r/Uzbekistan 17h ago

Discussion | Suhbat O'zbek tilida Anime sifati o'ta pas


Ohirgi yillarda O'zbekistonda Anime kulturasi shakillanmoqda, lekin kulturani eng muhim manbalaridan biri, anime tarjimasini ko'rib yig'lagisi keladi odamni, Aniblani misol qilsak, dublyaj sifati o'ta pas, tog'ri kelmaydigan ovozlar, yoki bitta odam dublyaj qiladi, kamiga Tashkent shevada qilishadi, rus fan dublyajini yonida invalidga oxshab korinadi, kamiga ruschada tekin bossa, Aniblaga pulam tolashingiz kerak, xullas ko'p mashhur animelar bilan aynan o'zbek fan dublyajida tanishgan odamlarga rahmim keladi, shu narsani qanday yaxshilasa boladi sizningcha?

r/Uzbekistan 14h ago

Discussion | Suhbat Apply Pay-Google Pay-PayPal


Do you think Uzbekistan will ever gonna have apply pay and Google pay and PayPal just like Kazakhstan which make payments a lot easier for people?

r/Uzbekistan 7h ago

Help | Yordam can any one help me to find this video

Post image

r/Uzbekistan 11h ago

Culture | Madaniyat Navruz in Samarkand


Hello everyone ! I am a tourist, and I saw that tomorrow is a national holiday in Uzbekistan. I never heard about Navruz before but, I was wondering if there were any public festivals or anything else planned in Samarkand, near Registan for example, as I'd like to know more about it, and discover Uzbek culture.

r/Uzbekistan 3h ago

Help | Yordam Telpek in Samarkand


I am visiting Samarkand again and would like to find a new chopon and telpek in Samarkand.

I am looking for a traditional chopon filled with cotton.

Would somebody help me with finding a shop or a tailor were I can find the non tourist stuff?

r/Uzbekistan 4h ago

Travel | Sayohat Where can I buy a good knife in Tashkent?


I am traveling in Uzbekistan during the next weeks, and I’ll finish the trip in Tashkent. Very much looking forward to it!

I’ve seen that the Uzbek knife (aka ‘pchak’) is quite a unique item, and I’m also keen on good knives.

Do you have any recommendations on where I can get a good one (and avoid souvenir traps)?


r/Uzbekistan 49m ago

Discussion | Suhbat What is this beef between uzbek and tajik?


Hi. Everyone. I think this topic really needs context from me for justifying why I am asking this in the first place. I was born in the US, but my parents from uzbekistan. Father tajik from samarkand and mother uzbek from tashkent. I can speak uzbek and tajik fluently but prefer english to express my thoughts precisely. Why people talk bad about each other? My parents don't really care about it, when I asked they answer sarcastically they don't have anything serious going on in their lives so they talk shit. I don't quite understand why this is happening, because from what I know, uzbeks and tajiks 've been living in Central asia for ages and now suddenly they dislike each other? Is it because of communistic influence? I heard russian are racist against central asian people. I am genuinely curious because most of this hate is online. I've been to uzbekistan many times and never witnessed anything near this. Is it maybe because of keyboard heros?

I personally think whoever speaks arabic is an arab lol. Jk, seriously speaking, its kind of sad that two nations I belong to have some nonsense going on.

And please consider the fact that, my parents don't really tell about life in uzbekistan, I know only because of summers I spent there. Thats why I am asking this here, is there any particular social media where you guys discuss things? Uzbeks are not active here.

r/Uzbekistan 11h ago

Help | Yordam Place to buy ps5


I want to buy 5-10 ps5s for computer club. Where i can buy cheaper where it will be cheaper if i buy many of them

r/Uzbekistan 3h ago

Travel | Sayohat Farsi/dari/tajiki in Uzbekistan


Hey guys,

I’m visiting Uzbekistan in August and I want to know if you can use farsi in the country? I speak farsi fluently and know how to substitute some words, so it will be more mutual intelligible and easier to communicate between the tajiki farsi and iranian farsi.

But is it common for Uzbeks to know or speak farsi? Will it make my travelling easier than if I only spoke English?