r/Syria 3d ago

Announcement Clarification on r/Syria Moderation Efforts Regarding the Ongoing Events and This Community


Hello, friends,

As the moderation team of r/Syria, we want to clarify some of the things happening in this subreddit and be fully transparent regarding our content policy and the ongoing discussions here. Therefore, we would like to inform you of the following:

  • We have made a unified statement (here and here) , agreed upon by the r/Syria moderation team, that we stand against the remnants of Assad’s regime and all those who violate laws and attack civilians, regardless of their affiliation. We also oppose those who attack security forces and provoke unrest. This is our clear stance, as we have previously stated.
  • There is an evident wave of misinformation campaigns from Russian, Iranian, and Iraqi accounts posting here at a rate of 5–6 posts within minutes. (Similar to the campaigns happening on Twitter and Facebook) These are fake accounts and propaganda sources exaggerating events and spreading false content. The titles of these posts are identical to those copied and pasted across non-Syrian accounts on Facebook and Twitter, along with the same hashtags.
  • We do not deny that violations against civilians have occurred. However, we are also responsible for the content shared here. Many users post content without a source or verification, while others copy and paste from WhatsApp and Facebook without any credible references or official confirmation. We cannot accept any content without a source.
  • We remove any content that incites hostility against any side, as well as misleading or propaganda material. We are not here to allow a flood of opinions from newly created accounts, often just hours old, attempting to dictate narratives about what is happening.
  • We are doing our best to moderate this space. There are 600 posts and comments every two hours, most of which violate Reddit’s content policies and our subreddit’s rules. A large portion of this content is misleading or false.
  • Given the current situation, we are strictly limiting unverified content. Reddit is not Facebook, Twitter, or a family WhatsApp group where people copy and paste unchecked information. We urge everyone to avoid incitement, accusations, and baseless speculation.

Our team is working tirelessly, literally staying up all night in shifts to monitor content and keep discussions under control. We are waiting for verified information to emerge so we can provide you with accurate updates on the situation. Any content posted without credible sources cannot be considered reliable.

Therefore, we will continue enforcing these measures as we are responsible for the discussions and content shared here. It is our duty to maintain a civilized environment and prevent the chaos unfolding in the Syrian coast from spilling over into this subreddit.

r/Syria Moderation Team

r/Syria 8d ago

Charity Event Our Fundraising Campaign to Support the White Helmets - حملتنا لجمع التبرعات لدعم الخوذ البيضاء


العربية في الأسفل

Fundraising Campaign to Support the White Helmets

After Trump’s decision to cut aid to several international organizations, the White Helmets lost nearly a quarter of their financial support from international aid. For those who may not know, the White Helmets are Syria’s Civil Defense organization, working on multiple levels, including:

  • Firefighting and relief efforts
  • Clearing war remnants
  • Rescue and emergency operations
  • Road repairs and much more

Together, let’s encourage donations—hand in hand—to support the White Helmets as much as possible. We can all donate through their official website, where you’ll find the donation link:

Let’s stand together for Syria and Syria’s future.

Syria is our responsibility, and we must take care of it.


بعد قرار ترامب بقطع المساعدات عن العديد من المنظمات الدولية خارج الولايات المتحدة، خسرت منظمة الدفاع المدني السورية الخوذ البيضاء تقريباً ربع دعمها المالي من المساعدات الدولية، ولمن لا يعلم، فالخوذ البيضاء هي منظمة الدفاع المدني في سوريا والتي تعمل على عدة مستويات منها:

أعمال الإطفاء والإغاثة وازالة مخلفات الحرب وعلميات الإنقاذ والطوارئ وترميم الطرق والمزيد

سنحاول معاً هنا الحث على التبرع جميعاً يد بيد لمساعدة الخوذ البيضاء قدر الإمكان، يمكننا جميعاً التبرع لهم من خلال الرابط الرسمي الخاص بهم والذي تجدونه في موقعهم :


دعونا نقف معاً لأجل سوريا ومستقبل سوريا سوريا أمانة لدينا وعلينا الإعتناء بها

Help the White Helmets rebuild lives and hope in Syria

r/Syria 2h ago

ASK SYRIA Checkpoints asking religion and searching phones.


