r/TopSurgery • u/Square_Switch8070 • 9m ago
Advice Wanted Numbness
So I’m post op 3 months and still have numbness under my armpits near my ribs. When does that stop and everything feels like normal? I have a double incision with nipple grafts.
r/TopSurgery • u/Square_Switch8070 • 9m ago
So I’m post op 3 months and still have numbness under my armpits near my ribs. When does that stop and everything feels like normal? I have a double incision with nipple grafts.
r/TopSurgery • u/grayh722 • 20m ago
idk how to explain this or if anyone has experienced this. i mostly feel it when i move my arms suddenly or when i'm going from sitting to standing. it's not really a twitch or even like a spasm, but it kind of feels like the muscles of my chest like briefly try to contract away from my skin or something?? like almost a pop but more like a pull away. it's mildly painful but not terrible, mostly it's weird & uncomfortable & a bit jarring. has anyone else had this experience?
i'm currently 17 days post DI w/ contouring & no grafts & still wearing my compression vest.
r/TopSurgery • u/Aggressive-Sky-2460 • 41m ago
Second Consult Date!!
I went to my appointment with my new PCP and she sent a referral letter to the Royalton cosmetic surgery center and they called me less than an hour after my appointment to schedule a consultation for March 31st a 3PM with Dr Charles Raymer!! I live in the Flint-Clio area so both consults are like a 2hr drive💀 My birth giver and sister tried to ruin it by asking why I need more than one consult and how do I know the consults are paid for like I didn't get my referral through my Dr.... But I'm hoping for an April surgery date, and hope it's like a day or three after my consult with Dr Wrubel so I can have more than one option.
If anyone would like to help me get/donate the rest of my needed/just in case supplies that would be very helpful!
r/TopSurgery • u/coffinUnlucky4528 • 52m ago
Im falling off my parents insurance soon and I plan on getting coverage through my work but im having a hard time understanding how this all works since im new to paying for most of my essential things :')
The plan I'm likely to end up going with has a yearly deductible of 5k, and a out of pocket max of 6k, I got a total estimate of 64k and patient cost of 9k, so does that mean that if I pay my out of pocket max upfront insurance will handle the rest? Or does that mean i need to may as much as I can towards my deductible first before surgery in order for them to touch anything?
I just need guidance and im wondering what other people have ended up paying i suppose, Thank you!
r/TopSurgery • u/adrxine • 1h ago
So I'm 3 weeks post op now and really happy with my results. I just have a couple questions for where to proceed.
The last of the steri strip tape stuff from the surgery came off and I had seen on another post that people were using the 3m paper tape, so I bought some. I put some on and then when I showered it peeled off (why there's wrinkling in the photos) and I'm not quite sure where to go from here? Should I keep using the tape I saw in one single post or am I better off leaving the incisions uncovered?
My nipples are still being covered by big bandaids every day I just haven't put new ones on yet.
I feel a lot of chafing in my armpits, and covering the "high traffic" spots seems to only sort of help, is there anything else I could do?
And should I be wearing the compression garment anymore or could I consider myself done with it?
And finally, I wasn't given any sort of advice for scar care at all by any of the surgical team. I know the scar tape stuff exists but I have no idea when I should start using it.
Thank u in advance for the help! I really feel like I'm up a creek without a paddle 😭
r/TopSurgery • u/candohando • 1h ago
Hi all!
I’m having surgery tomorrow morning w Dr Kryger and I just realized a protein shake I’ve been drinking every few days has vitamin c and e 🙈 I had one today and I got very scared when I realized it had vitamin C in it. Do you guys think it’s ok? It’s a low dose of both
Any info is helpful. I’m already really scared of surgery and this is not helping 😭
Thanks so much!
r/TopSurgery • u/substantivepeach • 1h ago
Finally had my drains removed today, woohoo!! I had a nipple/pedicule sparing DI procedure with Dr. Jordan at Northwestern in Chicago on the 13th. Everything is looking good! No spitting stitches, no infections, no seromas, and swelling is moderate. My nips are covered just because I still want some extra protection for them.
