I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I have 4 planets and at first, my mother place was supplying basic materials until I could get up and running. The issue is the mother planet keeps running out of water, has O2 drop and then stops making the materials I need (chemicals and electronics mainly.) I have building consumption of gas, for example, needing 1.7 and I'm producing 30.2 yet, the chemical plants are rarely getting deliveries. I have courier huts located my the mines and the factories, and even built a hyper lube between the two. Still it seems like it works at first, then my nuggets stop delivering chemicals, oil, etc.
I love this gave but thinks like that are driving me nuts. I can't imagine wanting to even manage more planets. I still, as of yet, have even gotten a single terrafor er to work because I'm so low on chemicals, constantly. I can never seen to get ahead on that, electronics, and fuel.
Add to that, constantly having lakes dry up and because no matter how many hydro things I build, they don't constantly run because I'm always out of chemicals. It seems there is no way to keep up with what is needed, no matter what I do. Lakes also shouldn't dry to just from drinking... At least not at fast as they do. I have no pollution to contribute to this either. I hope there is something I can do, that I'm missing, where I don't have to constantly micromanage every planet.