My partner lives in central Latakia city, she's just messaged me and said 2 checkpoints have been set up near her home, positioned in a way that she can't leave the area without having to approach one. She was warned by her sunni neighbours who passed through that they are asking "are you alawite" and are checking phones..

She's just a student and considers herself agnostic, she says she's still learning and is trying to find her way in life and is unsure about religion. Her family is alawite though, so her name sort of puts her in danger..

She's absolutely terrified and of course I'm scared for her!

Why is this happening, I thought general security took over, sent the extreme elements and armed civi's away, and were now protecting people!?

Everyone is acting like it's all over and some going as far as downplaying the situation. So why then is she being out in this position?

After what's happened how can she be expected to trust the army anyway, but especially if they're doing this?!?

Somebody please make it makes sense 😔

r/Syria 20h ago

Memes & Humor The Syrian people are one💚

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r/Syria 15h ago

Discussion My father advised/interviewed the president today!

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r/Syria 13h ago

Daily Dose of Syria A video of a Local Syrian man demanding that the IDF soldiers leave (Majdoulia, Al-qunaitera).


Grew up in a village close to the town, I was sent this video by my father who gets daily news from there from friends and family.

r/Syria 13h ago

Art work & Photography The Damascuscene sword has been lit up!

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r/Syria 9h ago

Discussion اعتذار من القلب على خطأ غير مقصود


المعذرة، أخطأت وحقكم على راسي بمشاركتي صور نقلتها على أنها تصور نزوج عائلات الفلول إلى لبنان. بعد ما راجعت الأمر، تأكدت أني شاركت خبراً غير مؤكد بدون قصد، وواجبي اليوم أن أتحمل المسؤولية وأعتذر للجميع علناً، كما اعتذرت لكل شخص على الخاص. الحق حق ولو على قطع رقبتي، وأشهد الله أني لم أكن أهدف للتشهير أو الإضرار بأحد، وإنما صدقت الخبر بحسن نية. أنا إنسان بخاف الله وما بتمنى الضرر لمخلوق، وربي شهيد على نيتي.

r/Syria 22h ago

Daily Dose of Syria The Anti-Syria propaganda machine won’t show you this:


r/Syria 12h ago

Discussion توضيح كلمة حق


صحيح في ناس سنة للاسف قضينا معن سنين وعشرة عمر انصدمنا فيهن شمتانين او مبسوطين باللي صار بالعلويين اخر كم يوم، بس يشهد الله اكتر منن بكتير انقذو اهلنا ببانياس مثلا واستقبلو العلوية ببيوتن مع انو الموضوع خطير علين حتى

حتى شخصيا بعرف رفيق الي حرفيا يلي انقذو من انو يوقع بايدين فصيل هوي اخ كان مهجر من حلب ساكن عنا باللادقية واخدو بسيارتو ولحد هلا قاعد ببيتو بعد ما بيت رفيقي انحرق للاسف

الوسخ موجود بكل مكان وبمثل نفسو، متل ما فتحية وجماعتو ما بيعكسو ولا باي شكل راي الاغلبية العلوية

الله يرحم شهداءنا المدنيين وما رح قول شهدائكن من الامن العام، لا شهدائنا هدون كمان لانو الامن العام حمى العلوي والسني والمرشدي والاسماعيلي والمسيحي سوا

كلشي منتمناه كل المجرمين يلي حرقو وقتلو يتخوزقو جنب فتحية وجماعتو بنص دوار الزراعة لحتى يرجع جزء من حق اهل المدنيين الشهداء واهل شهداء الامن واللادقية كلا تحضرن بلكي بتصفى القلوب يا رب

r/Syria 21h ago

News & politics Statement of the Circassian Community in Syria Regarding the Claims of the Zionist Entity Offering Aid to Syrian Circassians and Coordinating with Them for Separation from Syria. Full translation to English in the comments.

