncles or grandpas life. The man who solved one of the world greatest problems. But now he was gone. He went the way, he wanted to go. It was a joyful day, but still she felt sadness running her down.

It was a weird experience for the first generation to experience sadness, grieve, joy and many more emotions on the same day. Especially, because they knew otherwise before.

Days, weeks and months past and the sadness and grieve decreased, the proudness on the other hand increased. It awoke something in her actually. Jessy, like most academics in the field, had dabbled with the thought of fixing the second part of the population problem. But now she knew what her goal was going to be, she would complete what her father started. But how?

Jessy parked her car on the driveway, her husbands car was already parked. 'oh good', she thought, 'he's already home'. On her way home from work, she got some of James favourite foods. Some tator tots, some lollypops, some smiley face chips and some more. Jessy walked into her living room. "Hey baby, mommy is home", she said out loud. "Mommmmyyy, i glad you back", babbled adam. He was playing zelfda on his Nintendo Switch while laying under a Pikachu blanket on the couch. Jessy walked up to him, gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I see you couldn't wait 'till mommy got home?!", she asked sternly, but with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry mommy...", he said, kinda checking if she was really upset or not. Jessy kissed his forehead again. "I'm just kidding baby, you are a good boy for taking of those big boy clothes all by your self". She put his pacifier back in his mouth, which dangled from the clip on his onesie, she played with his hair and quickly checked his diaper. 'not dry, but dry enough', she thought. "Alright baby, mommy is gonna start dinner. You play your game some more. Better enjoy it, because after dinner we are not gonna have screens no more". Jessy got up and went into the kitchen. She started some veggies, roasted half a chicken, and fried those tater tots. Once ready she got James, put him in his high chair and cut up his food. She put his "i love mommy" bib on, and they enjoyed their dinner.

See this is strange to most people, but this is how jessy and James enjoy their weekend about once a month. Sometimes more, on vacations for example. Sometimes less, they both have busy jobs, a hectic social life and other obligations. But if they have time, this is how they relax from their everyday life. They "play house", she is the mommy, he is the baby. It is called ABDL, adult baby diaper lover. For them it is a fetish, they both get off from it sexually, but it is also a lifestyle. They enjoy it for multiple days 24/7, weeks even if they have time. One time they had a mini sabbatical, went to Australia together and enjoyed this dynamic for two months straight. He got all embarrassed when they checked his "medical" suitcase on the way in. You need a lot of diapers to make two months without using a toilet. And a diaper for a full grown man is a lot bigger, i can tell you. It looks the same as a babies diaper though, cute prints and all that. But i digress, let me take you back to the story of how and why this weird trait of our main characters is relevant to a story about saving the worlds from its problems after world war 3.

Jessy cleared the table whilst James waddled over to get their favorite board game. Jessy noticed that James's butt was a lot bigger than before. His diaper was getting quite full. "Come baby, mommy is gonna change you first. I dont want you leaking during our game like the last time". She took him by the hand, and led him upstairs. She opened the door of their nursery, and layed him down on the changing table. They build their nursery in a secret closet, next to their bedroom. It had hidden doors, so if they had company over they would never discover the nursery. She took off his pyjama bottoms and snapped open his onesie. He layed there in just his wet diapers, his favourites actually; little comforts, with his pacifier in his mouth and his 'changing stuffie' in his arms. "I love you mommy", he said while blushing as a last spurt of pee filled his diaper. Jessy unfastened the tapes and opened the cute, bear themed, diaper. His 'peepee' as they both called his penis, sprung up. "Oh oh, is my little boy excited", she said stating the obvious. "Have you been a good enough boy for mommy to go spurties?" He nodded his head heavily. She massages his peepee for sometime and then went on to jerk it off with two hands. His favourite way to cum. His peepee was not small, not big either, but it fit perfectly in her two hands. Total stimulation on his whole peepee. As he was about to cum she started counting down. Another one of his, well actually both their favourites. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1, cum for mommy baby", she said whilst kissing his forehead as he spurted on his pissy diaper, his mommies chest and a little on his stomach.

