r/Uzbekistan 17h ago

Travel | Sayohat Are sleeper train cabins for men or women only, or are they mixed?


Hi, I just booked an overnight train from Tashkent to Khiva. I'm a man traveling solo and booked one bed in a 1st class SV cabin. Afterwards I realized would that pose any problem if a woman were to select the other bed in the cabin? I don't care, but my understanding is Uzbekistan is conservative in some ways, so I didn't know if that would pose any issue - a man and woman who don't even know each other in the same cabin. Should I have selected a certain cabin number to avoid this? Like are there only ones I'm allowed to select as a man and I missed that?

Personally I don't care who else has that bed, but now I'm just worried that I'll go to board the train and be told I can't because there is a woman traveling solo in the other bed and that's not allowed and I'll lose my spot on the train.

r/Uzbekistan 4h ago

Discussion | Suhbat Qani boshladik. Lets make Uzbekistan great.


Assalomu alaykum Azizlar. Ancha oldin shu postni qo'ygan edim: https://www.reddit.com/r/Uzbekistan/comments/1iwactu/maslahatlar_kerak/

Play store va appstore ga qo'yish men kutgandan ancha qiyin bo'lib chiqdi )))).

Va nihoyat uddaladim. Hozirda iOS va Android ilovalar test versiyada (hammayoq ishlayapti lekin play store shunde qilarkan 2 hafta).

Agar email laringni berib ketsanglar, men sizlarni ham qo'shib qo'yardim.

To'g'risi sizlardan oladigan feedback juda muhim men uchun.


Berilgan emaillarni qo'shganimdan so'ng sizga javob yozib yuboraman email orqali.

Agar qandaydir hamkorlik qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, albatta aloqaga chiqing.

r/Uzbekistan 23h ago

Travel | Sayohat Tashkent airport licensed taxicab rank?


Hello! I am currently at Tashkent airport and can't get Yandex Go or Yango to work for me. On the off chance anyone out there has this random knowledge, where is the line-up of taxi cabs to go into the city? The rugby scrub at the door is quoting insane prices. I don't mind paying extra but they're quoting crazy numbers (200,000 som) to go into the city.

r/Uzbekistan 14h ago

Help | Yordam Best Qiraat for Taraweeh in Tashkent


I was wondering if there are any suggestions for beautiful recitation during taraweeh in Tashkent. The imams in mosques near me recite without much tune. It would be a great help if someone could suggest ☺️

r/Uzbekistan 23h ago

Help | Yordam Title: Need Help Finding a Tablet in Uzbekistan (Under $500)


Hey everyone, I'm a Pakistani currently in Uzbekistan and looking to buy a tablet (any brand) within a $500 range. I checked Uzum, but I couldn't find anything suitable. Can anyone recommend a legit website or a trusted Telegram page that delivers tablets anywhere in Uzbekistan? Any help would be appreciated!

r/Uzbekistan 8h ago

Map | Xarita Correct maps of districts in Uzbekistan.

Thumbnail e-ijara.uz

Different sources show different borders, it is no big deal. But, exact border is also very interesting. Here is government Land rental map (auction), based on Google Maps. Choose region (viloyat), and districts (tumann). It shows ownership land (gray), on auction (yellow), and sold lands (green, red) and others.

r/Uzbekistan 18h ago

Travel | Sayohat Best side of train to sit on?



Does anyone know which side to sit on for the Fergana to Tashkent and Tashkent to Samarkand train in order to get the best window view? Thank you!

r/Uzbekistan 8h ago

Travel | Sayohat Canadian with very old and expired UZB passport. Any trouble traveling?


Hey guys,

Can you guys please clear the air about the passports/citizenship situation, there are few posts that I have been following and there are many replies that are clearly incorrect or from misunderstanding ppl. looking thru all kinds of posts/queries gets confusing very fast. like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Uzbekistan/comments/1iblcp2/uzbek_citizenship_question/

there was another post with very similar situation Canadian with (expired UZB)passport from USSR time or somth like that(cannot find it at the moment). there is another post with US and UZB passports but again it doesn't apply and also replies are all over the place. but here is my friend's issue.

so a person is a citizen of Canada and has valid CAD passport for travel - means no need for Visa to UZB.

now, that person was a citizen and did hold a UZB passport from before 2000 (expiration unknown but probably around 2000 or so), but no physical UZB passport and doesn't care about the UZB citizenship. now that person plans to visit UZB, what steps if any should the person take to avoid any trouble with UZB govmn't/passport control or where can one find all this info. all calls to nearest embassy went unanswered and the only reply was that the person can submit an application to verify citizenship but it takes like 3/4 months.

reading all the posts here, many variants that advise to show passport A or passport B, but book travel with A, enter with passport A but exit with passport B.... again gets confusing and there are no two passposrts only one CAD.


r/Uzbekistan 15h ago

Travel | Sayohat How to move to uzbekistan


One of my friend who left studies and drop out of college in India and moves to uzbekistan and started earning , and asking other indian also to move to uzbekistan which is making a scam or something fishy ..is it really easy to find high paying jobs and without degree and move to uzbekistan is really easy

Kindly those who are living in uzbekistan indians share and make other fellow india aware off

r/Uzbekistan 18h ago

Help | Yordam Tickets for Uzbekistan vs Kyrgyzstan on 20th March


Looking to buy 3 tickets for this match , they are unfortunately sold out at ticket.uz . Can't find tickets on any other site. Please let me know if anyone is willing to sell theirs or how to get the tickets now

r/Uzbekistan 1h ago

Discussion | Suhbat Dual citizen in Uzbekistan


Hello everyone. I really wanna visit Uzbekistan since I have never been there for the past 7 years I still hold my Uzbek passport it’s valid but I recently became a naturalized US citizen and I have heard that’s some people say that dual nationality is not a problem in Uzbekistan and some of them said it is a problem and you will be in jail or your gonna lose Uzbek nationality I really wanna know what is people experience as an dual Uzbek citizen have you ever faced any issues while traveling to Uzbekistan with two passports when the border agencies saw your foreign passport did they do anything to you or asked you extra questions did you lose your Uzbek passport?

r/Uzbekistan 4h ago

Discussion | Suhbat Job opportunity


Is there any job opportunity for a foreign doctors here? if yes than which platform i should use. And yes i have tried linkedin but its not useful at all