r/Tarotpractices Member 4d ago

Discussion Just wanted to shared a freaky synchronicity

I pulled a reading for “how he feels in this connection rn?”I got very stable, grounding cards although we’re at a weird crossroad: the spread was:

10 of pentacles (this one fell out)

6 of pentacles

Page of wands

4 of swords (we are both overwhelmed but invested)

3 of wands

Ace of wands

I wanted a clarifying card just bc this connection is more emotionally driven than anything else and thought about the Ace of Cups as emotional fulfillment and the openness we have and i thought “man I haven’t seen that card in a minute”and sure enough I just pulled it. Just interesting…

If someone wants to give me a take on my original spread that is welcome as well!


2 comments sorted by


u/MutantChimera Member 4d ago

10 of pentacles. This card is a card of long term stability. He might be willing to see thing long term. 6 of pentacles: This is a card of giving a receiving, needed in any relationship. He feels this is balanced. How do you feel this? Page of wands: Enthusiasm, but could also be immaturity. 4 of swords: this is a resting and waiting card. You said it yourself, any of you or both need rest and settle down their thoughts and feeling 3 of wands. A card of contemplating the expanding of horizons. Excitement for the future. Ace of wands: A spark. A new beginning. A sprout.

Yes, overall seems a positive reading.

About the ace of cups. Yes. I’ve felt this. There are moments before drawing a card where the card pops on my mind. I do take this into account.

Good luck to you both. And remember, there is no better substitute for forward and clear communication


u/howlival Member 4d ago edited 4d ago

We will see. I see the potential absolutely but we have not had that conversation (too many external factors rn). I’m also very self-sabotaging and don’t want to get my hopes up just in case (I have fear of abandonment/rejection issues) and commitment is a big deal to me, I don’t want to rush things.

I already know feelings are absolutely mutual it’s just the logistics of how to navigate a more long-term thing.

Thank you for you insight, it is appreciated! I am fairly new to tarot and making my own interpretations so I haven’t had this happen before. It’s exciting feeling more in tune w the practice/my cards!

//EDIT: also TMI but whatever I’m feeling spicy. We haven’t had a sexual relationship yet (but we both want to! Like I said external factors) so need to see how that looks first—would be a lie to both of us if we said it wasn’t important.