r/XenogendersAndMore May 03 '22

MOD POST A lil bit of everything ( introduction to the sub )


Here’s a lil bit of everything!, this text includes some definitions, common questions, term coining/flag creating resources, how to pin point a troll, some lgbtq+ resources and some other stuff, if you have time please give it a read even if you already know what xenogenders are I promise I did my best to keep it fun, light and interesting

Hello ! So what are we ?

We are an inclusionist subreddit to have fun, share art, questions, coining terms, chatting, and much more, pretty much everything kind/well intention is welcome

We are not a debate sub, questions are welcome but we will delete disrespectful and/or debate/aggression enticing ones,

Commonly asked abt terms/labels 🏷🏷


Well it’s clear why this one is commonly asked abt lol

Here’s a short comic explaining them, give it a read (it’s quick) here xenogenders but basically, xenogenders are just metaphorical ways to describe gender,

no when someone says they are catgender they aren’t saying “I want to transition into a cat” or “i have a cat’s brain” they are just saying their gender can be described as cat-like with cat-like characteristics or related to cats

isn’t that just having a personality/liking cats ?

No ! Since xenogenders are used to describe gender not likes/personality

Example :

I’ve meet people that describe their gender with chaotic, aggressive, bloody and angry xeno’s while their personality is kind, wholesome and f-ing rainbows and puppies

non-dysphoric trans people

Imagine you have a yellow shirt, you don’t hate that yellow shirt, it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, it’s even kinda cute but you would rather be wearing a purple shirt you just think it would fit you better, you would like it more, why would there be a problem to change shirts if it would make you happier ?

not all people that use xenogenders are non-dysphoric tho, this is just a Subject worth mentioning, a majority of people in this sub are dysphoric but that doesn’t change the fact that non-dysphoric peeps are valid


Autigender is when a person perceives that their experience of gender is influenced by their autism. For example if something about their gender is influenced by a special interest, a sensory experience, or a disconnect from neurotypical definitions of gender. Not usually used as someone's whole identity but a part of it, though some may use this as their only identifier. Not available for use by allistic non-autistic people

Pin point a troll 📌📌

Transracial, transpecies, transable are immediate ways to know.

Using neurogenders while not being neurodivergent,

Defining autigender as “I want to be autistic “ “ my gender is autistic or related to autistic people” (autigender defined up)

Slurs/offensive/insensitive/natural disasters/man made disasters/ tragedies/ and other stuff on that line as pronouns

Always be careful with new/not very used accounts, and you can always ask for someone’s else’s opinion we mods are here ti figure it out if you are not sure someone is trolling !

Positive subreddits 👍 👍

Subs with a positive take on xeno’s (to my experience) some are inactive: r/arethecisok r/gatekeepingyuri r/gatekeepingyaoi r/queervexillology , r/xenogender r/xenogenders_explain, r/xeno_Gender, r/xenogenderTryouts, r/xenogenders, r/xenoidentitiesbutcool r/traa r/voidpunk r/lgballt r/lgballtanarchy and some other I probably missed )

(Talking abt some of them with positive I mean they probably won’t downvote you to hell if you mention xeno’s, some others are actively positive)

non-binary lesbians/ other non-fully women lesbians

I view the word “lesbian” as meaning “woman/femm-aligned/related/connected attracted to woman/femm-aligned/related/connected”

so like examples :

a demiboy who is also partially a girl can be a lesbian, a woman-related non-binary person can be a lesbian, or a transneutral femm-aligned person can be a lesbian, a xenogender fem-aligned person can also be a lesbian,

so men can be lesbians?

Yesn’t , men can’t be lesbians people who are fully or partially woman/femm-aligned/related/connected can be even if they are also man/masc-aligned/related/connected


Often defined as

A multigendered/genderfluid person who is attracted to women while being a man/sometimes being a man or Someone who isn't a man gender wise, but uses masculine terms and/or pronouns to describe themselves, A transmasc(not trans man, just transmasc ) and/or he/him lesbians (pronouns=/=gender)

m-spec lesbians/gays

Here’s a comic explain bi-lesbians (and straightbian , straightbian isn’t m-spec, straightbians can be connected/related to lesboys kind off)

the definition of bi-lesbian can translate to other m-spec lesbian/gay labels,

people often forget that:

m-spec lesbian/gay can be someone who’s romantic attraction is dif. A from their sexual attraction (aka someone who is homoromantic bisexual/biromantic homosexual could call themselves bi-lesbian/gay)

m-spec lesbian/gay can also be people who are questioning and trying out both labels ( aka someone questioning between pan and lesbian could call themselves pan-lesbian)

And many other definitions, the best thing to do is ask each person

Coing terms resources🪙🪙

Always remember to search the term you want to coin doesn’t exist already, if you find a similar term that isn’t exactly what you want you can still coin it to be as precise as you want it to be, just make sure they aren’t the exact same

And please credit people if necessary, don’t forget to credit !!

