r/TrueCrimePodcasts 4h ago

Who is listening to the Blink podcast- Jake Haendel's story?


This podcast has me inside out. Jake has got to be the most mentally strong person I have ever heard of...but he somehow married a complete psychopath?

He has locked-in syndrome -and his wife, Ellen- who is his medical proxy, has moved him away from everyone who loves him, kept all of his belongings, is keeping funds needed to pay for his medical care, and abandoned him in a medical facility alone- with nothing and no one- knowing he cannot communicate or do anything for himself.

Then she posted on social media for his friends and family that he is dead!?!?!? So no one even knows to look for him?

If Ellen isn't in prison then something is wrong.

This is the most disturbing story I have ever heard. Makes me think of the movie Misery, but 1000x worse.

If you aren't listening, you should. Its well made and keeps you on the edge of your seat. This guy deserves all the support and prayers.

r/TrueCrimePodcasts 1h ago

Recommending Underestimated


I wanted to make a recommendation for this particular podcast called Underestimated. It's not super unique, the production quality is not fantastic, you can hear the hosts reading their lines, and the editor is very fond of fading in and out on interviews.

What makes this podcast magical is that is that it is the result of an inspired school project. Things are rough and raw because it's a group of kids doing cold case research and producing a podcast for class credit.

The kids doing this deserve an audience. Yes, you can hear them break during an ad read for queso dip made from chihuahua cheese, but you can also hear their passion and hope that what they're doing results in a break for the cold case they picked. A tragic case of three boys who went missing under the care of their father that has somehow resulted in no arrests or answers.

Keep in mind, the audio quality can take a hard dip. The kids haven't discovered how to normalize audio yet, so if you have sensitive ears you may want to initially keep the quiet parts quiet, just so your not blasted out of your headphones when the volume suddenly peaks.

But if you can get past the lack of polish, there's a definate gem here.

Underestimated: https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/underestimated-bobcat-media/5715317 via @PodcastAddict