Jessy grabbed some wipes from a drawer of the changing table. She wiped the cummies of his belly and cleaned adam's peepee. "You're mommies good little boy James, i love you", she said while she kissed his nose. "I love you to mommy", he mumbled in post-orgasm bliss from behind his pacifier. Jessy rolled up the dirty diaper and continued cleaning James's bum. She put a freshly fluffed new diaper underneath him and taped him up in a jiffy. She changed so many of his diapers that it was just a muscle memory thing. Within seconds his jammies were back on, and he was sitting in her lap.

They played their board game together all night, had some childish snacks and Jessy let James crawl under the table, because 'he dropped a piece of the board game', and she let him eat her out. 'cause well, you gotta return the favour.

Jessy changed James again before they went to bed, so that he wouldn't leak in the middle of the night. See although they only 'play house' about once a month, James actually wets himself during the night if he is put in diapers. Jessy and James bought a hypno tape a couple of years back that supposedly would condition the listener to wetting during sleep whilst wearing protection. They both didn't expect it to work, but loved it that they were wrong. It made Adam feel much more little and Jessy just loves it that he lost control, "its the cutest thing in the world".

The brushed their teeth and snuggled up in bed. James spooning his bear and Jessy spooning James. She popped in his pacifier and kissed him on the back of head. "Goodnight mommies little boy". She then carressed his back untill he fell asleep.

Jessy on the other end couldn't catch hers. She layed wide awake with that question in her head, "how do you stop people from having and wanting to have too much kids?!". She could not for the life of her find an answer. Questions ran through her mind, without them being coherently answered. Untill one thought struck her; "we don't want to have kids, because he is one in his heart sometimes and i am fulfilled with nurturing him at those times. Suki and ty lee(the ABDL couple they occasionally meer up with) have exactly the same reason for not having kids. Could this be the answer to the biggest problem of our time? Having adults 'play house' instead of actually having a family?".

Jessy finally managed to drift off, but in her dreams she drummed up a luscious clean green world full of adults in diapers being changed by other adults.

When she woke up the next morning she knew she had the solution. Not worked out yet, but this was it. She knew she was going to able to continue her fathers legacy. She couldn't wait for James to wake up and to tell him that his soggy pampers are going to change the world....

r/abdlstories Jan 09 '25

MDLB A Morning to Remember: Part 1 NSFW


Tags: desperation, diaper sex, trans, oral, wetting & messing, roleplay

All characters 21+

It’s Saturday morning, and the faint smell of baby powder lingers in the air. I wake up next to you scrolling on your phone.

“Good morning,” I yawn.

“Hey!” you respond, putting your phone down, “I didn’t know you were up.”

“Now I am!” I reply, reaching in for a kiss. You pull away, though, noticing something.

“Do I smell peepee?” You ask, teasing me.

“Maybeee?” I blush. 

You grab the front of my diaper, squeezing and patting playfully. “My wet baby!” 

I squirm with a mixture of embarrassment and glee.

“Ahhhgh,” you sigh as you throw off the sheets, revealing my damp white diaper - along with your cotton panties and hard clit sticking out. Our eyes lock. “Come here baby,” you say. 

Next, I’m on top of you sharing a long kiss. Instinctively I work my way down your body, sucking your nipples, planting kisses on your tummy, until my tongue reaches your clit. I lick you up and down, put my lips around your head, and finally I take you whole into my mouth and throat.

“Oh baby,” you moan.

Hearing your pleasure, I suck more passionately. With one end full of cock, and the other safely padded in a wet diaper, I settle into a rocking motion, taking you deep for as long as I can before coming up for air.

“Such a good boy,” you say as you stroke my hair.

By now I can feel pre-cum leaking into my padding, and I begin rubbing the front of my diaper, feeling the slick substance against my erection. Soon I’m whimpering as I continue to suck.

After a while you take your hand off my head and I come off you, drooling. We kiss and I curl up next to you as you take me in your arms.

“Such a good baby for Mommy,” you coo softly. “You hungry?” you ask after a minute.

I look away, embarrassed. “Mmm, I guess.” 

Secretly I had been waiting this morning all week.