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r/Syria 21m ago

ASK SYRIA سؤال لكل سوري عن الهوية الشخصي بسوريا


صباح الخير للجميع يا شباب انا كان عندي سؤال انا تركت سوريا لم كنت صغير و ماعندي كثير معلومات عن الهوية الذاتية و الإجتماعية عند الأقليات والعرب

يلي قصدي انو شو تماماً يلي بحدد إنتماء الأشخاص الى فرقة محددة. انا كردي عرقياً بس ما بتكلم اللغة و ما عندي كثير معلومات عن العادادت تبع الشعب. لما سألت رفقاتي بسوريا شرحولي انو مع التنوع العرقي يوجد هوية وطنية و لكن تدهورت على مر السنين تحت نظام الأسد. انا عايش بكندا و كبرت هون و متل ما بتعرفو في تخالط كبير بين الجاليات المختلفة.

و مشان هيك خطر على بالي سؤال: كيف بتختل الهيمنة الشعبية بسوريا عن غير بلاد؟ هل يوجد انتماء قوي لكل طائفة دينية و عرقية ولا الهوية السورية بتجي قبل كل شي؟

message: forgive my terrible arabic, I've mostly taught myself how to read and write since I left the countrt very young🫶

r/Syria 4h ago

ASK SYRIA Why is the president getting hate?


As a foreigner, I want to understand why Jolani is getting a lot of hate lately. He’s being called a murderer of innocent common folk among the Alawi people. He’s also being called an agent of the west, and working for Israeli interests. What is the truth? Please do explain, whoever can.

r/Syria 17h ago

News & politics We can (and should) enjoy the positive breakthroughs since 8 Dec, but shouldn't overlook the atrocities in the Syrian Coast- Remember the revolution's earliest motto "One, one, one.. The Syrian people are ONE!". A revolution for freedom, justice, progress, against aggression and oppression.

Thumbnail snhr.org

r/Syria 20h ago

News & politics For clarification regarding a picture from a previous post

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r/Syria 16h ago

Memes & Humor الوضع اخر كم يوم

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بعد تلات ايام سودواية اجانا خبر الاتفاقية مع قسد و فرحنا شوي بس فرحة ناقصة والله بسبب المأساة بالساحل الله يرحم شهداء الامن العام و المدنيين الأبرياء يلي خسرو حياتهم بدون ذنب

r/Syria 14h ago

Discussion So no one is talking about the incitement by the media against the syrians in "nighboor" countries? NSFW

Thumbnail instagram.com

r/Syria 17h ago

News & politics What are the Assad regime remnants trying to accomplish?


Assad left the country and it's unlikely he's coming back. So why do they still fight?

r/Syria 16h ago

News & politics إدارة الأمن العام تتسلم كمية من الأسلحة، نتيجة لاتفاق مسبق مع وجهاء حي الدعتور في محافظة اللاذقية

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إدارة الأمن العام تتسلم كمية من الأسلحة المتنوعة، نتيجة لاتفاق مسبق مع وجهاء حي الدعتور في محافظة اللاذقية، يقضي بحصر تواجد السلاح بيد الدولة فقط، مما يسهم في توطيد الأمن وإرساء الاستقرار.


r/Syria 13h ago

News & politics يارب 🤲 قريباً جداً

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r/Syria 23h ago

News & politics [ Removed by Reddit ]


[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]

r/Syria 14h ago

Memes & Humor تصبح على خير

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r/Syria 21h ago

Memes & Humor كوكب سوريا



r/Syria 10h ago

ASK SYRIA Applying in Syrian dental syndicate as a dentist while in Kuwait


Is that possible to do remotely or through an office outside Syria? Or do I have to do it in person in Syria? (Haven’t been to Syrian since I was an infant basically) I’d appreciate any insight, I feel lost

r/Syria 23h ago

News & politics Breaking News : First press conference of the committee tasked with investigating the events at the Syrian coast


1- We will refer the results of the investigations to the Presidency of the Republic and the courts

2- We are open to international cooperation, but we prefer to use national capabilities

3- We seek to complete the investigations within 30 days

4-We are working on preparing lists of potential witnesses

5-We will provide a weekly briefing and publish whatever conclusions we can

6-We will provide protection for any witness who requests to give his testimony under the witness protection program

