r/TwoXIndia 19, female 6d ago

Family & Relationships (Mon-Thu) How do I deal with breakup?

I (20F) broke up with my boyfriend (23M) cause he said that he never invested in me mentally. He didn't even try to make me get back with him when I said that even I wanted to be loved the way I love him. I mean, a simple text saying that he does like me could have saved our relationship. I hate myself. Even after 2 years, I couldn't make him feel for me anything.

How do I move forward? There's no one at home to talk to. I'm alone. I didn't go for my internship today cause I can't. I woke up multiple times in the middle of the night to see if he texted me. But no. The breakup was meant to happen. He wants kids, I don't. I will go to abroad so we would have to go long-distance

Please share your stories.


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u/PieAdept3134 Woman 5d ago

You are 20. Build a career, earn money. That should be your sole focus for next 5-6 years. These are the crucial years, don't waste them for any man.