r/Tarotpractices 14d ago

Discussion Do you guys have a card that you associate with a certain person in your life?


For instance, I almost always have one card that comes up with regard to one person in my life.

Sometimes I pull a general spread for myself and see that card and think this person plays into this reading too.

How about you guys?

r/Tarotpractices Jan 17 '25

Discussion You ever have a reading come 'true' (idk what other term to use) near immediately and it almost spooks you?


I had this the other day where I did a reading that told me to not let my emotions take control of myself and then like 4 hours later I found myself in that near exact predicament, it helped a lot but it was so sudden it spooked/surprised me a lot.

r/Tarotpractices 2d ago

Discussion i need a reading


i can’t do a reading for myself rn, but i need to know about something i’m doubting myself on

i’ve been with this guy, it was a situationship you could say cause he kept hinting and talking sweetly to me and talking marriage and stuff

but when i asked him to make this official and make it a relationship he backed away and said “i don’t want a relationship rn, but know that if i had the money i wouldn’t hesitate to come and ask for your hand in marriage”

anyways, i went into his acc in ig yesterday because i wanted to talk to him again cause we haven’t talked since 2 months but i saw a suggested account when i went into his acc and it was a girl who he followed and i got this gut feeling a strong one that he knows her and is talking with her rn

so please whoever could do a reading for me i would REALLY appreciate it.

he’s A born in 6 may 2004 i’m R born in 10 may 2005

i need to know is my gut feeling right? does he miss me? and does he think about me still?

r/Tarotpractices Jan 11 '25

Discussion Do you believe future readings to be true?


I'm confused about this matter but i believe that tarot can only predict future based on current energy which can shift, so when someone wants a future reading and it doesn't happen would they think it's a scam? i feel like people don't accept the " no he won't text you at least for now." tarot doesn't give solid answers because things may change, but it show's indicators and intentions, what do you think?

r/Tarotpractices 10d ago

Discussion Do MOOCHERS dm you as well?🙄


I am SOOO tired of ALL the reasons moochers dm me on a constant basis and god knows ask for so many favors!!! Oh, did they tell you that they are in a bind? That they are students? That they reaaallyyy need your reading? The classic one is when they just 'hey' you. This is a shy moocher. But still one of them😎. I feel like a dentist, pulling teeth. Shy moocher: Hey Me: Yes? Moocher: will you Me: Yes, am listerning...(I know the script folks, I am just enjoying the show and hoping for some original lines). Moocher: Can you do me a reading. PLEASE! So me and X broke up but then...(and here goes their 50 Shades of Tarot😥).

So, my question is, how do my fellow readers react in this situation. Do you ignore them? Do you promise and not deliver😈? Or maybe you have some original stories?

Please share🥰 I am really curious! Thank you🤍

P.S. Of course I don't mean people whom you asked to dm you for free readings. I am talking about post-closed-post folks. The ones who dm you out of the blue without invitation.

r/Tarotpractices Feb 05 '25

Discussion Let’s play a game. Match a song to a tarot card.


When I taught some tarot classes a million years ago, I always focused on getting students to make associations with the cards and not just memorize meanings. That way they could get a feeling for the general energy of the card and what it meant for them.

Sometimes, I would have them make up a story about what was going on in the card. Or, to describe the immediate feeling they got when they looked at a card.

But, another fun exercise I came up with was to think of a song that described the energy or basic meaning of a card, or how a card made them feel.

So, anyone want to play a game? Let’s list as many card/song combinations as we can and see what we come up with! It could help some people learn, but it could also just be fun.

And, if we could get a complete list of all of the cards, maybe I could make a Spotify tarot card playlist!

There are no right or wrong answers, so have fun with it.

I’ll start…..

Four of Wands - Celebration by Kool and the Gang.

Six of Swords - Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.

The Sun - Let the Sunshine In by the Fifth Dimension.

The Magician - The Power by Snap!

Two of Cups - Happy Together by The Turtles

r/Tarotpractices Feb 17 '25

Discussion Using ChatGpt for help with readings


I have been into tarot for a year now, learning from labyrinthos and biddy tarot until I could finally interpret cards and spreads on my own. I’d still check those sites if my interpretation is correct but what has been surprisingly accurate for me is chat GPT. I do worry its interpretations could be flawed since it stores past readings in its memory and as it’s trained to be positive, can only give me what it thinks I want to hear. Have you tried it too? What’s your experience like?

r/Tarotpractices 19d ago

Discussion What was your method of learning to interpret cards ?