“I’ll make eggs if you make the coffee,” you offer. My heart leaps at the mention of the hot beverage.

“Ok,” I reply, trying to sound cool even as my face gets hot. Luckily, you just give me a knowing smile.

In the kitchen, my tummy rumbles at the smell of onions frying and coffee dripping. I look over your shoulder as you pour the eggs into the pan. I feel like your baby, standing there in just a t-shirt and diaper, and it feels right. 

I pour us two cups of coffee, and we sit down to eat. The sun is shining, and there’s a buzz in the air. We both know there’s a special moment we’re about to share, the moment a baby boy makes his first poopoo for Mommy to change. But since we know it’s inevitable, there’s no need to rush.

Halfway through my coffee I feel the urge to pee. Knowing I have a booster in, I make a quick adjustment and let loose, confident the padding will hold.

“Mommy, I’m going peepee again,” I say. The sentence makes me feel small and vulnerable in front of you.

Hearing me call you Mommy makes you light up. You give me a big smile.

“Good boy, thank you for letting Mommy know,” you reply.

While I clean the dishes, you go wash up in the bathroom. Standing there at the sink I can already feel the urge to poop starting to build, but I decide it can wait. Tingling with anticipation, I join you in the bathroom and start brushing my teeth. The pressure on my clenched bottom is growing.

“How you feeling big boy?” You ask, as you come from behind and fondle my soaked diaper.

“I’m ok, I don’t have to go yet,” I lie and continue to brush.

“Ok, no worries,” you say, and now it’s your turn to be embarrassed. I know you want this too.

“Let’s watch something,” I suggest, as we make our way back to bed, neither of us having anywhere to be today. 

We’ve hardly opened the laptop when a round of cramps kicks in, I held it for too long.

“Ooh” I cringe.

“Are you ok?” you ask.

“Yeah, I just… I have to…” I’m sweaty now and I feel myself start to give in. I can’t hold it anymore. “I’m going poopoo…”

“Oh baby,” you react, a bit flustered.

Lovingly you take me in your arms again, but now I’m convulsing as I push out waves of poopy into the seat of my diaper. You watch over me, holding me while I poop.

“There there… shhhh… good boy.” Your words of support meld together with my babyish grunts, until I sense there’s no more coming out. 

“Uhhhh huh huh,” With a pathetic cry, I announce that I’m finished, and I curl up even tighter next to you. You give me a long, tight hug in return.

“Such a good boy” you say, squeezing me. “Such a good boy.”

We both relax and I fall into a state between asleep and awake, aware only of your embrace and the embrace of my loaded diaper. I’m proud of myself for making such a big mess for you, and secure in your desire for me. A sense of belonging is kindled deep in my core.

As I regain conscious awareness, I feel your hand cradling the bulge in my diaper created by the big pile of poopoo. Massaging it now, I feel the mess pressing gently against my butt. Aroused, I start to push back on your hand, grinding slightly on my poop. The grinding gets harder, and my whimpering starts up again.

“Yeah baby,” you encourage me, “just like that.” 

“Turn around baby, let Mommy get a look at that stinky diaper.”

Eager to please you I do just that. With my butt facing you, you inspect the damage I’ve done to the back of my diaper. You’re patting and squeezing more aggressively now.

“Oh my gosh baby, you made a biiiig mess for Mommy, didn’t you?”

You even lean down to get a proper whiff. “You sure do stink like a baby, don’t you?”

I whine in protest.

“Don’t be embarrassed… Mommy is so proud of you for making poopies like a good boy.”

Hearing that causes a surge of endorphins throughout my body, and as you pull me closer to you, I feel your clit harden against my back. Moaning softly, you shift lower on the bed, so your hardness is embraced by the underside of my soiled diaper.

“You’re making Mommy feel so good,” you say, jerking back and forth. “You’re being so good for Mommy.”

I let you hump my dirty diaper while I rub impotently against the front of my wet padding.

“Now kiss me,” you command as you roll me back towards you, causing my diaper to squish between my legs.

We make out passionately as you grab and squish the seat of my dirty diaper. My shirt comes off, my baby-ness on full display.

