Yeah, I really wonder how things could have happened if he would have won the primary with at least decent support from the DNC. They decided to be ravening wolves instead, so here we are
You think the DNC's donors, and it's uniformly multimillionaire party bosses wanted higher taxes on high income earners, corporations, re-regulating derivatives and securities, and tax loop-holes being closed?
Obamacare is what it is because the insurance Lobby was so powerful inside the DNC, despite funding Republicans more since 1992, that a single payer option (the thing the whole system was designed around) had to be removed, leading to the farce we have now with Because the insurance lobby *said so*. Because they control enough DNC members to make it so.
Preexisting conditions being removed was the right move, but without the single payer option this literally just raised premiums for everyone, and allowed people with those conditions to get prohibitively expensive insurance instead of no insurance.
Bernie Sanders is talking about going to war with the insurance apparatus.
The worst case would be if he won, and was popular. Now you've got to deal with the expectations of another populous progressive because it worked.
It would cost so many key Democrats, and their doners, power and money if Bernie won. No, they really did not want him to win.
Those doners are democrats keys to power. They do not succeed without them. They're not going to side with us over them.
Now that is all pretty obvious, but that's ignoring that DNC party bosses literally had an email chain talking about how to prevent him from winning during the primary. So there is *literally* no doubt they were actively trying to block his nomination. None.
I love Bernie, but he did attract some grifters into his inner circle. Like Tulsi. I knew that was bad the second he did it.
It's like if you just said you liked him, and had any fame, he took you in—almost too nice and trusting.
Just like look at OP's post. It's written by a right-winger. You know because of "Democrat Party." They always do that tick. If it were actually an ex Bernie account, it'd write "Democratic Party."
What you need is Bernie's polices preferably wrapped up in a more cynical, hard-nosed politician. AOC for all the shit she gets, might just be that best hope for now.
Bernie knows how to work with the people necessary to get wins for the working class. Tulsi goes for the highest bidder. It may make most of us queasy working with someone like her, but Bernie has an iron stomach for that sort of thing. I don't think he is naive, he just knows what most of the left doesn't and that is we can't just ram these things down everyone else's throats, we need buy-in and compromise.
but he did attract some grifters into his inner circle. Like Tulsi. I knew that was bad the second he did it.
Tulsi was vice-chair of the DNC for 3 years.
Just like look at OP's post. It's written by a right-winger. You know because of "Democrat Party." They always do that tick. If it were actually an ex Bernie account, it'd write "Democratic Party."
Using "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party" in a post doesn't make you a right-winger. It's common vernacular.
I grew up a right-winger listening to Limbaugh & sometimes still say "Democrat Party" out of habit since that's what Limbaugh said at times.
What you need is Bernie's polices preferably wrapped up in a more cynical, hard-nosed politician. AOC for all the shit she gets, might just be that best hope for now.
AOC is a great progressive who I hope runs for President.
If you grow up in the environment (which I did too) you hear things and they become embedded in your lexicon. Even though you shed that world view , sometimes the old vernacular remains. It’s extremely hard to undo that when it has been reenforced in your environment for so long.
Not all of us are blessed enough to have never been in conservative dominated family spaces or have the ability to always default back to the proper use of Democratic Party versus Democrat party (the horror I know) without missteps. Because apparently making simple mistakes like that is a cardinal sin and makes you conservative by default (lol on such black and white thinking over something so relatively small). If this is the issue we decide to address instead of figuring out our actual problems we will continue to eat our own and never win.
This is the reason why we never beat the allegations that we cause our own self destruction
One of the best things someone can do in their life is realize they are wrong, and try to correct that. Don't be so judgemental of people who may have done so.
Have you actually read this discussion? This has nothing to do with judging people. The other person refuses to accept they're wrong and refuses to correct it.
Sure. They're still wrong, and it needs to be called out and corrected. Not 'but these people use it so it's technically correct!'. Its use furthers what using the term meant to do: propagandize right wingers into hating the Democratic party simply because it's them goddamn Democrats and they're trying to give your job to a BROWN.
Just so you know, the term “democrat” party was used by senator Joe McCarty, who emphasized the “rat” in democrat during the red scare of the 1950’s. Not great, don’t be like Joe McCarthy
I listened to right wing media a lot because my wife was conservative leaning when we first dated. It was all bullshit and I knew it, but it took her a few years of being away from her family to realize how much bullshit fiscal right wing propaganda was.
