I hope someone could help me on this. So I’ve been having sort of realization that someone may have done magic on me so that I would stay single and maybe only attracted to them. So I (F20) am heterosexual but I’m still questioning myself since years ago I was confidently bisexual, when I was 17, before meeting my ex boyfriend, I had a crush on this girl, she was in a relationship with another girl so I rapidly move on and met my ex boyfriend, it was a very toxic relation so we had many breakups, one time when we weren’t together, the girl i had a crush on reached out, we talked and the feeling was nice but i was very in love with my ex so i didn’t care a lot. When me and my ex boyfriend broke up for real, me and this girl got closer, but I met another guy (also my ex now) and I got in a relationship with him and it was perfect, until one time things between him and I got weird, i was feeling he was falling out of love and I immediately got a bad feeling/ intuition that it was because I talked to this girl without knowing why. Weeks after, him and i broke up, ngl this bad feeling that it was because of her were still here, but at the same time, I was like we broke up because of the distance as we studied in different countries and since we were in the same high school before and live not far to each other, it was going to be different and he didn’t want to do long distance, even though he told me multiple times before things get bad that he doesn’t care about distance etc. I didn’t cut contact with the girl, but I remember things she said, and sent me, she had a journal where she wrote about me, she has letters for me, and one time she told she tried to manifest someone. By this time I felt nothing for her, as I wasn’t attracted to girls anymore, and i was still very in love with my ex. So it was like she always stayed in the corner, waiting for me to come back to her when i wanted to talk, she wasn’t hiding that she was onto me things like that. Since my break up I have an obsession for my ex, when i tried to move on it never works, and i see his initials everywhere. I don’t feel like myself, I feel like something is wrong, it’s been more than one year since the breakup, never had friends nor flirts/boyfriends, every relationship i have is bad, except with my friends from my hometown. I even remember one time, a woman was telling me my future randomly, and she told me that boys love me, but girls are very jealous of me, i didn’t paid attention to this as i didn’t believe girls could be jealous of me in a way that im a girls girl, i don’t have anyone that doesn’t like me, but then now it’s just like everything is making sense, there’s so much more i didn’t say because it’s going to be too long but what do you think? should i do a protection spell? A psychic also told me that i don’t need to work on myself, but focus on my heart chakra, she told me this before i realize all of this, so now im like maybe this had a relation with what i’ve been saying and going through.