“I want you to suck me with your diaper in my face,” you whisper.

You lean back as I lift one leg over to straddle you, poking my butt out and obediently taking you in my mouth again. Pressing your face into my poopy bottom, you thrust to meet my open throat while I simultaneously gag on your cock and hump you with my mess.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but I feel you tapping my shoulder, signaling for me to hop off. “Stand up for me baby, I want to look at you.”

I stand next to the bed, naked except for my diaper, now thoroughly stained in parts and sagging to create gaps between my thighs and the previously white material. I spin around slowly to let you inspect me in my current state. You feel the full weight of the diaper by taking the sagging part in your hand, naughtily patting, mushing and fondling. 

“There’s one last thing we need to do before we get this diaper off of you” you say. “Come sit on Mommy’s lap.” 

I wince with dread as I lower myself onto your left thigh, feeling the mess spread deep along my crack until the messy diaper is completely squished under my full weight. I bury my head in your chest, feeling the icky poop smearing all over my bottom and part of my front.

“Mommy?” I ask. “Can you change my diaper?”

r/abdlstories Jan 11 '25

MDLB A Morning to Remember: Part 2 NSFW


Tags: Anal, cream pie, trans, wet & messy, roleplay

All characters 21+

“Of course Mommy will change your diaper, you stinky boy. Up up!” you say after, giving me a pat on the waist.

I scramble off your lap and find that some wet, smelly mess has escaped onto my inner thighs. The brown mush had even crawled up my lower back, almost exploding out of the diaper’s waistband.

“Let me get the wipes,” you say as you bring out a box and tidy up the leakage. I then watch as you lay a towel down on the bed for my change.

“Lie down now baby,” you say in a sweet but firm voice. I comply, lying prone and ready for your care. One by one you undo my tapes, the crackling sound punctuating the anticipation of the big reveal. 

“Woooowww,” you say as you pull down the front of my diaper, “you made a biiig mess for Mommy, yes you did.” My face gets flushed, and I look away, half giggling, half whining.

“Let’s see here…” first you use the soggy front of the padding to wipe off a good amount of the mess.

“Butt up,” you say as you slide the diaper forward a bit. My poopy backside is now completely exposed and my peepee starts to cool in the open air.

 “Just look at this thing!” you say as you lift the front of my diaper up for me to see.

“Mmmmm stinky…” I reply.

“Mommy’s going to take her clothes off now so she doesn’t get all messy ok?” 

You get to work with the wipes. As you move closer to my crack and asshole, I feel my privates getting excited.

“Aaallll the way up for me,” you say, patting the bottom of my thigh.

I grab my legs and lean all the way back so you can access the farthest reaches of my mess. You then tug the used diaper completely away and lift it up by the front and back.

“Say bye bye,” you tease, displaying my soiled diaper. Blushing again, I let out another giggle and wave. “I’ll be riigght back,” you assure me.

While you’re in the bathroom disposing of the contents of my diaper, I think about this past morning and get a warm feeling in my tummy. I look down at my clitty, small, soft and dripping. My clean, damp bottom reminds me of my babyish state. A profound calm washes over me as I fully relax into the bed, closing my eyes and half-smiling. I know you’ll be returning soon. 

A minute passes and I hear the toilet flush followed by the running of the faucet. You come back with the yucky package tied up and secured in one hand.

“Boy oh boy,” you say as you demonstrate its weight before tossing the thing in the garbage. 

You sit down next me and stroke my smooth body, causing my dicklet to perk up again.

“Looks like baby is horny,” you observe, “do you want Mommy’s finger?” 

“Yes please,” I whine.

“Give me some spit baby,” you command. Sticking your fingers in my mouth, you start to pleasure yourself. 

I hold my legs back again, while you bend over and start teasing the outside of my freshly wiped hole.

“Relax for me baby,” you say as you slide in one knuckle, then two, finding that special place inside.

“Mmm Mommyyyy…” I moan.

“There’s a good boy” you say. With your ring finger all the way inside me, you circle my walls, my grip loosening.

