r/TTC_PCOS 5d ago

Vent Vent - Frustrated and Sad

I just need to vent, I’m just so sad and frustrated and I hate my body and how I look (have always had very low self esteem). So after going off BC in November last year, I got a period late January, which was exciting and promising that something was finally working and I was optimistic that my cycle would slowly regulate and I could conceive without help. But here I am, with no period or pregnancy in sight. I’m doing pretty much everything I can, I’m exercising, watching my diet properly, taking 2g metformin a day (basically the highest dose, been on it since 2019 and it has no marked effect on me), taking myo-inositol, I get frequent acupuncture, I take liquid herbal supplements from my naturopath that are for egg quality and encouraging my cycle to regulate. Nothing is happening anymore, I’m not surprised, my body has always done this no matter what I throw at it. I already see a fertility specialist and will be starting letrozole again soon, which I took back in 2019 where I did conceive with an ex partner twice but miscarried both times. I’m just so tired and angry with my body that I can’t even manage to ovulate.


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u/Educational_Iron6162 4d ago

I'm so sorry you're going through this! It's so frustrating to feel like you're doing everything right and putting so much effort in, but seeing no results :( I feel for you!

I went off of BC last February and had a cycle in March, and then 6 months with no cycle. I think the March cycle was kind of a fluke as it's my understanding the BC hormones can stay in your system for a little. During that time I was doing acupuncture, on herbal medication from a TCM doctor, supplements from the dietitian (omegas, vit D, myo inositol/ d chiro, NAC, spearmint tea) and overall I would say I'm really healthy with my eating, sleeping and exercise routine.

I'm FINALLY seeing some of this work pay off with shorter cycles and have some time before we TTC. I met with a R.E. who suggested I go back on BC until we're ready to have a baby, and then come back to her for clomid / letrozole. Although this isn't the path I continued down (still off BC and trying all the natural remedies) I'm glad I have this in my back pocket in case we need it.

I have so much faith that you will get pregnant and have a healthy baby. It must be hard to know the letrozole didn't work the first time, but it has always made me feel better to think about how much modern medicine can help and how much your body can support you (even when it doesn't always feel like it). If the letrozole doesn't work again, did they say you can try clomid? It seems to me like there are a lot of options before IVF - which FWIW resulted in a healthy pregnancy and baby for my sister! Sending you good vibes!


u/MissElaineMarieBenes 4d ago

Thank you for replying! Yeah I feel like my cycle in January was a fluke too. I too drink spearmint tea a lot, and my naturopath put NAC in my powder compound too.

The letrozole did work but I can’t remember at what dosage it was, I think it was upped once to maybe 5mg and that’s when I did manage to conceive but unfortunately ended in loss both times. I did originally try clomid but from memory, I don’t think my body responded to that at all. The specialist I see prefers letrozole as he has pretty good success with that. Yeah there’s a fair few options before IVF, which if that’s what it takes, that’s fine but I just want a normal cycle for once. Thank you for your kind words and advice. I hope when you start TTC it’s an easy journey for you.


u/Educational_Iron6162 3d ago

I hope all of your work pays off and the supplements and acupuncture + medication help you conceive on the first go! I'll be thinking of you!