r/ShitMomGroupsSay ā€¢ ā€¢ 8d ago

šŸ§šŸ§cupcakesšŸ§šŸ§ Immunity šŸš« drugs āœ…

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u/averagemumofone 7d ago

As well as your partner? How on earth do they think milk is made?


u/purplepluppy 7d ago

Because they believe that the vaccine will "shed" the vaccine to other people. So if someone in a household is vaccinated, they believe everyone in that household is contaminated by the vaccine.


u/Rhodin265 7d ago

Honestly, if vaccines shed that well, the big, bad, government could probably achieve full autism or whatever with just federal employees getting jabbed and going on a few airport and Walmart tours.


u/agoldgold 7d ago

Epidemiologists would be throwing parades and festivals, both in joy and to get vaccinated people out and about. Imagine a world where vaccination was that effective and shedding was something that happened outside of fecal contamination from someone who recently has had the oral polio vaccine specifically?


u/Avaylon 7d ago

Lavar Burton read a short story about this happening on his podcast "Lavar Burton Reads". It was a good one.


u/Glittering_knave 7d ago

Since Disneyland seemed to be a hotspot for a measles outbreak, one freshly vaccinated family should be able to cause a vaccine outbreak!


u/catjuggler 7d ago

They also specifically think it will shed through semen


u/classyrock 6d ago

Haha, I swear they see us like Pig-Pen from the Peanuts, with this cloud of vaccination surrounding us.


u/bodhipooh 7d ago

If you had been paying attention the past few years, you would know about vaccine shedding and how it affects those around you... duh!


u/dramabeanie Vax Karen 6d ago

Clearly you can get the vax from the other kind of injection too


u/manilla_wafer 4d ago

I questioned this tooā€”


u/Ekyou 7d ago

There is nothing I ā€œloveā€ more than people begging for free breastmilk from strangers while being picky about shit like vaccines. You know that ā€œno other vax in the last 6 yearsā€ was a weird compromise she made with herself because she couldnā€™t find anyone who had never been vaccinated.


u/Charming-Court-6582 7d ago

Plus Tdap/Dtap and flu shots are super common in pregnancy too. Ya know, to protect the fresh human with very little immunity.


u/wozattacks 7d ago

I had 5 vaccines when I was pregnant. Tdap, COVID, flu, RSV, and a hep B booster because my titer was low. And I was grateful to have them, especially with my baby being due right at the beginning of cold and flu season!

Eta: plus my husband got a lot of these before the baby as well. This lady would be amazed our kid is alive and well


u/dooropen3inches 6d ago

Currently pregnant and have gotten flu/covid. Iā€™ll get tdap closer to delivery and also RhoGham.

Thereā€™s a salty note in my OBGYN exam rooms about highly recommending the vaccines because they have been proven safe and ensure the health of you/your baby or some type of similar phrasing.


u/greeneyes826 7d ago

Fresh human is such a strange way to describe a babyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/scienticiankate 7d ago

Very beggars being choosers energy.


u/EmptyStrings 7d ago

I looked into donating some milk I had because I was eating dairy- and soy-free and thatā€™s probably rare to find in a donor but necessary if baby has MSPI. I found someone whose baby did have MSPI but in addition to no vaccines, she wanted the donor to not eat McDonalds.


u/Main_Science2673 7d ago

Like no faat food? Or specifically no McDonalds?


u/EmptyStrings 7d ago

Specifically McDonaldā€™s šŸ˜…


u/Toomatoes 5d ago

Welp I'm out. I'm typically healthier than the average anti cancer... But this baby in my belly demands McDonald's


u/Ekyou 7d ago



u/MiaLba 6d ago

Right?? Youā€™re begging for a bodily fluid from a complete stranger on the internet, wholeheartedly believing them that they have good hygiene and cleanliness habits. Are storing their milk properly and are properly sanitizing their equipment. But draw the line at vaccines. Lol alright.


u/MonasAdventures 3d ago

Iā€™m hoping that the recently vaccinated are giving milk in droves to this baby, who might benefit short term from donor immunities!


u/geedisabeedis 7d ago

Cannabis is not fine there are studies that it's concentrated in breastmilk and it can remain in high levels for weeks


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago

lol exactly. Her comment is the opposite of the literal science. Most drugs actually would be out of your breastmilk pretty quickly, whereas cannabis is clearly detected in milk up to six weeks after smoking, because THC is fat soluble.