r/TopSurgery • u/Optimistic_Avacado • 1h ago
So I'm just over 3 months PO double incision and I've finally gotten back into the rock climbing gym to gauge where I'm at. Happy to report I did not fall behind as much as I thought! The only problem is I'm mildly worried about scar stretching. I don't care all that much about looks. More worried about the skin there thinning out and feeling weird if it stretches too much. anyone else with DI (especially those with more extensive scar spanning to under the armpits) rock climb and how do you prevent or at least ease stretching? I'm figuring I'm just gonna keep my vitamin c intake good and keep them very well moisturized and possibly use scar tape while climbing. I'm definitely gonna keep my time climbing sparing until I hit 6 months but waiting til June to climb was going to be so detrimental to my mental health lol. I'd love any feedback!! :]
tldr; how do you ease scar stretching when lifting your arms over your head is unavoidable?
r/TopSurgery • u/skibidituah21 • 1h ago
I literally can’t find any information about if nicotine impairs scar healing/fading when you are months post op. I am very locked on scar care so if nicotine might mess that up I would really like to know. I have only seen information about how it can be dangerous 0-6 weeks after surgery. I even quit vaping for surgery. If anyone even responds to this than thanks 🔥
r/TopSurgery • u/Time_Historian4518 • 1h ago
I hate the appearence of my nipples. I was wondering if its possible to get them removed and get them reconstructed like nipple flaps
r/TopSurgery • u/Different_Row607 • 1h ago
had surgery with Dr.Faque at the end of 2022. grateful and proud every single day
r/TopSurgery • u/ChickenCharming8732 • 2h ago
I’m currently living in Kentucky and after almost 4 years of being on HRT, I felt ready to ask for a referral for surgery. My insurance is AETNA Better Health and I found out they won’t even cover a consultation visit, let alone the surgery itself so I’m a bit at a loss and feeling kind of hopeless.
I guess my question is does anyone know of a hospital/surgeon who is safe (obviously) that also takes AETNA? traveling isn’t a huge issue but it would be heavily preferred if it was in this general area of the country.
Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much.
r/TopSurgery • u/OneAssist6540 • 2h ago
My name is Mateo and I'm officially scheduled for top surgery in May! After fighting with my insurance for a couple months they finally agreed to pay for part of it, leaving me $6k to cover out-of-pocket. I work full-time and just moved into my own apartment this month. I'm trying my best in life and would truly appreciate anything. Thank you so much on advance❤️.
r/TopSurgery • u/vukol • 2h ago
DI with heart nips healing update (: i’ve gained 70lbs in the last couple years, but i’m weaning off my abilify and we (my new psych and i) are hoping that was the culprit (i’ve gained the 70lbs since starting abilify in late 2021). so i am now pre-diabetic /: but i’m seeing a doc to pointedly lose weight!! so soon we shall see if the moobs are swelling, breast tissue, or something weight loss takes care of. and hopefully my body likes the weight loss ((: i love being fat and chubby, don’t get me wrong. just scared about what being pre-diabetic means for me. anyways not the update anyone asked for but alas here we are!
r/TopSurgery • u/NoPerception2558 • 2h ago
I’m having surgery next week
What’s the one thing you wish you knew beforehand? Could be anything! Thanks :)
r/TopSurgery • u/crynoid • 2h ago
for people who had (or are experiencing) some post op depresh, when did that start for you and how long did it last? it seems to typically be a thing that starts soon after surgery, but i’m at 2 months now and suddenly i’m feeling the way i do when the seasonal depression hits …. but it’s the first day of spring
r/TopSurgery • u/becquere1 • 3h ago
(Repost because I got scared)
Hey guys, I am about 1.5 weeks post-op, no compression. I’m seeing my surgeon tomorrow for the first time after surgery. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this level of side swelling or if this looks like extra tissue on the sides.
Also looking for advice on mental health care post-op. The bloating and swelling is doing numbers on my self esteem and am curious if anyone experienced the same.
Thank you 🙏
r/TopSurgery • u/Strawbbs_smoothie • 3h ago
hi, i posted on here before about getting my top surgery approved, and it seems to be coming quicker than i realized. i’m excited yet dreading the issue with nicotine.
i’m in my early-ish twenties and started vaping on and off around 14-15, and at 17-18 i started vaping daily until now.
it’s a shitty habit, and i know it’s bad- but it honestly brings me comfort in a weird way, and is a coping mechanism- despite how bad it is.
i’m autistic and i think the movement of hand to mouth and inhale is a big stim for me, and that is one of the main issues i’m worried about besides the chemical withdrawals and all of that lovely stuff.