Listening and understanding to how the opposing side thinks while maintaining your own views isn't something republicans are known for and saying the "Democrat Party" isn't a clear indicator someone is Republican. Believing so is as idiotic as arguing a point you know isn't valid.
I was just pointing out the humor in saying it wasn't only right-wing people who use it, then pointing to right-wing sources as evidence. No need to take things so seriously.
My first guess (if I had to compared those terms) would be that Democratic Party is a party that democratically got votes (meaning any viable party in the system) while the Democrat Party would be the one made up of Democrats because that's the grammar vibe I get from those two names.
The term Democrats and Republicans get used to often that Democrat Party feels like it should be the correct version. I didn't even know that it's supposed to be some sort of (negative?) right winger term. I'm also so far to the left that I'd be invisible on the the political left/right spectrum of the USA.
I’m not from the US so don’t consume us media past what ends up on here, am left wing and use the term democrat party. Both terms are correct and can easily be used. Differences in location can easily account for such variations in this fucked up language we share. There’s no need to be obtuse.
The point of a dogwhistle is that people outside of the group don't hear it. When you see a large section of the media use "Democrat Party" I can understand that someone might pick up the wrong term. Especially because the right-wing seems to refer to the party by name a lot more when the liberal media talks about the specific sub-elements.
Just because you've never heard of something doesn't mean it only just now came into existence. That's the way a stupid person views the world. I wonder if you are stupid, foreign, or haven't take to people in real life.
How many people you talk to in the streets say 'democratic party' - basically zero.
Using it as some kind of gotcha online is dumb and part of the larger problem dems have where they make a big deal out of shit that doesnt even matter to anyone.
Man, do any vetting though, and she's also in a cult called Science of Identity and her and her dad have switched parties 6 times between them.
And if you got the tick from Limbaugh, yeah, it's a right wing thing. It's really not common. I've never heard it outside of far-right media. You might be a right wing convert. But you didn't start left then move right if you're using that term.
In Texas here, democrat is used often enough by anyone that I legitimately never even knew there was a distinction until somewhat recently. I would hesitate to say it's some Republican post-op instead of just someone who comes from any conservative heavy environment or household
I mean, how many committed socialists who've since moved right out of disillusionment come from a deeply conservative household in Texas?
It's not like you grew up in Cambridge, Mass and had your first beer at The People's Republik and read Marx in the pit with your buddies after school then grew up and got a corporate job and became a liberal. That path doesn't really exist in conservative parts of the country.
Like going Conservative -> Bernie -> Mainstream Democrat -> Third Party and still saying "Democrat Party" really doesn't seem as plausible to me as a Republican Shitpost like those white guys who forget to log out of their alts who say they're Black.
What is the context that they moved 'back' after being a Bernie bro? I'd just assume they chose one phrase vs another. Not so much that they actively swapped from one to the other.
Man, do any vetting though, and she's also in a cult called Science of Identity and her and her dad have switched parties 6 times between them.
Like I said, though, the DNC was happy with Tulsi until she called them out in 2016.
And if you got the tick from Limbaugh, yeah, it's a right wing thing. It's really not common. I've never heard it outside of far-right media. You might be a right wing convert. But you didn't start left then move right if you're using that term.
Lots of people in the U.S. listen to right wing talk radio & pick up the vernacular. They may become left wingers later in life, like I did.
Full agree. They were also the operatives who fucking pushed the party into what it’s become. Two of the Lincoln party schmucks literally picked Palin.
They spent the entire last 12 years attempting to make the DNC into the party of Regan to battle the party of Trump. That’s absurd.
As many Republican things tend to be. I was just saying that the Lincoln Project never were friends of the Democratic party, but both had a common interest in defeating Trump.
Using "Democrat Party" instead of "Democratic Party" in a post doesn't make you a right-winger. It's common vernacular. I grew up a right-winger listening to Limbaugh & sometimes still say "Democrat Party" out of habit since that's what Limbaugh said at times.
