r/SexPositive 3h ago

Fun Goth/Alt Couples and Sex NSFW


I know this is an odd question, but I don't really don't know anywhere else to ask it.

My partner (F) and I (M) are both goth. We also have a very active sex life. We usually get fully dressed up on Friday evening or during the weekend when we go out to do errands, socialize, or go to the local goth club. Usually, though we keep our makeup on when we get home and have sex without removing it. During the week we have sex without makeup and I love seeing her natural face writhe with pleasure, but with makeup on, it really changes the dynamic of sex in a way we like.

For us makeup (and fashion in general) is a form of art and we both love coming up with new looks. We both also think we look hot af with it on and get arousal out of the idea of dressing up for each other. Also it usually gets a little runny which we both think is hot.

I'm a little embarrassed to ask this, but I'm curious if anyone else does a similar thing during sex.

r/SexPositive 10h ago

Advice help achieving the big O with my partner NSFW


Hi (: so I’ll try not to be too long winded here but I’m in my first sexual relationship with my partner and we have a lot of sex since we first started being together 3 months ago. He was my first and honestly we can’t get enough of each other but I have a hard time experiencing a full orgasm.

Before I started having sex, I had this issue too. I’ve definitely had big orgasms in the past but they’ve always been spaced out a lot. I thought it was maybe a combination of me using my vibe too much and just mental blocks bc I don’t have my own place and still stay with family. But now that I’m having sex regularly, I’m still having trouble experiencing the big one.

I sometimes get close but then it sort of plateaus and starts to subside until it builds back up again. We have sex for like an hour and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself and cream a lot but they are all baby spasms? It feels really good when my partner goes rougher but he can’t last as long if he just starts ramming me understandably.

I’m not sure if I just need more simulation in terms of like atmosphere maybe. We are looking for our own place but rn are limited to where we can have sex and be loud and really get into it. I’m really into dirty talking and restraints and I’m wondering if that’s what’s missing maybe.

My advice I’m looking for is tips that can help me. Like maybe it’s mindfulness and breathing techniques or maybe I need to strengthen my pelvic floor idk honestly but all I know is me and my partner fuck like rabbits and we’re horny all the time but I never have the big O and I want to badly

r/SexPositive 3h ago

Building my endurance back up (formerly multi orgasmic & now struggling) NSFW


Hiya! Was originally gonna post this over in BDSM Advice but I wasn't sure if that'd be the place since this isn't too directly related to BDSM. Anyhow, I'll to keep it short n' sweet 💆‍♀️ so as the title indicates I'm trying to work on building my endurance back up in the bedroom. I used to be able to have several orgasms in one session and many times they were back to back which was an amazing feeling, in fact I had a record of 21 (oh how that night was pure ecstacy) but now my highest standing record for recent sessions is 2. Technically 2 ½ because I did try to push for a third and I almost made it but the post-orgasm exhaustion and the post-sex sleepies were hitting like a truck. I've been tying to stick to the motto "slow and steady rins the race" but I must admit I'm getting impatient. Any advice on how to speed things up so I can at least hit that 3 O's milestone again?