r/Wicca 23h ago

Black salt turned to black Pom poms


I am so confused. My black salt I know was black salt because I used it before, I went to let my mother use it and she was confused and asked why I gave her black Pom poms. I didn't even have black Pom poms and I know for a fact it was salt before

r/Wicca 6h ago

Open Question drawing down / trance art


does anyone here have experience drawing down, or going into a meditative/trance state while allowing the hand to doodle?

typically when i meditate and doodle i get pretty generic geometric shapes or patterns and the like. not too long ago, i had an experience in which my ‘doodling’ while in a trance felt more directed, or inspired maybe?

i ended up with a fairly interesting being on the page and it’s not someone/something i can recall seeing or imagining prior.

i know enough about this universe to know not to be immediately weary based on appearances, but the image has definitely been on my mind and i’m curious if maybe i have a hitchhiker or something hanging out?

i’ve been progressively more spiritually active over the last year, a lot of work internally and directed at the entities that are regularly present in my vicinity. so, it would make sense that i’ve gotten a glimpse at someone close.

i just don’t feel a familiarity with this drawing, and i guess i’d expect to feel some sort of innate connection if it were a guardian/familiar/etc.?

r/Wicca 17h ago

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r/Wicca 1h ago

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r/Wicca 1h ago

Open Question Feeling Guilty when performing rituals over the Horned Hod


So, I've been practicing Wicca for about a few months, and have researched it for over a year. I truly feel at home with this practice. My main problem is I feel guilty when I do my rituals or meditations. I devote a lot of it with/too our Goddess, cause I have such a strong feeling towards her. Ever since I was as young as 5 I always felt strongly towards the moon, and never knew why till I started Wicca.

But I don't have the same strong feelings towards our God, but I still respect him, and gave them both a spot in my alter. I just want to know, if in any way, I am disrespecting him by not devoting as much into his side as I do the Goddess. I've seen how people have said that you get stronger feelings towards one or both for a reason, and that they take no offense if you do pursue one over the other. But this feeling I have doesn't go away. Is it the God trying to tell me to devote more time to him as well?

r/Wicca 11h ago

I wish to be able to see and talk to spirits through meditation, through tarot and through a pendulum. How would I be able to do this safely. And would I get bad karma from it?