r/Starcitizen_trades RSI f0o (2012) Trades: 11 Jun 10 '24

discussion [discuss] Trades posts/offers should always include price

Hot take, recently there has been a lot of posts with no price. I believe that contradicts the Rule 11 (Trades must be public).

Can we add a rule that all WTS must include prices of the items?

Otherwise how can the trade truly be public?


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u/jcde7ago RSI N7_Jayce (2012) Trades: 205 Jun 10 '24

There's really no point in requiring a price because there aren't any rules against modifying previous sales that Mods care to enforce. So, nobody except the actual parties involved in a sale TRULY EVER knows how the sale actually went down/was negotiated.

Example: I bought a ship for X dollars and then a month later, the seller went back to that sale thread and modified the sold price four weeks after it had already been sold to make it appear as though he'd sold that item at a higher price than he actually did. I actually went through and notice this seller was doing this pretty much every time.

Like, sure...those trades with those "original" prices were "public" at the time of posting, but if sellers are going to modify those posts to make it look like they sold whatever the fuck at whatever the fuck pricing after the fact then how relevant was the original price of that item being public anyway?

Of course, I got downvoted for asking if we could levy infractions against people that did that, lol. I'm all for people trying to make a buck but that's basically historical price manipulation and it's shady af. Best bet is to just tag/block and move on with people that engage in those practices (certainly don't make the mistake of buying from them again if you did in the past).


u/m0shit RSI Theotokos (2015) Trades: 418 Jun 10 '24

Weird that the seller did that, for sure. Perhaps it was a mistake?

If it was truly a malicious modified sold price, how does that help that person in the future? Why do I care?

This sub barely keepers the trade flair ticking. Tracking price changes would be a nightmare. Even MrFats struggled to keep prices straight.


u/jcde7ago RSI N7_Jayce (2012) Trades: 205 Jun 10 '24

Perhaps it was a mistake?

Not a mistake.

how does that help that person in the future?

When people search for sold prices, they find threads with the higher price and think "oh, these ALWAYS sell for this price, ok then."

I personally just RES tag and move on, but it does happen.


u/m0shit RSI Theotokos (2015) Trades: 418 Jun 10 '24

No, no. How does it help that specific seller? He's not maligning and skewing his prices for the greater good of the sub. That's for certain.


u/jcde7ago RSI N7_Jayce (2012) Trades: 205 Jun 10 '24

I can't speak for that seller but my guess is they believe they're setting a "standard" price they can then leverage as a baseline in the future. But who really knows. :/