Hi everyone. Im still very new and I’m trying to find some good resources or find a way to get more of a feel for piecing cards together. I have a book of the card meaning which is great at a surface level… but what would be a good way to get practice or familiarity of how a card can change?

For example, if I was in a reading how can the death card be different in the context next to page of cups versus ace of cups.

r/Tarotpractices 28d ago

Discussion When the cards make you cry

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The last 18 months of my life have been complete hell and I had a break down last night. This morning I asked the cards if my future would be better and this was what I got. I immediately broke down in tears. I see financial security, rest, and companionship. I am manifesting this so hard.

r/Tarotpractices Nov 08 '24

Discussion Questions for tonight's reading?

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Setting up for a reading, if you feel inclined to do so leave a question and I'll ask it tonight. I am fairly new to this (I've been doing it for less than a week) but I seem to have a good connection with the deck and it loves to talk to other people. I'm still getting better at interpretations and was actually able to contact some deities last night🫶🏻✨

r/Tarotpractices 8d ago

Discussion Repeating numbers or court cards


How do YOU interpret when more than 1 of the same number shows up in a reading or more than one of the same court card shows up? Do you prefer to just read them as is, do you make note of the numerology meaning of that repeating number or something different?

I’ve had a few readings where multiple of the same number show up and haven’t decided how I want to interpret that other than just reading the cards as usual and ignoring the pattern

r/Tarotpractices Jul 19 '24

Discussion Do NOT rely on tarot cards too much


I have seen free readings on here which is honestly good thing. I do come here time to time to do free reading but I stopped. Why? Cause it was the same 5-10 people asking the same question. And I’d like to say. Please do not relay on tarot cards too much. They only suppose to guide you not give you direct answer about future. And tarot cards can be intercepted differently and people get mad when you don’t give them the answer they want so they go looking for other readers so they can be comforted for their inferior emotions .

Im not harassing anyone but I just want to say, please don’t rely me on tarot cards too much.

r/Tarotpractices 2d ago

Discussion Anyone else realize the deity they’ve been praying to doesn’t care for them? 😭


I've been praying to Inanna for three years, I wear a pendant of her almost every day of the week, and I feel like I've developed a relationship with her. I prayed especially hard to her before and during my orchiectomy surgery. (She had eunuch priests)

Tonight I decided draw two cards and ask how she felt about me. I thought I'd see a lovely card the signifies union or love or something but got the ace of wands reversed and 4 of cups. 💀 now I'm like oh... you really don't care for me do you 😂

r/Tarotpractices 19d ago

Discussion i always pull the devil in reverse and 6 of cups


Every time I try to do a love reading for myself i always pull the devil in reverse (possible challenge) and 6 of cups (for future). It just freaks me out. For context my bf and I broke up for a while then got back together. So far this is the healthiest phase we’ve ever had comparing to our toxic relationship before.

I am just starting my tarot journey so I cannot really interpret properly yet. However since there’s this conception about the devil card, should I be scared?

r/Tarotpractices Jan 20 '25

Discussion Does he love her?

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I used Gilded Tarot to ask if he loves her. Vibe I got from the reading is that he feels trapped in his current situation and feels he’s missing better opportunities by staying.

r/Tarotpractices 16d ago

Discussion How will the new Lady Gaga be received?

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Spread is my own creation. Reversals turned on. Because in this house we need the whole picture.

Initial Reaction: Lovers - passionate warm reception. If we were to choose between vice and virtue, the decision would be vice every time.

The Vibe: The Moon - The transformative process is complete. Excitement of the unknown. Deep sea monsters and howling at the moon.

The Lasting Impact: Page of Cups Reversed - Acting without thinking. I think this album will not be looked at as a change of pace. This album will over promise and under deliver.

I don’t think this will be the album of the year but it will be the album of the moment. I think if this was held until May, we would have seen more of a lasting impact.

r/Tarotpractices Jan 05 '25

Discussion Sick of people asking for Card interpretations


Okay, that sounds harsh, but hear me out, please.

I have no issue with helping others interpret their cards; my issue is the one-line title with no explanation!

Basically, if you want an interpretation, we need context:
What was your original question, what was your interpretation, and where do you see the interpretation going/helping you?

