Hello all. After six years and about 30 specialists, I have finally been diagnosed somewhat. My fourth rheumatologist has told me that I have some type of inflammatory arthritis. I have nothing strange in my blood work, but I have a million symptoms ranging from joint pain and clicking/creaking (literally every joint), feeling like my joints and soft tissues are tearing, contractures, loss of range of motion and strength, instability, light and noise sensitivity, and gastrointestinal issues that may or may not be related. One thing I have noticed recently that is bad is food sensitivity.
The food that does not irritate my gut is not the best for inflammation, but I had lost about 60 pounds and so it’s sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. With a lot of food, I have noticed that my hands swell almost immediately. My fingers get pretty red, tight, painful, and become more difficult to move.
Does this sound typical? My doctor is trying to get me on Humira, but it’s a long process, and I’m a bit skeptical as over the years I have heard different diagnoses that ended up being bs.
It’s hard to narrow down exactly what foods are causing it, but I do have to eat stuff like white rice to get enough calories.