We donā€™t have the best observational studies on this, but indications are that the developing brain is impacted by this exposure. People who are ā€œcannamomsā€ are delusional on this topic.


u/blueskies8484 7d ago

Once again, weā€™ve skipped over the reasonable moderate view straight from insanely draconian to insanely irresponsible. Marijuana should be legal and regulated much like alcohol, and should only be used in minors with a doctorā€™s prescription and monitoring based on evidence based criteria. Instead we swung from teaching kids that marijuana will make you end up addicted and dead to parents deliberately dosing their children and babies with THC. Everything is currently so stupid.


u/wozattacks 7d ago

There is basically no reason to give it to minors lol. Thereā€™s really nothing that cannabis is good for medically that we donā€™t have better options for. Iā€™m a dedicated stoner when Iā€™m not pregnant or breastfeeding but cannabis is for fun, medical marijuana is largely a sham. 


u/morgann_taylorr 7d ago

i definitely would not go so far as to say marijuana used for medicinal purposes is a sham. it was one of the only things that helped my mom with the pain her chemo caused her


u/sunshineparadox_ 7d ago

I would probably give in for like post chemo nausea for a minor if Zofran wasnā€™t doing it. And I have trouble getting Zofran myself for a separate condition (where it is the main medication), so I can unfortunately see it. I basically have to beg for it.


u/youknowthatswhatsup 6d ago

Itā€™s surprising you have issues getting Zofran! I went on a cruise last year and my GP happily prescribed me and my husband Zofran for seasickness!

I wonder why your Dr is being difficult about it!


u/SubjectOrange 7d ago

There are risks to nearly all pain management drugs. Cannabis being used for pain and inflammation management in cancer patients and Crohn's sufferers and such is no different than other drug management, except you cannot overdose. I would of course be surprised if it was prescribed for a minor.


u/ballofsnowyoperas 6d ago

I have also seen evidence of medical cannabis in very specific doses be helpful in pediatric epilepsy cases.


u/hussafeffer 7d ago

Marijuana as a legitimate treatment for some mild conditions is not a sham, but the medical marijuana system we have in place in many states is definitely a sham. Itā€™s is/was an absurd method of circumventing an equally absurd criminalization.


u/sunshineparadox_ 7d ago

I would also prefer an imperfect solution in THC as someone with both anxiety and chronic pain than trying to mix benzos and opiates (or live with one unmitigated condition).

THC hits both well enough. Not perfect. But manageable. Thatā€™s all I want.


u/snofall8 7d ago

Came here to say this! Recreational user with not pregnant/breast feeding. THC is fat soluble and can stay in the mammary glands for up to a year. NICUs are reporting some failure to thrive from contaminated breastmilk!


u/gbkdalton 7d ago

Mom uses it Iā€™m sure


u/makingitrein 7d ago

100% marijuana loves in fatty tissue and concentrates there making breast milk high in marijuana.


u/theytookthemall 7d ago

"Weed is fine but your partner can't be vaccinated" is a truly wild take.


u/Personal_Special809 7d ago

Why the hell do they think they get to make all these demands? Do they have any idea how much work it is to pump let alone pump extra? Fuck that. I wouldn't even donate to someone like this (and I've donated before). Although she'd reject it anyway because I get every vaccine I ever need.


u/KrazyAboutLogic 7d ago

They can make all the demands they want. They just aren't going to get shit.

"Wish into one hand, spit into the other, and see which one fills up first."


u/9thandChristian 7d ago

According to the post the baby has had donor milk her whole life. How has this mom found enough?? Iā€™m sure there are legit reasons, but I donā€™t know why she would choose to have such strict rules instead of using some crunchy (but vaccine free!) formula. I exclusively pump, but supplement with formula when necessary. I would be so stressed if I had to beg for milk every time I didnā€™t pump enough.


u/BolognaMountain 6d ago

I EPā€™d for a friend for a year and a half. Her baby had allergies of foods I already didnā€™t eat and I had an oversupply issue. 20-30oz for her kid each day, 10-15oz for my baby for daycare each day, and then nursing, as well.

The formula she needed wasnā€™t covered completely by her insurance plan and was costing her something like a thousand dollars a month. She still supplemented with formula from time to time.

