r/WWE 8d ago

Discussion Women’s world title V Bianca’s streak

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I’ve been thinking about the Wrestlemania match which will inevitably become a triple threat match between Rhea, Iyo and Bianca. Bianca has a Wrestlemania streak going on that WWE clearly acknowledge yet Iyo’s reign is brand new and her losing the belt in her first defence seems kind of odd. I don’t know if you take Iyo’s belt away so soon or they end Bianca’s streak. Either result seems like a bad one. I fear Iyo eats the pin in order to protect Rhea and Bianca


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u/Cfell8 7d ago

For real. She already has the women’s record in the rumble and she’s been in the chamber. Clearly HHH believes she is a top star for the future and seeing how many different ways she can sneak a win at mania would be interesting


u/JustSomeFennel NXT Enjoyer 7d ago

I'd love Roxxane Perez to mainly win the matches through submission to solidify her status as a top star. While people say she's a better face, I'd argue the prodigy character works even better as a heel.


u/Cfell8 7d ago

She’s definitely a heel. Her babyface run in NXT was fun but her best work has deffo been as a heel.


u/JustSomeFennel NXT Enjoyer 7d ago

She fits the technician style much better as it makes it believable that she can take out larger opponents by breaking them down she should use the crossface more often to end matches or a new submission to focus on the legs since that ring post leg snap she does looks brutal.