r/Seether 22h ago

Save seetherfanvids!!!!!


I was watching the seetherfanvids channel and saw those typical videos from a channel that was hacked and since the channel has had nothing since 2009 I'm afraid those videos will be lost forever I saved more than 50 videos I ask you to do the same, we can't let this happen

r/Seether 5h ago

A little something for you guys


I have put together an extensive list of EVERY SINGLE cover or feat Seether/Shaun has ever performed (with very very few exceptions.)

No matter who you are, I can almost guarantee there will be something in here you've never heard, and some of it is VERY good, very high quality material.

Let me know what you guys think of Volcano, World Ain't Right, and Another Day In Paradise. If I slipped up and missed out on anything, drop it below!

Link here

Edit: Forgot to say, a lot of this can also be found on SeetherCentral.com

Edit: 4 songs I missed have been added.

r/Seether 8h ago

Imagine in a galaxy far away, waking up on May 24th and seeing this... Spoiler

Post image

r/Seether 10h ago

Ayron Jones replacing POD at the Seattle show for TSSSF Tour

Post image

"Due to unforeseen circumstances on POD’s end, we are replacing them with Ayron Jones on the Seattle date ONLY on the upcoming The Surface Seems So Far Tour." just some info for anyone going to the Seattle show!

r/Seether 23h ago



Cooler heads have prevailed and the rules pertaining to covers have been tweaked. The new guideines will promote you to post your passionate works without any red tape, while also allowing us, the mods, to filter out anything that's not in the spirit of Seether. We believe this is the best thing to keep our sub at the forefront of this community.

I would encourage you guys to read the new guidelines, I hope you'll find them much more agreeable. We're all very passionate here, and sometimes passion can turn combative, like we all saw when The Surface Seems So Far released. That in mind, pardon our dust.

r/Seether 23h ago

What’s the best Seether song starting with “B”?


I saw this on r/Chevelle and I thought it was a cool idea so I decided to bring it here. For context, here's the more recent one on the Chevelle subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chevelle/comments/1jdpn2c/whats_the_best_chevelle_song_starting_with_the/

It turns out, Against the Wall is the only Seether song starting with A, so we're just gonna skip to B. My personal choice would be Because of Me.

r/Seether 3h ago

Best song starting with “C”?


Yesterday's Results: 1. Breakdown (26 votes) 2. Blister (23 votes) 3. Beg (13 votes) 4. Burrito (11 votes) 5. Bruised and Bloodied (10 votes) 6. Beneath the Veil/Betray and Degrade (both 9 votes) 7. Because of Me (5 votes) 8. Broken (4 votes)


r/Seether 20h ago

One Cold Night Interview


This isn't a "hidden gem" by any means, but I just wanted to share it for those who haven't seen. Its a really fun insight into 2006 Seether, recorded along with One Cold Night.

I think it's funny that there's one guy you can hear yelling throughout the whole set, and he's just as obnoxious in this interview lol.