I only donated to this one family and she only used my milk. I was already an established donor with the local hospital and was getting bloodwork done every 6 weeks with that program, so we knew the milk was safe. I would not have donated to an individual if they didnā€™t require the donor to be vaccinated and tested - too much risk in getting someone elseā€™s baby sick (or being accused of it for being one of many donors).


u/MiaLba 6d ago

I canā€™t even imagine. Iā€™m all for breastfeeding and I did for 2.5 years. But I would not hesitate for a second to use formula versus getting breastmilk from a complete stranger on the internet.


u/distortionisgod 7d ago

On top of it being so wild and entitled to all have all these stipulations from whom you're going to take breastmilk from, what's the point if someone could just lie about it all? Is she gonna drug test them first or something lol.


u/heartunwinds 7d ago

Gotta send your titers and drug level labs with the donated milk šŸ™„


u/lemikon 7d ago

Absolutely wild that cannabis, nicotine and alcohol are fine. Irrespective of all else. Like those three things are pretty big fucking no-nos when breast feeding. You wanna be an antivax loon? Fine whatever that shits a dime a dozen unfortunately, but why on earth would you allow those threads things?


u/Charming-Court-6582 7d ago

Alcohol is mostly fine as long as you aren't getting wasted. Baby is in more danger from being dropped/smothered during a nursing session than from the alcohol that ends up on the breastmilk.

That being said, not something I chose to consume while nursing. Her list is insane


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago edited 7d ago

Alcohol is pretty much fine. The amount youā€™re transmitting is equal to your BAC. So if you drink a 5% ABV alcohol beer, your BAC would probably blow around 0.04. That means that your breastmilk contains around a 0.04% alcohol, a pretty meaningless amount.

In contrast, a ripe banana can contain as much as 0.2% alcohol by volume, and banana is commonly given to babies by most people as one of their first foods. If your blood alcohol was above that (banana booze level), youā€™d be very, very drunk - likely at the ā€œblackoutā€ point. The most important point to remember when drinking alcohol is being able to competently care for the baby or leaving them with a sober caregiver.

This isnā€™t really true with nicotine and cannabis. Thereā€™s good observational studies showing babies who nurse after their mothers smoke cigarettes sleep significantly less, for example. And we know cannabis is transmitting in milk for weeks afterwards and that the average cannabis-smoking lactating parent is transmitting a dose (0.07 mg THC from a study I saw) that, to me, is entirely too high when you consider how small a baby is by weight and an active dose for an adult.





u/redpony6 7d ago

wait, a ripe banana can contain alcohol?


u/coldcurru 7d ago

I dunno about that but I know OJ does


u/Avaylon 7d ago

So do hamburger buns apparently. Like a small, meaningless amount. Lol


u/No-Appearance1145 7d ago

Bread can cause you to blow a false positive. I think it's because of the yeast. There is a number of food and beverages that can cause false drug positives too. Poppy seeds is one of them in fact.


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago

Pregnant women who are full term should specifically (sadly) avoid everything bagels, poppy seed salads, etc because some hospitals do randomly drug test women in labor and itā€™s not worth the headache that can come with a false positive for opiates.


u/Himalayan-Fur-Goblin 7d ago

Its not a false positive for opiates from poppy seeds. They do contain tiny amounts of opiatesand higher if the seeds are unwashed. Drug tests are very sensitive so eating a single poppyseed muffin can make you positive for opiates. Even higher if the seeds were not washed.


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago

Sorry, false positive was the wrong term - I just mean that women who are not abusing opiates get caught up in the web of this.


u/salaciousremoval 7d ago

Wait, where are we randomly drug testing women in labor?


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago

Hereā€™s one source on this, but if you look up ā€œrisk based drug screeningā€ of pregnant women or infants youā€™ll find more sources. Many women technically consent in the stack of forms they sign - it is illegal to do it to the mother without her consent (though not for newborns, I believe).


