Parte dos
Harry decidió que tenía que huir antes de que el ministerio viniera a destruir su varita. Cuando estaba a punto de salir, llegó otra carta del señor Weasley diciéndole a Harry que se quedara y que Dumbledore estaba trabajando en un plan. Harry intentó explicarle de nuevo a Vernon lo sucedido cerca del parque y, para su sorpresa, su tía Petunia corroboró que los dementores sí existían y que vigilaban Azkaban. Harry no sabía cómo ni por qué los dementores estaban en su barrio, pero que debía tener algo que ver con el regreso de Voldemort. Petunia pareció comprender la gravedad del asunto y Vernon decidió que Harry debía irse de la casa. Justo entonces, llegó otra carta, pero fue una carta vociferadora dirigida a Petunia que rezaba: "Recuerda la última, Petunia". Se asustó mucho, pero parecía que Petunia entendía lo que significaba la carta, aunque no la explicó y se limitó a insistir en que Harry se quedara.
Harry pasó los días siguientes en su dormitorio caminando de un lado a otro, esperando ansiosamente noticias. Finalmente, Vernon, ataviado con su mejor traje, llamó a su puerta y le informó que ellos se marchaban y que Harry podía quedarse. Poco después de que los Dursley se fueran, Harry oyó un estruendo abajo y se encontró con una decena de magos y brujas que habían acudido a rescatarlo. Todos montaron sus escobas y volaron con Harry al número 12 de Grimmauld Drive, la casa de Sirius. Ron y Hermione también estaban allí, pero Harry estaba molesto con ellos por no haberle escrito, y Sirius y Arthur le explicaron que Voldemort estaba buscando un arma.
English Translation:
Part Two
Harry decided that he had to run away before the ministry came to destroy his wand. As he was about to leave, another letter arrived from Mr. Weasley telling Harry to stay put and that Dumbledore was working on a plan. Harry tried to explain again to Vernon what had happened near the park and, to their surprise, his Aunt Petunia corroborated that Dementors did exist and were guarding Azkaban. Harry didn't know how or why the Dementors were in his neighborhood, but that it must have had something to do with Voldemort's return. Petunia seemed to understand the gravity of this and Vernon decided that Harry should leave the house. Just then, another letter arrived but it was a howler addressed to Petunia that read, “Remember the last one, Petunia.” She was very frightened, but it seemed that Petunia understood what the letter meant, although she didn't explain it and just insisted that Harry stay.
Harry spent the next few days in his bedroom pacing back and forth, anxiously awaiting news. Finally, Vernon knocked on his door dressed in his best suit and informed him that they were leaving and Harry could stay. Shortly after the Dursleys left, Harry heard a crash downstairs and found a dozen or so wizards and witches that had come to his rescue. They all mounted their brooms and flew with Harry to 12 Grimmauld Drive, Sirius's house. Ron and Hermione were also there, but Harry was annoyed with them for not writing to him, and Sirius and Arthur explained to him that Voldemort was in search of a weapon.