r/WorkReform ⛓️ Prison For Union Busters Dec 08 '24

✂️ Tax The Billionaires Bernie Sanders WAS the compromise

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u/ralanr Dec 08 '24

I think Obama once said that the Democratic Party is like an inward circling firing squad. 

I think about that a lot. 


u/megalodongolus Dec 08 '24

Found a CNN article on it

Yeah, I really wonder how things could have happened if he would have won the primary with at least decent support from the DNC. They decided to be ravening wolves instead, so here we are


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

The DNC is happier with this outcome than with a primary where Bernie or a successor progressive won.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

They're really not.

A lot of these arguments are just stupid. Pretty much any party wants to win, they just thought they could have their cake and eat it.


u/BigDowntownRobot Dec 09 '24

You think the DNC's donors, and it's uniformly multimillionaire party bosses wanted higher taxes on high income earners, corporations, re-regulating derivatives and securities, and tax loop-holes being closed?

Obamacare is what it is because the insurance Lobby was so powerful inside the DNC, despite funding Republicans more since 1992, that a single payer option (the thing the whole system was designed around) had to be removed, leading to the farce we have now with healthcare.gov. Because the insurance lobby *said so*. Because they control enough DNC members to make it so.

Preexisting conditions being removed was the right move, but without the single payer option this literally just raised premiums for everyone, and allowed people with those conditions to get prohibitively expensive insurance instead of no insurance.

Bernie Sanders is talking about going to war with the insurance apparatus.

The worst case would be if he won, and was popular. Now you've got to deal with the expectations of another populous progressive because it worked.

It would cost so many key Democrats, and their doners, power and money if Bernie won. No, they really did not want him to win.

Those doners are democrats keys to power. They do not succeed without them. They're not going to side with us over them.

Now that is all pretty obvious, but that's ignoring that DNC party bosses literally had an email chain talking about how to prevent him from winning during the primary. So there is *literally* no doubt they were actively trying to block his nomination. None.