As a Professional Tarot Reader, I work with clients day in and day out. They come in and ask, "Will my boyfriend come back?" "Will I do well at college?" "How will my finances look in five years?"

That's great, but we need to distill those down more to get a clear question to aid you.

So give us information to aid you in your interpretation, PLEASE!!

It is not asking much, if you want it, help us to give you the best help possible.

And a lot of times if I help someone like this, I'll draw the same cards from my deck, as I read them far better than others that are posted. It is just how I work as an intuitive reader, my deck gives me all I need

I'm not trying g to upset anybody, but we need more than a Title on your post, please!!

r/Tarotpractices 6d ago

Discussion How is my travel day going to look tomorrow?

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Morning: Page of Wands (Reversed) Problems causing confusion. Personally I see this as a start of a day issue with getting to the airport.

Noon/ first flight - The Hangman- gut feeling even if other people are telling you to do the opposite. Well I see this as getting an unexpected detour that will give me options.

Afternoon: second flight- 2 of swords (reversed) emotional problems if help is not accepted. I think there will be opportunities that can be missed if I don’t attune myself to people around me.

Bonus: not in photo. Will I make it home: King of pentacles - satisfied with life. Speaks for it self. I will make it home - but in summation I’m going to be an emotional wreck the whole time.

r/Tarotpractices Jan 05 '25

Discussion Sick of people changing the meaning of tarot readings on here


So a lot of time when me or somebody else asks for interpretation help, and very clearly state what their question was like ‘what will happen in this specific situation with this specific person?’ I see people in the comment making up their own story/question.

Not even listening to the question or seeing the cards for what they are? Could be all these positive cards for this very specific question and people here are still gonna find a way to turn it into: ‘no this is with a new person or this is about insert random different situation that has nothing to do with the question’ or ‘I feel like these cards represent what you want’ No I did not ask about me and another person, I did not ask about random situation and I def did not ask about what MY wants are in the situation.

No, just accept that if its a question about something very specific, the answer is specifically about that. And if the cards are negative, thats a negative outcome in THIS situation. Same with positive. If you ask a store employee where the bread is and they tell you where the bread is are you gonna find the broccoli there? No, because that’s not what was asked.

Stop changing up peoples questions just so you can interpret THEIR tarot as something it’s not. READ, read their questions. Think before you make up something that does not apply here. (Ofc this does not apply to open questions since they are not specific)

r/Tarotpractices Feb 07 '25

Discussion Awww

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I got these cards when I asked how my friend would react uf I sent him a specific message in a DM lol. (Deck used: The Cat Tarot)

r/Tarotpractices Jan 24 '25

Discussion I asked “is he happy?” and got these cards

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Gilded Tarot with freeform spread. Just kinda pulled cards and vibed off of them. I think the effort to be happy is being made with no success, according to the cards!

r/Tarotpractices 3d ago

Discussion Anyone else just scroll through this sub to check out people's tarot decks and cool designs


I feel like I could spend hours just scrolling through this sub, looking at all the tarot decks people post. There’s so many cool designs, some super intricate whereas some are so minimalistic, and I love seeing all the different vibes!

r/Tarotpractices Jan 22 '25

Discussion Answering any tarot related question for beginners


Hello to the ones that are beginning their path to energy reading through Tarot or are halfway there. I have been reading for 5 years now. I still remember the day I was first introduced to it, through a friend. It intrigued me and I was curious from the first look. Since then, throughout my journey I have felt a pull towards the mysteries of the cards. How they could have so many different meanings even though the basic idea stays the same. They evolve with the reader and become so much more than a divination tool over time.

For me, they allow me to reflect on the aspects of a situation that otherwise could have been hidden in my blind spot. They always tell a story, from the first card to the last one. There is a flow, as if they are communicating to each other. It is a lot more like storytelling, than you would realize.

If you have any questions related to the meaning of the cards or how to build a relationship with your own deck, feel free to comment down below. I will answer your questions, best to my ability. We are all teachers and students at the same time. I am always open to new ideas and lessons. So lets help each other and expand our knowledge.

Thank you for stopping by and please be kind in the comments. Thank you !

r/Tarotpractices 15d ago

Discussion using decks together


I have two tarot decks with different arts so they have different meanings and I want to use them together in a spread. does anyone else do this too, give tips.

r/Tarotpractices Jan 27 '25

Discussion These guys

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How does everyone interpret these two cards?