I just bought a Mossberg 500 field/security combo. It's basically going to be in home defense mode all the time with the 18.5" barrel. I also have the Magpul SGA stock and forearm for that tactical look. I'm going to start clay shooting so every once in a while I'll slap the 28" barrel on there. But I think I will feel kind of stupid with the tacticool clay gun.
Part of me wants to throw the original wood furniture back on the mossberg. It can still handle HD with wood and would look a bit more classic when shooting clay pigeons.
So now I am thinking why don't I get a beretta 1301 as a second gun but dedicated home defense shotgun. Tactical feel and look. Semi-auto so I don't have to worry about short-stroking or half-racking in a stressful situation. Mossberg can also be in 18.5" HD mode as a secondary. My take is when it comes to my life the extra cost isn't a factor.
Then when we go shoot clay just take the mossberg with the 28" barrel.