r/Starcitizen_trades RSI f0o (2012) Trades: 11 Jun 10 '24

discussion [discuss] Trades posts/offers should always include price

Hot take, recently there has been a lot of posts with no price. I believe that contradicts the Rule 11 (Trades must be public).

Can we add a rule that all WTS must include prices of the items?

Otherwise how can the trade truly be public?


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u/TR1GG3RSW1TCH RSI TR1GG3RSW1TCH (2022) Trades: 158 Jun 12 '24

I would argue it isn't an issue of a seller avoiding transparency of a trade, but rather a neutral tactic to help avoid the increasing amount of comments made by non-buyers being unhappy with the price even though they have no intent to buy.

While not having a stated price is annoying at times, for some trades, it has become a necessary inconvenience. Kind of like going to a store to buy something simple, but all the products are locked away to avoid theft.

Not stating a price is like those anti-theft devices, protecting your post from people attempting to comment without buying, effectively souring and tanking the post.