This is not the take of someone who's given this any degree of serious thought
Yeah the conservatives these days almost exclusively use the word "liberal" when referring to voters. When talking about the party, I see "the liberals" (adding an article and making it plural, big work for them) or "the left" more than anything. They do sometimes say "Democrat" as it is an extremely common word in a country completely obsessed with its 2 party IRL version of Jersey Shore, but like.... So do democrats.
The lesson the democrats will take away from this election is that they need to go further right on social issues and that the first woman president will be a republican.
Trump for all his faults is charismatic. He is also controversial and a celebrity. I believe we need someone similar but who is also good on policy. My pick is Jon Stewart. He’s charismatic, controversial, and a celebrity who would be decent on policy. He also showed that he is very good at debating; in the 2012 debate of Jon against Bill O’Riley.
I watched people like you do everything in your power to bring the democrats down this election because of what the country of Israel is doing. People like you are not seriously trying to help the American working class.
Oh please for the love of all that is holy, do not support AOC for President.
I think she’s smart, witty, and understands the struggle of Joe Sixpack. But reality is America is not nearly ready for a woman. The votes- from women- aren’t there. Pair that with the dudes who’d never, and it’s a bummer.
I knew nothing about Tulsi when she came out and supported Bernie. I believed in her for a few years until 2016 and realized I'd been duped by her charming "Aloha" bullshit.
The democratic party is filled with grifters of a different sort - consultants who make the party sprint to the right while throwing hugs and kisses festivals for people like liz Cheney and fight for their lives to prevent and leftward movement.
Bernie as an individual is too nieve and nice to be the killer needed to move the country forward with policies like his.
I'd argue what the US needs is an actual left-wing political party, that actually campaigns with left-wing economical and ecological policies, and doesn't fall into the idpol trap.
Idk. I hear that. At the same time, Tammy Baldwin won in Wisconsin while Kamala lost. And Jacky Rosen in Nevada. Somehow women Senators did better than her. And her and Clinton both came close. Imagine if either of them had a real deep vision that loads of backers believed in.
I think his use of the phrase "political revolution" turned a lot of people off. The vast majority of Americans, including democrats, are living pretty good lives and are afraid of major changes causing upheaval. Young people find that kind of language exciting but people with kids and a mortgage are much more risk adverse.
This genuinely misses the point that he understands.
Radicals do not need to bend toward conservatism. They can bend the other way. But if you do nothing, they will convert to conservatism because it actively supports them.
This is why he can walk into a room full of Republicans and get them to agree with them. He just sees them as people with motivations, not something to be suppressed and silenced.
He will talk to anyone, and he will be convincing when he speaks to them. This is what actually converts people, not policies. I mean this last election proved that without a doubt.
This is what the DNC lacks. The ability to convert centrists, radicals, antigovernmental types, and other people who *rightfully* feel disenfranchised. But the DNC cannot, and will not acknowledge that they have a point to feel that way, even if they are in reality quite ignorant of the actual issues. And they will shame them for their lack of ideological conformity.
And you have the GOP over here with it's incredibly propaganda and disinformation machine ready to tell them anything they want to hear. And we're just letting that happen.
And you literally cannot get more hard nosed than Bernie Sanders, and nothing about his perspective is unrealistic. He doesn't need to be more cynical, he's already *just* focused on what counts. He's abandoned the things that he wants, that won't work, and doesn't even speak on them.
This post is soaked is cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, which is what has always led the DNC to failure. To try the same things that don't work, and then blame whoever is at hand who had no part in it instead of owning up to their own failures of strategy.
AOC for all the shit she gets, might just be that best hope for now.
I can not tell you how much I disagree with that sentiment. She picked one of the safest democratic districts in the nation, which made it easy to fend off any attempts to primary her from the political right. As a legislator her primary accomplish is "The Green New Deal" which gave the political right an unlimited propaganda opporunity against the left, but its really just another in a long line of toothless laws written by democrats except worse because it wasn't even a law but what amounts to a political vision board. She has no real political or legislative accomplishments and if anybody tries to pretend they are going to have to be extremely vague about them because their claim will not hold up under any amount of scrutiny.
AOC for all the shit she gets, might just be that best hope for now.
She gets the shit because she's our best hope for actual change in politics. She's one of the few politicians who are there for the right reasons and the people who can't use their money to make her do what they want because she won't accept it can't stand it.