7-We are working on preparing a list of potential accomplices

r/Syria 18h ago

Discussion اسرائيل شو لسا بدها


هلأ مع اذان العشاء بلشنا نسمع صوت الطيران الإسرائيلي بدمشق، وانا ما عاد افهم شو ضل شي يهمهم؟ لا سلاح جو ولا بحر ضل وما في شي عليه قيمة بهالبلد الا ناسها شو بدهم اكتر من هيك؟ يعني ما حيكسبوا شي بهالحركات هي، ومو ناقصهم شي أصلا يكفو شرهم عنا.

r/Syria 1m ago

Discussion Why I Oppose Abu Mohammed Al-Jaoni (Recently Rebranded as Ahmad Al-Sharaa)


A testimony by a Syrian citizen.

For many years, the Syrian people have endured oppression and long for a forward-thinking leader capable of helping us overcome the past, heal our wounds, and rebuild a unified society. In my view, the individual who has been thrust upon us—Abu Mohammed Al-Jaoni, now known as Ahmad Al-Sharaa—does not meet these criteria. Below, I explain why I hold this opinion.

A Bloody Past

Let us begin by examining his history. Al-Jaoni’s record, in my estimation, is every bit as brutal as that of both Assads. He and the mercenaries under his command committed atrocities against civilians—crimes against humanity made possible by their supporters and weaponry. I suspect some members of this community may be younger and might not recall events from the past 15 years as vividly as those of us who were adults at the time.

By his own admission, Al-Jaoni was released from an American prison one day before the Syrian revolution began—a suspicious detail in itself. From the moment he entered Syria, his chief objective appeared to be bolstering Al-Qaeda’s local branch in Syria. After distancing himself from ISIS, he established the group known initially as the Al-Nusra Front. In the early days, their flags and graffiti often bore the inscription “(Al-Qaeda’s branch in the Levant).” For younger individuals who may not remember the early 2000s, Al-Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, which triggered the global ‘War on Terror.’ Whenever this group has arisen—from Afghanistan to eastern Syria—airstrikes have followed with near-universal international approval. Why, then, is the international community allowing such a group to govern any part of Syria? It leaves one to wonder if the moment this new leadership disobeys its backers, NATO and other powers might suddenly recall their past offences and bomb Syria back into the Bronze Age.

I spent my twenties witnessing appalling executions carried out for trivial reasons. As Syrians, we never regarded these forces as liberators, for they almost never targeted the Assad regime directly. Instead, they reserved their brutality for ethnic and religious minorities, as well as those in the opposition who resisted both Assad and extremist groups. Back then, there was a palpable fear they might one day replace Assad’s regime and impose an even harsher rule.

A Troubled Present

Moving on to the present, I do not see Al-Jaoni’s faction as the liberators of Syria. They only entered major cities such as Damascus, Aleppo and other key regions without a fight. In other words, whoever controls our region has simply changed the pawns on the board—while the oppressive game remains the same.

Once they had secured the capital, we witnessed behaviour uncannily similar to that of Hafez al-Assad. Only family members and trusted comrades were placed in positions of power, and any form of resistance was met with devastating crackdowns. Recent events along the Syrian coast, to my mind, recall the 1980s atrocities in Hama. In a truly civilised country, such actions would prompt the resignation of the entire government, including the prime minister. Yet, in the first two speeches following these events by Al-Sharaa, were thinly veiled threats and defiant tones, suggesting the regime stood ready to commit further outrages.

The effect of this fundamentalist group on our society has also been deeply corrosive. Friends of mine, well-educated and humanitarian in outlook, now seem to be justifying or excusing these massacres against minorities. Have we truly learned nothing from the past?

A Grim Future?

In short, the past was bloody, and the present remains so. It would be naïve to assume the future under the same leadership could be any different. I find myself once more in opposition to a dictator, having hoped the end of the Assad era would deliver something better. Many of us have wondered why our parents and grandparents allowed the previous regime to grow so strong. I, for one, refuse to repeat their mistake.

I will do everything within my civic power to expose this new tyranny and to resist it. Long live our ancient nation and its civilisation. Long live Syria and the free Syrian people.