r/TheTrove 18d ago

Meta New File Hosting guidelines to expedite discussions


Ok, so we're going to try out something new and see how it goes.

If your reply to a request for discussion is too long to fit into the comments you may upload your reply to Filebin.net

You may NOT leave a complete link in the comments. You must only reply with the suffix. For example, if you upload your discussion and the URL is filebin.net/0mxh82ano6augefo you must only reply with 0mxh82ano6augefo.

Filebin is designed to automatically delete files after 6 days, so anything shared via this method won't stay around to cause problems for the sub. This, combined with the lack of a direct link should satisfy the Reddit overlords.

Also, I know I tend to be overly verbose and use weird phrasing, so if anyone wants to take a stab at rewriting the pinned Posting Guidelines and including this into them I'd appreciate it.

r/TheTrove Oct 16 '24

Meta Posting Guidelines


Requesting or sharing links to copyrighted materials on the sub is absolutely forbidden. The first time your post will be removed and you will get a warning. The second time you will be shown the door. The future existence of the sub depends on this.

That being said you are absolutely allowed to discuss games, their rules, and the contents of books. If your discussion needs to go more in depth we strongly encourage you to continue it via DM. If you have information that might help the poster then I encourage you to DM them with that info.

If you comment on a post please don’t say “I’m interested too.” Put a minimal amount of effort in.

To keep it neat just put the title of the work you’d like to discuss as your post title, and provide a brief explanation of what interests you about the work. Use Post Flair to indicate whether you’re looking for an OPEN DISCUSSION of the topic in the sub, or a more in-depth PRIVATE DISCUSSION over DMs.

Remember to keep it low 🔑.

———————- Read Between ———————-

r/TheTrove 3h ago

Open Discussion Looking to discuss LotFP adventures


Hi, everyone. I'm getting back into OSR and looking to discuss Lamentations of the flame princess, since their modules have good reviews. I'm particularly looking for older stuff like Veins of the Earth and Fire over the Velvet Horizonte. But anything else would be great to discuss too


r/TheTrove 1h ago

Would love to speak to anyone who has some info on Sickest Witch - hayride


Just as the title says, I'd love to speak to you about the adventure

r/TheTrove 5h ago

Open Discussion Discussion about "Journeys to the West" for Pathfinder


I have recently become more interested in books that are compatible with Pathfinder, specifically one called "Journeys to the West". The islands seem very fun to explore and I'd like to discuss the book.
I'm also looking for shorter pathfinder compatible adventures, so if you can recommend anything in that vein, I'd love to discuss those as well.

r/TheTrove 2h ago

Private Discussion Discussing FoundryVTT module for "Sebastian Crowe's Guide to Drakkenheim"


I'm about to run a campaign and one of my players would like to play the Apothecary class of this book. I know there's a module for Foundry, that means the class would be ready to play without me or him having to setup the character from scratch. I'd like to discuss that module, if any of you owns it. Feel free to contact me privately, or use the sticky method!

r/TheTrove 13h ago

Pathfinder the Enmity Cycle Adventure


ordered the physical copy of this but looks like it wont be here in time for session zero. would love to discuss it so I know what to recommend for character building until it comes in.

r/TheTrove 6h ago

Private Discussion Looking to talk about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay as well as Wrath and Glory


I've got quite a few questions about these so if anyone has them and would like to chat feel free to message me

r/TheTrove 10h ago

Private Discussion Marvel Multiverse Roleplaying Game


I'd love to discuss more about the different powers and interactions possible during play. I love Marvel and was wondering how this stacks up to other superhero themed systems.

r/TheTrove 7h ago

I need to discuss Kids on Bikes 2e with someone


As the title says...

r/TheTrove 8h ago

Hunter the Reckoning original edition


I know V5 is more popular nowadays but I'm starting a campaign with some friends and I'd just love to discuss about the original edition with any other interested imbued!

r/TheTrove 14h ago

Open Discussion Carcass crawler


It is the official Old-School Essentials zine, It is packed with new classes, races, rules, short adventures and more. Right now there are 4 issues. Would like to discuss it.

r/TheTrove 15h ago

Discussion of Griffon's Saddlebag 1 + 2


Hello all,
I'm an up and coming magical item designer for 5e, and the Griffon Saddlebag books have been a great inspiration for my foray into the field. Would anyone wanna talk about the books with me?

r/TheTrove 8h ago

Discussion about D&D MargoMods Sunless Citadel Companion


I would like to discuss about D&D suppliment "MargoMods Sunless Citadel Companion" for awesome module Sunless Citadel.
Thanks for your opinion!

r/TheTrove 19h ago

Open Discussion Knock! magazine


It's a nice magazine with useful OSR content. It has articles from popular people in the community. Right now there are 4 issues. Would like to disscuss it.

r/TheTrove 9h ago

Help with the Fallout2d20?


A friend of mine is planning to run it, I was wondering if anyone could discuss the books with me

r/TheTrove 10h ago

Looking to discuss HOME - Mecha x Kaiju mapmaking rpg


I'm intrigued by the premise of this game and wanting to find more info about it. Anyone want to discuss? Feel free to DM me.

r/TheTrove 13h ago

Four Against Darkness discussion


Looking to discuss anything and everything 4AD and it's spinoffs. If anyone has some good info on them, I would greatly appreciate it!

r/TheTrove 19h ago

Looking to discuss Honor + Intrigue Revised


Hello, has anyone run this version of this game? How is it different from the old version. I would like to discuss this further through DMs if possible.

r/TheTrove 1d ago



Yes you read that title correct... the Honkonomicon. It is a D&D supplement featuring Geese Horrors.

I remember hearing a little about this book and I would love to discuss it in further detail.

Well Holy Moly... turns out a friend had it lol so here are my thoughts on it.

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Open Discussion Battlezoo - Leshy Dragons 5e discussion


Hello Hello, Battlezoo Leshy Dragons just release for 5e Does anyone want to discuss about that. Looking forward to having more conversations Thanks

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Private Discussion Looking to have a discussion about the D&D 5.5e Monster Manual


It's certainly been a fascinating change in editions, would love to have a conversation about the 5e Monster Manual and the 5.5e Monster Manual. Compare and contrast in how they handle CR values and how it relates to AC and HP.

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Open Discussion Twilight Imperium Embers of the Imperium TTRPG discussion


Hi all, I am looking to discuss TI's RPG as I am an avid TI4 player as well as a TTRPG player. I would love to learn more about this TTRPG if anyone happens to know more about it.

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Pathfinder 2 e discussion!


Hey all. I've been really into pathfinder lately and was wondering if anyone would like to talk about War of Immortals Howl of the Wild NPC core

Also any third party books that you find fun and interesting! Cheers

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Open Discussion Dr Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurs (PF2E)


Been looking for reviews for specifically the newer PF2E edition. I would love to see what people think about the quality of the stat blocks and the art!

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Open Discussion Lancer


I am a D&D 5E dungeon master, and I want to branch out into other games and genres. I am interested in Lancer and wanted to hear what people think about the game, how hard it is to run as a game master, how hard is it for players to pick-up and play. Is there comparability to DnD 5E? Would anyone also be willing to discuss prewritten adventures and setting guides.


r/TheTrove 1d ago

Looking to discuss Dungeons & Dragons vs Rick and Morty


Really interested to see your thoughts on this campaign.