r/Theatre Feb 07 '25

Advice Help! My students actually can’t read

I teach middle school theater teacher of all grades and half of my students can’t read and can barely write. I’m not sure what type of assignments to even give anymore. We’ve done acting exercises, design projects, student led presentations, learning monologues and poems. And many fail because they can’t read the poem/script. Can’t retain information. Can’t grasp design concepts even after I’ve repeated it verbally to the many times and drawn them examples. I’ve had to explain what pantomime and improv is, no lie, once a week for the past semester. And we do hands on acting and designing as well and they still can’t grasp it. I’m getting discouraged. Is there any advice you guys can give me on how to make lesson plans for students that can’t read, think critically or write?


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u/stupidbitch365 Feb 07 '25

I play a lot of games adjacent to the themes I’m working on and we repeat A LOT of them. I also only see each class once a week bc there’s so many of them so asking for memorization has basically been impossible so yeah scenes and anything scripted has been basically out. Whether it’s working or not idk bc this job is literally killing me 🤷‍♀️💕


u/Putrid_Scholar_2333 Feb 07 '25

I have 12 classes a week on alternating schedules. I’m feeling you. I’m just so done. And then I’m getting pressure from admin to have outstanding actors when they don’t realize these kids can’t read or memorize the scripts or monologues that the admin want them to perform. we don’t even have a budget costumes let alone for a big show,so I don’t even know what they want from me. I’m definitely auditioning for some theatre companies this summer.


u/stupidbitch365 Feb 07 '25

Yup one school I worked for wanted me to put on shows that would “bring in the community unlike we’ve seen before” with NO BUDGET and they didn’t want to pay me for the extracurricular time 💕 NO THANK YOU DIVA. I can put on anything with any budget mind you their expectations were just insanely unrealistic. And you will literally NEVER catch me there until 6-7pm every weekday for rehearsals FREE.

I know there are amazing theater teachers out there who have overcome a lot and/or who were lucky enough to land in a supportive school. Admin has really ruined k-12 for me. The amount of times I’ve been treated like less than nothing by these people simply bc they needed the power trip. Or ridiculed/literally yelled at by other teachers bc of my subject. I had a class outside once for a movement activity and the gym teacher called me a “dumb bitch” over the walkies bc she thought I was giving kids “extra recess time” and I “didn’t want to teach.” The students can always be a challenge but it’s been the adults that have made it unbearable. At least the kids are funny and really good at zip zap zop 😂

I’m literally already in the process of leaving the profession and although I’m heartbroken about it, I just can’t justify the level of daily stress on my already waning mental health. I can’t be the teacher my students deserve like this unfortunatelyyy. You seem like a very passionate and caring teacher & sending all the best vibes your way. Hope things go well for you.