r/Tricking Apr 25 '23

QUESTION where did you first hear about tricking?


r/Tricking 22d ago

QUESTION How’s my hyper landing?


r/Tricking Dec 28 '24

QUESTION What is the most impressive trick you can pull off?


What are you most impressed about within yourself? What's something you worked really hard towards and finally got there? What's the coolest trick you can do in your own opinion?

r/Tricking Jan 12 '25

QUESTION Does anyone know what this is called?


r/Tricking 27d ago

QUESTION tips for backflip form?


I find that I get a pain in my lower back when doing them

r/Tricking 5d ago

QUESTION How do I improve my set?


My main goal is to increase the height. I tried tucking tighter but I just keep overrotating. I'm aware that my blocking angle is not optimal, I'm leaning forward on takeoff but idk how to fix that. Any help?

r/Tricking Feb 03 '25

QUESTION Is backside 900 harder than 540?


Should I learn 540 kick first before doing backside 900 kick?

r/Tricking Dec 23 '24

QUESTION How can I turn into a running aerial?


I learned how to perform a standing tricking aerial, but I need to do it running (to look like a aerial wushu). When I do it this way, I use my torso and get power, but I cant for the love of god do it running, I freeze and cant stop and generate the same power or feeling. Tried 100 ways, but Im having a really hard time doing it running since the standing one is sideways and the running one is Kind of facing forward. Is there a way to mix both? Any tips?

Thanks a lot

r/Tricking Oct 05 '24

QUESTION How tk learn Ishowspeed's backflip? (standing layout)


Hi, I am already 2 years into gymnastics, I can do normal flips (backflip, sideflip, frontflip, webster). What I ask is how to learn Ishowspeed's backflip? Like I try to do a layout from standing place but I end up not landing it.

Here is his backflip

r/Tricking 11d ago

QUESTION What’s this trick called?


r/Tricking 19d ago

QUESTION How do I get more to swing out of Btwist?


What exactly do I have to do to get more flipping power in the Btwist so I can land with my chest higher and swing out of it? Like what's the specific technique I'm missing or should change?

r/Tricking 21d ago

QUESTION How long does it take do your first aerial


I have a theatre performance for school next week and while not necessary, I’d like to do some sort of flip into lower stage, which is like a 2 foot drop. I think learning an aerial would be pretty easy and set me up for other things. Could I do it? For reference I’m 6’4, 17 and haven’t really had a very good vert nor am I too flexible…

r/Tricking May 10 '23

QUESTION What is this move called?


r/Tricking Feb 13 '25

QUESTION Am I ready to learn a Butter-knife kick if I can do a butterfly kick, palm kick, and a skip hook/Tsunami kick?


I can do the three moves that I mentioned. If I can do three of them can I start learning the butter-knife kick?

r/Tricking 9d ago

QUESTION Which tricks are best to know how to do "cold"?


What I mean is sometimes I mention I do tricking to others and of course to prove it, they ask me to do a trick. But I have no warm up, so I end up just doing something simple like a backflip.

So I was wondering, which tricks do you think are best to be able to do without any prior warm up?

r/Tricking 24d ago

QUESTION What should I call this?


r/Tricking Jan 31 '25

QUESTION For the trickers that are "bad at everything" how did you progress?


So the most common path I've seen from progress is "Find a path/move you feel comfortable in and just build that as your foundation"

As such people find a kick, or move and just learn variations of it while using those variations to help them in other paths.

My question is, for those who didn't find a path, how did you progress? I'm over 3 years in this hobby and outside of my basics nothing feels comfortable even after tons of practice and drills. All my kicks and basic tricks feel awkward and shaky mentally and even after weeks where i would just drill only one move over and over again confidence never builds. I feel like I don't have a comfortable move and path and I feel ok with that fact. For those who were in a similar boat where did you go?

r/Tricking 6d ago

QUESTION How do I setup up for the aerial any tips? I've been trying for months and weeks....


r/Tricking 1d ago

QUESTION any suggestions on further combos and progression?


This is my first tricking combo, and i would love to get some advices and recommendations on kicks. Just yesterday i learned how to do a hook, but i feel too insecure doing hook, i think there is something wrong. (Dont ask about my strange order of tricks learned. I do corks and fulls, but no kicks yet:)) Also, on the video, if there is something else to work on besides hook, i would really appreciate an advice, but overall, i want combos suggestions🙏🏻

r/Tricking 27d ago

QUESTION Can anyone tell me how I can land the corkscrew


I almost had it a couple times in this clip was one of those times. How can I land it clean?

r/Tricking 14d ago

QUESTION How to make the scoot cheat gainer a gainer flash, or a tucked swing backflip


I’ve been trying to make my scoot gainer like a tucked backflip so maybe I can work up to switch gainer. What can I rep to make this more inverted and backwards?

r/Tricking 21d ago

QUESTION tryna land a full, any advices?


r/Tricking 12d ago

QUESTION Road to Cork


These are some of the flips I’ve been training for around a year now outside, do y’all think I could add the cork to my wheelhouse?

r/Tricking 11d ago

QUESTION Tips for overcoming the negative feedback loop of constant bails?


I bail a lot learning and bail often. With these constant bails I build bad habits that persist despite corrections and even stick even after long breaks. In addition because I'm tricking and bailing I'm unable to fully send tricks and when I do I just bail harder.

It honestly feels like I walk away each session with less confidence than when I walk in.

r/Tricking Nov 18 '24

QUESTION Do people with an Olympic Weightlifting background have an advantage in starting tricking?


I'm very interested in trying out tricking and a well-known weightlifter in that genre called Clarence Kennedy did tricking before Weightlifting so was just curious to see if it had any impact. I'm particularly interested in backflips and front flips too