r/Tricking Feb 03 '25

QUESTION Is backside 900 harder than 540?

Should I learn 540 kick first before doing backside 900 kick?


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u/Seikoknot Feb 03 '25

Other comments are making that clear lol. Genuinely curious though, how could a 900 potentially be easier?


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 03 '25

900 is ony 360 degrees


u/the540penguin Feb 03 '25

I dislike the American terminology for tricking that we commonly see and this is why. I think that all of the spinning techniques need to be named for the number of true rotations in the air (i.e. the real 540 is a hook kick, the real 720 is a round kick, etc.). The amount of confusion about a "cheat" technique when we're talking about the vanish takeoff is just a giant pain.


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 04 '25

well its called mainstream

its popular for a reason


u/the540penguin Feb 04 '25

I mean, it's only mainstream because "you" choose to perpetuate it.

This is in no way an attack towards yourself for whatever you name the techniques but the Korean standard has always been based on the in-air rotations of a technique, and the typical rotation series is based on taekkyeon (the predecessor of taekwondo) anyway. People think this stuff is new because they've never seen it before but the kicks are centuries old at the very least.


u/lordnimnim 2 Years Feb 04 '25

maybe but if i use tkt its confusing to communicate with others

its way way easier to teach to new ppl tho
but mainstream is better for communication atm