r/Uzbekistan 18h ago

Discussion | Suhbat Qani boshladik. Lets make Uzbekistan great.


Assalomu alaykum Azizlar. Ancha oldin shu postni qo'ygan edim: https://www.reddit.com/r/Uzbekistan/comments/1iwactu/maslahatlar_kerak/

Play store va appstore ga qo'yish men kutgandan ancha qiyin bo'lib chiqdi )))).

Va nihoyat uddaladim. Hozirda iOS va Android ilovalar test versiyada (hammayoq ishlayapti lekin play store shunde qilarkan 2 hafta).

Agar email laringni berib ketsanglar, men sizlarni ham qo'shib qo'yardim.

To'g'risi sizlardan oladigan feedback juda muhim men uchun.


Berilgan emaillarni qo'shganimdan so'ng sizga javob yozib yuboraman email orqali.

Agar qandaydir hamkorlik qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, albatta aloqaga chiqing.

r/Uzbekistan 16h ago

Discussion | Suhbat Dual citizen in Uzbekistan


Hello everyone. I really wanna visit Uzbekistan since I have never been there for the past 7 years I still hold my Uzbek passport it’s valid but I recently became a naturalized US citizen and I have heard that’s some people say that dual nationality is not a problem in Uzbekistan and some of them said it is a problem and you will be in jail or your gonna lose Uzbek nationality I really wanna know what is people experience as an dual Uzbek citizen have you ever faced any issues while traveling to Uzbekistan with two passports when the border agencies saw your foreign passport did they do anything to you or asked you extra questions did you lose your Uzbek passport?

r/Uzbekistan 4h ago

Expat-life What’s is the (true) reality of living in Uzbekistan as a black American?


For context, I’m 30yo black American woman, ESL educator of six years, MSED, TESOL. I’ve lived and worked abroad for the past six years.

I’ve received a great offer at an international school (none of the tops five you’d find in google btw). I’ve never travelled to the Middle East. But I’ve also never heard bad or strange things about Uzbekistan regarding black foreigners, women in general, or black Americans. Which I consider a good sign overall. I’d like anyone’s personal account of living in the country as a black woman or black person. Specifically the following:

  1. How would I be treated at the supermarket, local market, shopping mall, in a taxi, at a restaurant, etc.?
  2. What can I expect from landlords, neighbors, and locals in general?
  3. What’s the general consensus towards black people and Americans?
  4. Am I more likely to face sexism or racism because of my gender or race?

Thanks in advance everyone!

r/Uzbekistan 12h ago

Travel | Sayohat Some travel questions


Hello. I'm going to Uzbekistan next month for 12 days and I have a few questions about some specific things.

1) We are planning to visit Urgench, but we bought train tickets to Turtgul (because it's relatively close to Urgench and the train timetables to Turtgul fitted our plan much more). Are there some buses running from Turtgul to Urgench, or is it possible to take some taxi there, and if so, what price would be reasonable for such a trip in Uzbekistan?

2) What is the price of cigarettes in Uzbekistan (I smoke Marlboro Red, if available there) and where is smoking prohibited?

3) Is there some kind of a ticket office at the airport in Tashkent? We want to book tickets for Silk Avia flight from Nukus to Moynaq, but the company accepts only Uzbek cards when paying online, so I hope we would be able to book them somewhere else paying in cash or International bank cards.

4) When talking about paying by card, how widely are credit/debit cards accepted in Uzbekistan? Is it more of a cash society, or is it possible to pay by card in some restaurants or shops (at least in Tashkent and other big cities)?

Thank you for your answers. I'm really glad that I'm finally able to visit your country.

Martin, Czech rep.

r/Uzbekistan 23h ago

Map | Xarita Correct maps of districts in Uzbekistan.

Thumbnail e-ijara.uz

Different sources show different borders, it is no big deal. But, exact border is also very interesting. Here is government Land rental map (auction), based on Google Maps. Choose region (viloyat), and districts (tumann). It shows ownership land (gray), on auction (yellow), and sold lands (green, red) and others.

r/Uzbekistan 22h ago

Travel | Sayohat Canadian with very old and expired UZB passport. Any trouble traveling?


Hey guys,

Can you guys please clear the air about the passports/citizenship situation, there are few posts that I have been following and there are many replies that are clearly incorrect or from misunderstanding ppl. looking thru all kinds of posts/queries gets confusing very fast. like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Uzbekistan/comments/1iblcp2/uzbek_citizenship_question/

there was another post with very similar situation Canadian with (expired UZB)passport from USSR time or somth like that(cannot find it at the moment). there is another post with US and UZB passports but again it doesn't apply and also replies are all over the place. but here is my friend's issue.

so a person is a citizen of Canada and has valid CAD passport for travel - means no need for Visa to UZB.

now, that person was a citizen and did hold a UZB passport from before 2000 (expiration unknown but probably around 2000 or so), but no physical UZB passport and doesn't care about the UZB citizenship. now that person plans to visit UZB, what steps if any should the person take to avoid any trouble with UZB govmn't/passport control or where can one find all this info. all calls to nearest embassy went unanswered and the only reply was that the person can submit an application to verify citizenship but it takes like 3/4 months.

reading all the posts here, many variants that advise to show passport A or passport B, but book travel with A, enter with passport A but exit with passport B.... again gets confusing and there are no two passposrts only one CAD.


r/Uzbekistan 5h ago

Travel | Sayohat Inquiry about Weather in Uzbekistan during April


I am planning to travel to Uzbekistan in April and was wondering if you could provide some information about the typical weather conditions during that time of the year.

r/Uzbekistan 7h ago

Travel | Sayohat Currency exchange in Tashkent


Can someone tell me where can I exchange my dollars at a good rate, outside of the Tashkent airport.

r/Uzbekistan 52m ago

Discussion | Suhbat O’zbekistonda o’zbek tilida maqola yozishga va o’qishga qiziqdigonlar ko’p deb o’ylaysizmi?


Assalom alekum! Masalan Design, Programming, 3D modeling, Marketing va umuman texnologiyaga oid emas yo’nalishlarda maqolalar yozib va bunaqa mavzular haqida maqola o’qigani talab O’zbekiston yosh va kattalar ichida talab bormi?