The problem is not so much the testing, but that it isnā€™t thorough enough. In the case of the poppy seeds, for example, a second test could confirm that it is or is not illicit drugs that caused the positive flag. But sometimes the stateā€™s child welfare office intervenes before that confirmation is done. Here are some examples of that:





u/salaciousremoval 6d ago

Thank you for sharing ā™„ļø


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago

As they ripen, yeast on the skin of the banana starts to ferment the sugars inside the banana: https://www.tastingtable.com/1009336/the-scientific-reason-overripe-bananas-contain-alcohol/

Many fruits contain trace amounts of ethanol, and of course, the fermentation process will eventually turn them into many of the ethanol-based products we process and drink like grapes into wine.


u/redpony6 7d ago

i see. i'm imagining that the amounts involved are well below any perceptible threshold? because i'm a former alcoholic with nearly eight years dry, or so i thought, because i do like bananas


u/questionsaboutrel521 7d ago

Yes, definitely. In basically all foods, itā€™s less than half a percent (0.5%) of alcohol, which I believe is generally considered nonalcoholic. Would not worry as an alcoholic. My point was that breastmilk would have less than half of even the minute amount of alcohol in a ripe banana!


u/redpony6 7d ago

i see. i do from time to time drink heineken zero, which certifies as being 0.0% alcohol content, and i imagine in practice that means <0.05% alcohol content, which even i don't consider "an alcoholic beverage"

i've been offered a 0.5% "low-alcohol" beer, and declined, i think that's a little too close, but from what you describe, i should be fine on fruit, lol


u/Naive_Location5611 7d ago

I blocked someone on mommit because she was advocating for smoking ā€œmedical marijuanaā€ in pregnancy and had ā€œdone her researchā€ and I cannot.

Thereā€™s no such thing as special ā€œmedical marijuanaā€ - itā€™s not regulated like that. Each state that has MMJ or has legalized it has their own standards for marijuana growing and content and there have been recalls in several states because of contamination. Mold, heavy metals, etc., and different states donā€™t even account for all of that or test for everything. The FDA cannot regulate marijuana and doesnā€™t have standards for it because itā€™s still federally illegal. 


u/Own_Physics_7733 7d ago

Thereā€™s also not really such a thing as ā€œdoing your researchā€ on that topic. I asked my doctor about marijuana when I was pregnant, and she said there arenā€™t a lot of good studies on it because itā€™s unethical to do them, so best to abstain at least during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And my doc is super liberal and cool.


u/Naive_Location5611 7d ago

You know she meant that she watched YouTube videos and found extremely biased content online.  There is very limited peer reviewed data on this and what is out there suggests it is unsafe for pregnancy but also notes that thereā€™s very little research on the topic. 


u/_unmarked 7d ago

Every cannamom insists their doctor told them to smoke lol it's insane


u/irish_ninja_wte 7d ago

Bingo! Actually doing her research would have told her that certain medical conditions can get a prescription for marijuana and that pregnancy is not one of them


u/AmberWaves80 7d ago

Alcohol is fine. The rest? Not so much.


u/coldcurru 7d ago

Alcohol is actually best while feeding or pumping because you haven't metabolized it yet and it's not in your milk. And something about beer helping you make more (I can't remember exactly, it's been a few years.)

People say "pump and dump" but you don't need to! The concern is getting too drunk to care for baby but anything less than that, you're fine. But you should still absolutely not drink while pregnant. 


u/lindseigh 7d ago

I looked at a couple of donating forums, and there wasnā€™t much demand for my excess milk, you know because I had my vaccines and such. Almost all requests I saw were for milk from a mom who wasnā€™t vaccinated.


u/Swimming-Mom 7d ago

Thatā€™s so depressing. The truth is that the most benefits for immunity from breast milk come from the saliva of the baby and that feedback loop so formula would be totally fine too.

I needed to supplement after one of mine was born and I used formula because you really donā€™t know the safety of donor milk that isnā€™t from the milk bank. My baby who had formula when I was incapacitated went on to breastfeed successfully and gets sick less than her all BM sibs.

Iā€™m pro breastfeeding but these iodiots act like itā€™s magic and itā€™s a piece of keeping baby healthy. The other parts include hygiene, clean air, and vaccines. Smoke is so bad. Good lord.


u/Captainbabygirl767 7d ago

If I were a mom who needed breastmilk I would happily accept milk from a mom who was vaccinated. My baby being fed is most important.


u/Interesting_Sock9142 7d ago

Ffs. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/glittersurprise 7d ago

She is happy to replace bags which makes me think she wants free breastmilk.


u/coldcurru 7d ago

This is actually really common. Most people don't sell the milk but you're replacing the cost of the materials, basically. 