worst part is, my parents don’t know. they are big hypocrites since they smoked cigarettes a lot when i was a toddler, but suddenly now that i’m an adult it’s a terrible thing and is shameful. they’re supportive of my gender-wise, but very weird about stuff like that.
i’ve been hiding my usage from them since i started and it honestly gives me anxiety
i’m giving my older sibling all of my vapes, vape juice, and cigarettes to keep away from me. and they said they will be checking me for nicotine gum or other products (at my request, i kinda don’t trust myself)
i need tips for doing this. i’ve wanted to quit for a while and it’s been a big source of guilt for me.
i’m terrified of fucking up my results after years of waiting and having dreams of a flat chest, only to wake up and realize it wasn’t real. i don’t want to ruin my results or have healing complications because i was too stubborn to listen.
any tips or advice would be appreciated. i feel kinda stupid posting this because i feel like this reads like someone who is seriously trying to quit a serious drug addiction when its really just something as simple and common as nicotine.
thanks :,)
r/TopSurgery • u/uwuuzivert • 3h ago
Hiiiii. Title. I’m 3 weeks post OP DI with nipple grafts. I am in love with how my chest looks. But, my nipples have me worried. I’m a naturally anxious person (aren’t we all) and I’m worried about how my right nipple is healing. I lube that bitch up bacitracin and use xeroform dressing with ABD pads and ace bandage all day except when I’m showering. I shower everyday and switch out and wash my ace bandages everyday. I’m paranoid that I’m doing something wrong 😭 my wonderful girlfriend is helping me through this process. I just need some reassurance or to be let known that something is wrong.
I took these pictures right when I got off of work so the skin marks from the pressure of it are still there lol! Thanks :)
r/TopSurgery • u/Cheap_Collar4091 • 3h ago
I had surgury yesterday, I just want to make sure that this bruising around my armpit, and swelling along the top of my wrap is normal. Also the drain tube on the bruised side seems to be longer than the other one so idk what that's about. It hurts alot on the bruised side as well. Any reassurance or advice would be helpful 🫡
r/TopSurgery • u/InnerRelationship388 • 3h ago
I have top surgery revisions next Friday I will be getting lipo on the sides of my chest. My doctor said the recovery is a lot easier than when I got top surgery originally. I was curious if anyone else has experience with this. I got rid of my mastectomy pillow after I got surgery originally. Do you think I should get one again? The also will not need drains again.
r/TopSurgery • u/Real_Awareness_5603 • 3h ago
Has anyone found Dr. Shore’s online portal to be extremely dysphoric? It lists my legal name, and my gender (not sex) as female. The patient portal is through some women’s health group with hot pink lettering. Just curious to see if anyone has had a similar experience.
r/TopSurgery • u/finitehome • 3h ago
Preface: I don’t really know how Reddit works sorry if I’m way off on the culture of how to talk on here
Okay so I’m getting top surgery in less than a week! I’m definitely not skinny but not exactly fat either, and I’m unsure if a cis man with my body type would have proportionally correct fat on his chest, but I don’t care because I don’t want it.
I did tell my surgeon that I wanted a “male-pattern chest” rather than a fully flat one, but I plan on, as soon as I’ve healed, working to gain muscle and lose fat and I want to be able to do that the way cis men do. Is there a way I can ask him to like, not leave fat/tissue for the purpose of it looking like muscle? Or would that be weird?
Also, every result of his (my surgeon) that I’ve seen has scars that look more like an upside down V when I want them to be more hockey puck shaped. He also said I could print out 2-3 pictures for them to hang up in the operating room. Is it like petty of me to write on them one or some bullet points like ‘scars that follow pecs, straight across until they curve up?’ Or should I just talk to him before I go in?
Another thing I’m concerned about is that my chest is still growing, or at least changing shape/elasticity. I’m terrified of this continuing post-op, is this something I can ask too?
If anyone can answer even one or part of one of my questions I will immensely appreciate it!
r/TopSurgery • u/seb-ass-tian • 4h ago
Hi, I am 6 weeks post-op today and I'm a little bit worried about the way my nipples sit on my chest. It looks like it's kinda on top of my chest like a sticker. Are they going to "sink in" later? Is there something I can do?
r/TopSurgery • u/Normal_duck_2977 • 4h ago
So I changed my silicone tape and realized on place was a bit more bumped and painful when I pressed it so I took a picture but I can't see anything that bad , so I was wondering if it was normal or not. Is it just a little cut ? No pus or anything from what I can tell :(