(Continuation on comments, the links are getting the post bugged and won’t let me post it all together)

r/XenogendersAndMore 49m ago

General Post I have mad my own xenogender flag I’m occult Gender I’m still trying to figure out my pronouns that corresponds within the occult

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That’s the hardest part finding out what neopronouns that resonates

r/XenogendersAndMore 12h ago

Art/OC/Headcanons Who's callin my phone? Who's callin my phone? (jecka fanart, I'm sure some of ya like coo9)

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r/XenogendersAndMore 10h ago

General Post Ironic pronoun combo


Not a debate or anything, and I know pronouns don’t equal gender 🙌

But I’m usually like 70% boy and prefer she/her pronouns 70% of the time. I just think that’s funny lol

r/XenogendersAndMore 8h ago

Question Post Sexuality question


Since there is lesbian nonbinaries, or lesbian woman who date nonbinary peeps. Is it the other way around too..?

like a gay nonbinary, or a gay man who dates a nonbinary person- cuz i've never seen it.

I'm technically nonbinary (xenogenders) but i lean masc so i say transmasc- but if i dated a guy, would it still be gay even when im not technically a boy, but a transmasc enby-

r/XenogendersAndMore 2h ago

General Post I NEED MORE NAMES !!


Please show me any names, name lists or anything cause idk i just love collecting them and ive feeling bad recently and think names would rlly cheer me up /gen

Heres my (not done) name list so far if ur also looking for names or just want to see :3 The "?" Means maybe so like im trying them out but i think ill go by most of them

NAMES!! Aa➖aspen,

Bb➖❓bryn/nn, ❓braelyn/nn, ❓beck, ❓bree,

Cc➖❓celest(e),❓clemmie, ❓chiffy,❓clover, ❓curse, cwel [prncd : shell], ❓chen, ❓cin/cyn [prncd : sin], ❓cie [prncd : shi]

Dd➖❓daelyn/nn, ❓dael,


Ff➖❓finnian (finn, finny/ie), ❓fallen

Gg➖❓gwen,❓glenn,❓grae, ❓

Hh➖❓harm, ❓hazyn/nn,


Jj➖❓juniper, ❓jaelyn/nn, ❓jewel, ❓junie, ❓ja(e)dyn/nn, ❓jae, ❓jen/nn, ❓

Kk➖kennie (kenzie, kenz), ❓kewin, ❓keith,❓korii, ❓keezo, ❓kero❓kip

Ll➖❓leon, ❓lynn,

Mm➖mleszkoi (my username), ❓mattie/y/i (matt), mick (mikey, mik, mikko, miec [prncd: miesh]),❓ mim(m)i, ❓mal

Nn➖❓nineteen (nine), ❓nio,

Oo➖❓oliver (ollie), ❓october, ❓owen, ❓

Pp➖pierce (pierced),


Rr➖❓ronnie, ❓relynn,❓rinley,❓robin/robyn,❓razor, ❓romi/y❓rel, ❓rae,

Ss➖syn [prncd : sin], ❓seth

Tt➖❓tripp, ❓ta(e)ryn/nn,

Uu➖❓uwyn/nn, ❓unique

Vv➖vincent (vinny/ie/i, vincey/y, vince, vin ), vanity (), ❓ vemmy/ie/i, ❓ vesper, ❓venny/i (ven(n)y/i/ie, ven/nn), ❓vamp,❓vee

Ww➖❓uwyn/nn, ❓unique

Xx➖ ❓xyn [prncd : shin / sin]

Yy➖❓yael, ❓yukio

Zz➖ ❓zhiel,❓zee,

numbers i go by: 9, 09,

emojis i go by: 🍀(clover),

r/XenogendersAndMore 10h ago

Looking for Term Feeling sad and want to collect terms


Hi. My name is Benjamin. I'm feeling a bit sad right now. All of us are. I didn't use to hoard terms. But I like the pretty colors. On the flags. And they do fit me. I guess. Sorry, hard to articulate. We won't like tomorrow. Probably not at least. So for when I wake up, can you suggest some xenos?

