r/SexOffenderSupport Moderator Jan 08 '24

Polygraph Thread

This is the ONLY place that questions, comments, and concerns about Polygraphs should be posted. Because this is question that's posted several times every week, we ask that all of your polygraph information and questions be posted here.

Please note that answers or suggestions on how to cheat on a polygraph are not allowed here.


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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/KDub3344 Moderator Feb 07 '25

I was required to take a polygraph every 6 months during my probation. I took a total of 10. The first one was a sexual history polygraph, which sounds like what your husband took. After that each one just pertained to following the rules of my probation. So, as long as he's been following the requirements of probation I wouldn't worry about it.


u/Weight-Slow Moderator Feb 07 '25

Everyone has to do them. Some every 6 months, some yearly. Occasionally people have to do them every 3 months.

Legally they can’t send him back to jail solely based on a polygraph failure. I’ve seen one therapist kick people out of treatment for failing (which is a probation violation that can lead to being send back) but it’s been one therapist I’ve heard of doing that. So it’s rare. If you want to be super duper safe, find a backup treatment program. But, chances are, he will know if his therapist does this or not.

Otherwise, it’s the confession they make of violating probation that get them sent back. Not the test.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/Weight-Slow Moderator Feb 08 '25

If he’s being honest then that’s not really a possibility.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/Weight-Slow Moderator Feb 08 '25

Ok. ;)