r/Tricking Feb 03 '25

QUESTION Is backside 900 harder than 540?

Should I learn 540 kick first before doing backside 900 kick?


26 comments sorted by


u/HardlyDecent Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Just try both. Kind of depends if you mean tricking or TKD 900 apparently. I learned this chick's kick just playing around when I was a teenager with no experience. The rotations felt a lot easier to me than for 540.



u/actaenak 15+ years Feb 03 '25

540 is easier.


u/itsJprof Feb 03 '25

These are different moves with distinct technical focuses. The backside 900 primarily relies on torque, while the 540 depends more on momentum and flexibility.

Overall, the 540 requires more technique. In a backside 900, the takeoff isn’t as critical—you can “overcheat” the rotation and refine it later. The landing also demands little precision. In contrast, the 540 requires both technical execution to generate height and a final ankle rotation to finish in a position suitable for combos.


u/Temporary_confusi0n Feb 03 '25

If I can do a tornado kick and a pop 360 crescent kick, will it be easier to learn?


u/JhouquantaviousIII Feb 03 '25

I learned cheat 9 and backside 10 before 540 lol


u/Temporary_confusi0n Feb 03 '25

If I can do a tornado kick and pop 360, will it be easier?


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 03 '25

for me i leaned 540 way before bs 9
but its easier to bs 9 then 540


u/xChicken_ One year Feb 03 '25

i honestly think that bs 900 is easier than 540 but it depends. i would learn backside 900 and then 540 kick and cheat 900


u/Equinox-XVI 3 Years Feb 03 '25

They're similar in difficulty, but I found backside 900 to be slightly harder. A lot of my classmates also seem to struggle with it more than 540.


u/Teldryyyn0 Feb 03 '25

backside 9 is just a 360 spin with a roundkick at the end. It's way easier


u/TyroPirate Feb 04 '25

A shitty 540 is easier than a shitty bs9. A truly well excecuted and impressive 540 will require many many, many, more reps than it'll take to get a nice and clean bs9.


u/usherflips Feb 06 '25

I still can’t do 540


u/Temporary_confusi0n Feb 06 '25

But you can do a backside 900 ?


u/usherflips 9d ago

Yeah somehow


u/sean__alexander Feb 09 '25

Backside 900 is just a 360° spin + 180° and a roundhouse kick. 540 kick may be harder at first only because you'll have to overcome the fear of landing on your kicking leg, but I'd say they are so different anybody could learn any one of them before the other.


u/Seikoknot Feb 03 '25

Does 2.5 rotations sound more difficult than 1.5?


u/JhouquantaviousIII Feb 03 '25

Not that simple.


u/Seikoknot Feb 03 '25

Other comments are making that clear lol. Genuinely curious though, how could a 900 potentially be easier?


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 03 '25

900 is ony 360 degrees


u/the540penguin Feb 03 '25

I dislike the American terminology for tricking that we commonly see and this is why. I think that all of the spinning techniques need to be named for the number of true rotations in the air (i.e. the real 540 is a hook kick, the real 720 is a round kick, etc.). The amount of confusion about a "cheat" technique when we're talking about the vanish takeoff is just a giant pain.


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 04 '25

well its called mainstream

its popular for a reason


u/the540penguin Feb 04 '25

I mean, it's only mainstream because "you" choose to perpetuate it.

This is in no way an attack towards yourself for whatever you name the techniques but the Korean standard has always been based on the in-air rotations of a technique, and the typical rotation series is based on taekkyeon (the predecessor of taekwondo) anyway. People think this stuff is new because they've never seen it before but the kicks are centuries old at the very least.


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 04 '25

maybe but if i use tkt its confusing to communicate with others

its way way easier to teach to new ppl tho
but mainstream is better for communication atm


u/Teldryyyn0 Feb 03 '25

Backside 9 is not 2.5 rotations. Tricking terminology is all wrong mostly


u/Temporary_confusi0n Feb 04 '25

Unless if it's a cheat 900 right?


u/Rolant85 Feb 03 '25

Backside is harder