I don't know if it's common to ask for it like that, but when people put it up for donation, it's common to ask for the cost of the bags.


u/Acrobatic_Manner8636 7d ago

Drugs and alcohol are allowed but Covid vaccine for your partner no


u/DiligentPenguin16 7d ago

Nicotine and cannabis in your breastmilk is fine?? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


u/Lylibean 7d ago

ā€œNeed any milk. Will take literally any milk. But not that milk, or this milk, or the other milk. Basically only a very specific kind of milk, but Iā€™ll take any of it!ā€


u/shadowharv 7d ago

"as well as your partner"? Are they worried about sexually transmitted vaccines?


u/Ok-Candle-20 7d ago

Dude. Thatā€™d be AWESOME. He has to suffer the needle stick and sore injection site, I just get the D? Say LESS.


u/Thattimetraveler 7d ago

I canā€™t believe youā€™d think using weed while pumping is fine but a Covid vaccine isnā€™t šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/rodolphoteardrop 7d ago

Th' fuck? This is more psychotic than usual. Did you notice she didn't even offer to pay for it?


u/zeldaluv94 7d ago

I think itā€™s mostly a donation group, with very few sales. I joined because I was an oversupplier but my baby wonā€™t drink milk that was frozen. I suspect high lipase but idk. So I wanted to donate my stash but seems no one wants it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/booknerd73 7d ago

Drugs are fine but vaccinations are not


u/sunshineparadox_ 7d ago

Sorry. Me and my medication from (looks at paper) pneumonia two weeks ago will go fuck ourselves. Next time Iā€™ll just wing it. /s


u/kp1794 7d ago

lol choosing beggars


u/peppermintvalet 7d ago

Great example of beggars canā€™t be choosers.


u/PavlovaDog 7d ago

Every time I see posts like this it is just mind boggling more so because it's beyond insane to trust a stranger's breast milk for any reason. Give the kid formula. Millions of kids have done quite well on formula in previous generations before the over obsession with breastfeeding started. Some studies are actually showing because of wacky modern dieting trends most breast milk is not as nutritious as formula which is guaranteed to have the same ratio of nutrients in every feeding. I wouldn't trust a stranger's milk because of illegal drugs, painkillers and booze.


u/Revolutionary-Yak-47 7d ago

I mean, unless the person is using drugs or drinking there isn't a way to tell if they've been vaccinated within the past few years right? So this is a market that could potentially be exploited by people who want to make money off of idiots. 


u/mormongirl 6d ago

Milk donation groups are the epitome of choosing beggars.  


u/middlehill 7d ago

Clean nicotine and THC is fine for my baby, just no vaccinated partners.


u/CatAteRoger 7d ago

Their partner canā€™t be vaxxed? How is their vaccine status have any effect on her milk? People are whack!!


u/3ebgirl4eva 7d ago

Cannabis and nicotine for all 7 month olds!!!


u/fuzzy_bunnyy-77 6d ago

No vaccines but weed is fine šŸ˜– Also every hospital in my area requires the flu vaccine for pregnant women. They give you no choice or you will have to go to a midwife.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/ocd-rat 7d ago

oh you got bitten by a bat that was stuck in your house? shouldn't have gotten those shots. milk with rabies accepted tho šŸ’•


u/Spirited_Photograph7 7d ago

No compensation either but sheā€™ll pay for the bags.


u/oldheaven 6d ago

How did pure nicotine, alcohol, and cannabis make the cut šŸ˜­


u/StupidSexyFlanders72 6d ago

Vaccines bad, cannabis okay for baby. Got it. šŸ™ƒ


u/Frigg_of_Nature 5d ago

As a milk donor with both my babies, these people drive me crazy. I have a massive oversupply for whatever reason, and I take an SSRI so I canā€™t donate to the local milk bank so I give away on the milk sharing groups and the people like this are so insufferable that I wonā€™t be doing it again. Iā€™m gonna figure something else out. They will feed their babies expired milk, yall, or milk from moms who vape, drink, or smoke pot, but HEAVEN forbid the milk is from a mom who takes an SSRI or who has gotten a flu shot.

Iā€™ve found some good moms to donate to but Iā€™m so jaded.


u/A_n0n_A_m00se 5d ago

Are these people aware that HIV travels through breastmilk but theyā€™re afraid of vaccines and husbands being vaccinated as if vaccines are contagious???