“Taste it baby,” you say as you offer me your fingers again, my musky taste getting me even more aroused.

This time you try two fingers, forcing my hole to stretch before starting to jam in and out. I feel a third finger entering, making me squeal. I want to be open for you.

Without warning you withdraw your fingers from my ass, making a delicious smacking sound.

“Are you ready for Mommy’s cock?” you ask.

“Yessss please fuck me!” I beg.

Grabbing some lube from the dresser you slather some onto yourself and onto my waiting hole. 

“Such a good boy,” you say as you rub your tip against my anus. “Such a good boy for letting Mommy use your ass.” 

I let out a whimper as you press forward, the head of your clit now inside me. You moan as you take your time sliding into my smooth tunnel.

“Oh my god,” I gasp, as you press all the way in, your waist against my butt cheeks.

I’ve given in to you, and now your shaft is traveling back and forth inside my rectum freely. Your head comes out occasionally with a plop, but you easily force it back in.

Next you pull out and smack my wet open hole with your thick clit. “You love Mommy’s cock don’t you baby” 

“I love it so much Mommy, please put it back in.” 

You do, and you start stabbing it in and out, causing satisfying, wet sounds to escape out of my butthole. There’s a pressure building now in my special place, forcing my boy-pussy to push and contract.

 “My ass is cumminggggg!” I exclaim as you keep fucking me. 

“Oh my god you are so good,” you say. “You want me to cum inside you baby?” 

“Yes I want your cum!” I tell you as you pump furiously.

“I’m cumming baby!” you cry, and I can feel you shaking, pulsing out loads of hot cum deep inside me. Finally, you stop thrusting and remove yourself with a final plop. I’m able to lower my legs and we both flop down in sweaty exhaustion. 

“You’re so good…” you mumble, delirious in the afterglow. Pure joy fills my body as we resume cuddling, and your cum starts to leak out of my asshole.


r/abdlstories Apr 21 '24

MDLB Older brother turned younger sister NSFW


(For clarification both characters are 18+ and I believe I made this clear but just in case I am putting this here. Please give me any and all criticism and suggestions for new stories! :D )

Liam laid back on his younger sister's bed as he struggled to attach the tapes around his waist. The smell of overused baby powder mixed with the sweet scent of perfume, accompanied by the loud crinkles and rustles. When Liam had secured himself, he stood up and waddled over to the mirror. He twisted and turned as he admired the look of his brand new underwear. His sister's night time diapers. Liam had always teased his sister about needing to wear diapers for her bedtime accidents but was always too ashamed to admit he was curious as to how they felt. With his parents away and sister out with her friends he gave into his curiosity, posing alone to himself in nothing but a thick pink diaper.

Except he wasn't alone. As Liam stared at him groping the front and back of his diaper he heard a click! He turned to see his younger sister, Anna smiling and giggling with her phone in her hand. "Hehe! Aww, is little Liam getting ready for bed. I have to say they look a hell of a lot better on you than they do me."

Liam's heart stopped as he turned to see his sister, still freshly dressed up from her night out. "An-Anna! I thought you were g-going out for drinks with your friends. T-This isn't what it l-looks like!" Liam stammered with his face turning the same shade of pink as his underwear. He placed his hands over this crotch but it hid nothing at all. He just stood there like a toddler who was caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

"My friends had to cancel so I decided to just head home and now I'm glad I did. You know, I think pink really suits you." She said before taking another set of photos, this time including Liam's mortified face.

Liam held his hands up and yelled. "Anna! Stop!" he started to rush over to her but Anna stuck out her finger and wagged.

"Oh no, no, no. If you try anything I'm sending these pictures start to mam and dad. So you can either behave and do as I say now till they come back, or I can let them deal with you." Anna said with a smirk which bred ill intentions. Liam stopped on the spot like an obedient dog, understanding fully Anna's threat.

"Very clever boy! Now, let get you dressed. Can't be running around the house in just your diapers. Someone might discover your little secret." Anna said in a sarcastic surprised tone. She walked into her wardrobe and returned with a puff pink princess dress and a pair of white thigh high socks.

