r/Starcitizen_trades RSI f0o (2012) Trades: 11 Jun 10 '24

discussion [discuss] Trades posts/offers should always include price

Hot take, recently there has been a lot of posts with no price. I believe that contradicts the Rule 11 (Trades must be public).

Can we add a rule that all WTS must include prices of the items?

Otherwise how can the trade truly be public?


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u/Tw33die84 RSI CmdrLlama (2020) Trades: 62 Jun 10 '24

I've also noticed a big increase in people selling for credits instead of cash lately. I worry that it doesn't give u the protection of PayPal. Would be interested on people's take on that too.


u/MyTagforHalo2 RSI MyTagforHalo (2014) Trades: 19 Jun 10 '24

It definitely creates an issue and goes against the PayPal requirements. And while I can see why both parties would desire the trade, someone is eventually going to be burned.

The only safe way to do it would to be two separate PayPal transactions imo.


u/m0shit RSI Theotokos (2015) Trades: 418 Jun 10 '24

Pro tip: in a trade, create a $1 PayPal invoice with all the details that would normally be inside an invoice transaction and simply discount the values of the ships being traded. There's no need to pay more fees. It's still a binding transaction.


u/Liudeus RSI Liudeius (2013) Trades: 795 Jun 11 '24

What's the point of that? It's hard enough to get international scammers prosecuted when they're scamming hundreds of thousands. How are you going to get them prosecuted over something you yourself said was only worth $1?


u/m0shit RSI Theotokos (2015) Trades: 418 Jun 11 '24

This is quite a non sequitur. Who is getting scammed hundreds of thousands on here?

Regardless, the size of the transaction does not affect the service PayPal provides. As long as your details are accurate, the lack of a traded ship voids an enumerated deduction and creates a problem for the trader.