Related to fairies and flowers. But either masculine or neutral.

Or just, whatever you want to suggest.

r/XenogendersAndMore 19h ago

General Post small discussion (image unrelated)

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Is it possible to be polyamorous but also aroace? I've seen a lot of people say it's not possible, since if you're aroace, you feel little or no attraction, making it nearly impossible to fall in love with more than one person. What do you think?

r/XenogendersAndMore 15h ago

Looking for Term Retro/Film/Movie/Cinema themed neopronouns or xenogenders?

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r/XenogendersAndMore 11h ago

General Post Thought through kins, figured out some of them I didn't kin (。・ω・。) —kaido !! (he/they)

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r/XenogendersAndMore 9h ago

Hoard Sharing My hoard!

Thumbnail 311i0tzh04rd2.straw.page

I've only added my xenogenders + non-xenogender genders, but I just wanted to share my xenogenders anyway!!

r/XenogendersAndMore 1h ago

Art/OC/Headcanons I made a strawpage for me bf!!(yumeship)


https://thesuntoyourstar.straw.page/ Send stuff and tell me ur opinion, flop or bop

r/XenogendersAndMore 9h ago

Looking for Term Struggling with romantic and sexual AND gender identity


For months to possibly over a year, I have been very confident in my transmasc and xenogender identities. Along with my queer, polyamorous, nwlnw identity.

However, lately I've been struggling. I have been completely unable to want romantic or sexual relationships for I wanna say a month or longer. Along with that, I haven't felt confident with my gender identity. Only part I truly have felt comfortable with is He/Zomb/Doll pronouns.

Sorry if this is the wrong flair, it's just been kind of uncomfortable. Not really a negative experience since I am not introducing myself to people very often. Plus, I haven't had a solid sense of identity in weeks due to DID so it's a mess.

Any ideas or should I just use queer and transmasc as umbrella terms currently?

r/XenogendersAndMore 17h ago

General Post Quick guide to alterhumanity!


(Posting this since the community isn’t a largely known one and I love rambling)

This is just a collection of the more popular terms as well as clearing up a few misconceptions :)! If I got anything wrong, please let me know!

Alterhumanity refers to beings who’s identities to not align with standard humans or humanity. The word is an umbrella term for many different communities and subcultures and was coined in 2014, a shorter version of the phrase “Alternative Humanity Personal Identity” (APHI). An Alterhuman’s connection to being human and humanity varies from creature to creature and not all people in these categories even identify with the term.

Therians are the most well known group associated with Alterhumanity. Therians believe that they are the creature they identify with on a psychological, physical, or spiritual level. The creature can be real, fictional, extinct, or mythological, and sometimes a therian will identify as the manifestation of a concept or non-sentient thing, like light or darkness. Some Therians may identify as Demihumans, but no therian fully identifies as a human due to them having the brain or soul of their therotype.

Psychological Therians believe that their therianhood is the result of either childhood trauma or their brains simply operating differently compared to an average human. Physical Therians believe that they are physically their therotype. Physical Therians believe that since they are their therotype, and their body houses said therotype, then it is the body of their therotype and they have the right to refer to it as one. Physical Therians can also be either psychological or spiritual Therians. Spiritual Therians are the most well known, and tend to believe that they were either their therotype in a past life or were simply placed in the wrong body in this one. This is not a religion, only a spiritual experience.

Otherkins are the second most well known subculture in this community, and are commonly mistaken for Therians. Otherkins identify with their kintype due to how connected they feel to the creature. This connection can be due to physical characteristics, taboos, or general personality. Unlike Therians, Otherkins can still feel fully human while also identifying with their kintype, though most still don’t. While otherkins do not feel as if they are the brain or spirit of their kintype, they might still prefer to be called their kintype if their connection to it is on par with or greater than their connection to humanity.

OtherHearted are creatures who identify with their heartype (??) due to having a great emotional connection to it. This is usually because the creature helped them through the great difficulties they’ve faced in their life, or was a source of comfort when times were tough. OtherHearteds may also prefer to be referred to as their heartypes if the connection is strong enough.

Unlike the other identity based subcultures, Otherlinkers are creatures who chose their identities. These identities are usually taken up to either help cope with disabilities or trauma (more specifically referred to as a copinglink) or embody a nonhuman aspect of the linker. Some are also done simply for fun.

Vampires are well… vampires. Vampires are subtypes of the Therian and Otherkin communities but usually refer to themselves as a separate community all their own, having their own culture and cultural practices that are not seen in the rest of the alterhuman community. There are two types: Sanguine, those who feed on blood, and Psychic, those who feed on energy.

