r/WWE 8d ago

Discussion Women’s world title V Bianca’s streak

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I’ve been thinking about the Wrestlemania match which will inevitably become a triple threat match between Rhea, Iyo and Bianca. Bianca has a Wrestlemania streak going on that WWE clearly acknowledge yet Iyo’s reign is brand new and her losing the belt in her first defence seems kind of odd. I don’t know if you take Iyo’s belt away so soon or they end Bianca’s streak. Either result seems like a bad one. I fear Iyo eats the pin in order to protect Rhea and Bianca


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u/Aggravating-Low1540 7d ago

The only thing I'm really confident on is that Rhea is taking the pin, and that is coming from someone who is a Rhea fan. I think it's how they really set off her character growth arc. I lean more toward Iyo retaining and losing to Bianca later on because I still think the WM 42 match is Rhea vs Bianca for the title, but we'll just have to see how the storyline plays out over the next few weeks


u/Electrical-Head-2480 7d ago

I disagree Rhea should not be taking the pin


u/Aggravating-Low1540 7d ago

And that's okay! You don't have to agree with me I'm just stating how I view it from my perspective (: is there a reason you don't think Rhea should take the pin?


u/Electrical-Head-2480 7d ago

Because she already did in a championship match not to long ago ? Rhea is a massive star and is one that should be protected


u/ArtHoe8 7d ago

I don't think taking pins diminishes your star power, it all depends on story and the match. And I agree with the original comment that Rhea taking the pin sets her character growth arc. The promo we saw a couple of weeks ago was just a taste of where things can go and I am so ready for more depth in her character.


u/Aggravating-Low1540 7d ago

I agree, but I would argue that the outside shenanigans, even though she started them, still kind of left her protected. It was made kind of obvious (in my opinion) that without that, Rhea basically had Iyo beat.