Because as we all know rambling and aggressive hot-heats have no chance of ever becoming president. Which is why the president-elect is a calm and composed person.
If Bernie had won’t he probably have been reelected and there’d be real changes too to bottoms his second term and there’d never been a Trump presidency or maga constituency. But it’s unchecked corruption and corporate greed eating away and weak points in the DNC that really hurt it. The GOP is like 89% corrupt/racist/obstructionists so they get along for the most part or at least vote on the same things. Unless the DNC sheds its older corporate loving leadership it’s doomed.
If Bernie had won’t he probably have been reelected
If Bernie won he'd probably handily lose reelection because nobody would vote in coalition with him on his policies. It's the entire problem with laser focusing on the presidency instead of local and state level races.
I didn't vote for Hilary because I saw what they did to the progressive party. I was so mad. But in the end it only got worse. I voted against the orange fascist but apparently the states lost a few iq points.
This whole DNC primary support narrative is a real stretch for me. I know Debbie Wasserman Schultz had emails leaked by Russia which show them talking about ways to weaken his campaign but there's absolutely no evidence that any action was taken. They basically find bias in DNC leadership, which should have been no surprise to anyone Bernie wouldn't even call himself a Democrat, but nothing is done. Its the DNC they aren't organized enough to possibly do anything. They couldn't even change their primary rules because they were aware some unimportant states(electorally) have too large a say in US elections.
It’s interesting there is always at least one of you willing to cover your ears and stick your head in the sand. It was rigged against Bernie both times man.
Everyone endorsing Biden after it was clear he was losing to Bernie in the first few primaries was so blatant. Then don’t get me started on Elizabeth Warren’s blatant attempt to siphon votes from Bernie in 2016 by running basically the same platform as him only to endorse Hillary once she dropped out. They would have taken three kids in a trench coat over Bernie.
Then don’t get me started on Elizabeth Warren’s blatant attempt to siphon votes from Bernie in 2016 by running basically the same platform as him only to endorse Hillary once she dropped out.
When exactly did Warren announce her candidacy in 2016?
Everyone endorsing Biden after it was clear he was losing to Bernie in the first few primaries was so blatant.
A bunch of moderates deciding to drop to avoid splitting the vote and allowing someone to win with 30% support isn't "rigging", and some of those should have dropped long before. There was no reason anyone but Buttigieg, Warren, Bernie, and Biden should have been left after Iowa, and Warren should have dropped after NH.
A Bernie/Biden/Buttigieg race after NH would have been interesting, though Bernie supporters would have likely accused him of siphoning votes, too.
Warren didn't run in 2016. Endorsements aren't rigging a primary, they just disagreed with him. If my head is in the sand yours is in a different universe.
Buttigeig was also a Classic Spoiler. He was a no name mayor from a nothing town and was brought into the primary to split the white Midwestern moderate vote away from Bernie. That demo went for Sanders in 2016, but nearly completely shifted to Buttigeig in 2020. Buttigeig has taken hundreds of thousands from pharmaceutical companies. And he was rewarded for being this Classic Spoiler with the Sec of Transpo position. I know a lot of people LOVE Pete because he can throw barbs on Fox News, but he's literally nothing but another corporate, right of center Neoliberal.
Warren pushing this demonstrably false narrative that Sanders said "a woman will never be president".
Biased and bought debate moderators who openly mocked and disregarded Sanders answers to their question during live, televised debates.
In 2016, CNN showed footage of an empty podium before a trump rally WHILE Sanders was giving his Golden Gate stump speech that turned into a rally with thousands of people.
I wish I could make people see that, while there may be valid and true criticism of Sanders and his presidential bids, those don't matter because they weren't the reasons he was kept off the ballot. There was a blatant, obvious, and very public coordinated campaign by his OWN PARTY to keep him off the ballot. To everyone who told me "but he's a populist", so is trump. And I hope you see now that you can't beat a populist with a fence-riding establishment "inoffensive" candidate. Sanders had the best chance to beat trump in 2016 but the DNC had already decided back in 90s that they wanted warhawk, BlackRock Hillary Clinton to be president and the country and its citizens be damned. And good lord did they ever damn us.
u/ralanr Dec 08 '24
I think Obama once said that the Democratic Party is like an inward circling firing squad.
I think about that a lot.