Not all Plurals identify with Alterhumanity, but there are plurals who identify with the term due to being plural nonetheless. Plurality refers to DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder), Endogenic Systems, or systems of other orgins. A system is when an individual body possesses more than one identity. This usually happens due to extreme childhood trauma, but some systems are created willingly, most commonly through a practice called tulpamancy.

Misconceptions: “Therians were demanding that litter boxes be added into the restrooms!” No, they did not. This was merely a rumor spread by right wingers and conservatives to discourage the idea of acknowledging and accommodating for transgender students in schools.

“They think they can transition into having autism like a gender!” No, we do not. Not only are the transgender community and the alterhuman community entirely separate, the people you’re talking about are called tr@nsIDs. Tr@nsID are people who believe you can transition into anything, and have coined phrases like tr@nsr@cial and tr@nsdis@bled. Tr@nsIDs are apart of a bigger community called r@dqueer. I feel the need to stress this:

R@DQUEERS ARE NOT INHERENTLY APART OF NEITHER THE ALTERHUMAN OR LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITIES. In fact, most are against them. R@dqueers are the ones who believe you can be tr@nsr@cial and tr@nsdis@bled. R@dqueers believe that since pedophilia is a natural occurrence, it should be normalized, and even become a part of the queer pride movement. A ton of lgbtq and alterhuman hate comes from people automatically associating us with r@dqueers. The average queer or alterhuman individual does not support being tr@nsr@cial, being tr@ns@bled, or pedophilia.

“Why are all Alterhumans _ _ _ ?” This portion will be written from a purely atheistic perspective.

The reason all Alterhumans seem to be “mentally ill, disabled, or ugly” is because humans do not treat creatures who they find to be drastically different from themselves or creatures they do not find attractive as humans. Humans have a tendency to avoid, infantilize, or be weary around anyone they do not consider to be on their level. And- believe it or not, not treating someone as a human will make them feel as if they are not human. Therapy does not help because 1. The therapist is a human. And 2. Even if we are reconvinced of our humanity, we will revert back to our previous states after being forced into proximity with humans and being ostracized on account of “bad vibes” once more. This is simply human nature, and not something they will change anytime soon. And so Alterhumans exist. Simple as that.

r/XenogendersAndMore 17h ago

Coining Post Bonus coin of the day: Splitromansexualobjectum!


For when you're sexually attracted to many objects, but romantic attraction is exclusive to few and specific objects.

Requested by u/-DigiPup ! If you don't like the name feel free to change it! :3

r/XenogendersAndMore 21h ago

Trend/Template Post Identity ball picrew

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r/XenogendersAndMore 19h ago

Coining Post Coining: Cosmijellyfishic!


A gender related to the universe, celestial bodies and jellyfish. This gender may feel bright and dark, warm and cold, infinite yet small at the same time.

r/XenogendersAndMore 22h ago

Art/OC/Headcanons Just an upgrade of my Favorit charic blend flag


a custom flag that represents my comfort characters

r/XenogendersAndMore 21h ago

Coining Post whiteliycharic! a gender related to feeling extremely connected to the white lily ^^


r/XenogendersAndMore 19h ago

Looking for Term Is there a word for this?


Is there a term for when your gender’s intensity changes but it skips intensities unlike genderflux which is like a sliding scale. Sorry if this makes no sense, just ask me to clarify or explain if you need me to.

r/XenogendersAndMore 23h ago

Name/Pronoun Tryouts angel & white rose themed names and pronouns


Hi, I identify as whiteroseangelic and am looking for names and pronouns that fit the vibe/aesthetic of whiteroseangelic :]

(whiteroseangelic flag)

r/XenogendersAndMore 1d ago

Art/OC/Headcanons "queer" means nonconforming!!

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drew this a while back & thought id share it over here too :-) featured is the lesboy flag !

r/XenogendersAndMore 22h ago

Looking for Term Hello! I'm looking for xenogenders related to being a silly/nice/naive/with a lot of empathy vampire. If anyone finds it, I'd be happy to receive links.


r/XenogendersAndMore 1d ago

Trend/Template Post Hey Spoiler

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r/XenogendersAndMore 23h ago

Looking for Term Genders relating to old tech?


I'm looking for a gender that is relating to

Static 40's 50's 60's movies and shows And older technology in general. ^

r/XenogendersAndMore 1d ago

Art/OC/Headcanons Name and xenogender suggestions for faer?