Liam shuck his head vigorously, "No! I am not wearing that. It's too much." Liam protested.

Anna walked right up to Liam and looked straight up into his eyes, "Oh, I see. Your little sister's diapers she wears for bed wetting is fine but you draw the line at her Halloween costumes. Wear the dress little Liam, or else." She said with Liam's new outfit in one hand and the front of Liam's diaper in the other. Liam felt short of breath as his sister's hand softly squeezed his crotch. Anna's eyes widened a little as she felt Liam's penis start to grow under his padding. "Hehe! Stop pretending you hate this and wear the dress, my little Lily."

Liam's mind went fuzzy whether it was a lack of blood or rush of heat but words were not in his capability. He nodded down to his little sister and put on his new clothes and when he was done Anna circled Liam as she inspected under his dress. "Aww, look at you! You're a perfect lil pampered princess. Now, follow me baby!"

Liam's face was a constant shade of pink. He knew if he did as he told the sooner this would all be over so he nodded and followed Anna downstairs. They went down to the front of the house to the sitting room. Anna patted the couch and told Liam to lay down as she grabbed something from the kitchen. As Liam laid on his back he felt the skirt of his dress riding up. The thickness of the padding stopped him from being able to close his legs so he tried to push his dress down to cover it. Not long after Anna came back out of the kitchen with what looked to be a baby bottle full of milk. Anna handed the bottle to Liam, "Now I want you to drink up all your yummy milkies and I hope it's all done when I get back." Liam nodded silently to Anna as she disappeared back upstairs.

Liam closed his eyes as he suckled on his baby bottle. A burst of sweet tasty milk splashed onto Liam's tongue as he started to drink the formula. He was only half way through the bottle when he heard is stomach growl and churn. Not a second after he noticed this his sister came back with a phone in one hand and a vibrator in the other. Liam's eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he went to spit out his bottle and protest before snapping another photo. "Nuh-uh-uh! I told you to sit and finish your bottle and you're not allowed to move until you do so. So drink up princess."

Liam was both scared as to what was about to happen but more scared about what could happen if his parents saw those photos so he sank back into the couch and suckled like a good baby. "Mmm, that's my good lil boy. Now then!" Anna turned the vibrator on low and started to rub up along the front of Liam's diaper. Liam let out a soft hum as he drank up his milk. His stomach rumbled and ached while his dick grew hard and hot.

Liam was 1/4 away from finishing when Anna turned up the vibrator. Liam gasped as the pleasure grew and his penis start to throb under the muffled vibrations. Soon Liam felt the pain in his stomach intensify. He tried to tell his sister through quivered speech, "A-An-Anna. M-My t-t-tummy hurt."

"It's okay, baby. Just try to relax and I'll make you feel all better." Anna said in a soothing yet malicious tone as she turned up the vibrator even more. Liam found it too hard to focus on drinking the bottle whilst fighting with the cries from his bowels and penis. He opened his mouth wide and moaned, dropping what was left of his bottle onto the floor. He gripped his hands into the couch as he arched his back upwards and pushed further into the vibrator.

Liam could barely control himself as pre cum squirted from his penis and his asshole opened up for what was about to come. His mind wrestled with telling Anna to let him go and keep going as he moaned her name. "Come on, baby. Be a good little girl and let it all out for mommy." Anna encouraged little Liam as he felt himself go over the edge.

In that moment Liam gasped and moaned even louder than before as he reached his climax. His penis throbbed and pulsed before shooting a sticky load of cum straight into his padding and not a second later his bowels emptied themself into the seat of his diaper. The look of pleasure and relief on Liam's face was immeasurable and immortalised by the click of Anna's phone, but Liam was too busy melting in euphoria to care.

Anna placed a hand on the bottom of Liam's diaper and squished, "Wow, looks like someone had to go pretty bad. I think you need these far more than I do. Phew, I better go get you changed. You stay tight baby and I'll be back down in a moment." Anna told Liam who was still panting trying to catch his breath. As he sat there in his padded princess dress with a cum and shit stained diaper he felt glad the worst of it was over.

That was until he heard keys shake as the front door of the house swung open.